Chabot College Academic Services Program Review Report

Chabot College
Academic Services
Program Review Report
2016 -2017
Year in the Cycle: 2
Program: Library
Submitted on
Contact: Kim Morrison, Pedro Reynoso,
Norman Buchwald, Jim Matthews,
Gareth Scott
Table of Contents
___ Year 2
Section 1: What Progress Have We Made?
Section 2: What Changes Do We Suggest?
Required Appendices:
A: Budget History
B1: Course Learning Outcomes Assessment Schedule
B2: “Closing the Loop” Assessment Reflections
C: Program Learning Outcomes
D: A Few Questions
E: New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects
F1A: New Faculty Requests
F1B: Reassign Time Requests
F2A: Classified Staffing Requests
F2B: Student Assistant Requests
F3: FTEF Requests
F4: Academic Learning Support Requests
F5: Supplies Requests
F6: Services/Contracts and Conference/Travel Requests
F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests
F8: Facilities
1. What Progress Have We Made?
Complete Appendices A (Budget History), B1, C (PLO's), and D (A few questions) prior to writing your
narrative. You should also review your most recent success, equity, course sequence, and enrollment
data at Limit your narrative to two
2015-2016 Goals (Year 1)
What Progress Have We Made? (Year 2)
Increase library open hours. YES. Library hours
have been restored. We are now open until
8pm, Monday-Thursday.
The library has gained a net increase of 2 hours
since 2009 but more importantly, the library is
now open on Saturdays. In a review of the 19
Bay Area CC Libraries, the average hours has
decreased since 2009 (56.86 Hours) to 2015
(54.93). The Chabot College Library is open for
58 hours. 11 Colleges now have Saturday Hours
while in 2009, only 8 had Saturday hours.
Explore concepts and limitations on providing
more online services to students: Webpage
redesigned; Increase internet speed for wireless
and desktop; Provide wireless printing. YES.
Data from a fall 2014 student survey
revealed a need for additional library hours
of operation; particularly, the need to open
earlier in the morning and offer weekend
hours. As a result, the library is now open a
half hour earlier (7:30AM) Mon-Thurs. In
addition, the library now offers Saturday
hours, 10AM-2PM. This is a pilot program
that began this semester (fall 2015).
The need for a faster wireless internet
connection at the library (and campus at
large) is well documented. This has been a
reoccurring issue noted in the previous
Program Review cycle. Although internet
speed has improved as of late, with the
addition of two new wireless hubs, we still
experience sporadic internet down time.
Thus, the need to constantly monitor
internet connectivity.
Wireless printing is no longer offered at the
library due to technical challenges out of our
control and the lack of an affordable service.
Make the library a more inviting place: More
study table areas have been set up. Outdoor
balcony picnic tables have been added, Leather
chairs and sofas purchased and placed
throughout the library, Quiet study room added,
new stack signage, book trucks and new book
stands, new vacuum cleaner also purchased.
YES. Purchased and replaced old Audiovisual
The completion of Phase I of the Building
100 Remodel Project (fall 2015) has made
the library a more inviting place.
Improvements include: a redesigned
Circulation and Reference Desk, new
furniture, including, powered study carrels,
a more spacious silent study room, an
increase in study spaces throughout the
Equipment (T.V. dvd, vcr components, and head
library, and a new, bigger and smarter
classroom (Rm. 119).
The library lost all of the group study rooms. In
the near future we will need to replace them—
There is still a great need for them.
Phase 2 of the Remodel Project, scheduled
to begin Dec. 2015, will make the library a
more welcoming place with new paint and
carpet throughout the building; the addition
of more study carrels; a library makerspace;
and a fully functional elevator.
Work with more departments on providing
library information competency skills to
students. NO. Larger class sizes result in fewer
requests since we cannot accommodate large
classes in Rm. 119. Secondly, faculty reported
less class time available for library instruction.
However, class visits and library orientations in
WRAC 354 have increased.
Continuous outreach efforts to faculty and
campus community via email, college
website, campus events (i.e., Gladiator Day),
embedded librarianship in learning
communities (i.e., Daraja, Puente, CIN!),
participation in Chabot’s First Year
Experience (FYE), and traditional word of
mouth within the various committees we
serve in, have brought a noticeable increase
in library orientation requests this semester.
This coincides with the recent renovation of
the Library Classroom (Rm. 119), which now
fits 44 students comfortably.
Develop new instruments for measuring
information competency skills across the
disciplines. Yes. We have created a library
orientation survey to assess information
competency. Assessment cycle will commence in
fall 2016.
Expand the Library Instruction Room. Remodel
the library for efficiency: Work with architects
continues as we await to see if the Building #100
Remodel Project will be fully funded. YES.
Remodel project pending Facilities and District
Update Collection development budget. YES.
The library has the funding from the state for a
state-wide database (EBSCOHost). However, all
material budgets are currently funded by the
District Bond. The bond runs out in July 2016. In
addition, increased database funding has
allowed us to renew our current subscriptions,
A faculty library survey will be conducted
next semester (spring 2016) to learn more
about faculty instructional needs, and in
turn, better support student learning,
especially as it relates to information
Information literacy skills will continue to be
assessed through library courses (LIBS1 &
LIBS2) as well as library orientations. See
Appendix B1 for CLO Assessment Schedule.
