Student Senate Meeting Minutes Monday, November 17, 2014 3:00­5:00PM Building 200 (Board Room) 1.0 1.1 1.2 Organizational Items Call to Order: 3:25 pm Roll Call Executive Officers President Jesse Esquire(present) Vice President Noeli Paz Soldan(present) Finance Director Luis Flores(present) Inter Club Council Chair Derek Hull­Jenkins (present) Events Coordinator Theresa Pedrosa(present) Communications Director Hye Shin(present) Secretary Yohana Russom(present) Legislative Director Michael Perrilliat(present) Representative­at­Large Bianca Bullock(present) Student Trustee Kate Dolorito(present) Representatives Valeria Cazares(present) Michael Robinson(present) Alfredo Figueroa(present) Bobby John(present) AJ Assef(present) Mariam Abdalgadi(present)r Luis Soto(present) Jasawna Bowen (present) Kinga Vasicsek(present) Daniel Maldonado (present) Francisco Navarro(present) 1.3 Recognition of Quorum:Quorum was met with all 21 senators present. 2.0 Adoption of the Agenda Motion: To add new agenda item as 7.10 Michael Robinson and seconded by Luis Soto. Disposition passed. Motion: To adopt agenda. Theresa Pedrosa second by Derek Hull­Jenkins Disposition passed. Voting Record: Unanimous with all present Senators 3.0 Approval of the Minutes Motion: To approve 11/03/14 minutes Luis Flores second by Theresa Pedrosa. Voting Record: Unanimous with all present Senators 4.0 Public Comments The Senate requests that the public speak at this time. Any person wishing to address the Senate on any matter of concern not stated on the agenda is requested to complete a “Request to Address the Senate” card and file it with the Communications Director prior to the start of the meeting. The law does not permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion of any items not on the agenda, except under special circumstances as deemed by the presiding officer. The Senate may briefly respond to statements made or questions posed, however. For further information, please contact the SSCC President for the item of discussion to be placed on a future agenda. 4.1 SSCC President Jesse Esquire asserted his authority over SSCC meetings, and discussed the general assembly trip he attended over the weekend. 5.0 Oral Reports 5.1 Finance Director Budget on google docs is not reflective of every financial transaction up to this point. There are some which are still being processed. 5.2 Student Trustee Board of trustee meeting at the District on 11/18/14 at 6:30 pm.Master plan will be discussed and Senators are urged to attend. 5.3 Office of Student Life 5.4 Faculty Advisor Berkeley trip was a success. Advisor mention distinction between student life and participation on shared governance. Emphasized student advocacy on shared governance. Copy account for senate members for the machine and accessibility. 6.0 Consent Agenda 7.0 New Business 7.1 Education Master Plan student input session Joan C, introduced the educational programs,strategy and different plans..The three phases involved the Context,Future and Approval steps along with missions.Download survey on google docs and send to 7.2 Administrative Assistant for SSCC (follow­up) Motion : For the 2014­2015 student senate not hire an admin assistant for this academic year.Moved by Luis flores and seconded by Luis Soto. Voting Record: Unanimous with all present senator 7.3 Appropriations Committee Recommendations Motion : For extending the discussion time moved by Michael P, seconded by Alfredo F. Disposition passed. Motion : To approve funding of $10,000 for Black History Month request. Voting Record: Jesse E. aye Noeli P.aye Theresa P. aye Michael P.aye Bianca B. aye Michael R. aye Alfredo F. aye Jasawana B aye Motion: For Student Senate to approve the list of funding recommendations with Appropriations Committee stipulations: 1. SBBC Community College Career Institute: $725 2. Walk for Fitness Campaign: $400 3. Women’s History Month Event 2015: $1,800 4. First Monday’s Lecture Series: $500 for the December 2014 event 5. Chabot College Nursing Program Graduation Pinning Ceremony: $1,000 6. Black History Month “Century of Black Life, History, and Culture” Event(s): Up to $10,000 7. SWAG/Freebies for students with Student Senate name and logo: $5,000 8. Revised budget for the (now) December 2014 banquet from $2,000 to $2,500. 9. Authorize the purchase of an engraved Crystal Royal Diamond Award (10.75"H x 6"W x 2.5"D Item #: CM04) for Sara Parker in recognition of her time and guidance as Faculty Advisor to Student Senate in the amount of $159.96 from Moved by: Michael P. Seconded by: Michael R. Disposition: Passed Voting Record: Unanimous with all present senator 7.4 Proposed Change to Bylaws: Vote of Student Trustee Concerns of possible lobbying and the source of Student Trustee stipend brought to a question. 7.5 New Proposal for Water Bottle Filling Stations The Chabot foundation expressed support over possible partial funding for the water filling stations. Senator brought up concerns over installation and annual maintenance cost. 7.6 Update from Events Committee (destress week/food drive) (Item pulled) 7.7 SSCC Involvement in Food Drive (Item pulled) 7.8 SSCC Retreats in December and January Motion: To approve $800 for both retreats. Moved by Michael R and second by Michael P. Disposition: Passed 7.9 Proposal to define roles for Interns and Volunteers Tabled 8.0 8.1 8.2 Written Reports Reflections on Town Hall 11/11/2014 Tabled Appropriations Committee Report Appropriations Committee Report Finance Director Luis Flores 14 November 2014 The Appropriations Committee met last Thursday from noon to 1:32PM at an open and publicized meeting which a few applicants attend. The committee is working with a $53,440 budget for the rest of the academic year. This budget will decrease following the SSCC’s Regular Meeting on 11/17/14 ($30,000 has been reserved for the annual Spring Co­Curricular funding allocation process which is not part of the aforementioned figure). Below are the funding requests which the committee determined would be best NOT to fund and the rationale for this course of action: 1. Theater Arts Competition Festival, Requested Amount $6,000 Rationale: The funding request application was the incorrect form and with many “holes.” A revised application was not submitted by the applicant even though a request was made and had previously been asked to resubmit this month. Additionally, the request falls under Priority Three of our funding criteria grid. A few number of students would be served with unclear potential to serve more on the Chabot College campus as this is an out­of­state event for few Drama/Theater Arts students. A Faculty supervisor stipend in the amount of $4,000 was included in the proposed budget. An unclear breakdown of the budget was presented for review. The applicant will be given the opportunity to re­apply. 1. Chabot Knowledge Garden Club (Passion & Purpose) student funding request, Requested Amount: $8,825 Rationale: The largest part of the funding request covers what would amount to be a capital investment by the Student Senate in the Passion and Purpose garden which consists of establishing permanent power supplies, supporting a drip irrigation system, solar lighting etc, funding gardening supplies, funding for events as well as pay for student workers. The committee determined we need to visually see the garden before we can consider funding the project in any amount and for a given purpose which would also help to determine potential impact on the larger student body. The student applicants will be given the opportunity to re­apply. 1. “Impetus” book and marketing events, Requested Amount: $2,600 Rationale: Funding was requested for publishing of a book by Chabot students containing a blend of fiction, non­fiction, poetry, lyrics, memoirs and interviews with works from 20­25 students as well as for outreach efforts on Chabot College and at local High Schools. The committee determined that student applicants need oversight by at least one Faculty person who is willing to co­sign the funding request application with them. In addition, the committee would like to see a draft of the book before it will reconsider the possibility of recommending funding for this request­ funding outreach efforts at local high schools is not an option. The student applicants will be given the opportunity to re­apply. 1. “High School Highway” Funding Requested: $7,550 Rationale: The funding request is of Priority Three per our Funding Criteria Grid. The target audience/demographic for the request are high school students. Students from Latin@s with Purpose would like to go to local feeder (high) schools to speak with high school students who may be interested in attending Chabot. The committee will not consider funding this request because the Student Senate’s constituency is not made of high school students. We represent and are accountable to Chabot students who have entrusted us to act according to their best interest(s). The student applicant(s) will NOT be given the opportunity to re­apply. 1. Student Voice Advocacy Project (SVAP), Requested Amount: $5.600 Rationale: The committee was unable to determine the impact on Chabot students. In addition, accounting for previous Student Senate allocations was found to be lacking­ a detailed expense report with supporting documentation (such as invoices and sign­in sheets for SSCC sponsored events)was not present in application. On an interesting note, even though Student Senate has provided funding for SVAP in the past, on most occasions, the impact on students has been difficult to pin down. The applicant may re­apply. End of Report Finance Director Luis Flores 14 November 2014 8.3 Shared Governance Reports 9.0 Good of the Order 10.0 Adjournment 6:06 pm Next regularly scheduled Student Senate of Chabot College Meeting: SSCC meets every 1st, 3rd and 5th Monday of the month in the Board Room. Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability­related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to the Office of Student Life, Room 2355, 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94545, between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM at least 48 hours before the meeting.