Processes for FPTD submissions: This reduces the need to send TARs through multiple approvals throughout the process. In the travel management program the faculty member should attach their FPDT application when sending the travel request through for approval. For all travel, not just FPDT, please ensure that the TAR includes name of the conference/activity and the nature of their participation (i.e. presenting, chairing and session, etc.) in the “remarks” section since the application truncates some fields and it is sometimes difficult to see this information elsewhere. Also include specific information about class coverage including dates missed and arrangements for covering each missed class. This can be described in the remarks. Trip Dates Prior to FPDT award: Traveler enters Travel Approval Request (TAR) “For Insurance Purposes Only” by reducing the amount to $.01 and clicks Save and Send for Approval; (this needs to be approved as the traveler will not be on campus – “insurance purpose only”) Once FPDT is awarded after the trip the traveler would enter his/her Travel Expense Report (TER) and include the amount awarded and the corresponding Fund Center; o In this example the Traveler is only entering the TAR once and the TER once and therefore the approvers would only see it at TAR and TER. Trip Dates After FPDT Award: Traveler enters Travel Approval Request (TAR) “For Insurance Purposes Only” by reducing the amount to $.01 and clicks Save Draft; (this will not be sent through work flow and therefore will not be approved); Traveler can Display/Print the TAR draft to attach to their application; or, since we are submitting FPDT online, the PDF of the draft can be attached with your FPDT application. Once FPDT is awarded they can “Change” their TAR to enter the amount awarded and then click Save and Send for Approval; o TAR will only be approved once; Upon return from their trip they would enter the Travel Expense Report (TER), if the TER is different than the TAR by $25 or less it will not go through workflow for approval, if it is greater than $25 it will; o TER may be approved once or not at all, depending on variance to TAR. Traveler must attach the FPDT Award Letter to the TER, prior to submitting it for reimbursement.