Phase I of the Building 100 Remodel Project
has been completed (fall 2015), which
included the renovation and expansion of
the Library Instruction Room (Rm. 119).
The Library Collection Development Policy
was updated as part of the recent
accreditation process (2014-15).
The Library and College will work toward
developing ways to address the shortfall in
equipment and library materials funding for
enhance our future catalog (StackMap), include
a video streaming database (Films on Demand),
and subscribe to a Dental Hygiene Database.
when the Bond funding runs out (2015-16).
See Accreditation Report for Standard 2C
Planning Agenda Item.
Provide more computer work stations for
students to use throughout the library: This is an
ongoing issue which may be addressed in the
Building #100 Remodel Project. YES. We now
have 8 laptops for the Library’s Laptop Lending
With the recent move of the WRAC Center
to the first floor of Building #100,
the Library Computer Lab now has 113 work
Increase reliability of the online catalog. YES. We
have upgraded to Symphony 3.4. Purchased
OCLC updates. Replaced old equipment (i.e.,
inventory wand)
Increase usage of online services: wireless
printing. Yes. But yet students are required to
purchase an app for the phone or tablet in order
to print wirelessly. But we established an online
reservation system for study rooms. Increased
the Use of Library Guides used by students.
The Library Laptop Lending Program now
offers a total of 32 laptops and 4 ipads.
The transition from Sirsi to WorldShare has
improved the reliability of the online catalog
and the overall functions of the integrated
library system.
Wireless printing is no longer offered at the
library due to technical challenges out of our
control and the lack of an affordable service.
The recent remodel project created new
collaborative study spaces that do not
require advanced reservation; thus, an
online reservation system is no longer
Library Guides continue to be used for
library instruction and have become a very
convenient and popular information
resource for students.
Offer at least 2 sections of library skills courses:
No new sections have been approved. NO.
The past academic year the library has
offered two Library Skills courses, LIBS1 and
LIBS2, each semester.
Get stable funding for current and new
electronic resources. YES, the state wide
database purchase is a five-year program.
However, all other funds are in the District Bond.
See #7.
The Library and College will work toward
developing ways to address the shortfall in
equipment and library materials funding for
when the Bond funding runs out (2015-16).
See Accreditation Report for Standard 2C
Planning Agenda Item.
Migration from SirsiDynix Integrated Library
System to OCLC WorldShare in order to create
an easier and more precise method of searching
in our library catalog. YES. New ILS (OCLC
WorldShare) projected to roll-out in Spring 2014.
Continue to find ways to streamline and cut
budgets in ways to lessen the impact on
The transition from Sirsi to WorldShare has
improved the reliability of the online catalog
and the overall functions of the integrated
library system.
With the recent move of the WRAC Center
to the first floor of Building #100,
students. Increase computer access via laptops,
more computers in lab. Provide wireless
printing. Provide a laptop loaner program. SEE
#1, SEE #2, SEE #8, SEE #10
the Library Computer Lab now has 113 work
Use collected data to help improve student
access. YES. Based on Student Survey data, we
instituted a Silent Study Room, Group Study
Spaces, online reservation system for study
rooms, created a mobile interface. Purchased
electronic counters for each door entrance of
the library.
The annual Library Student Survey provides
longitudinal data which helps measure and
assess student satisfaction of library services
and resources as well as identify new
information needs and/or preferences
students may.
The library lost all of the group study rooms. In
the near future we will need to replace them—
There is still a great need for them.
The Library Laptop Lending Program now
offers a total of 32 laptops and 4 ipads.
The next Library Student Survey is scheduled
for Spring 2016.
The need for group study space in the library
will also be addressed in the library student
What are you most proud of?
Additional Library Hours: Based on data results from the Library’s 2014 Student Survey,
and support from the Vice President of Academic Services, the library is now open on
Saturdays (10AM-2PM). This is a pilot program that began this semester (fall 2015).
Collection of data (i.e., gate count, circulation statistics, reference questions, etc.) during
this trial period will assist the decision process of offering Saturday hours on a
permanent basis.
Library Laptop/Media Lending Program: Since 2012 fall semester, the library has made
laptops as well as other multimedia devices (i.e., iPads, digital cameras, voice-recorders)
available for check-out. Currently, the library has a collection of 15 HP laptops, 17
MacBooks, and 4 iPads. Beginning in 2013, the library increased the loan period from 4
hours to 3 days, which contributed to an increase in laptop check-outs. For example, in
spring 2015, we had 343 check-outs; this semester, fall 2015, to date, we have had 277
laptop checkouts. Given the success of the program, the library will continue to add
more laptops and other multimedia devices identified via the Library Student Survey.
Building 100 Remodel Project: Phase 1 of the project has brought a much needed
facelift to the library. Phase 1 improvements include: a redesigned Circulation and
Reference Desk; new furniture, including, powered study carrels; a more spacious silent
study room; an increase in study spaces throughout the library; and a new, bigger and
smarter classroom (Rm. 119), which can now accommodate larger size classes. Phase 2
of the Remodel Project, which is scheduled to begin Dec. 2015, will make the library a
more welcoming place with new paint and carpet throughout the building; the addition
of more study carrels; a library makerspace; and a fully functional elevator.
What challenges did you face that may have prevented achieving your goals?
