page 1 of 3 2016-17 Dean’s Program Review Summary – [Library] Submitted by: Amy Mattern, Dean of Academic Pathways and Student Success Date: 11/6/15 Find below goals, progress, accomplishments, and new initiatives in each category, aligned with the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC)i Standards indicated, as documented in the Program Reviews. Please refer to the Excel spreadsheets for specific resource requests in these areas. Progress/Needs on Instructional Programs Library/Learning & Human Resources Physical & Technology Financial Resources Student Student Support (FT fac, reassigned, Resources (Services, Contracts, Learning/Service Area classified, student assts) Conferences) Outcomes Standards IIA and IIB Standard IIA Standards IIB and IIC Standard IIIA Standards IIIB and IIIC Standard IIID Increased library hours to meet student demand, including Saturday hours and earlier opening. Completed Phase I Renovation which improved study spaces, enhanced furnishings, expanded the Library Classroom and other physical and technology improvements. Other improvements to be implemented with Phase II. Extensive outreach efforts and partnerships with learning communities and FYEs have resulted in increased library orientations. Assessing information Offered 2 Library Skills courses – LIBS1 and LIBS2—each semester. Assessed LIBS1, LIBS1 (2) (Media Literacy), and LIBS2. For all courses, Actual Scores were below target in all assessments, with LIBS2 scores coming closest to target compared to the other courses. Examples of improvement actions include integrating more class time to hands on activities, changing LIBS1 (2) (Media Literacy) into a LIBS2 for more class time, spending more time on concepts and practice. See detailed reflections The Library now has 113 workstations, in addition to 32 laptops, 4 iPads and other multimedia devices available for check-out providing students with access to technology. In addition to more available devices, the lending time has increased to accommodate student need. The Library used increased funding due to the District bond for state-wide database, to renew current subscriptions and enhance future catalog; will work to address shortfalls in equipment and library materials as bond runs out July 2016. Migration from Sirsi Need Library Technician (26 hrs/10mos) – replacement due to retirement Need Library Coordinator (reassign time 8 CAH per fall and spring, 2 CAH summer) Need Adjunct Librarian HRS (Saturday hours) Need Adjunct Librarian (summer school hours) Need Full-time Tenured Librarian Sabbatical Replacement (1 year) Need Classified Staff Overtime for Saturday Hours Need Library Student Assistants HRS Funding (evening and Saturday hours) Budget received for 2015-2016 enabled improvement of 24/7 chat reference service, improvements in searching and linking to articles and Ebooks, vendor improvement of accessibility and viewability of PDF articles and E-books on devices, increased Wifi accessibility and charging at carrels. Still lacking demo matching computer and wireless printing. Library Makerspace – initial funding from Phase II renovation, but continued funding needed to develop and maintain space. Request funding for color printers to support student Need College General Fund and/or Equipment and Library Materials budget to fund Library Makerspace, Color printers (2), Library HotSpot Loan Program (25), Charging Station Cabinet, Expansion of Library Laptop Lending Program (10). Supplies (laptop cases, Library Classroom and Material Processing Supplies) Conference and travel request as outlined in College Resources Request spreadsheet. Electronic Resources/Databases Audio Visual Materials Periodicals/Subscriptions page 2 of 3 competency through orientations and library courses. by course and CLO in full PR. to WorldShare has improved reliability of the online catalog and overall functions of the integrated library system. Unable to provide wireless printing due to technical problems out of the Library’s control and lack of an affordable service. The Library renovations were responsive to the needs reflected in the Student Surveys and had many positive improvements. At the same time, they resulted in loss of Group Study Rooms that will need to be replaced in the future. Challenges included understaffed Library support staff, lack of dedicated Library Dean for strategic planning and day-today involvement, and reliance on bond monies that are about to run out at the end of 20152016. requests due to lack of color printing options at Chabot for students. Request funding for Library HotSpot Loan Program to improve student access to Internet. Request funding for charging stations for students’ mobile devices to enable access to information on their devices. Request for expansion of Library Laptop Lending Program to provide for semesterlong check-out. Electrical improvement to provide electricity to study carrels for lights and laptop plugin areas Improve internet connectivity and speed, including wireless. Furniture Display cases 8X DVD-RW Writer page 3 of 3 i See Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (Adopted June 2014). Accreditation standards. Available: