AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Shahab A. Abdul-hamid for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering presented on September 30,1993. Title: Monte Carlo Bumup Analysis Code Development and Application to an Incore Thermionic Space Nuclear Power System. Abstract Approved: Redacted for privacy Andrew C. Klein Lattice bum-up calculations in thermal reactors are complicated by the necessity for use of transport theory to represent fuel rods, control rods, and burnable absorbers, by many time-dependent variables which must be considered in the analysis, and by geometric complexity which introduces time-dependent, spatial-spectral variations. Representation of lattice structure in a core is further complicated by fuel materials and loading patterns which can be non-symmetric, and by the type of material used as the moderator. The incore thermionic reactor system developed under the Advanced Thermionic Initiative (ATI) is an example of such a reactor. In this design, the fuel is highly enriched uranium dioxide and the moderating medium is zirconium hydride. The traditional bum-up and fuel depletion analysis codes have been found to be inadequate for these calculations, largely for the reasons mentioned above and because the neutron spectra assumed for the codes such as LEOPARD and ORIGEN do not even closely fit that for a small, thermal reactor using ZrH as moderator. A more sophisticated codes such as the transport lattice type code WIMS is suitable for the terrestrial commercial reactors. However it lacks some materials, such as ZrH, needed in special applications and it is not capable of performing calculations with highly enriched fuel. Thus a new method which could accurately calculate the neutron spectrum and the appropriate reaction rates within the Thermionic Fuel Elements (TFE) is needed to be developed. The method developed utilizes and interconnects the accuracy of the Monte Carlo Neutron/Photon (MCNP) method to calculate reaction rates for the important isotopes, and a time dependent depletion routine to calculate the temporal effects on isotope concentrations within the TFEs. This required the modification of the MCNP itself to perform the additional task of accomplishing burn-up calculations. The modified version called, MCNPBURN, evolved to be a general dual purpose code which can be used for standard calculations as well as for burn-up. The of burnable absorber Gadolinium which adds complications both in the physical model and the numerical analysis requires frequent spatial and spectral re- evaluations as a function of burn-up. This difficulty is overcome by the application of MCNPBURN by assuming that the burnable poison is uniformly mixed in the fuel. MCNPBURN was benchmarked using a standard Pressurized Water Reactor fuel element against the LEOPARD and WIMS computer codes. The results from MCNPBURN show good agreement with LEOPARD and WIMS. The maximum difference between MCNPBURN and either of the two codes was approximately 9%. The differences can be accounted for by the appropriate treatment of the accumulated fission product. Application of the MCNPBURN for the ATI reactor core, which consists of 165 TFEs and operates at 375 kW of thermal power, showed a system lifetime greater than the projected lifetime of 7 years at full power. The average efficiency is about 5.86% and the change in the overall efficiency over the life time is 0.2%. The percentage of fuel mass burned is estimated to be about 3.6% of the initial mass. Another calculation includes the influence of burnable poisons mixed in the peak pins to flatten the overall core radial power distribution was performed. The efficacy of this change is quite apparent in reducing the power effectively in the peak pins though it may give rise in power elsewhere in the core. Monte Carlo Burnup Analysis Code Development and Application to an Incore Thermionic Space Nuclear Power System. by Shahab A. Abdul-hamid A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science September 30, 1993 Commencement June 1994 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering in charge of major Redacted for privacy Head of Department of Nuclear Engineering Redacted for privacy Dean of Gra School Date thesis is presented Typed by: September, 30 1993 Shahab A. Abdul-hamid ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to thank Dr. Andrew C. Klein, my major professor and advisor, who contributed significantly to the development of the code detailed in this thesis. The idea to use MCNP to perform burnup was originally conceived by him. My thanks extend to Dr. Alan H. Robinson, chairman of the Nuclear Engineering Department, fOr his input as well as to Mr. Hsing H. Lee, graduate student and friend, for his contribution of various aspect of the thesis. This work was supported partially by the Advanced Thermionic Initiatives of the Wright Research and Development Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; T. Lamp, Program Director. Table of Contents Page 1. INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1. 2. Neutronics and Burnup MONTE CARLO NEUTRON PHOTON BURNUP CODE 2 6 2.1 Burnup Solution Method 6 2.2. Defined Parameters 7 2.2.1. Lattice Equivalency 7 2.2.2. Fuel Loading 8 Fission Rate 8 2.2.3. 2.2.4. Power 9 2.2.5. Neutron Source Rate 11 2.2.6. Neutron Flux 11 2.2.7. Reaction Rates 12 2.2.8. 3. 1 Nuclide Chain Equations 13 2.3. Balance Equations 28 2.4. Computer Implementation 29 2.5. Verification of MCNPBURN code 29 2.6. Error Estimate in Burnup 42 APPLICATION OF MCNPBURN TO THE ATI REACTOR 52 3.1. Reactor Model 52 3.2. ATI Bumup Results 54 3.2.1. Power Distribution 56 3.2.2. Effects of Irradiation on Fuel 59 3.2.3. Reactivity and Criticality 72 3.2.4. Power Shaping 72 4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 78 5. LITERATURE CITED 80 APPENDICES APPENDIX I: MCNPBURN 83 A. Code 84 B. Benchmark 106 APPENDIX II: ATI MCNPBURN'S OUTPUTS 121 A. ATI 121 B. Burnable Poison in Some TFEs 135 APPENDIX III: MATRIX OPERATOR MATHEMATICS 138 List of Figures Page Figure 1. Isotope chains for burnup analysis. 30 2. MCNPBURN main program flow diagram. 31 3. Unit cell representation used in LEOPARD, WIMS, and MCNPBURN. 33 4. Unit cell koo for two years burnup (logarithmic time axis). 34 5. Unit cell lc for two years bumup (normal time axis). 35 6. Unit cell koo for 30 days burnup. 36 7. Differences in MCNPBURN from LEOPARD or WIMS in lc. 37 8. Unit cell flux for two years burnup (logarithmic time axis). 38 9. Unit cell flux for two years burnup (normal time axis). 39 10. Differences in MCNPBURN from LEOPARD or WIMS in flux. 40 11. 235U depletion for the unit cell two years burnup. 41 12. 236U buildup for the unit cell two years bumup. 43 13. 238U depletion for the unit cell two years burnup. 44 14. 239PU buildup for the unit cell two years bumup. 45 15. 240Pu buildup for the unit cell two years burnup. 46 16. 241Pu buildup for the unit cell two years burnup. 47 17. 135Xe concentration under constant power level for the unit cell. 48 18. 135Sm concentration under constant power level for the unit cell. 49 19. Non-saturated pseudo-fission product buildup for the unit cell. 50 20. Cross sectional view of Thermionic Fuel Element. 53 21. ATI quarter core TFEs relative power at BOC. 57 22. ATI quarter core TFEs relative power at EOC. 58 23. ATI full core TFEs power profile at BOC. 60 24. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 1 day of burnup. 61 25. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 2 weeks of burnup. 62 26. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 1 month of burnup. 63 27. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 3 months of burnup. 64 28. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 1/2 year of bumup. 65 29. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 1 year of burnup. 66 30. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 2 years of burnup. 67 31. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 4 years of burnup. 68 32. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 7 years of burnup. 69 33. Normalized 235U and 238U depletion over the ATI center of core lifetime. 70 34. 236U, 'Pu, and 240Pu buildup over the ATI center of core lifetime. 71 35. 135Xe and 149Sm concentration over the ATI center of core lifetime. 73 36. ATI lifetime criticality within statistical error of ± 0.0018. 74 37. ATI BOC TFEs power as compared when using burnable poison. 76 38. ATI EOC TFEs power as compared when using burnable poison. 77 List of Tables Page Table 1. MCNP reaction numbers and types used in MCNPBURN. 12 2. Data used in the bumup computation of the MCNPBURN. 14 3. ATI total core burnup parameters. 55 4. Peak-to-average core power ratio over 7 years life. 56 Monte Carlo Burnup Analysis Code Development and Application to an Incore Thermionic Space Nuclear Power System. 1. INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW Nuclear technology is being implemented to respond to a variety of civilian and military space mission requirements (Klein et al., 1992). Such missions require a reliable electrical energy supply to power equipment. As the distance from the sun increases, it is not practical to deploy solar cell arrays large enough to produce sufficient electrical power for the mission. The continuous increase of power consumption by spacecraft can be provided only by nuclear power sources. The former Soviet Union performed extensive research including space based testing on space reactors. Its most recent systems, such as the TOPAZ (Nickitin et al., 1991) reactor, produces 5 to 10 kW of electricity using single cell in-core thermionic fuel elements. The Thermionic Fuel Element Verification Program conducted by the U.S. (Lamp et al, 1991) has been highly successful in developing a feasible system for use in high power space applications using a multi-cell arrangement. Close cooperation between the former Soviet Union and U.S. in this area is currently proceeding. The effect of irradiation is to produce changes in the isotopic composition of the fuel and other materials present in a reactor core. These, in turn, lead to local changes in reactivity, heat generation, kinetic characteristics, control and poison worth, etc. A quantitative knowledge and understanding of all these effects is necessary for reactor design and operation purposes. For over two decades there has been significant progress in the development of improved theoretical models for the calculation of the reactor-physics parameters during burn-up of complex power-reactor lattices. Integral transport theory and full-spectrum Monte Carlo methods have been developed which are practical for analysis of a limited range of reactor conditions. Full-spectrum Monte Carlo techniques have been utilized in burnup problems for the purposes of testing the validity of the physical approximations and to compute special effects (Crowther, 1973). This was done in conjunction with spectrum analysis codes such as the alternate 2-D Sn (discrete ordinates method) and 2-D integral- 2 transport-theory calculations with lattice geometry. Others merely applied the Monte Carlo code MCNP (Briesmeister, 1986) for the sole purpose of obtaining reaction rates to be used in their own developed burnup codes (Jordheim, 1991). Several burnup codes (Barry, 1973, Croft 1980, Askew et al., 1966, England, 1962, Shanstrom et al., 1961, Fowler et al, 1971, Breen et al., 1965, Stamm ler et al., 1983) have been developed and are widely implemented. However, each one of these codes has a constraint limiting accuracy or generality of use. Simpler methods have been developed through comparison with the more accurate methods and with better and more comprehensive power-reactor experiments. Advances in computational speed have extended the practical capabilities of reactor-physics calculations. 1.1. Neutronics and Bumup One of the main aspects of reactor dynamics is concerned with the long-term changes in the isotopic composition of the fuel caused by exposure to the neutron flux under various conditions of reactor operation. These changes, in both time and space, have an important bearing on the operational life time of a reactor core. In addition, they can affect the stability and control of the reactor. Consequently, such changes must be taken into consideration in the design of the reactor system. During operation of the reactor, the fissile nuclides are consumed by fission and about two hundred fission products are formed, some directly and others by radioactive decay. A number of these fission products have high or moderately high cross sections for neutron capture, and they consequently have a significant influence on the neutron economy (and reactivity) of the system. Furthermore, the conversion of fertile to fissile nuclides has, of course, an important effect on reactor lifetime and control. In addition, radiative capture of neutrons by both fissile and fertile species leads to the formation of such nuclides as 236U, 240r, 2330, and so on. These can also capture neutrons or suffer decay (or both) so that many new heavy isotopes (or heavy nuclides), i.e., isotopes of uranium, neptunium, plutonium, etc., are present in the fuel after a period of reactor operation. 3 A complete treatment of fuel bumup requires a knowledge of the cross sections of all the fission products and the heavy isotopes. In order to reduce the number of nuclides that need to be included specifically in a burnup calculation, one general principle is helpful. The only fission products treated explicitly are those with particularly large capture cross sections. In practice, this means that the great majority of fission products are lumped into one class, to which is described an average cross section. 135Xe and 149Sm are always considered individually. Another dozen or so other heavy nuclides, with fairly large cross sections, may also be included in this manner in an accurate bumup study. These heavy nuclides are those which are important in determining the neutron economy of the reactor. The short thermal-neutron mean free path in thermal-reactor lattices and the resultant sensitivity to geometry introduce complexity to lattice bum-up calculations. Transport theory is essential to accurately predict the nuclear reaction rates in the fuel rods, control rods, and burnable absorbers. Both the thermal and epithermal neutron spectra are space-and-time-dependent. Isotopic production and destruction are spatially non-uniform between fuel rods and within fuel rods. For most thermal reactor systems, three-dimensional core calculations are required for realistic analysis to determine power distributions, isotopic production and destruction, reactivity coefficients, spatial stability, fuel loading and control rod patterns, and operating strategy. Multigroup calculations are required to describe the neutron spectra, isotopic- dependent resonance capture and the interaction between fuel pins. For most burnup codes, it is impractical to carry out the multigroup calculations in three dimensions. Separability assumptions are thus essential. Commonly, two methods are utilized to represent complex reactor lattices in thermal reactor fuel burn-up calculations (Crowther, 1973): 1. Parametric cell multigroup burnup calculations are carried out for cells consisting of one or more fuel assemblies as a function of moderator density, cell geometry, control-rod position, fuel temperature, etc. The generated few-group macroscopic cross-sections and isotopic compositions are utilized in three dimensional calculations in which the isotopic depletions are not solved. frequently applied to the analysis of boiling water reactors (BWR). This method is 4 2. Parametric cell multigroup calculations are carried out at a few bum-up levels to develop microscopic few-group cross sections. Calculations are performed with a relatively fine mesh, for example, with every fuel rod described discretely. The fuel isotopic depletion equations are solved using the fine-mesh global core calculations results. This method is frequently applied in pressurized water reactor (PWR) analysis. Although both of the preceding methods have been successful in providing analyses which are accurate enough for reliable design of thermal reactors, they are limited to these specific designs. A general approach to the neutronics analysis and hence burn-up is the application of the Monte Carlo methods which are very different from deterministic transport methods. Deterministic methods, the most common of which is the discrete ordinates method, solve the transport equation for the average particle behavior. By contrast, Monte Carlo does not solve an explicit equation, but rather obtains answers by simulating individual particles and recording some aspects (tallies) of their average behavior. The average behavior of particles in the physical system is then inferred (using the central limit theorem) from the average behavior of simulated particles (Briesmeister, 1986). Monte Carlo methods can be used to theoretically duplicate a statistical process (such as the interaction of nuclear particles with material) and are particularly useful for complex problems that cannot be modeled by computer codes of deterministic methods. The individual probabilistic events that comprise a process are simulated sequentially, and the probability distributions governing these events are statistically sampled to describe the total phenomenon. The statistical sampling process is based on the selection of random numbers. In particle transport, it consists of actually following each of many particles from a source throughout its life to its death in some terminal category (absorption, escape, etc.). If enough source particles are introduced into the model, the tallies will describe the average behavior one can expect of the real life situation with equivalent source particles in a three dimensional environment. 5 The non-uniform Dancoff resonance' interaction between fuel pins causes the plutonium production rates from resonance capture in 238U to vary among fuel pins. It also causes azimuthal variations in surface 238U capture around the fuel pins which creates scallops in the 239PU surface production rates for the fuel pins in the central regions of the fuel assemblies in a core, located in a close to azimuthal symmetric thermal neutron flux. The production of 239PU by resonance capture in 238U is fuel-temperature-dependent because of the important effects of Doppler broadening on 238U resonance capture. It also varies globally in the core because of the space variable moderator density. On the other hand, the build-up of 240Pu with its large 1 eV resonance introduces additional complications. For a thermal reactor lattices with ZrH moderator, chemical binding and up scattering cannot be ignored at 1 eV. Thus, 240Pu effects should be analyzed with realistic moderator scattering kernels. The Doppler broadening effect of 240Pu on the fuel temperature dependence of reactivity is sensitive to the self-shielding of the 1 eV resonance and, thus, the Doppler effect varies spatially with both 240Pu isotopic content and fuel temperature within fuel pins, from pin-to-pin, and globally within the core. The Dancoff correction factor for 240Pu is a function of not only geometry but also the spacedependent concentration of 240Pu. Hence, in comparison with 238U, an added complication is introduced in the analysis of the effects of 240Pu. The 240Pu spatial isotopic production is a function of the non-uniform 239PU production rate from 238U captures and, because of the large 239PU resonance at 0.3 eV, also varies with the space-dependent thermal neutron spectrum. In view of the preceding complications, such as determining the Dancoff correction factor in the lattice type calculations, and the capabilities of existing high speed computers, the modified Monte Carlo Neutron and Photon transport code for bumup (MCNPBURN) developed here provides the availability of a very accurate method within the statistical bound. If the fuel rods in a lattice are in fact separated by a moderator that is not many free paths thick, it is possible for neutrons with energies in the resonance region to pass from one fuel lump to another. 6 2. MONTE CARLO NEUTRON PHOTON BURNUP CODE MCNPBURN is a general-purpose, continuous-energy, generalized geometry, time- dependent, coupled neutron-photon Monte Carlo transport code system modified to perform an additional task of burnup. MCNPBURN computes the isotopic production and decay of radioactive materials in designated cells for burnup by considering the production and decay rate equations as coupled linear system of equations and solves them by a matrix operator technique (the Volterra method of the multiplicative integral) (Lee et al., 1976). The method allows a rapid and accurate calculation of the change in isotopic density, independent of the magnitude of the time constant, production or decay rate, or flux levels. The calculations can also follow the irradiation history through a number of step changes of unrestricted power levels. 2.1. Burnup Solution Method The atom densities of all the nuclides included in the calculations will affect the neutron flux in a complicated manner. Suppose, however, that the neutron flux is computed at time t, and suppose, furthermore, that the flux can be assumed to remain constant for a substantial time period, At, after time t. The coefficients in the differential equations for all the nuclide concentrations could be calculated and assumed to remain constant from t to t + M. The resulting system of burnup (or depletion) equations can be solved by a matrix operator technique. The method allows a rapid and accurate calculation of the change in isotopic density, independent of the magnitude of the time constant, production or decay rate, or flux levels. With the atom densities known at time t + At, the calculation could be advanced to time t + At by recomputing the flux at this time, and so on. Thus the values of the atom densities are advanced in a series of time intervals At during each of which the neutron flux is assumed to remain constant. The procedure is repeated until it has been carried far enough in time. In long-range burnup calculation, the intervals are chosen to be of the order of weeks, months, or even a year, provided it is not desired to follow transients involving nuclides of short half-life, in 7 particular xenon-135 and iodine-135. The burnup calculations are required to follow changes with time of such parameters as the concentration of fissile nuclides, heavyisotope production, specific power, etc., in individual bumup cells. Each of these isotopes have five flux averaged reaction rates namely absorption, fission, capture, (n,2n), and (n,3n). Numerous approximate techniques have been developed to solve the problem of an accurate calculation of isotope production and depletion in linear systems. The matrix operator method chosen is unique since the method allows a rapid accurate calculation of the change in isotopic density independent of the magnitude of time steps, production or decay rates, or flux levels. 2.2. Defined Parameters Defining a set of equations whereby their parameters are the tallies values computed by the MCNP and thus preparing the necessary parameters for the bumup routines. For output results, the lattice2 equivalent volume of each fuel pin is computed and used to determine the fuel loading. Other output parameters computed includes the power density, the specific power and irradiation magnitude. In order to determine the absolute neutron flux from the MCNP fluence tally and the reaction rates, one need to scale these parameters to the reactor input thermal power. This requires computations of the fission rate along with the actual power produced by the various fuel rods. An indepth look at these various parameters is presented in the following sections. 2.2.1. Lattice Equivalence In some instances, modeling a reactor core in the MCNP requires defining the fuel rods with its cladding only. These fuel rods then are immersed in a moderating medium. 2 Lattice includes a single fuel rod with an equivalent moderator radius of 1/2 pitch. 8 To calculate the fuel loading per lattice (fuel, clad, and moderator) necessitate the inclusion of the moderator. Thus, to obtain the volume of the individual fuel rods including a moderator volume, an equivalent lattice volume must be determined. The lattice volume, constitute the fuel, cladding, and moderator volumes, can be determined from the following simple equation VLTC. CVOL. CTV VFUEL (1) where, VLTC is the volume of the lattice equivalent of fuel rod i and has a unit of cm3. CVOL is the fuel volume per cell i and CTV is the total core volume in cm3. VFUEL is the sum of all the fuel rods volumes in the core. 2.2.2. Fuel Loading The fuel loading is given in terms of the initial heavy material mass (i.e. U and or Pu) (Robinson, 1984). The fuel loading FLOAD is averaged over the lattice cell as FLOAD = SUMF VLTC, where, SUMF = XINIT,) CAW) . CVOL, (2) AVGDN FLOAD is the fuel load in g/cm3, XINIT is the initial atomic density (atom/b-cm) for the heavy elements j in fuel rod i, CAW is the corresponding atomic weight of element j (g/mole), and AVGDN is Avogadro number (atom/b-mole). The core total metric ton of initial heavy material TIHM is equal to Ei FLOAD, VLTC, and the core average loading (g/cm3) is then the TIHM/CTV. 2.2.3. Fission Rate Given an average operating thermal power POWERT (Watts) for each bumup step, ISTEP (constant over the period, At), and the cell averaged total prompt energy release 9 per fission, the cell averaged fission rate (Fission/s) is determined by the following equation, FRAT E= POWERTISTEP x PCONV CQ, (3) where PCONV is equal to 6.25 x 10'2 MeV/w-s and the cell averaged energy per fission, CQ, (MeV/Fission) is the Q-fission and can be obtained via the MCNP reaction tallies as follows = REACTION (-6 -8) REACTION (-6) (4) which is in reactor physics has the form Q; E I dE E icro); dE (5) 2.2.4. Power The core average core power density (W/cm3) can be computed as follow PD = POWE RTis-rEp (6) CTV the specific power per fuel rod is computed from PS; = PD FLOAD; (7) and the irradiation (or burnup, MWD/MT) is BURNTISTEP =E !STEP where A is the time step length in seconds. PSI x AISTEP (8) 10 To compute the power, the heating tally of the MCNP is used. The track-length estimate of energy deposition due to fission in cell i, including photon energy from fission (MeV/g) is t, 1 En F7, =C I I ICE,t,p)H(E)dEdtdp -1 t (9) . E, Where C is the atom/g of cell material and H = af(E) Qfission af(E) is the material microscopic fission cross section (cm2) and Qfission is the fission Q (MeV/fission). The fuel rod i power (PWR) in watts is then given by PWR, = F7, x CMASS, x FRATE, x CNU, (10) PCONV where CMASS (g)= CVOL, X CDEN,. CDEN,(g/cm3) is the fuel material density of cell i. CNU, is the v fission and it is determined in a similar fashion as of the CNU = ass REACTION (-6: -7) REACTION (-6) In reactor physics the cell averaged u (n/fission) is given by E v; lac cp, dE v, = E fafT, dE (12) Calculating the power normalization (necessary to scale individual fuel rods to average core power) is thus PNORM = POWERTIsTEp E (13) PWR, The fuel rod normalized power is then, POWER, = PWR, X PNORM . 11 2.2.5. Neutron Source Rate In all the MCNP tallies the source has units of neutrons, thus these tallies represents a fluence tallies. On the other hand, if the source has units of neutrons per unit time, the tally is also neutrons per unit time. The parameter tally scaling factor (TSF) of cell i can be defined to be the neutron source rate scaled to the average reactor power which yields TSF,(n/s)=FRATE, x CNU x PNORM . (14) 2.2.6. Neutron Flux The neutron flux tally is an estimate of F4, = IIT(r,E,t) dE dt (15) . tE where tp(E) is the energy-dependent fluence (neutrons/cm2). Thus the thermal, fast and total flux respectively are 625 eV TFLUX =I I (p(r,E,t)dEdt t (16) , 0 20MeV FFLUX, = I t I p(r,E,t)dEdt , 20 MeV FLUX, = I (17) 625 eV I w(r,E,OdEdt . (18) t The units of the flux tally are the units of the source. Since the source in the criticality computation is neutrons, this tally actually represents a fluence tally. Therefore, to obtain the absolute flux, one may multiply the fluence tally by the neutron source rate as follow = F4 x TSF; . The fluence (F4) units are 1/cm2 and the flux has the units of n/cm2-s. (19) 12 2.2.7. Reaction Rates The FMn card is used to calculate any quantity of the form RRX,jk = TSF, x BARN fq)(E)1:2,(E)dE where the conversion factor BARN is equal to 1 X 1044 cm2/b (20) , . R(E) is an operator of additive and/or multiplicative response functions from the MCNP cross-section libraries or specially designated quantities for reaction type k (see Table (1)) of nuclide of material j and it is averaged over cell i. The reaction cross sections are microscopic (with units of barns). For the absorption, fission, capture, (n,2n), and (n,3n) reactions, the units are then (n-b/cm2-s), thus when multiplied by material m nuclide atomic density (with units of atoms/b-cm) the appropriate unit of the reaction rate is obtained as (n-atom/cm3-s) or (reactions/cm3-s). The reactions are components of the reaction rate since they must be multiplied by the atomic density to yield a reaction rate. Hence, they are called here reaction coefficients. Table (1) is a list of special reactions present in the MCNP crosssection libraries which are used in the computations. Table 1. MCNP reaction numbers and types used in MCNPBURN. 