Student Name: ___________________________ CHABOT COLLEGE CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY I 9C - Address Resolution Protocol Lab Directions: Working with a partner, work at your curriculum PC to complete the exercises below. Write answers to the questions in italic. Step One - Determine IP addresses. 1. Run winipcfg to determine your IP address: 2. Record your partner’s IP address: ______________________________ ______________________________ Step Two - Examine your ARP table. Enter MS-DOS mode by clicking START, then selecting PROGRAMS, and then selecting MS-DOS prompt. Once in DOS mode, type the following command to view your computer’s ARP table: arp –a You may have gotten the response, “No ARP entries found.” Remember that ARP table entries must be as current as possible. If you have no current entries, that means any previous entries have “aged out.” 3. What is ARP used for? _____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Step Three - Fill your ARP table. To start filling your computer’s ARP table, you need to make an ARP request. One team member will be the source of the ARP request. One will be the destination. Each person will play just one of these roles; don't exchange roles. Decide now who will play each role. The source machine should then ping the destination machine’s IP address. On the source PC, type: ping (replace the xxx with the destination’s IP) Step Four - Examine your ARP table again. After a successful ping, check the source machine’s ARP table again. 4. List the IP & MAC address pairs in the source machine’s ARP table: ___________________________________________________ Now check the destination machine’s ARP table again. 5. What IP & MAC address pairs are in the destination machine’s ARP table? _______________________________________________ 6. Why? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 7. If all the students pinged the instructor's IP address at the same time, what would appear in the instructor's ARP table? _______________________________________________________________________ Let's try it! Ask your instructor to demonstrate this process and show the results on the projection screen. Your instructor will: show the contents of his ARP table. prompt you to ping the instructor PC at (check address with instructor) show the contents of his ARP table again. END | THREE-HOLE PUNCH | SUBMIT