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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: http://www.elsevier.com/copyright Author's personal copy Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Global and Planetary Change journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/gloplacha Multi-model ensemble projections in temperature and precipitation extremes of the Tibetan Plateau in the 21st century Tao Yang a, b,⁎, Xiaobo Hao b, Quanxi Shao c, Chong-Yu Xu d, Chenyi Zhao a, Xi Chen a, Weiguang Wang b a State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, China State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulics Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China CSIRO Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics, Private Bag 5, Wembley, WA 6913, Australia d Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 1 November 2010 Accepted 31 August 2011 Available online 17 September 2011 Keywords: climate extremes indices multi-model ensemble projection scenarios Bayesian model averaging (BMA) the Tibetan Plateau a b s t r a c t Projections of changes in climate extreme are important in assessing the potential impacts of climate change on social and natural systems. This article presents future projections of climate extremes in the Tibetan Plateau constructed from ensembles of coupled general circulation models (CGCMs) contributing to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4), under a range of emission scenarios. The extremes of temperature and precipitation are described by seven indices, namely, the frost day (FD), percentage of nights when Tmin N 90th percentile (TN90), consecutive dry days (CDD), annual count of days when precipitation N=10 mm (R10), maximum 5-day precipitation total (R5D), simple daily intensity index (SDII), and annual total precipitation when precipitation N 95th percentile (R95T). Results indicate that frost days decrease over the Tibetan Plateau in the 21st century. More frequent warm nights are also projected in the plateau. The increases of these temperature extremes under A2 and A1B scenarios are more pronounced than under B1. Heavy precipitation events for single days and pentads are projected to increase in their intensity over most parts of Tibetan Plateau. CDD, R10, R5D, R95T and SDII collectively suggest more extreme precipitation in the region (2011–2020). In addition, impacts of climate extremes changes on local water resources and fragile ecosystem are discussed as an extension of this article. The findings will be beneficial to project regional responses in this unique region to global climate change, and then to formulate regional strategies against the potential menaces of climate change. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The global atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gasses have significantly increased since the pre-industrial era and will continue to increase in the future. The concentration of greenhouse gasses has increased by 70% from 1970 to 2004. The effect of human activities has become an important reason for global warming from 1970 with high confidence. In a series of SRES emission scenarios, global climate will be warming in a rate of the 0.2 °C per decade in 20 years. Even if greenhouse gasses stabilized at the levels in 2000, global temperature will increase about 0.1 °C every decade (IPCC, 2007). The issues of present climate and future climate change are widely regarded as hot spots in climate impact study. One of the key aspects of climate change study is to understand the behavior of extreme events. It is widely recognized that the changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme events are likely ⁎ Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, CAS, 818, South Beijing Road, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011, China. Tel: +86 991 7823169. E-mail address: yang.tao@ms.xjb.ac.cn (T. Yang). 0921-8181/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2011.08.006 to have more significantly negative impacts than changes in mean climate on many vulnerable aspects of human health, social organization and natural systems (e.g. Mearns et al., 2001; Katz and Brown, 2004). Meanwhile, the need for regional-scale projections of climate variables and thresholds that are directly relevant to impact researchers and stakeholders has been strongly advised (Wetterhall et al., 2006). Therefore, reliable future projections on extreme events using climate models are highly recommended. Substantial progress in both global and regional modeling at medium to high resolution has provided the basis for an increasing number of studies that attempt to characterize the future changes. Recent modeling efforts have also provided us with the ability to characterize changes in term of indices with greater relevance to impacts than the traditional climate model outputs of mean temperature, precipitation (e.g. Meehl et al., 2005; Tebaldi et al., 2006; IPCC, 2007). Under the support of the IPCC AR4, over 20 modeling groups around the world conducted climate change simulation by different CGCMs (IPCC, 2007). This is also known as Phase 3 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP3, Meehl et al., 2007) ensemble of simulations. Ten of these models provide estimation for extreme indices/indicators in the present and future climates. This offers us opportunities to conduct Author's personal copy 2 T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 the multi-model ensemble analysis of the simulation and projection of extreme events. For example, Tebaldi et al. (2006) analyzed historical and future simulations of these indicators derived from ensembles of nine models under a range of emission scenarios over the world. They found that on global and continental scales, the simulated historical trends generally agree with previous observational studies, providing a sense of reliability for the simulations. However, there is a growing need to investigate the changes of climate extremes in future based on the state-of-art climate models and ensemble approaches in individual and typical regions. Furthermore, analyzing these indices will hopefully lead to a better understanding of variability and changes in the frequency, intensity and duration of extreme climate events. This will be beneficial to identify different patterns of regional responses to global climate change and then to formulate regional strategies against the potential menaces of climate change. Bayesian model averaging (BMA), which provides a way to combine different models, is a rather promising method for calibrating ensemble modeling and forecasts in climate impact research. BMA has been widely used in social and health sciences and was recently applied to the combination of NWP model forecasts in an ensemble context (Raftery et al., 2005). BMA is adaptive in the sense that recent realizations of the forecast system are used as a training sample to carry out the calibration. BMA is also a method of combining forecasts from different sources into a consensus probability density function (PDF), an ensemble analog to consensus forecasting methods applied to deterministic forecasts from different sources (Vislocky and Fritsch, 1995; Vallée et al., 1996; Krishnamurti et al., 1999). BMA naturally applies ensemble systems to make a set of discrete models (such as the Canadian ensemble system). In BMA, the overall forecast PDF is a weighted average of individual forecast PDFs. The weights are the estimated posterior model probabilities and reflect the forecast skill of individual models in the training period. The weights can also provide a basis for selecting ensemble members: there is only little loss by removing the ensemble member with small weights (Raftery et al., 2005; Wilson et al., 2007). This can be a useful strategy, given that the computational cost of running ensembles is more affordable nowadays. Due to pronounced advantages, increasing studies using various BMA methods in climate change detection, attribution and climate model evaluation (Min et al., 2004, 2005; Min and Hense, 2006) as well as in future projections of climate changes (Tebaldi et al., 2006) were reported. Herewith, this study aims to offer the most comprehensive analysis of global temperature and precipitation extremes in the Tibetan Plateau using CGCM multi-model ensemble projections with BMA approach. Toward this end, this article strives to: (1) conduct an inter-comparison of the temporal and spatial changes in climate extreme ensembles using the state-of-art BMA and Arithmetic Mean (AM) method under the 20C3M emission scenario with HadEX observations; and (2) construct scenarios of climate extremes using multi-model ensemble projections (2010–2100) over the plateau provided by CMIP3 based on the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) method. Impacts of climate extremes changes on local water resources and fragile ecosystem will also be discussed as an extension of this article. The results are expected to contribute in improving our knowledge on simulation and projection of climatic extremes, which is beneficial for policymakers and stakeholders in local water resource and eco-environment management. 2. Study region The Tibetan Plateau (Fig. 1) is a vast, elevated plateau in Central Asia, covering most of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Qinghai in China, as well as smaller portions of western Sichuan, southwestern Gansu, and northern Yunnan in Western China and Ladakh in Indiacontrolled Kashmir (Liu and Chen, 2000). It stretches approximately 1000 km north to south and 2500 km east to west. The Tibetan Plateau is surrounded by massive mountain ranges (i.e. the Kunlun, Qilian, Hengduan, and Karakoram range of northern Kashmir). The average elevation is over 4500 m, and all 14 of the world's 8000 m and higher peaks are found in the region. Totally, six of the world largest rivers including the Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Yarlung Zangbo River originate from the Tibetan Plateau and provide the much-needed irrigation water that feed the agricultural fields of hundreds of millions of farmers in the downstream regions. Meanwhile, Qinghai Lake, the largest inland saltwater lake in China, is also located in the plateau. Lying in the northeast of Qinghai Province, approximately 150 km from Xining City at 3200 m above sea level, the lake stretches endlessly into the horizon, with an area of 4635 km 2 and more than 360 km in circumference. The lake lies in a transitional climate zone which is sensitive to the East Asian and Indian monsoons and the Westerly Jet Stream (Jin et al., 2009). The plateau is a high-altitude arid steppe with annual precipitation ranging from 100 mm to 300 mm and falls mainly as hailstorms. The southern and eastern edges of the steppe have grasslands which can sustainably support populations of nomadic herdsmen, although frost occurs for six months of the year. Proceeding to the north and northwest, the plateau becomes progressively higher, colder and drier, until reaching the remote Changthang region in the northwestern part of the plateau. Its average altitude exceeds 5000 m and annual average temperature is −4 °C and can be lower than −40 °C in winter. As a result of this extremely severe environment, the Changthang region is the least populous region in Asia. Although knowledge of climate change over the plateau is still insufficient, partly due to the lack of sufficient observational data, research on the climate change in the region has received more and more attentions in the literature since mid-1970s (e.g. Lin and Zhao, 1996; Tang et al., 1998; Zheng and Zhu, 2000; Zheng et al., 2000; Zhang et al., 2009). Many studies show that the Tibetan Plateau is one of the most sensitive areas in response to global climate change (e.g. Zhang et al., 1996; Liu and Chen, 2000). The work by Liu and Chen (2000) analyzing the temperature series of 97 stations showed that the main area of the plateau has experienced statistically significant warming since the mid-1950s, especially in winter with average rates of increase of about 0.16 °C/decade for the annual mean during the period 1955–1996 over the plateau and 0.32 °C/decade for the winter mean. Climate impact on human activities and human impact on climate change in the plateau have great importance not only to the local area but also to the whole Asian continent and even to the whole world. 