3 Index K Reaction number Reaction Type 1 (-2:-6)3 a (absorption) 2 (-6) f (fission) 3 (102) n,y (capture) 4 (16) n,2n 5 (17) n,3n Reaction number (-2) is defined in the MCNP manual as the total absorption cross section, however, in actuality it is the total capture (n,2n, n,3n,.. etc) cross section only. 13 2.2.8. Nuclide Chain Equations The rate at which the number of nuclei per unit volume changes with time may be written as dt = [ Formation Rate ] [ Destruction Rate + Decay Rate ]. The decay rate term is simply the decay constant in cell i (kiX,i) during time period dt. (21) of nuclide j times its concentration X The decay constants have units of s-1 and the concentration X has units of atom/b-cm. The destruction term can be due to neutron capture by this nuclide which forms a different nuclide or/and due to fission if it is a fissile nuclide. For example, in cell i (fuel pin), the destruction rate is well represented by capture reaction rate (-cry*Xu), where is is the capture microscopic cross section, in barns, for nuclide j and (I) is the neutron flux with units of neutron per cm2 per second. Loss due to fission is (-01),X,) where of is the microscopic fission cross section with units of barns. Daughter formation is by virtue of parent m nuclide decay (X,Xim). Upon capture of a neutron by nuclide j-1, nuclide j is accumulated by the reaction rate (c57'14),X0). Finally, let Xik be the concentration of fissile and fissionable nuclides, and let YKJ be the probability that a type K nuclide will be formed as a fission product by absorption of a neutron by a nuclide of type j. Thus the Y term represents the fission yield of isotope K from the fission of isotope j. If the nuclide of type K is not a fission product then the YK is zero. With the foregoing conditions the reaction rate RR,J will be RFR4 = E Ykjat 4)Xik (22) k All reaction rates thus have units of reactions per cm3 per second. Table (2) include a list of the 25 nuclides along with their corresponding decay rate constants and fission yields (Robinson, 1984 & Bennett, 1966). For example the fission of 235U yields about .24% 135Xe as defined by the variable YXe. Each of the 25 burnup designated nuclides will undergo one, several, or all types of the designated reactions. The concentration of the jth nuclide for each cell i in a linear chain is determined by the coupled differential equations along with an illustration that shows the nuclear reaction and radioactive decay pathways for each of the isotopes considered. Here RRX(i,j,k) stands for the reaction rate 14 Table 2. Data used in the burnup computation of the MCNPBURN. No. Isotope 1,a(e) 1,0 (e) YXe YI YPm YFP 233u 1.4E-13 0 .01388 .0562 .00769 1.119 2 234u 8.9E-14 0 .0020 0 .0100 0 3 235u 3.1E-17 0 .0024 .0617 .0113 1.26 4 236u 9.4E-16 0 .0020 .0620 .0113 0 2370 0 1.19E-6 .0020 .0600 .0200 0 6 238u 4.9E-18 0 .0022 .0578 .0210 1.426 7 239u 0 4.92E-4 .0020 .0600 .0200 0 8 240U 0 1.37E-5 .0020 .0600 .0200 0 9 237Np 1.0E-14 0 .0022 .0666 .0113 0 10 238Np 0 3.79E-6 .0020 .0600 .0200 0 11 239Np 0 3.40E-6 .0020 .0600 .0200 0 12 240Np 0 1.87E-4 .0020 .0600 .0200 0 13 238 PU 2.5E-10 0 .0020 .0630 .0113 0 14 239PU 9.0E-13 0 .0027 .0693 .0130 1.456 15 240Pu 3.4E-12 0 .0022 .0578 .0210 0 16 241Pu 3.4E-14 1.46E-9 .0024 .0626 .0120 1.456 17 242PU 5.7E-14 0 .0020 .0630 .0200 0 18 241Am 5.1E-11 0 .0020 .0630 .0152 0 19 F.P 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 20 1351 0 2.93E-5 0 0 0 0 21 135Xe 0 2.10E-5 0 0 0 0 22 149Pm 0 3.63E-6 0 0 0 0 23 149SM 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 Gd 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 160 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 of type k and nuclide j taken place in burnup cell i. ALAM and BLAM are the alpha and beta decay constants, respectively. The three dimensional array A(i x j x k) is the matrix array containing all of the reaction rate coefficients to be solved for the concentration Xg. The fission products (other than 1351, 135 Xe, 149Pm, and 149Sm) are lumped into a single pseudo-fission product (nuclide No. 19). This non-saturated, pseudo fission product is accumulated at one atom per fission (Bennett, 1966). The MCNP cross section library includes a crude-pseudo fission product cross section (represented by ZAID number 50999). Unfortunately, this fission product has an exceedingly high capture cross section below 1 keV (Seamon, 1990 & 1992). Therefore it is to be accumulated only, and it is prevented from being an effective contributor. The following is a list of all the nuclides involved in the burnup calculation. This includes the appropriate rate equations, a pictorial representation of each reaction, and the corresponding matrix formulation. Xj is the atom density of nuclide j as indexed in the MCNPBURN code. ISOTOPE 1 - 233U d X1 dt in a matrix form yield, A(i,1,1)=-(RRX(i,1,1)+ALAM(1)) A(i,1,2)= RRX(i,2,4) A(i,1,3)= RRX(i,3,5) 4.0.(3n,304) -[ (23) 16 ISOTOPE 2 - 234U dX2 +a(3n,2n) (24) +a(4n,3n)4) dt in a matrix form yield, 0( (Pu 238) A(i,2,1)= RRX(i,1,3) n, 2n (U 235) A(i,2,2)=-(RRX(i,2,1)+ALAM(2)) n, (U 233) A(i,2,3)= RRX(i,3,4) n, 3n (U 236) A(i,2,4)= RRX(i,4,5) A(i,2,13)= ALAM(13) ISOTOPE 3 - 235U dX3 4.a(4n,2n)(1) [a:4) +a(5n,3n)(1) (25) dt in a matrix form yield, °E (Pu 239) a A(i,3,3)=-(RRX(i,3,1)+ALAM(3)) A(i,3,4)= RRX(i,4,4) n, 2n (U 236) n, A(i,3,5)= RRX(i,5,5) A(i,3,14)= ALAM(14) (U 234) 235 U 92 0( n, 3n (U 237) 17 ISOTOPE 4 - 236U dX4 dt = X3 +65n'2n)4 ) X5 +a(6n'3n)+X6 +X.,5X15] (26) jaa4+ +kci) X4 in a matrix form yield, oc (Pu 240) A(i,4,3)= RRX(i,3,3) A(i,4,4)=-(RRX(i,4,1)+ALAM(4)) A(i,4,5)= RRX(i,5,4) n, 2n (U 237) n, (U 235) n, 3n (U 238) A(i,4,6)= RRX(i,6,5) A(i,4,15)= ALAM(15) ISOTOPE 5 - 232U dX5 dt =[ cr74+ X4 +a:1'2")(1) X6 +a?''3n)(1) X7 +Xat6 X161 (a:41 +Xp, X5 in a matrix form yield, 04.(Pu 241) A(i,5,4)= RRX(i,4,3) A(i,5,5)=-(RRX(i,5,1)+BLAM(5)) A(i,5,6)= RRX(i,6,4) A(i,5,7)= RRX(i,7,5) A(i,5,16)= ALAM(16) (27) 18 ISOTOPE 6 - 238U dX6 dt X5 +a7n,2n)4 ((8n,3n) [c7:0 in a matrix form yield, cX (28) (Pu 242) A(i,6,5)= RRX(i,5,3) A(i,6,6)=-(RRX(i,6,1)+ALAM(6)) A(i,6,7)= RRX(i,7,4) A(i,6,8)= RRX(i,8,5) A(i,6,17)= ALAM(17) ISOTOPE 7 - 239U dX7 dt =[c44) X6 +0-(8n'2")(1) X8] -[(7,0 +X.07]; in a matrix form yield, A(i,7,6)= RRX(i,6,3) A(i,7,7)=-(RRX(i,7,1)+BLAM(7)) A(i,7,8)= RRX(i,8,4) (29) 19 ISOTOPE 8 - 24°U X8 =jcir74) X7] ION) +kpa] X8 (30) in a matrix form yield, A(i,8,7)= RRX(i,7,3) A(i,8,8)=-(RRX(i,8,1)+BLAM(8)) ISOTOPE 9 - 237NP dX dt in a matrix form yield, A(i,9,5)= BLAM(5) A(i,9,9)=-(RRX(i,9,1)+ALAM(9)) A(i,9,18)= ALAM(18) +ka, X 9 =[ 06X 5 - [a:4 ) +ko.9] X8 18] (31) 20 ISOTOPE 10 - 238Np dX, dt (32) ° =cs9 (I) X0 -k01° X10 in a matrix form yield, A(i,10,9)= RRX(i,9,3) A(i,10,10)=-BLAM(10) n, )/ (Np 237) 238 Np 93 ISOTOPE 11 -239NP dXli dt (33) =XpiX7 -2,13,X11 in a matrix form yield, P (U 239) A(i,11,7)= BLAM(7) A(i,11,11)=-BLAM(11) 239 Np 93 1 13 21 ISOTOPE 12 - 240Np dX12 (34) X8 --"A.R X12 Ir-X d r8 "2 in a matrix form yield, r(U 240) A(i,12,8)= BLAM(8) A(i,12,12)=-BLAM(12) 240 Np 93 ISOTOPE 13 -238PU dX13 dt = [a(1n42n) 4) Xi4 +a(153n)(1:1 X15 +1,1310X10] (35) [a134) +2,,,.13] x13 in a matrix form yield, 13(Np 238) A(i,13,10)= BLAM(10) n, 2n A(i,13,11)=-(RRX(i,13,1)+ALAM(13)) A(i,13,14)= RRX(i,14,4) A(i,13,15)= RRX(i,15,5) (Pu 239) 238 94 Pu n, 3n (Pu 240) 22 ISOTOPE 14 - 239PU (36) dX74 = [0130 X13 +a1nen)4 X15 +a1nen)0 X16 dt +kpX11] in a matrix form yield, [c574 + cjX14 P (Np 239) A(i,14,11)= BLAM(11) A(i,14,13)= RRX(i,13,3) A(i,14,14)=-(RRX(i,14,1)+ALAM(14)) A(i,14,15)= RRX(i,15,4) A(i,14,16)= RRX(i,16,5) ISOTOPE 15 - 240Pu (37) dX15 dt = [175140 X14 l'a(nen)0 X16 4-a(1n7 3n)0 X17 +kp,,X12) [C5150 .f)cc,)X15 in a matrix form yield, P(Np 240) A(i,15,12)= BLAM(12) A(i,15,14)= RRX(i,14,3) A(i,15,15)=-(RRX(i,15,1)+ALAM(15)) A(i,15,16)= RRX(i,16,4) A(i,15,17)= RRX(i,17,5) 23 ISOTOPE 16 -2"Pu dX16 dt =[(7154) X15 -fa(In72n)4 X17] -10'16+ +k.-4.0) X16 (38) in a matrix form yield, A(i,16,15)= RRX(i,15,3) A( 1,16,16)=-(RRX(i,16,1)+ALAM(16) +BLAM(16)) A(i,16,17)= RRX(i,17,4) ISOTOPE 17 - 242PU dX17 dt (39) -x164 Xl6 -[a174 +ka.,,l X17 in a matrix form yield, A(i,17,16)= RRX(i,16,3) A(i,17,17)=-(RRX(i,17,1)+ALAM(17)) n, (Pu 241) 242 94 Pu 24 ISOTOPE 18 -241Am dX18 dt =kpi8 X16 '46480 (40) X18 in a matrix form yield, (Pu 241) A(i,18,16)= BLAM(16) a A(i,18,18)=-(RRX(i,18,1)+ALAM(18)) 241 95 Am ISOTOPE 19 - Bulk fission products dX19_Va dt in a matrix form yield, A(i,19, k)= RRX(i,k,2), k=1,N Yfpj (41) 25 ISOTOPE 20 -'351 c1X20 N =rs-, dt of (42) XI] -X1320 X20 in a matrix form yield, A(i,20, k)= RRX(i,k,2)YI(k), k=1,N A(i,20,20)=-BLAM(20) ISOTOPE 21 - 135Xe dX2 dt1 = N (E Yx. af4) Xj] -0,13,0 X20 [ AS/32, (43) +a:11:1)] X21 1.1 in a matrix form yield, (I 135) A(i,21, k)=RRX(i,k,2)YXE(k), k=1,N A(i,21,20)= BLAM(20) A(i ,21,21)=-(RRX(i,21,1)+BLAM(21)) a 26 ISOTOPE 22 - 149Pm clX22 dt N =[ (44) Yp, of(l) Xj -k X X22 t1 22 in a matrix form yield, Y Pm A(i,22, k)=RRX(i,k,2)YPM(k), k=1,N A(i,22,22)=-BLAM(22) 149 61 Pm ISOTOPE 23 - 149Sm 23 =kp X22 " (45) CS:3 4/ X23 in a matrix form yield, 15 (Pm 149) A(i,23,22)= BLAM(22) a A(i,23,23)=-RRX(i,23,1) 149 62SM 27 ISOTOPE 24 - 160 dX24 (46) X24 X24 dt in a matrix form yield, a A(i,24,24)=-RRX(i,24,1) N 16 8 0 ISOTOPE 25 - 157Gd dX2 dt 5 (47) = -a25 4) X25 in a matrix form yield, A(i,25,25)=-RRX(i,25,1) a 157 Gd 64 28 2.3. Balance Equations Let Xj(r,t) be the nuclear density of the jth isotope in a general transmutation chain at position r and time t in a system with neutron flux 4)(r,E,t) having energy between E and E+dE. No processes involving neutrons as initial or final products need to be excluded, although their effects must be approximated in order to achieve a linear system of equations. The general balance equation, including production and decay, is then given by Bell & Glasstone (1970) as 8X,(0) + E ,k(r) Xk (r,t) + dt (48) k co Id E [-a7(r,E,t)Xj(r,t) +E ajk(r,E,t)Xk(r,t)]4)(r,E,t), 0 where kj is the decay constant of the jth isotope, kik is the decay of isotope k to j, is the absorption cross section for conversion of isotope k to j, for example, by (2,2n), (n,3n), etc. and 4 is the neutron flux. Equation (48) may be written simply in terms of reaction rates as dxu dt E (49) ij,k where R = f(a,k,4)) is desired. Equation (50) may be written in matrix form by letting X4 be elements of a column vector. Matrix A includes the coefficients of the reaction rates and decay constants. The solution to equation (50) using the matrix operator mathematics is well documented in Appendix Ill. 29 2.4. Computer Implementation The MCNP cross section library contains only 20 nuclides out of the 25, shown in Figure 1, needed in the bumup routine. The five nuclides, namely 238Np, 239Np, 240Np, 1351 and 149Pm, not included in the MCNP data libraries are therefore treated separately. A brief description of the program flow is shown in Figure 2. It includes the main routine, called MCNPBURN, which calls upon subroutine MCNP (previously, the main routine in MCNP version 3B) which has been modified such that it will read the additional input cards that are burnup specific. If the burnup cards are present, then this signals the program for the burnup procedures; otherwise it proceeds with its normal function. The Subroutine MCNP calls on three major routines in the following order; first it calls IMCN for input manipulation, then it calls XACT to read cross sections and finally subroutine MCRUN is called to perform the actual neutron histories and transport computations. If burnup was requested, the program bypasses subroutines IMCN and XACT after the completion of the first burnup step since these subroutines need to be done only once. Modifications were made to several MCNP routines. Especially the subroutines TALLYP and KCALC which include variables which are transferred through the modified STATIC common block to the burnup routines. These variables are the thermal, fast, and total fluxes, the heating tallies to calculate the actual power, the reaction rate coefficients for the five important reactions, namely the absorption, fission, capture, n,2n, and n,3n, the Q-fission and v-fission, and the criticality eigenvalues. The burnup routines perform matrix set up for 25 nuclides for each cell that may undergo burnup calculations and then solves this matrix by the Volterra multiplicitve method. Burnup subroutines that follow print the results to the output file and then clear some of the KCALC and TALLYP variables prior to the start of the next time step. 2.5. Verification of MCNPBURN code Experiments are required to confirm the validity of the theoretical methods above. However, such experiments are not readily available and one needs to resort to standard bumup codes known to have been benchmarked in experimental or commercial studies. 2 U-234 1 U-233 --? 4 3 --0 U-235 U-236 Pm Yield 22 Pm 149 Yield 9 10 Yield 19 FISS. 7 U-239 11 8 U-240 12 Np238 N p239 N p240 13 14 15 Pu238 --0 Pu239 23 Sm 149 F.P. 25 Gd 157 4 Np237 Yield Xe U-237 6 U-238 5 24 0-16 16 Pu241 Pu240 17 Pu242 18 Am241 PROD. Figure 1. Isotope chains for bumup analysis. ow BXPREP2 MCRUN BXSCALE BXOUT BXBURN Figure 2. MCNPBURN main program flow diagram. 32 The lattice code WIMS (Askew et al., 1966) and zero dimensional multigroup LEOPARD (Barry, 1973) code have been found to be reliable in the nuclear industry and hence adequate for such a comparison in this work. A Westinghouse Pressurized Water Reactor (Duderstadt et al., 1976) was chosen for the study. The lattice for such a reactor is a unit cell comprised of fuel enriched to 3% UO2 with a density of 10.4 g/cm3. The fuel rod radius is 0.4095 cm and the cladding is zirconium with an outer radius of 0.47 cm. The gap between the cladding and the fuel is about 0.0019 cm and the moderating medium is light water. The pitch in this model is 1.25 cm and the operating conditions are at STP. Since the model consists of a unit cell, it was important to maintain the cell volume fractions in the three codes. These are 0.3371 cm3 for the fuel, 0.1069 cm3 for cladding, and 0.5559 cm3 for the water moderator. Also the equivalent moderator outside radius is 0.7053 cm which represents a pitch of 1.25. The model input files of LEOPARD, WIMS, and MCNPBURN can be seen in Appendix I. A pictorial representation of the cell model is shown in Figure 3. Results of the MCNPBURN versus LEOPARD and WIMS can be presented in graphical form to include their prespective curves in such manner that is made simple for a rational comparison. Figure 4 shows a plot of the infinite criticality eigenvalue for the three codes in a logarithmic time scale. k. in WIMS compared higher than LEOPARD, and MCNPBURN in turn is higher than WIMS. This can be attributed mainly to the method of bulk fission products treatment. Figure 5 represents a normal time scale and magnifies the difference in the infinite neutron multiplication factor. Although koo of WIMS and MCNPBURN were higher than LEOPARD for most of the time, they were in fact lower at beginning of core life (BOC) as can be seen in Figure 6 which shows the infinite criticality eigenvalue for the first 30 days. Figure 7 details the difference between MCNPBURN and the other two codes in criticality. This difference as discussed earlier is characteristic of modeling the lumped fission products. Figure 8 and Figure 9 represent the absolute total flux in a similar fashion to Figure 4 and Figure 5. The difference in the flux and the other codes can be seen in Figure 10. Unlike the criticality eigenvalue, the flux is more sensitive to the Q-fission value used. The 235U depletion is shown in Figure 11. It depletes more significantly in MCNPBURN than the other codes. This is as a result of not employing the bulk fission products as an effective absorber in the fuel in MCNPBURN. 0.625 cm 0.625 cm Figure 3. Unit cell representation used in LEOPARD, WIMS, and MCNPBURN. ..... ....... ockek1/462 06'1 `1,0) <0(\ ee 340. 0 10 15 Time (days) Figure 6. Unit cell koo for 30 days bumup. 30 10% MCNPBURN 9%- error from: LEOPARD 8%- WIMS 7%6%5%- 4%3%2%1%0% I 0 I 1 I I I 7 30 60 1 1 120 210 365 730 Time (days) Figure 7. Differences in MCNPBURN from LEOPARD or WIMS in ko. 2.90 2.80- 1 WIMS 2 LEOPARD 3 MCNPBURN 2.702.60- 2.502.40- 3 1.90 0.001 1 1 1 I II 0.I01 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 1 I 1 1111 10 I 1 1 1 11 100 Time (days) Figure 8. Unit cell flux for two years bumup (logarithmic time axis). 1 1 I 1 11 1000 2.90 2.802.702.602.502.402.302.20- 2.102.00., 1.90 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 9. Unit cell flux for two years bumup (normal time axis). 700 800 10% 9%8%7%6%MCNPBURN error frorn: 5%-, WIMS LEOPARD 4 %3%-1 2%1%0% 0 1 7 30 60 120 Time (days) 210 365 730 Figure 10. Differences in MCNPBURN from LEOPARD or WIMS in flux. 8.00E-04 7.00E-04 1 WIMS 2 LEOPARD 3 MCNPBURN 6.00E-04- 5.00E-04- 4.00E-04- 3.00E-041 2.00E-04 2 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time (days) 600 Figure 11. 235U depletion for the unit cell two years bumup. 700 800 42 236U buildup is slightly higher in MCNPBURN during the first year, then decreases below WIMS or LEOPARD for the second year as in Figure 12. The contribution to fission from 239Pu becomes significant in about a year of bumup. thus the yield of 236U from the fissioning of 235U decreases. Another factor affecting the lower rate of accumulating 236U as well is the faster rate of 235U depletion. 238U depletion is plotted in Figure 13 and shows a good agreement between the three codes. The negligible difference in 238U between the three codes can be reasoned to the fact that 238U is not a thermally fissioned isotope and thus depletes very slowly. The higher conversion in MCNPBURN to 239PU, 24°Pu, and 241Pu is due to the greater rate of 235U depletion. These plutonium isotopes buildup can be seen in Figures 14 through 16. The 135Xe and 149Sm concentration during the two years is presented in Figures 17 and 18, where the absence of the pseudo-fission product affects the rate at which these isotopes absorbs neutrons. saturating, pseudo-fission product is shown in Figure 19. Finally, the non- The MCNPBURN uses somewhat better data in the yield of the pseudo-fission product from the fissionable isotopes, whereas LEOPARD uses a yield value of unity and even a lower value by WIMS which treat significantly many fission products as well. From observation of these figures one may conclude that the errors are reasonably small, bearing in mind that the MCNP cross section library is a much more detailed one than the other codes. The difference in the total flux could be attributed largely to the fact that it is sensitive to the Q-fission value used. The average Q-fission in LEOPARD is about 210 MeV/fission, while WIMS uses 197.7 MeV/fission and the MCNP value is about 180.9 MeV/fission. This difference is significant since the Q-fission value used in MCNP represent the prompt values and does not take into account the fission products or radiation capture contributions. The difference in the criticality calculation may be due to the effects of the pseudo-fission product. MCNPBURN simply accumulates the pseudofission product and does not allow its contribution in the fuel during bumup. 2.6. Error Estimate in Burnup All standard MCNP tallies are normalized to be per starting particle and are printed in the output of MCNPBURN for the criticality with a second number, which is the 8.00E-05 7.00E-056. 00E-05 5.00E-054. 00E-05 3.00E-052.00E-05 1.00E-05- 0.00E+00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 12. 2 3611 buildup for the unit cell two years bumup. 700 800 2.25E-02- 2.24E-02E 0 2.24E-02'43 ap 2.23E-02 a) 0 co 2.23E-02- 3 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 13. 238U depletion for the unit cell two years bumup. 700 800 1.00E-04- 8.00E-05rts ri 3- O 6.00E-05- U_ E :2 < 4.00E-05- o) co cv o_ 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 14. 239PU buildup for the unit cell two years bumup. 700 800 3.50E-05 3.00E-05- 2.50E-05- 2.00E-05- 1.50E-05- 1.00E-05 5.00E-06- 0.00E+00 1 0 100 1 I I I 200 300 400 500 1 600 Time (days) Figure 15. 240Pu buildup for the unit cell two years burnup. 1 700 800 2.00E-05 1.80E-051.60E-051.40E-051.20E-05- 1.00E-05- 8.00E-066.00E-064.00E-062.00E-06O. 00E + 00 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 16. 241Pu buildup for the unit cell two years bumup. 700 800 1.00E-08 ft., 3 ........... . ........... 2 1 WIMS 2 LEOPARD 3 MCNPBURN 1.00E-09 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 17. 135Xe concentration under constant power level for the unit cell. 700 800 1.00E-07 1 1 WIMS 2 LEOPARD 3 MCNPBURN 1.00E-08 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 18. 135Sm concentration under constant power level for the unit cell. 700 800 1.00E-07 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time (days) Figure 19. Non-saturated pseudo-fission product buildup for the unit cell. 700 800 51 estimated relative error defined as R a Syd FC (50) The Monte Carlo mean x is the average value of the score x, (for example, x,=energy deposited by random walk) for all the histories calculated in the problem. The quantity S is the estimated standard deviation of the population of x based on the values of x, that were actually sampled. Relative error is a convenient parameter used by MCNP because it represents statistical precision as a fractional result. However, it is very complicated to be computed for the various parameters used in the burnup routines. Rather, the tally relative errors are shown at the end of each burnup step as a tally fluctuation chart. MCNPBURN prints in addition to the relative error a FOM number which is a very important statistic about a tally bin and provides significant information. FOM of a tally is defined to be FOM= 1/R2T. Where T is the computer time and R2 is the estimated relative error squared which is proportional to 1/N (N is the number of histories calculated in the problem). FOM is a tally reliability indicator in the sense that if the tally is well behaved, the FOM should be approximately a constant. 52 3. APPLICATION OF MCNPBURN TO THE ATI REACTOR Thermionic conversion of heat energy into electrical energy makes use of the fact that electrons are emitted from a heated surface (Klein et al., 1992). The thermionic conversion system does not require either an intermediate form of energy or a working fluid. The principal device in a thermionic conversion system is the thermionic converter. Basically it consists of a metal surface connected to the heat source and a secondary surface acting as electron collector. In the Advanced Thermionic Initiative (ATI) reactor the thermionic conversion occurs inside the thermionic fuel elements (TFE), converting heat from fission into electrical power. 3.1. Reactor Model The ATI is classified as a single-cell type configuration (Klein et al., 1992) where the thermionic converter is a part of the TFE and extends the entire length of the TFE. The overall dimension for a single cell TFE is therefore the same as the core height. The TFE shown in Figure 20 consists of: 1. a central void to remove gaseous fission products, 2. uranium oxide fuel to generate heat, 3. emitter material made of tungsten which emits electrons, 4. emitter/collector gap filled with cesium vapor for electron transport, 5. collector material made of molybdenum or tungsten to collect the electrons, 6. insulator sheath made of diamond or A1203 to electrically insulate the collector, 7. cladding, 8. coolant channel with NaK coolant, and 9. a liner made of stainless steel that contains the TFE's coolant channel within the overall core material. 53 Collector Sheath Cladding Central void Liner Emitter Coolant Fuel Pellet Emitter collector gap Figure 20. Cross sectional view of Thermionic Fuel Element. There are two types of thermionic reactors: ex-core reactor and incore reactor. In ex-core reactors the converters are mounted external to the reactor core and are coupled to the core by means of conductive or convective heat transfer paths. In the ATI, which is an incore type of reactor, the converters are integral parts of the nuclear fuel elements and are dispersed throughout the core. Considering the low power levels for which the reactor will be designed, another important variable is the potential addition of driver fuel elements. Driver fuel elements are small rods without the thermionic capabilities and hence without the extra nonfissionable material. The use of driver fuel elements can enable smaller reactor designs to be critical where, if the reactor was only made of TFEs designed to run at full power, it would not attain criticality (Klein et al., 1992). This, of course, leaves the option of using enough TFEs to obtain criticality and then down rating the required electrical power from 54 each TFE to obtain the desired total core power. The ATI design is a driverless core which does not require the driver rods. For this design it is necessary to increase the number of TFEs to achieve criticality (Klein et al., 1992). In this configuration, all of the TFEs convert heat energy into electrical power. It is expected that the total electrical power will be higher for the driverless core than for the driven core, for the same total input thermal power, since 100% of the heat energy can be converted into electricity. The main disadvantage of the driverless core is the necessity of enriching the tungsten-184 in large quantities (Klein et al., 1992). Tungsten enriched in tungsten-184 which has a reasonable low thermal neutron absorption cross section is used as the optimal emitter/collector material. A fast spectrum reactor hence will be less effected by the strong thermal neutron absorption of natural tungsten than a more thermalized reactor configuration. The ATI configuration however cannot produce a low power reactor (less than about 15 kWe) without degrading the reactor performance. The reactor uses a block made of zirconium hydride which acts as neutron moderator. Holes are drilled in the block where the 165 fuel elements are placed in hexagonal array for the pitch to diameter ratio of 1.3, core of 24 cm radius, and 8 cm thick BeO reflector. 3.2. ATI Burnup Results The input to MCNPBURN is a heterogeneous core that is a spatially complete description of the core (Lewis et al., 1991). This 3-D heterogeneous model uses a reflector' midplane, vertical plane and horizontal plane. This is a technique used in MCNP to have a partial model simulating the results of a full model. For the ATI, 1/8th of the core is modeled using a reflector plane by symmetry (i.e. the 1/8 section is the same as the other 7/8 sections). A sample of a typical input/output deck is included in Appendix I. The bumup parameters for the full core ATI computed by the MCNPBURN are tabulated in Table (3). 4 The use of reflector planes in MCNP is intended for geometry simplification where any particle hitting a reflector plane is speculary (mirror) reflected. Thus, It should not be confused with the reactor reflector (BeO). 55 Table 3. ATI total core burnup parameters. Volume 70652 cm3 Powerth 375 kW Fuel Mass 0.0382556 MTIHM Power Density 5.3077 W/cm3 Loading 0.541462 g/cm3 Specific Power 9.8 W/g BURNUP 25045 MWD/TE Oth 3.4 X 1011 n/cm2-s Burnup 7 Years Of 1.8 X 1013 n/cm2-s Fission Rate 1.62 X 1015 Fission/s 4T 1.8 X 1013 n/cm2-s It is a requirement of fuel management in this reactor that the power of every TFE relative to the core average be kept below approximately 1.98 to prevent fuel melting. The fuel melting was chosen rather than the NaK coolant boiling point at atmospheric pressure (Faust, 1972) because the fuel melting temperature is approximately 3053 K which corresponds to a TFE power of about 4.6 KW (Pawlowski et al, 1992). Although the NaK boiling temperature 1057 K is lower than the fuel melting temperature, the corresponding TFE thermal power exceeds 19 KW as per q" = m Cp Tpoil Time ) (51) Where Tbod = 1057 K Cp = 997 j/kg-K Tom= 895 K =0.12 kg /s The average TFE power is about 2320 W and thus the relative power limit value (RPLV) can be determined as follow RPLV = 4600 / 2320 = 1.98. 