Chabot College Fall 2003
Removed Fall 2010
Course Outline for Computer Science 13
Catalog Description:
13 - Introduction to Microsoft C# Programming 4 units
Introduction to basic programming concepts and struc tures using Microsoft’s C#. Net. Using the
Microsoft .NET IDE. Variables and basic I/O, looping, Boolean structures, array concepts, creating basic windows forms using C# coding for events, methods. Introduction to classes and inheritance concepts, and exception handling and string processing using C#. Strongly recommended: Computer Application Systems 50 or Computer Science 8 or Computer
Application Systems 8 or Computer Science 10 or Computer Science 14 or Computer Science
19A. 3 hours lecture 3 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 52.5, laboratory 52.5]
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students :
Upon completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. create a basic, operational windows form application using the Microsoft .NET IDE;
2. program basic data error prevention using the try and catch capability;
3. perform input and output using C#;
4. use arrays, looping, logical structure coding methods;
5. possess a foundation in the concept of classes and inheritance in an object oriented capable language;
6. perform basic data file input and output;
7. perform tasks such as compilation, debugging, and editing using Microsoft.NET.IDE.
Course Content :
1. Introduction to using the Microsoft .NET Professional Edition Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) and .NET Framework to edit and compile C# applications
2. Basic configuration of C# programs
3. C# global and local variables, data types, arithmetic calculations
4. Calling and defining methods with multiple arguments and return values to the calling function
5. If statement construction and configuration, nested If statements, Boolean testing using AND, OR and NOT operators
6. Looping with FOR, for each, WHILE and DO
7. Array concepts under C#
8. Data file access
9. Exception handling with the try and catch
10. Introduction to creating classes under C#
11. Introduction to inheritance using classes
12. String processing under C#
13. Creating a C# Graphical User Interface (GUI) using the .NET Visual IDE including windows forms and accompanying controls such as buttons, list box, Combo box, picture box objects
14. Handling events using objects on a C# GUI form
15. Demonstration of differences between Microsoft’s Visual C++ and C#
Chabot College
Course Outline for Computer Science 13, Page 2
Fall 2003
Methods of Presentation:
Small group discussions
DVD and Videos
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Typical Assignments a. Data input from the keyboard with numerical calculations b. Accessing and storing data in a sequential data file c. Creating a class, defining members of that class d. Creating an application with “Garbage In, Garbage Out” data filtering using the try and catch capability e. Creating a basic form allowing a user to interact as in an order entry form
2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Assignments b. Quizzes and final examination
Textbooks(s) (Typical):
Microsoft Visual C#. Net, Joyce Farrell, Course Technology Publishing, 2002
C# How to Program , Deital et al, Prentice Hall Publishing, 2002
Special Student Materials:
New August 2002
Effective Fall Semester 2003
Des Chun
Revised 2/03