Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Hydrology journal homepage: Large-scale runoff routing with an aggregated network-response function L. Gong a,*, E. Widén-Nilsson a, S. Halldin a, C.-Y. Xu a,b a b Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, NO-0316 Oslo, Norway a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 9 April 2008 Received in revised form 3 December 2008 Accepted 7 February 2009 This manuscript was handled by K. Georgakakos, Editor-in-Chief, with the assistance of Ana P. Barros, Associate Editor Keywords: Large-scale Linear reservoir Routing Scale independence Network-response function Water balance s u m m a r y The accuracy of runoff routing for global water-balance models and land-surface schemes is limited by the low spatial resolution of flow networks. Many such networks have been developed for specific models at specific spatial resolutions. However, although low-resolution networks can be derived by up-scaling algorithms from high-resolution datasets, such low-resolution networks are inherently incoherent, and slight differences in their spatial resolution can cause significant deviations in routing dynamics. By neglecting convective delay, storage-based routing algorithms produce artificially early arriving peaks on large scales. A theoretical comparison between a diffusion-wave-routing algorithm and linear-reservoir-routing (LRR) algorithm on a 30-km cell demonstrated that the commonly used LRR method consistently underestimates the travel time through the cells. A new aggregated network-response-function (NRF) routing algorithm was proposed in this study and evaluated against a conventional flow-net-based cell-to-cell LRR algorithm. The evaluation was done for the 25,325 km2 Dongjiang (East River) basin, a tributary to the Pearl River in southern China well equipped with hydrological and meteorological stations. The NRF method transfers high-resolution delay dynamics, instead of networks, to any lower spatial resolution where runoff is generated. It preserves, over all scales, the spatially distributed time-delay information in the 1-km HYDRO1k flow network in the form of simple cell-response functions for any low-resolution grid. The NRF routing was shown to be scale independent for latitude–longitude resolutions ranging from 50 to 1°. This scale independency allowed a study of input heterogeneity on modelled discharge modelled with a daily version of the WASMOD-M water-balance model. The model efficiency of WASMOD-M-generated daily discharge at the Boluo gauging station in the Dongjiang basin in south China was constantly high (0.89) within the whole range of resolutions when routed by the NRF algorithm. The performance dropped sharply for decreasing resolution when runoff was routed with the LRR method. The three WASMOD-M parameters were scale independent in combination with NRF, but not with LRR, and the same parameter values gave equally good results at all spatial resolutions. The effect of spatial resolution on the routing delay was much more important than the spatial variability of the climate-input field for scales ranging from 50 to 1°. The extra information in a distributed versus a uniform climate input could only be used when the NRF method was used to route the runoff. NRF requires more labour than LRR to set up but the model performance is very much higher than the LRR’s once this is done. The NRF method, therefore, provides a significant potential to improve global-scale discharge predictions. Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Introduction Large-scale routing algorithms transfer runoff to discharge in global and continental water-balance (Vörösmarty et al., 1989; Döll et al., 2003) and land-surface models (Russell and Miller, 1990; Liston et al., 1994; Coe, 2000; Arora, 2001; Hagemann and Dumenil, 1998). Runoff routing at large scales normally involves development of low-resolution flow networks, the spatial resolutions of which range from 1 km (HYDRO1k, USGS, 1996a) to * Corresponding author. Tel.: +46 18 471 2521. E-mail address: (L. Gong). 0022-1694/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.02.007 4° 5° latitude–longitude (Miller et al., 1994). Many global water-balance models use a 0.5° 0.5° latitude–longitude grid (Fekete et al., 2002; Arnell, 2003; Döll et al., 2003) since this has been found suitable for a broad range of global water-resources and water-quality studies (Vörösmarty et al., 2000a,b). There exist at least five global routing networks with this resolution (Hagemann and Dumenil, 1998; Graham et al., 1999; Renssen and Knoop, 2000; Vörösmarty et al., 2000a,b; Döll and Lehner, 2002). The lack of a common network complicates inter-comparison of global models, which is regrettable because of the large l differences in model predictions that are seen even when runoff predictions are aggregated to global and continental scales (Widén-Nilsson et al., 2007; Hanasaki et al., 2008). 238 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 Most large-scale routing models apply storage-based routing algorithms on low-resolution flow networks. Such algorithms are based on mass conservation and relationships between river-channel storage, and river inflows and outflows. In the Muskingum method (McCarthy, 1939), the storage S is a function of both inflow I and outflow O: S ¼ K ½x I þ ð1 xÞ O ð1Þ The mean residence time K can be approximated by the time needed by the wave to travel through the reach, whereas x is a shape parameter controlling the relative importance of inflow on the outflow hydrograph. For most rivers, x takes values in the range between 0 and 0.3 with average around 0.2 (Linsley et al., 1982). The parameters of the Muskingum equation can be estimated graphically from inflow and outflow hydrographs or, as shown by Cunge (1969), from flow hydraulics. Since estimation of x requires local knowledge for each river reach, it is always set to zero in global-scale applications. This zero x simplification implies that wedge storage in the channel is unimportant (e.g. Linsley et al., 1982) and that there are no wave-velocity delays. With this simplification, the Muskingum method reduces to the linear-reservoirrouting method (LRR), used widely on large-scale networks because of its simplicity. Examples are the routing models by Sausen et al. (1994), Miller et al. (1994), Liston et al. (1994), the HD model (Hagemann and Dumenil, 1998), TRIP (Oki et al., 1999) and its applications (Oki et al., 2001; Falloon et al., 2007; Decharme and Douville, 2007), HYDRA (Coe, 2000) and its application (Li et al., 2005), WTM (Vörösmarty et al., 1989) and its application (Fekete et al., 2006), RTM (Branstetter and Erickson, 2003), and the routing model of WGHM (Döll et al., 2003). Although all are based on similar principles, they are named differently, e.g., linear routing, linear Muskingum routing (Arora and Boer, 1999), and simple advection algorithm (Falloon et al., 2007). The number of linear reservoirs sometimes exceeds unity, e.g., two (Arnell, 1999, within-cell routing) or more (Hagemann and Dumenil, 1998). Wave velocity is an important parameter in most LRR algorithms and is normally obtained by calibration to a downstream discharge time series. The velocity can be fixed globally (Coe, 1998; Döll et al., 2003) but model performance is improved if it is varied between basins (Miller et al., 1994; Arora et al., 1999; Döll et al., 2003). Vörösmarty and Moore (1991) assign a transfer coefficient to each cell on the basis of geometric considerations, implying a constant wave velocity that should be calibrated. Fekete et al. (2006) use a temporally uniform but spatially varying velocity field derived from an empirical relation between mean annual discharge, slope, and flow characteristics after Bjerklie et al. (2003). Spatially variable velocities were first introduced by Arora et al. (1999), and further developed by Arora and Boer (1999) to allow for temporally variable velocity. Hydraulic equations can be used to relate modelled wave velocities to riverchannel geometry. Such velocities require real river segments that can be derived from large-scale flow-net segments after multiplication with a meandering factor (Arora and Boer, 1999; Lucas-Picher et al., 2003). The main hypothesis in this paper is that storage-based routing algorithms are not suitable for large-scale river routing. This hypothesis is based on two arguments. The first is that storagebased routing methods, even sophisticated ones like the Muskingum-Cunge method, lack convective time delay (Beven and Wood, 1993) such that an up-stream input will have an immediate effect on the downstream output. The convective delay increases with the length of the reach, so ignoring it may not work well at scales where both network segments and river lengths are very long. The second argument is that storage-based routing algorithms are inherently scale dependent since they rely on flow networks that change with spatial resolution. On one hand, lower resolution leads to a decrease of derived slope resulting in longer travel times and lower peak flows; on the other hand, lower resolution also leads to a decrease of flow path resulting in shorter travel times and high peak flows, and these two effects may compensate each other to some extent. Another effect of lower DEM resolution is the change in optimal channel threshold values, pertaining relative to the channel length. In short, a low-resolution network smoothes the spatial-delay pattern on large scales. Together with neglecting the convective delay this may decrease routing accuracy at large scales. Du et al. (2009) studied the effect of grid size on the simulation of a small catchment (259 km2) in the humid region in China and showed that changes in spatial resolution of the model will lead to different values of the GIS-derived slope, flow direction, and spatial distribution of the flow paths, which in turn affect the model simulation. In their study, three types of DEMs with grid sizes of 100 m, 200 m, and 300 m were used to simulate the storm runoffs. They concluded that when grid size is larger than 200 m the results are poor. Arora et al. (2001) compare runoff routing at 350-km and 25-km scales with the same runoff input and conclude that discharge is biased at large scales and also more error-prone at high and low flows. The method by Guo et al. (2004) to scale up contributing area and flow directions was designed to improve decreasing model performance with decreasing spatial resolution. Although the overall performance improves and reaches a maximum at 7.50 , the decreasing trend in model performance remains for lower resolution. For a valid routing algorithm, the wave crest should not travel through a cell within one routing time step. This gives a practical disadvantage to storage-based routing methods at large scales since they require a time step much shorter than the time step of the runoff-generation model (Coe, 1998; Liston et al., 1994; Sushama et al., 2004; Kaspar, 2004). This requirement means that computational demand may be too great when global water-balance models are built on a finer spatial grid than commonly used today. Storage-based routing algorithms are computationally expensive also because they must route the discharge cell-to-cell. However, when the reproduction of discharge dynamics at a basin outlet is an important objective, cell-to-cell methods can be replaced by source-to-sink methods (Naden et al., 1999; Olivera et al., 2000) that only simulate delays at pre-defined cells, normally co-registered to a runoff gauge or a river mouth. Such methods enable more efficient computation, which allows the use of higher-resolution flow networks (Olivera et al., 2000) and more sophisticated routing methods. This computational efficiency allows Naden et al. (1999) to use the convective–diffusive approximation of the Saint Venant equations (Beven and Wood, 1993) at the continental scale. Even if existing large-scale routing methods produce biased or erroneous results, and are computationally expensive, these problems are not seen as sufficiently important as long as the lateral water transport is considered less important than the vertical land–surface exchange that dominates runoff generation in many global-scale models (e.g., Olivera et al., 2000). This may, however, be too simple a view as long as global models can compensate for a poor spatial representation of routing time delays by calibration in other parts of the system. Yildiz and Barros (2005) found a strong dependency in the Monongahela River basin between simulated physics and the flow-network resolution, in particular when a 5-km resolution was used instead of a 1-km resolution. Less subsurface and more surface runoff was simulated as a result of the lower hydraulic gradients. The runoff-generation mechanism was inconsistent with observations at the lower spatial resolution, and not only resulted in a bad fit to observed discharge, but also in values of the hydraulic-conductivity parameter that were forced to compensate the lower gradients at this resolution (Yildiz and Barros, 2005). A scale-independent routing algorithm would alleviate this problem but scale independency of routing in a multi-scale 239 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 framework has rarely been discussed. This study had two objectives: (i) testing our hypothesis of inaccuracy of storage-based routing at global and continental scales, and (ii) developing a new simple, scale-independent, accurate, and computationally efficient large-scale routing algorithm. In the following sections, after a brief introduction of the study area and data sources, development of a multi-scale hydrological grid is presented as the basis for application of storage-based routing which is then applied to flow networks at each resolution. The generation of daily runoff at different resolutions is used as input to the routing algorithms. The need for a new routing algorithm is then motivated in a theoretical study of the inaccuracy and scale-dependency of storage-based routing. Development and evaluation of the new routing algorithm is then presented, followed by a discussion of possible future development. Basin, hydrography and runoff generation River basin, routing network and climate data Large-scale routing algorithms have primarily been evaluated on the largest river basins in the world. Such evaluations are subject to problems because river-flow dynamics may be influenced by insufficient climatic and hydrological data, regulations by dams and reservoirs, and water abstraction. We used the well-documented Dongjiang medium-size basin in this study to ascertain that the routing-algorithm properties would not be too disturbed by unknown influences. The Dongjiang (East River) basin (Fig. 1) is a tributary of the Pearl River in southern China. Its 25,325 km2 drainage area above the Boluo gauging station is large enough to retain generality of the result in a study of global hydrology. The basin has a dense network of meteorological and hydrological gauging stations and its hydrology is well studied (e.g., Jiang et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2006, 2007). The climate is sub-tropical with an average annual temperature of around 21 °C and only occasional sub-zero winter temperatures in the mountains. The 1960–1988 average annual precipitation is 1747 mm, and the average annual runoff is 935 mm or 54% of the average annual precipitation. About 80% of the annual rainfall and runoff occur during the wet season from April to September. The basin presents a complex mixture of Pre-Cambrian, Silurian, and Quaternary geological formations showing as granites, sandstone, shale, limestone, and alluvium. The landscape is characterised by 83% mountains and hills, 13% plains and 3.8% inland water area. The basin is forestcovered at higher altitudes whereas intensive cultivation dominates hills and plains. We used HYDRO1k (USGS, 1996a), the gridded global network with the highest resolution publicly available today, to delineate the basin hydrography. HYDRO1k is derived from the GTOPO30 30” global-elevation dataset (USGS, 1996b) and has a spatial resolution of 1 km. HYDRO1k is hydrographically corrected such that local depressions are removed and basin boundaries are consistent Meteorological 25 Log(fa) 10 Precipitation 9 Discharge 24.5 Latitude (degree north) 8 7 24 6 5 23.5 4 3 23 Boluo 2 1 0 113.5 114 114.5 115 115.5 116 Longitude (degree east) Fig. 1. The Dongjiang (East River) basin, a tributary to the Pearl River in southern China and the locations of the hydro-meteorological stations used in the study. The flow network is shown by mapping HYDRO1k 1-km pixels with their logarithmic up-stream flow-accumulation area (fa, in km2). 240 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 with topographic maps. HYDRO1k includes numerous hydrologyrelated data layers, such as aspect, flow direction, drainage area, elevation gradient, compound topographic index, basin and subbasin boundaries, and DEM-derived stream lines. The HYDRO1k dataset was developed on a Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection in order to maintain uniform grid-cell area. Daily hydro-meteorological data were obtained for 1960–1988. The National Climate Centre of the China Meteorological Administration provided data on air temperature, sunshine duration, relative humidity, and wind speed from seven weather stations. Precipitation data from 51 gauges and discharge data from 15 gauging stations were retrieved from the Hydrological Yearbooks of China issued by the Ministry of Water Resources (Fig. 1). Potential evaporation was calculated from air temperature, sunshine duration, relative humidity, and wind speed with the Penman– Monteith equation in the form recommended by FAO (Allen et al., 1998). The multi-scale hydrological grid We used HYDRO1k to construct a series of grids with gradually lower spatial resolution to study the scale dependency of routing. Grid-cell sizes were varied from 50 to 600 in steps of 10 to form 56 different basin network representations. The downstream Boluo discharge station (Figs. 1 and 2) was registered in the HYDRO1k flow-accumulation layer by matching coordinates and up-stream area. The Dongjiang basin was delineated in this way by 25,886 1-km pixels from the HYDRO1k flow-path layer (Fig. 2). This was taken as the ‘‘true” basin area. The first step to scale up the HYDRO1k basin grid was to delineate all pixels that were needed to cover all latitude–longitude cells at the 56 spatial resolutions. In the following, a ‘‘pixel” refers to a 1-km HYDRO1k unit and a ‘‘cell” refers to a lower-resolution latitude–longitude square that constitutes the large-scale catchment grid. As long as a latitude–longitude (e.g., 300 ) cell had the centre of a HYDRO1k pixel in it, that pixel was included as representing the basin (at the 300 resolution). The area of each cell was obtained by counting the number of HYDRO1k pixels in it to avoid areal errors for boundary cells. The basin delineation changed considerably from the highest to the lowest resolution (Fig. 2) but the basin area remained constant because of the way boundary-cell areas were handled. Fekete et al. (2001) present the simple and robust flow-network-scaling algorithm (NSA) to rescale fine-resolution networks to coarser resolutions. NSA provides a consistent way to generate lower-resolution routing networks from HYDRO1k and it has been successfully applied to all continents covered by HYDRO1k. We used NSA to derive a flow network for each spatial resolution. Precipitation, temperature and potential evaporation were first interpolated to the original HYDRO1k 1-km resolution. Precipitation was interpolated from the 51 local stations by kriging with linear variogram whereas inverse-distance weighting was used to interpolate temperature and potential evaporation from the seven regional stations. This climate input was then aggregated by averaging the interpolated 1-km data to each cell in the respective 56 lower spatial resolutions. Runoff generation This study was initiated to supply WASMOD-M (Widén-Nilsson et al., 2007), one of the simplest global water-balance models, with a reliable routing algorithm. WASMOD-M is based on the WASMOD (Xu, 2002) monthly conceptual water-balance model, which has been successfully applied in many parts of the world. Other global water-balance models route their runoff with a finer timestep than used for runoff generation (e.g., Döll et al., 2003). A newly developed, daily version of WASMOD-M was used this study. The daily WASMOD-M used daily climatic input and generated runoff in each cell with a daily time step. Compared to the monthly WASMOD-M (Widén-Nilsson et al., 2007), the daily version required its fast and slow-runoff formulations to be modified, in this case to a non-linear exponential form: SP ¼ 1 ec1 LM ð2Þ F ¼ Pn SP ð3Þ S ¼ LM ð1 ec2 LM Þ ð4Þ All other parts of WASMOD-M took the same form as in WidénNilsson et al. (2007), e.g. actual evaporation (E): AW=Ep E ¼ minfEp ð1 a4 Þ; AWg ð5Þ SP is the percentage of each cell area that is saturated, LM is land moisture (water available in each cell for actual evaporation and runoff), F is fast runoff, S is slow runoff or base flow, Pn is net rainfall, AW is water available for actual evaporation, Ep is potential evaporation. c1 [mm1], c2 [mm1], and a4 [] are parameters, all of which has a potential range from 0 to 1. The equations for Pn, Fig. 2. The flow net of the Dongjiang (East river) basin at three different spatial resolutions with the down-most discharge gauging station in Boluo (marked as a filled circle) taken as the reference point. Left: the original 1-km pixel size of the HYDRO1k database. Middle: Network-scaling-algorithm (NSA)-derived flow net derived at 50 resolution. Right: NSA-derived net at 0.5° resolution. Note the location of the flow-net exit point from the Boluo station in the two aggregated cases. L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 AW and LM are given by Widén-Nilsson et al. (2007). The daily WASMOD-M version was used to simulate runoff generation for each cell in all resolutions. In a snow-free region like the Dongjiang basin, WASMOD-M had only three parameters: the evaporation parameter a4, the fast-runoff parameter c1, and the slow-runoff parameter c2. 250 parametervalue sets were obtained by Latin-Hypercube sampling (McKay et al., 1979) with prior uniform distribution. Initial parameter ranges were bounded by their potential values. WASMOD-M was run with the 250 parameter-value sets at each scale and the resulting 250 runoff-generation time series were saved for each scale as input to the routing models. Computational limitations prevented us from using more than 250 sets. Scale dependency of routing dynamics The LRR method is based on the following assumptions: (i) the water surface should be level throughout a cell, so that storage is only a function of outflow; (ii) the slope of the storage–outflow curve (dS/dQ) should be constant and equal to the mean residence time of the store, which can be estimated from the time to travel through the cell. The LRR method is analogous to a bucket with a hole in the bottom, which produces an exponentially declining outflow for an instantaneous input. Cell sizes in many globalscale models are 0.5°, i.e., 56 km at the equator, or larger. The time needed for the water to pass this distance is not likely negligible, i.e., it takes time for water entering a cell to reach its outlet and the contribution to the outlet discharge is not likely to be instantaneous. The assumption of exponential decay without convective delay may, therefore, be flawed. Under this assumption the time expected for the simulated wave crest to travel through the cell should be much less than the residence time. As cell sizes increase, the convective dispersion requires more time, and the assumptions behind LRR are less and less fulfilled. Less simplified storage-based methods like Muskingum-Cunge (Cunge, 1969) have the same problem of instantaneous influence on the downstream discharge (Beven and Wood, 1993). It is not difficult to account for correct wave-velocity delays by combining linear reservoir with a linear channel delay component as introduced by Dooge (1959) and applied in the form of a network width function by Surkan (1969); however this idea is seldom used in global water-balance models. We tested the possible effects of this instantaneous reaction on LRR routing dynamics on a 30-km cell. Water was released as a constant-input pulse of either 1-h or 24-h duration at the inflow side of the cell. Routing through the cell was done both by LRR and the diffusion-wave approximation of the full Saint Venant equations. We tested the influence of cell size on the LRR method by dividing the 30-km reach into 1–10 equidistant sub-sections. The diffusion-wave approximation assumes that water movement is dominated by friction, bed slope and a pressure-slope term. The diffusion-wave approximation simulates attenuation and dispersion explicitly unlike the kinematic-wave approximation that models attenuation of the flood peak by the dispersive error of a numeric approximation (e.g., in the Muskingum form). The relevant equation for flow is the convective–dispersive equation: 2 @Q @ Q @Q ¼D 2 c @t @x @x ð6Þ Up-stream and downstream boundary conditions, as well as an inflow time series must be specified for Eq. (6). The method was applied on the 1-km HYDRO1k network, where the length of a 1-km reach is small compared to the length of the river channel in the cell. An analytical solution can be derived for the case of an instantaneous input at the up-stream end of a reach, given the following initial and boundary conditions: Qð0; tÞ ¼ I0 241 ð7Þ Qðx; 0Þ ¼ 0; for x > 0 ð8Þ where Q is the flow rate per unit width of the channel (m2/s), D is the dispersion coefficient (m2/s), c is the wave velocity (m/s), t is time (s), x is distance (m), and I0 is the inflow rate per unit width of the channel (m2/s).The analytical solution Qc of Eq. (6) under the above boundary condition is given by: Q c ðx; tÞ ¼ c x I0 xct xþct erfc pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi erfc pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ exp D 2 4Dt 4Dt ð9Þ where erfc is a complementary error function. Since we tested two cases with constant inflow during 1 and 24 h, the resulting discharge at the output was obtained by subtracting solutions with zero and 1-h or 24-h offsets: Q 1 ðx; tÞ ¼ Q c ðx; tÞ Q c ½x; ðt 1Þ ð10Þ Q 24 ðx; tÞ ¼ Q c ðx; tÞ Q c ½x; ðt 24Þ ð11Þ Q(x, t) became a unit response function since we postulated a unitvolume inflow. In the following we call Q1 a 1-h response function and Q24 a 24-h response function. Ten different D values (1–10 km2/h) were selected such that the resultant hydrograph attenuations were close to those of the LRR method. Wave velocity was specified to 0.4 m/s (1.44 km/h). The aggregated network-response function Two ideas were central when developing the new routing algorithm. The first was to achieve scale-independent routing by upscaling dynamics from the best available resolution rather than relying on the apparent river-flow network at any coarser resolution. The second was to achieve high computational efficiency when routing discharge in a large-scale water-balance model. These ideas were implemented as a three-stage algorithm. Routing dynamics should first be parameterised in the form of linear response functions. Because these functions are linear they can then be aggregated to the desired lower spatial resolution. Parameterisation and aggregation should only be done once for each basin and resolution. The final routing can then be used for any given time period and runoff model. The starting point for the algorithm was to register a downstream station to a reference HYDRO1k pixel. A 24-h response function could then be calculated with the diffusion-wave solution (Eqs. (9)–(11)) for all up-stream HYDRO1k pixels, and a daily response function could be obtained by integrating the 24-h response function (as demonstrated in the first part of the ‘‘Results” Section). The method could equally well be elaborated for time steps other than a day. This daily response function was specific for each pixel, so it was named the pixel-response function (PRF) and was used as the source of aggregation: PRFðtd Þ ¼ Z Q 24 ðtÞ dt ð12Þ td where t is time after runoff generation, td is days after runoff generation, Q24 is the 24-h response function. Each PRF consists of a number of percentages of runoff (p1, p2, . . ., pn) arriving on days (d1, d2, . . ., dn) following the runoff-generating day. Like other large-scale water-balance studies, we did not carry out our simulations at the pixel scale. A cell-response function (CRF) was derived by aggregating all PRFs within a cell and normalising to unit volume: CRFðt d Þ ¼ n 1X PRF i ðt d Þ n i¼1 ð13Þ 242 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 where n is number of pixels inside the cell. The aggregation from PRF to CRF transfers distributed delay information at 1-km scale, in the form of daily network response function, to any lower resolutions as defined by the size of the cell. This is analogous to the spatial integration of time delay by Beven and Kirkby (1979) to form a time-delay histogram for an entire sub-basin. Eq. (13) takes the simplest form of the aggregation by assuming that runoff generation is constant throughout the cell, a condition that could be relaxed to dynamically weight the aggregation by the sub-cell variation of runoff input. A network-response function (NRF) to a distributed daily runoff input was then calculated as: NRFðt d Þ ¼ m X Q j CRF j ðt d Þ ð14Þ j¼1 where m is the number of cells and Qj is the runoff-generation volume of the jth cell. If runoff input is spatially uniform, the NRF is analogous to the network width function (e.g., Surkan, 1969), which is obtained by counting the number of channel reaches at a given distance away from the outlet (e.g., Kirkby, 1993). The application of a width function requires detailed river-network data (e.g., Naden et al., 1999) that are not always available on the global scale. Because stream length decreases with coarser-resolution network, width functions obtained from global flow networks are systematically shorter than those derived from high-resolution network, although the bias can be adjusted with a length correction (Fekete et al., 2001). Eqs. (13) and (14) indicate that although channel response is represented at cell level it still contains all delay information from pixel level. This is equivalent to directly using contribution area instead of the number of channel reaches at a given distance away from the outlet. The downstream hydrograph is then obtained by the convolution of NRF with the input runoff time series. The efficiency of the algorithm comes from the fact that PRFs and CRFs are all pre-fixed before convolution. The method, as given above, requires both the dispersion coefficient D and the wave velocity c to be calibrated against downstream discharge observations. To simplify the method, we assumed that the daily pixel-response function could be obtained by integrating the 24-h response function with near-zero D. When near-zero dispersion is assumed, the 24-h response function can be well approximated by a pure translation of the daily inflow according to the wave velocity c. Consequently, the pixel-response function is reduced to two percentages of arriving discharge (p1, p2) for two consecutive days (d1, d2), which are sufficiently described by p1 and d1.This simplification considerably lowered the computational demand while still providing the correct travel time for the discharge. The 24-h response function with near-zero dispersion is a pure translation of the up-stream inflow with a time shift equal to the mean residence time, but the pixel-response function offers flood-peak attenuation by redistributing a 1-day up-stream discharge over 2 (for a pixel) or more (for a cell) days downstream. The percentage on each day can then easily be calculated if we further assume that runoff generation has no diurnal variation. The first parameter, the first day of arriving discharge (d1) is the first of the two consecutive days, after runoff was generated, when water arrives at the reference pixel (d1 = 1 means that some of the generated runoff arrives at the reference pixel on the same day). The second parameter, the first-day percentage of arriving discharge p1, gives the fraction of runoff reaching the reference pixel in the first of these 2 days. If, for example, the wave-velocity delay is 3000 min, the runoff generated on day 1 will reach the reference pixel on days 3 and 4. A part p1 = (1440 3 3000)/ 1440 = 92% will arrive on day d1 (=3) and the remaining amount, 1 p1 = 8% on day d1 + 1 (=4). The assumption of constant within-day runoff is reasonable on the global scale where within-day information normally is absent. The assumption has a smoothing effect on the routed runoff compared to a situation where the within-day distribution of runoff generation can be inferred, e.g., from within-day precipitation data. The d1 and p1 parameters were directly obtained from the travel time t, which is a function of the network wave velocity and network topology. In this study, we assumed that the wave velocity was only a function of slope. Following the delay calculation developed by Beven and Kirkby (1979) for overland-flow routing, we denoted the distances of the flow-path segments from any HYDRO1k pixel down to the reference pixel as l1, l2, . . ., ln, and the corresponding slopes as tan(b1), tan(b2), . . ., tan(bn). We also postulated a normalised 1-km-network wave velocity (V45) for a slope of tan(45°). Beven and Kirkby (1979) calculate overland-flow velocity for a flow segment in Topmodel as: V i ¼ V 45 tanðbi Þ ð15Þ We found velocity to be less sensitive to slope for large-scale water transport and modified this equation to: V i ¼ V 45 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tanðbi Þ ð16Þ A similar approach is used by Ducharne et al. (2003). This time-constant velocity led to the following equation for delay time from any given pixel to the reference pixel: t¼ n X i¼1 V 45 l piffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tanðbi Þ ð17Þ V45 should be calibrated against observed discharge. There is no need to use meandering factors for the flow-path-segment distances since V45 represents an effective network speed. Water velocity normally varies with magnitude of discharge but a study at River Severn catchment (8.7 km2) shows that non-linear water velocity can lead to a constant wave velocity (Beven, 1979). It was not evident that such a constant wave velocity could be extrapolated to larger scales, but for simplicity the parameter V45 was set to be constant in this study. The aggregation from PRF to CRF can be demonstrated as follows: consider a case where the low-resolution cell consists of four 1-km pixels (i = 1 4; Fig. 3a) and where runoff generated in each of the 4 pixels reaches the reference point in 2 consecutive days with a first-day percentage pi for each pixel. Each pixel has different d and p values. Each of the 1-km pixels covers 1=4 of the low-resolution cell for which the runoff generation is constant. The runoff is thus assumed to be the same for each of the four 1-km pixels at each time step, and the discharge percentage for each pixel given by the sum of first- and second-day percentages must be divided by 4, the number of 1-km pixels in the cell. The resulting time-delay distribution for the low-resolution cell is given by a 5-day histogram (Fig. 3b). The CRF derived in this way for a low-resolution cell preserves the full delay information from all HYDRO1k pixels. It tells explicitly in which days (P 2) the generated runoff reaches the reference pixel and the percentage of discharge arriving on each day. A CRF was constructed for each cell at each resolution before routing started (Fig. 4). When weighted by a spatially distributed input (Eq. (14)), the CRF was then used to transform the runoff time series to a discharge time series for each low-resolution