Classified Senate Minutes – 18 April 2014

Classified Senate Minutes – 18 April 2014
Welcome/Call to Order.
President's Report
o No report
Vice President's Report
o No report
o Noted: Letter to the Board (approved previous meeting) was well
Secretary's Report
o Will e-mail final notes for March 2014 and Senate will vote to
approve via e-mail
Treasurer's Report
o No report
SEIU Report (full SEIU report: Addendum One)
o Chabot
 We are at negotiation table—have already met and will
meet again
 Want contract before June 30, 2014
 Reviewing information from District
 Might consider monthly site meetings
o Regional
 Demonstration in Oakland regarding La Quinta (similar to
 City of Hayward has continuing union issues
 Visit for updates and newsletters
Vote for Heather Hernandez to be representative, college budget
committee, facilities
o Motion: Chasity Whiteside
o 2nd: Rachael Tupper-Eoff
o Passed Unanimously
o Elections should be May 2nd but we are behind schedule
o Vote to postpone elections to May 20, 2014
o Passed Unanimously
Carlson Award
o Used last year's award as template for this year
o Discussed where the award money comes from
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Classified Senate Minutes – 18 April 2014
o Comment: If it is Classified funding it, it should be the "Classified
Award" or "Carlson Award sponsored by Classified Senate" so
that people know where the money is coming from.
Classified Prioritization process review by PRBC (full review:
Addendum Two)
o It is a subcommittee of PRBC
o More interaction with classified
o Address staffing needs
o Review process of reviewing positions
o Formula for x% student growth = y% classified growth
o No new processes, so recommendation to President Sperling is
to use current process
o Goal: be specific in showing needs for positions in program
review and not a quick reaction without deliberation
 Reevaluate position
• New duties?
• Still needed?
• Functioning within big picture?
Classified Senate Student Assistant Scholarship
o Applications to be reviewed by:
 Trisha Avila
 Michelle Iriarte
 Noell Adams
Student Services
o No report
Basic Skills Committee
o No report
Budget Committee
o No report
College council
o Goal of group is to focus on policy issues
o Currently figuring out chain of command
o March 7th meeting
o No longer over-impacted, may need to chase enrollment
o Low enrolled is 60% - 70% capacity or lower (capacity is defined
in contract)
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o March 24th meeting
o Look at low enrolled courses
 What are they?
 Why low enrollment?
• Changing class capacity
• Face to face teaching versus online teaching
• Time competition between classes
Board packet
o Comparisons with other campuses show Chabot/District staff is
very lean
Online Learning Committee
o No report
o No report
Facilities Committee
o Voted to hold off landscaping in front of Hesperian
o Voted not to hold off on signage
o Heath Center wants to leave building 100
 Idea for building 700 didn't pass
 New idea is to relocate to building 2300, which seems to
be receiving better reception
o New furniture is in building 2300 and the balcony over the
cafeteria has been repaired
 New furniture won't accommodate certain needs for groups
that rent the cafeteria
o Discussed funding for facilities construction on campus
Health & Safety Committee
o No report
o Jeanne Wilson gave summary of her group
o Other Deans/VP reviews of their area delayed to discuss
Staff Development Committee
o Need to decide next year's Flex Days
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Suggestion: have Flex Days in January at the start of
school because most faculty disliked a mid-semester block
of Flex Days
Suggestion: have Flex Days the week before finals
Technology Committee
o A presentation was given by Alex on how to implement printing
from a personal device to GoPrint
 The process
• Download application
• Send document to a release station
• Use GoPrint card to pay
• Print document
 Alex is in charge of telling students that the service is
available and how to
o Web domain changes made—should have been invisible
Bookstore Committee
o No report
For the Good of the Order
People who attended meeting:
Noell Adams
Trisha Avila
Gregory Correa
Katrin Field
Catherine Gentiluomo
Michelle Iriarte
Kirti Reddy
Craig Shira
Rachael Tupper-Eoff
Gordon Watt
Chasity Whiteside
Jeremy Wilson
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Addendum Two
SEIU Report
SEIU - We have met at the negotiations table: March 26th, April 8th and we
go back on April 23rd. Future dates scheduled: May 8th, May 28th, June 12th,
and June 19th. We would like to finalize the negotiations before our contract
ends on June 30th. Not sure if this will happen, but that’s the plan. There has
been a bit of discussion, but nothing concrete has been decided thus far. We
are looking over budget reports and informational reports we have requested
in order to have well informed proposals. The SEIU leadership team met this
Tuesday to firm up proposals that may go to the table next week. I’d like to
start having site meetings the second or fourth Friday of each month.
