State System Employee Benefits Health Care Changes Newsletter for January 2016 Nonrepresented, Nurses (OPEIU), Security/Police (SPFPA) 0 Upcoming Health Care Plan Changes Like most employers, the State System has been challenged by the rapidly increasing trends in health care costs. Medical inflation, increased utilization, and health care reform have all been contributing factors. We believe it is important to provide a health plan that ensures our members have broad network access to the best providers, facilities, and centers of medical excellence–here in Pennsylvania, across the country, and when travelling internationally. The Highmark PPO Blue Plan provides such access. To ensure that a high quality health plan remains affordable for both the State System and our enrolled employees, changes will be implemented on January 1, 2016 with regard to how costs are shared between the plan and the members. Depending upon the types of medical services that you and your covered family members utilize, you may either experience little change in your out-of-pocket costs, or you may experience a more significant increase if you or your family use a higher volume of more costly medical services. Regardless of where you currently are in that range of medical spending, there are ways you and your family can reduce your out-of-pocket costs. You will find information about cost-savings strategies throughout this newsletter, and you will continue to receive ongoing communications in 2016 about this important topic. Changes at a Glance • Elimination of the HMO Plan Options (p. 3) > • PPO Plan Medical Service Cost-Sharing Changes (p. 3) > • $250 individual in-network deductible on certain medical services ($500 family deductible) • 10% member coinsurance on certain medical services, to an annual maximum of $1,000/individual ($2,000/family annual maximum) • Full-Time Employee Premium Contribution Changes (p. 4) > • Healthy U participants – 18% of premiums • Healthy U nonparticipants – 28% of premiums • Change in Same-Sex Domestic Partner Health Plan Eligibility (p. 5) > • Prescription Drug Copay Changes (p. 6) > Retail (30-day supply) $10 Generic $30 Brand, Formulary $50 Brand, Nonformulary Mail-Order (90-day supply) $20 Generic $60 Brand, Formulary $100 Brand, Nonformulary • Prescription Drug Program Administrative Changes (p. 6) > • New Virtual Health Benefits (p. 9) > Reminder: If you make any changes to your current coverage during Open Enrollment, you must retain a copy of your benefits election email confirmation. In the event that there is any discrepancy with your enrollment, you will be required to present the email confirmation to the human resources office. Important Dates and Information Open Enrollment Dates November 9-20, 2015 Make changes to your existing coverage. • Elect or drop coverage/add or remove dependents. • Enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (Healthcare or Dependent Care) for pre-tax savings. If you don’t take action If you are currently enrolled in the HMO plan, you and your covered dependents will be moved into the PPO plan effective January 1, 2016. You will receive Highmark member ID cards in the mail in late December. If you are currently enrolled in the PPO plan, you will remain in the PPO plan with the plan changes discussed in this guide. If you are a current PPO plan member, you will not receive new member ID cards and you should continue to use the cards you currently have. Elections should be completed through Employee SelfService (ESS) at Upon login, click Employee Self-Service, then Benefits, lastly select Benefits Enrollment. All changes will be effective January 1, 2016 1 The State System Health Plan—Market Competitive With the changes to the health plan outlined in this newsletter, the State System’s health care benefit program will remain extremely competitive within the higher education sector, both in Pennsylvania—comparing very favorably with plans offered by Penn State, Pitt and Temple—and nationally, and will still exceed the level of benefits provided to most Pennsylvania residents. Dollars may not add due to rounding. Above is a comparison of the total cost of health care premiums for both single and family coverage, and how those premiums are shared by the employer and employee (via payroll contributions). Data is presented for the State System PPO plan (after changes for 2016), higher education market averages, and national benchmark data of plans offered by cross-industry employers (both public and private). State System Employee Benefits–A Comprehensive Package Your health care benefits are only one component of a comprehensive package of benefits provided to you and your eligible dependents, which include*: Generous retirement benefits (Alternative Retirement Plan (ARP), State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS), Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS).) Retiree Health Plan. Tuition benefits for employees and dependents. Paid time off (holidays, annual leave, sick leave, personal leave). Employer-paid dental and vision benefits. Employer-paid life insurance. *Specific