Red paper Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1

Yan Bin Hu
Fred Feng
Vasfi Gucer
Jacky Huang
Bin Jiang
Richard Mackler
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite
Application Management Server V6.1
One of the questions we find ourselves asked frequently when planning an
implementation of any monitoring product is "How do we know when our monitor
is not working correctly?" Not only is this a fair question, but it is essential for an
enterprise environment to be aware of when the tools they are using to monitor
core business processes are themselves experiencing problems or component
The focus here is to try and answer that question for the following IBM® Tivoli®
Availability Management products:
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Composite Application Monitor for WebSphere® (ITCAM for
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Composite Application Monitor for J2EE™ (ITCAM for J2EE)
򐂰 IBM Tivoli Composite Application Monitor for Response Time Tracking
(ITCAM for Response Time Tracking)
As with many situations in the IT field, there are multiple solutions that could
answer the above question. This paper contains is one set of solutions that
facilitate implementation and minimize the time the reader needs to spend trying
to engineer a unique solution from scratch.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2008. All rights reserved.
This is not intended as a primer on installing the ITCAM monitoring environment
or the IBM Tivoli Monitor environment. We assume that both ITCAM and IBM
Tivoli Monitoring have been installed and configured, and that verification testing
is complete and the systems are fully functional. We assume that the reader is a
system administrator, or equivalent, and has been involved in setting up the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring environment and is familiar with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
product. Our goal is to provide a straightforward document that utilizes your IBM
Tivoli Monitoring system to verify that the ITCAM Managing Server is functioning
correctly. In the event that an unexpected problem does occur, the goal is to
utilize the IBM Tivoli Monitoring system to notify the central monitoring
environment that a problem has occurred with the ITCAM Management Servers
and should be addressed.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1 . . . 1
ITCAM for WebSphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Component 1: kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Component 2: visualization engine (WebSphere User Interface) . . . . . 11
Component 3: database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Component 4: archive agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Component 5: publishing server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Component 6: message dispatcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Component 7: database connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
ITCAM for J2EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
ITCAM for Response Time Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
URL monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Monitor using UA HTTP data provider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Monitor using IBM Tivoli Monitoring situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
RTT Managing server port monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Create situation to monitor port status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Management server database monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
The team that wrote this IBM Redpaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
ITCAM for WebSphere
ITCAM for WebSphere consists of a managing server and one or more data
collectors. The role of the data collectors is to collect and pass data pertaining to
the application server performance, activity, workload, resource consumption,
and overall health of the managing server. The role of the managing server is to
provide the data repository, perform the bulk of the analysis, and serve as the
user interface to observe and monitor the application servers. It also identifies
whether there is a performance degradation of an application server or whether it
becomes completely dysfunctional. The user interface for the managing server,
or front end, is an instance of the WebSphere Application Server that the
managing server runs on. The back end of the managing server that performs the
majority of the workload consists of a number of components (see Figure 1 on
page 4). Our initial thoughts were to install a data collector on the WebSphere
instance that is used by the managing server, but that was found to be
problematic due to conflicts with parameters required by the managing server
and those needed for the data collectors. Based on our tests, we found that for
environments that utilize both IBM Tivoli Monitoring and ITCAM, the best practice
solution is to use IBM Tivoli Monitoring to monitor the ITCAM Managing Server.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
In order to determine what components should be monitored it is beneficial to
understand the makeup of the managing server. Figure 1 provides a visual
representation of both the major (critical) and minor components of the managing
Figure 1 ITCAM for WebSphere/J2EE component overview
The principal or critical components that make up the managing server are the
kernel, publishing server, archive agent, database, and visual engine
The critical components of the ITCAM for WebSphere Managing Server to be
monitored are as listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Critical components of the ITCAM for WebSphere Managing Server
Managing server
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent
Archive agent
Universal agent
Database - alive/active
DB2® agent
Database - connection
Universal agent
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Managing server
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent
Universal agent
Message dispatcher
Universal agent
Publish server
Universal agent
WebSphere - managing
server URL
Situation monitor for logon window
Installation guide
Our installation guide is intended to assist you with not only being able to
understand IBM Tivoli Monitoring components, but to give enough details to
virtually walk you through the steps. We assume that the reader is familiar with
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, and that IBM Tivoli Monitoring is already installed. With
that stated, we now address the respective pieces that are needed to install the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents to permit monitoring the ITCAM for WebSphere
Managing Server.
