Resource Request Forms Revised 2/2/11 Unit Plan: Full-Time Faculty/Adjunct Staffing Request(s) [Acct. Category 1000] Unit: Division or Area to Which You Report: Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Date: Audience: Faculty Prioritization Committee and Administration P urpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time faculty and adjuncts I nstructions: Please justify the need for your request. Be sure to include reference to Goals/Objectives from Part II, and Strategic Planning Priorities. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request, including enrollment management data (EM Summary by Term) for the most recent three years, student success data (EM Success report), and any other pertinent information. For EM data, go to http://help/EMC/ (from on campus—college intranet). If you have not worked with EM data previously, seek assistance from your division dean or CEMC rep. 1. Number of new faculty requested in this discipline: _____ [Please list staffing request(s) on your Resource Request spreadsheet.] 2. Rationale for your proposal. Please use the enrollment management data from your attachments (see #4) to support your rationale. Additional data that will strengthen your rationale include FTES trends over the last 5 years, persistence, FT/PT faculty ratios, SLO assessment results and external accreditation demands. 3. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal. Resource Request Forms Revised 2/2/11 4. Attachments: • EM Summary by Term report for the appropriate discipline or cluster of disciplines. • EM Success report for the appropriate discipline or cluster of disciplines. Unit Plan: Classified Staffing Request(s) including Student Assistants [Acct. Category 2000] Unit: Admissions & Records, International Students Program, Veterans Affairs, Student Online Services Division or Area to Which You Report: Student Services Author(s) of this Unit Plan: Paulette Y. Lino, Director of Admissions & Records Date: 3/25/11 Audience: Administrative Staff P urpose: Providing explanation and justification for new and replacement positions for full-time and part-time regular (permanent) classified professional positions (New, augmented and replacement positions) AND student assistants (tutors, learning assistants, lab assistants, supplemental instruction, etc.). I nstructions: Please justify the need for your request. Be sure to include reference to Goals/Objectives from Part II, and Strategic Planning Priorities. Please cite any evidence or data to support your request. I f this position is categorically funded, include and designate the funding source of new categorically-funded position w here continuation is contingent upon available funding. Justifications should include rationale for requesting the position. Rationale should include specific reference to, where necessary and appropriate. [Reminder, student assistants are not to replace Classified Professional staff.] Please list staffing request(s) on your Resource Request spreadsheet. • • • • • • • Data from student learning and service area outcomes Connection to program review Relationship to institutional priorities Impact on enrollment and revenue Safety Mandates Workload distribution (impact on other’s work) 1. Rationale for your proposal. Please include the rationale from your program review and unit plan. Rationale should include things such as student learning and service area data and outcomes, difficulty in serving students, health and safety concerns and/or any other information that speaks to the criteria listed previously. • Bursar (re-class) o This staff not only reconciles the daily cashier sessions and daily deposits – but also works with Finance on setting up accounts for 3rd party billings. This position is responsible not only for collection of documents, but also verification • • • • • • • of status & updating of student records for AB540 students. o The success of the operation has a direct correlation to the revenue for the institution (ie, enrollment fee collection). Sr. Student Records Evaluator (re-class) o This will be the lead person in evaluations – heading up projects for document imaging linked to SIS in conjunction with other departments & ITS, evaluating records of students with 45+ units – qualifying for Degrees or Certificates. o Necessary compensatin to organizational business structure that produces positive outcomes that provides opportunities for growth of the unit and succession planning. A & R Supervisor (re-class) o This person is responsible for faculty services (such as Census roster collection, processing of grade changes/incompletes) and ‘floor’ Supervisor overseeing the daily activities for registration, evaluations, interventions. o Addresses compliance issues not always enforceable when Director has no assistant that oversees daily routine activities of unit while working on problems. A & R Assistant II (re-hire) o This position is needed to process verification of enrollment, degrees, certificates, etc. o To sustain services and assure workload distribution is balanced. Veterans Office Coordinator (re-class) o Connection to program review - this person is not only a certifying official that deals with our special group of students – veterans – but will also participate in the development and marketing of services related to the Veterans program. o This position will address institutional priorities – marketing & maintenance as it affects our ever increasing veterans population. Apprenticeship Attendance Specialist II (hire) o This person will serve in a lead capacity