benefits may vary based upon university, employee group and/or collective bargaining unit. 2 January 1, 2016 Health Care Plan Changes HMO Elimination The four regional HMO plan options (Geisinger Health Plan HMO, Keystone Health Plan Central HMO, Keystone Health Plan East HMO, and the UPMC Health Plan HMO) will be eliminated. The health plan offered will be the Highmark PPO Blue Plan. Employees who are currently enrolled in an HMO plan will be automatically enrolled in the PPO plan at the appropriate tier. If desired, during open enrollment, affected employees may also elect to add or remove dependents, or waive coverage entirely. Addition of Deductibles and Coinsurance to PPO Plan The PPO plan will now include deductibles and coinsurance for certain types* of medical services, per the chart below. PPO Plan Feature Do you live in western Pennsylvania? Please see the UPMC/Highmark website for resources and information about in-network medical providers, as well as additional information about the various consent decree provisions that may allow you to continue using UPMC providers on an in-network basis. What you will pay… In-network Out-of-network Deductible $250 per person, up to a maximum of $500 per family $500 per person, up to a maximum of $1,000 per family Coinsurance 10% 30% Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Applicable to coinsurance only; does not include deductible and copays) $1,000 per person, up to a maximum of $2,000 per family $2,000 per person, up to a maximum of $4,000 per family * Deductibles and coinsurance do not apply to in-network preventive care or to services for which a copay applies. Definition of Plan Terms Deductible–The amount you will pay for the applicable health care services before the health plan begins to pay. Coinsurance–Your share of the cost of the applicable health care services, after the deductible is met. Out-of-Pocket Maximum–The maximum amount you will be required to pay in a calendar year in coinsurance payments. After this amount has been satisfied, the health plan will pay 100% of the applicable covered health care costs for the remainder of the calendar year. (Members will continue to be responsible for copays for office visits and prescription drugs.) Copay–A fixed, upfront dollar amount that you pay each time you receive certain health care services (such as an office visit or a prescription). The deductible/coinsurance do not apply to services subject to a copay. Important–The deductible and coinsurance only apply to certain types of health care expenses. Here are some areas where the deductible and coinsurance do not apply. Here are some common medical services where the deductible and coinsurance will apply. • In-Network Preventive Care–Preventive services (such as annual physicals, well-baby visits, immunizations and mammograms) will continue to be covered at 100% by the health plan; there will be no member cost associated with these services. • Diagnostic/Imaging Services (e.g., x-ray, MRI, nonpreventive lab/pathology). • Inpatient and outpatient surgery. • Hospitalization. • Durable medical equipment. • Services to which a copay applies–If a copay applies to the service you are obtaining, then that service is not subject to the deductible or coinsurance. This includes primary care and specialist office visits, emergency room visits, and prescription drugs. For these services, your cost is the associated member copay amount. • Chemotherapy, dialysis and infusion therapy. • Home health care, skilled nursing facility care and hospice care. Not a comprehensive list of services, click here for more details. 3 Employee Premium Contributions The current full-time employee premium contributions rates are 15% of plan costs for Healthy U participants, and 25% for Healthy U nonparticipants. Effective with the January 22, 2016 pay, the full-time employee premium contribution rates will be 18% of plan costs for Healthy U participants, and 28% for Healthy U nonparticipants. However, because the plan’s total overall costs will decrease as a result of the plan changes being implemented January 1, 2016, the biweekly increase in premium will be lessened. Below are the employee premium contributions effective with the January 22, 2016 pay. Tier of Coverage Single Full Time Biweekly Rates Healthy U Healthy U Participant Nonparticipant $51.22 $79.67 Part Time Biweekly Rates Healthy U Healthy U Participant Nonparticipant $163.61 $177.84 Two-Party $113.55 $176.64 $362.74 $394.28 Multi-Party $139.16 $216.47 $444.55 $483.20 Medical Services–Member Costs (In-Network) The chart below summarizes the types of medical services you may receive and identifies the services that are provided at no member cost, those that are subject to a copay, and those that are subject to the annual deductible and coinsurance. No Member Copay Annual Deductible, Then Coinsurance (up Types of Services Cost Only to out-of-pocket maximum) Routine physical exams, well-baby visits, annual gynecological exams Adult and pediatric immunizations, preventive diagnostic services Preventive screenings (e.g., mammograms, routine PSA screening, colorectal cancer screening) Primary care provider office visits for nonpreventive care of sickness and injury Specialist office visits Urgent care visits Emergency room visits Speech, occupational and physical therapy, chiropractic Outpatient mental health visits Inpatient hospitalization (e.g., acute care, maternity, rehabilitation) Surgery–inpatient and outpatient Nonpreventive laboratory and diagnostic services (e.g., X-ray, MRI, lab/pathology) Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, dialysis, and infusion therapy Durable Medical Equipment Hospice, skilled nursing, home health care These are examples only and not a comprehensive list of covered services – for more information see exhibit 1, PPO Benefit Summary. 