2016-17 Dean’s Program Review Summary – [Learning Connection]

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2016-17 Dean’s Program Review Summary – [Learning Connection]
Submitted by:
Amy Mattern, Dean of Academic Pathways and Student Success
Date: 11/6/15
Find below goals, progress, accomplishments, and new initiatives in each category, aligned with the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
(ACCJC)i Standards indicated, as documented in the Program Reviews. Please refer to the Excel spreadsheets for specific resource requests in these areas.
Progress/Needs on
Instructional Programs
Library/Learning &
Human Resources
Physical & Technology
Financial Resources
Student Learning/Service
Student Support
(FT fac, reassigned,
(Services, Contracts,
Area Outcomes
classified, student assts)
Standards IIA and IIB
Standard IIA
Standards IIB and IIC
Standard IIIA
Standards IIIB and IIIC
Standard IIID
Learning Connection
relocated to Building
100 which
centralized services
and allowed for
serving more
Students who used
LC programs have
higher success rates
and lower
withdrawal rates
than those in the
same courses who
did not. This is
particularly true for
students in
English courses.
The goal to secure
and maintain
funding is not met;
Need additional
funding allocation to
fully support
Additional LC staff is
needed to better
serve students, assist
Assessed TUTR 1A-D
and TUTR 1B-D (see
Appendix B). Nearly
met CLO 1 with
67.4% of tutors
indicating they apply
plans and set
objectives at least
70% of time with
individual students
(goal 70% or more);
Met CLO 2 with 86%
indicating they use
variety of learning
techniques (goal 70%
or more).
Assessed TUTR 2A-D
(see Appendix B) and
met CLO goal of
tutors demonstrating
sufficient subject
knowledge and
pedagogical skill.
Curriculum specific to
Learning Assistants
needs to be
developed, as well as
training for drop-in
vs. scheduled
 Learning Connection
continued to provide
quality learning
support for students,
including early
academic intervention
access to all students.
 Goal in progress to
improve Learning
Assistant program by
collaborating with
faculty to develop
more effective
 Working to build more
infrastructure for
study groups in order
to scale up learning
and efficiently serve
more students.
 Goal to pilot online
tutoring is in progress
and working on
funding and
 Supplemental
Instruction initiative
not funded.
 Goal to increase
staffing for the STEM
Center was only
partially met.
Funding was received
through Equity and
Program Review to
provide 6 CAH for
STEM Center Math
Coordinator, but only
.5 of the requested
1.5 FTE for a staff
member was funded.
Employment for both
positions terminate
in December 2015.
 Goal to hire
additional Learning
Connection staff was
approved through
Program Review,
however, the
position is still
awaiting posting.
 Need Program
Director – Learning
 Need Instructional
Assistant II for ESL
Language Lab (25 hrs)
 Purchase a license for
campus-wide use of
WriteLab, online
writing software, in
order to provide all
students access to
learning support
services for written
assignments on or off
campus. (Equity/BSI
 Supplies (bulletin
boards, literature
racks, sign holder)
 Conference
attendance to explore
CRLA’s International
Tutor Training
Certification for (2
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in better tracking
through monitoring
of SARS sign-in in
Bldg. 100 and STEM
Center, and support
for ESL and WRAC.
PLOs for Tutoring
were assessed (see
Appendix C) and LC
will be examining
how to ensure
students receive
consistently highquality learning and
how to prepare
tutors to deliver
these in a variety of
models (drop-in
students, scheduled
appointments, in the
classroom); also
looking at how best
to deliver tutor
Continue to work
toward offering
additional section of
TUTR 2 for Math in
order to provide
more effective tutor
ent – need added
personnel for STEM
Center in order to
LC is working to offer
tutor training in an
online hybrid format
to better meet tutor
needs – TUTR 1A and
TUTR 1B just
submitted to COOL.
 Need Instructional
Assistant II for STEM
Center (40 hours)
 Need Instructional
Assistant II for STEM
Center (25 hrs)
 Need Instructional
Assistant II for
Projects (25 hrs)
 Need Instructional
Assistant II for
 Need .2 CAH for
STEM Center Math
Faculty Coordinator
See Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (Adopted June 2014). Accreditation standards. Available: