Curriculum Committee September 24 2013


Curriculum Committee

September 24 2013

Members Present: Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Lynn Klein, Larry Leach,

Wayne Pitcher, Patricia Wu

Ex-Officio: Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Tram Vo-Kumamoto


1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 2:10 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher.

2. Minutes of September 10, 2013

MSC (Church/Klein) to approve the minutes of September 10, 2013, as presented.



Consent Agenda

Courses to be deleted:

Entrepreneurship 10, Evaluating New Business Opportunities, 2 units

Minor changes:

Business 3, Income Tax Accounting, 4 units

Business 7, Accounting for Small Business, 3 units

Business 16, Business Mathematics, 3 units

Business 40, International Business, 3 units

Business 50K, Listening Skills, 1 unit

Business 95, Work Experience, 1-3 units

Business 96, Work Experience Seminar, 1 unit

Entrepreneurship 1, Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3 units

Program revisions:

Accounting (AS) (pending approval of BUS 5)

Business Administration (AS-T)

Administrative Assistant Entrepreneur (Certificate of Proficiency)

Business—Transfer (Certificate of Achievement)

Small Business Management (Certificate of Achievement)

MSC (Buti/Wu) to approve the consent agenda.

Course/Program Discussion a. Business 1A, Financial Accounting, 4 units

Lynn Klein led the discussion. She stated that this is a very difficult course, and the discipline feels that adding a lab hour may make students more successful and reduce the number of repeaters. She outlined other efforts they have made to increase student success. Wayne noted that one hour of lab may be added without increasing the units.

MSC (Church/Cirera-Perez) to approve Business 1A as presented.

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9/24/13, Page 2 b. Business 36, Introduction to Marketing, 3 units

Jan Novak presented. The course has been modified to meet the American Cultures requirement. Jan stated that the course has always been taught using different demographic and cultural perspectives and an international focus. Jane would like to have further discussion about the American Cultures requirement. She cited problems she has had explaining to students why similar courses taken at other schools do not satisfy our American Cultures requirement. In addition, we have an articulation agreement with ROP that courses taken at ROP receive college credits from Chabot, listed on transcripts as Credit by Exam. She is unsure if using an ROP class to fulfill this requirement is appropriate. Jane feels that approving this course modification would add to these problems.

Tram suggested referring the American Cultures guidelines to the Faculty Senate for review and possible update. In view of the fact that the problems Jane listed already exist, Tram did not see how approving this course would change or address the issues that Jane brought up. Those issues already exist with the current courses that we have listed as meeting American Cultures.

Jane moved to table this discussion to the next meeting. When no second was forthcoming, she withdrew the motion.

The committee reviewed the proposal, including the American Cultures tracking form distributed by Jan. Jane asked for more content in Expected Outcomes.

MSC (Leach/Wu) that we ask Jan to produce an outline that reflects more clearly the American Cultures elements of the course. Wayne will send the outline back to

Jan for revision. c. Entrepreneurship 5, The Entrepreneurial Mindset, 3 units

New course. Jan is requesting that the course be submitted for UC transfer, UC/GE

Breadth, IGETC, and approved for CSU transfer and AA/AS graduation requirements. She said that it will be included in some of the Entrepreneurship programs. A similar course, Business Administration C5 2, was found at UC


MSC (Cirera-Perez/Klein) to approve Entrepreneurship 5. d. Entrepreneurship 15, The Elevator Pitch, 1 unit e. Entrepreneurship 9915, The Elevator Pitch, 1 unit

These are being presented together because they are the same course—an experimental to be offered in Spring 2014 and then converted to a regular number in

Fall 2014. The course was suggested by students who wanted to explore an idea immediately in a course that did not have a prerequisite. The course will probably be included in a degree program as an option.

Jane discussed the possible problem of students who take 9915 being blocked from enrollment in ENTR 16 for lack of prerequisite. ENTR 15 is prerequisite to 16, and

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8. you cannot take both 9915 and 15. This was perceived as a situation for BANNER entry, and Jan was advised to make clear in the Catalog Master that 9915 could be substituted for Entrepreneurship 15.

MSC (Buti/Cirera-Perez) to approve both ENTR 9915 and ENTR 15. f. Spanish AA-T. Presenter unavailable.

Tabled to next meeting. g. Technical Design Certificate of Proficiency

New course presented by Bruce Mayer. He explained that some students are interested in taking only courses that lead to professional engagement as a Design-

Drafter at Civil, Construction, and Mechanical Engineering-based firms. In discussion with his dean, they decided that the courses in this certificate would allow such students to demonstrate to prospective employers their proficiency in technical design fields.

Jane noted that Engineering 25 is cross listed with Mathematics 25, and Physics 25, and the option to take one of the three should be listed in the degree. Bruce agreed to make that change. Wayne will send the proposal back to him so he can make the revision.

Curriculum Committee Procedures/Policies (tabled)

Good of the Order

Patricia reported that the Biology discipline is tabling their request to change Chabot’s rubric pending more discussion with LPC. They would like to know the district’s expectations regarding 100 percent alignment of courses between the colleges.

Wayne asked the committee to talk to their colleagues to gain more information on

American Cultures.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM .

Next meeting: October 1, 2013. kk 9/25/13 c:\documents\word\curric\2013-14\9-24-13.min.doc