4 How the PPO member cost-sharing will work at in-network providers Single Coverage Two-Party Coverage If you incur medical services that are subject to the deductible, you will pay the first $250 of those costs, and then 10% of the subsequent costs, up to an annual maximum of $1,000 in coinsurance payments. In total, your expenses for these types of services are capped at $1,250 for the year ($250 in deductible + $1,000 in coinsurance). All remaining costs for these applicable services for the calendar year will be paid 100% by the plan.* Your maximum annual deductible would be $500 ($250 for each person) and then 10% of the subsequent costs up to your annual maximum coinsurance payments of $2,000 ($1,000 maximum for each person). Then, all remaining costs for these types of services for the calendar year would be paid 100% by the plan.* Multi-Party Coverage Your maximum deductible for your family is $500 for the year. This maximum deductible may be satisfied in a number of different ways: - Two members of the family could each meet the $250 maximum for a total of $500. - Or together as a family, they could meet the $500 maximum deductible on an aggregate basis. For example, in a four-person family, each person could incur $125 of applicable medical services in a year, and satisfy the $500 family deductible in that manner ($125 times four people). In that example, any applicable medical services incurred by any member of the family after that point would be subject to the 10% coinsurance payments (with the remaining 90% of costs paid by the plan). The 10% coinsurance annual out-of-pocket family maximum of $2,000 works in the same manner–it could be satisfied individually by two members of the family, or on an aggregate basis by three or more family members. No one person in the family will ever pay more than $250 in deductible, or more than $1,000 in coinsurance payments. Examples assume all medical services are incurred in-network. *Members may incur other medical costs in the form of office visit and prescription drug copays. Preventive Care There are no member costs for preventive care at in-network providers–the plan continues to pay 100% of the costs for qualifying preventive services. By following the recommendations in the preventive schedule, you may be able to either prevent certain medical conditions, or detect them before they become more serious. Take a moment to review the preventive schedule and, if needed, contact your medical provider to obtain any recommended services. Elimination of Same-Sex Domestic Partner Health Benefits In light of the recent changes in marriage laws legalizing same-sex marriage at the federal and state level, the State System will prospectively eliminate same-sex domestic partner health benefits for future benefits enrollment. Effective January 1, 2016, no new same-sex domestic partners will be enrolled. For employees currently covering their same-sex domestic partners, there will be no impact to you as a result of this change; your same-sex domestic partner may remain enrolled in the health plan. 5 January 1, 2016 Prescription Drug Program Changes The cost of prescription drugs have been rapidly increasing, particularly in the area of specialty medications. This plan year, the State System’s prescription drug cost increase was almost 16% over the prior year. Save Money, Save Time With Mail-Order Copays for both retail and mail-order prescriptions are increasing. The new copays are as follows: Retail Copay (30-day supply) $10 Mail-Order Copay (90-day supply) $ 20 Brand Drugs, Formulary $30 $ 60 Brand Drugs, Nonformulary $50 $100 Prescription Drug Tier Generic If you or a covered family member are(is) taking a maintenance medication, and you are purchasing it at a retail pharmacy, you will save money by switching to mail-order. Although the mail-order copay is two times the retail copay, you get three times the amount of your prescription (a 90-day supply) with the mailorder service. For example: if you are taking a brand name formulary drug, you will be spending $360 per year ($30 copay times12 refills) at the retail pharmacy. But, if you switch to mail-order, you will spend $240 per year ($60 copay times 4 refills) saving you $120 per year! Note–Prescription drugs are not subject to the plan deductible or coinsurance; the only member cost associated with this plan benefit are the copays listed above. Certain