jffydr&i&gmMl Seismees -Journal™ des Sciences Hydrologiquesf39,2, April 1994 1*5 / Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff moiels to Input errors and data length C.-Y. MJ & G. L. VANDEWIELE Laboratory of Hydrology, Free University Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Abstract Two problems are addressed which arise when using monthly water balance models as an aid to making decisions in water resources engineering: what is the influence of data errors on model performance, and what is the data length required in order to obtain reliable models? Two previously defined types of models are used: in PE type models the input series are precipitation and potential évapotranspiration; in P type models the only input is precipitation. The main conclusions are: (1) random errors in precipitation data, when great enough, affect model performance significantly; (2) systematic errors in precipitation data are less important for the estimation of river flow; and (3) a data length of 10 years is necessary and sufficient for a reliable calibration of monthly water balance models of humid basins. Sensibilité de modèles pluie-débit à l'échelle mensuelle aux erreurs de mesure concernant les précipitations et à la durée des chroniques de mesures utilisées Résumé Deux problèmes se posent lors de l'utilisation de modèles de bilan d'eau en tant qu'outils d'aide à la décision en matière de planification des ressources en eau: quelle est l'influence des erreurs de mesure sur les performances du modèle et quelle est la durée des chroniques nécessaires à l'obtention d'un modèle fiable? Deux types de modèles, définis auparavant, ont été étudiés. Les données d'entrée des modèles PE sont les précipitations et l'évapotranspiration potentielle. Les précipitations constituent la seule entrée des modèles P. Les principales conclusions sont les suivantes: (1) des erreurs aléatoires supérieures • à 10 % sur les précipitations affectent de façon significative la qualité des résultats du modèle; (2) des erreurs systématiques sur les précipitations revêtent moins d'importance, en particulier pour les modèles de type P; et (3) une chronique de mesures d'une durée de dix ans est nécessaire et suffisante pour un calage fiable. INTRODUCTION Monthly rainfall-runoff models (or water balance models) are useful tools in the hands of engineers in charge of water resources projects. Such models are helpful in computing forecasts and in generating arbitrarily long runoff series. The latter can be used to estimate return periods of relatively rare hydroîogical events such as droughts. More details of these applications are given, for example, by Xu & Vandewiele (1993) and Vandewiele et al. (1993). For engineering use, models have to fulfil two conditions: the data Open for discussion until 1 October 1994 158 C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele necessary for calibration have to be readily available, and calibration must be easy. The latter condition leads to the requirement that only a few parameters (unknown basin characteristics to be estimated) are used: one should be parsimonious with respect to the number of parameters. In the past a number of such models have been defined (Alley, 1984; Vandewiele & Xu, 1991; Vandewiele et aï., 1992; Xu & Vandewiele, 1993). An important question concerning such engineering models is their sensitivity to errors in the input data (especially precipitation data), and to the length of data to be used during calibration. Errors in areal precipitation have two important sources (apart from gross errors): measurement errors in point precipitation and Thiessen errors. The present paper aims at giving the engineer an indication of the influence of such errors on model performance. At the same time the paper tries to give an indication as to the question how long data series have to be for obtaining a reliable model, or if the improvement of model performance is worth the extra effort involved in data collection and preparation. The Thiessen error has been studied in a number of works like Sutcliffe (1966), Herbst & Shaw (1969), and Singh & Birsoy (1975), and the influence of input errors by Singh & Woolhiser (1976). Model reliability in general has been treated by O'Donnell & Canedo (1980) on a daily model for the humid case, and Gorgens (1983) on a monthly model for a semiarid catchment. The present paper treats these reliability problems in relation to the new class of water balance models defined by Xu & Vandewiele (1993) and Vandewiele et al. (1992, 1993) applied to humid catchments in Belgium and southern China. Vandewiele et al. (1992) showed that the latter models perform much better than a number of previous models, which were studied by Alley (1984). First the model structure used here will be explained by means of its equations. In the subsequent section some details of statistical analysis are discussed, especially the question of model performance. Two sections are then devoted to input errors and data length respectively. In the final section conclusions are drawn. LUMPED SYSTEM WATER BALANCE MODELS FOR HUMID BASINS In the present section the model equations are introduced together with some explanations and justifications. A full discussion can be found in the above mentioned papers and also in a booklet by Vandewiele et al. (1993). Two types of water balance models are discussed here, depending on which input data are used: models of type PE use monthly areal precipitation pt and monthly potential évapotranspiration et, either calculated by the Penman method or observed by evaporation pan; models of type P use only monthly areal precipitation^ (t is time in months). For calibration and use of type P models no observed PET data are necessary and this can prove a necessity when no such data are available; instead, generated periodic PET data are used. 159 Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models General model structure Monthly areal precipitation/?, and potential évapotranspirations, are considered to be the inputs transformed by a so-called filter into a computed discharge d„ which should be the monthly observed runoff qt, except for a deviation ut (Fig. 1). The input series are the "observed" factors. Clearly, discharge is also influenced by other phenomena, the "unobserved" factors, such as measurement errors, Thiessen errors, the nonhomogeneity of rainfall during the month, model imperfections, etc. Accordingly, qt is considered to be a random variable resulting from a deterministic function (rainfall-runoff filter) of the inputs on the one hand and of a random deviation u, on the other, as represented in Fig. 1. deviation v precipitation Pt Rainfall-runoff filter computed runoff u, observed runoff Compounding Rule qt observed PET ei Fig. 1 General structure of rainfall-runoff models. "Compounding rule " does not necessarily mean "addition " (see text). There are different ways of "compounding" computed runoff dt and deviation w, (see Fig. 1), of which the commonest is to suppose that ut = qt - dt. However for statistical analysis it is convenient to have homoscedastic deviations (i.e. common variance a1 for all deviations w,). Experience shows that a square root transformation of the flows solves this problem. Therefore it is supposed that: (1) ^~+«, with (2) 2 i.e., u, is normally distributed with zero expectation and variance a , the socalled model variance. Moreover the deviations u{ are supposed to be independent and this turns out to be a good hypothesis. Genera! filter structure From past and present values of the input series a new time series m, is computed which represents the state of the catchment at the end of month t, and is to be interpreted as a moisture index, soil moisture content or storage; mt summarizes the memory of the catchment. This is expressed by the balance equation: C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele 160 mt = mt_i+pt-rt-dt (3) where rt is actual évapotranspiration during month t. All quantities in the balance equation are expressed in mm depth. Storage mt in equation (3) is allowed to become negative (i.e. a deficit), in order to keep a real water balance. If the storage mt is negative, it has to be refilled before a contribution to runoff becomes possible. This will appear in the subsequent equations (5), (13) and (15). A distinction is made between a slowly responding component of flow (or slow flow for short) st and a quickly responding component of flow (or fast flow for short) ft such that: dt = st+ft (4) Slow and fast flows can more or less be interpreted as baseflow and direct runoff, although they are not identical to them, since it is impossible to distinguish properly with a monthly model between baseflow and direct runoff. The size of the slow response is dominated by moisture storage alone, while the rapid response depends on the concurrent precipitation input as well as moisture storage. In PE models rt, st mdf; are time invariant functions of pr, mtA and et: r, - r( p„ mlA, et) s, = s( p„ m,.lt et) ft=APt> « n . et) whereas in P models the corresponding equations are: r, = K p„ w M ) st = s( pt, wiM) ft=A Pt> mt-i) Rainfall-runoff filters differ by their functions r( • ), s(') and/(• ). Evapotranspiration equations for PE models In PE models potential évapotranspiration (PET) is measured by an evaporation pan or computed by a formula such as Penman's, based on the measurement of several variables. PET is an input series. For computing monthly actual évapotranspiration rt, two quantities (among others) are important: the monthly potential évapotranspiration e„ Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models 161 (evaporation for short), and the available water wt during month t defined as: (5) wt = Pt+m,^ where m*_x = max(w,_x,0) is the available storage. For evident reasons, a good évapotranspiration equation must be such that: rt increases with e{ and wt (6) r,-0 when wt = 0 or et = 0 (7) rt < et and rt < wt (8) rt -* et when wt -» oo Two equations proved to be efficient. The first one is: . J /, w/max(e,,l)\ (9) I rt = mm\e^l-al J,wJ (10) where the symbol at is a parameter (an unknown constant to be estimated), which is a characteristic of the river basin under study. This parameter is constrained by 0 <, ax <, 1 because of the conditions (6) through (9). Equation (10) is represented in Fig. 2. The expression max(e„ 1) is used in the exponent instead of et itself, in order to avoid occasional division by zero. a^ f W, /A -Ina^w, &^ f 1 ^7ï 1 w, Fig. 2 Graphical representation of the évapotranspiration equation (10). The left diagram shows curves with wt = constant, the right diagram shows curves with et = constant. The second equation, based on Romanenko (1961) (see also Hounam, 1971), is: r, = min{H>,(l-e"~e'/<V,} (11) with parameter ax constrained by ax > 0. Equation (11) is represented in Fig. 3. Both equations fulfil conditions (6) through (9). 162 C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele et a, = o w, a,=o X X w, w, Fig. 3 Graphical representation of the évapotranspiration equation (11). The left diagrams show curves with wt = constant, therightdiagrams show curves with et = constant. An important difference from the point of view of interpretation between equations (10) and (11) is that in equation (11) one has: when e, -* <» w, whereas this is not the case in equation (10). This condition in fact requires that all available water is used up in évapotranspiration when the available energy (measured by e) is very great. Evapotranspiration equations for P models In P models observed PET data are taken to be unavailable. Instead a periodic "driving force" is introduced, which for easiness is denoted by the same symbol et and is given by: et= ja 4 +a 5 sin ^ | ( r - Û 6 ) 1 (12) Equation (12) contains three parameters, a4, a5 and a6, which are characteristics of the basin under study. This equation is justified by the fact that PET varies more or less in a periodic sinusoidal way, and that errors in PET input are less important than errors in precipitation input in a water balance model (Xu, 1992) (this does not mean that évapotranspiration is not an important term in the water balance). Equation (12) is to be inserted in Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models 163 equations (10) or (11) instead of observed PET input. The plus sign at the end of equation (12) is necessary to avoid negative values of et which otherwise may occur in rare cases. One remark concerning equation (12) is that it is not intended to compute physically real potential évapotranspiration; as a consequence, the resulting e, series here is just an auxiliary series internal in the model. The inclusion of this equation in the model was in keeping with the original purpose of the study of developing monthly water balance models that required a minimum of readily available input data. No special claim is made concerning the correctness of the internal workings of the model, as is apparent from its simplicity. This is acceptable, since the objective here is to compute monthly streamflow series; the et series estimated by equation (12) may lose its true physical meaning to a certain extent. Slow flow equations Being similar to baseflow, slow flow depends essentially on the storage in the catchment during the month considered. The general form of the slow flow equation is: st - ^{mUr (13) where a^ and a{ are non-negative parameters. In practice, however, a2 and a^ are highly correlated. This results in very difficult calibration and high imprecision of the estimates. Therefore a£ was given one of three standard values viz. a^ = lA or 1 or 2 of which at least one value suits any given river basin. Thus a£ is a discrete parameter, whereas a^ is a continuous one. Fast flow equations Fast flow depends on precipitation pt, on other meteorological conditions as measured by e„ on the state of the basin as measured by the storage mt and on the physical characteristics of the basin, which are taken into account by the introduction of parameters. A useful quantity is the "active" precipitation defined as: », =pret(l-Q-p/m&Kie-A)) <14) where et is observed (or Penman-derived) PET or the quantity defined by equation (12). In many cases nt seems to translate the influence of precipitation and meteorological conditions. The nt function is represented in Fig. 4. This Figure shows that the "active" precipitation nt decreases when potential évapotranspiration increases. On the other hand nt increases with;?, and is equal to total precipitation pt minus et for heavy rainfall (highp,). A most efficient equation for fast runoff proved to be: /, = a^mt^n, ( 15 ) 164 