SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Risk aversion For those preference orderings which (i.e., for those individuals who) satisfy the seven axioms, define risk aversion. Compare a lottery Ỹ = L(a, b, π) (where a, b are fixed monetary outcomes) with receiving E(Ỹ ) = πa + (1 − π)b for sure. Whether the lottery or its expectation is preferred, depends on the curvature of U : • If U is linear, then U [E(Ỹ )] = E[U (Ỹ )], and one is indifferent between lottery and its expectation. One is called risk neutral. • If U is concave, then U [E(Ỹ )] ≥ E[U (Ỹ )], and one prefers the expectation. One is called risk averse. • If U is convex, then U [E(Ỹ )] ≤ E[U (Ỹ )], and one prefers the lottery. One is called risk attracted. The inequalities follow from Jensen’s inequality (see Sydsæter, Strøm and Berck, equations 7.15–7.17, or D&D, p.47). If U is strictly concave or convex, the inequalities are strict, except if Ỹ is constant with probability one. Quite possible that many have U functions which are neither everywhere linear, everywhere concave, nor everywhere convex. Then one does not fall into one of the three categories. 1 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Assume risk aversion (Does not follow from the seven axioms.) • Most common behavior in economic transactions. • Explains the existence of insurance markets. • But what about money games? Expected net result always negative, so a risk-averse should not participate. Cannot be explained by theories taught in this course. • Some of our theories will collapse if someone is risk neutral or risk attracted. Those will take all risk in equlibrium. Does not happen. How measure risk aversion? • Natural candidate: −U 00(y). • Varies with the argument, e.g., high y may give lower −U 00(y). • Is U () twice differentiable? Assume yes. • But: The magnitude −U 00(y) is not preserved if c1U () + c0 replaces U (). • Use instead: ◦ −U 00(y)/U 0(y) measures absolute risk aversion. ◦ −U 00(y)y/U 0(y) measures relative risk aversion. • In general, these also vary with the argument, y. 2 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Arrow-Pratt measures of risk aversion • For small risks: RA(y) ≡ −U 00(y)/U 0(y) meaures how much compensation a person demands for taking the risk. Called the Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion. • RR (y) ≡ −U 00(y) · y/U 0(y) is called the Arrow-Pratt measure of relative risk aversion. • Consider the following case (somewhat more general than D&D, sect. 3.3.1): – The wealth Y is non-stochastic. – A lottery Z̃ has expectation E(Z̃) = 0. • For a person with utility function U () and inital wealth Y , define the risk premium Π associated with the lottery Z̃ by E[U (Y + Z̃)] = U (Y − Π). • Will show the relation between Π and absolute risk aversion. 3 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Risk premium is proportional to risk aversion (The result holds approximately, for small lotteries.) E[U (Y + Z̃)] = U (Y − Π). Take quadratic approximations (second-order Taylor series). LHS: 1 U (Y + z) ≈ U (Y ) + zU 0(Y ) + z 2U 00(Y ) 2 which implies 1 E[U (Y + Z̃]) ≈ U (Y ) + E(Z̃ 2)U 00(Y ). 2 RHS: 1 U (Y − Π) ≈ U (Y ) − ΠU 0(Y ) + Π2U 00(Y ). 2 Assume last term is very small. Let σz2 ≡ var(Z̃). Then: 1 2 00 σz U (Y ) ≈ −ΠU 0(Y ) 2 which implies U 00(Y ) 1 2 Π≈− 0 · σ . U (Y ) 2 z 4 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 The U function: Forms which are often used • Some theoretical results can be derived without specifying form of U . • Other results hold for specific classes of U functions. • Constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) holds for U (y) ≡ −e−ay , with RA(y) = a. • Constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) holds for U (y) ≡ 1 1−g , with RR (y) = g. 1−g y • (Exercise: Verify these two claims. (a, g are constants.) Determine what are the permissible ranges for y, a and g, given that functions should be well defined, increasing, and concave.) • Essentially, these are the only functions with CARA and CRRA, respectively, apart from CRRA with RR (y) = 1. • (Any constant can be added to the functions, and any positive constant can be multiplied with them.) • RR (y) ≡ 1 is obtained with U (y) ≡ ln(y). • Another much used form: U (y) = −ay 2 + by + c, quadratic utility. Easy for calculations, U 0 linear. • (What are permissible ranges, given that U should be concave? Hint: There is a minus sign in front of a.) • Quadratic U has increasing RA(y) (Verify!), perhaps less reasonable. • (What happens for this U function when y > b/2a? Is this reasonable?) 5 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Stochastic dominance • Two criteria for making decisions without knowing shape of U (). • May be important for delegation, for research, for prediction. • Work only in a limited number of comparisons. For other comparisons, these decision criteria are inconclusive. • Useful for narrowing down choices by excluding dominated alternatives. First-order stochastic dominance A random variable X̃A first-order stochastically dominates another random variable X̃B if every vN-M expected utility maximizer prefers X̃A to X̃B . Second-order stochastic dominance A random variable X̃A second-order stochastically dominates another random variable X̃B if every risk-averse vN-M expected utility maximizer prefers X̃A to X̃B . 