– G E S

 Step 1: Define General Education requirements
Step 2: Define Gen Ed Student Learning Outcomes
Step 3: Assessing General Education Student Learning Outcomes
Step 4: Report GE outcomes
Step 5: Improvements based on recommendations
Step 3. Proposed Assessment Plan for General Education Student Learning Outcomes
a. Graduation Surveys
The college surveys graduating students rating their perceived gains in the College Wide
Learning Goals. For each CWLG students report using a likert scale indicating progress
towards the CWLG on a scale of no gain, slight gain, moderate gain, significant gain, or
unable to judge. The college surveys graduates as a means of indirectly assessing Gen Ed
SLOs and discuss the areas of strength and weakness within and among the disciplines.
b. Chabot College Student Surveys
The college administers the Chabot College Student Surveys (CCSS). These surveys
contain questions in which students indicated their perceptions of learning across all
courses they have taken at the College. These are designed to assess students progress
towards the College Wide Learning Goals. The college has historic data from 2001 and
maps trends within the student population. Could these surveys also be administered in
specific general education classes?
c. Mapping and Aligning
Mapping and aligning the courses that meet the Gen Ed requirements with the Gen Ed
SLOs helps identify gaps in the curriculum. In eLumen all GE courses have CLOs
mapped to the CWLG. Reflection on the mapping of CLOs for GE classes may identify
where CLOs may need to be revised to align better with GE SLOs.
d. Interdisciplinary Reflections and Discussions
Direct assessment of Gen Ed SLOs should include collecting artifacts from students from
a variety of Gen Ed disciplines and evaluated against a Gen Ed SLO rubric. The Chabot
College faculty has developed rubrics for 3 of the 5 CWLG through faculty participation
in Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs) around the CWLGs. FIGs will lead discussion and
reflections around the CWLGs annually during the Spring Flex Days to review CLO data,
shared best practices (GIFTS Forums), and reflect on the CWLGs progress.
SLOAC Committee / 10.29.12
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Step 4 - Report
Annual assessment reports, including a section on Gen Ed assessment, should be prepared by the
members of the SLOAC representing specific GE areas and included in the SLOACs annual
reporting process. The primary purpose of these reports is to provide an overview of the
assessment activities as well as current plans for assessing Gen Ed.
SLOAC is charged with the process of reviewing Gen Ed assessment results and reporting
findings to the Chabot College Academic Senate and accreditation reports. This charge of the
committee is to interpret the assessment results and use it to provide recommendations for
improving learning of the Gen Ed SLOs.
Step 5 - Improvement
Use assessment results to improve student learning through informed collegial dialogue. This is
part of the continuous cycle of collecting assessment results, evaluating the results, using the
evaluations to identify actions that will improve student learning, implementing those actions,
and then cycling back to collecting assessment results, etc. Continuous improvement is reflected
when an on-going, cyclical process is used to identify evidence and implement incremental
changes to improve student learning. Determine refinements based on student learning outcomes
assessment data.
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