C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele where a3 and a^ are non-negative parameters. For the same reason as in the case of slow runoff a^ was given one of four standard values: a'3 = 0 or lh or 1 or 2. Fig. 4 The active rainfall nt in equation (14). In the left diagram et is held constant, whereas in the right diagram pt fs constant. Equation (15) can be seen as a translation of the variable source area concept: the greater the storage m*_u the wetter the catchment, the greater the "source" of fast runoff, the greater the part of the "active" rainfall running off rapidly. Since mt varies slowly in contrast withp, and nt, equations (13) and (15) really can represent slow and fast flow respectively. By specifying values of a£ and a$ and by the choice of the évapotranspiration equations (10) or (11), one finds what will be called henceforth a particular model. Since there are three possible values of a^, four possible values of 0$, and two possible évapotranspiration equations, there are 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 possible models. A program is available for finding automatically the best model among the 24 possible models for a given catchment. From the above description one sees that although P type models have six parameters, on the other hand they need only monthly mean rainfall data as input. This is a big advantage when a model is going to be used in developing countries where evaporation data are rarely available. Another advantage of the models reported herein is that the parameters have close relationships with the physical characteristics of catchments, and can be derived from the lithological characteristics of the catchments, at least in the Belgian context. Application to ungauged catchments is possible at least for PE type models (Vandewiele et ah, 1991). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY CATCHMENTS AND The models described in the paper have been tested on 91 catchments, of which 65 catchments are from northern Belgium, 20 from southern Belgium and six from southern China. 165 Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models Northern Belgium (excluding the polder area) is a more or less hilly region with elevation between 5 to 200 m above sea level (a.s.l.). Southern Belgium (the Ardennes plateau) is mostly higher than 200 m a.s.l. (except in the deep valleys of the main rivers) and rises up to 700 m a.s.l. As for the climate, the potential évapotranspiration is spatially fairly uniform. In winter it is less than 10 mm per month; in summer it amounts to 100 mm per month on average. Precipitation does not show a strong seasonality. The mean is 60 to 70 mm per month in northern Belgium and 80 to 100 mm per month in southern Belgium. Snow and frost are not important on a monthly scale. Practically the whole of northern Belgium is arable land and grass. In southern Belgium one third is covered by forest and two thirds by arable land and grass. The six Chinese catchments under study belong to the Pearl River basin, which lies in the subtropical zone. Frontal-type precipitation and typhoon-type precipitation are the two most important phenomena in this area. It has fairly good vegetation cover and plenty of rainfall, varying from 1400 to 2000 mm per year. The precipitation occurs all year round, but seasonal differences are very large. In the six months of the wet season (from April to September) about 80% of the total precipitation occurs. Characteristics of the basins are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Characteristics of basins studied Area (km2) Mean precipitation (mm month ) Coefficient of variation of monthly precipitation Mean PET (mm month -1 ) Coefficient of variation of monthly evaporation Runoff coefficient (%) Northern Belgium Southern Belgium Southern China 16-3190 60-70 68-3626 80-100 385-2000 120-160 0.5-0.6 0.5-0.6 0.75-0.95 50-60 0.7-0.75 50-60 0.7-0.75 70-85 0.3-0.5 18-53 26-59 54-77 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Statistical analysis was confined to nonlinear regression analysis. In the present section only a limited number of items are discussed. A full account is given by Vandewiele et al. (1992, 1993) and Xu (1992). To estimate the parameters the maximum likelihood method was used. Because of the hypotheses in equations (1) and (2), maximizing the loglikelihood with respect to the continuous parameters is equivalent to minimizing the sum of squares: SSQ= E (^T-f7Î (16) t where the sum is extended over all months for which output qt as well as input C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele 166 data are available. The runoff sequence may show data gaps, but not the input data series, because of the recursive nature of the balance equation (3). The quality of the minimization was checked by plotting the sum of squares equation (16) versus each of the filter parameters. In that way it was possible to see whether a global minimum was reached. Several models have to be tried in order to find the best values of the discrete parameters and the best évapotranspiration equation. The model standard deviation a, which is an inverse measure of the s 20 ° -] 9S r 120 time in m o n t h s E 160 120 — ë 80 "i—r 96 120 time in m o n t h s ° 144 observed estimated 400- time in m o n t h s Fig. S Precipitation, evaporation, actual évapotranspiration, observed runoff and estimated runoff versus time diagrams for the Xingzi River at Fenghuangshan station (1967-1984) using a PE model. Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models 167 quality of model performance, is estimated by: a = minimum SSQ where N is the number of terms in equation (16), and K is the number of filter parameters (regression coefficients), The best models were tested in numerous ways by applying statistical methodology including residual analysis, checks on confidence intervals of individual parameters, checks on parameter correlations, split sample testing, 216 216 -5.00 96 120 time in months 216 Fig. 6 Storage, slow runoff, estimated total runoff and residuals versus time diagrams of the Xingzi River at Fenghuangshan station (1967-1984) using a PE model. 168 C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele etc. All these tests gave satisfactory results (Vandewiele et al., 1992; Xu, 1992). These two model types were applied to 85 river basins in Belgium and six Chinese basins and proved to perform equally well (Xu, 1992; Xu & Vandewiele, 1993). Moreover they perform much better than a number of models previously defined in the literature (Vandewiele et al., 1992). As an example of model output, the case of the Xingzi river at 600 T I 96 120 time in months ' i 144 i r 168 160driving function actual 120- 500- Fig. 7 Precipitation, driving function, actual évapotranspiration, observed runoff and estimated runoff versus time diagrams of the Xingzi River at Fenghuangshan station (1967-1984) using a P model. Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models 169 Fenghuangshan station (1556 km2) in the Pearl river basin in southern China is presented here. The calibration results are summarized in Table 2. It is to be kept in mind that the parameter values of PE type and P type model are not fully comparable in this case, since the discrete parameters 4 and a3 are not the same. Graphical outputs of the PE type model are shown in Figs 5 and 6. For the purpose of comparison, similar outputs from the P type model are shown in Figs 7 and 8. 500 400- 300- 200- 100- 1 0 ! , 24 ! , 48 ! , 72 ! , ! 96 120 time in months , ! , 144 r 168 400 E 300 S 200- o 100 T 216 96 120 time in months 5.00 -3.00 -5.00 -, 0 ! 24 , ! 48 | j 72 , ! , J — , j 96 120 time in months 144 , ! 168 , ] 192 r- 216 Fig. 8 Storage, slow runoff, estimated total runoff and residuals versus time diagrams of the Xingzi River at Fenghuangshan station (1967-1984) using a P model. 170 C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele Table 2 Summary of calibration results for thé Xingzi River at Fenghuangshan station PE type model Calibration results Evapotranspiration equation Discrete slow flow parameter a£ Discrete fast flow parameter a^ Model standard deviation a Half width of 95 % confidence interval of a Mean computed total flow (mm month ) Contribution of slow flow (%) Contribution of fast flow (%) P type model ai) ai) i 2 1.134 0.107 78.6 25.6 74.4 1.128 0.107 76.8 27.9 72.1 Observed quantities Mean precipitation (mm month"1) Mean evaporation (mm month ) Mean runoff (mm month'v Runoff coefficient (%) 135 71 77.5 57.4 SENSITIVITY TO INPUT DATA ERRORS Areal rainfall may be incorrect both randomly and systematically. Therefore, in order to examine how rainfall errors influence model performance, the original data series was corrupted by adding a normal white noise with given mean and standard deviation. The "error" was generated by Monte Carlo simulation. The mean of the errors was successively taken equal to 0%, 5% and 10% of the observed mean monthly rainfall in the basin (only positive means were considered in order to avoid too many negative values in the corrupted rainfall series). The standard deviation of the errors was successively taken equal to 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% of the standard deviation of the original rainfall series. In this way 21 different rainfall data series were generated for each catchment. The practicing engineer is postulated to have one of the 21 data series for his catchment. The purpose of the study now was to give an idea to the user how the data error affects model quality. This can be done by calibrating the above mentioned models on each of the 21 data series and to find the "best" model for every pattern of corruption. The resulting model standard deviations of the "best" model for each pattern can then be compared. It is