Component 1: kernel
To monitor the kernel server utilizing IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal Agent (UA):
1. Change to the $CANDLEHOME/bin dir. The default CANDLEHOME is
/opt/IBM/ITM, which is the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation directory.
2. Run ./itmcmd manage and press Enter. A window appears, as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2 IBM Tivoli Monitoring menu
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
3. Right-click Universal Agent and select Configure. A window appears, as
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Configure the UA
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
4. In the above window input your TEMS host name in the blank field, which is
circled in red, and select the Agent Parameters tab above the red circle. The
window shown in Figure 4 appears.
Figure 4 Agent parameters
5. Select the SCRP Data Provider item and select Save.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
6. Right-click Universal Agent and select Start Service. A window appears, as
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Starting the UA
7. Select Universal Agent and select Start. A window appears, as shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6 Starting the UA
8. Verify in the Status field that the UA has started successfully.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
9. Using a local file editor, such as VI, create and save a SHELL script as
follows (Figure 7). The file name and directory are up to you.
Figure 7 Vi editor
Note: The /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/MS/bin should be changed to the
correct directory if your managing server was not installed there. Grant
everyone execute permission to the script.
10.Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/aix516/um/metafiles dir. Using
a local file editor, such as VI, create a metafile as follows (the file name
should end with mdl, like sample.mdl). See Figure 8.
Figure 8 Creating the metafile
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Note: The script is the one that you created in “Component 1:
kernel” on page 5. The metafile name must end with mdl.
11.Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/bin directory and run
um_console. See Figure 9.
Figure 9 Running um_console
12.Input "import <metafile>" and press Enter. The metafile is the one that you
created in step 13. See Figure 10.
Figure 10 Importing the metafile
13.Verify the metafile has been imported successfully and press Enter to exit.
See Figure 11.
Figure 11 Verify that the metafile has been imported
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
14.Log on the portal client and start the monitoring. See Figure 12.
Figure 12 Portal client
15.Create a situation for the KERNEL_SERVER_STATUS attribute group. You
can refer to the “Component 6: message dispatcher” on page 27 to do this.
Component 2: visualization engine (WebSphere User
In this section we describe the steps to monitor the front-end process utilizing the
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal Agent.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Step 1: visualization engine URL monitoring
The steps are:
1. Configure UA to enable HTTP Data Provider. See Figure 13 and Figure 14.
Figure 13 Enable the HTTP Data Provider
Figure 14 Enable the HTTP Data Provider
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
2. Add the Managing Server Visualization Engine URL to the Managed URL:
a. Add the following lines to /opt/IBM/ITM/aix516/um/work/KUMPURLS:
b. Restart UA to make it take effect.
3. Click Managed URL. The status of the URL can be seen in Figure 15.
Figure 15 The status of the URL
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Step 2: set up a situation for the URL
Do the following steps:
1. Right-click the subnode Internet00, and select Situations. See Figure 16.
Figure 16 Select Situations
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
c. Create a new situation. Name it ITCAMfWAS_VE_Status, and in the Select
Condition dialog, select MANAGED URL' Status as the attribute. See
Figure 17.
Figure 17 Select MANAGED URL status
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
d. Set one minute as the sampling interval and status not equal to OK as the
situation. See Figure 18.
Figure 18 Setting the sample interval and condition
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
2. Figure 19 is an example of a situation triggered when the visualization engine
is not available. (Stop the ITCAM for WebSphere Server to test this.)
Figure 19 Example of situation triggered
Component 3: database
In this section we discuss the steps to monitor the database utilizing the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring DB2 Agent.