cell. Evaluation The performance of the new routing algorithm was evaluated against the LRR and a benchmark NRF algorithm as follows. First, a ‘‘traditional” linear-reservoir-routing (LRR) algorithm and a benchmark NRF algorithm were derived at the same spatial resolution. The benchmark algorithm calculated delay (t) as a function of cell-to-cell distance and a velocity parameter (VBEN). The delay t 243 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 a c*60% c*40% Pixel index 4 c*30% c*50% c*50% 2 c*20% c*80% 1 C = 1/(number of pixels) = 1/4 Percentage of arrived discharge 0 b c*70% 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Delay in days Fig. 3. Schematic description of a new routing-aggregation algorithm for a low-resolution cell made up of four source-data pixels (index = 1 4). Day 1 = day of runoff generation. All pixels are routed differently to the reference point. This figure demonstrates a special case that can be explained as: (a) Runoff from pixel one is the quickest and reaches the reference point by 20% already on the day of generation, whereas runoff from pixel 3 takes the longest time and the first 30% does not reach the reference point until day four. (b) Runoff from the low-resolution cell reaching the reference point is made up of the weighted (1=4 ) sum of all pixels for each of the 5 days. The resulting cell-response function gives the temporal distribution of runoff from the low-resolution cell reaching the reference point. Fig. 4. (a) Distribution of delay times for the Dongjiang (East river) basin derived by Eq. (17) with V45 = 8 m/s, i.e., the times taken for runoff generated in a given 1-km pixel to reach the reference point, in this case the down-most discharge station in Boluo (marked by an open circle). Aggregated cell-response functions at 50 resolution (b), and at 0.5° resolution (c). The x-axes (scale 0–8 days) in the cell-response function (bar graphs in each cell) shown in (b) and (c) represent delay and the y-axes (scale 0–1) first-day fraction of arrived discharge. was transferred to the d and p parameters in the same way as in the NRF routing and the result was a low-resolution 2-day NRF for each cell. Then, all three algorithms were run both with spatially uniform and with distributed climate-input data, and used similar calibration procedures to identify the best velocities. The best model efficiency (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) for discharge at the Boluo gauging station was chosen as a performance indicator across spatial resolutions and methods. The run with uniform climate was done to guarantee that only scale-dependent routing effects influenced the result. The benchmark algorithm was constructed to guarantee that a comparison between the new and the ‘‘traditional” algorithms could be attributed to the algorithm differences, rather than to their different network resolutions. 244 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 Linear-reservoir routing The NSA-derived flow net was used to route runoff with a LRR method between cells for all basin grids at 50 –600 . A linear reservoir model was used at each resolution: dS ¼ Q in þ Q r Q out dt SðtÞ ¼ K Q out ðtÞ K dQ out ¼ Q in þ Q r Q out dt ð18Þ ð19Þ ð20Þ S is cell storage, Qin inflow from up-stream cells, Qout outflow to a downstream cell, Qr runoff generation of the cell, and K travel time from an up-stream cell to a downstream cell. K was estimated, as commonly done, from the ratio of the cell-to-cell distance and a wave-velocity parameter (VLRR). The outflow discharge Qout was calculated with a finite-difference approximation (Arora et al., 1999). imation (Fig. 5c, d). This time difference would show up in all cells and gradually accumulate. It could, thus, become substantial for large basins. (2) The LRR delay pattern did not change monotonically with cell size, but instead reached a maximum for a cell size of around 4–5 sub-sections of the total 30-km reach, i.e., for a reach around 7 km. This could be an indication that such a cell size could be optimal for the LRR method, although it did not perform very well even at this spatial resolution (Fig. 5c). (3) The daily response function for the diffusion-wave approximation monotonically approached the zero-dispersion solution for small D values. The zero-dispersion response function was a pure translation of the up-stream inflow with a time shift equalled to the mean residence time. When this translation function was integrated to a daily time step, all discharge arrived in two consecutive days (Fig. 5d). Calibration of model parameters Flow velocities and meander factors Wave-velocity parameters for both NRF and LRR routing were obtained separately before the calibration of runoff-generation parameters. At each grid resolution, 250 runoff time series were obtained from the WASMOD-M runs with the previously defined 250 parameter-value sets. These runoff time series were then used to calibrate the best wave velocity for each routing algorithm. The calibration started with a wide range of velocities. Each velocity was used for each of the 250 runoff time series to derive the NRF and the K parameter for LRR in order to obtain 250 model efficiencies at the downstream Boluo station for both methods. The wave velocity that gave the highest efficiency was chosen for each resolution. Runoff-generation parameters were then calibrated with the efficiency criterion for each fixed wave velocity, and the top 10% parameter-value sets were chosen as behavioural (in the GLUE sense, see Beven and Binley (1992)). The best calibrated flow velocities for all three routing methods (VLRR, V45, and VBEN) were more or less independent of spatial resolution (Fig. 6). The best velocities were always found in a narrow range, within 0.3–0.6 m/s for the LRR and benchmark routing (VLRR and VBEN) and within 7–9 m/s for the NRF routing (V45). The final velocities were taken as VLRR = 0.4 m/s, V45 = 8 m/s and VBEN = 0.45 m/s (Fig. 6). VLRR was expected to be slower than VBEN because it had to compensate the earlier arrived flood peaks produced by the LRR method. The stability of V45 was expected since it was not influenced by a changing network topology, while the stabilities in VLRR and VBEN were less expected. The fact that the flow velocities were reasonably scale-independent for all methods simplified the performance comparison across scales for all three methods. When flow networks are up-scaled, the spatial time-delay distribution gets smoothed out. The total delay is also biased by a network meander factor, i.e., a quotient of the ‘‘true” river length, in our case taken from the HYDRO1k network flow-path length, and the distance between two reference points in any of the up-scaled flow networks. The meander factor can influence the optimal velocity across spatial resolutions. One advantage of NSA is that it provides a simple scaling relationship for basin parameters at up-scaled resolutions (Fekete et al., 2001). For example, decreased river lengths at coarser resolution can be deduced with a simple scale relation. A linear regression between up-scaled lengths at all spatial resolutions and ‘‘true” 1-km-pixel lengths gave a slope of 1.2. This slope was our NSA-derived meander factor for the