to be noted that the discrete parameters and the évapotranspiration equation can be different in the "best" model for different corruption patterns. The test was performed on several river basins using both PE and P models. The results are summarized in Table 3. As a typical example, results on the Xingzi basin in southern China and the Viroin basin in southern Belgium are shown in Figs 9 and 10 for PE models, and in Figs 11 and 12 for P models. In these Figures the horizontal solid line corresponds to the result with the original data (error free case). It is drawn just for comparison. The upper and lower dashed lines correspond to confidence limits with 95% confidence level. It is seen from Figs 9 to 12 and from Table 3 that: (1) random errors in rainfall data affect the model performance adversely to more or less the same 111 Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models 1.6 O 1.4 — 0-8 ~ | 0 ' mean of error 0» * * * * * mean of error 5* 11 I I I mean of error 10x 95K conf. limits error free case | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | 1 | | | | 5 10 15 | I I | | I I I I 20 25 30 S t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n of e r r o r (%) Fig. 9 Influence of rainfall errors on model performance as inversely measured by the model standard deviation for the Xingzi River at Fenghuangshan station (CFH) using PE models. i l i i i i l i i i i l i 5 10 15 Standard deviation of Fig. 10 Influence of rainfall errors on model performance as inversely measured by the model standard deviation for the Viroin River at Treignes station (VI) using PE models. magnitude for both type PE and type P models; (2) significant effects on model performance are expected when the standard deviation of these random errors goes up to 10% or 15% of the standard deviation of the original rainfall series for Chinese catchments. For Belgian catchments significant effects occur when the standard deviation of errors goes up to 15% or 20%. The reason is probably that the coefficient of variation of the observed rainfall series is smaller in Belgian catchments (see Table 3); (3) systematic error in rainfall data C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele 172 1.6 • * • • * mean of error 0» »«•«« raeqn of error 5K I I I I I mean of error 10* 95s» conf. limits error free case 5 i i i i i i i i i i i r 10 15 20 Standard deviation of error (%) Fig. 11 Influence of rainfall errors on model performance as inversely measured by the model standard deviation for the Xingzi River at Fenghuangshan station (CFH) using P models. 1.2 ***** mean of error Ox * * > « * mean of error 5x I I 11 I mean of error 10» 95» conf. Iimit3 error free case c 1-1 o a XI 1.0 - o 0.9 — O 0.8 0.7 I I I 1| 1I 1 I | I I 1 I | I I I | I i I 1 | 1 ] I 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 Standard deviation of error (%) Fig. 12 Influence of rainfall errors on model performance as inversely measured by the model standard deviation for the Viroin River at Treignes station (VI) using P models. hardly affects model performance. This is perhaps an unexpected result and different from what has been found in the literature previously. What happens is that parameter values change significantly when rainfall input is corrupted. This was checked by the authors on continuous parameters (fixing the discrete parameters) of PE models. In such cases other water balance terms (except runoff) change significantly too. Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models 173 Table 3 Results of the sensitivity of model performance to rainfall errors Basin code Area (km2) Belgian catchments D2941 16 VI 554 TP 3626 Mean Standard precipitation, deviatipn.of (mm month ) precipitation 64.3 79.1 83.6 Chinese catchments CHL 595 163.1 CXG 1881 119.1 CFH 1556 134.8 Variation Upper bound: coefficient of precipitation PE model P model 35.5 39.7 41.6 0.55 0.50 0.50 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 20% 130.6 91.9 101.4 0.80 0.77 0.75 10% 10% 15% 10% 10% 15% "upper bound" means the upper bound of the percentage of the standard deviation of the original rainfall series beyona which model performance is seriously affected. SENSITIVITY OF MODEL PERFORMANCE TO LENGTH OF CALIBRATION PERIOD This investigation has been limited to type PE models. Ideally one should use a long record of simultaneous precipitation, PET and runoff data. As such long data series were not available the following solution was adopted for two basins in Belgium: (A) rainfall: the Ukkel rainfall station (near Brussels) has a 158-year record (1833-1990). Areal rainfall in the basins has a 35-year record. It has been shown that those rainfalls are statistically indistinguishable except for a correction factor for each month. By using these corrections a 158-year areal rainfall record became available for each basin. (B) PET: Ukkel PET data were used in order to compute monthly