Geography’s programs 1) 2) 3) Instructional gaps Associate in Arts for Transfer (A.A.-T) Associate in Arts (A.A.) Certificate of Proficiency in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 0 graduates since establishment in 2006 4-5 Geography courses are in ‘core’ or electives Lists B or C in these disciplines: GEOG 1L-Physical Geography Lab GEOG 12-Geography of California a “core” course with high demand sometimes a ‘bottleneck’-more sections needed popular elective course-we lost our expert instructor in 2013 GEOG 21, 22, 95, 96 required 4-course sequence for our GIS Certificate program Anthropology Elementary Teacher Ed.We have insufficient faculty to offer International Studies Sociology the needed courses that fulfill a Political Science Environmental Studies student’s pathway in a reasonable Liberal Arts Social Science timeframe. Full-time : Part-time FTEF by semester 2012-2015 Fall 2012 Spring 2013 0.95 1.1 FTEF (Contract) FTEF (Temporary) # of Contract Faculty Fall 2013 0.95 Spring 2014 1.1 Fall 2014 Spring 2015 0.95 0.90 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.4 1.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 Geography has had only ONE full-time faculty member since Fall, 2011. Full-time faculty : enrolled students ratio: Fall 2012 1:532 Spring 2013 1:559 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 1:495 1:490 1:490 Spring 2015 1:449 WSCH, FTES, and WSCH/FTEF by semester 2012-2015: Fall 2012 WSCH FTES: WSCH/FT EF 1596 Spring 2013 1755 Fall 2013 1485 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 1554 1470 50.7 55.83 47.0 49.88 742.33 702.00 631.91 675.65 Spring 2015 1358 46.8 43.95 625.53 590.43 Geography has an average WSCH of 1536 over the last 6 semesters. Student demand for Geography courses as part of program pathways across many disciplines appears likely to increase in light of contemporary global issues …… global change research environmental conservation urban and regional planning