prescription drugs may now be subject to prior authorization requirements, quantity level limits, or other management programs to ensure that these medications are being used in a safe and effective manner, and to help both you and the health plan control costs. Additionally, mail-order is more convenient– saving you from making monthly trips to the pharmacy. If you are taking a prescription drug in one of these drug classes, you will receive a letter from Highmark advising you of any additional requirements with which you or your medical provider may need to comply. Call Highmark member services at 1-888-7453212 or logon to, and click on the Prescription Services link for more information on the mail-order program. Specialty Medications If you or a covered family member need(s) to take a specialty medication, you will be required to obtain the prescription from Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, a mailorder pharmacy provider solely focused on specialty medications. Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy has negotiated with Highmark to provide the deepest discounts on specialty medications, which can average $5,000 or more in cost per month. Additionally, this vendor offers a dedicated care coordinator to provide support to patients. If you are currently taking a specialty medication provided from a pharmacy other than Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy, you will be receiving a letter informing you of the changes and providing guidance on the transition in drug vendors. What is a specialty medication? Specialty medications are used to treat chronic, rare, or complex conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or cancer). Additionally, specialty medications may: - Be given by infusion, injection, or taken orally. - Cost more than traditional medications. - Have special storage and handling requirements. - Need to be taken on a very strict schedule. - Have support programs and services available to help patients receive the most benefit from their medication. Retail Pharmacy Network–Additional Option The retail pharmacy network will be expanded to include Target pharmacies. This network enhancement will add 64 locations in Pennsylvania, and 1,684 locations nationwide for you to obtain your prescription medications. Choose Generics Ask your doctor to write your prescription for generic drugs when possible. Generics meet the same FDA standards as brand-name drugs, but both you and the health plan will pay less. View the attached Prescription Benefit Summary (Exhibit 2) for more information on the prescription drug plan. 6 It is important to understand how these changes may affect you. Below are some examples of how costs may work under the new deductible/coinsurance cost sharing changes. Example: Having a Baby (Assumes all services received are in-network.) Medical Service Initial office visit Initial preventive lab work (e.g. HIV screening, RH typing) Ultrasound Additional nonpreventive lab work Inpatient vaginal delivery– facility Inpatient vaginal delivery– professional Breast pump – durable medical equipment Total $100 $100 Member Pays Deductible $0 150 150 0 500 250 600 Negotiated Rate Plan Pays Member Pays Coinsurance $0 Member Pays Copay Explanation $0 Covered under preventive services 0 0 Covered under preventive services 250 0 0 Services subject to $250 deductible 540 0 60 0 Services subject to the 10% coinsurance 6,200 5,580 0 620 0 2,750 2,475 0 275 0 150 150 0 0 0 $10,450 $9,245 $250 $ 955 $0 Services subject to 10% coinsurance Plan Total: $9,245 Covered under preventive services Member Total: $1,205 Illustrative purposes only; individual situations may differ. Example: Knee Replacement (Assumes all services are received in-network.) Medical Service Negotiated Rate Plan Pays Member Pays Deductible Member Pays Coinsurance Member Pays Copay Explanation Initial office visit $200 $175 $0 $0 $25 MRI 2,000 1,575 250 175 0 Additional pre-surgical office visits (2 visits) 400 350 0 0 50 Pre-surgical lab work 100 90 0 10 0 10% coinsurance Inpatient knee replacement surgery 30,000 29,185 0 815 0 10% coinsurance to meet $1,000 coinsurance maximum for year Out-patient physical therapy 2,700 2,250 0 0 450 $35,400 $33,625 $250 $1,000 $525 Total Plan Total: $33,625 Illustrative purposes only; individual situations may differ. Member Total: $1,775 7 Office visit copay – specialist Services subject to $250 deductible, followed by 10% coinsurance $25 copay for each office visit $25 copay for each office visit (18 visits) Reducing your health care costs Health Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Use It or Lose It You can elect up to $2,500 in a health care FSA for 2016. Plan carefully–at the end of the year, if you have not spent all of your health care FSA dollars, you can carryover up to $500 to be used in the following calendar year. Any health care account balance over $500 will be forfeited. Pre-tax payroll contributions–You will reduce your taxes by participating in an FSA, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars a year (depending on the amount of your FSA election