Promoting Clean Energy in the American Power Sector: Energy Standard

Promoting Clean Energy in the
American Power Sector:
A Proposal for a National Clean
Energy Standard
Joseph E. Aldy
Harvard Kennedy School
Resources for the Future
National Bureau of Economic Research
July 2011
National Clean Energy Standard
Technology-neutral performance goals
• Metric tons of CO2 per megawatt hour
Tradable clean energy credits
• Power plants create and trade credits
• Alternative compliance: federal clean energy credits
Clean energy fund
• Finance energy R&D
U.S. Power Emission Intensity
metric ton CO2/MWh
NCES Goals
1949 1954 1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2019 2024 2029 2034
Investment Incentive
Federal clean energy credit price
• $15 per credit in 2015 ramping up to $30 in 2025
Federal credits will effectively set tradable credit price
• $21/MWh average return for renewable thru 2024
Implicit price on CO2 pollution equal to its social cost
• By 2025, the credit price will be consistent with the
economic damages caused by CO2 emissions
Electricity Rate Impacts
Federal clean energy credit price
• $15 per credit in 2015
Upper bound U.S. electricity rate impact in 2015
• About one-quarter of a cent per kWh (3% increase)
Regional electricity rate impacts
• About two out of three states would have lower
electricity prices in 2015 under NCES than in 2008
Clean Energy Fund
Clean energy fund would support energy R&D
• e.g., ARPA-E
Federal clean energy credit revenues directed to fund
• $2 billion in 2015, ramping up to $5 billion in 2025
Balance of revenues to finance reductions in tax rates
and/or deficit reduction
Survey Evidence of NCES Support
In a recent, nationally representative survey
undertaken with Matt Kotchen and Tony
Leiserowitz, we asked:
The federal government is considering a Clean Energy
Standard that would require electric power companies to
obtain 80 percent of their energy from clean sources by the
year 2035. Eligible sources of clean energy would include
[randomize treatment]. If this policy were to cost your
household $[randomize BID amounts] more each year in
higher electricity bills, would you support or oppose this
Key Findings from Survey
Median WTP for a NCES is $165 in higher annual
electricity bills (13% increase)
Logit model shows that program cost, set of eligible
technologies, respondent age, political affiliation,
ethnicity impact probability of policy support
Median voter simulation model of Senate and House
• 218 Members support with a ~$50 annual cost
• 60 Senators support with a ~$60 annual cost
(~5% increase)
Promoting Clean Energy in the
American Power Sector
The Hamilton Project Discussion Paper 2011-04
The Hamilton Project Policy Brief 2011-04
“Willingness to Pay and Political Support for a National Clean
Energy Standard,” forthcoming working paper