56 3.2.1. Power Distribution An important objective of fuel management in this reactor is to follow the shifts in flux and power density distributions that take place in the reactor as a result of spatially nonuniform changes in fuel composition. Ten bumup steps where used in coarse time steps. Table (4) shows that the configuration leads to an acceptably low peak-to-average core power ratio of 1.247 at bumup of 872 MWD/MT (in the center of core TFE ). Notice that these relative powers are well below the 1.8 limit discussed above. The relative power throughout the 7 year operation period are almost identical, hence, this is evidence that a steady state condition has been reached. Figure 21 and Figure 22 show the relative power distribution at beginning of core (BOC) and at end of core (EOL) for the ATI configuration. Table 4. Peak-to-average core power ratio over 7 years life. Burnup (MWD/MT) TFE Relative Power Peak Power TFE 9.8 1.211 8 137 1.224 8 284 1.220 1 872 1.247 1 1755 1.217 2 3568 1.216 8 7146 1.209 2 14302 1.200 8 25036 1.234 4 25045 1.218 1 The power conversion efficiency is determined by using TFEHX (Pawlowski et al., 1992) which is a coupled thermionic/thermal hydraulics computer code to calculate the Figure 21. ATI quarter core TFEs relative power at BOC. Figure 22. ATI quarter core TFEs relative power at EOC. 59 output electrical power of a single thermionic fuel element for a input thermal power. TFEHX is used for each of the 46 TFEs in a quarter core. By summing the electrical power of each of the TFEs, the power conversion is calculated for a certain reactor thermal power. The core total electrical power efficiency was found to be 5.863% at the beginning of life and increases ever slightly to 5.865% at end of life. Thus the overall change in electrical power efficiency is negligible. The 3-D effects over time are especially important and these effects are represented through Figures 23 through 32. These figures show the power profile (SURFER, Ver. 4) of the ATI reactor core for each of the bumup steps. 3.2.2. Effects of Irradiation on Fuel The changes in fuel composition for the ATI over the core lifetime take place over a much longer time than the buildup of 135Xe and 149Sm to steady state concentrations, because the cross sections of the nuclides involved are much smaller, being less than 2200 b. The changes in composition of all the nuclides except 135Xe and 149Sm take place over a long period of time. These changes continue to take place during the entire lifetime of the fuel. One of the principal objectives of fuel lifetime analysis is to follow quantitatively the changes in concentrations of the fissile and fertile nuclides and fission products during neutron irradiation. The fuel charged to the ATI reactor originally contains 95 w/o enriched uranium and depletes at the end of life time to about 90 w/o in the center of core TFE as shown in Figure 33. As these figures show, the 235U concentration decreases almost linearly with burnup. In Figure 34 236U, a neutron-absorbing isotope of uranium, builds up to a concentration of around 0.94 w/o of the total fuel while 239PU, a fissionable isotope builds up to a concentration of around 0.04 w/o and 240Pu builds up more slowly to around 0.001 w/o. When 240Pu absorbs a neutron, 241Pu, another fissionable isotope, is formed. When this absorbs still another neutron, 242Pu, a neutron absorber, results. The net effect is that 239PU and 241Pu are desirable isotopes, which increases the reactivity of the fuel, and 240Th is not detrimental because it makes a fissionable isotope. 242-u, however like 236U, is a deleterious, neutron-absorbing end product along with all the fission product : _ I . _ 111 II I Ii I II 6 908 MWD/NTU Figure 24. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 1 day of bumup. 137 MWD/MTU L Z 3 C) Q. Figure 25. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 2 weeks of bumup. I ;00141,thil..11,;; Is\ '-e.t . 0440 0 ii06101$104*Vi t I ..00 It :tii44:;4;9 it 04 41 S0 1 1 10101110710101014 11 11111111110/ 10110 11\\1041 it '1111 0010 \litii41\\10iS !:14 i q1111111; 1i4.1i14h ll A14i:.t-k44, 0 N 44 4pi t 1141'11 0t 1, 6$410406 4)1M ..i..0It 11I111 41(1 4iIi I h 'i$t! itt 01$N1),O_ *4 ) ft.b..04t4W 41i , ..:...,- 1 872 MWD/MTU Figure 27. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 3 months of bumup. 1755 MWD/MTU Figure 28. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 1/2 year of bumup. 3568 MWD/MTU Figure 29. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 1 year of bumup. 19 .1 Al Nr2. .9 26, 00,6 PoyeOp :1 -"s0t ofize Or Ji 14302 MND /MTU Figure 31. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 4 years of bumup. 25036 MWD/MTU Figure 32. ATI full core TFEs power profile after 7 years of bumup. 1.00U-238 0.99- 0.99- 0.98- 0.98- 0.97- g Time 0 U-235=95 w/o U-238= 5 w/o 0.97- 0.98- 0.96U-235 1000 1500 2500 Time (days) Figure 33. Normalized 235U and 235U depletion over the ATI center of core lifetime. 1.00- U-236 0.10: Pu-240 Maximum w/o U-236 = .942 Pu-239= .041 Pu-240= .001 0.01: 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2600 Time (days) Figure 34. 236U, 236PU, and 240Pu buildup over the ATI center of core lifetime. 72 accumulated. The fission products 135Xe and 149Sm concentration is shown in Figure 35. 3.2.3. Reactivity and Criticality The changes in the fuel composition cause the reactivity of the fuel to decrease with increasing burnup. These reactivity changes take place as fissile nuclides are depleted or formed from fertile nuclides, and as neutron poisons are formed through the buildup of fission products. Factors which also affect the reactivity include neutron leakage and fuel non-uniformity. As each TFE in the reactor is irradiated, its composition changes, as well as its contribution to the overall reactivity. The ATI core average conversion factor at EOC is about .03%. The C conversion ratio was calculated by taken the percent ratio of production to consumption. The production is the sum of the fissile material produced from the fission, basically these are the atom densities of 233U, 239PU, and 241Pu. While the consumption is the 235U atom density. The conversion factor (C) is a measure of burnup, thus if C is 100%, then each fuel nuclide that is burned is exactly replaced by a new one. Hence, for the ATI, the low rate of isotopes buildup leads to a negligible change in the overall reactivity. The criticality represented by keffective as a function of time can be seen in Figure 36. Note that the reactor has sufficient reactivity to last for the entire 7 year projected lifetime for the ATI reactor. Although the figure shows the criticality eigenvalue to be chaotic somewhat, however, it declines within the limit of the statistical relative error. The overall change in criticality eigenvalue over the lifetime is in the order of .002 which is rather small. The reason that keffective does not change much is because the fuel is highly enriched in uranium. 3.2.4. Power Shaping Use of MCNPBURN as a tool for fuel management is possible to carry out survey studies for fuel lifetime economy. To increase fuel burnup it is necessary to flatten the core radial power profile, thus lowering the peak power pins to the average power TFEs and hence make it possible to increase the overall core power which in turn means higher Xe 135 Sm 149 2000 2500 Figure 35. 135Xe and '49Sm concentration over the ATI center of core TFE lifetime. 1.108 1.107- 1.106- r 1.105- 1.102- 1.101- 1.099 0.01 1 1 1 1 1 1 11131 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 I 1 1 11111 10 1 1 1 00 111111 I 1 1 11111 1000 Time (days) Figure 36. ATI lifetime criticality within statistical error of ± 0.0018. 1 1 111111 75 consumption rate and higher electrical efficiency. A preliminary attempt was made to flatten the core power distribution by introducing Gadolinium burnable absorber into selected peak TFEs. 0.3343 w/o (.0978 g) of natural Gd was loaded in TFEs No.1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 15, and 46. The Gd was depleted linearly to the amount 0.2 w/o at EOC. This trial produced a somewhat better results in the power profile shown in Figure 37 for beginning of core and Figure 38 at end of core. Further work in this area which is not in the scope of this study is left for future study. The MCNPBURN ATI input for this purpose is listed per Appendix II. Burnable poison thus possesses a number of advantages (Duderstadt et al., 1976). They increase core lifetime without any decrease in control safety, and if distributed in a proper fashion, can also improve core power distributions, for example, by suppressing reactivity in high flux regions. From this discussion, several desirable characteristics of gadolinium burnable poison are apparent. Obviously they should be characterized by absorption cross sections somewhat higher than those of the fuel, since then they will bum out more rapidly than the fuel, leaving minimal poison residue at the EOC. . . 411. O. "ME IMO .4e SI - S . 78 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The LEOPARD and WIMS codes were used to make estimates of the neutron multiplication and fuel composition in a unit cell burnup computation. Geometric description of the fuel rod unit cell, appropriate temperatures, that fraction of the cell void of fuel and the degree of enrichment of fissile material to represent a standard pressurized water reactor were employed. With such information, these codes compute the nuclide burnup equations which are solved with the assumption that neutron fluxes and energy spectra are constant during a time step. At the end of each time step, new fluxes and energy spectra are computed and additional depletion calculations are performed using these data. These calculations were run to a total of 2 years at 23.7 MWD/TE. For the same unit cell model, the MCNPBURN was employed to make comparison against these two codes as a mean of benchmarking since LEOPARD and WIMS are known to be benchmarked to measured commercial or experimental data. It was found that MCNPBURN calculations indicate that most of its parameters represents a maximum difference of 9% higher than the LEOPARD or WIMS. A detailed burnup analysis was conducted to assess the reactor lifetime relevance of the technology developed under the Advanced Thermionic Initiative (ATI). This analysis included the development of a model for the assessment of the use of single cell thermionic fuel elements (TFEs) in a low power nuclear reactor core. The power level for these driverless reactors is to be about 38.75 kW of electrical power. The code developed, called MCNPBURN, is an improvement to MCNP, and it includes a module for the calculation of the effects of the burnup and conversion of the nuclear fuel over the lifetime of the system. The ATI reactor shows to have a full power operation lifetime greater than 7 years. The reactor core was designed to be critical, or self-sustained, for a given core dimension. The core calculation is done by using the MCNPBURN code to perform the burnup analysis. The calculations for the electrical power were based on the true axial power distribution where there is a considerable amount of neutron leakage out of the top and bottom of the reactor. The MCNPBURN analysis reveals that charging peak power TFEs with Gadolinium burnable poison does indeed reduce their power and improve the overall core radial power profile. 79 A few distinct conclusions can be drawn from this analysis. They include: 1. A method for analyzing burnup of single cell thermionic fuel element based nuclear reactor systems has been developed during the course of this effort. A method to accurately model complex neutronics, composition, conversion, and power production using MCNPBURN has been completed and benchmarked. This model allows the performance of all of the TFEs within a reactor core to be individually assessed and determined. It also allows the complete and accurate assessment of the three dimensional effects that the real thermal power distribution imposes on the reactor. 2. Three dimensional analysis of incore thermionic reactor cores is necessary to account for all of the important nuances of their operation. This is needed to account for both neutronics and burnup performance effects. 3. The application of MCNPBURN made it possible to explore flattening the radial power distribution using burnable poison for single cell thermionic space reactor systems. Recommendations for future efforts include: 1- Other benchmarking of MCNPBURN to include the effect of the lumped fission product on the criticality eigenvalue versus a well documented measured burnup data is needed. 2 Expanding the number of nuclides or chains involved in the bumup to include the thorium chain as well as material such as europium. 3 Additional simplification of the material card in the input deck relevant to cells undergoing burnup (where the minimum 20 nuclides must appear in the material card in the present input deck) to the same input as for the standard MCNP. 4 Further study of the ATI to include the axial power profile is necessary since the MCNPBURN has the capabilities to do such task. 80 5. LITERATURE CITED 1. Askew, J.R., Fayers, F.J., and Kemshell, P.B. (1966) "A General Description of the Lattice Code WIMS," J. Br. Nucl. Enemy Soc., Vol. 5. 2. Barry, R.F. (1973) "LEOPARD - A Spectrum-Dependent Non-Spatial Depletion Code," WCAP-3269-26, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA. 3. Bennett, L.L. (1966) "Recommended Fission Product Chain for Use in Reactor Evaluation Studies," ORNL-TM-1658, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 4. Bell, G.I. and Glasstone, S. (1970) Nuclear Reactor Theory, Van Norstrand, New York. 5. Breen, R.J., Marlow, OA and Pfeifw, C.J. (1965) "HARMONY: A System for Nuclear Reactor Depletion Computation," WAPD-TM-478, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA. 6. Briesmeister, J.F. ed. (1986) "MCNP-A General Monte Carlo Code for Neutron and Photon Transport," LA-7396-M, Rev.2, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos. 7. Croff, A.G. (1980) "A User's Manual for the ORIGEN2 Computer Code," ORNUTM-7175, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 8. Crowther, R.L. (1973) "Lattice Burn-up Calculations for Thermal Reactors," Reactor Burn-up Physics, Proceedings of a Panel, IAEA, Vienna, Austria. 9. Duderstadt, J.J. and Hamilton, L.J. (1976) "Nuclear Reactor Analysis," John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY. 10. England, T.R. (1962) "CINDER, A One-Point Depletion and Fission Product Program," WAPD-TM-34, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA. 81 11. Faust, 0. ed. (1972) Sodium-NaK Engineering Handbook, Vol. 1, Gordon and Breach, New York, NY. 12. Fowler, T.B. and Vondy, D.R. (1971) "Nuclear Reactor Core Analysis Code: CITATION," ORNL-TM-2496, Rev.2, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 13. Jordheim, D.P. (1991) "Chain.238 DJ: A computer code for calculating Pu-238 production, quality, and impurity levels in the Np-237 transmutation chain," Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 14. Klein, A.C., Lee H.H., Lewis, B.R., Pawlowski, R.A., AND Abdul-hamid, S.A. (1992) "Advanced Single Cell Thermionic Reactor System Design Studies", Final report for the Wright-Patterson Air Force, Wright Research and Development Center, OSU Annual report, OSU-NE-9209, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 15. Lamp T. and Donovan, B. (1991) "The Advanced Thermionic Initiative Program, "Proceeding 26th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Boston, MA. 16. Lee, C.E., Apperson Jr., C.E., and Foley, J.E. (1976) "LEAF: A Computer program TO calculate fission product release rates from a reactor containment building for arbitrary radioactive decay chains," LA-NUREG-6750-MS, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. 17. Lewis, B.R., Pawlowski, R.A., Greek, K.J., and Klein, A.G. (1991) "Advanced Thermionic Reactor System Design Code, "8th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems Proceedings, CONF-910116, Albuquerque, NM. 18. Nickitin, V.P., Oglob lin, B.G., Luppov, A.N., Pomomarev-Stepnoi, N.N., Usov, V.A., Nicolaev, Y.V., and Wetch, J.R. (1991) "TOPAZ-2 Thermionic Space Nuclear Power System and Perspectives of its Development," 8th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems Proceedings, CONF-910116, Albuquerque, NM. 19. Pawlowski, R.A. and Klein, A.C. (1992) "Modeling the energy Transport through a Thermionic Fuel Element, "9th Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems Proceedings, CONF-920104, Albuquerque, NM. 82 20. Robinson, A.H. (1984) "BURN-Two group Multi region Burnup Code", Nuclear Engineering Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 21. Seamon, R.E. (1990) Los Alamos National Laboratory letter X-6: Res-90-305 to L.L. Carter. 22. Seamon, R.E. (1992) Los Alamos National Laboratory letter X-6: Res-92-516 to S.A. Abdul hamid. 23. Shanstrom, R.T. and Benedict, M. (1961) Nuclear Since and Engineering, 11,377. 24. Stamm ler, R.J.J. and Abbate, M.J. (1983) "Methods of Steady-State Reactor Physics in Nuclear Design," Academic Press. 25. "SURFER Reference Manual," Ver. 4, Golden Software, Inc., Golden, CO. APPENDICES 83 APPENDIX I: MCNPBURN FORWARD This Appendix serves as a manual and hence it is a practical guide for the use of the general-purpose Monte Carlo and Burnup code MCNPBURN. This manual was prepared based and an extension to the regular MCNP manual and thereby will discuss only the bumup related material. The idea to make the MCNP do burnup was born of the necessity to obtain more reliable results for a model that can be very difficult to model using any other available code. As an example of some of these difficulties is having a zirconium hydride for a moderator in a small thermal reactor with a multilayer of different type of cladding materials. Thus, upon a suggestion from Dr. A. C. Klein, at Oregon State University, this code was developed to obtain reaction rates from MCNP and apply them in a simple burnup routine. S. A. Abdul-hamid Modification editor 84 A. Code Code Package 1. Name and Title MCNPBURN: Monte Carlo Neutron Photon and Burnup Transport Code System. AUXILIARY FILES GENERAL.CMN, STATIC.CMN, IBLDATA.CMN, RBLDATA.CMN, and DYNAMIC.CMN: External common blocks included in the program and must be present upon compilation. DATA LIBRARIES: ENDL852, BMCCS2, D92, MCPLIB2, 531DOS2, 532DOS2, LLLDOS2, TMCCS2, OSUXS2, AH1(Xe-135 & Sm-149) and XSDIR (Nuclear data directory file) 2. Contributors Oregon State University, Nuclear Engineering Department, Corvallis, OR. 3. Coding and Language and Computers FORTRAN 77; PC 486. 85 4. Typical Running Time The running time varies considerably and it is problem dependent. For example using a 486 33MHz P.0 for unit cell modeling (reflected surfaces around the cell boundaries), it takes about 1 day per burnup time step with a 1000 nominal source, 250 cycles and 5 cycles to skip. The 250 cycles are needed to obtain a stable FOM while the 1000 nominal source to have a relative error less than 0.01. For the same nominal source and cycles, the ATI, ( 1/8 full core, see Appendix II) typically takes about 9 hours per burnup step. However, the relative error is larger by a factor of 10. 5. COMPUTER HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS MCNPBURN requires a minimum of about 40 megabytes of hard disk space. Executable files for the PC version are provided for running on 8MB memory under DOS5.0 on a PC486. 6. Computer Software Requirements A FORTRAN 77 compiler such as the Lahey Fortran compiler F77I-EM/32, Version 5.00. 7. Restriction or Limitations The following restrictions apply only for bumup problems. The fuel materials are limited to 20 nuclides and these nuclides must appears in special order and have a minimum trace element value greater than zero (i.e. the material card for a nuclide may have an atom fraction or density as small as 1.0D-300). Thus for each fuel cell, (if there are different compositions) undergoing burnup, a corresponding material card that includes all of the 20 elements must be present. These nuclide and their order can be seen in any of the input or output samples in Appendices I and II. The code can handl up to 100 time steps, additional steps 86 require updating the parameter "MXSTP" found in the file common block "GENERAL.CMN". 8. Description of MCNPBURN Input User input to the standard MCNP for non burnup cases can be used in MCNPBURN as well. The input file name is common as inp and this file includes set up of a problem (describe geometry, material, tallies, burn-ups, etc.). The file has the following form: Message Block Blank Line Delimiter Title Card Cell Cards Optional Blank Line Delimiter Surface Cards Blank Line Delimiter Data Cards Blank Line Delimiter Anything else Optional Blank Line Delimiter Burn-up Cards Required If burn-up is desired Except for the burn-up cards details of the input cards are well presented in the MCNP manual. requested. However, the following is a description of the burn-up cards if bumup is 87 BURN-UP FLAG CARD Form: BURN X1 Xl= Total core volume (cm3). Use: BURN card is required to signal burn-up procedures. First BURN card include total core volume defined as every thing interior to the reflector. The application of symmetry i.e. modeling a core by 1/8 require an equivalent 1/8 of the total core volume. BURNUP TIME STEPS AND POWER Form: DEL X1 X2 X1 = DELTA (Days) X2 = POWERT (Watts) Use: DEL cards include the step time width in days and the thermal power for that step. This card can be repeated for up to 100 steps. Note that these cards must be sequential, that is, the first DEL card signifies the first burnup step and so on. The POWERT card is the total core thermal power in Watts (equivalent power in symmetric models). 88 Program Listing. The following is a partial listing of the modified MCNP version 3B routines. Replaced original MCNP 3B statement(s) was commented out and labeled "C/O", added fortran statement have the label "BURNX" and the truncated portion of the program was labeled by "I" on column 1. The titles hold the extension .CMN refers to the external common statements while the extension .FOR is the Fortran source file. 9. GENERAL.CMN C CODE NAME AND VERSION NUMBER. CHARACTER KOD*B,VER*5 PARAMETER (KOD='MCNP',VERm'3133') C INITIALIZE GENERAL COMMON. IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H2O-Z) C C C C C C C C C C C PROCESSOR-DEPENDENT NAMED CONSTANTS. MDAS IS THE INITIAL SIZE OF DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATED COMMON /DAC/. ON SYSTEMS WHERE MEMORY ADJUSTMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE, SET MDAS LARGE ENOUGH FOR YOUR BIGGEST PROBLEM. PARAMETER (ADAS=1000000) PARAMETER (NDP2=2,HUGE=1D37) PARAMETER (FTLS=.2,DFTINT=100.) ARRAY DIMENSIONS. I/O UNIT NUMBERS. GENERAL CONSTANTS. PARAMETER (MAXE=50,MAXF=16,MAXV=18,MAXW=2,MEMAX=150,MINK=200, PARAMETER (MAXE=100,MAXF=16,MAXV=18,MAXW=2,MEMAX=1500,MINX=200, 1 MIPT=2,MJSF=9,MKFT=7,MKTC=22,MSEB=301,MXC=180,MXDT=20,MXDX=5, 2 MXLV=10,MEMTX=150,NBMX=100,NDEF=14,NOVR=5,IUI=31,IU032,IURF33, 2 MXLV=10,MXMTX=1500,NBMX=100,NDEF=14,NOVR=5,IUI=31,IU0=32,IUR=33, 3 IUX=34,IUD=35,IUB=36,1UP=37,1US=38,IU1=39,IU2=40,IUSW=41, 4 IUSRR42,IUSC=43,IUC=44,IUT=45,IUZ=46,IUK=47,JTTY=6, 5 ZER0=0.,ONE=1.,PIE=3.1415926535898D0 ,FIVE19=(ZER0+5.)**19, 6 ANGDN=.59703109DO,GELEC=.511008,GNEUT=939.58,SLITE=299.7925) 6 AVGDN=.59703109DO,GELEC=.511008,GNEUT=939.58,SLITE=299.7925, 7 MXCL=50,NIS0=25,NRRX=5,IXT=96,IX0=99,MXDL=100) C\O BURNX C\O BURNX C\O BURNX BURNX 89 10. STATIC.CMN STATIC COMMON C FIXED COMMON -- CONSTANT AFTER THE PROBLEM IS INITIATED. COMMON /FIXCOM/ ATET(MEMAX),BCW(2,3),DDG(MIPT,MXDT),DXW(MIPT,3), 1 DXX(MIPT,5,MXDX),ECF(MIPT),EMCF(MIPT),EMX,ERGSAB(0:MAXE), / C COMMON /BACKUP/ GVBU(NVARCM)0NBU(LVARCI) C C 11. C BURNUP ROUTINE, BURNX, COMMON STATEMENTS BURNX COMMON /BXBURN1/ RRWMAXE*NISO*NRRX),RRX(MAXE,NISO,NRRX),ANX(MAXE)BURNX 1 ,RONU(3*MAXE),F4(3*MAXE),F7(MAXE),CQ(IAXE),CNU(MAXE),CVOL(MAXE), BURNX 2 CDEN(MAXE),CRHO(MAXE),ICELL(MAXE),FRCN(MAXE,NISO),CAW(MAXE), BURNX 3 XINIT(MAXE,NISO),XATOM( MAXE,NISO),FLOAD(MAXE),POWERT(0:MXDL), BURNX 4 DELTA(0:MXDL),BURNT(MAXE),TFLX(MAXE),FFLX(MAXE),FLUX(MAXE), BURNX 5 POWER(vD{DL),FRATE(MAXE),TSF(MAXE),WTOT(MAXE),XTOT(MAXE),CZH(3), BURNX 6 VITC(MAXE),C22(3),CLA(3),CEA(3),CEH(3),CZG(3),CEG(3),CZC(3) BURNX COMMON /BXBURN2/ DELT,NSTEP,ISTEP,NCELL BURNX COMMON /BXBURN3/ CKCY,CMC,PNORM,CTV,PD,VTUEL BURNX COMMON /BXBURN4/ BURN BURNX LOGICAL BURN BURNX IBLDAT.CMN BLOCK DATA IBLDAT PARAMETER (NKCD=83,NTALMX=100) C COMMON /IMCCOM/ AJSH,BBB(4,4),FES(33),RF114,SWTM,SETX, 1 ICA,ICN,ICX,IFIP(MIPT),IITM,IME(2,MEMAX),IOID,IPL,IRC,IRS, C C 12. C C C C C C C C CHARACTER COMMON CHARACTER CNM(NKCD)*5,HDR(MAXE)*10,HITM*80,HLIN*80,ICH*5 1 ,BXLIN*80,BLIN(100)*80 COMMON /JMCCOM/ CNM,HDR,HITM,HLIN,ICH,BLIN,BXLIN COMMON /3MCCOM/ CNM,HDR,HITM,HLIN,ICH BURNX BURNX C/O MCNPBURN.FOR PROGRAM MCNPBURN BURNX This program modified to perform burnup analysis. Shahab A. Abdul-hamid Department of Nuclear Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 May 16, 1993. BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' INCLUDE 'DYNAMIC.CMN' C CALL MCNP IF(BURN)TEEN C C CHANGE FILES STATUS BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 90 CLOSE (ITTY) C CLOSE(JTTY) CLOSE(IU0) OPEN(ITTY,FILE='INPUT',STATUS='SCRATCH') OPEN(JTTY,FILE='OUTPUT',STATUS='SCRATCH') OPEN(IUO,FILE=OUTP,STATUS='SCRATCH') BURNUP LOOP ISTEP=0 CALL BXPREP1 ISTEP=1 GOTO 20 10 CALL BXPREP2 CALL MCRUN 20 CALL BXSCALE CALL BXOUT CALL BXBURN ISTEP=ISTEP+1 IF(ISTEP.LE.NSTEP)GOTO 10 ENDIF STOP END PROGRAM MCNP SUBROUTINE MCNP GENERAL MONTE CARLO NEUTRON AND PHOTON TRANSPORT CODE. MAIN OVERLAY. RETURN STOP END SUBROUTINE TPEFIL(MPO DO ALL I/O ON RUNTPE, THE FILE OF RESTART DUMPS. BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX C/O BURNX BURNX C/O INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' INCLUDE 'DYNAMIC.CMN' CHARACTER HK*S,HV*5,HL*S,HI*19,HC*10,HP*19 IF(ISTEP.GT.0)RETURN GO TO(10,20,40,60,90,205,90,210)MM BURNX >>>>> MM*1 -- CREATE RUNTPE WITH A UNIQUE NAME. WRITE FIRST RECORD. 10 CALL UNIQUE(RUNTPE,JTTY) IF(.NOT.BURN)THEN BURNX OPEN(IUR,FILE=RUNTPE,FORM='UNFORMATTED',STATUS='NEW') ELSE BURNX OPEN(IUR,FILE=RUNTPE,FORM='UNFORMATTED',STATUS='SCRATCH') BURNX ENDIF BURNX RETURN END SUBROUTINE KSRCTP(MM) DO ALL I/O ON SRCTP, THE KCODE SOURCE FILE. INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CHN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' INCLUDE 'DYNAMIC.CMN' GO TO(10,20,30,40)!+1 C / / C C >>>>> MM*3 -- CREATE THE SRCTP FILE WITH A UNIQUE NAME. 30 CALL UNIQUE(SRCTP,JTTY) IF(.NOT.BURN)THEN OPEN(IUS,FILE=SRCTP,FORW'UNFORMATTED',STATUS='NEW) ELSE OPEN(IUS,FILE=SRCTP,FORM='UNFORMATTED',STATUS='SCRATCH') ENDIF RETURN RETURN BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 91 C C END SUBROUTINE IMCN MAIN CODE OF OVERLAY IMCN. INITIATION CODE FOR MONTE CARLO TRANSPORT. C C INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' 'STATIC.CMN' 'DYNAMIC.CMN' 'IBLDATA.CMN' C CHARACTER*6 BXCH BURNX C C C C REREAD THE REST OF THE INP FILE AND SET UP THE PROBLEM. 140 CALL RDPROB READ THE BURNUP DATA IF(BURN)THEN OPEN(IXO,'MCNPBURN.OUT') OPEN(IXT,STATUS='SCRATCH') READ(IUI,*)BXCH,CTV IF(CTV.EQ.0) CALL ERPRNT(1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 1 '52HTHE CORE TOTAL VOLUME IS ZERO OR CTV CARD IS MISSING') JJ=1 142 READ(IUI,*,END=143)BXCH,DELTA(JJ),POWERT(jj) JJ=JJ+1 GOTO 142 143 NSTEP=JJ -1 ENDIF BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX C / / C C C C C RETURN END SUBROUTINE PASS1 MAIN CODE OF OVERLAY PASS1. READ THE INP FILE THE FIRST TIME, IN ORDER TO GET THE DIMENSIONS FOR DYNAMICALLY ALLOCATED STORAGE. INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' 'STATIC.CMN' 'DYNAMIC.CMN' 'IBLDATA.CMN' C C EXTERNAL NXTIT1 INQUIRE INP FOR BURNUP II=0 BURN=. FALSE. REWIND IUI 5 READ(IUI,'(A60)',END=6)HLIN IF(HLIN(1:2).EQ.'BU')BURN=.TRUE IF(BURN)GOTO 6 II=II+1 GOTO 5 6 LL=1 MM=0 NFG1=0 NFG2=0 NFLAG=0 REWIND IUI C C BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX PROCESS 3 DATA BLOCKS, WHICH ARE SEPARATED BY BLANK LINES. HOVR='PASS1' REWIND IU1 DO 50 IB=1,3 IF(IB.EQ.3.AND.NCPARF.NE.0)CALL CPRINP ICS=0 IF(IB.EQ.1)INCL=1 IF(IB.EQ.2)LNSF=LNCL+MXA IF(IB.EQ.3)GO TO 20 C C C READ AND PROCESS LINES OF DATA UNTIL A BLANK OR EOF IS FOUND. 10 JUI=IUI 20 KL=0 READ(JUI,'(A80)',END=30)HLIN C/O 92 C C C C READ MATERIALS NEEDED FOR FM IF(BURN.AND.IB.EQ.3.AND.LL.LE.20)THEN CALL BXM(LL) LL=LL+1 GOTO 25 ENDIF READ CELLS UNDERGOING BURNUP LISTED IN F7 AND ASSIGNED TO FM IF(BURN.AND.NFLAG.EQ.2)GOTO 22 21 READ(JUI,'(A20)',END=30)HLIN IF(BURN.AND.NFLAG.EQ.3)GOTO 25 IF(BURN.AND.IB.EQ.3)THEN IF(HLIN(1:2).EQ.'F7')THEN NFG=1 NFLAG=1 BLIN(1)=HLIN ELSEIF(NFLAG.EQ 1.AND.HLIN(1:2).EQ.".AND.HLIN.NE.")THEN NFG=NFG+1 BL/N(NFG)=HLIN ELSEIF(NFLAG.EQ.1)THEN BACKSPACE(JUI) NFLAG=2 ENDIF ENDIF IF(BURN.AND.NFLAG.EQ.0.0R.NFLAG.EQ.1)GOTO 25 22 IF(BURN.AND.IB.EQ.3)THEN IF(NFG1.LT.NFG)THEN NFG1=NFG1+1 CALL BXF1(NFG1,1) ELSEIF(NFG2.LT.NFG)THEN NFG2=NFG2+1 CALL BXF1(NFG2,2) ELSEIF(MM.LE.21)THEN MM=MM+1 CALL BXF2(MM) ELSE NFLAG=3 GOTO 21 ENDIF ENDIF 25 CONTINUE CALL CKCHAR(HLIN,JTTY,IUOU) KL=4 C C C C BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX RETURN END SUBROUTINE RDPROB MAIN CODE OF OVERLAY RDPROB. READ IN THE PROBLEM OR CONTINUE-RUN SPECS FROM THE INP FILE. INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' 'STATIC.CMN' 'DYNAMIC.CMN' 'IBLMATA.CMN' C C EXTERNAL NEXTIT C LL=1 MH=O NFG1=0 NFG2=0 NFLAG=0 BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX C / C C C C READ AND STORE LINES OF DATA UNTIL A BLANK OR EOF IS FOUND. 30 JUI=IUI 40 KL=0 READ(JUI,'(A130)',END=50)HLIN READ MATERIALS NEEDED FOR FM IF(BURN.AND.IB.EQ.3.AND.LL.LE.20)THEN CALL BXM(LL) LL=LL+1 BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 93 GOTO 25 ENDIF C C READ CELLS UNDERGOING BURNUP LISTED IN F7 AND ASSIGNED TO FM IF(BURN.AND.NFLAG.EQ.2)GOTO 22 21 READ(JUI,'(A20)',END=50)HLIN IF(.NOT.BURN)GOTO 25 IF(BURN.AND.NFLAG.EQ.3)GOTO 25 IF(BURN.AND.IB.EQ3)THEN IF(HLIN(1:2).EQ.'F7')THEN NFG=1 NFLAG=1 BLIN(1)=HLIN ELSEIF(NFLAG.EQ.1.AND.HLIN(1:2).EQ.".AND.HLIN.NE.")THEN NFG=NFG+1 BLIN(NFG)=HLIN ELSEIF(NFLAG.EQ.1)THEN BACKSPACE(JUI) NFLAG=2 ENDIF ENDIF IF(BURN.AND.NFLAG.EQ.0.0R.NFLAG.EQ.1)GOTO 25 22 IF(BURN.AND.IB.EQ.3)THEN IF(NFG1.LT.NFG)THEN NFG1=NFG1+1 CALL BXF1(NFG1,1) ELSEIF(NFG2.LT.NFG)THEN NFG2=NFG2+1 CALL BXF1(NFG2,2) ELSEIF(MM.LE.21)THEN MM*MM+1 CALL BXF2(MM) ELSE NFLAG=3 GOTO 21 ENDIF ENDIF 25 CONTINUE KL=4 50 IF(KL.EQ.O.AND.JUI.NE.IUI)G0 TO 30 IF(KL.EQ.0)HLIN=' EOF' BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX C C C RETURN END SUBROUTINE NEWCRD(IB) SET UP AND CHECK A NEW INPUT CARD FOR PROCESSING. / / RETURN C 270 DO 280 1=1,8 270 IF(BURN)RETURN DO 280 1=1,8 C/O BURNX BURNX / C 340 IME(1,I)=-ABS(IME(1,I)) IF(IME(2,I).EQ.0)CALL ERPRNT(2,2,1,ICN,0,0,0,0, IF(.NOT.BURN.AND.IME(2,I).EQ.0)CALL ERPRNT(2,2,1,ICN,0,0,0,0, 1 '8HMATERIAL,I4,27H IS USED ONLY FOR TALLYING.') C/O BURNX / / C C RETURN END SUBROUTINE ITALLY MAIN CODE OF OVERLAY ITALLY. PROCESS THE TALLY SPECIFICATIONS. / / IF(NP.EQ.3)A,...FIM(LFIM+1,K)*FIM(LFIM+2,K) C C ASSIGN CELLS WHICH UNDERGOES BURNUP IF(BURN.AND.ISTEP.EQ.O.AND.KL.EQ.7)THEN ICELL(I)=NCL(LNCL+K) NCELL=I ENDIF IF(IY.GE.4.AND.A.EQ.0.)CALL ERPRNT(1,2,2,NCL(LNCL+K),KL,0,0,0, BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 94 1 '4HCELL,I5,9H OF TALLY,I4,21H HAS ZERO IMPORTANCE.') LI=LI+1 C RETURN END SUBROUTINE KCALC CALCULATE AND PRINT K AND PREPARE FOR THE NEXT CYCLE. C C INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' / 130 WRITE( JTTY,140)KCY,ZZ(1),MC,LA(1),CTS/60. 140 FORMAT(7H CYCLE=,I6,3X,2HK=,F7.5,3X,6HAVE OF,I6,8H CYCLES=, 1 F7.5,3X,4HCI24m,F8.2) IF(BURN.AND.KCY.EQ.KCT)THEN CKCY=KCY CMC=MC DO 145 1=1,3 CZZ(I)=ZZ(I) CZA(I)=ZA(I) CZA(I)=EA(I) CZG(I)=ZG(I) CEG(I)=EG(I) CZH(I)=ZH(I) CEH(I)=EH(I) 145 CZC(I)=ZC(I) ENDIF WRITE(IU0,150)KCY,MC,(ZZ(I),ZA(I),EA(I),ZG(I),EG(I), 1 ZH(I),EH(I),ZC(I),I=1,3) BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX / C C C RETURN END SUBROUTINE TALLYP PRINT THE TALLIES. INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' / IF(T.LT..5)RETURN IF(KNRM.NE.0)T=NPS-NSKK 10 FPI=1./T C C IT1=0 IT2=0 IT3=0 IT4=0 IF(BURN.AND.NTAL.NE.4) CALL ERPRNT(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 1 '29HF4 AND/OR F7 CARD IS MISSING.') DO ALL OF THE TALLIES IN THE PROBLEM. BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX DO 140 ITAL=1,NTAL MK=IPTAL(LIPT+IP(8),3,ITAL) DO 90 IK=1,MK,5 N=MIN(5,MK-IK+1) C C IF(BURN.AND.N.GT.1) CALL ERPRNT(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0, 1 '46HFQn CARDS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN BURNUP PROBLEMS') PRINT THE COLUMN HEADING. BURNX BURNX / / IF(IPTAL(LIPT+4,2,ITAL).NE.0)T=T/TDS(IPTAL(LIPT+4,2,ITAL)+ 1 IPTAL(LIPT+4,3,ITAL)*(IV(1)-1)+IV(4)) IF(IY.GE.6.AND.JPTAL(LJPT+4,ITAL).NE.0)T=T*1.60219E-22 C 80 TPP(I) =T *FPI TPP(I) =T *FPI IF(.NOT.BURN)GOTO 80 IF(ITAL.EQ.1)THEN IT1=IT1+1 F4(IT1) =TPP(I) ELSEIF(ITAL.EQ.2) THEN IT2=1T2+1 F7(IT2) =TPP(I) ELSEIF(ITAL.EQ.3)THEN C/O BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 95 IT3=IT3+1 RRM(IT3)=TPP(I) ELSE IT4=IT4+1 RQNU(IT4)=TPP(I) ENDIF 80 CONTINUE C C C C C BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX PRINT THE TALLY TABLE LINE. 90 WRITE(IUO,100)HT(1: 11),(TPP(I),TPP(5+I),I=1,N) RETURN END SUBROUTINE PTFC PRINT THE TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS. INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' / LA=MIN(JT+2,NTAL) IF(MOD(JT/3,60/(NN+5)).E0.0)WRITE(IU0,30) IF(BURN.AND.MOD(JT/3,60/(NN+5)).EQ.0)WRITE(IXT,30) 30 FORMAT(25H1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS) IF(MOD(JT/3,60/(NN+5)).NE.0)WRITE(IUO,'(1H )') IF(BURN.AND.MOD(JT/3,60/(NN+5)).NE.0)WRITE(IXT,'(1H )') WRITE(IU0,40)(ITALLY',JPTAL(LJPT+1,I),I=JT,LA) IF(BURN)WRITE(IXT,40)('TALLY',JPTAL(LJPT+1,I),I=JT,LA) BURNX BURNX BURNX 40 FORMAT ( /15X , 3 (A5 , I4,25X) ) WRITE(IU0,50) ('MEAN' , 'ERROR' , 'FOM' ,I=JT,LA) IF(BURN)WRITE(IXT,50)('MEAN','ERROR','FOM',I JT,LA) 50 FORMAT(7X,3HNPS,5X,3(3X,A4,6X,A5,5X,A3,8X)) C C PRINT THE NPC, TFC TABLE. DO 70 L=1,NN DO 60 I=JT,LA T=TFC(LTFC+3,L,I) IF(T.LE.9999999..AND.T.GE.9.95)WRITE(HA(I-JT+1),'(I8)')INT(T+.5) 60 IF(T.GT.9999999..OR.T.LT.9.95)WRITE(HA(I-JT+1),'(1PE8.1)')T IF(BURN)WRITE(IXT,80)NPC(L),((TFC(LTFC+J,L,I),J=1,2),HA(I-JT+1), 1 I=JT,LA) 70 WRITE(IU0,80)NPC(L),((TFC(LTFC+J,L,I),J=1,2),HA(I-JT+1),I=JT,LA) 80 FORMAT( 1X,I10,3(1PE15.5,OPF7.4,A8,4X)) BURNX BURNX BURNX C C C DELETE THE LINE FOR NPS IF IT WAS ADDED HERE. IF(LL.NE.0)NPC(NN)=0 RETURN END SUBROUTINE BXBURN MAIN BURNUP ROUTINE. C BURNX BURNX BURNX C INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' DIMENSION AR(NISO,NISO) C C C C C SET MATRIX IN CHAIN, SOLVE FOR NEW ATOM DENSITY AND PRINT OUTPUTBURNX FOR EACH CELL UNDERGOING BURNUP. BURNX DO 10 I=1,NCELL BURNX CALL CHAIN(I,AR) BURNX 10 CALL SOLVER(I,AR,XATOM,DELT) BURNX END BURNX SUBROUTINE BXPREP1 BURNX PREPARE CONDITION AND STATIC VARIABLES AND NUCLIDES REORDERING. BURNX INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' INCLUDE 'DYNAMIC.CMN' INCLUDE 'IBLDATA.CMN' CHARACTER HP*119 BURNX C C C C INITIALIZE ASSIGN CELLS WHERE BURNUP IS DESIRED(CELLS CONTAIN THE 20 BASIC NUCLIDES) IC=0 DO 30 I=1,1vDCA ICOUNT=0 DO 10 M*MLL(IMIL+1,I),MILL(LMIL+2,I) BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 96 10 ICOUNT=ICOUNT+1 IF(ICOUNT.EQ.20)THEN IC=IC+1 NCTR=1 DO 20 1.-MLL(LMIL+1,I),MLL(LMLL+2,I) IF(MODE.NE.2)AWX(NCTR)=ABSCATWT(LME(1,M))) IF(MODE.EQ.2)AWX(NCTR)=ABS(AFWIT.Q) FRCN (IC, NCTR) =FME (M) C C 20 NCTRpNCTR+1 CRHO(IC)=RHO(LRHO+I) CDEN(IC)=DEN(LDEN+I) CVOL(IC)=VOL(LVOL+I) ENDIF 30 NCELL=IC RE-ORDER ATOMIC WEIGHTS DO 50 J=1,9 50 CAW(J)=AWX(J) CAW(10)=236.0044 CAW(11)=236.9977 CAW(12)=237.9915 DO 60 J=13,19 60 CAW(J)=AWX(J-3) CAW(20)= 133.8105 CAW(21)=AWX(17) CAW(22)=147.6382 DO 70 J=23,NISO 70 CAWMPAWX(J-5) C C RE -ORDER & ATOM FRACTIONS 80 90 100 110 C C C DO 110 I=1,NCELL DO 80 J=1,9 XINIT(I,J)=FRCN(I,J) DO 90 J=13,19 XINIT(I,J)=FRCN(I,J-3) XINIT(I,21)=FRCN(I,17) DO 100 J=23,NISO XINIT(I,J)=FRCN(I,J-5) CONTINUE COMPUTE ATOMIC DENSITIES DO 160 I=1,NCELL DO 160 J=1,NISO IF(XINIT(I,J).LT.1.D-100) XINIT(I,J)=0.0D0 XINIT(I,J)=XINIT(I,J)*CRHO(I) 160 XATOM(I,J)=XINIT(I,J) C TOTAL WEIGHT C VFUEL=O. DO 165 I=1,NCELL VFUEL=VFUEL+CVOL(I) WTOT(I)=0. XTOT(I)=0. DO 165 J=1,15 WTX=XINIT(I,J)*CAW(J) XTOT(I)=XTOT(I)+XINIT(I,J) 165 WTOT(I)=WTOT(I)+WTX C COMPUTE FULE LOADING FOR EACH CELL LATTICE. C TIHM=O. DO 190 I=1,NCELL VITC(I)=CVOL(/)*CTV/VFUEL SUMF=0. DO 170 J=1,9 170 SUMF=SUMF+XINIT(I,J)*CAW(J) DO 180 J=13,18 180 SUMF=SUMF+XINIT(I,J)*CAW(J) FLOAD(I)=SUMF/AVGDN*CVOL(I)/VITC(I) 190 TIEMPTIHM+FLOAD(I)*VLTC(I) C C REREAD AND PRINT THE INP MESSAGE BLOCK AND TITLE LINE. WRITE(IX0,195)KOD,VER,LODDAT,IDTM 195 FORMAT(//1X,A8,17H/BURNUP/ VERSION ,A5,3X,A8,9X,A/1X,73(1H-)//) REWIND IUI ILN=0 197 READ(IUI,'(A80)',END=200)AID ILN=ILN+1 BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 97 WRITE(IXO,'(I5,1H-,7X,A80)')ILN,AID GOTO 197 200 CONTINUE BURNX BURNX BURNX C BURNX C PRINT THE PRINCIPAL CELL PARAMETERS. BURNX HP=' BURNX HP (24: 27)= 'ATOM' BURNX HP (37: 40)=' GRAM' BURNX WRITE(IXO,'(/A119)')HP BURNX HP=' CELL MAT DENSITY DENSITY VOLUME' // BURNX 1 MASS' BURNX CC 1=71 BURNX WRITE(IXO,'(A119/)')HP BURNX TV=0. BURNX TH=0. BURNX DO 310 IC=1,MXA BURNX HP=' BURNX WRITE(HP,250)IC,NCL(LNCL+IC),MAT(LMAT+1C),RHO(LRH0+1C), BURNX 1 DEN(LDEN+IC),VOL(LVOL+IC),DEN(LDEN+IC)*VOL(LVOL+IC) BURNX 250 FORMAT(216,I5,1PE14.5,3E13.5) BURNX TV=TV+VOL(LVOL+IC) BURNX TM=TM+DEN(LDEN+IC)*VOL(LVOL+IC) BURNX 310 WRITE(IXO,'(A119)')HP BURNX WRITE(IX0,320)TV,TM BURNX 320 FORMAT(/68 TOTAL,1PE51.5,E13.5) BURNX WRITE(IX0,330)NSTEP,CTV,VFUEL/CTV,TIHM/1.0E6,TIHM/CTV BURNX 330 FORMAT(//30H NUMBER OF BURNUP STEPS BURNX Ill/ 1 30H CORE TOTAL VOLUME (CC) 1PE11.5/ BURNX 2 30H CORE FUEL REGION FRACTION 1PE11.5/ BURNX 3 30H CORE TOTAL MTIHM 1PE11.5/ BURNX 4 30H AVERAGE CORE LOADING (G/CC) 1PE11.5//) BURNX C BURNX WRITE(IX0,340) BURNX 340 FORMAT(/80 LATTICE,3X,11H VOLUME ,3X,11H LOADING ,3X, BURNX 1 11H MASS /8X,3X,11H CC ,3X,11H G/CC ,3X, BURNX 3 11H GRAM /) BURNX DO 350 I=1,NCELL BURNX GIHM=FLOAD(I)*VLTC(I) BURNX 350 WRITE(IX0,360)ICELL(I),VLTC(I), FLOAD(I),GIHM BURNX 360 FORMAT(I4,4X,3(3X,1PE11.4)) BURNX END BURNX SUBROUTINE BXPREP2 BURNX C PREPARE CONDITION AND STATIC VARIABLES AND NUCLIDES REORDERING. BURNX C INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.QIN' ' INCLUDE 'DYNANEIC.CMN' INCLUDE 'IBLDATA.CMN' INCLUDE 'RBLOAMA.CMN' DIMENSION WF (MEMAX) BURNX C DO 290 I=1,NCELL DO 250 J=1,9 250 FRCN(I,J)=XATOM(I,J) DO 270 J=13,18 270 FRCN(I,J-3)=XATOM(I,J) FRCN(I,17)=XATOM(I,21) DO 280 J=23,NISO 280 FRCN(I,J- 5)= XATOM(I,J) C C 290 CONTINUE CELL MATERIAL FRACTION FOR THE BURNABLE NUCLIDES IN MCNP. DO 340 IC=1,NCELL ICOUNT=0 DO 340 I=1,MXA DO 300 I.@MLL(LMLL+1,I),MLL(LMLL+2,I) 300 ICOUNT=ICOUNT+1 IF(ICOUNT.EQ.20)THEN NCTR=1 DO 310 M=MLL(LMLL+1,I),MLL(LMLL+2,I) FME(M)=FRCN(IC,NCTR) 310 NCTR=NCTR+1 C C CONVERT MASS FRACTIONS TO ATOM FRACTIONS. SF=0. SW=0. DO 320 M=MLL(LMLL+1,I),MLL(LMLL+2,I) IF(MODE.NE.2)A=ABS(ATWT(LME(1,M))) BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 98 IF(MODE.EQ.2)A=ABS(ATWT(M)) WP(M)=FME(M)*A SF=SF+FME(M) 320 SW=SW+WF(M) C C NORMALIZE THE ATOM FRACTIONS AND MASS FRACTIONS. DO 330 M=BE L(LMLL+1,I),MLL(LMLL+2,I) FME(M)=FME(M) /SF 330 WF(M)=WF(M) /SW C ENDIF 340 CONTINUE C CLEAR VARIABLES. AFTER BURNUP FOR NEXT STEP. CLEAR KCALC NST=0 KCY=1 DO 350 1=1,3 OSUM(I)=0 DO 350 J=1,3 350 OSUM2(I,J)=0 DO 360 1=1,2 RSUM(I)=ZERO DO 360 J=1,2 360 RSUM2(I,J) =ZERO CLEAR TALLIES AND ERRORS. NPS=0 JSU=0 DO 370 1=1,3 370 SMUL(I) =ZERO DO 380 I=1,MXFO TAL(LTAL+MXF+I)=ZERO 380 TAL(LTAL+MXF2+I)=ZERO END SUBROUTINE BXRR C DO ALL REACTION RATE COMPONENTS, FLUXES, NU AND Q VALUES, C ALONG WITH THEIR CORRESPONDING STANDARD ERROR, CELLS AND C 20 TO 25 NUCLIDES REORDERING. C BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' C C CLEAR ALL REACTION RATE AND ITS ERRORS. C C C DO 5 I=1,NCELL DO 5 J=1,NISO DO 5 K=1,NRRX 5 RRX(I,J,K)=0.0D0 SORT ALL REACTION RATE AND ITS ERRORS. 10 12 14 16 20 C C C C M=0 DO 20 I=1,NCELL DO 10 J=1,9 DO 10 K=1,NRRX M=M+1 RRX(I,J,K)=RRM(M) DO 12 J=13,19 DO 12 K=1,NRRX MON+1 RRX(I,J,K)=RRM(M) J=21 DO 14 K=1,NRRX M=M+1 RRX(I,J,K)=RRM(M) DO 16 J=23,NISO DO 16 K=1,NRRX M=M+1 RRX(I,J,K)=RRM(M) CONTINUE SORT ALL FLUXES AND HEATING TALLIES. M=1 DO 30 I=1,NCELL TFLX(I)=F4(M) FFLX(I)=F4(M+1) FLUX(I)=F4(M+2) 30 M=M+3 SORT NU, Q-FISSION. BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 99 M*1 DO 40 I=1,NCELL IF(RaMMO.EQ.0.)TBEN CNU(I)=0. CQ(I)=0. ELSE CNU ( I ) =RQNU (M+1) /RQNU (M) C C CQ(I)=RQNU(M+2)/RQNU(N) ENDIF 40 M=M+3 END SUBROUTINE BXOUT PRINT RESULTS BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' INCLUDE 'DYNAMIC.CMN' CHARACTER BHA*80, CLIST(NISO)*5 BURNX DATA CLIST/'92233','92234','92235','92236','92237','92238','92239'BURNX 1 ,'92240','93237','93238','93239','93240','94238','94239'BURNX 2 ,'94240','94241','94242','95241','50999','53135','54135'BURNX 3 ,'61149','62149',' 8016','64000'/ BURNX C WRITE(*,5)KOD,VER,LODDAT,IDTM WRITE(IX0,5)KOD,VER,LODDAT,IDTM 5 FORMAT( / /1X,A8,17H /BURNUP/ VERSION ,A5,3X,A8,9X,A/1X,73(1H -)) C START=END END=START+DELTA(ISTEP) C WRITE(*,10)ISTEP,START,END WRITE(IX0,10)ISTEP,START,END 10 FORMAT(/12H BURNUP STEP,/3,11H STARTS AT ,G10.3,5H DAYS/ 1 15X,11H ENDS AT ,G10.3,5H DAYS/) WRITE(IX0,12)POWERT(ISTEP),PD,PNORM 12 FORMAT(/28HSTEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: ,1PE11.4,7H WATTS./ 1 28HAVERAGE POWER DENSITY: ,1PE11.4,9H KW/LITER/ 2 28HPOWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: ,1PE11.4/) WRITE(IX0,16) 16 FORMAT(/5H CELL,3X,11HIRRADIATION,3X,11H Q-FISSION ,3X, 1 11H NU-FISSION,3X,11HFISION RATE/8X,11H MWD /TE ,3X, 2 11HMeV /FISSION,3X,11H N/FISSION ,3X,11H FISSION/S ) DO 20 I=1,NCELL IF (FLOAD (1 ) . NE . ZERO) PS=PD/FLOAD (1 ) BURNT(I)=BURNT(I)+PS*DELTA(ISTEP) 20 WRITE( IX0,30)/CELL(I),BURNT(I),CQ(I),CNU(I),FRATE(I) 30 FORMAT(I4,4(3X,1PE11.4)) WRITE(IX0,100) 100 FORMAT(//4HCELL,3X,12HTHERMAL FLUX,2X,11H FAST FLUX ,3X, 1 110 TOTAL FLUX,3X,11HSP. POWER ,3X,11H POWER /7X, 2 11H N/CM/CM/S ,3X,11H N/CM/CM/S ,3X,11H N/CM/CM/S,3X, 3 11H MW/TE ,3X,11H WATTS ) C DO 110 I=1,NCELL IF(FLOAD(I).NE.ZERO)PS=PD/FLOAD(I) 110 WRITE( IX0,120)ICELL(I),TFLX(I),FFLX(I),FLUX(I),PS,POWER(I) 120 FORMAT(/4,5(3X,1PE11.4)) WRITE(IX0,130)CKCY,CMC,(CZZ(I),CLA(I),CEA(I),I=1,3) 130 FORMAT(//13H CRITICALITY:,//11H ESTIMATOR,5X,5HCYCLE,I6,3X, 1 6HAVE OF,I6,7H CYCLES/ 2 14H K(COLLISION) ,F13.6,F15.6,F7.4/ 2 140 K(ABSORPTION),F13.6,F15.6,F7.4/ 3 14H K(TRK LENGTH),F13.6,F15.6,F7.4/) WRITE(IX0,140)(CZG(I),CEG(I),CZH(I),CEH(I),CZC(I),I=1,3) 140 FORMAT(/120 COMBINATION,9X,14HSIMPLE AVERAGE,4X, 1 16HCOMBINED AVERAGE,5X,4HCORR/ 2 17H K(COL/ABS) ,F12.6,F7.4,F13.6,F7.4,F9.4/ 3 17H K(ABS/TK LN) ,F12.6,F7.4,F13.6,F7.4,F9.4/ 4 17H K(TK LN/COL) ,F12.6,F7.4,F13.6,F7.4,F9.4) C C WRITES BURNUP RESULTS TO FILE IXO, MCNPBURN.OUT DO 220 I=1,NCELL SUM1=0. SUM2=0. SUM3=0. SUM4=0. WRITE(IX0,180)ICELL(I) 180 FORMATU5X,6HCELL: ,I8//6X,7HISOTOPE,3X,11HATOM DENS. ,2X, BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 100 1 11H CURRENT ,4X,8HWEIGHT %,4X,8H% CHANGE/15X,11H(atom/, 2 5X,8HLOAD(GM),7X,3HIHM,7X,8HFROM IBM) DO 190 J=1,NISO WTX=XATOM(I,J)*CAW(J) WF=WTX/WTOT(I)*100. IF(J.EQ.24)WF=0. GRAM=WTX/AVGDN*CVOL(I) CHNG=(XATOM(I,J)-X/NIT(I,J))/XTOT(I)*100. SUM2=SUM2+GRAM SUMIO=SUM3+WF SUM4=SUM4+CHNG SUM1=SUM1+XATOM(I,J) 190 WRITE(IX0,200)J,CLIST(J),XATOM(I,J),GRAM,WF,CHNG 200 FORMAT(I3,4X,A5,2X,1PE13.6,3(2X,1PE11.4)) WR/TE(IX0,210)SUM1,SUM2,SUM3,SUM4 210 FORMAT(6HTOTAL:6X,2X,1PE13.6,3(2X,1PE11.4)) C C 220 225 C 230 240 C C COMPUTE CONVERSION FACTOR PRODUC=XATOM(I,1)+XATOM(I,14)+XATOM(I,16) CONSUM*XATOM(I,3) CR=PRODUC/CONSUM*100. WRITE(IX0,225)CR FORMAT(/26H BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR ,F10.4,2H %//) PRINT 3 TALLIES ACROSS, WITH PAGE EJECTS WHERE NEEDED. REWIND IXT K=1 READ(IXT,'(A80)',END=240)BHA WRITE(IXO,'(A80)')BHA K=K+1 GOTO 230 REWIND IXT END SUBROUTINE CHAIN(I,AR) PUTS COEFFICIENTS OF dX /dT= SUM(RRXij *Xij) IN MATRIX FORM. INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' DIMENSION ALAM(NISO),BLAM(NISO),YI(NISO),YXE(NISO),YPM(NISO) DIMENSION AR(NISO,NISO),YFP(NISO) DATA ALAM/1.38E-13, 8.93E-14, 3.08E-17, 0.000000, 9.39E-16, 2 4.91E-18, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.03E-14, 3 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.50E-10, 9.01E-13, 3.36E-12, 4 3.37E-14, 5.68E-14, 5.07E-11, 0.000000, 0.000000, 5 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000/ 0.000000, DATA BLAM/0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.189E-6, 2 0.000000, 4.916E-4, 1.366E-5, 0.000000, 3.790E-6, 3 3.400E-6, 1.866E-4, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 4 1.464E-9, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.875E-5, 5 2.092E-5, 3.556E-6, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000/ DATA YI /0.056200, 0.000000, 0.061700, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2 0.057800, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 3 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.069300, 0.000000, 4 0.062600, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 5 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000/ DATA YXE /0.013880, 0.002000, 0.005580, 0.002000, 0.002000, 2 0.000330, 0.002000, 0.002000, 0.002200, 0.002000, 3 0.002000, 0.000000, 0.002000, 0.012520, 0.005620, 4 0.002830, 0.002000, 0.002000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 5 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000/ DATA YPM /0.007690, 0.010000, 0.010800, 0.011300, 0.010000, 2 0.016700, 0.010000, 0.010000, 0.011300, 0.010000, 3 0.010000, 0.000000, 0.011300, 0.015100, 0.014600, 4 0.012000, 0.020000, 0.015200, 0.000000, 0.000000, 5 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000/ DATA YFP /1.119000, 0.000000, 1.260000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 2 1.426000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 3 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.456000, 0.000000, 4 1.456000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 5 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000/ C C C C C C C C C ISOTOPE INDEX: 1. U-233 2. 6. U-238 7. 11. NP239 12. 16. PU241 17. 21. XE135 22. ISOTOPES NO. 10,11 ,12,20 , , , , , BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BORNE BURNX BURNX BORNE BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BORNE BORNE BORNE BURNX BURNX BURNX BORNE BURNX BORNE BORNE BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BORNE BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BORNE BORNE BORNE BORNE BURNX & 22 N/A IN MCNP XS LIBRARY (RADIOACTIVE)BURNX BURNX U-234, 3. U-235, 4. U-239, 8. U-240, 9. NP240, 13. PU238, 14. PU242, 18. AM241, 19. PM149, 23. SM149, 24. U-236, NP237, PU239, F.P. 0- 16, , 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. U-237, NP238, PU240, 1-135, GDNAT, mane oa ot =rosni't oa ot osim't=m ot 3 3 mulls o=(x'r)uv =mu matotaamoo moixorau=cm'r't)muu uoa Tao 'I mamma mot,tovau IdAZ 'm saii=t)s't'Esz't=m 'sta=z 'alto=E 'mz'a=t rev =(t ((t)trero(tst'Dxrnn=0 (t'z'Dxutt =(£ (s'Elt)xuu )uv 'z =(t (Eit'Moau )uv 'z =(Z ((Z)14vTa+(t'z't)x2ia)'t Ytra 't )1ra 'I )Iry )'iv )tre )lay )'az 'z 'z =0 =(17 =(Et'z 'E =(Z 'E =0 )uv 'E =(17 >we 'E =0 )1ra =(tt'E )1r5r '' =(£ )ukr 't =(17 )1aNt `t =(g )try 't =(9 )'av --(st't )1ty 's =(17 )uit 's =(s >uv 's =(9 )uNr 's =(c. (t'E'Dxuu (s't'thom (Et)New (E'z'Mm ((E)tavtv+(t`E'Dxutt)(t't't)xuu (s's'Dxutt (tt)Hirra (E'E'Dxuu ((t)trera+(t't'i)xuu)(t's'x)xlm (s's'x)xuu r amv mune mune xmuna(m'a=s mina xauna moms xmuna mane mane mune name xauna mune mune mans mune mina mane mune mina (st)kprrir xmuna (E't'x)xuu mina mune mune mune ((s)kreta+(t'sDxutn(t's'i)xuu (s'L'Mom )uv =(st's (st)kretv )uv '9 =(g (E's't)xuu )uy '9 =(9 ((9)www+(t'9'i)xtoo)uv '9 =(L (t'L'I)xuu )ty '9 =(8 (s'et)xuu ))1'd =(Li'9 (LI)KV1V )1111 'L =(9 (E's'i)xlma )try 'L =(L ((L)mrta+(i'L'i)xiu)Yuy 'L =(8 (4'6'1)3(1:111 xmuna ))8v xmuna '8 =(L. )1Dt '8 =(8 )uv '6 =(g >uy '6 )tre =(8t'6 =0 (E'L'thotre ((8)serta+(t'et)xutn(s)iarta mune xmuna mum mane XNWAt muse mina mune mune mum ((6)14Ti+(t'6'i)x2iu)(6t)mrtv 'ot)uv =(6 (E'6'i)x2u =(ot'othav (ot)Nrie'11)W =(L (L)NYIEE =(tt'tauv (tt)mrta'zt)uv =(8 (8)WY'Ig };Nuns =(ztlzt)uv (zt)Prets- mune =(ot'Et)ukr (ot)wvia =(Et'et)lay ((£t)mrra+(t'Et'thon3)- xmuna xmuna -(tt'Et)uv =(st'Et)uv =(tt'tt)uv mune xmuna xmuna xmuns (t'tt'Dmuu mans (s'st'i)xiR (tt)mrta xmuna xmuna xuuna (E'Et't)xuu =(ttitt)uy ((6t)wv7v+(t'tt't)x2n0=(st'tt)uv (t'st'Dmutt =(st'tthav (s'st't)muu =(zt'sthra (zt)wvia =(tt'st)uv (Eittat)xuu --(st'st)lav ((st)mutv+(t'st'i)xuu)--(st'st)uv (t'st'I)xuu =(Lt'st)2rt x)xuu Li (s =(st'st)uv (E'st'Dxuu =(st'st)uv ((sworta+(st)mwm+(t'st't)muu)=(at'sthav (''Lt'I)xN =(st'Lt)ukr (E'st't)xuu =(Lt'Lt)uv ((Lt)Hviv+(t'Lt't)muu)=(st'st)uv (9t)koria =(st'Est)uv ((8t)katv+(t'8t'i)xuu)oa oz =)IOSIN't oz 16t)2lv =(m ()I)a3a.4(z')I'i)x2Ri oa oE ostu't=m oE 'oz)uv =(I onta.*(z')I'i)xuu =(EtItt)uir ' =(oz'oz)uit xmuna xauna ' lozpreia- oa OP ostm't=m ot 'tz)lra =(I Mau (z')I' mu.* (In =(ozitz)utr (oz)Wna =(tz'tz)utr ((Iz)mrta+(t'tz't)xuu)oa os ostret=m mina xuuna xmuna ina X mane mum( mune( um' X mune mum xmuna mune xmuna mune xuuna mans mune xmuna xmuna xuuna xmuna xmuna mum xxung mune 102 50 AR(22, K)= AR(22,22)= AR(23,22)= AR(23,23)= AR(24,24)= AR(25,25)= END RRX(I,K,2) *YPM(K) -BLAM(22) BLAM(22) -RRX(I,23,1) -RRX(I,24,1) -RRX(I,25,1) SUBROUTINE SOLVER (IC , A, XATOM, DELT) C C SOLVES THE COUPLED DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS FOR Xij. INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' PARAMETER(H=30,N=NISO) BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX LEAF BURNX LEAF C C C C SOLVER EVALUATES D(A) & I+A*D(A) DIMENSION A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N),D(N,N),E(N,N),F(N,N),X1(N),X2(N), 1 XATOM(MAXE,N) SUM*0.0D0 DO 20 J=1,N C DO 20 JJ=1,N 20 SUM=SUM+A(J,JJ)*A(J,JJ) IF(DELT.EQ.0)GOTO 30 P=(DLOG(SUM)+2.0D0*DLOG(DELT))/(2.0DO*DLOG(2.0D0)) IF(P)30,30,40 30 NP=1 GO TO 50 40 NP=P+1.0D0 50 T=DELT/(2.0D0**NP) CALL SCALAR(A,T,C,N) DO 70 J =1,N DO 60 JJ=1,N 60 B(J,JJ) =0.0D0 70 B(J,J ) =1.0D0 CALCULATE D(H) C 80 90 100 120 C C DO 90 J=1,M FM=1.0D0/(M+2.0DO-J) CALL SCALAR(B,FM,D,N) CALL MULTI(C,D,E,N) DO 80 JJ=1,N E(JJ,JJ)=E(JJ,JJ)+1.0D0 CALL EQUAL(E,B,N) S=1.0D0 DO 120 J=1,NP Q=S/2.0D0 S=S*2.0D0 CALL SCALAR(C,Q,F,N) CALL MULTI(F,B,E,N) DO 100 JJ=1,N E(JJ,JJ)=E(JJ,JJ)+1.0D0 CALL MULTI(B,E,F,N) CALL EQUAL(F,B,N) B=D (A) CALL SCALAR(A,DELT,F,N) CALL MULTI(F,B,E,N) DO 130 JJ=1,N 130 E(JJ,JJ)=E(JJ,JJ)+1.0D0 C C E=I+A*D (A) NOW DETERMINE THE INVENTORIES X2 C DO 140 J=1,N 140 X1(J)=XATOM(IC,J) CALL MVMUL(E,X1,X2,N) DO 150 J=1,N 150 XATOM(IC,J)=X2(J) END SUBROUTINE SCALAR(A,S,B,N) C SCALAR MULTIPLIES A SCALAR TIMES A MATRIX IN DOUBLE C C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H2O-Z) DIMENSION A(N,N) ,B(N,N) BURNX LEAF BURNX LEAF BURNX LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF BURNX LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF BURNX LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF BURNX LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF BURNX BURNX BURNX LEAF BURNX BURNX LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF C DO 10 I=1,N DO 10 J=1,N 10 B(I,J)=StA(I,J) LEAF LEAF LEAF 103 C C C END SUBROUTINE MULTI(A,B,C,N) MULTI MULTIPLIES TWO MATRICES IN DOUBLE LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H2O-Z) DIMENSION A(N,N),B(N,N),C(N,N) LEAF LEAF C C C C DO 20 I=1,N DO 20 J=1,N AM=0.0 DO 10 K=1,N 10 AM=AM+A(I,K)*B(K,J) 20 C(I,J)=AM END SUBROUTINE EQUAL(A,B,N) EQUAL SETS A MATRIX EQUAL TO A MATRIX IN DOUBLE IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H2O-Z) DIMENSION A(4,N),B(N,N) LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF C C C DO 10 J=1,N DO 10 K=1,N 10 B(J,K)=A(J,K) END SUBROUTINE MVMUL(A,B,C,N) MVMUL DOES PRODUCT OF MATRIX AND VECTOR LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF C IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H2O-Z) DIMENSION A(N,N),B(N),C(N) LEAF LEAF C C C C C C C C C C DO 20 I=1,N AM=0.0 DO 10 J=1,N 10 AM=AM+A(I,J)*B(J) 20 C(I)=AM END SUBROUTINE BXSCALE SCALE TALLIES AND REACTIONS TO POWER USING PNORM LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF LEAF BURNX BURNX INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' INCLUDE 'STATIC.CMN' DATA PCONV,SEC,BARN /6.24146E +12,86400,1.OD -024/ BURNX GET THE REACTION RATE COMPONENTS CALL BXRR COMPUTE DELT, STEP WIDTH IN SECONDS. DELT=DELTA(ISTEP)*SEC HEATING TALLY IS USED TO COMPUTE THE POWER PD=POWERT(ISTEP)/CTV PSUM=0. DO 10 I=1,NCELL IF(CQ(I).EQ.0.)CQ(I)=180.88 FRATE(I)=POWERT(ISTEP)*PCONV/CO(I) CMASS=CVOL(I)*CDEN(I) 10 PSUM=PSUM+(F7(I)*CMASS*CNU(I)/CQ(I)) PNORM=1./PSUM C DO 20 I=1,NCELL C C NORMALIZE POWER. CMASS=CVOL(I)*CDEN(I) POWER(I)=F7(I)*CMASS*FRATE(I)*CNU(I)*PNORM/PCONV C C C C C TSF(/)=FRATE(I)*CNU(I)*PNORM COMPUTE AND SCALE FLUXES FLUX(I)=FLUX(I)*TSF(I) TFLX(I)=TFLX(I)*TSF(I) FFLX(I)=FFLX(I)*TSF(I) SCALE REACTION RATE COMPONENTS. BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 104 RSF=TSF(I)*BARN DO 20 J=1,NISO DO 20 K=1,NRRX 20 RRX(I,J,K)=RRX(I,J,K)*RSF END SUBROUTINE BXM(LL) INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE 'GENERAL.CMN' 'STATIC.CMN' 'DYNAMIC.CMN' 'IBLDATA.CMN' GOTO(101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115, 1 116,117,118,119,120)LL 101 HLIN=q42233 92233 1' RETURN 102 HLIN='M2234 92234 1' RETURN 103 HLIN='N2235 92235 1' RETURN 104 HLIN= 'M2236 92236 1' RETURN 105 HLIN='M2237 92237 1' RETURN 106 HLIN='M2238 92238 1' RETURN 107 HLIN='M2239 92239 1' RETURN 108 HLIN ='M2240 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 RETURN HLIN='M3237 RETURN HLIN='M4238 RETURN HLIN='M4239 RETURN HLIN='M4240 RETURN HLIN='M4241 RETURN HLIN='M4242 RETURN HLIN='M5241 RETURN HLIN='M0999 RETURN HLIN='M4135 RETURN 92240 1' 93237 1' 94238 1' 94239 1' 94240 1' 94241 1' 94242 1' 95241 1' 50999 1' 54135 1' 118 HLIN= 'M2149 62149 1' RETURN 119 HLIN='M8016 8016 1' RETURN 120 HLIN='M6400 64000 1' RETURN END SUBROUTINE BXF1(NFGN,NSH) INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 'GENERAL.CMN' 'STATIC.CMN' 'DYNAMIC.CMN' 'IBLDATA.CMN' IF(NFGN.EQ.1)THEN IF(NSH.EQ.1)BXLIN(1:5)='F14:N' IF(NSH.EQ.2)BXLIN(1:5)='F24:N' BXLIN(6:80)=BLIN(1)(6:80) HLIN=BXLIN ELSE HLIN=BLIN(NFGN) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE BXF2(MM) INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE INCLUDE BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 'GENERAL.CMN' 'STATIC.CHN' 'DYNAMIC.CMN' 'IBLDATA.CMN' BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX BURNX 506 OSOD Z Z) 0 T ' ZOZ COZ POZ' 50Z 90Z Z 0 L I 80Z 60V Z OI ' Z t I Z Z1 Z CT Z' T 4 Z ST ' xratna T '9TZ LIZ ' BIZ I0 =MIMI ' ' ' ' ' 144(zzz'tzz'0zz'6tz' ' 1) EEZZ -) Z : (9- (9-) (ZOT) (9.0 (Lt) ( , zoz ,=KITH I) EZZ 4 (9-1E-) (9-) (tot) (91) (LI) ( , £0Z =RIZEI I) SEZZ T) 9EZZ Z-) - (9 , 41413 KLMIZLI mama , Z-) : (9- (9-) (ZOT) (91) (LI) ( , MIC11211 170Z 4=NrIfl (9-) (ZOI) (91) (LT) ( , :l-) - (9 (9-) (ZOI) (91) (LI) ( , : litICLIMI SOZ '4I'lli 90Z II'lli , Hamm , T) LEZZ 80Z 4=KI'lli Ntifilali =NI'lli , , Z-) : - (9 (9-) (ZOI) (91) (LI) ( . £Z£ L Z-) (9- (9-) (ZOT) (91) ((LI) , T) 8EZ4 z-) (9- (9-) (zca) (90 ((LI) , 6£ZZ T) 04ZZ :Z-) (9- (9-) 10:1111M1 60Z =1,1I7H I I) : 10:111131,1 Z T 0 =KI7:11 , 'CZ I : tean,tzu =Krill . NUMMI ZIZ ,=KITH NUMMI Z ET ,=KITH rittruzu I) 6EZD z-) (9- (9-) (zoi) (9.0 ((LT) , 1) 0VZ4 :Z-) (9- (9-) (ZOT) (91) (LI) ( , T) T4Z4 Z-) - (9 (9-) (ZOT) (91) (LT) ( . : : :Z-) (9- SIZ ,,tI'lli , MI NUM I) IVZs 9IZ II'111 tair1/211 LIZ ZI'lli , 1) 6660 (91) (LI) ( , , I) 9E14 z-) (9- (9-) (z00 (91) (LI) ( , 8TZ =NIZII , 1) Z 64T z-) (9- (9-) .=-11r111 T) 14111LI32I z z 0 II'114 , miataa IZZ =NrIli , tall NUMMI ZZZ II'114 . lea 111.1921412 (DM (9-) (ZOI) (91) ((LL) , Z-) : - (9 (9-) (ZOI) (9'0 (LI) ( , -) Z : - (9 (9-) mum mans mans =MEI X4111118 mins wins MOM mans =sag mina ming XN11119 XlititlEI mina MEM : : KIIIILZ8 mans mune Xlitifla XM21119 X.40E18 NUMMI 6IZ =MEI mune 1) Z4Z4 (ZOI) mune mane MOM mitina z 1 t =fiIZH , tomat mins mina mina mem MHOS (ZOT) (91) (LI) ( I) : mamma LOZ - (9 (9-) (tot) (91) (Lt) , 8£ZZ z-) ' mains ( I) ' I) (rot) 9108 :Z-) (9- (9-) (ZOI) 0049 1) T Z-) : (91) ((LI) (91) (LI) ( - (9 (9-) (ZOI) (91) (LI) ( (9-) 9-) (L- 9-) (9- ( , , , , >awns xtiang mum =Ina Xtatfla mans MUIR oms X mans X4111118 *0 -Z9Z9 9 OI , X4I2itl8 Xleiffil MUM 106 B. Benchmark As a mean of benchmarking MCNPBURN, a model must be designed to fit other codes in which a comparison can be made. The objective is to compare the closely related spatial and energy dependent transport based WIMS code to MCNPBURN. These codes were tested to compare their results for a simple PWR pin model. The simple Pressurized Water Reactor fuel pin chosen for the comparison. The results indicate some but relatively small variations which can be attributed to the statistical error of the MCNP and or the different approximations or method employed in the transport calculation. However, a conclusion that may be drawn is that MCNPBURN appear to compares fairly well to WIMS. 1. Unit Cell Output MOW /BURNUP/ VERSION 3E3 123456789- 1011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132- 09/02/93 16:00:08.16 PWR SAMPLE INPUT FOR MOM- 3 W/O WESTINGHOUSE / LATTICE UNIT CELL MODEL / 10 1 6.957990E-02 -1 8 -9 IMP:N=1 20 0 1 -2 8 -9 IMP:N=1 30 2 4.195717E-02 2 -3 8 -9 IMP:N=1 40 3 9.996049E-02 3 4 -5 6 -7 8 -9 IMP:N=1 VOL=0.869022222822 50 0 -4:5:-6:7:-8:9 IMP:N=0 $ 0/S WORLD 1 2 3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 Ma CY 0.4095 CY 0.411444458 CY 0.47 PX -0.6251 PX 0.6251 PZ -0.6251 $ $ $ $ $ UO2 FUEL RADIUS GAP ZR CLAD RADIUS H2O MODERATOR IN A SQUARE CELL WITH A PITCH=1.2502 PZ 0.6251 PY -0.5 PY 0.5 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 $ NON $ NON $ NON 94238 94239 94240 $ AND UNIT LENGTH 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 7.044083D-004 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 2.248889D-002 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ U-233 U-234 U-235 U-236 U-237 U-238 U-239 U-240 NP237 NP238 NP239 NP240 PU238 PU239 PU240 ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 107 333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859- 94241 94242 95241 50999 $ NON 54135 $ NON 62149 8016 64000 40000 1001 M2 M3 F7:N F4:N KCODE KSRC MAT 10 20 30 40 50 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1.563 1 6 23 30 60 90 155 365 1 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 156.3 ATOM DENSITY GRAM DENSITY 1.03969E+01 0.00000E+00 6.35579E+00 9.96558E-01 0.00000E+00 TOTAL NUMBER OF BURNUP STEPS CORE TOTAL VOLUME (CC) CORE FUEL REGION FRACTION CORE TOTAL MTIHM AVERAGE CORE LOADING (G/CC) LATTICE VOLUME CC 1.5630E+00 10 MCNP CELL 10 5.26814E-01 5.01490E-03 1.62148E-01 8.69022E-01 0.00000E+00 5.47722E+00 0.00000E+00 1.03058E+00 8.66031E-01 0.00000E+00 1.56300E+00 7.37384E+00 9 G /CC 3.0890E+00 1 STARTS AT ENDS AT IRRADIATION MWD /TE 10 MASS 1.56300E+00 3.37053E-01 4.82814E-06 3.08902E+00 LOADING STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: CELL VOLUME MASS GRAM 4.8281E+00 /BURNUP/ VERSION 3B3 BURNUP STEP 3.2373E+01 THERMAL FLUX w/cm/cm/s 3.5799E+13 09/02/93 0.000 1.00 ESTIMATOR 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW /LITER 7.2530E-01 Q-FISSION HIV/FISSION 1.8090E+02 NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.4393E+00 FAST FLUX N/CM/CM/S 1.8019E+14 TOTAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S, 2.1599E+14 CYCLE 250 1.429408 1.385817 1.438960 16:00:08.16 DAYS DAYS CRITICALITY: K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) H2O. 50 1.383 5 100 0 2R 6.95799E-02 0.00000E+00 4.19572E-02 9.99605E-02 0.00000E+00 2 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 10 (10 20 30 40) BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN CELL 1.000000D-300 $ PU241 ISOTOPE NO. $ PU242 ISOTOPE NO. 