Contemporary British Society:

EUR 102 Innføring i europeiske kulturar
(15 studiepoeng)
Pensumliste vår 2007
Romansk ( = fransk, italiensk og spansk)
*Amin Maalouf, Identitet som dreper ( Paris 1998, Oslo (Pax) 1999): utdrag på ca 30
*Joan W. Scott, ”Symptomatic Politics: Banning Islamic Head Scarves in French
Public Schools”, manuskript 2004, 26 s.
*Jean-Paul Sartre: En fører blir til (Paris 1939, Oslo (Gyldendal) 1962): novelle, 70 s.
*Denis Mack Smith, “The “Geographical Expression”, Modern Italy. A Political
History. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1997, 3-24;
*Hodne, Bjarne, ”Nasjon” – et begrep med skiftende innhold. Eksemplet Italia”, TfK,
Tidsskrift for kulturforskning, 1-2, Novus forlag, 2005, 29-54;
*Allum, Percy, “Italian society transformed”, Italy since 1945, ed. by Patrick
McCarthy, Oxford University Press, 2004, 10- 41
*Harder, Thomas, “Fra enhedsstat til federal stat?”, Italien, Danmark, Samleren,
1997, 212-238;
*Harder, Thomas, “Il senso dello stato”, Italien, Danmark, Samleren, 1997, 156-170;
Barry Jordan & Rikki Morgan-Tamosunas (ed., 2000):
Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies, London: Arnold
Følgende kapitler er pensum:
- 1): Culture and Development: the impact of 1960s ’desarrollismo’
- 2): Selling Spanish ’otherness’ since the 1960s
- 3): Collective memory, the nation-state and post-Franco society
- 4): Race, immigration and multiculturalism in Spain
- 5): 1992: memories and identities
- 6): How Spanish is it? Spanish cinema and national identity
- 7): Heritage: devolution and the recovery of diversity
-20): Changing subjects: gendered identities in ETA and radical Basque
-21): Re-registering Spanish feminisms
-24): The construction of youth in Spain in the 1980s and 1990s
-28): Football and fandom in Spain
*Ammon, Ulrich (1997): To What Extent is German an International Language? In:
Stevenson, Patrick (ed.), The German Language and the Real World.
Sociolinguistic, Cultural, and Pragmatic Perspectives on Contemporary
German. Clarendon Press:Oxford. 28-37
*Clyne, Michael (1992): German as a pluricentric language. In: Clyne, Michael (ed.),
Pluricentric Languages. Differing Norms in Different Nations. Mouton de
Gruyter:Berlin/New York (= Contributions to the Sociology of Language, 62).
*Coulmas, Florian (1997): Germanness: Language and Nation. In: Stevenson, Patrick
(ed.), The German Language and the Real World. Sociolinguistic, Cultural,
and Pragmatic Perspectives on Contemporary German. Clarendon
Press:Oxford. 55-66.
*Kaufman, David (1998): German language. In: James, Peter (ed.). Modern Germany.
Politics, society and culture. Routledge:London/New York. 178-180, 183-189,
*Kelly-Holmes, Helen (2002): German language: whose language, whose culture? In:
Phipps, Alison (ed.), Contemporary German Cultural Studies. Arnold:London.
*Martin, Victoria (2000): The German Language in Austria. In: Hogan-Brun,
(ed.), National Varieties of German outside Germany. Lang:Oxford/Bern
(=German Linguistic and Cultural Studies, 8). 103-116
*Rash, Felicity (2000): Outsiders' Attitudes towards the Swiss German Dialects and
Swiss Standard German. In: Hogan-Brun, Gabrielle (ed.), National Varieties
of German outside Germany. Peter Lang:Oxford/Bern (= German Linguistic
and Cultural Studies, 8). 67-88.
*Rash, Felicity (2003): Language and Communication in German-speaking
Switzerland. In: Charnley, Joy/Pender, Malcolm (eds), Living with Languages.
The Contemporary Swiss Model. Lang: Oxford/Bern (= Occasional Papers in
Swiss Studies, 5). 107-127
*Russ, Charles V.J. (1994): The German language today. A linguistic introduction
Routledge:London/New York. 1-8, 59-62, 65, 71-72, 78-85, 87-88, 92-93
*Watts, Richard (1988): Language, dialect and national identity in Switzerland. In:
Multilingua 7-3. 313-319, 329-331
Dagens samfunn:
*John Ardagh: Germany and the Germans, Penguin, London 1991, 1-24
*Hans-Georg Betz: Perplexed Normalcy: German Identity After Unification, in:
Reinhard Alter, Peter Monteath (Ed.): Rewriting the German past. History and
identity in the new Germany. New Jersey 1997, 40-64.
*Dieter Fahrni: An Outline History of Switzerland, Pro Helvetia, Zürich 1997, 104129
*Focus on Switzerland: Education, Psychology, Theology, 27-43
*Margarete Schättle: Austria – the Cradle of National Socialism? In: 1000 Jahre
Österreich. Arbeitsberichte des Germanistischen Instituts der Universität Oslo
1998, 51-56
*Switzerland in its diversity (political structure, federalism, economy, culture),, 10 s.
Media, litteratur og kunst:
*Holger Briel: Mediascapes, in: Alison Phipps (Ed.): Contemporary German Cultural
Studies. London 2002, 263-282
*Focus on Switzerland: Intellectual and Literary Life, The Fine Arts, 20 s.
*Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Václav Havel in Zürich. Speech. 7 s.
*Karen Leeder: Modern German Poetry, in: Eva Kolinsky, Wilfried van der Will
(Ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture. Cambridge
1998, 193-212
*Irit Rogoff: Modern German art, in: Eva Kolinsky, Wilfried van der Will (Ed.): The
Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture. Cambridge 1998, 256281
*Elsbeth Wessel: Hva er østerriksk ved den østerrikske litteratur? In: 1000 Jahre
Österreich. Arbeitsberichte des Germanistischen Instituts der Universität Oslo
1998, 57-66
Nikolas Rzhevsky (ed). 1998: The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian
Culture. Cambridge, CUP. Kap 2, s 19-38. : kap 3, s 38-56; kap 6, s 103-125; kap 8, s
161-205; kap 12, s 299-329.
Bacon, Edwin w Matthew Wyman. 2006: Contemporary Russia. Houndmills and NY,
Palgrave Macmillan. (175 s)
Phillipson, Robert. 2003. English-Only Europe? Challenging Language Policy.
London: Routledge. Chapters 1-3, 5-6
Dagens samfunn
Sevaldsen, Vadmand, Mustad: Contemporary British Society. 7th ed.
Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 2005
Ch. I The Condition of Britain at the Beginning of the 21st Century pp. 11-27
Ch. II Countries and Peoples pp. 29-61
Ch. III Economy and Work pp. 63-99
Ch. IV Politics and Political Institutions
IV.1 Post-war Politics pp. 101-106
IV.9 Parties pp. 140-155
IV.12 The Mass Media pp. 160-169
Ch. V The State, Public Services and Civil Rights
V.2 Britain in the World pp. 180-204
V.5 Education pp. 234-249
Det som er merket med stjerne er i kompendier, men pensum til spansk,
russisk og engelsk del må kjøpes som bøker.