Step 1: DB2 agent installation
To monitor a 32-bit DB2 instance on 64-bit AIX®:
1. Select 32 bit as the OS during DB2 agent install.
2. Install DB2 agent 6.10.01.
3. Modify /opt/IBM/ITM/registry/udaix513.ver as follows:
# Supported architectures.
runArch = aix513
runArch = aix523
runArch = aix533
runArch = aix516
runArch = aix526
runArch = aix536
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
4. Go to $CANDLEHOME/bin dir. Start the DB2 agent from the CLI. (Sometimes
we need su to db2inst1 first and then start the DB2 agent.)
bash-2.05 # su - db2inst1
bash-2.05 # ./itmcmd agent -o db2inst1 start ud
Sourcing db2profile for user db2inst1
Starting agent...
Agent Started...
Step 2: DB2 status situation
The steps are:
1. Log in to the portal desktop and create a DB2 status situation (Figure 20).
Figure 20 Portal console
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
2. Select dbase status as the attribute, as shown in Figure 21.
Figure 21 Select dbase status
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Figure 22 Select dbase status
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
e. If DB2 on the managing server is shut down, you should see the situation
triggered as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Situation triggered
Component 4: archive agent
To monitor the archive agent utilizing the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal Agent:
1. Using a local file editor, such as VI, create a SHELL script, as shown in
Figure 24. The file name and the directory are up to you.
Figure 24 Vi editor
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Note: The /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/MS/bin should be changed to the
correct directory if your managing server was not installed there. Grant
everyone execute permission to the script.
2. Verify that the IBM Tivoli Monitoring UA has configured and started
3. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/aix516/um/metafiles dir. Using
a local file editor, such as VI, create a metafile (ending with mdl), as shown in
Figure 25.
Figure 25 Creating a metafile
Note: The underlined script is the one that you created previously.
4. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/bin directory and run
5. Input "import <metafile>" and press Enter. The metafile is what you created in
step 3.
Figure 26 Importing the metafile
6. Verify that the metafile was imported successfully and press Enter to exit.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
7. Log on the portal client and begin your monitoring, as shown in Figure 27.
Figure 27 Portal client
8. Create a situation for the ARCHIVE_AGENT_STATUS attribute group. You
can refer to the “Component 6: message dispatcher” on page 27.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Component 5: publishing server
To monitor the publishing server utilizing the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal
1. Using a local file editor, such as VI, create and save a SHELL script, as
shown in Figure 28. The file name and directory are up to you.
Figure 28 Vi editor
2. Verify that the IBM Tivoli Monitoring UA has configured and started
3. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/aix516/um/metafiles dir. Using
a local file editor, such as VI, create a metafile (ending with mdl), as shown in
Figure 29.
Figure 29 Creating a metafile
4. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/bin directory and run
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
5. Input "import <metafile>" and press Enter. The metafile is what you created in
step 3. See Figure 30.
Figure 30 Importing the metafile
6. Verify that the metafile was imported successfully and press Enter to exit.
Figure 31 Verifying the metafile
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
7. Log on to the portal and begin your monitoring. See Figure 32.
Figure 32 Portal client
8. Create a situation for the PUBLISH_SERVER_STATUS attribute group. You
can refer to “Component 6: message dispatcher” on page 27.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Component 6: message dispatcher
To monitor the message dispatcher utilizing the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal
1. Using a local file editor, such as VI, create and save a SHELL script, as
shown in Figure 33. The file name and directory are up to you.
Figure 33 Vi editor
2. Verify that the IBM Tivoli Monitoring UA has configured and started
3. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/aix516/um/metafiles dir. Using
a local file editor, such as VI, create a metafile (ending with mdl), as shown in
Figure 34.
Figure 34 Creating the metafile
Note: The /UASCRIPT/ is the script that you created previously.
4. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/bin directory and run
5. Input "import <metafile>" and press Enter.
Figure 35 Importing the metafile
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
6. Verify that the metafile was imported successfully and press Enter to exit.
Figure 36 Verifying the metafile
7. Log on to the portal and start your monitoring.
Figure 37 Portal client
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
8. Select the Message_Dispatcher_Status attribute group and create a
situation, as shown in Figure 38.