related to the processing of district apprenticeship programs’ attendance data and grades. o Necessary for reporting unique cohort of enrollments for RSI funding. Two 50% A & R II (hire) o These 2 positions will assist with front window coverage, evening duties and will be cross-trained in other areas of Admissions & Records. o Maintain compliance with Title 5 regulations not to employ hourly staff. This affects services offered. These positions are needed for continuity, back-up and vacation coverage. • International Admissions Specialist (hire) o As the International Students Program grows, additional personnel will be needed to assist students in their needs. This position will maintain & disburse admission information & requirements to students & staff about International Student Program. o To maintain SEVIS database ; compliance with federal regulations in order to serve students. 2. Statements about the alignment with the strategic plan and program review are required. Indicate here any information from advisory committees or outside accreditation reviews that is pertinent to the proposal. GOAL A: Awareness & Access = Build awareness of Chabot’s academic excellence, and ensure access to education for all who seek it. • The Veterans Office Coordinator will be able to fulfill this GOAL – by providing marketing of services that Chabot has to offer. GOAL B: Student Success = Provide high quality programs and services so all students can reach their educational and career goals. • With the Senior Student Evaluator, this person will be able to evaluate student records of 45+ degree-applicable units – qualifying students for Degrees/Certificates (helping in increasing Degrees/Certificates awarded). GOAL C: Community Partnerships = Work with local business and industry to support the goals of Chabot students. • The Veterans Office Coordinator will be able to fulfill this GOAL – by providing marketing of services that Chabot has to offer. GOAL D: Vision, Leadership & Innovation = Be an educational leader by continuously supporting and improving learning in our diverse institution. • Program Review: Enrollment Requests Discipline: Division or Area to Which You Report: Author(s): Date: Audience: Budget, Deans, CEMC, PRBC Purpose: To recommend changes in FTEF allocations for subsequent academic year and guide Deans and CEMC in the allocation of FTEF to units. Instructions: In the area below, please list your requested changes in course offerings (with reference to corresponding change in FTEF) and provide your rationale for these changes. Be sure to analyze enrollment trends and other relevant data (http://help/EMC/). Please seek your dean’s assistance as needed. 6 Program Review — Proposal for New Initiatives Discipline: Admissions & Records, Veterans Affairs & International Students Program Division or Area to Which You Report: Student Services Name of Person Completing this Form: Paulette Y. Lino, Director of Admissions & Records Date: 3/28/11 Audience: Deans/Unit Administrators, PRBC, Foundation, Grants Committee, College Budget Committee Purpose: A “New Initiative” is a new project or expansion of a current project that supports college goals. The project will require the support of additional and/or outside funding. The information you provide will facilitate and focus the research and development process for finding outside funding. Instructions: Please fill in the following information. Educational Master Plan and/or Strategic Plan Goal/Objective Addressed: Initiative #1: GOAL A: Awareness & Access = Build awareness of Chabot’s academic excellence, and ensure access to education for all who seek it. • Strategy A2 = Reach out to populations underrepresented in higher education. Initiative #2: GOAL B: Student Success = Provide high quality programs and services so all students can reach their educational and career goals. • Strategy B3 – Support program and initiatives that increase the success for all students in our diversity community. Initiative #3: GOAL D: Vision, Leadership & Innovation = Be an educational leader by continuously supporting and improving learning in our diverse institution. • Strategy D2 - Streamline Academics and student support services Initiative #4: GOAL D: Vision, Leadership & Innovation = Be an educational leader by continuously supporting and improving learning in our diverse institution. • Strategy D3 – Offer professional development to support teaching, learning and operational need 7 Project Description: #1 – Provide program to serve military personnel and veterans #2 – Provide resource center such as Veterans Resource Center #3 – Archive all microfilmed student records (pre BANNER data) to CD #4 - Restructure the Admissions & Records unit. Project Objective: (include goal & outcome from Part II of your Unit Plan for reference) #1 / #2 – Create a support/resource center on campus for population target – such as military personnel/ #3 – Provide reliable archival system for microfilmed student’s records. Current process is out-dated and compatible reader model is no longer produced. #4 - Create a tiered organizational structure to support career advancement, succession planning, service delivery efficiency, meet American Association College Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) staff standard and comply with Ed Code. Expected Project Outcome: #1 / #2 – Provide support activities to target population to foster a healthy and safe learning environment. #3 – Improve efficiency when accessing archived records. #4 - Achieve a more professional working environment that validates and compensates the expertise on staff and serves students more effectively. 