and your tax bracket). Carryover Provision Up to $500 of your health care FSA dollars can be carried over into the next plan year. Enrolling in the health care FSA can help you save money on your deductible, coinsurance, or other qualifying medical costs. You contribute money from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis, and get reimbursed from your FSA account as you incur eligible expenses. Financially, this helps you in two ways: Along with the carryover provision, State System employees have the opportunity to submit expenses that occurred in the previous plan year in the first three months of the following plan year (called a run-out period). Budgeting for medical expenses–Your entire health care FSA election amount is immediately available to you at the beginning of the year to pay for qualifying expenses. So if you have a large medical expense early in 2016, you can submit the claim to your FSA account, and then take the whole year to pay for it via pre-tax deductions from your paychecks. Dependent Care FSA This type of FSA is for daycare or elder care expenses, including before/after school care and summer day camps. You can elect up to $5,000 per calendar year. Please note: Dependent care is not for health care expenses for your dependents. The carryover provision does not apply to dependent care accounts. Electing an FSA From October 19–November 20 you can elect an FSA for 2016 through Employee Self-Service at Upon login, click Employee Self-Service, then Benefits, then select Benefits Enrollment. You must retain a copy of your benefits election email confirmation. In the event there is any discrepancy with your enrollment, you will be required to present the email confirmation to the human resources office Should you enroll? Enrolling in a health care FSA can save you money if you or your family members: Remember: Even if you enrolled in an FSA for 2015, you must now enroll again to participate in 2016. • Have copays, deductibles, or coinsurance for medical expenses. • Purchase prescription medications. • Have out-of-pocket expenses for glasses or contacts, or plan to have laser eye surgery. • Receive orthodontia treatments, such as braces. Visit for more information about flexible spending accounts, including a list of eligible expenses and an interactive contribution and tax-savings calculator. To speak with an FSA specialist, call 1-888-557-3156. 8 Additional Information Telemedicine–A New Benefit Beginning in January, you will be able to access medical care in a different manner via a virtual doctor visit. This service will be available for two basic types of health care needs – acute care (such as colds, flu and sinus infections) and behavioral health visits. Accessing care is simple and convenient. Simply register online, choose a doctor (or have one assigned to you), and consult with the provider on your web-enabled device or via phone. The member copay is only $10 for an acute care visit, and $25 for a behavioral health visit. Highmark is partnering with two vendors who provide these services-Amwell ( and Doctor On Demand ( who provide these services. Click here to learn more about this new benefit, log on to the vendor website, or download their mobile app when you are ready to use this service. DermatologistOnCall® Similar to the telemedicine benefit, there is another virtual health service you can use today. DermatologistOnCall® ( provides quality care for many skin problems, such as acne, rosacea or eczema. It avoids the need for a long wait for an appointment–receive a diagnosis, treatment plan, and prescription (if needed) within three business days. The member copay is $25; there are three easy steps–create an online account and choose a dermatologist, take and upload photos of your condition, and receive your treatment plan. Click here to learn more, or access the vendor website or mobile app to start the registration process. Dental/Vision Benefits The dental and vision plan benefits are not changing. As a reminder, you and your eligible dependents are provided with these benefits with no premium contributions–the State System pays the entire cost of these plans. Last year, on average, enrolled employees received almost $900 in dental and vision benefits for themselves and their families. Both the dental and vision plans operate with a network of providers. By choosing to obtain needed services within those networks, many employees will experience very little, if any, out-of-pocket expenses for their routine dental and vision needs. Obtaining regular preventive dental and vision care services is strongly linked to overall good health, and can aid in the early detection of some health conditions. Take some time to refamiliarize yourself with the benefits provided under the dental and vision program, and make sure you and your family members are current with your routine exams. Questions? Need Additional Information? For additional information or questions, contact your university benefits office. 