Figure 38 Create a situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
An image appears, as shown in Figure 39.
Figure 39 Create a situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
9. Right-click MESSAGE_DISPATCHER_STATUS and select Create New. See
Figure 40.
Figure 40 Select Create New
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
An appears, as shown in Figure 41.
Figure 41 New situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
12.Fill in the name and click OK. You will see Figure 42.
Figure 42 Select condition
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
10.Select the status from the attribute item and click OK. A window appears, as
shown in Figure 43.
Figure 43 Selecting the status
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
11.Click the first status blank and input Not running, which means that if the
status is not running, the situation will be fired. Then click OK. See Figure 43
on page 34.
Figure 44 Selecting the status
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
12.Right-click the Message_Dispatcher_Status attribute group and select
Situation. A window appears, as shown in Figure 45.
Figure 45 Situation editor
13.Right-click the situation that you just created, select Start Situation, and OK.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
If the situation fires, the critical information appears, as shown in Figure 46.
Figure 46 Portal navigator
Component 7: database connection
To monitor the publishing server utilizing the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal
1. Using a local file editor, such as VI, create and save a SHELL script. The file
name and directory are up to you.
# !/bin/sh
status=`/opt/itcam/WebSphere/MS/bin/./ dbtest 2>/dev/null |
awk 'NR==8 {
if ($1=="Successfully") print"Successful";}'`
if (test "$status" = "")
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
echo $status
2. Verify that the IBM Tivoli Monitoring UA has configured and started
3. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/aix516/um/metafiles dir. Using
a local file editor, such as VI, create a metafile (end by mdl).
//APPL MSDBConnection
//NAME MSDBConnection K 120 INTERVAL=30 AddTimeStamp
MSDBConnection D 30
4. Change the directory to the $CANDLEHOME/bin directory and run
5. Input "import <metafile>" and press Enter.
Figure 47 Importing the metafile
6. Verify that the metafile was imported successfully and press Enter to exit.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
7. Log on the portal to start the monitoring.
Figure 48 Portal client
8. Create a situation for the DBConnection attribute group.
ITCAM for J2EE is modeled after ITCAM for WebSphere, except that it provides
a monitoring solution for additional J2EE platforms such as WebLogic, Tomcat,
JBoss, and others to extend J2EE monitoring beyond WebSphere. This
interfaces to the same managing server as used by ITCAM for WebSphere, so
follow the steps in “ITCAM for WebSphere” on page 3.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
ITCAM for Response Time Tracking
ITCAM for Response Time Tracking also works with a management server as its
central point of data collection and utilizes WebSphere Application Server for the
user interface.
This section covers ITCAM for Response Time Tracking Management Server
1. Monitor the ITCAM for Response Time Tracking Management Server logon
2. Monitor the WebSphere Application Server that hosts ITCAM for Response
Time Tracking Management Server presentation server applications.
3. Monitor the ITCAM for Response Time Tracking Management Server port for
ITCAM for Response Time Tracking Management Agent communications.
4. Monitor the ITCAM for Response Time Tracking Management Server
URL monitor
The URL monitor includes the ITCAM for Response Time Tracking Management
Server URL and WebSphere Application Server admin console URL monitoring.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Monitor using UA HTTP data provider
The steps are:
1. Enable the IBM Tivoli Monitoring UA HTTP data provider.
From the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services console, launch the
UA configuration, as shown in Figure 49.
Figure 49 Launching UA configuration
2. Configure the UA to connect to the monitoring server, if it is not already
configured, or just leave the current configuration as it is if it is already
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
3. Update the UA configuration file to include the HTTP data provider, as shown
in Figure 50 and Figure 51 on page 43.
Figure 50 Update UA configuration file to include HTTP data provider
4. Add HTTP to the current list at the line KUMA_STARTUP_DP. See Figure 51
on page 43.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Figure 51 Add HTTP to the current list
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
5. Go to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring UA installation directory, edit the file
KUMPURLS, and add the URL for the RTT presentation server and the
WebSphere Application Server admin console. See Figure 52.