3. Data and extreme indices 3.1. Data Table 1 lists the IPCC AR4 global coupled climate models (CGCM) providing annual temperature and precipitation extremes (1951– 2099), which are thoroughly addressed in Section 3.2. Five IPCC AR4 CGCMs are used, including GFDL-CM2.0, GFDL-CM2.1, INMCM 3.0, IPSL-CM4 and MIROC3.2 (medres). They are selected because they conducted all three simulations under A2, A1B and B1 emission scenarios of IPCC (IPCC, 2007) and shown relatively reasonable performances in simulating the surface air temperature change over China, based on previous evaluations by Zhou and Yu (2006) and Xu et al. (2009a). The set of projection spans almost the entire IPCC scenario range (2000–2099), with the B1 being close to the low end of the range (CO2 concentration of about 550 ppm by 2100), the A2 to the high end of the range (CO2 concentration of about 850 ppm by 2100) and the A1B to the middle of the range (CO2 concentration of about 700 ppm by 2100). Meanwhile, hindcasts for the historic period (1951–1999) known as the 20C3M scenario (20th Century Model Runs) from these five CGCMs are used in calibration and validation of the ensemble approach. The models have different horizontal resolutions in the corresponding atmospheric components (Table 1). To obtain the ensemble results of different models, the data are interpolated onto a common 1° × 1° grid. The data set (1951–2099) is obtained from the PCMDI web site (www.pcmdi-llnl.gov) and more Author's personal copy T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 88°E 96°E 100°E 104°E Elevation N 0-826 827-1808 1809-2791 2792-3773 3774-4755 4756-5738 5739-6720 6721-7702 7703-8685 E W S 100 200 92° E 3 400 Km Qinghai Lake Gyaring Lake Ye l lo 34°N Ngoring Lake Ya ng tz e Ri ve r Latitude (N) Xining wR ive r 38°N ° nc Cuona Lake La Siling Co Lake an 30°N Lasha 120 0E er 100 0E iv 80 0E gR NamCo Lake 0 50 N Yarlung Zangbo River Beijing 26°N 0 30 N 88°E 96°E Longtitude°(E) 92°E 100°E 104°E Fig. 1. Map of the Tibetan Plateau in China and associated major rivers and lakes. information about the participating models and data set can be found on this web site. 3.2. Extreme indices Extremes are more sensitive than average in responding to global climate change. Although changes in long-term climatic means are important, extremes generally have the greatest and most direct impact on our everyday life, community and environment. Hence, detecting changes in extremes has become important in current climate research (Vincent and Mekis, 2006). Indices based on daily temperature and precipitation observations have been developed to provide some insights into changes in these extremes (Peterson et al., 2001). These indices are valuable in studying the impact of climate changes on regional activities, agriculture and economy. They are also helpful in monitoring climate change itself and can be used as benchmarks for evaluating climate change scenarios (Gachon et al., 2005). Seven key indices of annual climate extremes (Table 2) according to Frich et al. (2002) are chosen for the present day analysis. FD and TN90 represent the extreme temperature and the key indices for extreme precipitation are CDD, R10, R5D, SDII and R95T. For the five precipitation indices, higher values indicate more extreme precipitation. The CDD is the length of dry spell whereas R10, R5D, SDII, and R95T express the intensity or frequency of precipitation. All the indices mentioned in this paper were calculated on an annual basis under the three scenarios and ensemble means of five models in the 20th century and the scenario simulations for the 21st century. An observation data set of climate extremes indices has been developed by the Hadley Centre (HadEX indices, http://www.hadobs.org/, Alexander et al., 2006) to compare with the 20C3M model runs. This data set (1951–1999) is employed in our study to validate the multimodel ensemble (ME) performances. Spatial resolution of the HadEX is originally 3.75° × 2.5°, which makes it necessary to interpolate the data onto the common 1°× 1° grid for comparison with the model results. It is noted that the resolutions of all observation based and model-based indices are different. These differences may cause some differences in the spatial distribution. 4. Methodology 4.1. General formulation Bayesian model averaging (BMA) has recently been proposed as a way of correcting under-dispersion in ensemble forecasts (Raftery et al., 2005; Min et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2011). BMA is a standard statistical procedure for combining predictive distributions from different sources and provides a way of combining statistical models and at the same time calibrating them using a training dataset. The output of BMA is a probability density function (pdf), which is a weighted average of pdfs centered on the bias-corrected forecasts. The BMA weights reflect Table 1 List of five IPCC global coupled climate models used. Model Country Resolution (Atms) Institution and reference GFDL-CM2.0 USA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (Delworth et al., 2006; Gnanadesikan et al., 2006) GFDL-CM2.1 USA INMCM3.0 Russia IPSL-CM4 France MIROC3.2(medres) Japan 144 × 90 L24 144 × 90 L24 72 × 45 L21 96 × 72 L19 128 × 64 T42L20 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (Delworth et al., 2006; Gnanadesikan et al., 2006) Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russia (Diansky and Volodin, 2002) Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace, France (http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/omamce/IPSLCM4/DocIPSLCM4/) Center for Climate System Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies and Frontier Research Center for Global Change (JAMSTEC). (Hasumi and Emori, 2004) Author's personal copy 4 T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 Table 2 Seven indices of climate extremes (Source: Frich et al., 2002). Index Definitions Definitions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Annual count when Tmin (daily minimum) b 0 °C Annual percentage of days when Tmin N 90th percentile Annual count of days when PR N=10 mm Annual maximum number of consecutive dry days with RR b 1 mm Annual maximum 5-day precipitation total Simple daily intensity index: annual total precipitation divided by the number of wet days (defined as PR N=1.0 mm) in the year Annual total precipitation when precipitation N95th percentile Days % Days Days mm mm/day FD TN90 R10 CDD R5D SDII 7. R95T the relative contributions of the component models to the predictive skill over a training sample. The combined forecast pdf of a variable y is: T K T T pðyjy Þ ¼ ∑ pðyjMk ; y ÞpðMk jy Þ ð1Þ k¼1 where p(y|Mk,yT) is the forecast pdf based on model Mk alone, estimated from the training data; k is the number of models being combined. p(Mk|yT) is the posterior probability of model Mk being correct given the training data. This term is computed with the aid of Bayes' theory: p yT Mk pðMk Þ T pðMk jy Þ ¼ k ∑ p yT Ml pðMl Þ: ð2Þ l¼1 Considering the application of BMA to bias-corrected forecasts from the k models, Eq. (1) can be rewritten as: T k T pðyjf1 ……fk ; y Þ ¼ ∑ ωk pk ðyjfk ; y Þ ð3Þ k¼1 where ωk = p(Mk|y T) is the BMA weight for model k computed from the training dataset and reflects the relative performance of models k on the training period. The weights ωk add up to 1, the conditional probabilities pk[y|(fk, y T)] may be interpreted as the conditional pdf of y given fk (i.e., model k has been chosen) and training data y T. These conditional pdfs are assumed to be normally distributed as: T 2 y fk ; y eN ak þ bk yk ; σ ð4Þ where the coefficients ak and bk are estimated from the bias-correction procedures described above. This means that the BMA predictive distribution becomes a weighted sum of normal distributions with equal variances but center at the bias-corrected forecast which can also be obtained from the BMA distribution using the conditional expectation of y given the forecasts: k T E½yj f1 ……fk ; y ¼ ∑ ωk ðak þ bk fk Þ: ð5Þ k¼1 This forecast would be expected to be more skillful than either the ensemble mean or any one member, since it has been determined from an ensemble distribution that has had its first and second moments bias-corrected using recent verification data for all the ensemble members. It is essentially an “intelligent” consensus forecast, weighted by the recent performance results for the component models. 4.2. Model weights The BMA weights and the variance σ 2 are estimated using maximum likelihood (Raftery et al., 2005). For given parameters to be estimated, the likelihood function is the probability of the training data and is viewed as a function of the parameters. The weights and mm variance are chosen so as to maximize this function (i.e., the parameter values for which the observation data were most likely to have been observed). The algorithm used to calculate the BMA weights and variance is called the expectation maximization (EM) algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977). The method is iterative and converges to a local maximum of the likelihood. The detailed description of the BMA method can be found in Raftery et al. (2005), and more complete details of the EM algorithm in McLachlan and Krishnan (1997). The value of σ 2 is related to the total pooled error variance over all the models in the training dataset. 4.3. Training period In climate change research, the longer the training period is, the better the BMA parameters are estimated (Yang et al., 2011). In this study, a 49-year period (1951–1999) is used to train BMA weights for five CGCM models under the 20C3M emission scenario. The rest period (2000–2099) is used in generating present and future scenarios of climate extremes in the Tibetan Plateau. As three emission scenarios (A2, A1B and B1 scenarios) are involved, the period (2000– 2010) is not included in BMA training herein. Seven indices (i.e. FD, TN90, R10, CDD, R5D, SDII, and R95) produced by five CGCMs (Table 1) are used in constructing the present hindcast and future projection of climate extremes. 5. Results and analysis 5.1. Inter-comparison of ensemble performance by BMA and Arithmetic Mean (AM) methods Fig. 2 presents an inter-comparison of ensemble performance by BMA and AM methods over the Tibetan Plateau. Generally, it shows that the FD (frost days, Fig. 2a), R10 (annual count of days when daily precipitation N=10 mm, Fig. 2d) and R5D (annual total precipitation when PR N 95th percentile, Fig. 2e) ensemble by BMA are more strongly consistent with HadEX than that by AM over the simulation periods (1951–1999). Whereas, comparison in the other 4 indices (TN90, CDD, R95T, and SDII; Fig. 2b, c, f, g) suggests slightly better performance by BMA than by AM. Table 3 provides a summarized result of intercomparison of model skills for the BMA and AM ensemble. As shown by Min and Hense (2006), biases for the BMA and AM ensemble in reproducing the global monthly mean surface temperatures are −0.047 and −0.032. Table 3 shows that there are more considerable uncertainties in reproducing annual climate extremes than monthly climate variables. Whereas, biases for BMA and AM are 0.833 and 0.979 in reproducing annual percentage of days when Tmin N 90th percentile (TN90). Meanwhile, biases and RMSE of the BMA ensemble for all seven indices of climate extremes are rather lower than that of the AM ensemble. Because there is remarkable consistency among the five CMIP3-CGCMs projections in these 4 indices, the BMA and AM ensembles are similar with HadEX observations to a certain degree in some cases. The inter-comparison of the various extreme indices by BMA and AM shows that BMA ensemble produced the lowest bias in Author's personal copy T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 a 5 b FD 32 26 HadEX HadEX BMA 22 AM 26 TN90 BMA AM 18 20 14 14 10 8 6 2 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 c 2 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 1980 1990 2000 1980 1990 2000 d 80 CDD 70 HadEX 60 BMA 55 AM R10 45 50 40 BMA AM 50 60 HadEX 35 40 30 30 20 1950 25 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 e 20 1950 1960 1970 f 90 R5D 80 HadEX 65 BMA 55 AM 70 45 60 35 50 25 40 15 30 1950 1960 1970 1980 R95T 1990 2000 1990 2000 5 1950 HadEX BMA AM 1960 1970 g 22 SDII HadEX BMA AM 18 14 10 6 1950 1960 1970 1980 Fig. 2. Comparison of climate extreme ensembles using BMA and Arithmetic Mean (AM) method between HadEX observations. comparison with AM ensemble. Therefore, the skill-weighted average by the Bayes factors (Bayesian model averaging, BMA) is superior to the arithmetic ensemble mean based on conventional statistics, illuminating applicability of BMA to projections of climate extremes. 