Classified Senate Minutes – 21 February 2014

Classified Senate Minutes – 21 February 2014
Welcome/Call to Order.
Special Guest Maria Ochoa, Director of the Office of Development and
the Foundation (now called "The Friends of Chabot College"), located
at building 700 south
o Goals of the office are:
 Advance the profile of Chabot in the community
 Find donors to Chabot
 Find ways to be useful on campus
o Will try to keep campus up to date on office activities via once-amonth newsletters
o Question: Other schools offer classified staff Spanish classes.
Can we do that here at Chabot?
o Answer: Send the info and she will look into it.
o Question: Alumni committee is struggling. Will the Foundation
handle this?
o Answer: Office of Development will handle this. It is a
priority. As a point of reference, the Foundation's main goal is
getting money into the college.
o Question: The old Foundation was a 501(c)3 non-profit
organization and classified donated tax free. Will the new
Foundation/Friends of Chabot College be a 501(c)3 too?
o Answer: It is in the process with IRS to get 501(c)3 status
 Also, the largest single donation so far was from the union
o Problem to solve: How do we put aside territory and speak as a
unit? One voice, vision, union. This presents well to the
community: they know what Chabot stands for.
o Question: How can we work partnership with Pepsi?
o Answer: Business services handles Pepsi contract now, no
longer the foundation.
Approve minutes from January 2014 meeting
o 1st Michelle Iriarte
o 2nd Chasity Whiteside
o Passed unanimously by all present
President's Report
o VP of Academic Services contract terminated. We don't know
o District seeks to acquire property at 5020 Franklin Blvd, old
o Isobel Dvorsky's husband passed away
o Gladiator Day is 27 Feb 2014
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Classified Senate Minutes – 21 February 2014
Vice President's Report
o None
Secretary's Report
o None
Treasurer's Report
o Rosie was absent, but sent the message "We still have money."
SEIU Report
o School Industry Summit: address issues
 Don't want cuts
 Haven't seen raise in 7 years
 Help get better contract
 Question: Napa is far. Can they come here?
 Answer: We'll try.
o Survey for negotiations: haven't met for negotiations, but union
leadership has met.
 Price on benefit premium
 Reclassification process
 Shift process
o Site meeting Friday, 28 February 2014, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
o Would like to know:
 What positions are vacant?
 What positions actually exist?
 Where are we down?
 A list would help us approach District
o Want to start labor management meetings to address issues
o The union wants feedback from all Classified Staff
Flex Day review
o Great Race was well received and thanks to Catherine
o Accreditation meeting on Wednesday went well
 Still need help, no experience necessary
o Meet and greet meeting on Tuesday received positive feedback
 Common thread from meeting: we feel
 Where is the recognition for work, over-work, and extras?
 We need a way to move forward
• We should meet with the president once per month
 Frustration: no professional development/advancement
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Classified Senate Minutes – 21 February 2014
People with a bachelor degree can't advance because
reimbursement plan is only for community college
• Classified and reclassification process needs to be
o District language says: "Pure volume doesn't
lead to reclassification."
o Why not? It affects how/what we do.
• Motion: We need to meet with the president to
address these issues.
o 1st Katrin Field
o 2nd Noell Adams
o Passed unanimously by all present
o Classified Staff human resources meeting
 Sexual harassment class not on the agenda
 The title of the meeting, which was supposed to be
regarding benefits and the CARE act, was misleading
 David Bess, who ran the meeting, didn't have information
on the health care questions people went into the meeting
expecting to discuss
 Many people felt threatened by the comment that people
are "hired for skill, fired for behavior"
 People could take David Bess' expression "I'd rather speak
to you here than in my office" 100 different ways
 People expressed feeling uncomfortable during the
meeting and they did not get information they expected
from the meeting
 The Classified Senate was interested in sexual harassment
training; however, this meeting didn't address any of our
original questions that we had
 Many feel that the District is ill-prepared to answer our
questions, that they go off-topic
 Some managers want Flex Day to be mandatory for
Classified Staff. Most Classified Staff do not agree.
Student Services
o Need someone to replace Katrin
Spring Raffle Basket
o Get items to Karen Carlson by Monday
o 1 Basket
o No objection to ticket prices
o Brainstorm gift ideas
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Classified Senate Minutes – 21 February 2014
Basic Skills Committee
o Want early decision into basic skills
o 120,000 in funding
Budget Committee
o Meeting cancelled
o Meeting to be held next Friday
o 11-12 ETEF to add to schedule
o Many requests included a discussion regarding the criteria to
follow when adding classes to the schedule.
o First Year Experience: How will they logistically get things done
without additional Classified Staff?
o What is the best place to have logistical issues addressed
regarding the implementation of the first year experience?
Online Learning Committee
o Online counseling is up and running
Facilities Committee
o 2700 occupied and almost complete
o Women's locker room almost done & last in athletic facilities
o 1700 still on schedule
o 1800 discussed and anti-graffiti issues
o 800 & 500 interiors are in disrepair
o Discussed items/actions that damage/wear classrooms
o Discussed lack of staff to address damaged/wearing
o Expressed interest in having the Office of Student Life stamp
posters to approve posting
o Should add cork boards to buildings so people have places to
post things without damaging or marking walls/glass
o 2100 getting funds for renovation and finding consultant to
analyze renovation
o Building 100 getting ready to go to bid with an August
construction goal
o Quality of old construction work and materials are better than
the quality of new construction work and materials
o The new buildings are already falling apart
Health & Safety Committee
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Classified Senate Minutes – 21 February 2014
o No report
o Talked about accreditation
o Program review
o Reviewed "how do we do things" within the PRBC
Technology Committee
o Pilot for mobile print to GOPRINT running now
Bookstore Committee
o Rescheduled until Tuesday
Development Committee
No more Flex Days for the rest of the year
Will discuss future Flex Days
Keep accreditation in everyone's minds to get more help
People who attended meeting:
Noell Adams
Lisa Carlson
Gregory Correa
Katrin Field
Catherine Gentiluomo
Heather Hernandez
Michelle Iriarte
Debra Kling
K Metcalf
Nate Moore
Maria Ochoa
Craig Shira
Steve Stevenson
Rachael Tupper-Eoff
Gordon Watt
Chasity Whiteside
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