8 Activity Plan to Accomplish the Objective: ACTIVITY NO. 1 for #1 / #2 1 for #3 1 for #4 2 for #1 / #2 2 for #3 2 for #4 ACTIVITY (simple description) Collect best practice examples to model support service for VA Obtain estimate from vendor to complete conversion of records Review all existing job specs in A&R Determine location for center Plan project timeline for completion of conversion Conduct feasibility study in Bay 10 and through the state with colleges with comparable student demographics 3 for #1 / #2 Assemble team composed of counselors & staff Submit proposal for new positions (org chart attached) 3 for #4 PERSON(S) RESPONSIBLE Specialist & Director Director Director Specialist & Director Director & Vendor Director Specialist, Dean & Director Director TIMELINE (OR TARGET COMPLETION DATE) On-going June 2011 On-going On-going December 2011 June 2012 On-going March 2012 Specialist, Marketing & Director On-going December 2012 Director 4 for #1 / #2 Develop Market plan and resources Submit requests for hire 4 for #4 Estimated Resource Requirements: ACTIVITY BUDGET CATEGORY AND NO. ACCOUNT NUMBER Personnel (staffing and benefits for 1 for #1 DESCRIPTION COST Travel and compensation for VA Specialist $5,000.00 1 for #3 professional experts, reassigned time, classified personnel).* Reclassification for 4 positions & hire 2 – 50% positions & 2 FT positions $165,087.48 1 for #1 Supplies Marketing, etc $5,000.00 9 1 for #2 1 for #3 Other Benefits for new hires Cost for completion of conversion Total $30,000.00 $25,000.00 $249,543.50 Personnel (staffing and benefits for professional experts, reassigned time, classified personnel).* Supplies Other Total Proposed personnel workload may be covered by: X New Hires: Faculty # of positions X Classified staff # of positions 4 Re-classifications, 2 FT hires, 3 = 50% Reassigning existing employee(s) to the project; employee(s)' current workload will be: Covered by overload or part-time employee(s) Covered by hiring temporary replacement(s) Other, explain At the end of the project period, the proposed project will: X Be completed (onetime only effort) X Require additional funding to continue and/or institutionalize the project (obtained by/from): Permanent staff cost for Initiative #4 Will the proposed project require facility modifications, additional space, or program relocation? X No Yes, explain: 10 Will the proposed project involve subcontractors, collaborative partners, or cooperative agreements? X No Yes, explain: Do you know of any grant funding sources that would meet the needs of the proposed project? X No Yes, list potential funding sources: 11 Program Review: Request for Resources Discipline: Admissions & Records, International Students Program, Veterans Affairs Division or Area to Which You Report: Student Services Author(s): Paulette Y. Lino, Director of Admissions & Records Date: 3/31/11 Audience: Budget, Deans Purpose: To be read and responded to by Budget Committee. Instructions: Please fill in the following as needed to justify your requests. Text boxes below will expand as you type. To list the items you are requesting, please complete the accompanying Excel spreadsheets for the items you are requesting in the 4000, 5000, and 6000 account categories, as needed, along with the justification for these requests below. Equipment Requests [Acct. Category 6000] Please note: Equipment requests are for equipment whose unit cost is over $200 Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Building/Location: Bldg 700 Request Amount (include tax and shipping): Description of the specific equipment or materials requested: What educational programs or institutional purposes does this equipment support? Briefly describe how your request relates specifically to meeting the Educational Master Plan and the Strategic Plan Goals and support the goals and outcomes detailed in your Unit Action Plan (Part II, Section 2)? 12 Why is this equipment necessary? Immediate health, safety, or security issues Increases enrollment Prevents further deterioration of facilities Replaces deteriorated equipment or facilities Shows cost advantage due to rising prices Provides visibility for the Bond Program Briefly describe how the above criteria are satisfied: What is the consequence of not funding the equipment? What alternative approaches have been considered to meet programmatic demands for this equipment? How many students will be impacted by the purchase of this equipment? Do students use this equipment? yes no Is this equipment a replacement? yes no Staffing requirements for new equipment (number of staff, are they available, training, etc.): Number of Staff 13 Are they available Will training be required? yes no At whose cost? What are the estimated ongoing costs (for maintenance, etc.)? Are there potential utility costs/savings? Is this request CTE (Career Technical Education) Eligible? yes no Supplies & Services Augmentation Requests [Acct. Category 4000 and 5000] Note: Augmentations are rarely funded and are based upon available funding. Definition of Augmentation: A request for additional funds for your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received), over and above the current amount. Brief Title of Request (Project Name): Last year’s 4000 category budget Last year’s 5000 category budget Please state why you are requesting these funds in addition to your current allocated budget (the funds you actually received). Why were the funds previously allocated insufficient? 14