Library Staffing: In order to fully function as a unit and accommodate students’ library
and information needs, the library requires a complete support staff. Since 2013, the
Library budget has funded a Library Tech-1 position that is equally shared with the
Learning Connection. For the library, this position translates to a 50% loss in
productivity; thus, the need to restore the position to its original status (100%), Library
Tech-1, and its corresponding job description. Being fully staffed is vital for the library,
especially with new programs and services being developed (i.e., Library Makerspace).
Library Dean: As libraries continue to evolve and change in the 21st century, the need for
a dedicated Library Dean, with a background in Library and Information Science, has
become a critical priority for colleges and universities, Chabot Library is no exception. In
order to develop and launch new initiatives that support innovative library and
information services and resources, the library requires a fulltime Library Dean. Having a
dean involved in the day-to-day library related matters (i.e., evaluation of support staff)
as well as long-term strategic planning will better serve students’ diverse and everchanging information seeking habits as students and lifelong learners.
Library Budget: Over the last nine years, the library book budget has relied solely on
bond monies to grow and sustain a diverse and balanced collection—both print and
electronic. However, with bond monies soon to expire, the Library and College will work
toward developing ways to address the shortfall in funding for when the bond funding
runs out (2015-16). What’s more, the library must continue to secure its annual funding
it receives from the Instructional Equipment and Library Materials budget. It is
imperative that these monies continue to be allocated through this process, separate
from the College General Fund, in order to secure funding for library materials for years
to come.
2. What Changes Do We Suggest?
Review the Strategic Plan goal and key strategies at prior to completing your narrative.
Please complete Appendices E (New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects) and F1-8 (Resources
Requested) to further detail your narrative. Limit your narrative here to one page and reference
appendices where further detail can be found.
What initiatives or projects are or could be underway to support student learning outcomes,
equity, and/or the College Strategic Plan Goal?
Library Makerspace: Phase 2 of the Remodel Project, which is scheduled to begin Dec. 2015,
will include the creation of a Library Makerspace. This will be a space where students can
gather to create, invent and learn. A library makerspace may include 3D printers, software,
electronics, craft and hardware supplies and tools. Activities held in a makerspace are
determined by the equipment and materials housed in it, and most importantly, by
students’ interests and inquiries. Having a makerspace at Chabot Library will support
student activities such as, Day of the Dead altar decorating activities; DIY activities including
3D printing; hack-a-thons, arts and crafts demonstrations, etc. Upon completion of the
Library Makerspace, funding support from the College will be required to develop and
maintain the space. See Appendix E.
Color Printing: This new initiative will provide color printing options to Chabot students.
Currently, printers in the library only offer black and white printing. This is perceived as a
limitation by many students. Moreover, a growing number of students, primarily students
enrolled in art classes, continue to request access to color printers. See Appendix E.
Library HotSpot Loan Program: This new initiative will make mobile hotspot devices
available for check-out. Similar to the Library’s Laptop Lending Program, students will be
able to check-out a mobile hotspot device and bring it with him/her everywhere he/she
goes in order to have access to the internet, which is not always the case, especially at
home. Also, similar to the Library’s Laptop Lending Program, this initiative will begin as a
small scale project and gradually augment as student demand grows. See Appendix E.
Charging Stations: This new initiative will address a glaring technology need at the library
and campus at large: the need for charging stations for students’ mobile devices. This need
has been well documented in the Library’s Student Survey for the past four years. Today’s
technology-rich educational environment calls for ubiquitous charging stations in order for
students to access information readily and reliably via multiple devices. See Appendix E.
Library Laptop Lending Program (semester-long check-out): Building on the success of the
existing Library Laptop Lending Program, this initiative expands the current project.
Students will now have the option to check-out a laptop for an entire semester. This
initiative will be introduced as a pilot project to better serve student technology needs,
while at the same time measure the impact a laptop may have on a student’s success if
checked-out for an entire semester. Survey data will be gathered during the trial period, an
academic year (2016-17), to determine the growth of the project. See Appendix E.
Appendix A: Budget History and Impact
Audience: Budget Committee, PRBC, and Administrators
Purpose: This analysis describes your history of budget requests from the previous two years and
the impacts of funds received and needs that were not met. This history of documented need
can both support your narrative in Section A and provide additional information for Budget
Committee recommendations.
Instructions: Please provide the requested information, and fully explain the impact of the budget
Classified Staffing (# of positions)
Supplies & Services
1. How has your investment of the budget monies you did receive improved student learning? When
you requested the funding, you provided a rationale. In this section, assess if the anticipated
positive impacts you projected have, in fact, been realized.
Since last year, the Library has continued to improve its online presence with QuestionPoint, a 24/7 chat
reference service, improvements in searching and linking to articles and E-books, and vendors have
improved the accessibility and viewability of PDF articles and E-books on pads and smartphones.
We just hired our Systems Librarian so we should be able to provide the necessary updates needed for
the Worldshare catalog and be ready when OCLC has us able to migrate to the new WorldCat Discovery
interface that is still in development.
Through the Building 100 Remodel Project, the Library now has a state-of-the-art classroom with
NetSupport School, a classroom control software, and with computers at a much improved speed of
access. Wifi hubs throughout the Library has improved wireless demand of our students and carrels are
now present in the main room with outlets, improving students’ needs to charge smartphones, pads,
and laptops well.
2. What has been the impact of not receiving some of your requested funding? How has student
learning been impacted, or safety compromised, or enrollment or retention negatively impacted?