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 $ AM241 ISOTOPE NO. ISOTOPE NO. $ F.P 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 $ I-135 ISOTOPE NO. 1.000000D-300 $ XE135 ISOTOPE NO. $ PM149 ISOTOPE NO. 1.000000D-300 1.000000D-300 $ SM149 ISOTOPE NO. 4.638660D-002 $ OXYG ISOTOPE NO. 1.000000D-300 $ GdNAT ISOTOPE NO. 4.195717E-02 $ CLAD, Zr. 6.664032E-02 8016 3.332016E-02 $ MODERATOR, AVE OF 245 1.377528 1.373055 1.378747 CYCLES 0.0013 0.0009 0.0017 FISION RATE FISSION /S 5.3927E+12 SP. POWER MW/TE 3.2373E+01 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 108 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) K(ABS/TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.375292 0.0008 1.375901 0.0010 1.378138 0.0013 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 CORR 0.1727 0.1077 0.6408 10 CURRENT LOAD(GM) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.4484E-01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 4.6833E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 6.4909E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4772E+00 ATOM DENS. (atom/ 1 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.374352 0.0008 1.374064 0.0008 1.377668 0.0012 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 7.044083E-04 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.248889E-02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 4.638660E-02 0.000000E+00 6.957990E-02 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR WEIGHT % IHM 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.9999E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.7000E+01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+02 % CHANGE FROM IBM 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS NPS 16000 32000 48000 64000 80000 96000 112000 128000 144000 160000 176000 192000 208000 224000 240000 250207 NPS 16000 32000 48000 64000 80000 96000 112000 128000 144000 160000 176000 192000 208000 224000 240000 TALLY 4 MEAN 2.25973E+01 2.26272E+01 2.26188E+01 2.26132E+01 2.26321E+01 2.26345E+01 2.26271E+01 2.26222E+01 2.26273E+01 2.26313E+01 2.26429E+01 2.26452E+01 2.26495E+01 2.26471E+01 2.26467E+01 2.26383E+01 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.55035E+01 1.55345E+01 1.54627E+01 1.54336E+01 1.54231E+01 1.54380E+01 1.54246E+01 1.54047E+01 1.54183E+01 1.54131E+01 1.54268E+01 1.54279E+01 1.54333E+01 1.54320E+01 1.54213E+01 ERROR 0.0039 0.0025 0.0020 0.0017 0.0015 0.0013 0.0012 0.0011 0.0011 0.0010 0.0010 0.0009 0.0009 0.0009 0.0008 0.0008 ERROR 0.0086 0.0056 0.0044 0.0038 0.0033 0.0030 0.0028 0.0026 0.0025 0.0023 0.0022 0.0021 0.0020 0.0020 0.0019 FOM 902 912 932 939 936 940 941 941 950 948 946 943 948 947 941 938 FOM 187 182 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 181 181 181 181 7 TALLY MEAN 1.87694E+01 1.88068E+01 1.87200E+01 1.86847E+01 1.86721E+01 1.86901E+01 1.86739E+01 1.86498E+01 1.86663E+01 1.86599E+01 1.86766E+01 1.86779E+01 1.86844E+01 1.86828E+01 1.86699E+01 1.86680E+01 ERROR TOM 0.0086 0.0056 0.0044 0.0038 0.0033 0.0030 0.0028 0.0026 0.0025 0.0023 0.0022 0.0021 0.0020 0.0020 0.0019 0.0019 187 182 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 181 182 181 181 181 109 250207 MCNP 1.54198E+01 0.0019 181 /BURNUP/ VERSION 383 BURNUP STEP 2 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: CELL 10 CELL IRRADIATION MWD/TE 2.2661E+02 THERMAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S 3.6020E+13 10 09/03/93 19:10:15.09 DAYS DAYS 1.00 7.00 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 7.3809E-01 Q-FISSION MeV/FISSION 1.8090E+02 NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.4400E+00 FAST FLUX TOTAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S, 2.2286E+14 N /CM /CM /S 1.8684E+14 FISION RATE FISSION/S 5.3926E+12 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 SP. POWER MW /TE 3.2373E+01 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) CYCLE 250 1.345126 1.323257 1.321062 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) K(ABS/TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.330748 0.0009 1.328865 0.0011 1.329357 0.0015 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 CYCLES 0.0014 0.0009 0.0018 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.330528 0.0008 1.329764 0.0009 1.330645 0.0014 CORR 0.1200 0.1384 0.6872 10 ATOM DENS. (atom/ 1 AVE OF 245 1.331240 1.330256 1.327473 4.920386E-14 3.776018E-11 7.033935E-04 1.727513E-07 2.515695E-09 2.248844E-02 9.534184E-09 4.235877E-13 1.308345E-10 2.750160E-14 3.437440E-07 2.987716E-14 2.687772E-15 5.162487E-08 1.966542E-11 2.163249E-14 4.381166E-18 5.427126E-19 1.120599E-06 2.005837E-08 6.947735E-09 8.430574E-09 1.296717E-09 4.638660E-02 0.000000E+00 6.958017E-02 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR CURRENT LOAD(GM) 1.0031E-11 7.7311E-09 1.4463E-01 3.5672E-05 5.2185E-07 4.6832E+00 1.9945E-06 8.8983E-11 2.7131E-08 5.7272E-12 7.1885E-05 6.2742E-12 5.5972E-13 1.0796E-05 4.1298E-09 4.5633E-12 9.2774E-16 1.1445E-16 1.1470E-04 2.3684E-06 8.1996E-07 1.0983E-06 1.6893E-07 6.4909E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4772E+00 WEIGHT % IHM 2.0776E-10 1.6013E-07 2.9956E+00 7.3884E-04 1.0808E-05 9.6998E+01 4.1310E-05 1.8430E-09 5.6194E-07 1.1862E-10 1.4889E-03 1.2995E-10 1.1593E-11 2.2361E-04 8.5536E-08 9.4514E-11 1.9215E-14 2.3704E-15 2.3756E-03 4.9053E-05 1.6983E-05 2.2748E-05 3.4988E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9999E+01 % CHANGE FROM IHM 2.1215E-10 1.6281E-07 -4.3755E-03 7.4483E-04 1.0847E-05 -1.9260E-03 4.1107E-05 1.8263E-09 5.6410E-07 1.1858E-10 1.4821E-03 1.2882E-10 1.1589E-11 2.2259E-04 8.4789E-08 9.3270E-11 1.8890E-14 2.3400E-15 4.8316E-03 8.6483E-05 2.9956E-05 3.6349E-05 5.5909E-06 -1.0808E-05 0.0000E+00 1.1798E-03 0.0073 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS NPS 32000 64000 TALLY 4 MEAN ERROR 2.26272E+01 0.0025 2.26132E+01 0.0017 FOM 912 939 7 TALLY ERROR MEAN 1.88068E+01 0.0056 1.86847E+01 0.0038 FOM 182 181 110 96000 128000 160000 192000 224000 16000 48000 80000 96000 128000 160000 192000 224000 250808 NPS 32000 64000 96000 128000 160000 192000 224000 16000 48000 80000 96000 128000 160000 192000 224000 250808 MCNP 2.26345E+01 2.26222E+01 2.26313E+01 2.26452E+01 2.26471E+01 3.28379E+01 2.51658E+01 2.39951E+01 2.37344E+01 2.34212E+01 2.32249E+01 2.31022E+01 2.30094E+01 2.29475E+01 0.0013 940 0.0011 941 0.0010 948 0.0009 943 0.0009 947 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0009 4134 0.0011 1766 0.0010 1532 0.0010 1329 0.0009 1236 0.0008 1176 0.0008 1146 0.0007 1120 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.55345E+01 1.54336E+01 1.54380E+01 1.54047E+01 1.54131E+01 1.54279E+01 1.54320E+01 2.17393E+01 1.66489E+01 1.58690E+01 1.56788E+01 1.54680E+01 1.53362E+01 1.52620E+01 1.51918E+01 1.51481E+01 ERROR 0.0056 0.0038 0.0030 0.0026 0.0023 0.0021 0.0020 0.0048 0.0039 0.0031 0.0029 0.0025 0.0022 0.0021 0.0019 0.0018 3 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: CELL IRRADIATION 10 CELL 10 9.7118E+02 THERMAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S 3.6223E+13 239 212 206 200 197 195 193 193 22:17:09.39 DAYS DAYS Q-FISSION 1.8094E+02 FAST FLUX N /CM /CM /S 1.8759E+14 FISION RATE NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.4417E+00 TOTAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S, 2.2382E+14 FISSION /S 5.3916E+12 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 SP. POWER MW/TE 3.2373E+01 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) CYCLE 250 1.330791 1.336964 1.342173 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) K(ABS/TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE 1 2 3 92233 92234 92235 AVE OF 245 1.321199 1.317682 1.322960 SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.319441 0.0009 1.320321 0.0011 1.322080 0.0015 CYCLES 0.0013 0.0009 0.0019 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.318810 0.0008 1.318634 0.0009 1.321260 0.0013 CORR 0.1293 0.0786 0.6659 10 ATOM DENS. (atom /b. cm) 2.507288E-13 2.695554E-10 6.973293E-04 197 195 193 193 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 7.4060E-01 mev/ETssim MWD /TE 239 212 206 200 182 181 182 182 182 181 181 608 09/04/93 7.00 30.0 182 182 182 181 181 609 FOM /BURNUP/ VERSION 3B3 BURNUP STEP 0.0030 0.0026 0.0023 0.0021 0.0020 0.0048 0.0039 0.0031 0.0029 0.0025 0.0022 0.0021 0.0019 0.0018 1.86901E+01 1.86498E+01 1.86599E+01 1.86779E+01 1.86828E+01 2.63190E+01 2.01562E+01 1.92121E+01 1.89817E+01 1.87266E+01 1.85670E+01 1.84772E+01 1.83922E+01 1.83393E+01 CURRENT LOAD(GM) 5.1115E-11 5.5189E-08 1.4338E-01 WEIGHT % IHM 1.0587E-09 1.1431E-06 2.9698E+00 % CHANGE FROM IHM 1.0810E-09 1.1622E-06 -3.0522E-02 111 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 1.209670E-06 1.471714E-08 2.248569E-02 9.793267E-09 6.452669E-13 5.690352E-09 5.775563E-12 1.231995E-06 4.723556E-14 3.812542E-12 1.644189E-06 4.967950E-09 4.381575E-11 6.635616E-14 8.161227E-15 7.835539E-06 2.182378E-08 7.864248E-09 2.814668E-08 2.825827E-08 4.638658E-02 0.000000E+00 6.958164E-02 2.4979E-04 3.0529E-06 4.6826E+00 2.0487E-06 1.3555E-10 1.1800E-06 1.2027E-09 2.5764E-04 9.9195E-12 7.9395E-10 3.4384E-04 1.0433E-06 9.2427E-09 1.4051E-11 1.7210E-12 8.0199E-04 2.5768E-06 9.2812E-07 3.6668E-06 3.6813E-06 6.4908E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4768E+00 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR 5.1736E-03 6.3231E-05 9.6986E+01 4.2432E-05 2.8075E-09 2.4440E-05 2.4911E-08 5.3362E-03 2.0545E-10 1.6444E-08 7.1216E-03 2.1608E-05 1.9143E-07 2.9103E-10 3.5646E-11 1.6611E-02 5.3371E-05 1.9223E-05 7.5946E-05 7.6247E-05 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9991E+01 5.2156E-03 6.3454E-05 -1.3801E-02 4.2225E-05 2.7821E-09 2.4534E-05 2.4902E-08 5.3119E-03 2.0366E-10 1.6438E-08 7.0891E-03 2.1420E-05 1.8892E-07 2.8610E-10 3.5188E-11 3.3784E-02 9.4095E-05 3.3907E-05 1.2136E-04 1.2184E-04 -7.8325E-05 0.0000E+00 7.5236E-03 0.2358 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS NPS 64000 128000 192000 16000 80000 128000 192000 32000 96000 160000 192000 250168 TALLY 4 MEAN 2.26132E+01 2.26222E+01 2.26452E+01 3.28379E+01 2.39951E+01 2.34212E+01 2.31022E+01 2.66758E+01 2.37629E+01 2.32352E+01 2.31075E+01 2.29559E+01 0.0017 939 0.0011 941 0.0009 943 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0011 1766 0.0010 1329 0.0008 1176 0.0000 5.1E+10 0.0011 1438 0.0009 1188 0.0008 1146 0.0008 1095 NPS 64000 128000 192000 16000 80000 128000 192000 32000 96000 160000 192000 250168 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.54336E+01 1.54047E+01 1.54279E+01 2.17393E+01 1.58690E+01 1.54680E+01 1.52620E+01 1.75040E+01 1.56169E+01 1.52769E+01 1.51679E+01 1.50860E+01 ERROR 0.0038 0.0026 0.0021 0.0048 0.0031 0.0025 0.0021 0.0046 0.0029 0.0023 0.0021 0.0018 MCNP 4 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: IRRADIATION MWD /TE 10 FOM 1.9424E+03 7 TALLY MEAN 1.86847E+01 1.86498E+01 1.86779E+01 2.63190E+01 1.92121E+01 1.87266E+01 1.84772E+01 2.11956E+01 1.89105E+01 1.84988E+01 1.83668E+01 1.82677E+01 ERROR FOM 0.0038 0.0026 0.0021 0.0048 0.0031 0.0025 0.0021 0.0046 0.0029 0.0023 0.0021 0.0018 181 182 181 609 212 200 195 273 205 DAYS DAYS 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 7.4656E-01 Q-FISSION MeV/FISSION 1.8113E+02 194 192 181 182 181 608 212 200 195 272 205 196 194 192 09/06/93 30.0 60.0 196 FOM /BURNUP/ VERSION 383 BURNUP STEP CELL ERROR NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.4526E+00 FISION RATE FISSION/S 5.3857E+12 01:21:03.48 112 CELL THERMAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S 3.6295E+13 10 FAST FLUX N/CM/CM/S 1.8987E+14 TOTAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S, 2.2617E+14 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 SP. POWER MW/TE 3.2373E+01 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) CYCLE 250 1.310244 1.328749 1.300898 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.311642 0.0009 1.311906 0.0010 1.312452 0.0015 K(ABS /TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 CYCLES 0.0014 0.0010 0.0018 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.311439 0.0008 1.311449 0.0009 1.312259 0.0014 CORR 0.1162 0.0402 0.6627 10 ATOM DENS. (atom/ 1 AVE OF 245 1.312188 1.311096 1.312716 1.097636E-12 1.122146E-09 6.744661E-04 5.097475E-06 3.838975E-08 2.247512E-02 9.811915E-09 6.501772E-13 7.145527E-08 1.279701E-10 1.418568E-06 4.759610E-14 4.263300E-10 1.056551E-05 1.593097E-07 6.710029E-09 4.816940E-11 5.851201E-12 3.357701E-05 2.179046E-08 7.841942E-09 3.197796E-08 6.616429E-08 4.638652E-02 0.000000E+00 6.958718E-02 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR CURRENT LOAD(GM) 2.2377E-10 2.2975E-07 1.3868E-01 1.0526E-03 7.9635E-06 4.6804E+00 2.0526E-06 1.3658E-10 1.4818E-05 2.6650E-08 2.9666E-04 9.9952E-12 8.8782E-08 2.2095E-03 3.3455E-05 1.4154E-06 1.0200E-08 1.2339E-09 3.4367E-03 2.5729E-06 9.2549E-07 4.1659E-06 8.6195E-06 6.4908E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4753E+00 WEIGHT % IHM 4.6348E-09 4.7585E-06 2.8724E+00 2.1801E-02 1.6494E-04 9.6941E+01 4.2513E-05 2.8289E-09 3.0691E-04 5.5196E-07 6.1443E-03 2.0702E-10 1.8389E-06 4.5763E-02 6.9292E-04 2.9317E-05 2.1126E-07 2.5556E-08 7.1181E-02 5.3289E-05 1.9169E-05 8.6284E-05 1.7853E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9960E+01 % CHANGE FROM IHM 4.7326E-09 4.8382E-06 -1.2910E-01 2.1978E-02 1.6552E-04 -5.9389E-02 4.2305E-05 2.8033E-09 3.0809E-04 5.5175E-07 6.1163E-03 2.0521E-10 1.8382E-06 4.5554E-02 6.8688E-04 2.8931E-05 2.0769E-07 2.5228E-08 1.4477E-01 9.3952E-05 3.3811E-05 1.3788E-04 2.8527E-04 -3.3546E-04 0.0000E+00 3.1386E-02 1.5675 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS 96000 160000 192000 64000 128000 192000 250073 TALLY 4 MEAN 2.26132E+01 2.26222E+01 2.26452E+01 3.28379E+01 2.39951E+01 2.34212E+01 2.31022E+01 2.66758E+01 2.37629E+01 2.32352E+01 2.31075E+01 2.43730E+01 2.34102E+01 2.30754E+01 2.29344E+01 NPS 64000 128000 192000 TALLY 24 ERROR MEAN 1.54336E+01 0.0038 1.54047E+01 0.0026 1.54279E+01 0.0021 NPS 64000 128000 192000 16000 80000 128000 192000 32000 ERROR FOM 0.0017 939 0.0011 941 0.0009 943 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0011 1766 0.0010 1329 0.0008 1176 0.0000 5.1E+10 0.0011 1438 0.0009 1188 0.0008 1146 0.0011 2092 0.0010 1326 0.0008 1165 0.0008 1096 FOM 181 182 181 7 TALLY MEAN 1.86847E+01 1.86498E+01 1.86779E+01 2.63190E+01 1.92121E+01 1.87266E+01 1.84772E+01 2.11956E+01 1.89105E+01 1.84988E+01 1.83668E+01 1.91798E+01 1.83871E+01 1.81576E+01 1.80612E+01 ERROR FOM 0.0038 0.0026 0.0021 0.0048 0.0031 0.0025 0.0021 0.0046 0.0029 0.0023 0.0021 0.0035 0.0025 0.0021 0.0018 181 182 181 609 212 200 195 273 205 196 194 219 200 194 191 113 16000 80000 128000 192000 32000 96000 160000 192000 64000 128000 192000 250073 MCNP 2.17393E+01 1.58690E+01 1.54680E+01 1.52620E+01 1.75040E+01 1.56169E+01 1.52769E+01 1.51679E+01 1.58221E+01 1.51681E+01 1.49788E+01 1.48993E+01 0.0048 0.0031 0.0025 0.0021 0.0046 0.0029 0.0023 0.0021 0.0035 0.0025 0.0021 0.0018 5 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: CELL CELL 10 09/07/93 /BURNUP/ VERSION 3B3 BURNUP STEP 10 608 212 200 195 272 205 196 194 219 200 194 191 IRRADIATION MWD/TE 3.8847E+03 THERMAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S 3.6486E+13 04:23:21.57 DAYS DAYS 60.0 120. 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 7.5112E-01 Q-FISSION MeV/FISSION 1.8138E+02 NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.4659E+00 FAST FLUX TOTAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S, 2.2818E+14 N /CM /CM /S 1.9170E+14 FISION RATE FISSION/S 5.3785E+12 SP. POWER MW/TE 3.2373E+01 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) CYCLE 250 1.319920 1.297391 1.332123 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.303035 0.0009 1.302989 0.0010 1.304268 0.0013 K(ABS /TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 AVE OF 245 1.304314 1.301756 1.304222 CYCLES 0.0012 0.0010 0.0016 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.302696 0.0009 1.302402 0.0009 1.304297 0.0012 CORR 0.3868 0.1481 0.6051 10 ATOM DENS. CURRENT (atom/ LOAD(GM) 3.9119E-10 4.5168E-07 1.3274E-01 2.0566E-03 1.2143E-05 4.6775E+00 1.918865E-12 2.206100E-09 6.455868E-04 9.959673E-06 5.853694E-08 2.246117E-02 9.911805E-09 6.616456E-13 2.188436E-07 4.304412E-10 1.433229E-06 4.843564E-14 3.021474E-09 2.153336E-05 6.587706E-07 5.804131E-08 8.758394E-10 1.050222E-10 6.719861E-05 2.176664E-08 7.831801E-09 3.221594E-08 6.820706E-08 4.638644E-02 0.000000E+00 2.0735E-06 1.3899E-10 4.5382E-05 8.9639E-08 2.9972E-04 1.0172E-11 6.2922E-07 4.5032E-03 1.3834E-04 1.2244E-05 1.8546E-07 2.2147E-08 6.8780E-03 2.5701E-06 9.2429E-07 4.1969E-06 8.8856E-06 6.4908E-01 0.0000E+00 WEIGHT % IHM 8.1024E-09 9.3551E-06 2.7494E+00 4.2597E-02 2.5150E-04 9.6881E+01 4.2946E-05 2.8788E-09 9.3995E-04 1.8566E-06 6.2078E-03 2.1067E-10 1.3032E-05 9.3269E-02 2.8653E-03 2.5359E-04 3.8413E-06 4.5871E-07 1.4246E-01 5.3231E-05 1.9144E-05 8.6926E-05 1.8404E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 % CHANGE FROM IHM 8.2734E-09 9.5118E-06 -2.5361E-01 4.2942E-02 2.5239E-04 -1.1952E-01 4.2736E-05 2.8527E-09 9.4356E-04 1.8559E-06 6.1795E-03 2.0883E-10 1.3027E-05 9.2843E-02 2.8403E-03 2.5025E-04 3.7763E-06 4.5281E-07 2.8973E-01 9.3849E-05 3.3768E-05 1.3890E-04 2.9408E-04 -6.7592E-04 0.0000E+00 114 6.959447E-02 TOTAL: 5.4733E+00 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR 9.9919E+01 6.2801E-02 3.3445 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS NPS 64000 128000 192000 16000 80000 128000 192000 32000 96000 160000 192000 64000 128000 192000 64000 128000 192000 250187 NPS 64000 128000 192000 16000 80000 128000 192000 32000 96000 160000 192000 64000 128000 192000 64000 128000 192000 250187 MCNP TALLY 4 MEAN 2.26132E+01 2.26222E+01 2.26452E+01 3.28379E+01 2.39951E+01 2.34212E+01 2.31022E+01 2.66758E+01 2.37629E+01 2.32352E+01 2.31075E+01 2.43730E+01 2.34102E+01 2.30754E+01 2.43343E+01 2.33568E+01 2.30414E+01 2.29052E+01 0.0017 939 0.0011 941 0.0009 943 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0011 1766 0.0010 1329 0.0008 1176 0.0000 5.1E+10 0.0011 1438 0.0009 1188 0.0008 1146 0.0011 2092 0.0010 1326 0.0008 1165 0.0011 2191 0.0010 1319 0.0008 1164 0.0008 1100 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.54336E+01 1.54047E+01 1.54279E+01 2.17393E+01 1.58690E+01 1.54680E+01 1.52620E+01 1.75040E+01 1.56169E+01 1.52769E+01 1.51679E+01 1.58221E+01 1.51681E+01 1.49788E+01 1.56536E+01 1.50224E+01 1.48393E+01 1.47288E+01 ERROR 0.0038 0.0026 0.0021 0.0048 0.0031 0.0025 0.0021 0.0046 0.0029 0.0023 0.0021 0.0035 0.0025 0.0021 0.0035 0.0025 0.0021 0.0018 ERROR 6 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: IRRADIATION MWD /TE 10 CELL 6.7983E+03 THERMAL FLUX N /CM /CM /S 10 7 TALLY MEAN 1.86847E+01 1.86498E+01 1.86779E+01 2.63190E+01 1.92121E+01 1.87266E+01 1.84772E+01 2.11956E+01 1.89105E+01 1.84988E+01 1.83668E+01 1.91798E+01 1.83871E+01 1.81576E+01 1.90012E+01 1.82351E+01 1.80129E+01 1.78787E+01 3.7078E+13 ESTIMATOR 181 182 181 609 212 200 195 273 205 196 194 120. 210. 219 200 194 219 198 192 190 219 200 194 219 197 192 190 09/08/93 07:27:12.97 DAYS DAYS 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 7.6126E-01 Q-FISSION MeV/FISSION 1.8182E+02 FAST FLUX N/CM/CM/S 1.9625E+14 CYCLE 250 1.256008 1.277959 TOM 181 182 181 608 212 200 195 272 205 196 194 FISION RATE FISSION/S 5.3653E+12 NU-FISSION N /FISSION 2.4900E+00 TOTAL FLUX SP. POWER N /CM /CM /S, MW /TE 2.3333E+14 CRITICALITY: K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) ERROR 0.0038 0.0026 0.0021 0.0048 0.0031 0.0025 0.0021 0.0046 0.0029 0.0023 0.0021 0.0035 0.0025 0.0021 0.0035 0.0025 0.0021 0.0018 FOM /BURNUP/ VERSION 3B3 BURNUP STEP CELL FOM AVE OF 245 CYCLES 1.288333 0.0014 1.285487 0.0010 3.2373E+01 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 115 K(TRK LENGTH) 1.248110 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) K(ABS/TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 1.287078 0.0017 SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.286910 0.0009 1.286282 0.0011 1.287706 0.0014 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.286440 0.0009 1.285858 0.0009 1.288127 0.0014 CORR 0.1736 0.1309 0.6808 10 ATOM DENS. CURRENT (atom/ LOAD(GM) 9.2564E-10 8.7655E-07 1.2152E-01 3.9153E-03 1.9901E-05 4.6717E+00 4.540420E-12 4.281261E-09 5.909809E-04 1.896065E-05 9.593587E-08 2.243297E-02 1.002032E-08 6.744544E-13 6.816161E-07 1.410876E-09 1.448924E-06 4.937331E-14 1.968521E-08 4.062048E-05 2.408651E-06 4.217807E-07 1.348125E-08 1.570535E-09 1.342829E-04 2.155494E-08 7.726435E-09 3.236240E-08 6.791681E-08 4.638628E-02 0.000000E+00 6.960933E-02 2.0962E-06 1.4168E-10 1.4135E-04 2.9381E-07 3.0301E-04 1.0368E-11 4.0994E-06 8.4948E-03 5.0582E-04 8.8972E-05 2.8547E-06 3.3119E-07 1.3744E-02 2.5451E-06 9.1186E-07 4.2160E-06 8.8478E-06 6.4908E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4695E+00 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR WEIGHT % IHM 1.9172E-08 1.8155E-05 2.5168E+00 8.1093E-02 4.1218E-04 9.6759E+01 4.3416E-05 2.9345E-09 2.9276E-03 6.0854E-06 6.2758E-03 2.1475E-10 8.4907E-05 1.7594E-01 1.0477E-02 1.8428E-03 5.9127E-05 6.8596E-06 2.8467E-01 5.2713E-05 1.8886E-05 8.7321E-05 1.8326E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9840E+01 % CHANGE FROM IBM 1.9576E-08 1.8459E-05 -4.8905E-01 8.1751E-02 4.1364E-04 -2.4111E-01 4.3204E-05 2.9080E-09 2.9388E-03 6.0831E-06 6.2472E-03 2.1288E-10 8.4875E-05 1.7514E-01 1.0385E-02 1.8185E-03 5.8126E-05 6.7715E-06 5.7897E-01 9.2936E-05 3.3313E-05 1.3953E-04 2.9283E-04 -1.3755E-03 0.0000E+00 1.2690E-01 6.9448 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 64000 192000 128000 64000 192000 250141 NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 64000 192000 128000 64000 192000 250141 MCNP TALLY 4 MEAN 2.26222E+01 3.28379E+01 2.34212E+01 2.66758E+01 2.32352E+01 2.43730E+01 2.30754E+01 2.33568E+01 2.44051E+01 2.30864E+01 2.29418E+01 0.0011 941 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0010 1329 0.0000 5.1E+10 0.0009 1188 0.0011 2092 0.0008 1165 0.0010 1319 0.0011 2144 0.0009 1139 0.0008 1085 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.54047E+01 2.17393E+01 1.54680E+01 1.75040E+01 1.52769E+01 1.58221E+01 1.49788E+01 1.50224E+01 1.52406E+01 1.44710E+01 1.43920E+01 ERROR 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 0.0021 0.0018 ERROR FOM 7 STARTS AT 210. ERROR FOM 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 0.0021 0.0018 182 609 200 273 196 219 194 198 215 189 186 FOM 182 608 200 272 196 219 194 197 215 188 186 /BURNUP/ VERSION 3B3 BURNUP STEP TALLY 7 MEAN 1.86498E+01 2.63190E+01 1.87266E+01 2.11956E+01 1.84988E+01 1.91798E+01 1.81576E+01 1.82351E+01 1.85451E+01 1.76087E+01 1.75125E+01 09/09/93 DAYS 10:31:11.89 116 ENDS AT 365. STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: CELL 10 CELL IRRADIATION MWD/TE 1.1816E+04 THERMAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S 3.8439E+13 10 DAYS 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 7.7783E-01 Q-FISSION MeV/FISSION 1.8241E+02 FAST FLUX N /CM /CM /S 2.0236E+14 FISION RATE FISSION/S 5.3480E+12 NU-FISSION N /FISSION 2.5223E+00 TOTAL FLUX N/cm/cm/s, 2.4079E+14 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 SP. POWER MW/TE 3.2373E+01 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) CYCLE 250 1.232607 1.253409 1.247313 COMBINATION N(coL/Ass) SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.259243 0.0010 1.258419 0.0011 1.260849 0.0015 K(ABS /TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 AVE OF 245 1.261673 1.256813 1.260025 CYCLES 0.0015 0.0011 0.0019 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.258330 0.0009 1.257611 0.0009 1.261415 0.0015 CORR 0.1820 -0.0045 0.6828 10 ATOM DENS. CURRENT (atom/ LOAD(GM) 1.3176E-09 1.4519E-06 1.0609E-01 6.3828E-03 2.9391E-05 4.6627E+00 6.463162E-12 7.091538E-09 5.159691E-04 3.090996E-05 1.416864E-07 2.238983E-02 1.020899E-08 7.025310E-13 1.705966E-06 3.676146E-09 1.476207E-06 5.142866E-14 8.741047E-08 6.334683E-05 6.131590E-06 1.794099E-06 1.071130E-07 1.187662E-08 2.346056E-04 2.125634E-08 7.525588E-09 3.250736E-08 6.694800E-08 4.638603E-02 0.000000E+00 6.963229E-02 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR 2.1356E-06 1.4758E-10 3.5377E-04 7.6555E-07 3.0871E-04 1.0800E-11 1.8203E-05 1.3247E-02 1.2876E-03 3.7846E-04 2.2682E-05 2.5045E-06 2.4013E-02 2.5098E-06 8.8815E-07 4.2349E-06 8.7216E-06 6.4908E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4639E+00 WEIGHT % IHM 2.7291E-08 3.0072E-05 2.1974E+00 1.3220E-01 6.0875E-04 9.6573E+01 4.4233E-05 3.0567E-09 7.3272E-03 1.5856E-05 6.3940E-03 2.2369E-10 3.7702E-04 2.7438E-01 2.6670E-02 7.8386E-03 4.6978E-04 5.1874E-05 4.9735E-01 5.1983E-05 1.8395E-05 8.7712E-05 1.8064E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9724E+01 % CHANGE FROM IHM 2.7867E-08 3.0576E-05 -8.1247E-01 1.3327E-01 6.1089E-04 -4.2712E-01 4.4017E-05 3.0290E-09 7.3554E-03 1.5850E-05 6.3648E-03 2.2174E-10 3.7688E-04 2.7313E-01 2.6437E-02 7.7354E-03 4.6183E-04 5.1207E-05 1.0115E+00 9.1649E-05 3.2447E-05 1.4016E-04 2.8865E-04 -2.4608E-03 0.0000E+00 2.2590E-01 12.6250 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 64000 192000 128000 64000 TALLY 4 MEAN 2.26222E+01 3.28379E+01 2.34212E+01 2.66758E+01 2.32352E+01 2.43730E+01 2.30754E+01 2.33568E+01 2.44051E+01 ERROR FOM 0.0011 941 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0010 1329 0.0000 5.1E+10 0.0009 1188 0.0011 2092 0.0008 1165 0.0010 1319 0.0011 2144 7 TALLY MEAN 1.86498E+01 2.63190E+01 1.87266E+01 2.11956E+01 1.84988E+01 1.91798E+01 1.81576E+01 1.82351E+01 1.85451E+01 ERROR FOM 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 182 609 200 273 196 219 194 198 215 117 192000 128000 250219 NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 64000 192000 128000 64000 192000 128000 250219 MCNP 2.30864E+01 0.0009 2.34213E+01 0.0010 2.29494E+01 0.0008 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.54047E+01 2.17393E+01 1.54680E+01 1.75040E+01 1.52769E+01 1.58221E+01 1.49788E+01 1.50224E+01 1.52406E+01 1.44710E+01 1.41892E+01 1.39052E+01 ERROR 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 0.0021 0.0026 0.0018 8 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: 10 CELL 10 IRRADIATION MWD/TE 2.3632E+04 THERMAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S 4.1120E+13 219 194 197 215 188 192 185 13:42:22.37 DAYS DAYS 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 8.0884E-01 Q-FISSION MeV/FISSION 1.8331E+02 NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.5715E+00 FAST FLUX N/CM/CM/S 2.1403E+14 TOTAL FLUX N/CM/Cm/S, 2.5515E+14 FISION RATE FISSION /S 5.3219E+12 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 SP. POWER MW /TE 3.2373E+01 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) CYCLE 250 1.187881 1.236128 1.202074 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) K(ABS/TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 AVE OF 245 1.212630 1.213088 1.212038 SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.212859 0.0010 1.212563 0.0011 1.212334 0.0015 CYCLES 0.0014 0.0011 0.0019 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.212927 0.0009 1.212834 0.0010 1.212591 0.0014 CORR 0.1551 0.0564 0.7118 10 ATOM DENS. CURRENT (atom/ LOAD(GM) 9.848143E-12 1.169666E-08 4.042282E-04 4.760917E-05 2.069452E-07 2.231293E-02 1.056292E-08 7.536326E-13 4.173748E-06 9.435300E-09 1.527389E-06 5.516954E-14 3.714027E-07 9.028748E-05 1.375449E-05 6.094046E-06 7.018171E-07 7.054006E-08 192 185 182 608 200 272 196 09/10/93 365. 