5.2. Present-day modeled and observation-based indices Multi-model means of the selected indices for 1951–1999 from the 20C3M scenario runs (twenty century simulations) are calculated Author's personal copy 6 T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 Table 3 Inter-comparison of model skills for the BMA and AM ensemble. Indices 1. FD 2. CDD 3. R5D 4. R10 5. R95T 6. SDII 7. TN90 Mean BMA AM RMSE Bias RMSE Bias 0.692 1.766 1.573 0.914 1.582 0.841 0.491 1.123 0.695 − 0.322 −0.473 −0.473 0.460 −4.952 0.833 −0.605 2.516 2.275 2.023 2.011 1.616 1.102 0.486 1.718 17.26 −8.906 −11.34 −11.34 −9.714 −7.163 0.979 −4.318 using BMA method to demonstrate the spatial pattern over the Tibetan Plateau in present climate. The analyses of the change in spatial distribution focus on the A1B scenario to keep the length of the paper. The spatial pattern of the observed (HadEX) and ME simulation of the extreme indices of FD and TN90 for temperature and CDD, R10, R5D, SDII and R95T for precipitation over the plateau during 1951–1999 are presented in Fig. 3. Fig. 3a and b suggests that the spatial pattern of the observed number of frost days (FD) is not reasonably simulated by ME. A higher FD is found over the whole plateau in ME, which indicates FD is overestimated. Fig. 3c and d indicates that the simulated TN90 in the 20C3M are generally higher (approximately 1 °C) than that in the HadEX observations, referring to more warm nights in the region. This is represented by ME, but with an overestimation of one to a few days. The ME overestimates warm nights over the whole Qinghai province and the south-eastern part of the Tibetan Autonomous region. Similarly, Fig. 3e and f indicates that the pattern of the observed number of consecutive dry days (CDD) is not reasonably simulated by ME. A higher CDD is found in the eastern part of the plateau in the HadEX, while a higher CDD is found in the western part of the plateau in ME. This is to some extent related to the coarse resolution of the models. The Tibetan Plateau is an area with the most complex topography to simulate. The coarse resolution of the models may lead to a great bias in this area. This emphasizes the importance of using high resolution models in better simulating present climate and future climate changes (Christensen et al., 2007). However, R10, R5D, R95T and SDII in ME are closely consistent with HadEX observations in general. To a certain degree (10 to 22 mm), the ME overestimates the amount of R10 in the upper stream of the Yellow River (Fig. 3g, h) but underestimates it in the Yarlung Zangbo River. Nevertheless, the simulated R10 still shows an overall similar pattern compared to the observation (Fig. 3g, n). Similar performances are also observed for R5D, R95T and SDII in ME when compared with HadEX (Fig. 3i–n). In addition, the spatial patterns for R10, R5D, SDII and R95T are characterized by a gradient directed from south part of the region to the north. This is also reproduced by ME, suggesting that ME simulations based on BMA method are capable of capture spatial patterns of climate extremes in most cases. 5.3. Projected change in extremes in the 21st century In this section, projected changes in future for the seven temperature and precipitation indices over the Tibetan Plateau are presented (Fig. 4). For sake of brevity, only the changes in spatial pattern in future ten years (2011–2020) under A1B scenario are presented. The time series of the regional mean indices from the three scenarios are considered from 1951 to 1999 year in the 20th century and for the whole 21st century to demonstrate the temporal evolution of the indices. As for temporal evolution, changes for all the three scenarios and period extending from 2000 to 2099 are provided. 5.3.1. Temperature-based extremes A general decreasing FD can be found in the Tibetan Plateau, indicating the tendency of decreasing frost days and increasing temperature in the plateau (Fig. 4a) in the future (2011–2020). The decreasing FD is more pronounced in south Tibetan. The decrease (in a range of 5.7%– 2.6%) is more significant than that of HadEX (1991–1999), in the source region of Yellow River, Yangtze River, Lancang River, Yarlung Zangbo River and Qinghai Lake. According to Fig. 4c, increasing TN90 is also dominated over the plateau, the increasing is more pronounced in south Tibetan with amount of 38.9%–73.6% comparing with HadEX (1991–1999). The change of TN90 shows opposite tendency compared with FD, characterized by a general increase. As shown in Fig. 4b, consistent decrease of FD can be found in the 21st century under all 3 scenarios, indicating increasing tendency of temperature in the future in the region (28–33°N, 88–94°E). In the end of 21st century, FDs are around 250, 235 and 230 days under B1, A1B and A2, respectively. Consistent increasing of TN90 can be found in the 21st century for all 3 scenarios (Fig. 4d), although some stabilization of B1 is observed in the end of the century. The difference is slight among the 3 scenarios until 2030. After that, obvious increases of the two indices can be found under A2 and A1B compared to B1. In the end of 21st century, increasing TN90 are around 63%, 55% and 40% under A2, A1B and B1, respectively. The spatial patterns of FD and TN90 in other periods of the century are similar to that in the last 20 years, but with less extent. There are some differences in the increasing patterns across the scenarios but are usually consistent with the values of emissions (not shown). 5.3.2. Precipitation-based extremes The number of CDD is found decreasing in the central Tibetan Plateau while increases are observed in the south and north plateaus (Fig. 4e) in comparison with HadEX. The maximum increase of CDD is up to 38.6% in the south plateau, indicating a higher possibility of future drought there. A slight increase is found in most northern part of Qinghai province, around 5.4%–18.6% comparing with HadEX of 1991–2000, indicating consecutive dry days tends to increase while the decreasing tendency of extreme precipitation in this region. However, the regional mean CDD does not show positive or negative trend in the temporal evolution in the whole 21st century (Fig. 4f). Differences among the 3 scenarios are small and the time series plots overlap to each other until the end of the 21st century. Changes in R10 are presented in Fig. 4g, which shows a spatial pattern of almost positive changes. A remarkable increase of around 68.7%– 105.3% is found in the central part of the Tibetan Plateau. Slightly increasing R10 (0%–30.2%) is projected over the source region of Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Lancang River in comparison with HadEX during 1991–2000, indicating more heavy rain days and consequently more floods there in the forthcoming ten years. The temporal evolution of R10 (Fig. 4h) shows significantly increasing trend in the 21st century for all the 3 scenarios, and the increasing is insensitive to the choice of scenarios till 2040. The rainfall intensity as measured by R5D (Fig. 4i), R95T (Fig. 4k) and SDII (Fig. 4m) shows positive changes over most part of Tibetan Plateau. The maximum 5 d precipitation total (R5D) is an indicator of flood-producing events and shows a general increase in