6. Save the KUMPURLS file and restart the UA.
From the portal, you see the new added HTTP data provider and the URLs
managed by the HTTP data provider. See Figure 53.
Figure 53 Portal Navigator
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Monitor using IBM Tivoli Monitoring situation
The steps are:
1. Create a situation for the monitored URLs. See Figure 54.
Figure 54 Create a situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Figure 55 Create a situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
2. Define the situation trigger value. See Figure 56.
Figure 56 Define the trigger value
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
3. Distribute the situation to the HTTP data provider. See Figure 57.
Figure 57 Distribute the situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
4. If the URL is down for some reason, the situation will be triggered. See
Figure 58.
Figure 58 Situation triggered
RTT Managing server port monitoring
The port monitoring is based on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring UA script data
provider. Here is a sample script that tests the port active status and returns the
port name and 0 (port is up) or 1(port is down). Change the host name and the
port number according to your environment.
Example 1
# cat /UASCRIPT/
export LANG=C
export LC_ALL=C
telnet tivc10 9084 <<EOF 2>/dev/null | grep -i connected >>/dev/null
<xml> </xml>
echo "MS_Port_9084
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
The RTT Management Server port number can be found from the ITCAM for
Response Time Tracking config file.
Example 2 ITCAM for Response Time Tracking config file
tmtp.msPortWithoutAuth=9084 ( for non-SSL communication)
tmtp.msPortWithAuth=9446 ( for SSL communicaton)
To enable the port monitor:
1. Enable the UA script data provider using the same steps as for the HTTP data
2. Write a metafile for the script data provider (Example 3).
Example 3 Metafile for the script data provider
#cd /opt/IBM/ITM/aix516/um/metafiles
# cat RTT_MS_Port.mdl
//NAME RTT_MS_Port K 300 INTERVAL=30 AddTimeStamp
RTT_MS_Port D 16 KEY
RTT_MS_Port_Status C 10 ENUM{ UP(0) DOWN(1) }
3. Import the metafile for the UA (Example 4).
Example 4 Importing the metafile
# cd /opt/IBM/ITM/bin
# ./um_console
KUMPS002I Enter console command <Application name or Metafile name
or file name>
import RTT_MS_Port.mdl
KUMPS001I Console input accepted.
KUMPS084I Selecting ASFS DP based on metafile type
KUMPS020I Import successfully completed for RTT_MS_Port.mdl
Press ENTER to exit
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
4. In portal, the newly added script data provider can be found with the port
status, as shown in Figure 59.
Figure 59 Portal
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Figure 60 Portal navigator
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Create situation to monitor port status
The steps are:
1. Create a situation as shown in Figure 60 on page 52 and Figure 61.
Figure 61 Creating the situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Figure 62 Creating the situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
2. Define the situation trigger when the port status is DOWN (Figure 63).
Figure 63 Situation definition
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
3. Distribute situation to the SCRIPT data provider. See Figure 64.
Figure 64 Distributed the situation
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
4. When the port status is DOWN, as returned by the test script, the situation is
triggered (Figure 65).
Figure 65 Triggered situation
Management server database monitoring
The ITCAM for Response Time Tracking Management Server database may be
monitored by the IBM Tivoli Monitoring DB2 agent. Details about this are in
“Management server database monitoring” on page 57, which describes
monitoring of the ITCAM for WebSphere Management Server database.
The team that wrote this IBM Redpaper
This paper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working
at the International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Vasfi Gucer is an IBM Certified Consultant IT Specialist working at the ITSO
Austin Center. He started working for IBM in 1989 as an IT Specialist and has
been with the ITSO since January 1999. He has more than 12 years of
experience in systems management, networking hardware, and distributed
platform software. He has worked on various Tivoli customer projects as a
Systems Architect. Vasfi is also a Certified Tivoli Consultant.