730. 189 FOM /BURNUP/ VERSION 383 BURNUP STEP CELL 1.76087E+01 0.0021 1.73220E+01 0.0026 1.69750E+01 0.0018 1139 1271 1083 2.0077E-09 2.3948E-06 8.3117E-02 9.8311E-03 4.2928E-05 4.6467E+00 2.2097E-06 1.5832E-10 8.6552E-04 1.9649E-06 3.1941E-04 1.1586E-11 7.7344E-05 1.8881E-02 2.8885E-03 1.2855E-03 1.4861E-04 1.4875E-05 WEIGHT % IHM 4.1584E-08 4.9601E-05 1.7215E+00 2.0362E-01 8.8912E-04 9.6241E+01 4.5767E-05 3.2790E-09 1.7927E-02 4.0696E-05 6.6157E-03 2.3996E-10 1.6019E-03 3.9107E-01 5.9826E-02 2.6625E-02 3.0781E-03 3.0810E-04 % CHANGE FROM IHM 4.2461E-08 5.0431E-05 -1.2943E+00 2.0527E-01 8.9226E-04 -7.5869E-01 4.5543E-05 3.2494E-09 1.7995E-02 4.0681E-05 6.5855E-03 2.3787E-10 1.6013E-03 3.8928E-01 5.9304E-02 2.6275E-02 3.0259E-03 3.0414E-04 118 19 50999 20 53135 21 54135 22 61149 23 62149 24 8016 25 64000 TOTAL: 4.054745E-04 2.055586E-08 7.070735E-09 3.225780E-08 6.367465E-08 4.638558E-02 0.000000E+00 6.967316E-02 4.1501E-02 2.4271E-06 8.3447E-07 4.2024E-06 8.2952E-06 6.4907E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4547E+00 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR 8.5957E-01 5.0270E-05 1.7284E-05 8.7039E-05 1.7181E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9534E+01 1.7482E+00 8.8628E-05 3.0486E-05 1.3908E-04 2.7454E-04 -4.3988E-03 0.0000E+00 4.0211E-01 23.8433 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS 64000 192000 128000 64000 192000 128000 128000 249970 TALLY 4 MEAN 2.26222E+01 3.28379E+01 2.34212E+01 2.66758E+01 2.32352E+01 2.43730E+01 2.30754E+01 2.33568E+01 2.44051E+01 2.30864E+01 2.34213E+01 2.34961E+01 2.30503E+01 0.0011 941 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0010 1329 0.0000 5.1E+10 0.0009 1188 0.0011 2092 0.0008 1165 0.0010 1319 0.0011 2144 0.0009 1139 0.0010 1271 0.0010 1270 0.0008 1060 NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 64000 192000 128000 64000 192000 128000 128000 249970 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.54047E+01 2.17393E+01 1.54680E+01 1.75040E+01 1.52769E+01 1.58221E+01 1.49788E+01 1.50224E+01 1.52406E+01 1.44710E+01 1.41892E+01 1.33633E+01 1.31162E+01 ERROR 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 0.0021 0.0026 0.0026 0.0019 NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 MCNP 9 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: IRRADIATION MWD /TE 10 CELL 10 7 TALLY MEAN 1.86498E+01 2.63190E+01 1.87266E+01 2.11956E+01 1.84988E+01 1.91798E+01 1.81576E+01 1.82351E+01 1.85451E+01 1.76087E+01 1.73220E+01 1.63936E+01 1.60904E+01 FOM 2.3664E+04 THERMAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S 4.9167E+13 ESTIMATOR 219 194 198 215 189 192 187 180 194 197 215 188 192 187 180 17:28:06.72 DAYS DAYS 1.5630E+02 WATTS. 1.0000E+02 KW/LITER 8.7870E-01 Q-FISSION MeV/FISSION 1.8508E+02 NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.6704E+00 FAST FLUX N/CM/CM/S 2.4017E+14 TOTAL FLUX N/CM/CM/S, 2.8933E+14 CYCLE 250 1.134338 1.128284 1.151668 182 609 200 273 196 219 CRITICALITY: K(COLLISION) K(ABSORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) FOM 182 608 200 272 196 09/11/93 730. 731. ERROR 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 0.0021 0.0026 0.0026 0.0019 FOM /BURNUP/ VERSION 3B3 BURNUP STEP CELL ERROR AVE OF 245 1.115954 1.116653 1.115542 CYCLES 0.0014 0.0013 0.0019 FISION RATE FISSION/S 5.2709E+12 SP. POWER MW/TE 3.2373E+01 POWER WATTS 1.5630E+02 119 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) K(ABS/TK LN) K(TK LN/COL) CELL: ISOTOPE SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.116303 0.0010 1.116098 0.0011 1.115748 0.0015 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 CORR 0.1780 -0.0659 0.6956 10 ATOM DENS. (atom/ 1 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.116360 0.0010 1.116297 0.0010 1.115912 0.0014 1.187099E-11 2.538885E-08 2.163500E-04 7.065635E-05 3.029018E-07 2.212148E-02 1.114241E-08 8.532440E-13 1.177012E-05 2.855272E-08 1.611191E-06 6.246158E-14 2.046477E-06 1.179005E-04 2.981068E-05 1.926743E-05 5.287264E-06 4.212815E-07 7.899738E-04 1.846667E-08 5.982687E-09 3.032351E-08 5.520620E-08 4.638446E-02 0.000000E+00 6.977152E-02 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR CURRENT LOAD(GM) 2.4201E-09 5.1981E-06 4.4486E-02 1.4590E-02 6.2833E-05 4.6068E+00 2.3309E-06 1.7924E-10 2.4408E-03 5.9460E-06 3.3694E-04 1.3117E-11 4.2617E-04 2.4656E-02 6.2603E-03 4.0644E-03 1.1196E-03 8.8839E-05 8.0856E-02 2.1804E-06 7.0606E-07 3.9504E-06 7.1920E-06 6.4906E-01 0.0000E+00 5.4353E+00 WEIGHT % IBM 5.0125E-08 1.0766E-04 9.2138E-01 3.0219E-01 1.3014E-03 9.5415E+01 4.8278E-05 3.7124E-09 5.0554E-02 1.2315E-04 6.9787E-03 2.7168E-10 8.8269E-03 5.1067E-01 1.2966E-01 8.4181E-02 2.3189E-02 1.8400E-03 1.6747E+00 4.5161E-05 1.4624E-05 8.1820E-05 1.4896E-04 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.9131E+01 % CHANGE FROM IBM 5.1183E-08 1.0947E-04 -2.1043E+00 3.0464E-01 1.3060E-03 -1.5841E+00 4.8042E-05 3.6788E-09 5.0748E-02 1.2311E-04 6.9468E-03 2.6931E-10 8.8236E-03 5.0834E-01 1.2853E-01 8.3073E-02 2.2797E-02 1.8164E-03 3.4060E+00 7.9621E-05 2.5795E-05 1.3074E-04 2.3803E-04 -9.2344E-03 0.0000E+00 8.2617E-01 63.4010 % 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS TALLY 64000 192000 128000 64000 192000 128000 128000 128000 250166 TALLY 4 MEAN 2.26222E+01 3.28379E+01 2.34212E+01 2.66758E+01 2.32352E+01 2.43730E+01 2.30754E+01 2.33568E+01 2.44051E+01 2.30864E+01 2.34213E+01 2.34961E+01 2.38481E+01 2.33940E+01 0.0011 941 0.0000 3.9E+07 0.0010 1329 0.0000 5.1E+10 0.0009 1188 0.0011 2092 0.0008 1165 0.0010 1319 0.0011 2144 0.0009 1139 0.0010 1271 1270 0.0010 0.0010 1202 0.0008 1036 NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 64000 192000 128000 64000 192000 128000 128000 128000 250166 TALLY 24 MEAN 1.54047E+01 2.17393E+01 1.54680E+01 1.75040E+01 1.52769E+01 1.58221E+01 1.49788E+01 1.50224E+01 1.52406E+01 1.44710E+01 1.41892E+01 1.33633E+01 1.18251E+01 1.16265E+01 ERROR 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 0.0021 0.0026 0.0026 0.0026 0.0019 NPS 128000 16000 128000 32000 160000 ERROR FOM FOM 182 608 200 272 196 219 194 197 215 188 192 187 179 173 7 MEAN 1.86498E+01 2.63190E+01 1.87266E+01 2.11956E+01 1.84988E+01 1.91798E+01 1.81576E+01 1.82351E+01 1.85451E+01 1.76087E+01 1.73220E+01 1.63936E+01 1.46469E+01 1.44009E+01 ERROR 0.0026 0.0048 0.0025 0.0046 0.0023 0.0035 0.0021 0.0025 0.0035 0.0021 0.0026 0.0026 0.0026 0.0019 FOM 182 609 200 273 196 219 194 198 215 189 192 187 179 173 120 WIMS INPUT 2. SIMPLE PWR TYPE PIN FOR COMPARISON (MODIFIED EXAMPLE WT70021 OF WIMSD4). 1993 CELL 6 SEQUENCE 2 NGROUP 32 NMESH 3 NREGION 3 NMAT 3 2 PREOUT INITIATE SUPPRESS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 MATERIAL 1 -1 300 1 235.4 7.044083E-04 2238.4 2.248889E-02 $ 16 4.638660E-02 3239.1 1.E-20 MATERIAL 2 -1 300 2 91 4.195717E-02 MATERIAL 3 -1 300 3 2001 6.664032E-02 16 3.332016E-02 ANNULUS 1 0.409500000 1 ANNULUS 2 0.470000000 2 ANNULUS 3 0.705349808 3 FEWGROUPS 1 2 3 4 5 7 10 13 15 17 20 23 25 27 30 33 $ 35 37 40 43 45 47 50 53 55 57 60 63 65 67 68 69 MESH 1 1 1 POWERC 1 32.372 1 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 6 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 23 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 30 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 60 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 90 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 155 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 365 1 BEGINC BEGINC POWERC 1 32.372 1 1 BEGINC BEGINC LEOPARD INPUT 3. WPWR SAMPLE INPUT FOR LEOPARD - SIMPLE PWR EXAMPLE (3% ENRICHMENT) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -2 0 99 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 3 0.00000000 0.97000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 100 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.00000000 777 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 18 -0.03000000 777 0.00000000 300.000000 300.000000 300.000000 300.000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 0.40950000 0.47000000 1.25000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 14.7000000 0.00000000 0.95000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 100.000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1 24.0000000 2 144.000000 3 552.000000 4 720.000000 5 1440.00000 6 2160.00000 7 3720.00000 8 8760.00000 9 24.0000000 777 0.00000 0 2 121 APPENDIX II: ATI MCNPBURN'S OUTPUTS The MCNPBURN output listing contains reprints of the input file. Due to the length of the document, it was found necessary to truncate major irrelevant portions. ATI A. NENP 123456789- 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051- 525354555657585960616263646566676869707172- /BURNUP/ VERSION 3B3 09/01/93 22:03:58.90 ati driver reactor reference startup radius=24 cm pitch=1.3 cm 0 (-3:-4:-6:2:5) -1 I4P:N=0 IMP=6.9896795E -8 $ outside reactor Void outsi 1 2 0 (-3:-4:-6:2:5) 1 IMP:N=0 IM8 =6.9896795E-8 $ infinity Void outside react 7 -2.96 -7 8 -2 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=6.9896795E -8 $ top reflector Reflector 3 4 7 -2.96 7 -5 -2 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=6.9896795E-8 $ outer reflector Reflecto 5 11 -1.86 -7 9 -8 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP-6.9896795E-8 $ top of core region Reflec 6 8 -5.6 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 $ moder 171 180 189 198 207 216 225 234 243 252 261 270 279 288 297 306 315 324 333 342 351 360 369 378 387 396 405 414 423 -9 -7 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP-6.9896795E-8 7 0 -10 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=2.2218324E-1 $ void TFEI 8 1 -10.0 10 -11 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 'HP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=3.3327486 $ fuel TFE 14 -18.8 11 -12 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=1.9996492 $ emitter 9 10 3 0 12 -13 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=7.6529784E-1 $ gap TFEI 11 4 -8.4286 13 -14 -9 3 4 6 /MP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=1.6787178 $ collec 12 10 -3.56 14 -15 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 INW=1.0022863E-7 $ sheath TFE1 VOL=9.1342001E-1 13 $ cladding TFE1 4 -8.4286 15 -16 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP - 7.7565925E -8 VOL=9.6279406E-1 14 5 -0.75 16 -17 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL- 5.5545811 $ coolant 15 4 -8.4286 17 -18 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=0.1236820 $ liner 16 0 -19 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 v01=4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE2 1 -10.0 19 -20 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TM:P=1.6399443E-7 VOL=6.6654973 $ fuel TFE2 17 18 14 -18.8 20 -21 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=3.9992984 $ emitter T 19 3 0 21 -22 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 V4P=1.4400299E-7 VOL=1.5305957 $ gap TET.2 4 -8.4286 22 -23 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=3.3574357 $ collecto 20 21 10 -3.56 23 -24 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath TF 22 4 -8.4286 24 -25 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL=1.9255881 $ cladding 23 5 -0.75 25 -26 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E -8 VOL=11.109162 $ coolant TF 24 4 -8.4286 26 -27 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=2.4736401E-1 $ liner 0 -28 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE3 25 26 1 -10.0 28 -29 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=6.6654973 $ fuel TFE3 27 14 -18.8 29 -30 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=3.9992984 $ emitter T 28 3 0 30 -31 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.4400299E -7 VOL=1.5305957 $ gap TFE3 29 4 -8.4286 31 -32 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=3.3574357 $ collecto 30 10 -3.56 32 -33 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 33 -34 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=1.9255881 $ cladding 31 32 5 -0.75 34 -35 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL=11.109162 $ coolant TF 33 4 -8.4286 35 -36 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=2.4736401E-1 $ liner 34 0 -37 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE4 35 1 -10.0 37 -38 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=6.6654973 $ fuel TFE4 36 14 -18.8 38 -39 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 3.9992984 $ emitter T 37 3 0 39 -40 -9 3 6 I24P:N=1 TM:P=1.4400299E-7 VOL=1.5305957 $ gap TFE4 4 -8.4286 40 -41 -9 3 6 M4P:N=1 IMP...1.0109033E-7 VOL=3.3574357 $ collecto 38 39 10 -3.56 41 -42 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath IF 40 4 -8.4286 42 -43 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=1.9255881 $ cladding 41 5 -0.75 43 -44 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=11.109162 $ coolant IF 42 4 -8.4286 44 -45 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=2.4736401E-1 $ liner 43 0 -46 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE5 44 1 -10.0 46 -47 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=6.6654973 $ fuel TFE5 45 14 -18.8 47 -48 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=3.9992984 $ emitter T 46 3 0 48 -49 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=1.5305957 $ gap TEES 47 4 -8.4286 49 -50 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TM:P=1.0109033E-7 VOL=3.3574357 $ collecto 48 10 -3.56 50 -51 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath IF 49 4 -8.4286 51 -52 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL- 1.9255881 $ cladding 50 5 -0.75 52 -53 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=11.109162 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 53 -54 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=2.4736401E-1 $ liner 51 52 0 -55 -9 3 6 II8:N=1 1'MP...1.6399443E-7 VOL=4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE6 1 -10.0 55 -56 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL...6.6654973 $ fuel TFE6 53 54 14 -18.8 56 -57 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL...3.9992984 $ emitter T 55 3 0 57 -58 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=1.5305957 $ gap TFE6 56 4 -8.4286 58 -59 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=3.3574357 $ collecto 57 10 -3.56 59 -60 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath IF 58 4 -8.4286 60 -61 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL=1.9255881 $ cladding 59 5 -0.75 61 -62 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=11.109162 $ coolant IF 60 4 -8.4286 62 -63 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 INP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=2.4736401E-1 $ liner 61 0 -64 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE7 62 1 -10.0 64 -65 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP - 1.6399443E -7 VOL=6.6654973 $ fuel TFE7 63 14 -18.8 65 -66 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=3.9992984 $ emitter T 64 3 0 66 -67 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMp=1.4400299E-7 VOL- 1.5305957 $ gap TFE7 65 4 -8.4286 67 -68 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP-1.0109033E-7 VOL- 3.3574357 $ collecto 66 10 -3.56 68 -69 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath IF 122 737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175- 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 4 -8.4286 69 -70 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL1.9255881 $ cladding 5 -0.75 70 -71 -9 3 6 IMP:N.1 THP7.7565925E-8 VOL11.109162 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 71 -72 -9 3 6 IMP:N.1 TWP7.7565925E-8 V01.2.4736401E-1 0 liner 0 -73 -9 3 I4P:N=1 TMP-1.63994431E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TIES 1 -10.0 73 -74 -9 3 I1 P:N1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL- 13.330994 $ fuel TFE8 14 -18.8 74 -75 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 7.9985968 $ emitter TIE 9 0 75 -76 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL- 3.0611913 $ gap TFE8 4 -8.4286 76 -77 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collector 10 -3.56 77 -78 -9 3 I4:N1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL- 3.6536800 0 sheath TFE8 4 -8.4286 78 -79 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP7.7565925E-8 V01.3.8511762 $ cladding T 5 -0.75 79 -80 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant TIES 4 -8.4286 80 -81 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 $ liner T 0 -82 -9 3 MMP:Nml TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE9 1 -10.0 82 -83 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 V0143.330994 $ fuel TFE9 14 -18.8 83 -84 -9 9 IMP:N1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter TIE 3 0 84 -85 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.4400299E-7 VOLm3.0611913 $ gap TFE9 4 -8.4286 85 -86 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collector 10 -3.56 86 -87 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 $ sheath TFE9 4 -8.4286 87 -88 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOLm3.8511762 0 cladding T 5 -0.75 88 -89 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant TFE9 4 -8.4286 89 -90 -9 3 1MP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL.4.9472802E-1 $ liner T 0 -91 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE10 1 -10.0 91 -92 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL13.330994 $ fuel TFE10 14 -18.8 92 -93 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter TIE 3 0 93 -94 -9 3 IMP:N.1 IMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE10 4 -8.4286 94 -95 -9 3 IMP:N.I. 111Pm1.0109033E-7VOL=6.7148714 $ collector 10 -3.56 95 -96 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath TFE1 4 -8.4286 96 -97 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding T 5 -0.75 97 -98 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TFE1 4 -8.4286 98 -99 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 $ liner T 0 -100 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFEll 1 -10.0 100 -101 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFEll 14 -18.8 101 -102 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 102 -103 -9 3 IMP:N=1 IMP 1.4400299E-7 VOL3.0611913 $ gap TFEll 4 -8.4286 103 -104 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collect°. 10 -3.56 104 -105 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 105 -106 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 106 -107 -9 3 lIMP:N1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant TI 4 -8.4286 107 -108 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL 4.9472802E -1 $ liner 0 -109 -9 3 M4P:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE12 1 -10.0 109 -110 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TM71.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE12 14 -18.8 110 -111 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 111 -112 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.4400299E-7 V0L3.0611913 $ gap T17412 4 -8.4286 112 -119 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 113 -114 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 114 -115 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 115 -116 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 116 -117 -9 3 IMP:N=1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL- 4.9472802E -1 $ liner 0 -118 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 V01,8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE13 1 -10.0 118 -119 -9 3 IMP:N=1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL13.330994 $ fuel TFE13 14 -18.8 119 -120 -9 3 IMP:N=1 IMP1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 120 -121 -9 3 IMP:N.1 IMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL- 3.06119l3 $ gap TFE13 4 -8.4286 121 -122 -9 3 IMP:N1 IMP1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 122 -123 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL =3.6536800 $ sheath TI 4 -8.4286 123 -124 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL.3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 124 -125 -9 3 MMP:N-1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 125 -126 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -127 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 V010..8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE14 1 -10.0 127 -128 -9 3 EMP:N1 TH2.1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE14 14 -18.8 128 -129 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 129 -130 -9 3 M4P:N1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL.3.0611913 $ gap TFE14 4 -8.4286 130 -131 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 131 -132 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL- 3.6536800 $ sheath Tr 4 -8.4286 132 -133 -9 3 IMP:N =1 IMP7.7565925E-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 133 -134 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TI 4 -8.4286 134 -135 -9 3 IMP:N=1 2MP-7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -136 -9 3 4 IMP:N1 IMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL-4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE15 1 -10.0 136 -137 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 Tham1.6399443E-7 VOL=6.6654973 $ fuel TFE 14 -18.8 137 -138 -9 3 4 IMP:N1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=3.9992984 0 emitter 3 0 138 -139 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 THP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=1.5305957 $ gap TFE15 4 -8.4286 139 -140 -9 3 4 IMP:N =1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL3.3574357 $ collec 10 -3.56 140 -141 -9 3 4 IMP:Nml TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL1.8268400 $ sheath 4 -8.4286 141 -142 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 THP7.7565925E-8 VOL=1.9255881 $ claddi 5 -0.75 142 -143 -9 3 4 1MP:N1 IMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=11.109162 $ coolant 4 -8.4286 143 -144 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 $ liner TFE15 VOL2.4736401E-1 0 -145 -9 3 IM8:N1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE16 1 -10.0 145 -146 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE16 14 -18.8 146 -147 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 147 -148 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL.3.0611913 $ gap TFE16 4 -8.4286 148 -149 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 149 -150 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL- 3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 150 -151 -9 3 DIP:N1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 151 -152 -9 3 IMP:N.1 THP7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TI 4 -8.4286 152 -153 -9 3 IMP:N=1 IMP7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -154 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TME-i.6399443E -7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE17 1 -10.0 154 -155 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL-13.330994 $ fuel TFE17 14 -18.8 155 -156 -9 3 IMP:N1 IMP.1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 156 -157 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMPm1.4400299E-7 VOL.3.0611913 $ gap TFE17 4 -8.4286 157 -158 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMPm1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 158 -159 -9 3 IMP:N =1 MP-1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 $ sheath TI 4 -8.4286 159 -160 -9 3 /4P:N1 IMP7.7565925E-8 vOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 160 -161 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 161 -162 -9 3 IMP:N.1 IMP7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -163 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFEI8 1 -10.0 163 -164 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6999443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE18 14 -18.8 164 -165 -9 3 IMP:N=1 Imp1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 165 -166 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE18 4 -8.4286 166 -167 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 167 -168 -9 3 IMP:N=1 IMP1.0022863E-7 VOL.3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 168 -169 -9 3 I3P:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 V01,3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 169 -170 -9 3 EMP:N1 TMP7.7565925E-8 V01=22.218324 $ coolant TI 4 -8.4286 170 -171 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 4 liner 123 176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278- 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 0 -172 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOI=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE19 1 -10.0 172 -173 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE19 14 -18.8 173 -174 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 174 -175 -9 3 7249:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE19 4 -8.4286 175 -176 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 8 collecto 10 -3.56 176 -177 -9 3 1MP:N=1 THP=1.0022863E-7 VOL- 3.6536800 $ sheath IT 4 -8.4286 177 -178 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL- 3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 178 -179 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant IT 4 -8.4286 179 -180 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP- 7.7565925E -8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 8 liner 0 -181 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL- 8.8873298E -1 $ void TFE20 1 -10.0 181 -182 -9 3 /4P:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 8 fuel TFE20 14 -18.8 182 -183 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 183 -184 -9 3 fl :N =1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE20 4 -8.4286 184 -185 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 8 collecto 10 -3.56 185 -186 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.0022863E-7 VOI=3.6536800 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 186 -187 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 V0L=3.8511762 8 cladding 5 -0.75 187 -188 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 188 -189 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -190 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE21 1 -10.0 190 -191 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE21 14 -18.8 191 -192 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 8 emitter T 3 0 192 -193 -9 3 IM8:N=1 IMP- l.4400299E -7 VOL=3.0611913 8 gap TFE21 4 -8.4286 193 -194 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 V0L=6.7148714 8 collecto 10 -3.56 194 -195 -9 3 14P:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath IT 4 -8.4286 195 -196 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 8 cladding 5 -0.75 196 -197 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 vOL=22.218324 8 coolant TF 4 -8.4286 197 -198 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP .7.7565925E -8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 8 liner 0 -199 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 V01=61.8873298E-1 8 void TFE22 1 -10.0 199 -200 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 8 fuel TFE22 14 -18.8 200 -201 -9 3 /MP:N=1 2MP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 201 -202 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 8 gap TFE22 4 -8.4286 202 -203 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 8 collecto 10 -3.56 203 -204 -9 3 fl :N =1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 204 -205 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 205 -206 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 206 -207 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL- 4.9472802E -1 $ liner 0 -208 -9 3 IMP:N =1 THP=1.6399443E-7 V01=8.8873298E-1 0 void TFE23 1 -10.0 208 -209 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE23 14 -18.8 209 -210 -9 3 I4P:N=1 THP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 7.9965968 8 emitter T 3 0 210 -211 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE23 4 -8.4286 211 -212 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 212 -213 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 213 -214 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 V01=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 214 -215 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant IT 4 -8.4286 215 -216 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 V01=4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -217 