ws tibdto4 thø OBOON $tA?1 A partial futf1l1n* t'e rsirento 4r* offor te 0? IL i 4rtou1 t,ire Redacted for Privacy Redacted for Privacy ;o qo Redacted for Privacy TTOU*L, 1*? Vt ¶tb satbor tbejik the eoisun1ty ).ea4ere szd outb of the Myrtle point O* untt wiose vi1ltt oaoperation hss ze4i this tud7 posotbis. The sathor is parttealerli indebted to Proieor W*. L. Tautesh for his vs3aobt. rutena. seattno in osr17in out this sttzdy, e to aofa*sors Aoknowle4flt$ srs i&leo Lrtia aaford, Z. L. Potter, I. R. Jones, liton end G.or. fl, Jenkins for yslueble ui snoc on the study; to Mrs. rot. galLs toy the rianuseript eM to y wit., flotse, for heX noouzsgn.nt ar* f nal typinE of tM ssntuisrip* 3pe1sl ore1it ii due Dernerd. Joy, ditision of field studtai* and tz'stuthl, ion *ertiei, U.Ii.D,A. for ny honre of individual Instrustion and txstnts in resssreh ritit1E end to the tionsl Ca1tt.e so Boys ai4 Girls lib ork who awarded the tsllswship thit nede this trsinin possible. V 444* 4 4 4 *4 - 4 04 *4* *54 S PS .4 4+ 441 ' *4. ....,.i,........ *44*4 *8 *4 45*540*4 3rt le OiEt Orasiit'. *105 nd t .&4'4 a 8P 4 54 4 * *4 S 8 44 44 i33*..*...g*.t*i*.***. ttt1ar J ?4! ,-h,_ 9 ,....,,Q (Li. t M !duotton oX '.1r '4 es In iwiber uf O)I***.si 441*.... op]iv1 ktto taore''4ea Acrue iit2 1*4.4*4*4 *4 ;JTI1'O_ *! 7f-r ?'iirn. . . . . *4lt ij.; Zn o1 r'n a srntr.. 4*044 *4. a )'z ?rr )r4ørrIt,or44044 C) 14. . . . . 4. . . ,' . ?4 18 Urt :rejttf3J4 ttti 41*rttv etn f tte...,,,, trmer'r 1*a ip Iii t 'oV 4-_ 21 .-, t'.. bwbe.e-ve ed.5.,...4444.,..41,,.,,.4 ai Yeat iJ p1tmunta... L .M. 7 . 8 ihr Did the Pep Q1rtcr Li?. bote JI . 'r&, t- 2itzn'eprit'r Vrn 44 .- . . . . .. .4., 444 * u on Uvr 14 Yrrn Uf ?*i,re' tj 't )p4rtoT1' P1rtn 10 Y.,.I,.,..,14. 24 4 26 2, 30 I OF IGT OVUMUNXfl of Y*tb nt,r Mz7 hr4 I4r&$ B.irj *rma .etton.able00,..,......... p..Ia1 i.rvt.ea Par P1r7 P*s rbss ZvU Pb. azu Feet Th*?,..,..... O' ?H MU?I ?)XT z*i,ti.aaeix s*d Opthtos Of ft. $2 8.vteaen AniPvs*tn....... Cbsrsetujetl*a Of ?ke $8 rniUa4 An.e.ria 1.v.a roafl 1U1 1* Pb. Myrfl. Feint a, 40 40 40 4 4* 44 .. sa .i.*..iø.i. .. 0 0ro**. .,.. 1,.. Co.p.rtson of 4$*tt7 Co.psrt.o* of with Oaos htz'sm &k*Lo4,,,....,.1.. tss of $0 u.. .t a.o.1try * so 1*1ry Xstry 7ss.,...........s... . iro4uittoi c...rtaon of 'Top14id $otto* Aars$ 6.. Ti ...e....aa.'s ,,*e Teisnt..(*ris 0 rt.e*...,...... ,. . .. e A,$ Of mue,......... 37 Xafoz.c%ton 0* Qpe*$or Cbmnss,..,..,.... iO.' YQ*tb d*S1I. 0* 11.. Infor*s$to* .r41&t$ Ion. ovsv 14 iosn )f Aae,,,..,,,,.,,., .. 3a,' Z*iii.*'* Dt* ozt 10 u1ifte.$toni )f Totb To nt.r Dat17 14." Optaioiai t a Cozn*Mt; .,s........... £L . f farms 4$adio4 Zn osk .tbborboo* Ut Itjrtls Z'otnt 0s**tty,... A$O$ Of 10 DatZ7 1SX*Sflss........ii..i... Lsntb of Tias )atry srms*'s Op.vst* r.snt Iarm......,.. . v.rss Osin In To$s1 Jortb,..,,.,.,..,.,. Thszs a Saris Op.r'ator,.,.,.....,,.,....,. Ln*b Of ?jae Labor Hind y 31 opnaton Opers$or a.p1ao.nts by flars....... ,0*ØS pariso of $0 Dairy fs* Oporatar To ?ss$ 10 Y.ars And Pisno for $zI 10 T.*z$.,,,,,,,4,,,.,.....,,., s,...e., 4 U 23 48 *9 8$ $9 IMTRQDUCTX Purpose of the *i Before Ior]4 sr XX eonsidorsbia disiussiost took $se among arteUturst extension, fer,a esourity sd vocational ar.toltLtral to the that it ss boeoatn iAorsas.ingl.y difficult for 3'outh to booe established is ferrnin. D rinF the war thise nM sri,ultursl V. of the opinion t)at older non are etsyinp on t1ai they would under ordinstry conditions ti* prod uoe 200454 food for oar nation at wax. rae of t* gosle is the eiaostion of vur*1 yeath to o otsblish youn$ en 1* farming', Tory little ceams to have bees dons to u*sov.r fsots revonU.n the extent to wMah rural youth hvi an oppertuatty to be.ome estoblishid in fermtnp, In iba rt le Foist ooemunity, where dairytn major arioulti is 1 .nt.z'prtu, the qa.etiost is raisod Aft.T the war *hst?* how many dairy *eir*ers will retIre? Eow many youth wUl want to 15119 tars? What east youth ..t from dairy fsrsis? fhis study attempts to fisi some of te answers to these questions in the k7rtl* Point eounIty, 8ound pLsnntn followed by setton, which ttt lead to the setabflshmant in fursin of to ot competent rural youth, Is vital to Asartea's future. 3td has the fo11owin aosifie objsativu witk $ to the rrfls Point Cs&rntty; irnias the tarn sport zidsno prors for bs1ns1n partts4ar1y yozth, *urinl ths next 10 r To. 2. To obtaia fs,ate about 4siry tarn apsis 0 raplasese ats 1, To obtain Thats iititeh sbou duriu the pest 10 ear. to det.raiaø the ruzaber of r*plaae*aats at dalri fern operators durinp the next 10 ;sn. t o leternins the 4.'°. of epporton veterans *id oth*r yoitb to etsblisb t on dairy f in this stady inetu4 su boys or U years of egs who hsv s*t entered izp.* a lIfe's sac tutlsss othrviss iMiested. are they over $0 years of age. A r In this atMy Is o atek predosed poada of silk or 20 pouMs of butterfat La Approxiridily, this is one on ihieb a sp*nds $ o**1zsIf of his tt. aM rseD.s at least sne noose op. rea dsiryin tars of his own or dairy furs expertenee. An .zperienosd sd very Litt is Gee who hes operated adsiry farm of his own arhsshsdsnarnber.ty.sreof experienos as a dairy tars heM. gMA, aei qjr is the farmer's beit estimate of his gain fros dairylag on his present dairy tars. iryin is the pri*tpat eris4tursL Qoe* Oouaty b*aes of the plentiful zetniell soil, of the Coq4U sa6 Coos Ziv.r VCU7s and the ease with whiob f'*I$UXO 7 be m.i*$sino1 0$ a ralstiV* produettve ste, A ready market for u&itk is fM is the numeus obo*s* tutori* aM ,reameries five of are found 1* the yrt1e Point