SLOAC Committee Flex Day Working Session Date:10.30.2012 Time: 12:45 – 2:15 Step 1: Define General Education requirements Step 2: Define Gen Ed Student Learning Outcomes Step 3: Assessing General Education Student Learning Outcomes Step 4: Report GE outcomes Step 5: Improvements based on Recommendations Area A: LANGUAGE & RATIONALITY ◦ A.1. English Composition ◦ A.2. Writing & Critical Thinking ◦ A.3. Communications & Analytical Thinking Area B: NATURAL SCIENCE Area C: HUMANITIES Area D: SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Area E: WELLNESS ◦ E.1. Areas of Health ◦ E.2. Physical Education Area F: American Institutions American Cultures requirement Math Proficiency requirement All Degrees have GenEd requirements at an institutional level, not at a division or discipline level. Align GE areas SLOs with the institutional College Wide Learning Goals. ◦ Handout 1 – CWLG SLOs ◦ Handout 2 – Mapping of GE areas to CWLGs All GE courses already have CLOs written and are mapped to the CWLG in eLumen. Communicate SLOs to students through the Chabot College website and Chabot College Catalog. Communication Information technology Language and linguistics Reading Respectful and ethical communication • Speaking • Writing • • • • Critical Thinking • Analysis of multiple paradigms and methodologies • Information literacy • Logic and rhetoric • Problem solving • Quantitative and qualitative reasoning Global and Cultural Involvement • • • • • Civic Responsibility • • • • • • Aesthetic Responsiveness Environmental Familiarity with multiple paradigms and methodologies Human context Informed citizenship in a democracy Cultural Economic Historical Political Promoting the development of values, integrity, and ethical behavior Development of the Whole Person • • • • • • Creativity and innovation Integration of mind, body, and spirit for healthy quality of life Lifelong learning for increasing employability and continuing education Personal responsibility in the learning and planning process Personal, professional, and self development Timeliness and punctuality Do the GE areas see themselves represented in the CWLGs? Are there gaps in the CWLG SLOs? Do your existing CLOs for your GE courses map to the CWLGs? 1. Preparation 3. View Assessments 2. Select Course Graduation Surveys The college surveys graduating students rating their perceived gains in the College Wide Learning Goals. F or each CWLG students report using a likert scale indicating progress towards the CWLG on a scale of no gain, slight gain, moderate gain, significant gain, or unable to judge. The college surveys graduates as a means of indirectly assessing Gen Ed SLOs and discuss the areas of strength and weakness within and among the disciplines. Chabot College Student Surveys The college administers the Chabot College Student Surveys (CCSS). These surveys contain questions in which students indicated their perceptions of learning across all courses they have taken at the College. These are designed to assess students progress towards the College Wide Learning Goals. The college has historic data from 2001 and maps trends within the student population. Could these surveys also be administered in specific general education classes? Student Level Mapping and Aligning CLOs Mapping and aligning the courses that meet the Gen Ed requirements with the Gen Ed SLOs helps identify gaps in the curriculum. In eLumen all GE courses have CLOs mapped to the CWLG. Reflection on the mapping of CLOs for GE classes may identify where CLOs may need to be revised to align better with GE SLOs. Interdisciplinary Reflections and Discussions Direct assessment of Gen Ed SLOs should include collecting artifacts from students from a variety of Gen Ed disciplines and evaluated against a Gen Ed SLO rubric. The Chabot College faculty developed rubrics for the CWLG through faculty participation in Faculty Inquiry Groups (FIGs) around the CWLGs. FIGs will lead discussion and reflections around the CWLGs annually during the Spring Flex Days to review CLO data, shared best practices ( GIFTS Forums), and reflect on the CWLGs progress. Faculty Level FIGS were created around each CWLG. Developed Rubrics to promote discussions around assessments. Rubrics exist for 3 of the 5 CWLG – Critical Thinking, Global & Cultural Responsibility, Communication. Provide Faculty Rubrics Example: Rubrics for Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Reference: Allan Hancock College Brainstorm around proposed assessment ideas. Recommendations for interdisciplinary workgroups.