The Library is still waiting to have its demo matching computer that’s supposed to be available at the
reference desk where what the librarian is showing the student is also seeing. While wireless printing
was available for a brief time in 2014, that service (which was “free”) was unfortunately discontinued.
The Technology Committee needs to lead a charge to explore wireless printing and definitely find one
that was more user friendly than the Breezy set up that the college briefly had in 2014.
Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reporting Schedule
Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes & Assessment Reporting
(CLO-Closing the Loop).
A. Check One of the Following:
No CLO-CTL forms were completed during this PR year. No Appendix B2 needs to
be submitted with this Year’s Program Review. Note: All courses must be assessed
once at least once every three years.
X Yes, CLO-CTL were completed for one or more courses during the current Year’s
Program Review. Complete Appendix B2 (CLO-CTL Form) for each course assessed this
year and include in this Program Review.
B. Calendar Instructions:
List all courses considered in this program review and indicate which year each course Closing
The Loop form was submitted in Program Review by marking submitted in the correct column.
*List one course per line.
Add more rows as
This Year’s Program
*CTL forms must be
included with this PR.
Last Year’s Program
2-Years Prior
*Note: These courses
must be assessed in the
next PR year.
LIBS1 (1)
LIBS1 (2)
(media literacy)
LIBS1 (1)
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
LIBS1 (2)
(media literacy)
& Adjust
Fall 2015
& Adjust
& Adjust
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
& Adjust
Appendix B2: “Closing the Loop” Course-Level Assessment Reflections.
Semester assessment data gathered
Number of sections offered in the semester
Number of sections assessed
Percentage of sections assessed
Semester held “Closing the Loop” discussion
Faculty members involved in “Closing the Loop” discussion
LIBS1 (2)
(media literacy)
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Norman Buchwald, Kim Morrison,
and Pedro Reynoso
Form Instructions:
 Complete a separate Appendix B2 form for each Course-Level assessment reported in this
Program Review. These courses should be listed in Appendix B1: Student Learning Outcomes
Assessment Reporting Schedule.
 Part I: CLO Data Reporting. For each CLO, obtain Class Achievement data in aggregate for all
sections assessed in eLumen.
 Part II: CLO Reflections. Based on student success reported in Part I, reflect on the individual
 Part III: Course Reflection. In reviewing all the CLOs and your findings, reflect on the course as
a whole.
(CLO) 1:
Develop and implement a search strategy.
(CLO) 2:
Distinguish between popular and scholarly sources.
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
(CLO) 3:
(CLO) 4:
 If more CLOs are listed for the course, add another row to the table.
* Defined Target Scores: What scores in eLumen from your students would indicate success for this
CLO? (Example: 75% of the class scored either 3 or 4)
**Actual scores: What is the actual percent of students that meet defined target based on the eLumen
data collected in this assessment cycle?
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
Defined Target
(CLO Goal)
Actual Scores**
(eLumen data)
(CLO) 2:
Evaluation of information and its sources.
(CLO) 3:
Draw references to one’s personal life from
materials presented in class.
(CLO) 1:
Develop and implement a search strategy.
(CLO) 2:
Distinguish between popular and scholarly sources.
(CLO) 3:
(CLO) 4:
(CLO) 1:
Create an annotated bibliography.
(CLO) 4:
1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course
level outcome?
35% below the 100% target
2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and
your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
The importance of presenting this concept as part of a library research continuum or
1. Understanding the research assignment
2. Developing a research topic
3. Searching for information
4. Choosing your sources
5. Citing your sources
Note: These scores are from LIBS1, taught by Pedro Reynoso. CLOs for LIBS1 (2), which
has a media literacy theme, will be developed and assessed by Norman Buchwald, who
teaches this course.
1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course
level outcome?
45% below the 100% target
2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and
your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Although this is a running theme throughout the course supported by handouts outlining
the differences between popular and scholarly sources, most students are still at a
developing stage in developing an understanding of the nuances of information.
LIBS1 (2) (Media Literacy)
1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course
level outcome?
48% below the 100% target
2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and
your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Need to devote more class time to hands on activities, especially for basic skills students.
Also, if I want to be successful in covering all subjects I want to in the course, I need more
class time. This is why I am now planning to retool my course as Library Skills 2 and thus
have twice the class time to cover my approach to media literacy AND information literacy
with news media satire and other media treatments on subjects as a Pop Culture theme.
1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course
level outcome?
15% below the 100% target
2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and
your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
In general, students at the end of class meet all competencies based on the assessment
with a low B to high B average.
3. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course
level outcome?
25% below the target of 100%
4. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and
your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Spending more time in creating a practice citation. Also going through Citation Generator
3. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course
level outcome?
25% below the target of 100%
4. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and
your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Spend more time on what constitutes plagiarism. What it is? And its implications?
Stats so increased success and retention rates after classes reflection cycles for both classes. There is
not much difference between gender and or ethnicity in regards to success and retention.
1. Success and persistence rates.
1. How do your current scores match with your above target for student success in this course
level outcome?
20% below target of 100%
2. Reflection: Based on the data gathered, and considering your teaching experiences and
your discussions with other faculty, what reflections and insights do you have?
Laying down grounds rules to make the environment safe for students to talk in
Encouraging students to ask questions and attend office hours if unable to
understand assignments.
Stress the need to attend classes
LIBS1 (2) (Media Literacy)
1. What changes were made to your course based on the previous assessment cycle, the prior
Closing the Loop reflections and other faculty discussions?
I pared down the term project and cut back on some of the assignments, and devoted more
class time to hands on activities. Students responded well to this change, especially basic
skills students.
2. Based on the current assessment and reflections, what course-level and programmatic
strengths have the assessment reflections revealed? What actions has your discipline
determined might be taken as a result of your reflections, discussions, and insights?
If I want to be successful in covering all subjects I want to in the course, I need more class
time. This is why I am now planning to retool my course as Library Skills 2 and thus have
twice the class time to cover my approach to media literacy AND information literacy with
news media satire and other media treatments on subjects as a Pop Culture theme.
3. What is the nature of the planned actions (please check all that apply)?
X Curricular
 Pedagogical
 Resource based
 Change to CLO or rubric
 Change to assessment methods
 Other:_________________________________________________________________
Appendix C: Program Learning Outcomes
Considering your feedback, findings, and/or information that has arisen from the course level
discussions, please reflect on each of your Program Level Outcomes.
Program: Library
PLO #1: Formulate and apply research strategies to locate appropriate information to
achieve, educational, professional and personal objectives.
PLO #2: Develop a lifelong ethic of learning.
The two PLOs above reflect the Library’s Core Values.
We, the library, believe:
 in facilitating access to information by providing multiple access points that support
diverse student needs
 in teaching students, faculty, classified professionals, and administrators how to find,
evaluate, and ethically use information in their respective academic, professional and
personal lives
 in operating at a high level of professionalism and service
 in creating a safe and welcoming environment where all students want to come
 in fostering lifetime relationships with libraries
What questions or investigations arose as a result of these reflections or discussions?
Data from the fall 2014 Student Survey revealed a need for additional library hours of operation;
particularly, the need to open earlier in the morning and offer weekend hours. As a result, the library is
now open a half hour earlier (7:30AM) Mon-Thurs. In addition, the library now offers Saturday hours,
10AM-2PM. This is a pilot program that began this semester (fall 2015).
What program-level strengths have the assessment reflections revealed?
The 2014 Library Student Survey confirmed what librarians have known all along, the value of the library
as a meeting space, as a place for collaboration and learning, a dynamic environment with technology
and information at its core; and a place for research help. Survey data shows that students visit the
library on a regular basis (52.46% daily, 32.79% weekly). This highlights the need to continue to provide
appropriate services and resources as well as new innovative projects (i.e., Library Makersapce). In
short, the library as a place still holds great value among Chabot students.
What actions has your discipline determined might be taken to enhance the learning of
students completing your program?
A faculty library survey will be conducted next semester (spring 2016) to learn more about faculty
instructional needs, and in turn, better support student learning, especially as it relates to information
literacy. The next Library Student Survey is scheduled for Spring 2016.
PLO Assessment Cycle
Library Student Survey
Library Faculty Survey
Library Orientation Survey
Implement & Adjust
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Spring 2016
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Spring 2017
Spring 2017
The PLO Assessment Cycle above shows the different assessment tools used by the library to collect
appropriate data in order to inform and guide the library’s strategic planning. The library evaluates
resources and services on an annual basis to ensure that students’ library and information needs are
met. In short, the library’s outcomes assessment process serves as the basis for improving student
Appendix D: A Few Questions
Please answer the following questions with "yes" or "no". For any questions answered "no",
please provide an explanation. No explanation is required for "yes" answers. Write n/a if the
question does not apply to your area.
1. Have all of your course outlines been updated within the past five years? Y
2. Have you deactivated all inactive courses? (courses that haven’t been taught in five years or
won’t be taught in three years should be deactivated) Y
3. Have all of your courses been offered within the past five years? If no, why should those
courses remain in our college catalog? Y
4. Do all of your courses have the required number of CLOs completed, with corresponding
rubrics? If no, identify the CLO work you still need to complete, and your timeline for
completing that work this semester Y
5. Have you assessed all of your courses and completed "closing the loop" forms for all of your
courses within the past three years? If no, identify which courses still require this work, and
your timeline for completing that work this semester. Y
6. Have you developed and assessed PLOs for all of your programs? If no, identify programs which
still require this work, and your timeline to complete that work this semester. Y
7. If you have course sequences, is success in the first course a good predictor of success in the
subsequent course(s)? N/A
8. Does successful completion of College-level Math and/or English correlate positively with
success in your courses? If not, explain why you think this may be. N/A
Appendix E: Proposal for New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects (Complete
for each initiative/project): Library Makerspace
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, Equity, BSC, College Budget
Purpose: The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding.
How does your project address the college's Strategic Plan goal, significantly improve student learning or
service, and/or address disproportionate impact?
In accordance with Chabot’s Educational Master Plan (2015-2020), specifically as it relates to the
following goals:
Serving a growing and diverse student population
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art facilities
Educating students for the local and global economy
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art technology
The Library Makerspace will be a space where students can gather to create, invent and learn. It will
include a 3D printer, software applications, electronics, crafts and hardware supplies and tools.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? (Note: Complete the Equity/BSI proposal in
Appendix E1 if you would like to request these funds and indicate “see Equity/BSI proposal for detail”)
Having a makerspace at Chabot Library will support student activities such as, Day of the Dead altar
decorating activities; DIY activities including 3D printing; hack-a-thons, arts and crafts demonstrations,
etc. Upon completion of the Library Makerspace, funding support from the College will be required to
develop and maintain the space. Participation in LMS activities will be documented as well as student
satisfaction and student learning.