eoiumaatty, ?bs 1940 census reports Cee Cuty with 0 8 p.raent of the fame is Ore* persons of the popalattoa, 8 p.rsoot of the rural far. pepiatstton1 3 pflssst uf the rural farm pspalittoz betweas the su of le 30. littion Ooo Oount, bad (table I) p.roon$ of the pr0d13.1*1* 6 percent of the milk predosed 6 percent of the whole milk skippers, SOXI 0 O tLZ'I!IW Rural farm popttlatiott urni term popz1tiot ia the ages of U 30 7eir ?ota3. poptUt ton ed heifer. mILked Gallons milk produed 7 Go Oregen ,829 a8,283 $ 8,041 $ sa $ $ 1,089,684 : 32,166 a 243,G?9 $ 14,789 ; * I $ 449,364 :9,680,77? $ 64 f whole dlk Thus weru 9.3 sblpprs of whole milk to øreamsris dtetribaton and cheese fliatorise Sn Oos Oesnty *tning April 1944, / One'fourtb a3.O peroent) f thee, htpp*n hsvs farms in the iyrtt Point Oosunity. There wru 42,2. pszeet of tite shipere in 0es aonaty who pro$aasd 6,000 pounds of milk in April 1943. 07cr on,thjrd (38.? percent) of these larger shippers were in pJrtl.froMt oommnnit7 (tab]a 2). / / dsrs1 Ci** of 1940 Thj tture 4g not taelado cream shippers t period. Dsir7 horde in the Llir$1. Point oOisunit7 freshen $Ø$5* wh&t arUer t$sn in most parts of C*os 3amnty and SO'4U$$ 14 part for this high pezeensags, Tsbte a. ?azw 0*I1ift prt1 144 i1k Ia ?tte eta4 o oportor replaoenents on ary fans is the 1tynt1e Pøint sose nity iae dentaken 4unini Ui. qp of 1944 *d oovere a ten year pnied .ndtuj a It tnei8ee the optnton5 and ideas . dairy tanners, sea. mt*nit leaders, youth and wtd,h was. obtained thn1np the aionth of Jttty ari &auet 1944, ?bts Stud; W&5 a*ri't.d on by the field suriey sad qasttonnstre nethod. Pifty reps'e.entett?s dairy farmers1 tp)t oonauntty leaders aM U youth in the irfle Point oomur4t, wax. per*onsUy by the writer, ,zeetjonriat,e were rn*iled to ?O seryliemen who r.eIded in the Myrtle Point OotauMty. Iuform$ton was sthez'ed abo!at 1*411 faa, sah farmer and his fesil;, and the operators of these eo Information obtained from subsidy roo be Coos County Ariou2tural Adsat's 0 Lets Qui1 Le. dQrtn the past 10 years, as hosn in the qtzestionnsire o faziers' beet estizatitø were *ad ih** this ins the moøt ai0u2'$te intor1BttoR obtgtinab, ktt.r tnt :p'thwtio rds for 194 woro obtnin frr luea1 the appendix. Th fteu throah the pr iaeon of the faare Zaøh far,er ws eskmd it itS knew ai eaaj iont in tbe 80Z7&ee Who had up on dnirç farr3 In this aenmwni tad worked on dairy ra z' were in.reztd three In dairy f*ing. The nUreanae o theas bors were ty uiting or by preens1L sUin on their prirentzs or friends ta the ouit; A eloanairs a4 letter weo then il.4 by £aust 1 1944 to snob of 90 boys whose n*te s'td addresses bad beiu tsied ia this .ntiois aeed were *østued to obtain inforimfles their interests in dM27 tarsIn when they re boa rnioh dai:y farw experiense they had !rn4 nud usher estterw, In add ition, the asia of 13 youth now workini on dairy fnrns were obtained ar4 it were tntervtewad by ase of the seine ta.etionnatre. flpbt eosvinitj t.sdin were also interviewed / inolzzdin one dairy tars 1esdsr in øøb I and Loesi, reprsseitstivs 0 queetiozmsir. 3o $ sd Ltter in ?sraer qsstionnnjre o, 2 in £pp.ndiz, iozitcn'a1 80fl*7. * aei!hbormno, teadere core wtth te Oetu ric1t:rai aert, The bsr- Uiss of hit wouU be oxts1texed $0 the Urt1; 1ftt ernait were e.tcrvdr&,4 in eeaaul$*. poet offtes 1GI1 with tt Co*ut; p3ioi1tizre1 srto ty*rnrn,rt,ttton of øehoo). $U2eN' t$dt.I otiUdren were the tbrne iaIE'or p'cints used ii]. etui i hbotoOt wn be a pttciZs E winit. ooidare4 s rt of the ;rt1e je).eete (fipire 4Z i,borbood ti f!i (tU2"t%1 ne1bhOTbOO4$ tu the t* Pi.nt cawntt tted t 1rin, and eaeh OnlY O f these )ue s &2eeee ta.r; to w?teh e te restd.te ttsrket flrdd tlk. April sabst4r reerds from us five ehesee fseortee sve of *M fsrsre ebippin nt ).k 1r thee five risi ihborhaode, A eotuider. $bI* nabnr were tppt s ss1i esout 8* CZI f those b* prodtuIn! lees thaa 6,00fl notznde of Ld1 in April were COOS COUNTY Cheese Factories Rivers and Streams Neighborhood Boundaries 1 Arago Neighborhood 2 Norway Neighborhood 10 1]. 3 Gravelford Neighborhood 14 4 Catching Creek Neighbor.- 8 5 Broadbent Neighborhood 7 6 Bridge Neighborhood Total 50 Figure 1.-- Number of Farms Studied In Each Neighborhood of the Myrtle Point Community. farms farms farms farms farms farms farmø. T-- t:) aL to ppr .2ubet tros iij !tn tU iLi tie i&i .i;zU. fzo e*o ihit liMt, Us be1i: ..j in Li ,r1ez ot ciu hi J3U2 :1A !t' L t14 xIii- wih th. .aw bj tt apzozUattj 1/8 t itL1t tttj j&r it t b e x t:1ie4 pzt4* o miL.c zifl b. p4aød ii t *Ut ao1dta1. 8 1i* b øiry t* test te ibct 4. Th up*tus *4 pesL'z 4,OOQ 4,; rrt* nc3* JO;VO p)3L t b:Lt, X a1,y L ii tti.ta ttt3t ],944 tk. ;:i et ptzl re 60 øerts. tve.1 ::ii 1sai !x t 2'.G W 4"t )L' 1t; mn i,CC Le e1 srfl do oisto ** I1i frit 1f 'ort, e*r! httrtt j. LO cs ox dsir'nr porcsz%, G4i3 sjj47 e*ttt. t)t 'j4 tt,te tce f t at ss eettt *.v*is (e12 dtrj crk Ii, IoRtft *r* ? tuj rt 'f tp r4t'toe 1*r fts,i ilL $ vt fl4I Of te ttv re ti* withOf thrse pent cno.tbtr of *i*s d to t LOO perurt, 'voret1r &,000 T?.ii ifl fxs piadoo4 6,OO at idlk or eore 1r xii 194t G4iu poun4s No studies uld I of ei1ev tossi nst thrss p.opto of a, $, D.psrtsen$ found wh: so.,., ttzrsl eztusioa ieulturs Ya1iicgtoa, D, 0., asking rstion en t N t thi .01 liar iteas udios bat none were fortheontag, e., oM 1* was Lfld te 33$ on the "Cost aM 1fft.