These fillable, printable card forms could help protect your bug from being impulsively taken by folks
who may not be able to help your TB on it's way. No guarantee, but it could improve the odds! :)
Directions: 1. Fill it out using either the current version of Acrobat Reader or Acrobat (full version).
2. Print the filled-out card. (Note: If you use just Reader, you can can print what you had filled out, but after you print and then close the PDF, what you had typed will not be saved.)
3. Cut on the dotted line.
4. If you choose a two-sided card, fold your mission card in half after trimming.
5. Call your local photocopy or office supply store and find out if they offer plastic lamination. (In many parts of the USA for instance, Kinkos Copies offers this service.) Travel there and have them turn your work into a plastic, laminated card.
6. Attach your new mission card to your Travel Bug! :-) Business Card size (fold to make it two-sided):
Please do not keep me for long!
Travel Bug's Name:
T.B's Mission:
I am a Travel Bug!
I have a special mission!
Please read the other side of this card.
You can help me along on my way!
(Don't forget to log me on my page)
TB's Owner:
One-sided larger card: ALERT!!
Please do not keep me for long!
I am a Travel Bug!
I have a special mission!
Please read my mission goal below.
You can help me along on my way!
(Don't forget to log me on my page)
Travel Bug's Name:
T.B's Mission:
Two-sided micro (fold): ALERT!! Please do not keep
me for long! I am a Travel Bug!
Please help me reach my mission
as described on the other side!
T.B Name:
T.B's Mission:
TB's Owner:
Designed by Sparrowhawk: 6-03