Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Council (IAAC) Meeting November 7, 2013 3:30 PM CBB 323

Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Council (IAAC) Meeting
November 7, 2013 3:30 PM
CBB 323
Present: Ronnie Bankston, Jean Berger, Russ Campbell, Troy Dannen, John Fritch (for Joel Haack),
Tim Gilson, Amber Irlmeier, Lisa Jepsen, Rex Karsten, Bill Koch, Lisa Krausman, Justin Schemmel,
Kay Weller.
Recorder: Sarah Harms
1. Welcome Bill Koch, new voting IAAC member representing non-voting faculty
2. Approval of October minutes (motion by Weller, second by Campbell)
3. Dan Steel, Head Track & Field/Cross Country Coach (guest speaker) discussed his philosophy
on coaching student athletes both athletically and academically, gave an outlook for the team,
including his personal goals, and fielded questions.
4. Athletic Director Report – Troy Dannen
a. A request has been submitted to the Black Hawk Gaming Commission to support a
new scoreboard in the UNI Dome. All grant requests are submitted through UNI’s
Office of Sponsored Programs. The scoreboard will also be funded through private
donations and possibly Panther Sports Properties.
b. Troy will speak at the Faculty Senate Meeting on November 11 and has asked
members of Athletic Training staff to present on concussion management. He will
also speak at NISG meeting on November 13.
c. NCAA Convention is in January, and governance is a hot topic that will be discussed
during the convention.
5. SWA Report/Academic Advising Report– Jean Berger
a. Academic Advisors are managing the new registration schedules.
b. Midterm reports are as expected; only 5 student-athletes had to meet with Jean due to
the missed class policy; lower numbers suggest that student-athletes are
communicating their missed classes with the correct people.
c. Academic Advisors, Justin, and Jean plan to meet with Diane Wallace several times
through the semester to stay on top of eligibility center issues.
d. IHSAA football playoffs will be coming to the Dome, and UNI has increased our
admissions presence during that event.
6. Compliance Officer Report – Justin Schemmel
a. No report
7. Faculty Athletics Representative – Lisa Jepsen
a. Rex Karsten will serve as Vice Chair (motion by Bankston, second by Cambell).
b. Tim Gilson will serve as IAAC representative to Compliance Council.
c. Russ Campbell examined the Mission Statement/By-Laws for IAAC to make sure
information is correct and current. He will report at future meetings any discrepancies
and if the By-Laws need to be edited/updated; the committee will discuss and vote. A
copy of the By-Laws will be distributed to each member for review.
d. Continue to give Lisa the names of faculty who are interested in meeting with recruits.
Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting: Thursday, December 5 to be held in the CBB 323.