the whole plateau. The increase is obvious in the north-west, indicating a higher possibility of heavy rain the next ten years. The increase of R95T (Fig. 4k), defined as the fraction of annual total precipitation from events wetter than the 95th percentile of wet days (≥1 mm), is generally in the range of 0%–34.3% over the plateau. The increasing of SDII, defined as the mean daily intensity for events ≥ 1 mm/day, is greater in most part except the west (Fig. 4m). Increasing trend is found in headstream of the Yellow River, Yangtze River, and Lancang River. Temporal evolution of R5D (Fig. 4l) and SDII (Fig. 4n) shows similar features, characterized by a consistent increase across the scenarios in the 21st century. Compared to the temperature indices (FD and TN90), the separation of the trajectories of the precipitation indices under the different scenarios appears less clearly. Author's personal copy T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 The discrepancy between the observed and simulated precipitation indices may indicate the uncertainty associated with the ME projections. However, the general increase of the precipitation extreme events is also reported by some RCM simulations (Zhang et al., 2006; Song, 2007), although difference of the spatial distribution and magnitude of the changes exists among these simulations. 6. Conclusions and discussions General findings and results in detecting changes of climate extremes over the eastern and central Tibetan Plateau during 1961– 2005 using a wide range of statistical testing methods were well presented by Liu et al. (2005) and You et al. (2008). However, reports with particular highlights in constructing reliable scenarios of future climate extremes over the Tibetan Plateau, the highest zone across the world with unique ecosystem very sensitive to climate change, are very limited so far. Even in a similar study by Xu et al. (2009a) on projections in temperature and precipitation extremes over the Yangtze River Basin of China in the 21st century, the arithmetic ensemble mean is too simple and consequently will lead to more uncertainties in constructing future scenarios of climate extremes. In contrast to these previous publications in the similar topic, this study strives to: (1) construct more reliable scenarios of future climate extremes over the plateau using multi-model ensemble projections (2011–2099) based on the state-of-art Bayesian model averaging (BMA) approach, and (2) discuss potential impacts of climate extremes changes on local hydrological processes and ecosystem. These two parts collectively constitute the distinctive deliverables to provide beneficial insights in developing more robust ensemble scenarios of climate extremes and understanding associated potential impacts on local water resources and ecosystem for the unique zone. The major points are summarized and discussed as following: (1) By using the results from an ensemble of five CIMP3-CGCMs, the projection of future annual climate extremes over the plateau is investigated. The extreme indices include FD and TN90 for temperature, and CDD, R10, R5D, SDII and R95T for precipitation. The 1961–1999 period serves as a reference for future changes and projection. Validation of the performances of the model mean is firstly conducted by comparing the model results with the HadEX observations. Spatial pattern of the future changes in the 2011–2020 is analyzed and the temporal evolution of the regional indices in the whole 21st century is also presented. Results indicate that although discrepancies can still be found between the ME and HadEX observations (e.g. overestimation of FD and TN90, underestimation of CDD), the ME captures the spatial patterns of most indices under present day climate. This means that the ME based on the state-of-art CIMP3-CGCMs and BMA ensemble approach is capable of producing ensembles with the lowest bias in comparison with other conventional methods. However, high-resolution projections of extremes constructed by regional climate models are highly recommended to replace a range of coarse-resolution CGCMs in offering more reliable scenarios. In the climate projection for the 21st century, temperature-based index FD shows a significant decrease while TN90 shows an increase in the 21st century, indicating less frost days and more warm nights in the future. The increase under A2 and A1B scenarios is generally more pronounced than that under B1, in correspondence with their greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration levels. Most probably, there are two main reasons accounting for the temperature warming in Tibetan Plateau. One is that the contribution from increasing anthropogenic GHG in the plateau (Duan and Wu, 2006), and a model study also testifies that enhanced climatic warming in the region due to doubling carbon dioxide (Chen et al., 2003). The other is the change of cloud 7 amount. The low-level cloud amount in the region exhibits a significant increasing trend during the night times, leading to the strong nocturnal surface warming, and both the total and lowlevel cloud amounts during daytime display decreasing trends, resulting in surface warming (Duan and Wu, 2006; You et al., 2008). Meanwhile, slight decrease of CDD and general increase of R5D, R10 and R95T are found over most parts of the plateau, together with increasing temperature index (TN90) may lead to more snowmelt and glacial recession, indicating more runoff in this region. This finding is similar with the tropical and subtropical monsoon dominated regions, where significant increase of precipitation extremes was projected. According to Xu et al. (2009a), some global models projected that during the warmer 21st century, precipitation will increase in the subtropical regions and become more concentrated in intense rainfall events with a greater risk of droughts over the Yangtze River basin. In addition, it is found that while the changes of extreme temperature indices are more in proportion to the GHG concentration levels of the scenarios, changes in precipitation indices can exhibit markedly different response to the GHG concentrations. (2) Considering Tibetan Plateau as the source region for the major rivers in Asia, including the Yellow River, Yangtze River, Mekong River, and Salween River, estimating future potential changes in temperature and precipitation extremes can provide essential input to the plateau adaptation and planning strategies for