6 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 First-order stochastic dominance, FSD (Let the cumulative distribution functions be FA(x) ≡ Pr(X̃A ≤ x) and FB (x) ≡ Pr(X̃B ≤ x).) Possible to show that “X̃A X̃B by all” is equivalent to the following, which is one possible definition of first-order s.d.: FA(w) ≤ FB (w) for all w, and FA(wi) < FB (wi) for some wi. For any level of wealth w, the probability that X̃A ends up below that level is less than the probability that X̃B ends up below it. 7 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Second-order stochastic dominance, SSD Possible to show that “X̃A X̃B by all risk averters” is equivalent to the following, which is one possible definition of second-order s.d.: Z w i −∞ FA(w)dw ≤ Z w i −∞ FB (w)dw for all wi, and FA(wi) 6= FB (wi) for some wi. One distribution is more dispersed (“more uncertain”) than the other. If we restrict attention to variables X̃A and X̃B with the same expected value, Theorem 3.4 in D&D states that SSD is equivalent to: X̃A can be written as X̃B + z̃, where the difference z̃ is some random noise. 8 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Risk aversion and simple portfolio problem (Chapter 4 in Danthine and Donaldson.) Sections 4.1 — 4.4 are covered in Varian, Microeconomic Analysis, chapter 13. Will not have time to discuss here. For simple portfolio problem (one risky, one risk free asset), main result is: • Absolute sum invested in risky asset is independent of wealth for CARA, increasing for DARA, decreasing for IARA • Fraction of wealth invested in risky asset is independent of wealth for CRRA, increasing for DRRA, decreasing for IRRA Risk aversion and saving (Sect. 4.6, D&D.) How does saving depend on riskiness of return? Rate of return is r̃, (gross) return is R̃ ≡ 1 + r̃. Consider choice of saving, s, when probability distribution of R̃ is taken as given: max E[U (Y0 − s) + δU (sR̃)] s∈R+ where Y0 is a given wealth, δ is (time) discount factor for utility. 9 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Risk aversion and saving, contd. • Savings decision well known topic in microec. without risk • Typical questions: Depedence of s on Y0 and on E(R̃) • Focus here: How does saving depend on riskiness of R̃? • Consider mean-preserving spread: Keep E(R̃) fixed • Assuming risk aversion, answer is not obvious: ◦ R̃ more risky means saving is less attractive, ⇒ save less ◦ R̃ more risky means probability of low R̃ higher, willing to give up more of today’s consumption to avoid low consumption levels next period, ⇒ save more • Need to look carefully at first-order condition U 0(Y0 − s) = δE[U 0(sR̃)R̃] • What happens to right-hand side as R̃ becomes more risky? • Cannot conclude in general, but for some conditions on U • (Jensen’s inequality:) Depends on concavity of g(R) = U 0(sR)R • If, e.g., g is concave: ◦ May compare risk with no risk: E[g(R̃)] < g[E(R̃)] ◦ But also some risk with more risk, cf. Theorem 4.7 in D&D. 10 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Risk aversion and saving, contd. max E[U (Y0 − s) + δU (sR̃)] s∈R+ (assuming, all the time here, U 0 > 0 and risk aversion, U 00 < 0) • When R̃B = R̃A + ε̃, E(R̃B ) = E(R̃A), will show: 0 ◦ If RR (Y ) ≤ 0 and RR (Y ) > 1, then sA < sB . 0 ◦ If RR (Y ) ≥ 0 and RR (Y ) < 1, then sA > sB . • First condition on each line concerns IRRA vs. DRRA, but both contain CRRA. • Second condition on each line concerns magnitude of RR (also called RRA): Higher risk aversion implies save more when risk is high. Lower risk aversion (than RR = 1) implies save less when risk is high. But none of these claims hold generally; need 0 the respective conditions on sign of RR . • Interpretation: When risk aversion is high, it is very important to avoid the bad outcomes in the future, thus more is saved when the risk is increased. • Reminder: This does not mean that a highly risk averse person puts more money into any asset the more risky the asset is. In this model, the portfolio choice is assumed away. If there had been a risk free asset as well, the more risk averse would save in that asset instead. 11 SØK460/ECON460 Finance Theory, Diderik Lund, 28 August 2002 Risk aversion and saving, contd. 0 Proof for the first case, RR (Y ) ≤ 0 and RR (Y ) > 1: Use g 0(R) = U 00(sR)sR + U 0(sR) and g 00(R) = U 000(sR)s2R + 2U 00(sR)s. For g to be convex, need U 000(sR)sR + 2U 00(sR) > 0. To prove that this holds, use 0 RR (Y [−U 000(Y )Y − U 00(Y )]U 0(Y ) − [−U 00(Y )Y ]U 00(Y ) )= , [U 0(Y )]2 0 which implies that RR (Y ) has the same sign as −U 000(Y )Y − U 00(Y ) − [−U 00(Y )Y ]U 00(Y )/U 0(Y ) = −U 000(Y )Y − U 00(Y )[1 + RR (Y )]. 0 When RR (Y ) < 0, and RR (Y ) > 1, this means that 0 < U 000(Y )Y + U 00(Y )[1 + RR (Y )] < U 000(Y )Y + U 00(Y ) · 2. (This expression has a typo in D&D, p. 70: U 00 instead of U 000.) Since this holds for all Y , in particular for Y = sR, we find U 000(sR)sR + 2U 00(sR) > 0, and g is thus convex. 12