means. These means were then used as a periodic input series in all steps of the investigation. This procedure is justified by the fact that errors in PET input are much less important than errors in rainfall input (Xu, 1992); and (C) runoff: a record of 16 years of runoff data together with the above mentioned areal rainfall data was exploited to find the best PE model for each basin. This model together with the above mentioned corrected rainfalls then was used to generate 158 years of runoff (including Monte Carlo simulation of residuals). The procedure of investigation was as follows: (a) Take 10 independent calibration samples of 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 years length (small overlapping in the case of 20 years) from the 158 years obtained above. The "best" type PE model is then determined on each of these 50 samples; and (b) apply each of these 50 models (including the optimal parameter values obtained under (a)) to compute 158 years of runoff d„ and compute for each the root mean squared error (RMSE): C.-Y. Xu & G. L. Vandewiele 174 1 RMSE = N N t=i where qt is the "true" runoff obtained under (C). This quantity was used as a criterion. This procedure was applied to two Belgian catchments: the Lesse river at the Eprave station (419 km2), and the Viroin river at the Treignes station (554 km2). The results are shown in Figs 13 and 14. The solid line in these figures is the mean RMSE as a function of calibration period length. 20# » * * • value of individual samples mean of 10 individual values \ o E 15E LU to 1 0 - I I I I | I I I I | ! TT 0 r~[~l i | i i i i 5 10 15 20 Calibration period in years 25 Fig. 13 Influence of length of calibration period on model performance as inversely measured by the root mean squared error (RMSE) for the Lesse catchment. 25| * * * * * value of individual samples mean of 10 individual values "£ 20o \ E E E 15LU i in j 10- I I 1 I | I I l l | l l 0 5 10 [ i i i i i I i i i i 15 20 25 Calibration period in years Fig. 14 Influence of length of calibration period on model performance as inversely measured by the root mean squared error (RMSE) for the Viroin catchment. It is concluded from these figures that: (1) the mean as well as the variability of RMSE decreases with increasing length of calibration period; and Sensitivity of monthly rainfall-runoff models 175 (2) there is virtually no gain in quality (mean and variability) beyond 10 years length of calibration period. O'Donnell & Canedo (1980) found five years as a sufficient length of calibration period. However their model was a daily one and consequently they were interested especially in flood problems. Gorgens (1983) found 15 years to be needed with Pitman's (1973) monthly rainfall runoff model on a river in a semiarid area. Apart from the relative imprecision of such limits, the differences in these required calibration durations can be due to a greater flexibility of the models in the present paper. CONCLUSIONS When using the class of models considered in this paper for modelling basins in a humid region the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) random errors in rainfall data influence model performance adversely and significant influences occur as soon as the standard deviation of the rainfall errors were greater than 10% or 15% for Chinese catchments and greater than 15% or 20% for Belgian catchments. These are percentages of the standard deviation of the original rainfall series. Systematic errors (within 10% of the observed mean rainfall at least) are less important for the estimation of streamflow, but they have a significant influence on model parameter values and consequently on the estimation of other water balance terms like évapotranspiration (Xu, 1992); and (2) for adequate calibration of these models, a 10 year calibration period seems to be necessary and more or less sufficient. Significant improvement in the ability of the models to obtain stable results can be effected by expanding a calibration sample from, say, afive-yearrecord to a ten-year record; further increments of calibration sample length from 10 years to 15 or 20 years does not give appreciable improvement. Acknowledgements The authors thank G. Demaree and F. Bultot (Royal Meteorological Institute, Brussels, Belgium) and R. Verhoeven (State University Ghent, Belgium) for help in data gathering. The Ministry of the Flemish Region and the Government Office for Developing Countries (ABOS) partly funded the present research. The authors are indebted to A. Van der Beken (Interuniversity Postgraduate Program in Hydrology, IUPHY, Brussels) for his friendly collaboration. REFERENCES Alley, W. M. (1984) On the treatment of évapotranspiration, soil moisture accounting and aquifer recharge in monthly water balance models. Wit. Resour. Res. 20(8) 1137-1149. Herbst, P. G. &. Shaw, E. H. 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