China, India, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. The findings from the analysis presented here are expected to contribute to this effort. The physical processes determining the conversion of glaciers, ice, and snow into runoff and downstream flow are complex, but the impact of climate change on river regimes will very likely be profound. Glaciers located on the Tibetan Plateau are likely to shrink from 500,000 km2 (the 1995 baseline) to 100,000 km2 or less by the year 2035 (Ye and Yao, 2008). Initially, increased melting will result in growing discharge. However, when glaciers completely disappear or approach new equilibriums, long-term effects will be increasing water shortages and limited supplies for downstream communities, particularly during the dry season. Based on current knowledge, the rivers most likely to experience the greatest loss in water availability due to melting glaciers in the Yangtze, and Yarlung Zangbo River (Xu et al., 2009b). Water-related hazards and risks will be omnipresent over the plateau, and landslides, debris flows, and flash floods are projected to increase in frequency. Mountain ecosystems have a significant role in biospheric carbon storage and carbon sequestration, particularly in the cold and elevated Tibetan Plateau (Piao et al., 2006). Mountain ecosystem services such as water purification and climate regulation extend beyond their geographical boundaries and affect all continental mainlands (Woodwell, 2004). Related impacts included an earlier and shortened snow-melt period, with rapid water release and downstream floods which, in combination with reduced glacier extent, could cause water shortage during the growing season. The third and fourth assessment reports (IPCC, 2000, 2007) collectively suggested that these impacts may be exacerbated by ecosystem degradation pressures such as land-use changes, over-grazing, trampling, pollution, vegetation destabilization and soil losses, in particular in highly diverse regions such as the Caucasus and Himalayas. Because adaptive capacities are generally limited, and the high vulnerabilities were attributed to the highly endemic alphine biota of the plateau. Meanwhile, where warmer and wetter conditions are projected over most part of the region, vegetation is expected to be subjected to increased evapotranspiration. This will lead to increasing flood events particularly in the north-eastern part of Tibetan Plateau in the forthcoming decade (2011–2020), which is beneficial to increase streamflows and water-levels in the source region of Yellow River and Qinghai Lake in wet seasons (June to August). This is also good to maintain essential ecological water demands from the significantly degrading Author's personal copy 8 T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 low-stature alpine meadows in such regions (Liu and Chen, 2000). Potential ecological cascading effects in the region may include secondary extinctions triggered by losses of key species in the ecosystems (Xu et al., 2009b). The Tibetan Plateau includes many plant species that may not respond successfully to projected rates and scale of climate change (Salick et al., 2009). One of the obvious risks is species extinctions from mountains not high enough to offer escape routes in the case of upward shifts of taxa (Baker and Moseley, 2007). In general, the response of natural vegetation to projected climate change will be complex; some species will decrease, some increase, and new ones may also appear (Chen et al., 2003; Xu et al., 2009b). Invasions of weedy and exotic species from lower elevations are likely (McCarty, 2001). Although some preliminary results of changes in extreme indices over the plateau are obtained in the present work, a lot of uncertainties exist in assessing the regional-scale extreme indices changes. More research work in the future, particularly the ensemble projections by higher resolution CGCMs and especially regional climate models, as well as analyzing the uncertainties related to the model spread, are indeed needed for a better understanding of the futures changes of extremes over the unique zone. a b 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E 0 88 E N W FD(HadEX) E N W 96 0E 100 0E 104 0E FD(20C3M) E S S 100 92 0E N N 200 100 400 Km 200 400 Km 0 38 N 38 0N Xining Xining 34 0N Latitudeo(N) Latitudeo(N) 34 0N 30 0N 0 0 80 E 100 E < 97 97 - 145 145 - 165 165 - 230 Lasha 0 120 E 0 50 N Beijing 0 26 N 30 0N 80 0E 0 c 0 0 0 88 E 92 E 96 E Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 88 E 92 0E 96 0E 100 0E 0 30 N 0 0 d 0 88 E N 0 0 0 92 E 96 E Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 104 E 92 0E 96 0E 100 0E 104 0E N N W TN90(HadEX) E N W S 100 0 88 E 104 E 104 0E < 97 97 - 145 145 - 165 165 - 230 Lasha 120 0E Beijing 26 0N 0 30 N 100 0E 50 0N TN90(20C3M) E S 200 400 Km 100 0 200 400 Km 0 38 N 38 N Xining 0 Xining 34 0N Latitudeo(N) Latitudeo(N) 34 N 30 0N 0 0 80 E < 10.0 10.0 - 10.4 10.4 - 10.8 10.8 - 11.2 Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 50 0N Beijing 26 0N 30 0N 80 0E e 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 104 E 0 88 E 92 0E 96 0E 100 0E 104 0E 30 0N 0 0 88 E f 0 88 E N N W 200 0 0 0 0 92 E 96 E Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 104 E 92 0E 96 0E 100 0E 104 0E N CDD(HadEX) E N W S 100 < 10.0 10.0 - 10.4 10.4 - 10.8 10.8 - 11.2 Lasha 120 0E Beijing 26 0N 0 30 N 100 0E 0 50 N CDD(20C3M) E S 400 Km 100 0 38 N 200 400 Km 0 38 N Xining 34 0N Latitudeo(N) Latitudeo(N) 30 0N 80 0E 100 0E < 45 45 - 55 55 - 60 Lasha 120 0E 0 50 N Beijing 26 0N Xining 34 0N 30 0N 30 0N 80 0E 0 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 104 E < 45 45 - 55 55 - 60 Lasha 120 0E Beijing 26 0N 88 E 100 0E 50 0N 0 30 N 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 104 E Fig. 3. Spatial pattern of climate extremes in 1951–1999: (a) FD of observation (HadEX),(b) FD of multi-model ensemble, (c) TN90 of observation (HadEX), (d) TN90 of multi-model ensemble. (e) CDD of observation (HadEX), (f) CDD of multi-model ensemble, (g) R10 of observation (HadEX), (h) R10 of multi-model ensemble, (i) R5D of observation (HadEX), (j) R5D of multi-model ensemble. (k) R95T of observation (HadEX), (l) R95T of multi-model ensemble, (m) SDII of observation (HadEX) and (n) SDII of multi-model ensemble. Author's personal copy T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 g 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E h 0 104 E 0 88 E N 92 0E 96 0E 100 0E 104 0E N N W R10(HadEX) E