UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige Eksamen i : INF-3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939 — Grunnkurs i julebord Eksamensdag : Fredag 8. desember 2006 Oppgaver og svar Kombinert engelsk-norsk løsning —————————————————— UNIVERSITY OF OSLO Faculty og Mathematics and Natural Sciences Exam in : INF-3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939 — Elementary Yuleboardics Day of exam: Friday, Desember 8th, 2006 Problems and answers Combined English-Norwegian solution 1 1. SYTTEN UFULLSTENDIGE SITATER 1.1. "To be or not to be, ...." a) "that's what's bugging me" • b) "that is the question." c) "what is the answer?" Shakespeare ———————————————————————————— 1.2. "I have nothing to offer but ...." • a) "blood, toil, tears, and sweat." b) "blood, sweat and tears" c) "blood and sweat, toil and tears" Winston Churchill ———————————————————————————— 1.3. "And this is the writing that was inscribed: mene, mene, tekel, ...." • a) "and parsin" b) "and parsing" • c) "upharsin" Daniel 5:25 ———————————————————————————— 1.4. "You don't need a weather man ...." a) "to teach you how to drive your van" b) "to tell you if it's raining" • c) "to tell you where the wind blows" Robert Zimmerman ———————————————————————————— 1.5. "I ain't gonna work .... no more" a) "in Marge's store" • b) "on Maggie's farm" d) "for the CIA" Robert Zimmerman ———————————————————————————— 1.6. "Lovely Rita Meter Maid ..." a) "Please don't leave that bill on my car" b) "our love will never fade" • c) "nothing can come between us" The Beatles ———————————————————————————— 1.7. "All the world's a stage, …." a) "And all the words a cage" • b) "And all the men and women merely players" c) "And each must play a part" Shakespeare ———————————————————————————— 1.8. "Vel hefir konungrinn alit oss, feitt er mér enn um hjartarøtr. ...." (the rest in modern Norwegian) a) "Og så døde han" b) "Så falt han om i uvit" • c) "Så seg han bakover og var død" Snorre Sturlason ———————————————————————————— 1.9. "Blessed are the poor in spirit, ...." "Salige er de fattige i ånden" a) "for they will inherit the earth. " "for de skal arve jorden" b) "for they are mostly happy anyway " "for de er stort sett fornøyd uansett" • c) "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." • "for Himmelens rike er deres" Mathew 5.3 ———————————————————————————— 2 1.10. "Blessed are the meek, ...." a) "for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." b) "for theirs is the front of the line in the end" • c) "for they will inherit the earth. " Mathew 5.5 "Salige er de saktmodige" "for Himmelens rike er deres" "for deres er starten på køen til slutt" "for de skal arve jorden" ———————————————————————————— 1.11. "We hold …., that all men are created equal." a) "on to the creed of the fathers of our constitution" b) "on to this creed" • c) "these truths to be self-evident" d) "our forefather's words to be true" Thomas Jefferson ———————————————————————————— 1.12. "Ask not what your country can do for you – ...." a) "ask how can you serve your country" • b) "ask what you can do for your country" c) "ask, How do you do?" John F Kenney ———————————————————————————— 1.13. "Then Jacob gave Esau ...." "Og Jakob gav Esau"" a) "some bread and water." "brød og vann" b) "two fishes and five loaves of bread" "to fisker og fem brød" • c) "some bread and some lentil stew." "brød og linsevelling" Genesis 25.34 ———————————————————————————— 1.14. "We'll have Manhattan, .... It's lovely going through The zoo." a) "some bread and some lentil stew." b) "the Lower East Side, me and you." • c) "The Bronx and Staten Island too." d) "Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island." Lorenz Hart ———————————————————————————— 1.15. "First we take Manhattan and then we take ...." a) "the isle of Staten " b) "the Bronx " • c) "Berlin" Leonard Cohen ———————————————————————————— 1.16. ".... When I want the West to scream, I squeeze on Berlin." a) "When I want the East to sneeze, I flirt with the Chinese" • b) "Berlin is the testicle of the West." c) "When I want the East to sweat, I lean on Tibet." Nikita Khrushchev ———————————————————————————— 1.17. "I never had sex with that woman. ...." a) "Ms. Lebowsky" • b) "Ms. Lewinsky." c) "Ms. Loveinthesky" Bill Clinton ———————————————————————————— 3 2. SEKSTEN DATAMASKINER når hvor stikkord name 2.1 -100 Egeerhavet astronomi-mekanikk antikythera 2.2 1275 Spania Debatt- og prekenmaskin Llullian Circle Ramon Llull 2.3 1623 Tyskland Brukt av vennen Kepler Regneklokken Calculating Clock Whilhelm Schickard 2.4 1644 Frankrike Den fromme kartesianer Pascaline Pascal 2.5 1671 Tyskland Calculus Ratiocinator Step Reckoner Leibniz 2.6 1801 Frankrike så langt den mest suksessrike bruk av hullkort Jacquard loom Joseph-Marie Jacquard 2.7 1820 Frankrike Første salgbare mekaniske bordbårne regnemaskin Arithmometer Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar 2.8 1822-49 England desimal, analog, messing Difference Engine Babbage 2.9 1849-71 England Analytical Engine Babbage -"- constructor 2.10 1840 England trinær, digital, av tre Calculating Machine Thomas Fowler 2.11 1880 USA hullkortregneren The Tabulator Hollerith (Billings) (IBM) 2.12 1936 England Vet vi noensinne når vi skal stoppe? a-machine Alan Turing 2.13 1938-41 Tyskland binær, fra mekanisk til elektronisk Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 Konrad Zuse 2.14 1942 England anti-enigmatisk Colossus Tommy Flowers Max Newmann et alii 2.15 1945 USA digital, elektronisk storskala, programmerbar ENIAC Mauchly & Eckert et alii 2.16 1953 Norge NUSSE Hysing et alii 4 2. SIXTEEN COMPUTERS når hvor stikkord name constructor 2.1 -100 The Egeans astronomy-mechanics antikythera 2.2 1275 Spain Arguments and sermons Llullian Circle Ramon Llull 2.3 1623 Germany Used by friend Kepler Regneklokken Calculating Clock Whilhelm Schickard 2.4 1644 France The pious Cartesian Pascaline Pascal 2.5 1671 Germany Calculus Ratiocinator Step Reckoner Leibniz 2.6 1801 France So far the most succesfull use of punched cards Jacquard loom Joseph-Marie Jacquard 2.7 1820 France First commercial Arithmometer mechanical table computer 2.8 1822-49 England decimal, analogue, brass Difference Engine Babbage 2.9 1849-71 England -"- Analytical Engine Babbage Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar 2.10 1840 England ternary, digital, wood Calculating Machine Thomas Fowler 2.11 1880 USA punched card computer The Tabulator Hollerith (Billings) (IBM) 2.12 1936 England Do we ever know when to stop? a-machine Alan Turing 2.13 1938-41 Germany binær, fra mekanisk til elektronisk Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4 Konrad Zuse 2.14 1942 England anti-enigmatic Colossus Tommy Flowers Max Newmann et alii 2.15 1945 USA digital, elektronisk storskala, programmerbar ENIAC Mauchly & Eckert et alii 2.16 1953 Norway NUSSE Hysing et alii 5 3. SEKSTEN BERØMTE DYR 3.1 Flyr vidt omkring og rapporterer hviskende til sin herre deres art hyppig omtalt i vitenskapsteorien Odins to svarte ravner Huginn And Muninn 3.2 Den flyktige katt fra Eventyrland The Chessire Cat 3.3 Den selvstendigekatt som portrettert av han som skrev historien om den foreldreløse ulvegutten The Cat that Walked By Itself (Kipling) 3.4 Hendel for plutselig forløsning— også kjent som filmhistoriens smarteste hest Roy Rogers' Trigger 3.5 Den store messianske løve Aslan of Narnia 3.6 Den luftbårne ganger til De eldre tiders Bellerofon en god del senere overtatt av poeten Pegasus 3.7 TV-helthunden fra grenselandet Lassie 3.8 Helveteshunden som møtte den narkomane detektiv Hunden fra Baskerville 3.9 Verdensslukeren bundet, enn så lenge, med ubrytelige lenker ved helvetes port Fenrisulven 3.10 Elefantevert ved hjelp av sine enorme sensoriske vedheng (når "elefantevert" er et dårlig ordspill) Dumbo (den stor-ørede flygende elefant) 3.11 Den rundhodede gnager fra tegneseriene unnfanget som Mortimer, for å fødes med et mer alminnelig navn Mickey Mouse 3.12 Hva du kunne ha ropt (på engelsk) til presidenten, om hans fornavn hadde begynt med en D, istedet fior en R, i hans møte med attentatmannen Donald Duck 3.13 Den animerte ubåt med sin motvillig hellige passasjer Hvalen som bar Jonas i sin buk i 5 dager 3.14 Den ørlille blodusgende latiner Den spanske loppe There was a little Spanish Flea A record star he thought he'd be he heard of singers like beatles and the chipmunks he'd seen on tv ....Why not a Little Spanish Flea? 3.15 Det konstant forkjølede arktiske klovdyret til den sesongbaserte altruisten Rudolf, det rødnesed reinsdyr 3.16 Gjenfødt gjennom ild og aske Fønix 6 3. SIXTEEN FAMOUS ANIMALS 3.1 Flying wide, reporting back to their master in whispers—their kind frequently referred to in Theory of Science The two black ravens of Oðin, Huginn And Muninn 3.2 The Volatile Feline from Wonderland The Chessire Cat 3.3 The Independent Feline—as portrayed by the writer of the tale of the orphaned wolf boy The Cat that Walked By Itself (Kipling) http://www.petrescue.com/library/cat-walked.htm 3.4 The handle of abrupt release Roy Rogers' Trigger aka the smartest horse in the movies http://www.equinenet.org/heroes/trigger.html 3.5 The Great Messianic Lion Aslan of Narnia 3.6 The Airborne Steed of Ancient Bellerophon—much later claimed the Poet Pegasus 3.7 The Canine TV-hero of the Borderlands Lassie 3.8 The Hell-Hound versus the Famous Drug Addict Detective The Hound of the Baskervilles 3.9 Devourer of the World—held, for now, by an unbreakable tether at the Gates of Hell The Fenris Wolf 3.10 Elephated by means of his enormous sensory appendages (when "Elephated" is bad pun) Dumbo (the big eared flying elephant) 3.11 The roundhead rodent of the cartoons, conceived as Mortimer, to be born under a commoner name Mickey Mouse 3.12 what you might have shouted to the president, had his name begun with a D, instead of an R at his encounter with the would be assassin Donald Duck 3.13 The animated submarine with his reluctantly holy passenger The Jonas Whale 3.14 The tiny latino blood sucker There was a little Spanish Flea A record star he thought he'd be he heard of singers like beatles and the chipmunks he'd seen on tv ....Why not a Little Spanish Flea? 3.15 the permanently cold-ridden cloven-hoofed arctic animal of the seasonal altruist Rudolph the Red-Nosed Rain Deer 3.16 Reborn Through Flame and Ashes Phoenix 7 4. ÅTTE-OG-TYVE BERØMTE PAR 4.1 Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt 4.2 Evita Peron & Juan Peron 4.3 Adam & Eve 4.4 Anthony & Cleopatra 4.5 Barbie & Ken 4.6 Bert & Ernie 4.7 Bonnie Parker & Clyde Barrow 4.8 Homer Simpson & Marge Bouvier 4.9 Kurt Cobain & Courtney Love 4.10 Romeo & Juliet 4.11 Samson & Delilah 4.12 Siegfried & Roy 4.13 Abelard & Heloïse 4.14 Tom & Jerry 4.15 Batman & Robin 4.16 Laurel & Hardy 4.17 Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers 4.18 Hero & Leander 4.19 Othello & Desdemona 4.20 Philemon & Baucis 4.21 Porgy & Bess 4.22 Diana (aka Sala) Palmer & the Phantom (Kit Walker) 4.23 Samson & Delilah 4.24 Sherlock Holmes & Dr. Watson 4.25 Sonny & Cher 4.26 Tarzan & Jane 4.27 Tristan & Iseult (Isolde) 4.28 Punch & Judy 8 5. SEKSTEN BERØMTE PLANTER 5.1 Forbannet til evig ufruktbarhet av den tørste tømmermannsønnen (eller egentlig en annens sønn) Fikentreet Jesus forbannet fordi det ikke ville gi ham skygge i dagens hete Matteus 21, 12-17. Markus 11, 12-14 5.2 Holder oppe den bittelille tolleren, og eo ipso synderen, som så sårt ønsker å se forkynneren Det morbærtrettet den kortvokste tolleren Sakkeus klatret opp i for å se Jesus i folkemengden Luke 19:1-6 5.3 Varlser kongen med det fagre håret Det treet Dronning Ragnhild, Halvdan Svartes kone, drømte om, som varslet at hennes sønn Harald Hårfagre skulle ble den første kongen over hele Norge. 5.4 Det gjenfødte kystlige minnet om kongelig flukt Kongebjerke ved det stedet der Kong Haakon unslapp tyskerne i 1940 i båt på vei mot England 5.5 Verdenstreet som gjennomborer Miðgarðr Yggdrasil—det største og herligste av alle trær med eviggrønne grener som brer seg over hele verden og når like opp til himmelen, og med tre røtter: én i Nivelheimen, en i Jotunheimen og én i Asgard. 5.6 Fikk slippe på grunn av sin ungdommelige uskyld, så bragt til den blinde for å bli den fagres bane Mistelteien, som på grunn av sin uunselighet og uskyld ikke hadde blitt avkrevet noe løfte om ikke å såre Balder. Loke tok teinen med til Balders blinde bror Hod og lurte Hod til å skyte den mot Balder, hvorpå Balder døde. 5.7 Puffen (krakken, stolen, sengen) for meditativ, nirvanisk lykksalighet Lotusblomsten som Buddha hviler på. 5.8 Ombundet med ønsker om hjemkomst og forening Det gamle eiketreet, ombundet med sitt gule bånd med ønske om soldatenes hjemkomst 5.9 Den ensteående mørke kjærlighetens og stridens blomst Den sorte tulipan, dyrket frem av Cornelius van Baerle, beskrevet av Alexandre Dumas 5.10 Den uendelige spinkelhetens himmelrettede klatrestang Bønnestengelen til Jacob 5.11 Skjebnen til Den eldre tids dialektiske fødselshjelper Skarntyde eller Malurt som ble brukt til å brygge giftdrikken som ble servert Socrates 5.12 Det flammende uantennelige medium til han Som Er Den brennende tornebusk hvorigjennom Gud talte til Moses på Sinai Bjerg. 5.13 En plante i navnet et fartøy for de fromme i gavnet The Mayflower 5.14 Det fullstendig latterligere offeret krevet av de gigantiske voktere av ordene: Ni, Ping, and Nee-womm! Busken forlangt av The Knights Who Say Ni i Monte Python's Holy Grail-film. 5.15 Vakkert blomstrende, men stikkende omhengende den ikke helt nærværende skjønnhet Tornehekken rundt slottet der Tornerose sov i hundre år 5.16 Hele rekken av dem besunget for sin forsommerskjønnhet, med løfter om undre Kastanjene i Bygdøy Allé 9 5. SIXTEEN FAMOUS PLANTS 5.1 Banned to be forever barren by the thirsty son of the carpenter (or actually someone else's son) The fig tree banned by Jesus because it would not give him shade at the height of the day Mathew 21, 12-17. Marc 11, 12-14 5.2 Supporting the miniscule customs officer, and eo ipso sinner, who so badly wanted to see the preacher The sycamore tree climbed by Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-6 5.3 Foretelling the fair haired king The tree in the dream of Ragnhild, the Queen wife of Halvdan Swarthy, signaling that her son Harold Fairhair would be first king of all of Norway. 5.4 The Reborn Coastal Memorial of Royal Escape The King Birch growing near the place where Norwegian King Haakon, fleeing the Germans in April 1940, entered the boat that took him to England. (The tree died and was replaced sometime during the eighties.) 5.5 The Miðgarðr Piercing World Tree Yggdrasil—the greatest and most wonderful of all trees with evergreen leaves that spreads over all is the World and reaches all the way to Heaven and with three roots: one in Nivelheimen, one in Jotunheimen, and one in Asgard. 5.6 Left to itself in virtue of its innocence and then coupled with blindness to be the bane of the fairest The Mistletoe that killed Baldr: Loki arranged the murder of Baldr when he used mistletoe, the only plant which had not sworn to never harm Baldr, and made a dart of it, which he tricked Baldr's blind brother Höðr into throwing at Baldr, thereby killing him. 5.7 The stool of meditative nirvanic bliss The Lotus Flower on which Buddha is resting 5.8 Ribboned with wishes of homecoming The Old Oak Tree (with its yellow ribbon) 5.9 The Uniquely Dark Flower of Love and Strife The Black Tulip of Cornelius van Baerle (Alexandre Dumas) 5.10 The Never-ending Slenderness of Heaven Reaching Climbing Stick The Beanstalk (that of Jacob's) 5.11 The Fate of the Ancient Dialectic Obstetrician The Hemlock (Skarntyde or Malurt) used to brew the poison that served to Socrates 5.12 The Flaming Inflammable Medium of The One Who Is In the Book of Exodus, the burning bush is a miracle performed by God (YHWH) on Mount Sinai to inform Moses of his divine calling. God appeared to Moses from a bush which was aflame, but which was not consumed by the fire. 5.13 By name a Plant by Deed a Vessel for the Pious The Mayflower 5.14 The totally silly sacrifice demanded by the giant keepers of the words: Ni, Ping, and Nee-womm! The shrubbery demanded by The Knights Who Say Ni in Monte Python's Holy Grail movie. 5.15 Nicely flowered, but stinging—hedging in the somewhat distant loveliness The Sleeping Beauty 5.16 The whole row—Edging the ally—the crooner besinging their flowering wonder-promising beauty The Chesnut Trees of Bygdøy Allé 10