DEMC - Last meeting was March 7th. Some of the conversation included the
fact that we are no longer over-impacted by students seeking classes. As
other colleges are able to offer more classes, we will not see as many
students. We may actually need to ‘chase enrollment’ a bit. Using waitlist
information was discussed, regarding offering additional courses that would
have confirmed enrollment, like some other colleges do. Degree Works
would help to build discipline schedules based on current student need, but
it will take at least 2 years to get to a point where we can utilize that
feature. Growth was placed at 2%, but there was discussion to raise it to
2.5% in order to generate more revenue that’s available. Target Productivity
WSCH/FTEF: 515 vs 530, as faculty state that 530 is unsustainable. Quoting
a handout provided at the meeting: ‘The high productivity we’ve had in the
past happens at the pleasure of individual faculty members who agree to
take a significant number of extra students. Faculty members were generally
more willing to do this during the 7% workload reduction, because it helped
to reduce the number of layoffs for classified staff. This is no longer the
CEMC - Last meeting was March 24th. In recent meetings they have taken a
long look at low-enrolled courses, and questioning if they are really lowenrolled, and if they aren’t, why are they appearing so. There were many
things at play in this discussion. For example: If you raise the capacity of the
course, you allow students to continue to register on their own, versus
lowering the cap and then impacting A&R with add cards to get them on the
roster. Some courses are being offered in a face to face class, rather than
online, while others have gone online for the first time. It may also depend
on what day/time you’re offering the course, as it may be competing with
others that the student needs as well. There are many factors in building a
schedule in such a way that you can be sure the classes will fill, it’s just
about impossible without knowing exactly what the student plans to take
and when. The deans met with CEMC the following day to go over what
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exact courses they will be adding to the 14-15 schedule so they could
provide a rationale that would eliminate the thought that they may be
adding classes that would be low enrolled. I believe there were somewhere
around 8.79 FTEF added from the divisions, and around 6.57 FTEF going into
the FYE program. Cannot find my notes for exact numbers, but will bring
that information to the next meeting.
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Classified Senate Minutes – 18 April 2014
Addendum Two
Classified Prioritization Sub-Committee Update
As some of you may know, there was a subcommittee formed by PRBC to
review the Classified Prioritization process piloted in 2010-2011. Our
classified staff on this subcommittee has fluctuated a bit, but currently the
committee is comprised of: Catherine Powell, Noell Adams, Chasity
Whiteside, Katrin Field, Stacey Moore, Donna Gibson (faculty) and Tram VoKumamoto (Dean).
Working as a subcommittee, we identified areas of improvement from the
current pilot process and are now working on creating a revised process that
would encompass more participation from Classified Senate and Staff, while
also taking “growth” and grant funded positions into consideration. Some of
the subcommittee’s ideas include:
Creating a prioritization committee comprised mostly of classified staff
that would meet yearly to review classified position requests submitted
through program review, and as needed throughout the year to
address unexpected vacancies and emergent needs as they occur.
Developing a new comprehensive Classified Position Request Form that
would accompany program review. The form could include questions
such as: How does this position tie into our current College Goals?
How many students will this position serve? Is this position required by
any mandate? How would this position affect duties of other staff?
What sources of funding have been identified for this position?
Developing a formula that calculates necessary increases in classified
staff when “chasing growth.”
The representatives who have been leading the conversation with Dr.
Sperling are: Catherine Powell, Noell Adams, and Chasity Whiteside. We
met with her on April 3rd to discuss the subcommittee’s progress and to
establish a timeline. Dr. Sperling was open to our suggestions and
encouraged the subcommittee to continue its work. She informed us that
there are currently an estimated 4 or 5 vacant, funded classified positions
that could be addressed now. Noting the changes to the Board calendar and
her upcoming vacation, she proposed that during our meeting we, the
representatives, weigh in how these positions should be refilled and/or
prioritized. Recognizing that these positions, along with the ones requested
through our most recent program review, had yet to be prioritized by VPs
along with their Deans/Managers required by the current Classified
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Prioritization pilot process, our consensus was to return to the subcommittee
to gather feedback before proceeding.
The subcommittee convened the following day to discuss Dr. Sperling’s
proposal. Since the subcommittee had yet to adopt a revised Classified
Prioritization process, we recommended that management follow the current
pilot process as they prepare to refill or reprioritize these positions. Dr.
Sperling accepted our recommendation and agreed to meet with her
managers to prioritize the vacant funded positions, as well as the most
recent requests from program review. She will then share this prioritized list
with Classified Senate, so we are given the opportunity to provide feedback
and recommendations prior to management moving forward with hiring.
If you have any questions, or would like to provide feedback now, please
feel free to contact Catherine, Noell, Katrin, or Chasity. Once we have a draft
process, we will be on the senate agenda, so please plan to attend.
Chasity Whiteside
Administrative Assistant II
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