N W S 100 9 R10(20C3M) E S 200 100 400 Km 0 200 400 Km 0 38 N 38 N Xining Xining 0 0 34 N Latitudeo(N) Latitudeo(N) 34 N 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 17 17 - 22 22 - 30 0 30 N 0 0 80 E Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 50 0N Beijing 0 26 N 80 0E 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 100 0E Beijing 30 0N 0 104 E 0 92 E 0 92 E 88 E i Lasha 120 0E 50 0N 26 0N 30 0N 0-5 5 - 10 10 - 17 17 - 22 22 - 30 30 0N 0 96 E Longtitudeo(E) 0 100 E 0 96 E 0 104 E 0 100 E 0 0 104 E j 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E 88 E N W R5D(HadEX) E N W S 100 0 N N R5D(20C3M) E S 200 100 400 Km 0 200 400 Km 0 38 N 38 N Xining Xining 0 0 34 N Latitudeo(N) Latitudeo(N) 34 N < 32 32 - 47 47 - 69 69 - 98 98 - 134 30 0N 80 0E 100 0E Lasha 120 0E 50 0N Beijing 26 0N 30 0N 80 0E 0 92 E 0 96 E Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 104 E 0 92 0E 96 0E 100 0E 104 0E 88 E 0 0 0 Beijing 30 0N 0 0 0 88 E k < 32 32 - 47 47 - 69 69 - 98 98 - 134 Lasha 120 0E 50 N 26 0N 30 0N 100 0E 0 0 0 92 E 96 E Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 104 E 92 0E 96 0E 100 0E 104 0E l 88 E 0 88 E N N N W R95T(HadEX) E N W R95T(20C3M) E S S 100 200 100 400 Km 200 400 Km 0 38 N 0 38 N Xining Xining 34 0N 0 Latitudeo(N) Latitudeo(N) 34 N 30 0N 0 0 80 E < 16 16 - 19 19 - 22 22 - 24 Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 50 0N Beijing 26 0N 30 0N 0 0 0 88 E m 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 30 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 E 96 E 100 E 104 E 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 104 E n 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E N N W 0 88 E 0 N SDII(HadEX) E N W S 100 120 E 104 E 88 E < 16 16 - 19 19 - 22 22 - 24 Lasha 0 100 E Beijing 26 0N 0 30 N 0 80 E 50 0N SDII(20C3M) E S 200 100 400 Km 0 200 400 Km 0 38 N 38 N Xining Xining 0 0 34 N Latitude o(N) Latitudeo(N) 34 N 30 0N 0 80 E 0 < 3.1 3.1 - 4.7 4.7 - 6.0 6.0 - 8.5 8.5 - 10.3 Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 50 0N Beijing 26 0N 0 80 E 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 0 50 N Beijing 26 0N 0 30 N < 3.1 3.1 - 4.7 4.7 - 6.0 6.0 - 8.5 8.5 - 10.3 30 0N 0 30 N 0 0 104 E 88 E Fig. 3 (continued). 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 Longtitudeo(E) 100 E 0 104 E Author's personal copy 10 T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 a 0 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 100 E b 0 104 E N N W FD E FD S 100 200 400 Km 0 38 N Xining 0 Latitude o(N) 34 N (%) 0 -8.3 - -5.7 30 N -5.7 - -3.8 0 0 80 E Lasha 0 100 E 120 E -3.8 - -2.6 0 50 N -2.6 - 0.0 Beijing 0.0 - 1.0 0 0 26 N 30 N 0 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E Longtitude o(E) c d 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E N N W TN90 TN90 E S 100 200 400 Km 0 38 N Xining 0 Latitude o(N) 34 N (%) 0 -2.2 - 0.0 30 N 0.0 - 31.7 0 0 80 E Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 31.7 - 38.9 0 50 N 38.9 - 47.0 Beijing 47.0 - 57.8 0 26 N 0 30 N 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E Longtitude o(E) e f 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E CDD N N W CDD E S 100 200 400 Km 0 38 N Xining 0 Latitude o(N) 34 N ( %) -21.9 - -13.2 0 30 N -13.2 - -7.1 0 80 E 0 Lasha 0 100 E 120 E -7.1 - 0.0 0 50 N 0.0 - 5.4 Beijing 5.4 - 18.6 0 26 N 0 30 N 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 100 E 0 104 E Longtitude o(E) Fig. 4. Spatial pattern of (a) FD (days), (c) TN90 (%), (e) CDD (days), (g) R10 (days), (i) R5D (mm), (k) R95T (%), and (m) SDII (mm/d) change of multi-model ensemble under A1B scenarios (the difference between two ten-year averages: 2011–2020 minus 1991–2000), and the temporal evolution of (b) FD (days), (d) TN90 (%),(f) CDD (days), (h) R10 (days), (j) R5D (mm), (l) R95T (%), and (n) SDII (mm/d) over Tibetan Plateau under A2, A1B and B1 scenarios (three scenarios are shown in different styles or colors for the years from 1951 to 2099). Author's personal copy T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 g 11 h 0 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 100 E 104 E N N W R10 E S 100 200 400 Km R1 0 0 38 N Xining 0 o Latitude (N) 34 N (%) -12.3 - 0.0 0 30 N 0.0 - 16.5 0 0 80 E Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 16.5 - 30.2 0 50 N 30.2 - 48.2 Beijing 0 26 N 48.2 - 68.7 0 30 N 0 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 100 E 104 E Longtitude o(E) i j 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E N N W R5 D E R5 D S 100 200 400 Km 0 38 N Xining 0 o Latitude (N) 34 N (%) -11. 5 - 0.0 0 30 N 0.0 - 2.4 0 0 80 E Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 2.4 - 6.1 0 50 N 6.1 - 11. 0 Beijing 0 26 N 11. 0 - 17.9 0 30 N 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E Longtitude o(E) k l 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E R95T N N W R95T E S 100 200 400 Km 0 38 N Xining 0 o Latitude ( N) 34 N (%) 0 -16.2 - 0.0 30 N 0.0 - 6.1 0 80 E 0 Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 6.1 - 13.3 0 50 N 13.3 - 19.4 Beijing 19.4 - 25.9 0 26 N 0 30 N 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 100 E 0 104 E Longtitude o(E) Fig. 4 (continued). Author's personal copy 12 T. Yang et al. / Global and Planetary Change 80-81 (2012) 1–13 m n 0 0 88 E 92 E 0 0 96 E 100 E 0 104 E N N W SDII SDII E S 100 200 400 Km 0 38 N Xining 0 Latitude o(N) 34 N (%) 0 -6.4 - -2.8 30 N -2.8 - 0.0 0 80 E 0 Lasha 0 100 E 120 E 0.0 - 1.7 0 50 N 1.7 - 3.6 Beijing 3.6 - 6.0 0 26 N 0 30 N 0 88 E 0 92 E 0 96 E 0 100 E 0 104 E Longtitude o(E) Fig. 4 (continued). Acknowledgments The work was jointly supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (40901016, 40830639, 40830640), a grant from the State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering (2009586612, 2009585512), grants of the Special Public Sector Research Program of Ministry of Water Resources (201001066, 201001057), the National Basic Research Program of China “973 Program” (2010CB428405, 2010CB951101), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (2010B00714), the Australian Endeavour Fellowship Program, and the CSIRO Computational and Simulation Sciences Transformational Capability Platform. The authors acknowledge the modeling groups, the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI) and the WCRP's Working Group on Coupled Modeling (WGCM) for their roles in making the WCRP CMIP3 multi-model data set available. 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