Chabot College Puente Project A Learning Community Since 1981 Thank you for your interest in the Puente Project. Please review the process and participation criteria before you complete. Criteria: interest in transferring to and graduating from a 4 year university or college G.P.A. of 2.0 or higher. (Students who do not meet this criterion should submit a letter of recommendation from an instructor or counselor with the application) willingness to learn about the Mexican American/Latino experience willingness to participate in career and college fieldtrips, service learning, and mentoring events that take place outside of regular class time eligibility to enroll in English 102 (fall semester) or English 1A (spring semester), for a full year PUENTE PROJECT AGREEMENT AND COMMITMENT TO PUENTE STUDENTS 1. Puente English Courses each semester develop critical reading and writing skills necessary to succeed in college or university. 2. Puente Counseling and Counseling-Psychology Courses each semester to develop Self-Confidence, SelfUnderstanding and student success skills necessary to make it in college or university, a knowledge of resources, requirements and an Educational Plan necessary for transfer. 3. Puente Mentoring each semester by volunteers in professional careers to help develop skills necessary for the Professional Work World. 4. Puente Educational, Career and Culture Activities each semester that further support students in developing career and life goals. 1 Personal Information Date: Last Name: Address: City: Zip Code: Interested to start: Fall Spring ______yr First Name: Chabot Id. # Date of Birth: Home Phone: Cell Phone: E-mail address required (please print clearly): Permanent Address (address of parent or someone who will always know where you are) Name Relationship Phone Street City Zip Academic Information: High school graduate? Yes _____ No ____ Year graduated/will graduate:__________ Name of high school: _____________________________________________________ Were you in a Puente program in high school? Yes ____ No ____ If you are currently a high school senior, what is your overall GPA: __________________ Name of other colleges attended: ___________________________________________ Colleges units completed: __________________ Do you plan to transfer to a four-year university? Major Interest _____________________ Yes ____ No ___ Don’t Know ____ Career Interests _______________________ Preferred Transfer College(s): __________________________________________________ 2 Student Information Form If you have a job, how many hours do you work? Typically, how many hours of community service do you do? ___ 30-40 per week ___ 20-29 per week ___ 10-19 per week ___ 5-9 per week ___ I do not have a job ___ 15-20 per week ___ 10-14 per week ___ 5-9 per week ___ 1-4 per week ___ I help out my family (babysitting, picking up siblings, etc.). I spend about _______ hours per week supporting my family. ___ I have not been involved in community service activities Short Answers (3 questions) Respond to the following questions. Write in paragraph form for each response and use the back of the page if you need additional space. 1. Why do you want to be in the Puente program? 3 2. What challenges have you faced in your academic experience? (This may include challenges you are facing now or think you might face as you transition to college). 3. Describe your academic and career interests. By signing this Information sheet, you are allowing the Chabot College Puente Project to use your photo and information to share with approved mentors and the Puente State Office. Signature: ________________________________________ Date: _________________ Thank you for completing the information sheet. Please submit it to: Sandra Genera, Puente Counselor-Instructor Chabot College, Room 767H, Bldg. 700 25555 Hesperian Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545 Office Use Only Application received on: Attended informational session or counseling appointment: Current college GPA: Assessment Scores: Reading Math Intent to Register Form sent on: Writing Course Recommendation Course Recommendation Intent to Register form received on: 4