Ken Gebhardt, North Fork District Ranger said the purpose of... TEAMS Employees Awarded for Work in Region 4 Continued

TEAMS Employees Awarded for Work in Region 4 Continued
Ken Gebhardt, North Fork District Ranger said the purpose of this landscape level project is to reduce
hazardous fuels, restore plant communities, improve fish and wildlife habitat, and to create an
environment that is more resilient to disturbance as part of a fire‐adapted landscape.
The project will also complement other completed, ongoing and planned fuels and vegetation
treatments surrounding “at‐risk” communities within the North Fork drainage; all of which address
forest health conditions that are rapidly deteriorating, he said.
The drainage is a mosaic of private and public land, and as such a landscape level management approach
was used for developing the proposal. The project area includes the communities of Gibbonsville and
North Fork that have widespread private land resources, and have been identified as “at‐risk”
communities by Lemhi County and the State of Idaho.