SFURA N NOMINATION FORM For ELECTION TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD BY AND FROM SFURA MEMBERS For use by a NOMINATOR It is not necessary, nor generally expected that both sides of this sheet will be completed. A nominator completes a Nomination Form SFURA N and can submit it. A candidate completes an Acceptance Form SFURA A and can submit it. The forms each can be submitted separately with the information to be collated at SFURA from the various forms returned. To: NOMINATING COMMITTEE SFURA Please print or type I, the undersigned, a Member of SFURA, nominate the Member(s) shown below as candidates(s) for election, by and from SFURA Members, to the Executive Board of the Simon Fraser University Retirees Association (SFURA) for a term of office from the date of election Tuesday, May 5, 2015 to the date of the next Annual General Meeting in 2016 to be held April, May or June as the Board determines. ___________________________________________ _____________________________ My Surname Given Name(s) or Initial(s) Telephone number (____)_____________________ (day) Signature ___________________________________ (____)_______________________ (evening) Date _________________________ NOTE – As a nominator you are expected to ensure, before making a nomination that the Member is prepared to be a candidate if SFURA receives sufficient nominations for that Member. You may nominate one Member, or up to six, as candidate(s) for election. Do not nominate more than six. MEMBER(S) NOW NOMINATED BY ME Surname Given Name(s) or Initial(s) This form, whether emailed as a scanned signed copy, delivered or by regular mail, must be received at the SFURA office not later than: 2:00 PM Tuesday APRIL 14, 2015 Address to: SFURA, attention Jean Trask, Secretary, C/O Lorne Davies Complex 200 Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6 (Page 1) SFURA A CANDIDATE ACCEPTANCE FORM For ELECTION TO THE EXECUTIVE BOARD BY AND FROM SFURA MEMBERS It is not necessary or generally expected, that both sides of this sheet will be completed. A candidate completes an Acceptance Form SFURA A and can submit it. A nominator completes a Nomination Form N and can submit it. The forms each can be submitted separately with the information to be collated at SFURA from the various forms returned. To: NOMINATING COMMITTEE SFURA Please print or type As I am aware I am being nominated, then on the condition that SFURA receives from Members the required number of Nomination Forms SFURA N nominating me – I hereby accept nomination as a candidate for election to be a member of the Executive Board of the Simon Fraser University Retirees Association (SFURA) for term of office from the date of election Thursday May 5, 2015 to the date of the next Annual General Meeting 2016 to be held in April, or May or June as the Board determines. ___________________________________________ Surname _________________________________ Given Name(s) or Initial(s) Telephone number (____)______________________ (day) (____)____________________________ (evening) Signature ___________________________________ Date ____________________________ Please attach brief curriculum vitae so voters will have some knowledge of you. Include your name in full, surname first, and add any other points you may consider of interest to the electorate. You are permitted to include along with or in lieu of curriculum vitae, a statement not to exceed 250 words on your views on matters you perceive rightfully to be of interest to SFURA members. All of this information is to be limited to one page of single spaced copy (8.5 x 11 inches maximum) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This form, and any curriculum vitae statement you are providing, whether emailed as a scanned signed copy, delivered or by regular mail, must be received at the SFURA office not later than: 2:00 PM Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Address to: SFURA, attention Jean Trask, Secretary, C/O Lorne Davies Complex 200 Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6 (Page 2)