Chapter 6 Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S

Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 5
Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S
Chapter 6
Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S
Explain why you may want to eliminate files from a disk.
Erasing unwanted files saves disk space and decreases the number of files you have to
manage. The more files and/or disks you have the harder it is to keep track of what disks
have which files, which files are the ones you need, and which file is most current.
When you delete a file, the file is not actually removed from the disk. What
really happens?
When a file is deleted, the OS frees the disk space in the FAT and marks the directory
entry as deleted. But, the OS does not actually remove any data on the disk. When the
next file is created, the OS sees that there is space available in the directory entry table
and the FAT assigns the new file to that space. The old file is overwritten by the new
Give the syntax of the DEL command and explain each part of the syntax.
DEL [/P] [/S] [/F] [/Q] [/A[[:] attributes]] names
Note: names refers to [drive:][path] filename
The parameters, drive, and path are optional, but the filename is required. DEL is the
command, drive represents the designated drive, path represents any subdirectory, and
filename represents the name of the file you wish to delete. The /P parameter prompts
you before each file is deleted. /F forces deletion of read-only files. /S deletes
specified files from current directory and all subdirectories. /Q puts the command in
quiet mode (not prompted to confirm deletion). /A deletes files based on specified
attributes. Attributes abbreviated as follows; R – read-only, A – archive, s – system, h –
hidden, ~ - prefix meaning “not”.
Explain the following g statement, with regards to the DEL command. The
strength of wildcards is also a weakness.
Using wildcards with the DEL command allows you to erase a group of files with a oneline command. But, using wildcards can be dangerous because you can eliminate a group
of files very quickly and if you are not careful you could delete files you want to keep. If
you do not realize your error immediately, it may not be possible to undelete the files that
were deleted.
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1
Page 1
Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 5
Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S
When deleting files, why should you key in DIR with global file
specifications first?
By keying in DIR with global file specifications the screen will display all the files that
have been selected to be deleted, and you can make sure that you are not going to delete
files, which you want to keep.
Explain the purpose and function of the /P parameter with the DEL
command. The /S?
The /P parameter which became available in DOS 4.0, prompts you to confirm whether
or not you wish to delete a file. It is useful when using wildcards and minimizes risk of
accidental file deletions.
/S parameter transverses the directory tree so you do not need to delete files individually
throughout your disk structure.
Why would you want to change the name of a file?
You may want to change the name of a file because....
the contents of the file have changed and the old name no longer applies.
you want to use the name for something else.
you think of a better name.
you named the file incorrectly.
Explain the purpose and function of the RENAME or REN command.
The RENAME or REN command can be used to change the names of files.
Give the syntax of the REN command and explain each part of the syntax.
REN [drive:][path] [directoryname1 | filename1]
[directoryname2 | filename2]
The drive and path are optional in the first set of parameters and not allowed in the
second set of parameters. REN is the command, drive represents the designated drive, and
path represents any subdirectory. Filename1 and filename2 refer to same file. Filename1
will be changed to filename2.
What is the difference between the REN and RENAME commands?
The REN and RENAME commands are identical functions.
What is the difference between the RENAME and COPY commands?
The RENAME command changes the name of an existing file but leaves it in the same
directory. The COPY command gives you two files with the same contents, one with the
old name and one with the new name. With the COPY command the new file can be
copied in any directory or on any disk.
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1
Page 2
Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 5
Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S
If you are using the REN command and get the message, “A duplicate file
name exists, or the file name cannot be found,” what could it mean?
If you get this message, it means that the name you tried to give the file is already in use
by another file. If you get the message ”file not found”, it means that the file you told
REN to rename does not exist on the specified drive and directory.
What is the function and purpose of the MOVE command?
The MOVE command can be used to rename a directory. It can also be used to move files
and subdirectories from one location to another.
Give the syntax of the MOVE command and explain each part of the syntax.
To move one or more files:
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]filename1
[,...] destination
To rename a directory:
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:][path]dirname1
[drive:][path]filename1 – location and name of file to be moved.
Destination – new location of file. If you are moving only one file - include a file
name if you want to rename file when you move it.
[drive:][path]dirname1 – specifies directory you want renamed.
o dirname2 – specifies new name of directory.
/Y – suppresses prompting to confirm creation of a directory or overwriting of
/-Y – Causes prompting to confirm creation of a directory or overwriting of
Compare and contrast MOVE and COPY.
MOVE can rename subdirectories, which COPY cannot do.
MOVE copies a file and then deletes the original while COPY makes a copy of the file and
then leaves the original file intact.
What is the difference between the MOVE and the REN commands?
Both MOVE and REN can rename files and subdirectories.
REN renames files and then leaves them in the same subdirectory.
MOVE can move files to other drives and directories. If a file or subdirectory is moved
one at a time, it is possible to rename the file and move it at the same time.
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1
Page 3
Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 5
Using DEL, REN, MOVE, and RD /S
Compare and contrast the RD /S command with the RD command without
the /S parameter.
Both commands will remove directories.
RD removes only one directory at a time and the directory must be empty of all files. The
command works from bottom up and is a two-step process. First, must delete all files
from the directory and then delete the directory.
RD /S deletes from top down and with one command can remove an entire structure
(directories with files within directories). It is a powerful but dangerous command.
What process could you use to back up a specific file?
Use the COPY command to back up a specific file.
What process could you use to back up a subdirectory?
To backup small subdirectories you could use COPY *.* destination. To backup larger
subdirectories or entire hard drives, you need to use programs like MSBACKUP or other
commercial backup programs.
Why would you not copy all the files from the hard disk to a floppy disk
with the DISKCOPY command?
Backing up a hard disk is a special circumstance using special operating commands and
procedures. In practical terms the contents will not fit on one floppy disk as there is
much more information on a hard disk. But more important, to use DISKCOPY you
must have identical media types and a hard disk and a floppy are not identical media.
Why would you not copy all the files from a hard disk to a floppy disk with
the COPY command?
You cannot and must not copy all the files from a hard disk to a floppy disk with the
COPY command. COPY is used to back up files from floppy disks to floppy disks or
specific files in specific directories on the hard disk to a floppy disk. COPY can be used
if you have two removable drives because if you are using two disk drives, COPY does
not require identical disk media types.
However, practically, there would not be enough room on a floppy to copy all the files
from a hard disk to one floppy disk as hard drives contain much more information than a
floppy disk could contain.
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates ©2003 ISBN: 1-887902-82-1
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