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE24 1 -10.0 217 -218 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE24 14 -18.8 218 -219 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 V01=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 219 -220 -9 3 1MP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE24 4 -8.4286 220 -221 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 0 collecto 10 -3.56 221 -222 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 222 -223 -9 3 I1P:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 223 -224 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 8 coolant IT 4 -8.4286 224 -225 -9 3 IMP:9T=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 V01=4.9472802E-1 8 liner 0 -226 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 8 void TFE25 1 -10.0 226 -227 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE25 14 -18.8 227 -228 -9 3 MMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 228 -229 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 8 gap TFE25 4 -8.4286 229 -230 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 230 -231 -9 3 ImP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL- 3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 231 -232 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL- 3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 232 -233 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 233 -234 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -235 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL- 8.8873298E -1 8 void TFE26 1 -10.0 235 -236 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE26 14 -18.8 236 -237 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 237 -238 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE26 4 -8.4286 238 -239 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 239 -240 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 240 -241 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 241 -242 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 242 -243 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -244 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE27 1 -10.0 244 -245 -9 3 1MP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE27 14 -18.8 245 -246 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 246 -247 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE27 4 -8.4286 247 -248 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 248 -249 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath IT 4 -8.4286 249 -250 -9 3 IMP:8=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 V0L=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 250 -251 -9 3 IMP:N=1 MP-7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 251 -252 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -253 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE28 1 -10.0 253 -254 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=6.6654973 $ fuel TFE 14 -18.8 254 -255 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=3.9992984 8 emitter 3 0 255 -256 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 THP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=1.5305957 $ gap TFE28 4 -8.4286 256 -257 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 VOL=3.3574357 8 collec 10 -3.56 257 -258 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath 4 -8.4286 258 -259 -9 3 4 /34P:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL=1.9255881 8 claddi 5 -0.75 259 -260 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP- 7.75659259 -8 VOL=11.109162 $ coolant 4 -8.4286 260 -261 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 $ liner TFE28 VOL=2.4736401E-1 0 -262 -9 3 1MP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE29 1 -10.0 262 -263 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE29 14 -18.8 263 -264 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL-7.9985968 $ emitter 3 0 264 -265 -9 3 IMP:N =1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE29 4 -8.4286 265 -266 -9 3 IMP:N =1 114P=1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 266 -267 -9 3 ID49:N=1 TMP=1.0022863E-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath IT 4 -8.4286 267 -268 -9 3 /4P:N=1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL- 3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 268 -269 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 vOL=22.218324 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 269 -270 -9 3 144P:N=1 T44P=7.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -271 -9 3 I4P:11=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE30 1 -10.0 271 -272 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TH1..1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel Trt30 14 -18.8 272 -273 -9 3 I24P:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 f emitter T 124 279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381- 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 3 0 273 -274 -9 3 I4P:N1 TMP1.4400299E-7 VOL3.0611913 $ gap TFE30 4 -8.4286 274 -275 -9 3 IMP:101 TMP1.0109033E-7 V01=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 275 -276 -9 3 I4P:N1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 8 sheath IF 4 -8.4286 276 -277 -9 3 IMP:N1 TWP7.7565925E-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 277 -278 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP.7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.210324 0 coolant IF liner 4 -8.4286 278 -279 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 0 -280 -9 3 I49:N1 TWP1.6399443E-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 8 void TFE31 1 -10.0 280 -281 -9 3 TMP:N1 TMP- 1.6399443E -7 VOL.13.330994 $ fuel TFE31 14 -18.8 281 -282 -9 3 I4P:N=1 TMP1.4417533E-7 VOL.7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 282 -283 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 8 gap TFE31 4 -8.4286 283 -284 -9 3 fl :N =1 TWP1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 0 collecto 10 -3.56 284 -285 -9 3 DIP:N1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 $ *heath Tr 4 -8.4286 285 -286 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TM:P=7.7565925E-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 286 -287 -9 3 IM9):N1 THP7.7565925E-8 VOL.22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 287 -288 -9 3 I4P:N.1 TI4P7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -289 -9 3 I4P:N1 THP1.6399443E-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 8 void TFE32 1 -10.0 289 -290 -9 3 D49:N=1 THP.1.6399443E-7 VOL13.330994 $ fuel TFE32 14 -18.8 290 -291 -9 3 E4P:N1 TMP1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 291 -292 -9 3 IMP:N1 THP=1.4400299E-7 VOL3.0611913 8 gap TFE32 4 -8.4286 292 -293 -9 3 II4P:N1 TWP=1.0109033E-7 VOL.6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 293 -294 -9 3 MHP:Wd THP1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 8 sheath TF 4 -8.4286 294 -295 -9 3 IMP:N1 TWP7.7565925E-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 295 -296 -9 3 IMP:N1 THP-7.7565925E-8 VOL.22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 296 -297 -9 3 TI4P:N.1 TW27.7565925E-8 VOL=4.9472802E-1 8 liner 0 -298 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TWP1.6399443E-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE33 1 -10.0 298 -299 -9 3 IMP:N1 THP.1.6399443E-7 VOL.13.330994 8 fuel TFE33 14 -18.8 299 -300 -9 3 1WP:N=1 TH21.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 300 -301 -9 3 DIP:N=1 TMP=1.4400299E-7 V0103.0611913 $ gap 11133 4 -8.4286 301 -302 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP=1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 8 collecto 10 -3.56 302 -303 -9 3 I4P:N=1 TWP1.0022863E-7 VOL.3.6536800 8 sheath TF 4 -8.4286 303 -304 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP7.75659251-8 V01=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 304 -305 -9 3 I4P:N=1 TH9.7.7565925E-8 VOL.22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 305 -306 -9 3 IMP:N1 TWP=7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 8 liner 0 -307 -9 3 I4P:N=1 THP1.6399443E-7 VOL.8.8873298E -1 8 void TFE34 1 -10.0 307 -308 -9 3 IMP:N1 TH2.1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 0 fuel TFE34 14 -18.8 308 -309 -9 3 MMP:N=1 THP1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 309 -310 -9 3 7249:N1 TWP=1.4400299E-7 VOL3.0611913 $ gap TFE34 4 -8.4286 310 -311 -9 3 IMP:N1 TWP=1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 311 -312 -9 3 MMP:N=1 THP=1.00228631-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 312 -313 -9 3 IMP:N1 174P=7.75659251-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 313 -314 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TWP7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TF liner 4 -8.4286 314 -315 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL.4.9472802E-1 0 -316 -9 3 I4P:N1 THP1.63994431-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE35 1 -10.0 316 -317 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP.1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE35 14 -18.8 317 -318 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TM-1.4417533E-7 VOL.7.9985968 8 emitter T 3 0 318 -319 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.4400299E-7 VOL.3.0611913 $ gap TF135 4 -8.4286 319 -320 -9 3 3)49:81 15411.0109033E-7 VOL.6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 320 -321 -9 3 I4P:81 TWP1.0022863E-7 VOL.3.6536800 8 sheath TF 4 -8.4286 321 -322 -9 3 I0:14=1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL.3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 322 -323 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THIP7.75659251-8 VOL.22.218324 8 coolant TF 4 -8.4286 323 -324 -9 3 IMP:N.1 1W17.75659251-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -325 -9 3 TI4P:N1 THY-1.6399443E-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE36 1 -10.0 325 -326 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.63994431-7 VOL13.330994 8 fuel TFE36 14 -18.8 326 -327 -9 3 IMP:N1 THP1.44175331-7 VOL7.9985968 8 emitter T 3 0 327 -328 -9 3 340:81 189=1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap 1FE36 4 -8.4286 328 -329 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TWP1.0109033E-7 VOL.6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 329 -330 -9 3 I1P:N1 THP1.00228631-7 VOL.3.6536800 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 330 -331 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TWP7.75659251-8 VOL=3.8511762 8 cladding 5 -0.75 331 -332 -9 3 IMP:N1 7MP-7.7565925E-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant IF liner 4 -8.4286 332 -333 -9 3 3)0:51 150=7.75659251-8 VOL.4.9472802E-1 0 -334 -9 3 IMP:N1 THP1.63994431-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 $ void 1FE37 1 -10.0 334 -335 -9 3 1MP:20.1 1e-1.6399443E-7 VOL13.330994 $ fuel TFE37 14 -18.8 335 -336 -9 3 350:81 THP1.4417533E-7 VOL.7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 336 -337 -9 3 I4P:10.1 THP1.4400299E-7 VOL3.0611913 $ gap TFE37 4 -8.4286 337 -338 -9 3 10:8.1 T501.01090331-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 338 -339 -9 3 11442.:8=1 T)01.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 $ sheath IF 4 -8.4286 339 -340 -9 3 I4P:N1 TMP=7.75659251-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 340 -341 -9 3 3)0:51 THY...7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 341 -342 -9 3 254P:N1 189=7.75659251-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -343 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP1.63994431-7 VOLm6.8873298E-1 $ void TFE38 1 -10.0 343 -344 -9 3 IMP:N1 THY...1.6399443E-7 VOL.13.330994 $ fuel TFE38 14 -18.8 344 -345 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP=1.44175331-7 VOL7.9985968 8 emitter T 3 0 345 -346 -9 3 I4P:N=1 TWP=1.44002991-7 VOL.3.0611913 8 gap TFE38 4 -8.4286 346 -347 -9 3 I4P:5 .1 TWP=1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 8 collecto 10 -3.56 347 -348 -9 3 1MP:51 TWP1.002286315-7 VOL=3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 348 -349 -9 3 3)0:81 MP-7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 349 -350 -9 3 IMP:N1 TWP7.75659251-8 VOL=22.218324 0 coolant TF 4 -8.4286 350 -351 -9 3 IMP:N1 TWP=7.7565925E-8 VOL 4.94728021 -1 $ liner 0 -352 -9 3 4 I4P:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL4.4436649E-1 $ void 1FE39 1 -10.0 352 -353 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 THP=1.63994431-7 VOL6.6654973 $ fuel TFE 14 -18.8 353 -354 -9 3 4 1M0:N1 TMP1.4417533E-7 VOL3.9992984 $ emitter 3 0 354 -355 -9 3 4 3)449:51 1501.44002991-7 VOL1.5305957 $ gap 11E39 4 -8.4286 355 -356 -9 3 4 IMP:N.1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL.3.3574357 $ collec 10 -3.56 356 -357 -9 3 4 1MP:8.1 TMP-1.0022863E-7 VOL=1.8268400 $ sheath 4 -8.4286 357 -358 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP7.75659251-8 VOL.1.9255881 $ claddi 5 -0.75 358 -359 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 THP=7.7565925E-8 V01=11.109162 $ coolant 4 -8.4286 359 -360 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 THP7.75659251-8 $ liner TFE39 VOL.2.4736401E-1 0 -361 -9 3 IMP:N=1 THP.1.63994431-7 V01.8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE40 1 -10.0 361 -362 -9 3 E41:N=1 TH2..1.6399443E-7 VOL.13.330994 $ fuel TFE40 14 -18.8 362 -363 -9 3 IMP:N=1 n2.1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 8 emitter T 3 0 363 -364 -9 3 3)441:571 1M1=1.4400299E-7 VOL.3.0611913 8 gap 11E40 4 -8.4286 364 -365 -9 3 142:51 1501.01090331-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 365 -366 -9 3 142:N1 T10..1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 8 sheath TF 4 -8.4286 366 -367 -9 3 IMP:N.1 1W9=7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 8 cladding 5 -0.75 367 -368 -9 3 IMP:N1 THP.7.7565925E-8 VOL.22.218324 8 coolant IF 4 -8.4286 368 -369 -9 3 I0:N1 THP7.75659251-8 VOL.4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -370 -9 3 I4P:N1 1549 1.63994431-7 VOL.8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE41 1 -10.0 370 -371 -9 3 2519:11 150=1.63994431-7 VOL13.330994 $ fuel 11E41 14 -18.8 371 -372 -9 3 3)0:81 9441.44175331-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 372 -373 -9 3 I4P:N=1 TMP1.4400299E-7 VOL3.0611913 8 gap TFE41 4 -8.4286 373 -374 -9 3 I4P:N1 THP1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 374 -375 -9 3 I4P:11 THP1.00228631-7 VOL.3.6536800 $ sheath TF 125 382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484- 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 1 2 *3 *4 5 *6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 4 -8.4286 375 -376 -9 9 1MP:N1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOLp3.8511762 f cladding 5 -0.75 376 -377 -9 3 IMP:Nml TMP7.756592512-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant Tr 4 -8.4286 377 -378 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -379 -9 3 IMP:NI TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE42 1 -10.0 379 -380 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE42 14 -18.8 380 -381 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.4417533E-7 V0L.7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 381 -382 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.4400299E-7 V0L=3.0611913 $ gap TFE42 4 -8.4286 382 -383 -9 3 1MP:N.1 TMP1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 0 collecto 10 -3.56 383 -384 -9 3 1MP:N1 MP-1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 0 sheath SF 4 -8.4286 384 -385 -9 3 1WP:N1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 V0L3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 385 -386 -9 3 MP:N1 MP7.756592512-8 VOL=22.218324 $ coolant TT 4 -8.4286 386 -387 -9 3 MP:N.1 5M97.756592512-8 V0L.4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -388 -9 3 MP:N1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL.8.8873298E-1 $ Void TFE43 1 -10.0 388 -389 -9 3 MP:N1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL13.330994 $ fuel TFE43 14 -18.8 389 -390 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 vOL- 7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 390 -391 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.4400299E-7 VOLm3.0611913 $ gap TFE43 4 -8.4286 391 -392 -9 3 IM0:N1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 V0L=6.7148714 $ collect° 10 -3.56 392 -393 -9 3 EMP:Mml TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 $ sheath Tr 4 -8.4286 393 -394 -9 3 1MP:N.1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 394 -395 -9 3 EMP:N1 /MP-7.7565925E-8 V0L22.218324 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 395 -396 -9 3 MP:N=1 1MP-7.7565925E-8 VOL.4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -397 -9 3 1M99:N.1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 V01.8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE44 1 -10.0 397 -398 -9 3 MP:N1 TMP.1.6399443E-7 VOL13.330994 0 fuel TFE44 14 -18.8 398 -399 -9 3 /MP:N1 TMP1.4417533E-7 VOL=7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 399 -400 -9 3 MP:N=1 TMP1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE44 4 -8.4286 400 -401 -9 3 1M0:N1 TMP-1.0109033E-7 VOL6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 401 -402 -9 3 MP:N=1 TMP1.0022863E-7 V0Lm3.6536800 f sheath Tr 4 -8.4286 402 -403 -9 3 MP:Nml TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 403 -404 -9 3 MP:N.1 THP=7.75659252-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TT 4 -8.4286 404 -405 -9 3 /4P:N1 TMP7.7565925E-8 V0L.4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -406 -9 3 1MP:N1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL-8.8873298E-1 0 void TFE45 1 -10.0 406 -407 -9 3 5)0:51 5142=1.639944312-7 V0L.13.330994 0 fuel TFE45 14 -18.8 407 -408 -9 3 MP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 V0L7.9985968 $ emitter T 3 0 408 -409 -9 3 IMP:N1 M1..1.4400299E-7 VOL.3.0611913 $ gap TFE45 4 -8.4286 409 -410 -9 3 IM0:N1 TMP=1.0109033E-7 V0L6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 410 -411 -9 3 TIMP:N=1 TMP1.0022863E-7 VOL3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 411 -412 -9 3 IM0:N1 TMP=7.7565925E-8 VOL 3.8511762 0 cladding 5 -0.75 412 -413 -9 3 MP:N=1 MP=7.7565925E-8 V0L.22.218324 $ coolant IF 4 -8.4286 413 -414 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP.7.7565925E-8 vOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner 0 -415 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 V01.8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE46 1 -10.0 415 -416 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TFE46 14 -18.8 416 -417 -9 3 ZMP:N1 TMP-1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T 9 0 417 -418 -9 3 MP:N=1 THP1.4400299E-7 VOL=3.0611913 $ gap TFE46 4 -8.4286 418 -419 -9 3 1MP:N1 TMP.1.0109033E-7 VOL=6.7148714 $ collecto 10 -3.56 419 -420 -9 3 IMP:N1 TMP1.0022863E-7 V0L3.6536800 $ sheath TF 4 -8.4286 420 -421 -9 3 MP:N.1 TMP7.7565925E-8 VOL=3.8511762 $ cladding 5 -0.75 421 -422 -9 3 114P:N.1 1MP-7.7565925E-8 VOL22.218324 $ coolant TF 4 -8.4286 422 -423 -9 3 IMP:N=1 MP7.7565925E-8 VOL4.9472802E-1 $ liner SO 1000 $ infinity PZ 27.5 $ top of core PZ 0 $ midplane PX 0 $ X symmetric plane CZ 32 $ reflector cylinder PY 0 $ Y symmetric plane CZ 24 $ cylinder of core PE 19.522 0 top of rod PZ 12.573 $ top of fuel C/2 0 1R 0.15 $ TFE1 C/2 0 1R 0.6 $ TFE1 C/2 0 1R 0.75 $ TEEM C/2 0 1R 0.8 $ TFE1 C/2 0 1R 0.9 $ TFE1 C/2 0 1R 0.95 $ TFE1 C/2 0 1R 1.0 $ TFE1 C/Z 0 1R 1.25 $ TFE1 C/2 0 IR 1.255 $ TFE1 C/2 3.263 0.15 $ TFE2 C/2 3.263 0.6 $ TFE2 C/2 3.263 0.75 $ TFE2 C/2 3.263 0.8 $ TFE2 C/2 3.263 0.9 $ TFE2 C/2 3.263 0.95 $ TFE2 C/2 3.263 1.0 $ TFE2 C/2 3.263 1.25 $ TFE2 C/Z 3.263 1.255 $ TFE2 C/2 6.526 0.15 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 0.6 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 0.75 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 0.8 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 0.9 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 0.95 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 1.0 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 1.25 $ TFE3 C/2 6.526 1.255 $ TFE3 C/2 9.789 0.15 $ TFE4 C/2 9.789 0.6 $ TFE4 C/2 9.789 0.75 $ TFE4 C/2 9.789 0.8 $ TFE4 C/Z 9.789 0.9 $ TFE4 C/2 9.789 0.95 $ TFE4 C/2 9.789 1.0 $ TFE4 C/2 9.789 1.25 $ TFE4 C/2 9.789 1.255 $ TFE4 C/2 13.052 0.15 $ TFE5 C/2 13.052 0.6 $ TEES C/2 13.052 0.75 $ TFE5 C/2 13.052 0.8 $ TFE5 C/2 13.052 0.9 $ TEES C/2 13.052 0.95 $ TFE5 C/2 13.052 1.0 $ TFE5 C/2 13.052 1.25 $ TFE5 C/2 13.052 1.255 4 TFE5 126 485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587- 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 79 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 C/S 16.315 0.15 $ TFE6 C/Z 16.315 0.6 $ TFE6 C/S 16.315 0.75 $ TFE6 C/S 16.315 0.8 $ TFE6 C/S 16.315 0.9 $ TFE6 C/S 16.315 0.95 $ TFE6 C/S 16.315 1.0 8 TFE6 C/Z 16.315 1.25 $ TFE6 C/S 16.315 1.255 8 TFE6 C/Z 19.578 0.15 $ TFE7 C/S 19.578 0.6 $ TFE7 C/S 19.578 0.75 8 TFE7 C/Z 19.578 0.8 $ TFE7 C/S 19.578 0.9 $ TFE7 C/S 19.578 0.95 8 TFE7 C/S 19.578 1.0 $ TFE7 C/S 19.578 1.25 8 TFE7 C/S 19.578 1.255 $ TFE7 C/S 1.6315 .8259211 0.15 6 TFE8 C/Z 1.6315 .8259211 0.6 $ TFE8 C/S 1.6315 .8259211 0.75 $ TFE8 C/S 1.6315 .8259211 0.8 $ TFE8 C/S 1.6315 .8259211 0.9 $ TFE8 C/S 1.6315 .8259211 0.95 0 TEES C/S 1.6315 .8259211 1.0 id TFE8 C/S 1.6315 .8259211 1.25 $ TFE8 C/S 1.6315 .8259211 1.255 $ TFE8 C/S 4.8945 .8259211 0.15 $ TFE9 C/S 4.8945 .8259211 0.6 8 TFE9 C/S 4.8945 .8259211 0.75 $ TFE9 C/Z 4.8945 .8259211 0.8 $ TFE9 C/S 4.8945 .8259211 0.9 8 TFE9 C/Z 4.8945 .8259211 0.95 $ TFE9 C/Z 4.8945 .8259211 1.0 $ TFE9 C/S 4.8945 .8259211 1.25 $ TFE9 C/Z 4.8945 .8259211 1.255 $ TFE9 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 0.15 $ TFE10 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 0.6 $ TFE10 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 0.75 $ TFE10 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 0.8 $ TFE10 C/Z 8.1575 .8259211 0.9 $ TFE10 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 0.95 $ TFE10 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 1.0 $ TFE10 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 1.25 8 TFE10 C/S 8.1575 .8259211 1.255 $ TFE10 C/Z 11.4205 2.8259211 0.15 $ TFE11 C/Z 11.4205 2.8259211 0.6 8 TFE11 C/S 11.4205 2.8259211 0.75 $ TFE11 C/S 11.4205 2.8259211 0.8 $ TFE11 C/S 11.4205 2.8259211 0.9 $ TFE11 C/Z 11.4205 2.8259211 0.95 $ TFE11 C/Z 11.4205 2.8259211 1.0 $ TFE11 C/Z 11.4205 2.8259211 1.25 $ TFE11 C/S 11.4205 2.8259211 1.255 $ TFE11 C/Z 14.6835 2.8259211 0.15 $ TFE12 C/S 14.6835 2.8259211 0.6 8 TFE12 C/Z 14.6835 2.8259211 0.75 $ TFE12 C/S 14.6835 2.8259211 0.8 8 TFE12 C/S 14.6835 2.8259211 0.9 8 TFE12 C/Z 14.6835 2.8259211 0.95 $ TFE12 C/S 14.6835 2.8259211 1.0 8 TFE12 C/Z 14.6835 2.8259211 1.25 8 TFE12 C/S 14.6835 2.8259211 1.255 $ TFE12 C/S 17.9465 2.8259211 0.15 $ TFE13 C/S 17.9465 2.8259211 0.6 8 TFE13 C/Z 17.9465 2.8259211 0.75 $ TFE13 C/S 17.9465 2.8259211 0.8 $ TFE13 C/S 17.9465 2.8259211 0.9 $ TFE13 C/S 17.9465 2.8259211 0.95 8 TFE13 C/Z 17.9465 2.8259211 1.0 $ TFE13 C/S 17.9465 2.8259211 1.25 $ TFE13 C/S 17.9465 2.8259211 1.255 $ TFE13 C/S 21.2095 2.8259211 0.15 6 TFE14 C/Z 21.2095 2.8259211 0.6 $ TFE14 C/Z 21.2095 2.8259211 0.75 $ TFE14 C/S 21.2095 2.8259211 0.8 $ TFE14 C/S 21.2095 2.8259211 0.9 $ TFE14 C/S 21.2095 2.8259211 0.95 $ TFE14 C/S 21.2095 2.8259211 1.0 8 TFE14 C/Z 21.2095 2.8259211 1.25 $ TFE14 C/S 21.2095 2.8259211 1.255 8 TFE14 C/S 0 5.6518423 0.15 $ TFE15 C/S 0 5.6518423 0.6 $ TFE15 C/S 0 5.6518423 0.75 $ TFE15 C/S 0 5.6518423 0.8 $ TFE15 C/Z 0 5.6518423 0.9 $ TFE15 C/Z 0 5.6518423 0.95 $ TFE15 C/Z 0 5.6518423 1.0 8 TFE15 C/S 0 5.6518423 1.25 $ TFE15 C/S 0 5.6518423 1.255 $ TFE15 C/S 3.263 5.6518423 0.15 $ TFE16 C/S 3.263 5.6518423 0.6 $ TFE16 C/Z 3.263 5.6518423 0.75 $ TFE16 C/S 3.263 5.6518423 0.8 $ TFE16 C/S 3.263 5.6518423 0.9 $ TFE16 C/Z 3.263 5.6518423 0.95 $ TFE16 C/S 3.263 5.6518423 1.0 $ TFE16 C/S 3.263 5.6518423 1.25 $ TFE16 C/S 3.263 5.6518423 1.255 8 TFE16 C/S 6.526 5.6518423 0.15 $ TFE17 C/S 6.526 5.6518423 0.6 $ TFE17 C/S 6.526 5.6518423 0.75 $ TFE17 C/Z 6.526 5.6518423 0.8 $ TFE17 127 588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690- 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 C/Z 6.526 5.6518423 0.9 $ TFE17 C/S 6.526 5.6518423 0.95 $ TFE17 C/Z 6.526 5.6518423 1.0 $ TFE17 C/Z 6.526 5.6518423 1.25 $ TFE17 C/S 6.526 5.6518423 1.255 $ TFE17 C/S 9.789 5.6518423 0.15 $ TFE18 C/2 9.789 5.6518423 0.6 $ TFE18 C/8 9.789 5.6518423 0.75 $ TFE18 C/8 9.789 5.6518423 0.8 $ TFE18 C/Z 9.789 5.6518423 0.9 $ Trine C/Z 9.789 5.6518423 0.95 $ TFE18 C/S 9.789 5.6518423 1.0 $ TFE18 C/Z 9.789 5.6518423 1.25 $ TFE18 C/S 9.789 5.6518423 1.255 $ TFE18 C/8 13.052 5.6518423 0.15 $ TFE19 C/8 13.052 5.6518423 0.6 $ TFE19 C/8 13.052 5.6518423 0.75 $ TFE19 C/Z 13.052 5.6518423 0.8 $ TFE19 C/Z 13.052 5.6518423 0.9 $ TFE19 C/8 13.052 5.6518423 0.95 $ TFE19 C/S 13.052 5.6518423 1.0 $ TFE19 C/S 13.052 5.6518423 1.25 $ TFE19 C/S 13.052 5.6518423 1.255 $ TFE19 C/S 16.315 5.6518423 0.15 $ TFE20 C/Z 16.315 5.6518423 0.6 $ TFE20 C/Z 16.315 5.6518423 0.75 $ TFE20 C/Z 16.315 5.6518423 0.8 $ TFE20 C/Z 16.315 5.6518423 0.9 $ TFE20 C/Z 16.315 5.6518423 0.95 $ TFE20 C/Z 16.315 5.6518423 1.0 $ TFE20 C/8 16.315 5.6518423 1.25 $ TFE20 C/Z 16.315 5.6518423 1.255 $ TFE20 C/8 19.578 5.6518423 0.15 $ TFE21 C/8 19.578 5.6518423 0.6 $ TFE21 C/8 19.578 5.6518423 0.75 $ TFE21 C/S 19.578 5.6518423 0.8 $ TFE21 C/8 19.578 5.6518423 0.9 $ TFE21 C/8 19.578 5.6518423 0.95 $ TFE21 C/8 19.578 5.6518423 1.0 $ TFE21 C/Z 19.578 5.6518423 1.25 $ TFE21 C/S 19.578 5.6518423 1.255 $ TFE21 C/S 1.6315 8.4777634 0.15 $ TFE22 C/Z 1.6315 8.4777634 0.6 $ TFE22 C/Z 1.6315 8.4777634 0.75 $ TFE22 C/8 1.6315 8.4777634 0.8 $ TFE22 C/Z 1.6315 8.4777634 0.9 $ TFE22 C/Z 1.6315 8.4777634 0.95 $ TFE22 C/Z 1.6315 8.4777634 1.0 $ TFE22 C/Z 1.6315 8.4777634 1.25 $ TFE22 C/Z 1.6315 8.4777634 1.255 $ TFE22 C/Z 4.8945 8.4777634 0.15 $ TFE23 C/8 4.8945 8.4777634 0.6 $ TFE23 C/Z 4.8945 8.4777634 0.75 $ TFE23 C/S 4.8945 8.4777634 0.8 $ TFE23 C/S 4.8945 8.4777634 0.9 $ TFE23 C/Z 4.8945 8.4777634 0.95 $ TFE23 C/Z 4.8945 8.4777634 1.0 $ TFE23 C/8 4.8945 8.4777634 1.25 $ TFE23 C/8 4.8945 8.4777634 1.255 $ TFE23 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 0.15 $ TFE24 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 0.6 $ TFE24 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 0.75 $ TFE24 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 0.8 $ TFE24 C/Z 8.1575 8.4777634 0.9 $ TFE24 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 0.95 $ TFE24 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 1.0 $ TFE24 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 1.25 $ TFE24 C/8 8.1575 8.4777634 1.255 $ TFE24 C/8 11.4205 8.4777634 0.15 $ TFE25 C/8 11.4205 8.4777634 0.6 $ TFE25 C/8 11.4205 8.4777634 0.75 $ TFE25 C/8 11.4205 8.4777634 0.8 $ TFE25 C/E 11.4205 8.4777634 0.9 $ TFE25 C/8 11.4205 8.4777634 0.95 $ TFE25 C/8 11.4205 8.4777634 1.0 $ TFE25 C/Z 11.4205 8.4777634 1.25 $ TFE25 C/S 11.4205 8.4777634 1.255 $ TFE25 C/Z 14.6835 8.4777634 0.15 $ TFE26 C/Z 14.6835 8.4777634 0.6 $ TFE26 C/S 14.6835 8.4777634 0.75 $ TFE26 C/8 14.6835 8.4777634 0.8 $ TFE26 C/8 14.6835 8.4777634 0.9 $ TFE26 C/8 14.6835 8.4777634 0.95 $ TFE26 C/Z 14.6835 8.4777634 1.0 $ TFE26 C/8 14.6835 8.4777634 1.25 $ TFE26 C/2 14.6835 8.4777634 1.255 $ TFE26 C/8 17.9465 8.4777634 0.15 $ TFE27 C/8 17.9465 8.4777634 0.6 $ TFE27 C/8 17.9465 8.4777634 0.75 $ TFE27 C/Z 17.9465 8.4777634 0.8 $ TFE27 C/S 17.9465 8.4777634 0.9 $ TFE27 C/8 17.9465 8.4777634 0.95 8 TFE27 C/Z 17.9465 8.4777634 1.0 $ TFE27 C/Z 17.9465 8.4777634 1.25 $ TFE27 C/8 17.9465 8.4777634 1.255 $ TFE27 C/Z 0 11.303684 0.15 $ TFE28 C/8 0 11.303684 0.6 $ TFE28 C/8 0 11.303684 0.75 $ TFE28 C/Z 0 11.303684 0.8 $ TFE28 C/8 0 11.303684 0.9 $ TFE28 C/8 0 11.303684 0.95 $ TFE28 C/8 0 11.303684 1.0 $ TFE28 C/Z 0 11.303684 1.25 $ TFE28 128 691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793- 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 C/8 0 11.303684 1.255 $ TFE28 C/8 3.263 11.303684 0.15 $ 2rE29 C/8 3.263 11.303684 0.6 $ TFE29 C/8 9.263 11.303684 0.75 $ TFE29 C/S 3.263 11.303684 0.8 $ TFE29 C/8 3.263 11.303684 0.9 $ TFE29 C/S 3.263 11.303684 0.95 $ TFE29 C/S 3.263 11.303684 1.0 $ TFE29 C/8 3.263 11.303684 1.25 $ TFE29 C/S 3.263 11.303684 1.255 5 TFE29 C/8 6.526 11.303684 0.15 $ TFE30 C/S 6.526 11.303684 0.6 $ TFE30 C/8 6.526 11.303684 0.75 $ TFE30 C/8 6.526 11.303684 0.8 $ TFE30 C/S 6.526 11.303684 0.9 $ TFE30 C/8 6.526 11.303684 0.95 8 TFE30 C/8 6.526 11.303684 1.0 $ TFE30 C/S 6.526 11.303684 1.25 0 TFE30 C/8 6.526 11.303684 1.255 $ TFE30 C/S 9.789 11.303684 0.15 $ TFE31 C/8 9.789 11.303684 0.6 $ TFE31 C/S 9.789 11.303684 0.75 0 TFE31 C/8 9.789 11.303684 0.8 $ TFE31 C/Z 9.789 11.303684 0.9 $ TFE31 C/8 9.789 11.303684 0.95 $ TFE31 C/S 9.789 11.303684 1.0 $ 58E31 C/S 9.789 11.303684 1.25 $ TFE31 C/8 9.789 11.303684 