What learning or service area outcomes does your project address? Where in your program review are
these outcomes and the results of assessment discussed (note: if assessment was completed during a
different year, please indicate which year).
Upon completion of the Library Makerspace, librarians will develop appropriate SLOs and SAOs .
Activities held in the makerspace will be determined by the equipment and materials housed in it, and
most importantly, by students’ interests and inquiries. To this end, a Library Student Survey will be used
to gather student input before activities are planned.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
Conduct Student Survey to gather student input on Library
Makerspace (LMS)activities.
Purchase Library Makerspace equipment, tools, supplies, etc.
Plan Library Makerspace activities. Open LMS in Fall 2016
Required Budget
(Split out personnel, supplies,
other categories)
$3,500 (equipment, tools,
supplies, etc.)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain LMS activities will be facilitated by librarians on staff and/or
invited guests/instructors from campus, including students, faculty and staff
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): College General Fund and/or Equipment and Library
Materials budget
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix E: Proposal for New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects (Complete
for each initiative/project): Color Printing @ the Library
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, Equity, BSC, College Budget
Purpose: The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding.
How does your project address the college's Strategic Plan goal, significantly improve student learning or
service, and/or address disproportionate impact?
In accordance with Chabot’s Educational Master Plan (2015-2020), specifically as it relates to the
following goals:
Serving a growing and diverse student population
Educating students for the local and global economy
This new initiative will provide color printing options to Chabot students. Currently, printers in the
library only offer black and white printing. This is perceived as a limitation by many students. Moreover,
a growing number of students, primarily students enrolled in art classes, continue to request access to
color printers.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? (Note: Complete the Equity/BSI proposal in
Appendix E1 if you would like to request these funds and indicate “see Equity/BSI proposal for detail”)
Usage statistics will be collected daily to measure student demand. Offering color printing options to
students provides access to technologies typically found at other college campuses as well as in their
current and/or future workplace.
What learning or service area outcomes does your project address? Where in your program review are
these outcomes and the results of assessment discussed (note: if assessment was completed during a
different year, please indicate which year).
Librarians will develop appropriate SAOs once color printers are installed.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
Purchase color printers (2)
Begin collecting usage statistics.
Required Budget
(Split out personnel, supplies,
other categories)
$1,500 (purchase of two
color printers)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain Chabot’s IT Dept. will install and maintain color printers
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): College General Fund and/or Equipment and Library
Materials budget
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix E: Proposal for New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects (Complete
for each initiative/project): Library HotSpot Loan Program
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, Equity, BSC, College Budget
Purpose: The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding.
How does your project address the college's Strategic Plan goal, significantly improve student learning or
service, and/or address disproportionate impact?
In accordance with Chabot’s Educational Master Plan (2015-2020), specifically as it relates to the
following goals:
Serving a growing and diverse student population
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art facilities
Educating students for the local and global economy
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art technology
This new initiative will make mobile hotspot devices available for check-out. Similar to the Library’s
Laptop Lending Program, students will be able to check-out a mobile hotspot device and bring it with
him/her everywhere he/she goes in order to have access to the internet, which is not always the case,
especially at home. Also, similar to the Library’s Laptop Lending Program, this initiative will begin as a
small scale project and gradually augment as student demand grows
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? (Note: Complete the Equity/BSI proposal in
Appendix E1 if you would like to request these funds and indicate “see Equity/BSI proposal for detail”)
Usage statistics will be collected each semester to measure student demand. Offering mobile wifi
technology to students provides much-needed access to information and library resources (i.e., library
databases), which in turn, supports student learning.
What learning or service area outcomes does your project address? Where in your program review are
these outcomes and the results of assessment discussed (note: if assessment was completed during a
different year, please indicate which year).
Librarians will develop appropriate SAOs and SLOs once mobile hotspots are made available.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
Purchase mobile hotspots (25)
Begin collecting usage statistics.
Required Budget
(Split out personnel, supplies,
other categories)
$2,500 (purchase of 25
mobile hotspots)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain Current support staff will catalog and check-out mobile
hotspots, similar to the Library Laptop Lending Libary
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): College General Fund and/or Equipment and Library
Materials budget
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix E: Proposal for New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects (Complete
for each initiative/project): Library Charging Stations
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, Equity, BSC, College Budget
Purpose: The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding.
How does your project address the college's Strategic Plan goal, significantly improve student learning or
service, and/or address disproportionate impact?
In accordance with Chabot’s Educational Master Plan (2015-2020), specifically as it relates to the
following goals:
Serving a growing and diverse student population
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art facilities
Educating students for the local and global economy
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art technology
This new initiative will address a glaring technology need at the library and campus at large: the need for
charging stations for students’ mobile devices. This need has been well documented in the Library’s
Student Survey for the past four years.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? (Note: Complete the Equity/BSI proposal in
Appendix E1 if you would like to request these funds and indicate “see Equity/BSI proposal for detail”)
Usage statistics will be collected each semester to measure student demand. Today’s technology-rich
educational environment calls for ubiquitous charging stations in order for students to access
information readily and reliably via multiple devices.
What learning or service area outcomes does your project address? Where in your program review are
these outcomes and the results of assessment discussed (note: if assessment was completed during a
different year, please indicate which year).