&ue Oregon" gives valuabLe tafertoa en faroth, / A stud; entitled Probleas, sad Interests of Uazeiud Bural Teeni 10p1I 1623 ieen of A", 1zWi*eton evvisa pressats "tti* started in a chosen veestio*' second iost iar$aa$ probtea of ruzal ycath £ survey by representatives of the Oregon Airiculturat zpsziaent Statien written by H. . Barrier and P. K. rsM$ of Or.on Stats CoU A survey in 1036 of four Oregon coantles, wTtttea by Barnard P. Joy s4 J. I, leek. Statler studios have bean in other Itste*. TIC cF UM tb iyr. )atr aZ it oi4t Z two kiada o sp1snd sad tw TUZ ooit of Aon*.r ie *uit p Iuotive ei1si& is osUed bott t s t.a.rs11r very C.rUs s.zd Ly prudtotivs pstre it L Aun4 Lti te viilleyo 4oj $tbtaxis ef 1iie dU,ø cive' ta4 1 Gverad b) Ltw rIb*$ris durLi the i114 vastaz uua ei 1saebør a: Jsnaa*7. eoh o LU.2. uroy,ez*d La fgd frtir & the r1erm sad *t:as ua hLpl,r prLAolsUy f3' Land beoaaa E1)4I it $4* 'Le need aeta1 ly baaass drier oLi earlier in . 4oa'erop1ax4 be aivu.4 14$. astare and bi'uøh 'z' Ltôr. It La ta.uid priwriLv foo$t4Us of the veiie:s sad nsaally to s1otr; s434n k erop0 It is often broed ver arid seeded to IUII4aed eeees At I)a mtosk sad trikr pstuxa. of j1wzd wbih Is patnreablo nuaLL7 V fron -enr to eur 4ependia npon the growth of brueb s tpo the 2arner'* s1ssbtn, bnrnin sad sø.4tn proi. One fn b8 no bottos ereplaM; 21 bed ao bill. or beneb croplsnd and 11. bad as son.orop pastvs 1tsbM3), .b10 3. Tot3 Asj rient4 ,te4;, mttK t$ft. of tb 14t larper dair7 fanu th The eommi not rereøentat1v. of he C34 t1k sbtppe t $ki sr, beaeaee it 4oee *ot rpreaoM 67 of tbe msIt hvO. eel 3rt4tme ebippire. rte nueher of coire mit scb farm In 194$ wts taed In order to obtaIn co pzoauetion r.oerls (tebls 4), U nusiber of OO1TØ 1i thu *$blC 4oø$ $ IZarl. . £vers ldp1 9$ boWman us$2 eowa us on reeorde or 1944 male 4arIn aøt so1*** beosues the ieer at 2944. A total of 3?l,7 of butterfat wire pzoduo4 Tbta means the dairy farme of the in 1943 0* 49 farms. omsucity produced approximately 1.000.000 Mtl* to $ of butterfat annually. o.r oms'bslf (14.8$) of tba butterfat was produsod by ieee than ona*fourtk (24,9 percent) of the dairy fsriers. bs svorspe prodas 11 tian p.z' cow tor 1943 was 266.2 pounds of butterfat (tabl. 5). tjouoa ?sbl* 5...P Saline kepreentsd-9$lbs. butterfat Bibest Par 1,28* lbs. butterfat -u' 7,68? lbs. butter at 4,989 lbs. butterfat 7$ of the fazie usr 8O00 lbs, butterfat. Lowast Averae Production Uedtan Producttoa. j (slQ1fl ttO O 4inoe the bottom oropl.ind is relativity by far the most productive areae, a crpsrison may be made btwe*fl the number of cows and the sores of plowable bottom lend, Table 6 shows the number of urea per cow, Table 4" 6.0 acres per so rpes Smallest 7$ bsWa 1,3 .5 acre per cow 2,0 scree per cow 2.5 sores pr cow. PotUóii.eords were obtained from cheese feetories except for one fluid idik producer whoes prductton W80 estimated, R.ode were unobtainable on ens tar.. In th 10 yei (Ja1 1934 to J4y 1944 or U peroatt of t. f.ri etudie iueriseid an of 77 sore., 38.5 of wtob wee bet ton eropLand. $e,*n of thee. US or 54 persont now nave 36 cows or non. Only 4 p.reent decreae.d asreas 4tzrtn this es period, avers1np 12 acne, U of i?is wee bottom. Thi inoesøe in aarsae took p1so dtntn 1936, 1937 and 19381 also dtri 1941 and 1941 vttb two s: oanee in 1944. The ol4est dairy farm studied started GO years ao and tkie yoznsst me year ado. sviras 1. of tins these farms bad ben dairy fares was 40 ysea'., tour.fifthe had bess .y*rated as dairy farms from 50 o 50 year. and half of the.s bad been operated for over 50 years, labor, hlre4 seasansl of let rsqi4r not 60.s ft Also ocopatton*,, sprtoultursl of m$30T1t7 the tsn 1ra 1crez 3rsd etazrdns phyeicai rats rsqa3ris 4airytn that feet the b expisthod be Tkts census 3940 the to a..ord1n ,ssrs4tfter'srtee $0.8 ii Or.goa La farmers at ag. fl - (thur. over, or o r 1igur.*.Iaeeoft9 ycunper or 30 were percent & jre only 60 were 'ereczt 1$ w)i1e tnc1uave0 6 and rgeo tb.e beteeu were pereent) ('78 three'fcsrthu etru, 48,2 of ui Tert ay. z'ltb urt 69 to fro*i rsco8 fcruere d*1r E0 the tce The Ith The loagost anp fermer td opsrste 1a present tUII nere had movet on to their fa ias 34 years aid tour rjtn the met 6 months, LI The av.rap. 1en$b of tt oper3tore bad spent on their prenei*t tars was O.4 jean. qeary oxebat (48 pernent) bad epezalad their prean tnr four years or less (figure 3). A total of 44 pilsent ad never operated any fare the one tbsp were st the tine this study was Piar a.- b 0 ieD. e.a._ -. 28 a S rusr to Ji4y 1944, Th* irest,. AOt O,OOO. TIa Is oi*r ezid i1cve sU expenses 4Lr$ 0z$IA on. rs the ers *tLok tUe irez red 1e *rm. )oar vi the ftft: fsren he.& ban or tc)etr t.x eiz ontkø sti -eze dLsz'e.rdeU in tota JQLO ZL $tIL LU tG$1 vozfl. n. h.zez' li4 beA u 14s tE1+Zo or tLari eb w.nts sbwe1 a. e vzes btit no farsse &ot a in ttsi worth wse et tvez*e iiz In tot1 worU per .sr fox axq on. frw we's bOO end t. lowest, sirs, ha 6,e2,8e tx pey per f'arM Pt5 9U. Ovu eu.ftftki 1 161 PSZ'*eUt) Q thi aiz'y fa'wvm Mn.4 as sverse of a ear or re (ii rs 4), ttre 4,." Toabe Avc2,e Ct in ao Years 8 Jarm Oeei 3.onsat tim, any of tbe farmers i*t.rvi.w4 had ereted a farm wee 4 years, Thi shortest was six months, The average length of time they had been term operators was 2.7.6 years. Only six pireent b.esms tore from 1920 to 1925 ftn* from 1930 t, 2.935. etriktri uniformity between the ndmbez' who bepa farms in the other five year periods b.Ws.a 1910 tø 2945 (±i8are 5). Only six peroont had farmed more than 34 years. 