Dongjiang basin. As expected, it was slightly smaller than the meander factor, i.e., the quotient of the actual (published) river length to the idealized river length, of 1.4 derived by Oki et al. (1999). Results Scale dependency of routing dynamics Routing dynamics differed considerably between the LRR and diffusion-wave-approximation methods when tested on a 30-km cell. Wave crests got higher and attenuation smaller when LRR was applied on reaches shorter than a whole cell. It was expected that, with the postulated wave velocity of 1.44 km/h, the crest should arrive at the downstream side of the cell after about 20 h. These 20 h were used by the LRR method as its mean-residencetime parameter K, but the LRR crests arrived after approximately 12 h for a 1-h unit-volume input (Fig. 5a). The diffusion-wave approximation, on the other hand, modelled crest arrival time at 20 h for small values of the diffusion-coefficient. The response functions got positively skewed for large D values (Fig. 5a), but the centre-of-mass arrival times were still around 20 h. The centre-of-mass arrival times for LRR were always significantly smaller than 20 h. The two methods showed similar behaviour when fed by a constant 24-h unit-volume input (Fig. 5b). The LRR crest always arrived earlier than the mean residence time whereas the diffusion-wave crest arrived ‘‘on time”. The integrated daily response functions show the delay behaviour for the simulation time step used in the water-balance model. Three results stick out: (1) Although most discharge arrived on the first 2 days for both methods, almost half arrived on day 1 with LRR, whereas the peak flow occurred on day 2 for the diffusion-wave approx- Routing performance at different spatial resolutions The routing methods performed very differently for the Dongjiang basin (Fig. 7). The performance was similar between all three methods at the 50 resolution (9 km cell size). The performance of the LRR routing decreased linearly with a zigzag pattern when moving from finer to coarser scales. The benchmark routing had a slower performance decrease and a similar zigzag pattern. The NRF routing performed equally well at all resolutions. The NRF routing was apparently scale-independent both theoretically and practically. A comparison between the LRR and the benchmark routings indicated that the linear-storage-release function performed increasingly poorly for coarser scales (Fig. 7). It also proved that both methods based on aggregated cell information showed a 245 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 Network response 0.1 (a) 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 Network response 0 (b) 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 Percentage 80 24 48 72 Hours 1 section 2 sections 3 sections 4 sections 5 sections 6 sections 7 sections 8 sections 9 sections 10 sections (c) 60 40 96 120 144 D=0 km2 / hour (d) 2 D=1 km / hour D=2 km2 / hour 2 D=3 km / hour D=4 km2 / hour D=5 km2 / hour D=6 km2 / hour D=7 km2 / hour D=8 km2 / hour D=9 km2 / hour 2 D=10 km / hour 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 Days 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Days Fig. 5. Response functions for a 1-h (a) and a 24-h (b) unit-volume input to a 30-km cell produced by a linear-reservoir-routing (LRR) method with 1–10 sub-sections (more sub-sections result in higher crest; dashed lines) and by a diffusion-wave approximation with diffusion-coefficient values of 1–10 km2/h (solid lines). The zero-diffusioncoefficient signifies a mathematically very small number. Percentage of daily discharge, integrated from the 24-h response functions by (c) LRR and (d) diffusion-wave approximation. worse performance when gradually losing hydrographical information. Another difference between the routing methods could be seen in the simulated Boluo hydrographs and posterior parameter distributions produced by the behaviour models (Fig. 8). The result from year 1983 is presented for illustrative purposes. The NRF method helped to maintain similar posterior cumulative density functions for the three WASMOD-M parameters over all spatial resolutions. The LRR methods were unable to achieve this. The best simulated hydrographs for the NRF method, which were close to the observed discharge, consequently showed a very narrow uncertainty range over all spatial scales. Limitations of aggregated networks There was no systematic difference between the performance for the aggregated network methods (LRR and benchmark NRF) when driven by spatially distributed and uniform climate input. The NRF method, on the other hand, seemed capable of using the extra information in the distributed climate data and its efficiency was almost equally increased at all resolutions (Fig. 7). The zigzag pattern for the two network-based methods was a pure network effect (Fig. 9). The network topology was subject to a periodically appearing threshold effect at certain length scales. The reference point at the Boluo station was relocated from one cell to another at each of these thresholds. This changed the flow net for the whole downstream part of the basin with a considerable effect on model performance. Discussion and conclusions We could not falsify the hypothesis that storage-based cell-tocell-routing algorithms are less and less suitable as the spatial scale gets larger and larger but a comparison between a LRR algorithm and a diffusion-wave algorithm showed that the inherent LRR assumption of instantaneous reaction to an input at the up-stream cell border created too early arrival at the outlet. This assumption is equivalent to neglecting the convective delay in a reach. The delay problem grew with cell size and became significant for sizes used in many global water-balance models. The diffusion-wave algorithm, on the other hand, gave delay times that were more consistent with real-world travel times. This algorithm could be drastically simplified by assuming near-zero diffusivity when applied in large-scale, global models. This simplification was quite good for small diffusivities and, when compared to LRR, showed much better performance for the medium-sized Dongjiang basin. The NRF routing presented in this study shares some assumptions with existing large-scale routing algorithms. The most important one is that wave velocity does not change as a function of discharge. When only the down-most gauging station is chosen as reference point, the method furthermore collapses to a simple source-to-sink algorithm, which is good enough for most largescale models. The new method is flexible in many ways. Here we demonstrated it on a daily time step, but application on longer or shorter time steps can easily be done by recalculating the parameters t and p at source resolution and re-aggregating them to a lower spatial resolution for varying time steps. 246 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 1 V = 0.4 m/s 0.9 All other test V from [0.3, 0.6] m/s 0.8 0.7 0.6 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0.89 V = 8 m/s 45 All other testV Efficency 0.88 45 from [7, 9] m/s 0.87 0.86 5 10 15 20 25 1 0.9 0.8 V = 0.45 m/s 0.7 All other test V from [0.3, 0.6] m/ s 5 10 15 20 25 Cell size in arc-minutes Fig. 6. Model efficiencies for different velocities at 56 different spatial resolutions (cell sizes varying from 50 to 600 in steps of 10 ) and three routing models: linear-reservoir model (top), NRF model based on 1-km-resolution data (middle), and benchmark routing with input data for each resolution (bottom). 