9 Exhibit 1 - PPO Blue Benefit Summary – Effective January 1, 2016 Benefit Network General Provisions Out-of-Network Calendar Year Benefit Period Deductible (per benefit period) Individual $250 $500 Family $500 $1,000 Plan Pays – payment based on the plan allowance 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Out-of-Pocket Maximums (Once met, plan pays 100% for the rest of the benefit period) Individual $1,000 $2,000 Family $2,000 $4,000 Total Maximum Out-of-Pocket (Includes deductible, coinsurance, copays, prescription drug cost sharing and other qualified medical expenses, Network only Once met, the plan pays 100% of covered services for the rest of the benefit period. $6,850 None Individual $13,700 None Family Office/Clinic/Urgent Care Visits 100% after $25 copayment 70% after deductible Retail Clinic Visits & Virtual Visits 100% after $15 copayment 70% after deductible Primary Care Provider Office Visits & Virtual Visits 100% after $25 copayment 70% after deductible Specialist Office & Virtual Visits 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Virtual Visit Originating Site Fee 100% after $25 copayment 70% after deductible Urgent Care Center Visits 100% after $10 copayment Not Covered Telemedicine Service Preventive Care with Enhancements Routine Adult Physical exams 100% no deductible 70% after deductible Adult immunizations 100% no deductible 70% after deductible Colorectal cancer screening 100% no deductible 70% after deductible Routine gynecological exams, including a Pap Test 100% no deductible 70% no deductible Mammograms, annual routine and medically necessary 100% no deductible 70% after deductible Diagnostic services and procedures 100% no deductible 70% after deductible Routine PSA Screening 100% no deductible 70% after deductible Routine Pediatric Physical exams 100% no dedcutible 70% after deductible Pediatric immunizations 100% no deductible 70% no deductible Diagnostic services and procedures 100% no deductible 70% after deductible Hospital and Medical/Surgical Expenses (including maternity) Hospital Inpatient/Outpatient 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Maternity (non-preventive facility & professional services) 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Excludes Dependent Daughter- except complications. Medical Care (except office visits) 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Includes Inpatient Visits and Consultations Surgical Expenses (except office visits) Includes Assistant 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Surgery, Anesthesia, Sterilization and Reversal Procedures. Excludes Neonatal Circumcision Emergency Services Emergency Room Services 100% after $100 copayment (waived if admitted) Ambulance (emergency) 100% no deductible Ambulance (non-emergency) 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Mental Health/Substance Abuse Inpatient Mental Health 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Inpatient Detoxification/Rehabilitation 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Outpatient Mental Health includes Virtual Behavioral Health Visits 100% after $25 copayment 70% after deductible 100% after $25 copayment 70% after deductible Outpatient Substance Abuse includes Virtual Behavioral Health Visits 10 Physical Medicine Outpatient Respiratory Therapy Spinal Manipulations Therapy and Rehabilitation Services 100% after $25 copayment Speech & Occupational Therapy Outpatient Other Therapy Services - Cardiac Rehabilitation, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Dialysis and Infusion Therapy Allergy Extracts and Injections Applied Behavior Analysis for ASD Assisted Fertilization Procedures Dental Services Related to Accidental Injury Diabetes Treatment Diagnostic Services Advanced Imaging (MRI, CAT, PET scan, etc.) Basic Diagnostic Services (standard imaging, diagnostic medical, lab/pathology, allergy testing) Durable Medical Equipment, Orthotics and Prosthetics Elective Abortion Home Health Care (Excludes Respite Care) Hospice (Includes Respite Care) Infertility Counseling, Testing and Treatment Oral Surgery Private Duty Nursing Skilled Nursing Facility Care Transplant Services Precertification Requirements unlimited 70% after deductible 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 100% after $25 copayment 70% after deductible 30 visits/benefit period 100% after $25 copayment 70% after deductible 30 visits per therapy/benefit period 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Other Services 90% after deductible 90% after deductible 90% after deductible 90% after deductible Not Covered 70% after deductible 70% after deductible 70% after deductible 70% after deductible 90% after deductible 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 70% after deductible 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Not Covered (except in cases of rape, incest, or to avert death of the mother) 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 60 visits/benefit period 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 180 days/benefit period 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 240 hours/benefit period 90% after deductible 70% after deductible 100 days/benefit period 90% after deductible 70% after deductible Yes Your group's benefit period is based on a Calendar Year. The Network Total Maximum Out-of-Pocket (TMOOP) is mandated by the federal government, TMOOP must include deductible, coinsurance, copays, prescription drug cost share and any qualified medical expense. Effective with plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2016, the TMOOP cannot exceed $6,850 for individual and $13,700 for two or more persons. Virtual, Retail & Behavior Virtual Visits – the purpose of this benefit is to allow a member to have a virtual visit through the use of secure telecommunications technology. The secure telecommunication technology must provide both audio and video streams. Virtual Visits can be conducted for initial, follow-up, or maintenance care. The member’s responsibility is the copayment that would normally apply for an in-person primary care, retail or behavior visit. Virtual Specialist Office Visit – The purpose of this benefit is to allow a member to have a virtual follow up visit with a specialist that may be located a significant distance away. The member’s responsibility is the copayment that would normally apply for an in-person specialist visit and a fee from the “originating site”. The PCP’s office or clinic that provided access to the video conferencing equipment may also charge a fee. The originating fee will be applied to the deductible and/or coinsurance as determined by the member’s specific benefit design. Services are provided for acute care for minor illnesses. Services must be performed by a Highmark approved telemedicine provider. Virtual Behavioral health visits provided by a Highmark approved telemedicine provider are eligible under the Outpatient Mental Health/Substance Abuse benefit. Services are limited to those listed on the Highmark Preventive Schedule with Enhancements and Women’s Health Preventive Schedule. Gender, age and frequency limits may apply. Coverage for eligible members to age 21. Services will be paid according to the benefit category (e.g. speech therapy). Treatment for autism spectrum disorders does not reduce visit/day limits. Treatment includes coverage for the correction of a physical or medical problem associated with infertility. Infertility drug therapy may or may not be covered depending on your group’s prescription drug program. Highmark Medical Management & Policy (MM&P) must be contacted prior to a planned inpatient admission or within 48 hours of an emergency or maternity-related inpatient admission. Be sure to verify that your provider is contacting MM&P for precertification. If not, you are responsible for contacting MM&P. If this does not occur and it is later determined that all or part of the inpatient stay was not medically necessary or appropriate, you will be responsible for payment of any costs not covered. Customized 11 Exhibit 2 - Prescription Drug Program Summary PRESCRIPTION DRUG Deductible Prescription Drug Defined by the National Pharmacy Network - Not Physician Network. Formulary Benefit Design Generic Substitution Out-of-Pocket Limit Claim Submission Non-Network Pharmacy Contraceptives (oral and injectable) Fertility Agents Fluoride Products Insulin and Diabetic Supplies Smoking Deterrents (prescription) Vitamins (prescription) Weight Loss Drugs Prescription Hair Growth Products Exclusive Pharmacy Provider Quantity Level Limits on selected prescription drugs Managed Rx Coverage on selected prescription drugs Managed Prior Authorizations RETAIL PHARMACY None MAIL SERVICE PHARMACY 30 day supply 90 day supply $10 Generic Copay $20 Generic Copay $30 Brand Formulary Copay $60 Brand Formulary Copay $50 Brand Non-Formulary Copay $100 Brand Non-Formulary Copay Comprehensive Incentive Soft-When you purchase a brand drug that has a generic equivalent you will be responsible for the brand drug copayment plus the difference in cost between the brand and generic drugs, unless your physician requests that the brand name drug be dispensed Not Applicable Pharmacy Files at Point-of-Sale Member Files Claim PRESCRIPTION DRUG CATEGORIES Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered Not Covered CARE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS Applies - selected high cost prescription drugs are covered only when they are dispensed through an exclusive pharmacy provider. Applies – the quantity dispensed under your plan per new or refill prescription may be limited per recommended guidelines. Applies – certain drug therapies may be monitored for appropriate usage and subject to case evaluation if recommended guidelines are exceeded. Applies on select high cost drugs. The formulary is an extensive list of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved prescription drugs selected for their quality, safety and effectiveness. It includes products in every major therapeutic category. The formulary was developed by the Highmark Blue Shield Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee made up of clinical pharmacists and physicians. Your program includes coverage for both formulary and non-formulary drugs at the specific copayment or coinsurance amounts listed above. Customized 12