1 gu'e 5. "*Yeare a r* 9!!ratior 12 2.0 Number of 6 raars 4 43 1one* any 0 rator had be isiry rmer and the short six montb, A total of 64 p. h*ve been dairy farmere since they began Zarm1n aYer'ge farmer had 16.3 yesre experience as a d ps rat or, The It Qf the $0 farm ep.rstsre iatertiwsd 20 x's teanats aM 30 or 60 p.reeat were owners the tenants was utin as rnana.r and sas of the partner, Only one fuimer was * part owner a oorisiderad as an owner fox paoses St this it The sveraa si of tenants '5* 42,4 years as I to 48.0 years for wneri Owners 0* their present farm 33,8 years, an sv.ras. of nearly foa' times 1oner Pi*a tenants, wbo averaged 3.8 years, feasats have be.n farm operators an sxa of 32.9 years while owners hsve farad for an average of 20,0 years. Owners had an 3Vt** gain in total net worth of 8,611 while tei*a*s mad *3.634, tens$ farms ehanged hands an smrage imes in Last 20 years as ootnpsrsd with Ø, few owners (tab The ayee age of tenants in Oregon is 44.2 yeats; part ownars 49,2, years end full owners 82.6 years aeoordtn to the 3940 coasus, QUest (yasre) Touna8t (7 Aezae (.ss) bid. 4$ 7.In 1$) Pmeant lums hartaeb (yesrs) Ioitgsat (yaea) 34 0 13.5 3$ 4$ (7.arI n4er 15 7I*X$ I a, (yasre) $bortet (pears) AVSTSE. (years) Under 34 yaar* () 0.5 $ I ta ?otsl Worthi Arse Ito, of ttsi P.roeatsp at ft : * $ * * $ .xapi; Peroetapo of all Osn 6$ $ Rtthiet (6oUsr) Loset (dcliii's) (*flen) Ur 4,p.* dollars QpArator u, * $ *0,8 30 30,000 1,000 80.1$ 21 as and A l'smi Oh S ohiidr.n 1Sving, 55 f whea ughtere, an average of sttghtl one eon and one datzghtir sash. Although there were ye basbelors, 37 of the had si] the obii hi. 8). 90 pe as were married t had ohi1drn 56 prnant bad sons Y4pe 60 percent had daughters ran: Oiieot...,..44 Youngest.,., 1 year Averagi ..,.17.8 years ]O45 years 76% ba$we gsa of '.44 01 Yo are et..... I year Qilóe%,. ie......].9.4 years 6 betwee 1 em 7052'V 76 between era; 71 I t is rsoo2nissd that tb total of nfl the these dair' will have is lar8.r *hs eoo of the obtidren bars not yet been born dtermin the average airs of a dairy far!ser'e family a lifetimi, the ohiUren of those farm,n 4 years. sal older were tabulated, One.bslf or 25 dairy fereere were 45 yeirs old or older, with an sverge age of 82.9 years, These far?,r$ had 37 sons an4 26 daughters or an of t'io a oneubsIf ebtidren ,.r fai1j; how..r, 20 poreent tt ot have any obtidren. The sp. of thees obildrsu was 21.4 years with the boys averaging 21.6 and tho 2trla Jl.3 years, The youngest obUd of these 28 farmers is tips years old. ?e ibr..*fourths (76 psre.nt) of the operator spent all of their produotive time working on the farm, One ou.t of ivory ten spent 54 persent or lees of his lime on the farm, Tb avirg. tin. spent on the fax. 88,5 peroent, Qver oa..tbird (36 persent) of the farre* a tees than one month of bted labor duriflg the avera ear. The war baa enoa raged zehenps of 1obr ai ts labor was not tholuded b*eatise the opsratr retyne4 it, An sv.rep. of 9.9 months of labor was hired by the $0 detr'j f.rm opertrs, *4a1f of the termere htrtn 1br hired either one mouth er 12 mou$ke of 2abor (fiiir. Ptar, 6.. OPB.iIATUB R12LAC3MNTS QN PARMS 8TUDZD ! t1fl That hae hspprnt.i on the rtt. Point 4*iry fsrni resrdin operator repss.o.nts durizi the past 10 ye*rst T srer this Qta.etion, six 4U*.tIOn* wi ***.4 of pz,senb oper*toyi, nsiphbori or owners 4epeadLn en who eotiZd sp1y bbs information. Th questions rerding the operatoe at the pest 10 .ars wer ow aZT 0bs1415 Were made and in what yisn 4lij did the pest operator leave? Who took over the farm? 4. liow did thi xohsne take place? 1, Thor. 414 th* pest Operator pa? 8, Ibat hsae in t.tue (t.nsnt*ovner), if any? The t1lowii rsp1aoceute 4tz'trt this 10 wire toand to have tsk.* ptaoe 82 pero.t of the farau oha%ped oparetora, 73 replacenenta were made in operators on these farms, 20 r.plsnern.nts wore Me on fit. farms, 90 peroeat of te tenant farms shanped operators 43 percent of the owner' farms ebaaed operstors, 28 percent of ttø t*nant farms ohaned only anoi 6 peree&t o the owner farms nned only onac. Th* oh*ni in ol re from 1930 tø l944 took ph ratter untforsily, rn from four ohsnps in 193w be ten abanE., in 193? and 1941 (fiare 7). Tie svera. ueb. at spsr $e oorpariso 7.3 per year'. from Jnly 1934 to Jaly 1944. f owners end tenants in table 4, 8 Ua'r 00k th*n on-thfri! 1zce beoai.a poor ueziønt c the oertors. eeIve b' mc,i ro e pexeext rctired fzi a lite uotnt) , tvo ot t? ü&a (2O. One out of ee dctr ttiTor8 or bijz' ft.z te1ire *.z!oan$) west, to Wttez znit'. adci1t1osI, 23.? trtx1 to w ois1nt' oopett*t P003? o ise ret!.i.ntp were Ible Thr V.6 rrerco:t the obaxgos tid t.stb eatm.1 d. & P3?Otit&10 5*I WILl the rw*aon or ,$ p.r*i aut 4.2. percent ehzape1 bOLtI* ot poor k.4ti in the't1y tcoe1.aneo inuftn a frei gtier, to btysdk t into two u4ts *M 1.av form ma6e *p rJ t'erceit (tb1ø 9 t Tabi. 9.. F did the pa Poor man een Moved to ort bitter or btper firm t1rs4 from tsrmin Poor loses a Death o1d for business reason 8joknei U 10 7 0 34.2 80,6 i 13.7 t 9.6 6.9 : i. 6.0 4,1 1.0 In toI1y )JIieoIllauioue Who took over tIe ferm? zperI.noed dairy firmer Xnezp.rienoad 48ir7 farmer 40 26 $ U.e 34,1 & flow did the mhsnge take plies? Person kuon by operstor or owner Person unknown by operator or owner t.s3, estate esn t 78.1 13 $ 1. * 0 * i,e 4.1 814 the pest operator to? To farming i1*.t.r or other 000ap*'n.s To another dairy firs in this oanan. Died To tbe fering In Is a 1t7 Changes in tian$ and owner operators Proi tenant to tenant 62,4 28.0 9 2.? Pros owner to t.nt Prom owner to cner Qf the 73 fsr*re wbo began fermiat on these 80 farmi duziri be boat 10 years 12 (18.1$) were yoatb, seven of the youth were heirs, five hung oone and two / ntn4ve. Thu youth' ages