0.9 0.85 Efficiency 0.8 0.75 0.7 NRF,V 45 = 8 m/s NRFuni, V 45 = 8 m/s LRR, V = 0.4 m/s LRR , V= 0.4 m/s uni 0.65 Bench, V = 0.45 m/s Bench , V = 0.45 m/s uni 10 20 30 40 50 60 Cell size in arc-minutes Fig. 7. Model efficiencies for three routing models at spatial resolutions varying from 50 to 600 in steps of 10 . The models are NRF: Network-response function, LRR: linear-reservoir routing, and Bench: benchmark model using NRF with averaged hydrographic data from cells at each aggregated resolution. Each model was calibrated to one flow velocity (V45 and V) for all scales and each model was run with spatially distributed as well as uniform (subscript ‘‘uni”) climate-input data. The small meandering factor indicated that the average change in flow-path length during up-scaling, and thus the change in average delay for a given stream velocity, was small. Changes in individual flow-path lengths and individual delays could still be large. The wave velocity should scale with the meandering factor 1.2 but other information-aggregation factors evened out this effect. The thresholds in LRR efficiency at certain length scales (Fig. 7) were shown to be a pure network effect (Fig. 9). This could impose limitations in the use of low-resolution flow networks for LRR routing. Routing efficiency is sensitive to flow-path topology, primarily determined by the relative position of the downstream station. A given river basin will be assigned a good or bad downstream flow-path topology by chance when global-scale grids are constructed on the latitude–longitude system. This could influence global-scale routing result and complicate performance comparisons. The strength of the NRF algorithm was clearly shown as a high and constant efficiency across all studied spatial resolutions whereas the algorithms based on spatially averaged properties got impaired performance at coarser scales (Fig. 7). These latter depended on a gradually simplified flow network and led to biased delay dynamics. This indicated the importance of the spatially distributed delay even if the spatially averaged delay did not change much over different resolutions. The network-based models did not perform better, even at a spatial resolution of 50 than the NRF model in spite of their much higher computational cost. When moving towards larger cell sizes, the spatial variability in the input climate field decreased and as a result, the spatial variability of WASMOD-M-generated runoff also decreased. The influence on model performance of spatial resolution in the climate input was easier to analyse in the NRF case since the delay dynamics was preserved over all spatial scales. It was shown that the network-based models performed equally good/bad with uniform and distributed climate input whereas the NRF model could take advantage of the extra information in the distributed field, even though the improvement was small. The representation of spatially distributed delay might thus be more important than spatially distributed climate as long as discharge is the main performance indicator. Since a main objective for most global-scale water-balance models is to reproduce discharge at large river outlets, a correct and accurate delay distribution should be a high priority. This study provided some hints for future global water-balance modelling. It would be natural to increase the spatial resolution of such models especially when better satellite data become available. 247 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 a 7000 5000 3 Discharge (m /s) 6000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 J F M A M J J 1983 S O 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 F(x) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0.96 0.98 N D J F(x) 1 F(x) 1 0 0.94 1 0 0 1 A 2 c 4 b A 3 0 2 4 c −3 x 10 1 6 −4 x 10 2 7000 Discharge (m3/s) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 J F M A M J J 1983 A S O 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 F(x) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0.94 0 0.96 0.98 1 D J F(x) 1 F(x) 1 N 0 0 A 4 1 2 c 1 3 −3 x 10 0 2 4 c 2 6 −4 x 10 Fig. 8. Observed (black line) and modelled discharge (gray lines) in 1983 for the Dongjiang basin at Boluo. Runoff generation was modelled with WASMOD-M and routed by linear reservoir method (a) and aggregated response functions (b). The gray lines represent the best simulation for each of the spatial resolutions ranging from 50 to 600 in steps of 10 . The three graphs below each hydrograph show the posterior cumulative density functions F(x) for the three WASMOD-M parameters after 250 Monte-Carlo simulations at each of the 56 spatial resolutions. Knowledge transfer between scales is always a difficult task, however, both because physical processes depend on scale and because modellers sometimes use scale-inconsistent approaches. Yildiz and Barros (2005) point out that simulated runoff generation is con- siderably deteriorated when flow-network resolution decreases from 1-km to 5-km while other input data are the same. Our study provided a simple solution to the problem of Yildiz and Barros (2005) as shown by the scale independence of the 248 L. Gong et al. / Journal of Hydrology 368 (2009) 237–250 Fig. 9. Flow-net representations for the Dongjiang (East river) basin at four spatial resolutions differing pair-wise by 10 . The original 1-km flow net was registered on the down-most discharge gauging station in Boluo (black circle). Note the effect on the flow-net topology when the Boluo station is relocated from one cell to another because of the small change in spatial resolution. posterior distribution of runoff model-parameter values (Fig. 8). This scale independence indicated that runoff-generation models might use the same parameter values across scales and that both runoff generation and discharge dynamics will be scale-invariant. Another reason behind the scale independence of the runoff-generation parameters is that WASMOD-M is only driven by climate input. The value of high-resolution climate input may not be evident when spatially distributed runoff is aggregated to downstream discharge. This is illustrated by the fact that our model efficiency was insensitive to climate-input resolution (Fig. 7). However, if scale-sensitive topographic data (slope, upslope contributing area, etc.) are used, it could be necessary to combine the proposed routing algorithm with a scale-invariant runoff-generation algorithm (Pradhan et al., 2006) in order to transfer parameter values across scales. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Swedish Research Council grants 629-2002-287 and 621-2002-4352, grant 214-2005-911 from the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, grant SWE-2005-296 from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Department for Research Cooperation, SAREC, and grant CUHK4627/ 05H from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong. 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