WHO’S WHO NOMINATION FORM Criteria used for selecting graduating seniors to be include in the annual publication of Who’s Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Demonstrated Leadership Ability Scholastic Achievement Commendable Personal Traits Potential Usefulness to Society and Professional Promise All students must have at least a 2.75 cumulative GPA and have earned 80 credits at the time of nomination. In order to provide additional insight into the overall development of your nominee, please compete the following information (all remarks will remain confidential). Return this form to The Dean of Students Office, KUB 101, no later than November 6, 2015. You are welcome to call 570-389-4734 or email Donald Young (dyoung@bloomu.edu) if you have questions. For additional information, a list of eligible students, or additional forms, please refer to The Dean of Students website: www.bloomu.edu/deanofstudents. Name of Student: _______________________________________ Major: _____________________________________________ 1. Reason for nominating this individual 2. Academic achievement (if know 3. Extra-curricular activities Nominator(s): ________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________________