rsg.d from 19 to 33 / ee papa 3 for definition of youth in this stud years when they staited farmtng, evørap lip yars. The sverae ape of the heirs vas two years oL4*r or 2$. yera. Søven of the 11 routh em still dairr funing 0* these tarm. Thr.e of thea are owners arid four are tásn farsad an sveraps of 4.9 years arid ande an avarage yearly trisoms of 97O (table 10). operators Over OAeIbir4 (34 pero.nt) of the They hayS who took over a farm were tn.xperi.noed at dairy fardng o judged by the p.r'son .snppl.ytn the infertion eble 9). Relation $ Youth Youth 8o* 30* 3on Total. $ Tenant : ?lzuint * Owner a Qwner Ow'ier * Tensat * Tinsat 00$ $ 1,083 * ;oeo a 710 * $00 $ 1,010 a * )vez thret"fourths (78.1 p,ree.nt )of t:* repiseemin took pines between peopl. who were aaqnatnt wIth seek other before thi possibility at ohanh. at operatore O*C up. Of the renainini 21,9 pereent, L?.$ prssnt won exohaged through friends, advertl..msnti, ito., vttii on3.y 4.1 poroent were handled by real aetat aante (table 9). Two reasons assa spsrent for this low p.roent.i. handled by real estate asnte. Oi4r opsrn tor &ansi were emsidozed in this study, Often ftase tenant piftoOg shane owners and asy or asy not ohsn#s psr.tors aM 41 of the 3 operetor ahsnse were fran tinant to 4 te.iant, and otdp 21 were %roa owner to owner, it is ass believed that ral sttits aunts handli more of the issUer places which were not s041141r1d La this study. Over tbr.,*ttfthe (61.6 poroant) of went to feitin elsewhere or changed their ooeupatina, Another 28,8 percent moved to another datry farm La tbe oornunity, while 6.9 peroent vera deaths, and 2,'? person nt.ed other tpoe of fnmtn in the eossnity (tabli 9) Of th ?3 operators, 43 wire tensats who took over the farm fror another tens eddittonal Ia eh4ted fron o'nez' to tiatnt as oonpared with nine from tozisad to owner, Only 11 of the changes wars tram owner to owri,r in the case o a tetwtt fan the new tenant asy have kAowfl either e operator or the rnor, iCIr..fl £iuo 54; 0 SUO C) fltIi11M )!Yt&O I Qg LZT.P IIZ*WiU3 14 u; i. 1 u;szsd0 54 ;u;o 0. U°1 * szss flo us*.t ;o sq £z;sp szornxv ) ($toexsd p,q pus uo a.wzs; puq sq suos u; ozee u; ;o ;o suos U; g' tzus b&oR 5U0I q$3o14 eucs u 30 0! *acT*z fle Lzujw ZiL.ts; *q 1 005 30 Sq; ij *is aaoq UO I$SJ23 put 5$ upiw v ti;o ;c ao. c £*urs s' swoq b5.X4 30 bW84 a; j eoAzs zsq,j bisz& SliP *1* Dt5 £uo jo eq ues psq ($u..zsd 30 5O0 oa piaq 'eu peq s!ea u O*5i$ SUOS dau$zd Ta 4$ *X 2UflZ01I 0J *a $%uazd .bq$ *i*T*3 Vt bUG UO* 4 s s sitosdso:t £z; Z*!x$3 Ufl$a ;o øq t U51132s3 p'q ta sue U0j 30 om az. cit xq; i £q; p v; , woa.q v t 4kZITw *0IM*a ia pm euoa oqm q sz.0 ;o t z'p ij pq o auos oqa zo*I.ido u 54$ $ZU t ur £z;vp oa* 'sto. Ut .i* sx.0 ot it pu %* po* . p.ez.;u; ot ezv.t fl .ae.L $t1 3H Of tbeio ,4 eons the fathers saId two ooaU finefto tbeeselveo 2nd that they ocaU fisnoe Mms sore 1esia three who oot1d neod otibside tinsaeLn. )n. of thes* three rae the eon of * father rith two eons iatsrstod in becoming dairy tars operators. Table 1.1. 3arnber e1esd operatta dairy terms ooaaw4ty' Nteber of eons in the armed services Lvera e ses **. th*mb. of eons at horn. AYe?ftjS $5$*søi..*. Vorkjn for Zn psrta.r ip..... ITizaber deeirin to besomø dairy term operators 1* *zt 10 ears. o *ss itomber of themes Ives' ath*n can fimsneii "At what *dS ehozzid a dairy farmer ret trs" ,naw.y to this question of optnton so terser said yoaapr than 50 years, nor d 14 any farmer say older than TO years. or onetbixd of the farmers (6 percent) said a dairy fartt.r shoulá retir. at 60 years øf age; percent said 50; 16 pero*at said 50; 1.0 percert said 65 sad 1.0 percent said ?0. The svrsgs age for retirt eat was 0?. yea Nearly O$5.ii.bftlf (44 of tks ore mrs 47 pears old or older a4 therefore aoeordtr to t1e farmers' opinione shoald retire in the next 20 years. Over on..half ($4 pezoont) of the farmers were withis 10 years of the age whoa they said a dairy farmer sbotld retire, teven (14 percent) were the ape or ndieat*d by thea for zetireasat, p When asked what their plsn* were for the sazt 10 years 42 peroeit tndtoatsd thy planned to eta; and operate their present fara 26 p.rsent plen044 to retire or ohane 000ipationa 16 psrent planned to change in the aoasnnity; la pezoant plaimad t turn over the farm to their eons and four peroent planned to 8 i* partnership with their eons (table 12). & oonsid.rsbls degre, of uniformity of what bappa th* past 10 years as eoip.irs4 with what is planned Luring the next 10 years is notiasabji in figure 8, / n.e e tars. atadied had '73 tars eperston the past 10 years, the aompsrtsoa ose be suite o*ltaring inflating the plans of the psent $0 farsars to '75b7or redtaojg*g the '73 farmers to $0. If lbs 73 fsrsrn are riduied to $0 for the ask. of sosparison it is neese. usry to abtraet the number of f*rmers tfat 414 not ahange (19) and then oopute the pIre.ntaEe of the remaining three gronpe and multiply .ash by $1, the number of fore oat of $0 that changed bands at toast onc.. umer I Did slay and operat Will stay and operate Did have farm and ohange ooeapatione,,. . . ., . Will leave farm end obange ocouputiona.. . Moved to another dairy farm in the oournuzrttty-.,.,. Will move to another da farm in the oommtmity..., Turned over to heir or 0 -,1/III,h 1 went in pertnerebip.,.., Will turn over' to heir or go in partnerehip.....,.. Table 1*. Do yoa plea to: 3. Stay and op.rat this Tarn lease to sos or take him into partnershtp Leave and buy a dairy fera.. Liave and rent smother dairy farm Leave and retire or ohange oacupstions-. Other plans- Owner Stay and operate this tarm-.Sell and buy another dairy ta Turn over to son or son-tn-law and r.tire-.'Go in partnership with eon or Sell, and retire or change 000upations--.-Bexit 3.ese and retire or obange occapstioui"ut'T QV1OS 0? IIG CIWLU I L ut1o; 0 louth T iht coa1nIty or nøihbo$iood 1.Mue were qaeett,ned repazdig ther oDinlone on youth and 4 / In eewr to the tieetjon $ qasUtjos$io*s 8b)L1d 7Oath hayi to enter dairi fsratn In tbe )lyrfl* inp. Point )omrnnei1ty darIri the next 1.0 ysurer' uv.n of *1 tht lssd.ere anid he ehoold hse a b1 ubool daest1,n with rioultursi, $rat*In J One loader mid ,,t least two 7a*i$ ot ooUee, The opInion ma ages of youth to besoas a dairy fara operator rsng* from 18 to 28 years, the avera. 22.6 year.. Thre..totrthe of the said fx &1 to 24 years ma I as All of thi leaden felt a youth should have at least three years of xperjino after 15 years of ape, and one thoub$ *8 saab as 10 years before beoemiap a dairy farm operate; iiith full rseponslbflj$y to; him farm, Thø sVa;ape was 5,8 years of .xpsienee, Sn sbou% youth were ivea a000r*tn to the leaders' pi'ilons on the average 4s1r tarn yoath. The )(yrtle Point union High Bebool baa a voostlonal agria z1ture department, zo us .*i& £i.p 0* 11$ ' eu zi .q *' p*$ *uo.zsd oQj 1Z** øq ; O'* SOT*d p.;j.b i; z.q% a.qat pess Lz;p o p*lt oq* q;oL zo Lz-çep M pIuo - stttA *Tlu'tflu t%IT ooqo qag. £.o ;sge jo *;j tu UOUfl %U0J qo;qi .y s o ou.q. esu ØTq* " 'd!2A .1* qi w .ø,1z '9 I $9 ,tB $BI I* 'o;*1$ $ ;* too;ic. ød* q$i* 104tu ;eas. q* os $14I 9 £ 9 a I 9% I at qa oaqoi t;v '(Err tes, u* 'zisoq IueIz;.*u *u..a.d og o* .a; o*9id ps3tz uo3upIo wo1 ze Li'p e uwooq .xoj.q uzo ;q jo Pt°L$ O$ *â 0 Lto sLa; ?' .'rvoø t--4e-a.. :very 1øA1ir ft t)tt retnj rver wo peG*LZ pctt bQ ørv1as .n ,w.*..** - ditr- ep eIou1d be Q1V1 e!.*tftl ty rtr. eieri *v&iib1n 3rlp Qo'tnfty -mkd bow t tie icrr øiou14t iofl, ZOO pQrcet an iJtjl r ¶) . $1;4)8W, 'tr!-t t4 : t irt f*!1t ftvc! Q &,t'.1 t:T 4) rn, -O?t'i ttu, vv eon to :t :- tiey. t di e f; Gefl b.). f1 T:t 1 to ba wLo !1 tirmn'0 ?r: iøvr fu*PX t ther;e $j,: n1t v- iu4s' !,u' bie t £t.c' wro itt1 t 43jr tt, c I!. ' Z 3Q111 2flT ! titrp'ete4 0Th 4, iivLo tsrr s rry bfr 50 :I! * ' Pi 3 4fl.i t th) ehouLd t e-4! n, DOPI. 1it O?I. ho SO 1.. uz in the otve n Pwt Yes yrn to the quettrn, tW$ try Psrrs Thzi'sbaee U leadere eFt more 4siry farr piix'oh*a.d daring th* pee$ ;,sp thss izi &ior4 ttm.s?, live of the tlht følt dairy fsras had pzrohs,d moat of tboe fazts. Then was oUnsl6.reble varistlo* lit their opiztton s to whither loasi bustaise mon or oitetd. spoUs$ore bad pnnobas.d the uez$ moe tndtosttn that thesi p&u'oha.ei war. about .qez&Z in the aversed opthtus o tue.. leaders o Jalr 1 to Jttly 1V44. Dø 'oa tta 10 Viii be snOib saitiefotory youth Who o dir7 frm after the varf.Tec fad 1yi2 ou Do thrk of tam tvaiibIe for qualifIed thcrc *Li0 aeqt.ats eaas *Ysttabi for fin,zicgn qt*iULid persona iho ay d.t& to oiir dsir- Srmtn& In lids oosnity 4urig the next iO boa1d rtu'ai 5ervioeen wbo desire to op,r dairy farms bi gtven epeoIi oonaiderstton vhsn they tu .0*.. .0 .0.0*.0I0.0*.p.0.*..0 .0.0 00 0 In what we ebuid the oommun.tty helpa .Jivarw tel iN - .0* eip in obtetnin, ioaa.s*.... Guidano, in 1oent1n a datr7 Ucip in ett&n1 stte*... oae a.*tttenid )th.r sseietsness 8hou3,d ngrioaitareI aioies a oaani ty i vs ep.e tat earvi a rvi'i the oti2A these se aarrt,es he avai isb )2er quallftt,d yowl$ een...- If enottgh ds demud bQlzi 411 *5 are not aVailabl, to er dairy frrns a. . . to 40 1?t VMPrII U! fir? The naree aid södraeise of ;tath ss wt had ltve6 oz' worked ar 18 ea on s dstry fr or 4t*ret,4 in iaIr Arjn wer obtsinsd .z'e bt3.o .akin tte suvey o the 50 d&Lr taziss. A a.etioaasU* aM a fnm lettez' ,/ TerI taild to 70 f theac oa$b ie re In the axue4 sr7iooe, sd 11 sf11 1ivi In the ouai $ vaxe per neU Ln$ervis*.4 3? the 70 ser?ie.asn, 40 *ere overseas sad 30 we % th* LU!Itad 3ttCs at h t1I the let$er were mat 1e4; J answered the e.tiaaj and 1.5 o tzi snrnrers zaeivd wc,re Zro*a yetzth overuse. Ohstf thae ot serin wiotu a lst$er she sid ten their qt.sttonnaU' airmail, Thie0 topether witi the aot thtt 83 p.roet a*i4 they vo4d lik, to reosive II opy of the etud7 I.ntots4 oonsiexsb1* interest. t Zn answer to questi 'Are yota 'oin ntrete in )AZRT fszmtn to itke * Uvin within xezt 10 7Gev.?", ne3r17 , 16 - 57 Apps two.thtr. (U snew.r.d "7est' r4 tive oo oaid 'po;;tb1Th, AU b of those wI,ti t.ercd "e' ito4 th4 ho ate to icft'y term tn t!e rtie Peitt eoivitmtty !Vh ske1, .Tt 7OEt are a,t irttereøtei in ,'ut 'vtll rou be tntreetid th?, t*n of $hse who ftrmW? t deir fsrt in4$eted another oen*tn,g ohoioe. flert dtflerent oetin ire ttstet by the 19 arwqrjn this neetion, Pt*y tndje't$ed 'ntiattoa" snd three t*ors dnoetto", Tb qta*$t,n, D O1Z fee). yoa. kn. enouph about dr fu,in! tn the Mrt1e Point omuit to make ).tvin"1 wee arisverd 'yea $ ere.i$ of those Who wished to dairy farm. Only toir Lilt they asoded b 8). ti'tha experionee end trai*in Pi1e three or I*4 they would like to have more traiathp'*the s'vers tine ueinj ,1 l,fl!th Une4bird of t?ess louth had plsn* to go in psrtir ship with their parents darin the next ton 0 The evarse a of youth anwerin the questiost. nairs was 484 y.