1.255 8 5rE31 C/8 13.052 11.303684 0.15 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 0.6 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 0.75 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 0.8 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 0.9 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 0.95 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 1.0 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 1.25 $ TFE32 C/8 13.052 11.303684 1.255 $ TFE32 C/8 16.315 11.303684 0.15 $ TFE33 C/8 16.315 11.303684 0.6 $ TFE33 C/Z 16.315 11.303684 0.75 $ TFE33 C/8 16.315 11.303684 0.8 $ TFE33 C/8 16.315 11.303684 0.9 $ TFE33 C/8 16.315 11.303684 0.95 $ TFE33 C/S 16.315 11.303684 1.0 8 TFE33 C/8 16.315 11.303684 1.25 $ TFE33 C/S 16.315 11.303684 1.255 0 TFE33 C/Z 1.6315 14.129605 0.15 $ TFE34 C/S 1.6315 14.129605 0.6 $ TFE34 C/8 1.6315 14.129605 0.75 $ TFE34 C/S 1.6315 14.129605 0.8 $ TFE34 C/S 1.6315 14.129605 0.9 $ TFE34 C/8 1.6315 14.129605 0.95 $ TFE34 C/8 1.6315 14.129605 1.0 $ TFE34 C/8 1.6315 14.129605 1.25 $ TFE34 C/8 1.6315 14.129605 1.255 $ TFE34 C/Z 4.8945 14.129605 0.15 $ TFE35 C/S 4.8945 14.129605 0.6 $ TFE35 C/Z 4.8945 14.129605 0.75 $ TFE35 C/11 4.8945 14.129605 0.8 $ TFE35 C/S 4.8945 14.129605 0.9 $ TFE35 C/Z 4.8945 14.129605 0.95 $ TFE35 C/S 4.8945 14.129605 1.0 $ TFE35 C/8 4.8945 14.129605 1.25 C/8 4.8945 14.129605 1.255 $ TFE35 C/8 8.1575 14.129605 0.15 $ TFE36 C/8 8.1575 14.129605 0.6 8 TFE36 C/8 8.1575 14.129605 0.75 $ TFE36 C/S 8.1575 14.129605 0.8 $ TFE36 C/8 8.1575 14.129605 0.9 $ TFE36 C/Z 8.1575 14.129605 0.95 $ TFE36 C/8 8.1575 14.129605 1.0 $ 58E36 C/S 8.1575 14.129605 1.25 $ TFE36 C/S 8.1575 14.129605 1.255 $ 58E36 C/8 11.4205 14.129605 0.15 $ TFE37 C/S 11.4205 14.129605 0.6 $ TFE37 C/Z 11.4205 14.129605 0.75 $ 58E37 C/S 11.4205 14.129605 0.8 $ TFE37 C/S 11.4205 14.129605 0.9 $ TFE37 C/S 11.4205 14.129605 0.95 $ TFE37 C/S 11.4205 14.129605 1.0 $ TFE37 C/S 11.4205 14.129605 1.25 $ TFE37 C/8 11.4205 14.129605 1.255 $ TFE37 C/S 14.6835 14.129605 0.15 4 TFE38 C/S 14.6835 14.129605 0.6 $ TFE38 C/8 14.6835 14.129605 0.75 $ TFE38 C/8 14.6835 14.129605 0.8 $ TFE38 C/S 14.6835 14.129605 0.9 $ TFE38 C/8 14.6835 14.129605 0.95 $ 53E38 C/S 14.6835 14.129605 1.0 $ TFE38 C/8 14.6835 14.129605 1.25 $ TFE38 C/8 14.6835 14.129605 1.255 $ TFE38 C/8 0 16.955526 0.15 $ TFE39 C/S 0 16.955526 0.6 $ TFE39 C/S 0 16.955526 0.75 $ TFE39 C/8 0 16.955526 0.8 $ TFE39 C/8 0 16.955526 0.9 $ TFE39 C/S 0 16.955526 0.95 $ TFE39 C/Z 0 16.955526 1.0 $ TFE39 C/S 0 16.955526 1.25 $ TFE39 C/8 0 16.955526 1.255 $ TFE39 C/8 3.263 16.955526 0.15 $ TFE40 C/S 3.263 16.955526 0.6 $ TFE40 C/S 3.263 16.955526 0.75 $ TFE40 129 794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814e15816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896- 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 NM MS MT8 N5 M14 A11 M4 NS NIO M7 MT7 F4:N F7:N C/Z 3.263 16.955526 0.8 $ TFE40 C/S 3.263 16.955526 0.9 $ TFE40 C/S 3.263 16.955526 0.95 $ TFE40 C/Z 3.263 16.955526 1.0 $ TFE40 C/Z 3.263 16.955526 1.25 $ TFE40 C/Z 3.263 16.955526 1.255 $ TFE40 C/S 6.526 16.955526 0.15 $ TFE41 C/S 6.526 16.955526 0.6 $ TFE41 C/S 6.526 16.955526 0.75 $ TFE41 C/S 6.526 16.955526 0.8 $ TFE41 C/Z 6.526 16.955526 0.9 $ TFE41 C/Z 6.526 16.955526 0.95 $ TFE41 c/z 6.526 16.955526 1.0 $ TFE41 C/8 6.526 16.955526 1.25 $ TFE41 C/Z 6.526 16.955526 1.255 $ TFE41 C/Z 9.789 16.955526 0.15 $ TFE42 C/S 9.789 16.955526 0.6 $ TFE42 C/Z 9.789 16.955526 0.75 $ TFE42 C/8 9.789 16.955526 0.8 $ TFE42 C/S 9.789 16.955526 0.9 $ TFE42 C/S 9.789 16.955526 0.95 $ TFE42 C/8 9.789 16.955526 1.0 $ TFE42 C/S 9.789 16.955526 1.25 $ TFE42 C/8 9.789 16.955526 1.255 $ TFE42 C/Z 13.052 16.955526 0.15 $ TFE43 C/8 13.052 16.955526 0.6 $ TFE43 C/S 13.052 16.955526 0.75 $ TFE43 C/S 13.052 16.955526 0.8 $ TFE43 C/S 13.052 16.955526 0.9 0 TFE43 C/S 13.052 16.955526 0.95 $ TFE43 C/Z 13.052 16.955526 1.0 $ TFE43 C/S 13.052 16.955526 1.25 $ TFE43 C/8 13.052 16.955526 1.255 $ TFE43 C/Z 1.6315 19.781448 0.15 $ TFE44 C/8 1.6315 19.781448 0.6 $ TFE44 C/S 1.6315 19.781448 0.75 $ TFE44 C/2 1.6315 19.781448 0.8 $ TFE44 C/8 1.6315 19.781448 0.9 $ TFE44 C/S 1.6315 19.781448 0.95 $ TFE44 C/S 1.6315 19.781448 1.0 $ TFE44 C/S 1.6315 19.781448 1.25 $ TFE44 C/S 1.6315 19.781448 1.255 $ TFE44 C/S 4.8945 19.781448 0.15 $ TFE45 C/S 4.8945 19.781448 0.6 $ TFE45 C/8 4.8945 19.781448 0.75 $ TFE45 C/Z 4.8945 19.781448 0.8 $ TFE45 C/Z 4.8945 19.781448 0.9 $ TFE45 C/S 4.8945 19.781448 0.95 $ TFE45 C/S 4.8945 19.781448 1.0 $ TFE45 C/Z 4.8945 19.781448 1.25 $ TFE45 C/Z 4.8945 19.781448 1.255 $ TFE45 C/Z 8.1575 19.781448 0.15 $ TFE46 C/Z 8.1575 19.781448 0.6 $ TFE46 C/Z 8.1575 19.781448 0.75 $ TFE46 C/Z 8.1575 19.781448 0.8 $ TFE46 C/Z 8.1575 19.781448 0.9 $ TFE46 C/Z 8.1575 19.781448 0.95 $ TFE46 C/S 8.1575 19.781448 1.0 $ TFE46 C/Z 8.1575 19.781448 1.25 $ TFE46 C/8 8.1575 19.781448 1.255 $ TFE46 $ BURNUP CELL MUST CONTAIN ALL 20 ISOTOPES IN ORDER. $ 15-233 ISOTOPE NO. 1 1.00000000000000-300 $ 15-234 ISOTOPE NO. 2 1.00000000000000-300 $ 15-235 ISOTOPE NO. 3 9.50000000000000-001 $ U-236 ISOTOPE NO. 4 1.00000000000000-300 $ 15-237 ISOTOPE NO. 5 1.00000000000000-300 6 $ 15-238 ISOTOPE NO. 5.0000000000000D-002 $ U-239 ISOTOPE NO. 7 1.00000000000000 -300 8 $ 15-240 ISOTOPE NO. 1.00000000000000-300 $ NP237 ISOTOPE NO. 9 1.00000000000000-300 $ NON $ NP238 ISOTOPE NO. 10 1.0000000000000D-300 $ NON $ NP239 ISOTOPE NO. 11 1.00000000000000 -300 $ NON $ NP240 ISOTOPE NO. 12 1.0000000000000D-300 $ PU238 ISOTOPE NO. 13 94238 1.00000000000000-300 $ PU239 ISOTOPE NO. 14 94239 1.00000000000000-300 $ PU240 ISOTOPE NO. 15 94240 1.00000000000000-300 $ PU241 ISOTOPE NO. 16 94241 1.00000000000000-300 $ PU242 ISOTOPE NO. 17 94242 1.00000000000000-300 $ A94241 ISOTOPE NO. 18 95241 1.00000000000000-300 ISOTOPE NO. 19 50999 1.00000000000000-300 $ F.P $ 1-135 ISOTOPE NO. 20 $ NON 1.0000000000000D-300 $ XE135 ISOTOPE NO. 21 54135 1.00000000000000-300 $ PM149 ISOTOPE NO. 22 $ NON 1.0000000000000D-300 $ 5W149 ISOTOPE NO. 23 62149 1.00000000000000-300 8016 2.00000000000000+000 $ OXY0 ISOTOPE NO. 24 $ GANAT ISOTOPE NO. 25 64000 1.00000000000000-300 40000 1 1001 1.84 $ zrit H/SR.05T SR/H.05T 11023 -0.78 19000 -0.22 $ NaK 74184 1 $ pure W-184 42000 -0.329 4009 -0.0402 8016 -0.08 74000 -0.106 41093 -0.444 0 top rod 41093 1 $ Nb 1001 1 $ cesium 13027 2 8016 3 $ A1203 4009 1 8016 1 $ Be0 BE.05T 8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 SO 89 98 107 116 125 134 143 152 161 170 179 188 197 206 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 278 287 296 305 314 323 332 341 350 359 368 377 386 395 404 413 8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80 89 98 107 116 125 134 143 152 161 170 179 188 197 206 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 278 287 296 305 314 323 332 341 350 359 368 377 386 395 404 413 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 130 897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911- KCODE KSRC 1000 1. 5 250 0.15 2R BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN BURN 8831.544737 1 46875 46875 13 15 46875 46875 60 90 46875 185 46875 365 46875 730 46875 1095 46875 1 46875 DENSITY GRAM DENSITY 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 1.42558E-01 1.42558E-01 2.04547E-02 1.02897E-01 0.00000E+00 6.76165E-02 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 2.96000E+00 2.96000E+00 1.86000E+00 5.60000E+00 0.00000E+00 1.00000E+01 ATOM // // CELL MAT 1 2 1 0 2 0 3 3 4 4 7 5 5 11 6 7 8 6 7 8 8 0 1 7 VOLUME 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 2.22183E-01 3.33275E+00 TRUNCATED MANUALLY DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT 419 420 419 420 5 4 1.78649E-02 5.46330E-02 7.50000E-01 8.42860E+00 TOTAL NUMBER OF BURNUP STEPS CORE TOTAL VOLUME (CC) CORE FUEL REGION FRACTION CORE TOTAL NTIHM AVERAGE CORE LOADING (0/CC) VOLUME CC LATTICE 8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80 89 98 107 116 125 134 143 152 161 170 179 188 197 206 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 278 287 296 305 314 323 332 341 350 359 368 377 386 395 404 413 MCNI, 5.4181E+01 1.0836E+02 1.0836E+02 1.0836E+02 1.0836E+02 1.0836E+02 1.0836E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 1.0836E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 1.0836E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 1.0836E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 2.1673E+02 1 STARTS AT ENDS AT STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: ! 2.22183E+01 4.94728E-01 1.66637E+01 4.16986E+00 2.53515E+03 1.65682E+04 10 8.83154E+03 6.15111E-02 4.78195E-03 5.41462E-01 LOADING G/CC 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 5.4146E-01 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AAApWNNIOWNNNWAMmWWW&WWWWWWMWWWWW.1.1010WWWWWI.WWWWWZ 01-.4.0W01-.WJMMOMOMMHNoTOJHmOOMMNHOwOMOIMNNJS.047M0-.4.0N MI.OWPWWW000%00%01-.4.WHOOWPWWw0WWWWOOmmWmoN0WPIOJWg OJW,0001-.0lne..ommiqmMMW.1.01...wm&m0WmJUIJMMWPO0MHHN.w.1 NwNAWMms.JJ0MW.INWWW0W0MOWHHJwWmmmi.WOMM0WOHJWWOHn MOIMMMMPIMMMMMMMPIMMNPIMMNPIMMMMNVIMMMMNPIMMMMMNPIMMMM + ++4++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++ + ++++++ 1...Hi..p..11+1..ii...1-.1....i...faH1+1+1-PHP,P.I.,laiapi+1-.Mr. As.WWWWWWWWWWWWMNMMMNIoNNNPF.PHHHHHI+HH F.O.DMJMWOPWNH000JmPWHOwOJJWd.W101-.0w00JM W.I.OmJ0wOHNWPWOJ0wOHMW&WmJ0.DOHNWPOMJ0WOHmWs.OmJ0 N t-. .. OW 4.0 OJ roJ M% 1+ 00 1,0 R rnK AN HZ R40 li H g 132 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) K(ABSOR3T/ON) K(TRK LENGTH) CYCLE 250 1.096337 1.096392 1.096257 COMBINATION K(COL/ABS) K(ABS/TR LK) K(TK LN/COL) 245 AVE OF 1.105479 1.104952 1.106174 SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.105216 0.0014 1.105563 0.0017 1.105827 0.0017 CYCLES 0.0015 0.0014 0.0024 COMINED AVERAGE CORR 0.9231 0.4789 0.5623 1.105010 0.0014 1.105044 0.0014 1.105514 0.0015 CELL: ISOTOPE ATOM DENS. 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.141189E-02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 1.126941E-03 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 4.507765E-02 0.000000E+00 6.761648E-02 (atom/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR CELL: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: WEIGHT % 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.4939E+01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.0607E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+02 B CHANGE FROM DIN 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 WEIGHT B /HM 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.4939E+01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.0607E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+02 B CHANGE FROM INN 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000 B 413 ISOTOPE ATOM DENS. 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 2.141189E-02 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 1.126941E-03 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 4.507765E-02 0.000000E+00 6.761648E-02 (atom/ 1 CURRENT LOAD(GM) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 2.7852E+01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.4847E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0,0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 3.9904E+00 0.0000E+00 3.3327E+01 BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR CURRENT LOAD(G4) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.1141E+02 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 5.9387E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1.5962E+01 0.0000E+00 1.3331E+02 0.0000 B 1TALLY FLUCTUATION CHARTS TALLY NPS 16000 32000 48000 64000 80000 96000 112000 128000 144000 160000 176000 192000 208000 224000 240000 250128 TALLY 4 MEAN 6.39876E-03 6.13161E-03 6.49375E-03 6.65824E-03 6.62109E-03 6.53186E-03 6.67282E-03 6.62925E-03 6.58786E-03 6.63142E-03 6.65875E-03 6.58774E-03 6.55713E-03 6.55829E-03 6.56010E-03 6.60305E-03 ERROR 0.0761 0.0514 0.0401 0.0342 0.0310 0.0282 0.0258 0.0240 0.0225 0.0212 0.0202 0.0194 0.0185 0.0178 0.0172 0.0168 FOM 7.3E+00 6.4E+00 6.6E+00 6.6E+00 6.3E+00 6.3E+00 6.4E+00 6.4E+00 6.3E+00 6.5E+00 6.5E+00 6.5E+00 6.5E+00 6.5E+00 6.6E+00 6.6E+00 7 MEAN 2.02122E-02 1.79999E-02 1.96604E-02 1.91061E-02 1.81909E -02 1.77042E-02 1.82804E-02 1.77824E-02 1.79419E-02 1.80767E-02 1.79750E-02 1.75852E-02 1.78721E-02 1.78471E-02 1.78488E-02 1.79677E-02 ERROR TOM 0.1527 0.0984 0.0760 0.0639 0.0559 0.0505 0.0459 0.0431 0.0404 0.0386 0.0371 0.0355 0.0344 0.0330 0.0318 0.0310 1.8E+00 1.8E+00 1.8E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 133 TALLY NPS 16000 32000 48000 64000 80000 96000 112000 128000 144000 160000 176000 192000 208000 224000 240000 250128 MOM 24 MEAN ERROR POW 1.65261E-02 0.1527 1.8E+00 1.47172E-02 0.0984 1.8E+00 1.60749E-02 1.56217E-02 1.48734E-02 1.44754E-02 1.49466E-02 1.45394E-02 1.466985-02 1.47800E-02 1.46969E-02 1.43781E-02 1.461275-02 1.45923E-02 1.45937E-02 1.46909E-02 0.0760 0.0639 0.0559 0.0505 0.0459 0.0431 0.0404 0.0386 0.0371 0.0355 0.0344 0.0330 0.0318 0.0310 /BURNUP/ VERSION 383 BURNUP STEP 2 STARTS AT ENDS AT 8 17 IRRADIATION NMD/TE 1.3723E+02 1.3723E+02 // TRUNCATED // MCNP Q- FISSION 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80 89 98 107 116 125 134 143 152 161 170 179 188 197 206 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 278 287 296 305 314 323 332 341 350 359 368 377 386 395 404 413 DAYS DAYS NU-FISSION N /FISSION 2.4436E+00 2.4424E+00 FISION RATE FISSION/8 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 MANUALLY DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT I /BURNUP/ VERSION 383 STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: 8 07:13:57.37 4.6875E+04 WATTS. 5.3077E+00 KW/LITER 8.8876E-01 MeV/FISSION 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 BURNUP STEP 10 STARTS AT ENDS AT CELL 09/02/93 1.00 14.0 STEP INPUT THERMAL POWER: AVERAGE POWER DENSITY: POWER NORMALIZATION FACTOR: CELL 1.8E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 IRRADIATION NMD/TE 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 2.5045E+04 09/05/93 0.255E+04 DAYS 0.255E+04 DAYS 4.6875E+04 WATTS. 5.3077E+00 KW/LITER 8.8855E-01 Q-FISSION NAV/FISS/ON 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 1.8088E+02 NU-FISSION N/FISSION 2.4425E+00 2.4422E+00 2.4408E+00 2.4420E+00 2.4434E+00 2.4418E+00 2.4383E+00 2.4430E+00 2.4425E+00 2.4418E+00 2.4424E+00 2.4431E+00 2.4409E+00 2.4355E+00 2.4423E+00 2.4421E+00 2.4424E+00 2.4420E+00 2.4421E+00 2.4413E+00 2.4359E+00 2.4420E+00 2.4421E+00 2.4427E+00 2.4427E+00 2.4417E+00 2.4369E+00 2.4426E+00 2.4419E+00 2.4417E+00 2.4415E+00 2.4405E+00 2.4369E+00 2.4419E+00 2.4420E+00 2.4416E+00 2.4407E+00 2.4364E+00 2.4413E+00 2.4411E+00 2.4406E+00 2.4391E+00 2.4353E+00 2.4374E+00 2.4367E+00 2.4360E+00 FISION RATE FISSION/S 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 1.6175E+15 08:35:00.58 134 CELL THERMAL FLUX N/cM/CM/S 3.7406E+11 3.7372E+11 3.6357E+11 3.5151E+11 2.9738E+11 2.7357E+11 3.3839E+11 3.8976E+11 3.6938E+11 3.6853E+11 3.2204E+11 2.9818E+11 2.8940E+11 4.1497E+11 3.8534E+11 3.6506E+11 3.5632E+11 3.3896E+11 2.9857E+11 3.0792E+11 3.9757E+11 3.5374E+11 3.5342E+11 3.0635E+11 3.0449E+11 2.8932E+11 4.1526E+11 3.2950E+11 3.3735E+11 3.1656E+11 3.0058E+11 2.9739E+11 4.1950E+11 3.1444E+11 2.7825E+11 2.7893E+11 2.9303E+11 3.9062E+11 2.9812E+11 2.9544E+11 2.9262E+11 3.3867E+11 4.1985E+11 4.2497E+11 4.1037E+11 4.2136E+11 8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80 89 98 107 116 125 134 143 152 161 170 179 188 197 206 215 224 233 242 251 260 269 278 287 296 305 314 323 332 341 350 359 368 377 386 395 404 413 FAST FLUX N/Cm/Cm/s 2.3725E+13 2.2806E+13 2.1737E+13 2.0720E+13 1.8299E+13 1.6178E+13 1.4162E+13 2.2949E+13 2.2607E+13 2.1078E+13 1.9478E+13 1.7538E+13 1.5128E+13 1.2756E+13 2.3121E+13 2.2169E+13 2.1792E+13 1.9986E+13 1.7854E+13 1.5825E+13 1.3240E+13 2.1528E+13 2.0839E+13 1.9668E+13 1.8147E+13 1.6330E+13 1.3736E+13 1.9930E+13 1.9571E+13 1.8681E+13 1.7247E+13 1.5776E+13 1.4234E+13 1.8424E+13 1.7414E+13 1.6703E+13 1.5090E+13 1.3597E+13 1.6576E+13 1.5935E+13 1.4988E+13 1.4379E+13 1.2845E+13 1.3967E+13 1.3914E+13 1.2873E+13 TOTAL FLUX N/Cm/cMVS, 2.4099E+13 2.3179E+13 2.2101E+13 2.1071E+13 1.8597E+13 1.6452E+13 1.4500E+13 2.3339E+13 2.2976E+13 2.1447E+13 1.9800E+13 1.7836E+13 1.5417E+13 1.3171E+13 2.3507E+13 2.2534E+13 2.2148E+13 2.0325E+13 1.8153E+13 1.6133E+13 1.3638E+13 2.1882E+13 2.1192E+13 1.9975E+13 1.8452E+13 1.6619E+13 1.4151E+13 2.0260E+13 1.9908E+13 1.8998E+13 1.7548E+13 1.6074E+13 1.4653E+13 1.8738E+13 1.7692E+13 1.6982E+13 1.5383E+13 1.3988E+13 1.6874E+13 1.6231E+13 1.5281E+13 1.4717E+13 1.3265E+13 1.4392E+13 1.4324E+13 1.3295E+13 sp. POWER MW/TE 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 9.8025E+00 POWER WATTS 3.5298E+02 6.8388E+02 6.7330E+02 6.3563E+02 5.4971E+02 4.9875E+02 5.3646E+02 1.3784E+03 1.3681E+03 1.2877E+03 1.1663E+03 1.0407E+03 9.7250E+02 1.1511E+03 6.8593E+02 1.3312E+03 1.3042E+03 1.2085E+03 1.0768E+03 1.0086E+03 1.1206E+03 1.2819E+03 1.2530E+03 1.1563E+03 1.0930E+03 1.0304E+03 1.1751E+03 5.9314E+02 1.2001E+03 1.1528E+03 1.0601E+03 1.0261E+03 1.1963E+03 1.1240E+03 1.0544E+03 1.0264E+03 9.8930E+02 1.154E1E+03 5.2725E+02 9.9723E+02 9.8703E+02 1.0551E+03 1.1678E+03 1.1854E+03 1.1883E+03 1.1685E+03 CRITICALITY: ESTIMATOR K(COLLISION) MA3SORPTION) K(TRK LENGTH) COMBINATION K(cOL/ABS) K(ABS/TK LN) K(TK Lei/COL) CYCLE 250 1.053118 1.050015 1.034105 AVE OF 245 1.104660 1.104737 1.102887 SIMPLE AVERAGE 1.104699 0.0015 1.103812 0.0017 1.103774 0.0018 CYCLES 0.0016 0.0015 0.0024 COMBINED AVERAGE 1.104729 0.0015 1.104588 0.0015 1.104527 0.0016 CORR 0.9236 0.5540 0.6148 CELL: ISOTOPE ATOM DENS. 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 93238 93239 93240 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 53135 54135 61149 62149 8016 64000 3.738768E-10 3.771509E-07 2.041589E-02 2.116602E-04 6.008454E-08 1.116368E-03 8.580546E-11 1.999594E-16 8.083827E-06 5.530366E-10 1.240661E-08 1.463797E-17 1.557947E-07 9.075157E-06 2.228952E-07 2.030942E-08 2.016433E-10 1.633537E-09 9.794067E-04 7.372805E-09 1.085584E-08 1.045006E-08 2.745823E-06 4.507675E-02 0.000000E+00 6.782086E-02 (atam/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOTAL: BURNUP CONVERSION FACTOR CURRENT LOAD(OM) 4.8219E-07 4.8850E-04 2.6557E+01 2.7650E-01 7.8849E-05 1.4707E+00 1.1355E-07 2.6574E-13 1.0605E-02 7.2858E-07 1.6414E-05 1.9447E-14 2.0525E-04 1.2006E-02 2.9612E-04 2.7103E-05 2.7012E-07 2.1792E-06 6.3417E-01 5.5072E-06 8.1051E-06 8.6124E-06 2.2630E-03 3.9903E+00 0.0000E+00 3.2955E+01 WEIGHT 8 1MM 1.6436E-06 1.6651E-03 9.0523E+01 9.4249E-01 2.6877E-04 5.0132E+00 3.8707E-07 9.0580E-13 3.6149E-02 2.4835E-06 5.5948E-05 6.6287E-14 6.9962E-04 4.0925E-02 1.0094E-03 9.2383E-05 9.2076E-07 7.4283E-06 2.1617E+00 1.8772E-05 2.7627E-05 2.9357E-05 7.7136E-03 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 9.8729E+01 0.0446 % // TRUNCATED MANUALLY DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT // ! 8 CHANGE FROM THIN 1.6588E-06 1.6733E-03 -4.4190E+00 9.3909E-01 2.6658E-04 -4.6914E-02 3.8070E-07 8.8718E-13 3.5866E-02 2.4537E-06 5.5046E-05 6.4946E-14 6.9123E-04 4.0265E-02 9.8894E-04 9.0109E-05 8.9465E-07 7.2477E-06 4.3454E+00 3.2712E-05 4.8165E-05 4.6365E-05 1.2183E-02 -4.0071E-03 0.0000E+00 9.0679E-01 135 Burnable Poison in Selected TFEs B. This is a partial listing similar to the standard but shows the changes in the poisoned TFEs. MCNP 123456789- 10111213- /BURNUP/ VERSION 383 01:21:27.05 09/06/93 pitch.1.3 cm /burnup/ ati driver reactor reference startup radlus=24 cm 0 (-3:-4:-6:2:5) -1 IMP:N=0 TMP6.9896795E-8 $ outside reactor Void outsi 1 0 (-3:-4:-6:2:5) 1 IMP:N.0 TMP6.9896795E-8 $ infinity Void outside react 2 7 -2.96 -7 8 -2 4 6 IMP:N.1 TIMP6.9896795E-8 $ top reflector Reflector 3 7 -2.96 7 -5 -2 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=6.9896795E-8 8 outer reflector Reflect° 4 11 -1.86 -7 9 -8 4 6 IMP:N=1 7MP-6.9896795E-8 $ top of core region Reflec 5 6 8 -5.6 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 0 moder 171 180 189 198 207 216 225 234 243 252 261 270 279 288 297 306 315 324 333 342 351 360 369 378 387 396 405 414 423 -9 -7 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=6.9896795E-8 0 -10 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 TMF1.6399443E-7 VOL- 2.2218324E -1 $ void TFE1 7 101 -10.0 10 -11 -9 3 4 6 I4P:14.1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL=3.3327486 $ fuel T 8 9 14 -18.8 11 -12 -9 3 4 6 IMP:N=1 TWP1.4417533E-7 VOL1.9996492 $ emitter // TRUNCATED DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT ! // 222324- 16 17 18 0 -19 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL4.4436649E-1 8 void TFE2 102 -10.0 19 -20 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TNP1.6399443E-7 VOL...6.6654973 $ fuel TFE 14 -18.8 20 -21 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 3.9992904 $ emitter T // TRUNCATED DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT ! // 31- 3233- 25 26 27 0 -28 -9 3 6 IM2:N=1 TM21.6399443E -7 VOL...4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE3 103 -10.0 28 -29 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL-6.6654973 8 fuel TFE 14 -18.8 29 -30 -9 3 6 IMP:N=1 TNP=1.4417533E-7 VOL3.9992984 $ emitter T // TRUNCATED DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT ! // 767778- 70 71 72 0 -73 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TNP.1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE8 104 -10.0 73 -74 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E-7 VOL=13.330994 $ fuel TEES 14 -18.8 74 -75 -9 3 IMP:N=1 114P1.4417533E-7 VOL- 7.9985968 $ emitter TFE // TRUNCATED DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT ! // 858687- 79 80 81 0 -82 -9 3 IMP:N.1 TMP.1.6399443E-7 VOL=8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE9 105 -10.0 82 -83 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.6399443E -7 VOL=13.330994 S fuel TFE9 14 -18.8 83 -84 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP-1.4417533E -7 VOL.7.9985968 $ emitter TFE // TRUNCATED DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT // 139140141- 133 134 135 0 -136 -9 3 4 II4P:N.1 TMP01.6399443E-7 VOL4.4436649E-1 $ void TFE15 106 -10.0 136 -137 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP1.6399443E-7 VOL- 6.6654973 $ fuel T 14 -18.8 137 -138 -9 3 4 IMP:N=1 TMP=1.4417533E-7 VOL- 3.9992984 $ emitter // TRUNCATED DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT ! // 421422423- 412 413 414 0 -415 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP.1.6399443E-7 VOL8.8873298E-1 $ void TFE46 107 -10.0 415 -416 -9 3 IMP:N=1 TMP.1.6399443E-7 VOL.13.330994 $ fuel TFE 14 -18.8 416 -417 -9 3 /MP:N=1 TmP.1.4417533E-7 VOL7.9985968 $ emitter T // TRUNCATED DUE TO LENGTH OF DOCUMENT // 853- 854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880- ! 423 C/2 8.1575 19.781448 1.255 8 TFE46 $ BURNUP CELL MUST CONTAIN ALL 20 ISOTOPES IN ORDER. NM 92233 92234 92235 92236 92237 92238 92239 92240 93237 $ NON $ NON $ NON 94238 94239 94240 94241 94242 95241 50999 $ NON 54135 $ NON 62149 8016 64000 1.0000000000000D-300 1.0000000000000D-300 9.5000000000000D-001 1.0000000000000D-300 1.00000000000000-300 5.0000000000000D-002 1.00000000000000-300 1.0000000000000D-300 1.0000000000000D-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.0000000000000D-300 1.0000000000000D-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.0000000000000D-300 1.00000000000000-300 1.0000000000000D-300 1.00000000000000-300 2.0000000000000D+000 1.0000000000000D-300 $ $ 8 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6 $ $ $ V-233 0-234 0-235 V-236 0-237 0-238 0-239 0-240 NP237 NP238 NP239 NP240 PU238 PU239 PU240 PU241 PU242 AM241 F.P 2-135 ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE ISOTOPE NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 $ =135 ISOTOPE NO. 21 8 $ $ $ FM149 ISOTOPE NO. 22 344149 ISOTOPE NO. 23 OXYG ISOTOPE NO. 24 GdNAT ISOTOPE NO. 25 1-INCOVIOWC.474.0.4NMVM4r.MMOriNMVM.4NMVOWNMMO,INMVMMr.MMOANMVM,INMVIOWVMOOriNMVM4r.MMOI4NMVMANMVMMNMMO,INMVOWC.MMOHNMOMANM elMelAriwil.ANNNOINN .4.-1.4wiArielAvi.iNNNNNN . 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The theory presented here is based on that work modified to fit the variables and parameter in this work. if the matricent AttoR (Lee, Apperson, & Foley, 1976) is defined ass A:0(R) = I + IdtR(t) + Idt R(t) Ida R(a) to to (1) to converges absolutely and uniformly in every closed interval in which R(t) is continuous, then one may write the solution X(t) = A:0(R) X(t) . (2) Dividing the interval (to,t) into N parts by introducing the intermediate points t; (1 5 i 5 N-1) and setting At = t 1 - t for 1 5 I 5. N-1 with t=tN and t=to, it is readily shown that Atto(R) eR,2At2 eR,1,6113 = lim [ eRt,,AtN (3) At,)0 The various values of the matrix function R(t) are, in general, not permutable in the time subinterval At,. In the very special case in which they are permutable, namely ( R[, R[/) = Ri Rf Rte Rtt (4) for t', t", (to, t), then eq.(2) becomes Ids R, Atto(R) = e (5) For example, if Rt. = constant for VE (to, t), then eq.(3) is satisfied and substitution of eq.(1) 5 I is the identity matrix. 139 yields the solution (6) X(t) = Xto eR This solution is valid for the assumption that the flux is constant in a time interval (to, t). the matrix operator eRt is defined by eRt E (RT)! (7) P! which is exactly the result obtained from evaluating the matricent AtotR in eq.(49) of the thesis text. provided eq.(3) is satisfied. Since R has eigenvalues with negative real parts, it is trivially true that et is non - negatives and has eigenvalues p(eRt)= e-' r (8) where A and r are the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvalues of (RXAT. Hence, 0 1p I Now consider the explicit evaluation of eRt. (9) 1 Although by eq.(8) the magnitude of the eigenvalues of the e5T are bounded by unity, and eq.(6) is uniformly and absolutely convergent, the direct usage of eq.(6) for cases such that IIRTII >> 1 can lead to a computational catastrophe. Rewriting eq.(5) as X(t) = X(to) + CD(C) X(to) which is an identity if C=Ilt(t-t0), and defining D(C) = Ct = (10) " (P-1-1)! Clearly the matrix D(C) exists even if C is singular'. Although the eigenvalue of p, eq.(7), are bounded by unity, and the eigenvalues of C are is non-negative. 6 if Rik > 0 for j#1c, et = 1+ R T 7 for example, for a decay scheme involving a stable isotope, C is singular. 140 bounded, the fact that the eigenvalues C, (A ± iF)T, are not necessarily bounded by unity is what causes the difficulty in evaluating eq.(6) or eq.(9) directly. Using the laws of exponentiation (Lee, Apperson, & Foley, 1976) the matrix C may readily be scaled until its eigenvalues are bounded by unity and then compute e using a recursion relationship to scale back up to RT. If the matrix H defined by H = 24D C to have eigenvalues less than unity, then P may be determined from (12) 2P > E I Cjk 12 j,k or ISk 12) (13) j,k In 2 where LN is the natural logarithm. Now from eq.(9) D(H) = H-1(e"-.1) C = 2P H , (14) (15) The following is a derivation and proof of the recursion relationship by induction. If P=0 D(H)=D(C) if P=1, and since (H,H)=0, then D(C) = D(2H) = (2H)-1(e2H-1) = H-1(e"-1)1/2(eH+1) = D(H)(I+Y2HD(H)) Now, by induction it can be shown that 141 D(2PH) = D(2"H)(1+(2P-1H)D(2P-1H)) (16) 2 D(C) Suppose eq.(15), which is true for P =O, 1, is true for P=n, then evaluate D(2"1 H) as D(2" H) = (2"H)(e2n""- I) (e2n" -I)(e2nH +I) = (2"1-1) = D(2"1-I)(1+ 2 (2°H)D(2" H) (17) 2 and the only equation used is eq.(16) and (H,H)=0. Therefore, since eq.(15) has the same form as eq.(16), then by induction it is true for all PX). The evaluation of the matrix D(H) is approximated, of course, by a finite number of terms. Denote this approximation by Dm(H) =E H1 F1-1(eH-1) (p +1)! 2 (18) and evaluate it as a factorial matrix polynomial Dm(H) = H(I+_ (1+...(--- (1+ )-.)))) H H H 2 2 (19) m From the mth term backwards, where m is a suitably chosen integer. If it is assumed that IHI < 1/2 , then the first term omitted contributes one error, Env of order £m = 1 11-1 (m+2)! (20) 2m41(m+2)! For example, for m=1 the error is of order 4.17 X 10-2 and for m=20, Em= 4.24 X 10-28. The direct evaluation of D(C) =C-1 (ec i) = C" E (n+1)! (21) n=0 would prove difficult computationally, rather the matrix C can be scaled so that the eigenvalues are bounded by unity. 142 Define B = 2-P C where P is determined by IBI <1/2 or 1n(E I P= C..12) (22) " 2 In2 Since = T AU, where = At/2"P then In(E I P= TA..12) In (1E Aq 12 IT 12) ij 2In2 2 In2 In(E I C412) P= (24) " 2 In2 In(E 1 P= " A412) An IT 12 " (25) 2 In2 In(E I Au 12) +2 In 1T1 P= (23) (26) 2 In2 When NP = 0 then P can be determined as In(E P4)+2 In (A) P= 2 1n2 D(B) matrix operator is then approximated by a finite number of terms m, (27) 143 m Dm (B) = E B" (28) r14) (n +1)! m is determined such that the excluded terms have an error less than some e, or E = 0, i 1131mA 1 (m +2)! 2""l(m +2)! (29) j B71 = 1, i = j Fm = 1 m +2 --k DTi = Fm x B71 k=1, m (30)