Librarians will develop appropriate SAOs once charging stations are made available.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
Purchase Charging Station Cabinet (10-12 devices)
Begin collecting usage statistics.
Required Budget
(Split out personnel, supplies,
other categories)
$1,500 (10-12 devices)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain Current support staff will manage library charging stations
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): College General Fund and/or Equipment and Library
Materials budget
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix E: Proposal for New and Ongoing Initiatives and Projects (Complete
for each initiative/project): Library Laptop Lending Program—semester long
Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, Equity, BSC, College Budget
Purpose: The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding.
How does your project address the college's Strategic Plan goal, significantly improve student learning or
service, and/or address disproportionate impact?
In accordance with Chabot’s Educational Master Plan (2015-2020), specifically as it relates to the
following goals:
Serving a growing and diverse student population
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art facilities
Educating students for the local and global economy
Building and maintaining state-of-the-art technology
Building on the success of the existing Library Laptop Lending Program, this initiative expands the
current project. Students will now have the option to check-out a laptop for an entire semester.
What is your specific goal and measurable outcome? (Note: Complete the Equity/BSI proposal in
Appendix E1 if you would like to request these funds and indicate “see Equity/BSI proposal for detail”)
Usage statistics will be collected each semester to measure student demand. This initiative will be
introduced as a pilot project to better serve student technology needs, while at the same time measure
the impact a laptop may have on a student’s success if checked-out for an entire semester. Survey data
will be gathered during the trial period, an academic year (2016-17), to determine the growth of the
What learning or service area outcomes does your project address? Where in your program review are
these outcomes and the results of assessment discussed (note: if assessment was completed during a
different year, please indicate which year).
Librarians will develop appropriate SAOs once additional laptops are made available.
What is your action plan to achieve your goal?
Activity (brief description)
Purchase Additional Laptops (10)
Begin collecting usage statistics.
Required Budget
(Split out personnel, supplies,
other categories)
$10,000 (10 laptops)
How will you manage the personnel needs?
New Hires:
Faculty # of positions
Classified staff # of positions
Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s) current workload will be:
Covered by overload or part-time employee(s)
Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s)
Other, explain Current support staff will catalog and check-out additional
laptops, similar to existing Library Laptop Lending Libary
At the end of the project period, the proposed project will:
Be completed (onetime only effort)
Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project
(obtained by/from): College General Fund and/or Equipment and Library
Materials budget
Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation?
Yes, explain:
Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements?
Yes, explain:
Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project?
Yes, list potential funding sources:
Appendix F1B: Reassign Time Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000]
Audience: Administrators
Purpose: Provide explanation and justification for work to be completed. (Note: positions require job
responsibility descriptions that are approved by the appropriate administrator(s).)
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Cite evidence and data to support your request,
including enrollment management data (EM Summary by Term) for the most recent three years,
student success and retention data, and any other pertinent information. Data is available at
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add
your requests to your spreadsheet under the 1000b tab and check the box below once they’ve been
Total number of hours requested and the type of contact hour:
Library Coordinator
Summary of hours requested completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet
(please check box to left)
Appendix F2A: Classified Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC, Classified Prioritization Committee
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and
part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (new, augmented and replacement
positions). Remember, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please complete a separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form for each position
requested and attach form(s) as an appendix to your Program Review.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet AND a
separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form must be completed for each position requested.
Add your requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000a tab and check the box below once they’ve
been added.
Please click here to find the link to the Classified Professional Staffing Request form:
This is a fillable PDF. Please save the form, fill it out, then save again and check the box below once
you’ve done so. Submit your Classified Professionals Staffing Request form(s) along with your Program
Review Narrative and Resource Request spreadsheet.
Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested):
Separate Classified Professionals Staffing Request form completed and attached to Program
Review for each position requested (please check box to left)
Summary of positions requested completed in Program Review Resource Request
Spreadsheet (please check box to left)
Appendix F2B: Student Assistant Requests [Acct. Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for student assistant positions. Remember, student
assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal, safety, mandates, and accreditation issues. Please
cite any evidence or data to support your request. If these positions are categorically funded, include
and designate the funding source of new categorically-funded positions where continuation is
contingent upon available funding.
Rationale for proposed student assistant positions:
Student Assistant funding enables the library to support general library services in circulation, in
technical processing, and the audio-visual services area. Student Assistants play a very important role
at the Library as they help staff key public service desks: 1) Circulation Desk, and 2) Audio-visual Desk,
the latter has become even more critical as it requires to oversee more computers in the Audio-visual
areas now that the Library Computer Lab has gained the computer workstations previously used by the
WRAC Center.
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service
area outcomes (SAO’s) support this request?
Every year the library measures SAOs through the library’s Student Survey. The survey serves as an
assessment tool to gauge student satisfaction with the library’s services and resources. Data from the
2014 Student Survey reflects a positive review of the library, including customer service provided by
Library Student Assistants. In short, Students Assistants contribute to the overall functioning and
success of the library.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add
your requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000b tab and check the box below once they’ve been
Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested):
Assistants HRS
Fund evening
and Saturday
Summary of positions requested completed in Resource Request Spreadsheet (please check
box to left)
Appendix F4: Academic Learning Support Requests [Acct. Category 2000]
Audience: Administrators, PRBC, Learning Connection
Purpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement student assistants (tutors,
learning assistants, lab assistants, supplemental instruction, etc.).