*rs Tb. oldest wee a sad the yaw*est 1? years old Cever foua.ftfths (81 of the youth were between lb and at years of ags The sw.rm boy had 4/8 ears of farm erperienee after 18 years e are, 4.. yoars of this betn. dairtn. v,ry boy had eaat two years of farm experierioe and on1 two boss 0 dairy farTa expertsnee ver boy had aduated from ohoo1 and 8 per'oert had prsduated tram hi ehool.. Only on, boy no hth eoho1 tr$inin at al *its seven had co11eje tratniag, but none had crsdizat.d from eotlep. JIhile 86 peroent had 4aM olub work for an sver of four years ,aub, only 28 peroect had bsøn 4uH dairy oLtb members, A total of 69 pexoant had vooattone1 aErielt.rat tstntp in biph eShQ011 bnt only 31 pee.nt had oip1etd all tour years Oi.r folri.,fiftbs (81 n 2o.nt) of the boys snsw.z had parete who had dairy farmed in the Myrtlø Point an averape of 15J years and 89 percent of th parete are attfl dairy friin ! in the community. T The writer tttervjewe4 p.T.a ally eleven of he 13 yonth 1ivin in te Myrtle Point oounity whose nsres were obtained from the 80 dairy trmers surrejed 1tht of theas youth were livtn with their parents on airy farm and one 'vea workjn on a dairy ttrm. / *c *pO of the youth hi. to obtain en interview with ta The other Wo were in other ooupatione, ?hir aa rarped from 19 to 20 y.ari, averin1 fl3.6 yetrs. Every youth had had et lanat toix ;eare of dairy fetrm per1sn rd o yoath had had anv other tern ezperlnoe. They 4 all praduated from grade eabool, six had radaatid from hi aebool and three bed had eo,e high sehool trsiain, Thre. had been 44 dairy olzb me'børs and four bad aen Voetttjonsl açrtanitae in hiI1A sehool. £11 b$ one of the youth have parents who have dairy fa the Myrtle Poit co unity an average of U yeare, r2 are atill ittry frming in the ooniuity, Tog of the 11 yotth plan to dairy faro in the rtle Point oomnity dtiflng the nert V) Mh f theae y&uth felt ho knew to make a ettetseto , and nre felt they needed further trsiniab ight planned Itth their perente to dairy term, Pour liv.i wnrs plsnuin to go IA prtnsrsb1p, end four were i:iflg to take over the boe fsr*. 44 0$TI3?.It DAIRY 1ACd Th* svrsi dairy farm baa 148,? mans, 0.0 01 whteh are oroptand bottom. The oroplaM so from ,tht to $00 sores, av*rsin 6$,g Pa? fuii, *0W. whiib pa'O. 2. Th* $VIT5!I der'7 ,587 pouido o btterfsI a. year or en sVeraG of 266.8 pozns of bt*tt.ifat per sow per 6IU3S The number of eaws re.nje from *1* to N psi tarn end the butterfat yield rsue 1,286 poun4 from to 33421 p00*41 pea' yosa. 8. Thea's hoe boon a tendency tsr dairy fans to Incroase in soreos duta* the pet 3.0 " S flAIltY B8 3.. The svera dairy farmer was 4$J years of s, Only six psaesnt of the dairy farmers were 30 years of a whit. 16 peresat vex. skfl $0 years, The sv.rsi. l.mith *1 time dairy trmere spent ca the some fare sea 10.4 y.srs *tl. the avers terrier had spent 16,8 years as a dairy fsrti nir epoit sz svera at 18.0 operator, yeare while teanto sen rz o.t 1. 3,, Tb verae istn tn total, net worth pe fa frog o t. $s,eoo hwer of the f,ere atM ted bagsn f*z'eitn the fLy. 7C* pezto4e froie 920 to 92$ and 930 0 951 theai dL1rin *e*y five yur period ITS 1110 to d*to, Y0rti peroent of thO faro eperta ,*N e.n.te nero an sere of 6.6 years yoenz' thais ownor and had been ta'* opera tore 7.1 nan less. Tmat fsrs a hands three ttaee a. as aim or terse. I Qstry tars opera t oro had an swere pe of one son daubt.r eseb, stboijh ?4 peroant of the farsors bM all the ,htUpee. ft. era s and ira of these shiUr isa 1?0 A tta1 of sa per. operators l.a th. past 10 7.*rs, Apprutaa p.rsan$ of Ibo Ssrss shanled heads eneb of the put opera tore or leave priasrily beesuse of poor asoapaant ebtie were Myaniu theasely.. by msto Is befte faz La the eanmoz1t. retire4 frm strjin. 5. Ovez one.thb of the new apez' uars wore iuexprt.ned at lstry trminjj. 4, Lose tban on.eixtb of the new operetori youth. Apprezjssits]y two4hir of these 71 were heirs. Oler tbrsefoartbs of the ohanhos took p1a between people who knew euh other. I. Thieø out of Y917 fils operators balmS * U* aoved froa the oowntty or et*a* seoupatto*s, Over on.hsZf of t)* *hsns. were fros oso tii*z to *other while only about ono.stztb were fros one owner to snotbor, rnua uATm one. tftb of the farsers be * so aa WO.fif the bs* $ son over *4 years of The faroers cefteatsi that er*e12 t of th, eons wortla be iitoreata4 in dairy In next *0 ;esr 2. The oversjsd opinions of the dairy tMioets4 that retire at fl.) years, ry for* mi the nut 10 ysers, over onobst p'an to reaai on beir ss* *Ov to another f* in the ozdt7, Oo.)ar$b will ztis or ,haai. 000pstton* aii4 lass tha* $ foirth wilt ather turn ever the fa!a to their eons or 'o Lu part*enhip with thea. OPXSIt.Ii3 Ci? C 1. Xiz the avezi4 opinion of e?it eoaa*aity a outb to be qusliftil to aztor fmic lt this ooauu*nt$ should have a hi ebool eduo*tioA with urtoaltarsi txeLnixz be 22.6 7ettrs of ape Ye 0.8 rearn of dt1ry far xperiene aft. you's of ape aM be abl* *0 rn1ttlh 28.4 pereeflt Of the ospitsi lave.tiaasit, The .oun1ty leaden an*n1jiowiir spread that r.trninp 0rYieøaen *o wish to Ls1r7 tess aoul4 bsv baip in obtainjip sattabi., in beating a dairy azs *n* help in getting etutad, sad that sprieultnxst spenei serving the eon*itj eh,aU otter apsetsi rvteee. 3. A asjority of ooiunity leaders felt Id be a sattsf*stor fs*ilys$is.4 m aft or the war and the I M*q ttets asus ftaazotn wore avaiib1a XR8 A ALIIZ8 Of MPfl A&O* of 03 'oath to b4 Ui4 or work a iatx'y fari or wars lz*taru*ed La dstrtn 1* the rrtt. ?oint eommwdtr war. obtaijs4 fros th dsir fsrn.ra tnt.rvi,wed. live ott of ivaxj ix of tbee oatb were in the smio, hire. of th serviasn srmv.rin lb ettoaueire t*diote4 that tbe wotU be eatd in 4atrin to .ks a Ztv1n in the *ezI 0 ;ers. Ap,reziz&$s on.he2.f of those lntereot.4 in dairy faratna 1an to go in ohip With tbsi psre.nts 3. The s,erago ego of suitesams siaewerthg the 4aIetiGfl*eis was £2.4 Jssrs, kevtn 2 datri t072 eZpeVi anus after U **'$ Of ft parsent b* Matd fru bL eabuol., U pareo*$ hPt been dairy 4afl asttb,a. sn 32 poro*ztt h4 0o1.ted four years of voesftonsl sgne1tn's1 treinind in high aebool. 