Yan Bin Hu is a member of the IBM Tivoli WW ABSM SWAT team and is based
in the China Software Development Lab (CSDL) in Beijing. He has more than six
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
years of IT experience. In the last four years, he has been working with many
Tivoli ITCAM/OMXEGMON product development projects and providing both
pre-sales and post-sales support for Tivoli products. He holds several
certifications, including ITIL® Foundations, WAS V5.0/WebSphere MQ V5.3
System Administrator, DB2 8.1 Database Administrator, and IBM Certified
Deployment Professional - Tivoli Storage Manager 5.2.
Fred Feng is a member of the IBM Tivoli WW ABSM SWAT team and is based in
the China Software Development Lab (CSDL) in Beijing. He has over four years
of experience in application architecture, design, development, and testing. He
worked as a developer for three years, providing banking business solutions to
China’s major banks like CDB, CEB, and city commercial banks. He spent one
year at IBM as a Testing Engineer including CT, CVT, GVT, and SVT, working on
Tivoli products like ITM 6x, MTT. He currently utilizes his experience to support
both pre-sales and post-sales engagements for the ABSM and ITCAM suite of
Jacky Huang is a member of the IBM Tivoli WW ISM SWAT team and is based
in the China Software Development Lab (CSDL) in Beijing. He has over eight
years of experience in application architecture, design, development, and
testing. He worked as an IBM Business Partner for three years, providing
banking business solutions to China’s major banks, such as BOC, ICBC, and
ABC. He spent two years at IBM as a testing engineer, including CT, FVT, IVT,
and SVT, working on Tivoli products like TMF, TEC, RC, TCM, ITM 5x, and ITM
5x PAC. Since then, he has worked as an IBM Directory Server on i5/OS®
development Team Lead. His current position requires extensive experience with
on-site customer support and consultation of IBM ISM solutions. Qing Chun
Huang is certified as an eNetwork Firewall for AIX Solutions Expert, AS/400®
Professional System Operator, DB2 Database Administrator, Net.Commerce™
Solutions Expert, AIX System Administration, WAS V5.0 System Administrator,
LPI Level 1, and an IBM Certified Deployment Professional for ITM 5x and TCM
and ITIL Foundations.
Bin Jiang is a member of the IBM Tivoli WW CAM SWAT team and is based in
the China Software Development Lab (CSDL) in Beijing. He has over seven
years of experience in IBM Tivoli Storage, availability development, and
implementation. Prior to joining the SWAT he was a member of the team in CSDL
responsible for testing ITCAM. With his deep knowledge of the ITCAM products
he has successfully delivered numerous pre-sale and post-sale engagements,
including for some of Chinas' largest banks. Bin is an IBM Certified Advanced
Deployment Professional for Tivoli Storage Management Solutions as well as an
IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert for pSeries® and AIX.
Richard Mackler is a Senior IT Solutions Architect in the Tivoli Composite
Application Management SWAT team. Based in Shanghai, China, on a one year
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
assignment, he is tasked with managing a China-based SWAT team, as well as
supporting ITCAM and Tivoli products for both pre-sales and post-sales efforts.
Previously, with Cyanea® Systems, he provided installation and support for
z/OS®, WSAM, and WebSphere, and direct support for WSAM PoCs and Crit-Sit
management. His initial professional employment began at Bell Telephone
Laboratories as a developer of military projects, a systems programmer, and
developed performance monitoring tools for the Bell System. Transferring to
Pacific Bell, he held positions of Systems Programmer, Performance
Management for MVS™ systems, Applications Project Architect, Technical
Manager, and Manager for Security Systems Implementation. After leaving the
Bell System, he held positions as publisher/editor of an international adventure
travel magazine, underwater photographer, Director of Computer Production
Services, AVP Computer Operations, Chief Security Officer for an international
Bank, and security consultant to Charles Schwab. He holds BS and MS degrees
in Computer Science and Mathematics.
The team would like to express special thanks to Salman Kazmi from the WW
ABSM SWAT team for his constructive review comments and input.
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1
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Monitoring the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Management Server V6.1