Instructions: Please justify the need for your request. Discuss anticipated improvements in student
learning and contribution to the Strategic Plan goal. Please cite any evidence or data to support your
request. If this position is categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new
categorically-funded position where continuation is contingent upon available funding.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet. Add
your requests to your spreadsheet under the 2000b tab and check the box below once they’ve been
Total number of positions requested (please fill in number of positions requested):
Adjunct Librarian
Summary of positions requested completed in Program Review Resource Request
Spreadsheet (please check box to left)
Rationale for your proposal based on your program review conclusions. Include anticipated impact on
student learning outcomes and alignment with the strategic plan goal. Indicate if this request is for the
same, more, or fewer academic learning support positions.
Additional funding for Adjunct hours necessary in order to increase library hours and to
allow librarians to increase collegial participation on campus, professional duties in
outside areas, coverage for fulltime sick leave, conference attendance.
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service
area outcomes (SAO’s) support this request?
Every year the library measures SAOs through the library’s Student Survey. The survey serves as
an assessment tool to gauge student satisfaction with the library’s services and resources. Data
from the 2014 Student Survey reflects a positive review of the library, including customer service
provided by Adjunct Librarians. In short, Adjunct Librarians contribute to the overall functioning
and success of the library.
Appendix F5: Supplies Requests [Acct. Category 4000]
Audience: Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for supplies and service, and to guide the Budget Committee in allocation
of funds.
Instructions: In the area below, please list both your anticipated budgets and additional funding
requests for categories 4000. Do NOT include conferences and travel, which are submitted on Appendix
F6. Justify your request and explain in detail the need for any requested funds beyond those you
received this year. Please also look for opportunities to reduce spending, as funds are limited.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet.
Follow the link below and check the box below once they’ve been added.
SUPPLIES tab (4000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please
check box to left)
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service
area outcomes (SAO’s) support this request?
Supplies support the overall functioning of the Library (i.e., access to information and library
services and resources); which ultimately, support student learning.
Appendix F6: Contracts & Services, Conference & Travel Requests [Acct.
Category 5000]
Audience: Staff Development Committee, Administrators, Budget Committee, PRBC
Purpose: To request funding for contracts & services and conference attendance, and to guide the
Budget and Staff Development Committees in allocation of funds.
Instructions: Please list specific conferences/training programs, including specific information on the
name of the conference and location. Your rationale should discuss student learning goals and/or
connection to the Strategic Plan goal.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet.
Follow the link below and check the box below once they’ve been added.
There should be a separate line item for each contract or service.
Travel costs should be broken out and then totaled (e.g., airfare, mileage, hotel, etc.)
TRAVEL/SERVICES tab (5000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet
(please check box to left)
In accordance with Chabot’s Educational Master Plan (2015-2020), specifically as it relates to the
following goals:
Serving a growing and diverse student population
Expanding professional development opportunities
To this end, conference and travel requests, see attached spreadsheet, will support librarians’
professional development. As with other professional development activities, the end-goal is to
better serve our growing and diverse student population.
How do the assessments that you preformed to measure student learning outcomes (SLO’s) or service
area outcomes (SAO’s) support this request?
The annual Library Student Survey provides longitudinal data which helps measure and assess
student satisfaction of library services and resources as well as identify new information needs
and/or preferences students may. To better serve the information and library needs of a growing
and diverse student population, professional development support should be a high priority.
Appendix F7: Technology and Other Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000]
Audience: Budget Committee, Technology Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee and to inform priorities of the Technology
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests .If you're requesting
classroom technology, see for the brands/model
numbers that are our current standards. If requesting multiple pieces of equipment, please rank order
those requests. Include shipping cost and taxes in your request.
Spreadsheet: To be considered, requests must be added to the Resource Request Spreadsheet.
Follow the link below and check the box below once they’ve been added.
EQUIPMENT tab (6000) completed in Program Review Resource Request Spreadsheet (please
check box to left)
Please follow the link here to make your request and summarize below
Appendix F8: Facilities Requests
Audience: Facilities Committee, Administrators
Purpose: To be read and responded to by Facilities Committee.
Background: Although some of the college's greatest needs involving new facilities cannot be met with
the limited amount of funding left from Measure B, smaller pressing needs can be addressed. Projects
that can be legally funded with bond dollars include the "repairing, constructing, acquiring, and
equipping of classrooms, labs, sites and facilities." In addition to approving the funding of projects, the
FC participates in addressing space needs on campus, catalogs repair concerns, and documents larger
facilities needs that might be included in future bond measures. Do NOT use this form for equipment or
supply requests.
Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests .If requesting more than one
facilities project, please rank order your requests.
Brief Title of Request (Project Name):
Building/Location: Library (100)
Type of Request
___ Space Need
___ Small Repair
___ Large Repair
___ Building Concern
___ Larger Facility Need
X Other (grounds, signage…)
Description of the facility or grounds project. Please be as specific as possible.
Electrical improvement to provide electricity to study carrels for lights and laptop plugin areas.
Improve internet connectivity and speed—including wireless.
What educational programs or institutional purposes does this request support and with whom are you
This would support students by being able to study with lighted study carrels. Furthermore, it will
give students the ability to charge laptops and other mobile devices while using them at the library.
Faster connectivity to internet and wireless would also improve access.
Briefly describe how your request supports the Strategic Plan Goal?
See Goal #3, #4, #6, #8, #11