4, Dyar ninety p.rost of the youth reaniniia in th Vyrt1 Poist oownity p2un to isLr1 faze in the 'Ii ta iq x.4* £ZU uo tzs eDaz.dxi j (;uz.d ;o ;* a;øt ee qoS %XS1Z oia*mii *72 ¶ ptrsters detry ta lap o ebont 1? year Of VhØ fiv* re *?4 tee t 10 1. a total of 30 rid fran datr1zip teen easier tion or a life at 1sier wall 33 7**tb dsir7 tiratnp. 3 Approxiestely tvo)i4 of *11 dat a deaire to es$sbl1eb therne.lvse 1* 4stry trm1ap d*irtn tns next 10 .nri. U re)leeeterate oO.cttnt&e *4zriAf thi next 20 yea as dzrInp period ateidled thin will be 2?4 opportunities for a person to beta dairy fatz! Less then oneftfth or 3 of these opport,nitjie will be taken b7 yatb unless youth inaxe tip a hi her percentage than d ufl the piat years. Gven one4a11 of the yoath tntente4 in da ing in th* nezt 10 years or 8 azprsss.4 an intention to e to pertnereip with their parents or taki the 5. gore yotix tiot th.y wait ei$ in the szt 2O .&rs ta1øL kve zLr7 trIn In tbe past 10 ,,øvz. o. aG 2, TotsI S 8. Oz'aplatad surs sz,s oa t1) cta1 bet tos 1ard ( ets1 bne aM tfl Te$a1, sars uf no**Srop 5, ltD*b*r of ,ow eotp silk ta 1943.- Juaber o paw4e at ba$trtt pza4iia*d Ia llusbr of ja thIs as baa bss* s 4.ivy fus to% Inarsose i eres. éarIa t). pss 10 y.a* aots .-'5b Ts1 ssres-- sar.s 4u?IAg thi psas 10 i,e,f' Bat tea o$*1 sar.s'.." !.$i*o flu fri as spars or- !sqts. 4bat (5$ (9* 95 'to) ha) t Ub) Y55r8 $ f operator' 4. Tim $ 4say tars opsrtor.i. 5. Preeeiit eper4or aaU7 ltU*b$s St bs Th Ova (U) , 2ir*ont* of the 3. £Vo;spe ($oiz V!4 ett Wot1 on fsrs zdb of 1abr o.ploy.4 veer a.c4 olIsr Saslu4 ? *s srit 1$!..the iaat 10 e Tears 153$ 51 Tears I l944e.. Ut .poiIr* tore tas.s R.t f.rs1*1u -Juasoom.t oni *'.. ?oo* $temen$' 3iev*d to better or bier o1I for btzsjng a. _(1$) '*1**p -- oor lease arran 1b 3ikaste tn tho took ever the Sri son or betris x done tr dsir tarasr-.. - tb*eLb4$5 took i4asss reel itte or i person k*esn by To so pe rut or o person, tu*knomn rsviot&s1; d the opertor To auet* ? operator or strr fza hi Ithis ta in Ibte eo1$...____ (*2* zia o toritog slsisb.rp or other To **-*. --- ampsl LOX repla.aent asber ter*att to *.r frs tonnt to iem. from assor $* $$$-q tasbIL fres aaor to Ic O! rd operate tbte to sos or tsk his in partnsr* tp" I.ey s. ba * 45ft7 Loso ed rit *nttt,r dairy 1e.c Lisvi sad rsttr* or hanEe oeeps$i,na.. Other p1ItII Owner or pa 1$* ai4$nothe pr4e Via Sz-. 1aIr e rid bu to sni or *tn"tntw ar'4 rtMritp t lb ret i*'e or ohne 000tj. eiue *rid Cttre or nps ahaiZ1 a dat A A Wet at nre at *4S * ?ki!i tOT Zn partnoro tp' 4, Jasber deetfl in nazI t ?0 bnoa dDtri Ta. . S on 1U ether fti*ijt *OttZL Us ess a r*J see Yfl.1 taker be abte I. tia*nae $ = b be *Yi1ibja.ti 1rn3?tonAIB *0, Z Ofl$ZOJ U*8flOJIJLURJ POa ?AIW LAD4$ àGflUXb 8RVU0 Thi 0ØWIXfl I ttto*ttonm akouU ystk bsv to f *yrt]o ?oiat .azn*t he Wears o2.riae sS$.i 1l'J4tLOS$iO** Ii iiWith lt*5r41$1 security .d.d$ - of i*'t * Do you think been will be iaou$ ssftefso* - 11Df fsa417"sts4 15tz7 .rwa available for qealif ad yotdb who wish be dairy tars otter the wsfl Us Sib 5 Do you thiak there ara Msqnst *551*0 aveflab for ftanetng qaal1ftad pors,ia wbo may sire to cn$0? dairy Lunaing is this eemai*ty dtwia th* icx$ 10 ye*rs.*,.. - 'I $baiU roturi4ti o.rvj,eaa ivho 4e*jo to p*X$S a1ry fns ho v.ra apoIia uusjeitte t Zs hst y ikiodø the oentt hstp $ _______ WhOA t hey ?.t t* oh a1otp oialt*ble 1.e.**.*.*($$I GMiaazoe a 1oett.. tz. 4aiey 110*p t* pst$i*1 a asaitso dh.eL4 srio*1taro oaiity give s'peeii iitoe, **i* these see, suflm be usU. sb1 be Qth* qu1ifted yeoxt M.....I. 10 rsa si, sot svai1ab1i to 1Vt. *o4Ud the Isz'g.r dairy are be UvUsd ma jow on aiWs ebegW s fsr ham before $ivi1tn , Jare $ mom Osiry frae pehms*d d1n('' soepb dairy the psob eer thsi* 1* normal b1.s : 4ai rr Iy lassi b Uatg.*.sea.- Jam_($$b _1J1(lie lid ; ocztstd lie tia si,. Lt iabr oi re 7au heTh live4 orkad oa a f$1* $L!O. O1 'O'4 15 1iabr of ar yoi sv* lLve4 or rk.d oi* a eere o1d?-IAWT &zi ø1O'3 icu eo 4 i.t *ucI I4i*atix& hGva yi& liM? Øg Teas's oi eo. Ts&ze oZ 1i of az'o wezm yo& i 4' ol ea were roa a ot* ts3 ve t4 $h bio1 Mewer the t*Uowiij qaoet1n the War wtt b 310D t4 yi i!o WIj $$z'ioultt4'e aez$ F2$ 414 ..i or a.. no i1rt* Wj1tti* tiO 41 I'r*irk 01U$ ta be t,re*. to alki a Uvit wIthIn tb In itt emwidt.9 ber o otbor opiz ?. Ie sean, poa 414 ur In * LTte ?Ø1t sunI$y?* 1*ir7 iie 4sr 1r12t t tba a. Xe our tbr or yrt1e o1nt ooaitt t1L* pr*ot tttS? 9,, U y& are E*t thtisiku 4rzti, whet ,jfl'' 7011 be tater'e'o4 In? Are *aany .re) n0ar' tj 4ur1n zr3i rsre 0s0. enswor the tel wi& que9ttoia. 'otni tkLQ LOtUL' Y-' tret4i Do i'o feel. knA, 0uu*L bozt in the to ?otnt eorn1t; to e a sat Do yon fool rou n.e4 t*rtbor orportnos sri4 to aka * esttsfotor Uv1ztl en a 1r7 ftu'in Ia tha Lrrt1e Patat soMtfli.._____ If eiver Ia Do yea tu7e ar t*r* mrttas 4styy It2 y&zz' r sir etb,r.*_4rta the ezt m.* 10 jaas? 1*. lu : r. OTeT' hot'e UiI.1- o*1d os like to reaeI. it to *ep of thu L!IP !LO8D XTU U1aT1NLu o uayt 4 .sr 1ih*8ri J .r bgt*Din z'e$rn. ia1ieid I WIfl svreeit$* joar *e wtLl $SaW4tu tI*ne i t17 a pLanm f .ttG*z*atre wAteh tw grrnbs to ansvwv f'dz**e.4 .zv*1op 7er p?'up* rsi1y *o *)is stionnejr. er.ø In 1iov wii p win bs a*s ur rtLIrfl to elvtUan tlSe. Iase nae your kn1dpe d aniw,r aU qnptIortp .roer*i yzrs,