Front cover IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Next generation of business system management Includes TBSM V3.1 feature comparison Cover migration from Netcool/RAD V3 Budi Darmawan Daniel Peacock Gary Kalatucka Redpaper International Technical Support Organization IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 September 2007 REDP-4288-00 Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page v. First Edition (September 2007) This edition applies to Version 4, Release 1, Modification 0 of Tivoli Business Service Manager (product number 5724-C51). Note: This book is based on a pre-GA version of a product and may not apply when the product becomes generally available. We recommend that you consult the product documentation or follow-on versions of this book for more current information. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii The team that wrote this IBM Redpaper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Chapter 1. Introduction to business service management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Business service management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Tivoli management portfolio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 Redpaper environment and organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture . 5 2.1 Business service management concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 Tivoli Business Service Manager architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2.1 Netcool OMNIBus object server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.2.2 Netcool license server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2.3 Netcool security server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2.4 Netcool GUI Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.2.5 Tivoli Business Service Manager server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.3 Interfaces and integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3.1 Tivoli EIF event interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3.2 Discovery interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3.3 ESDA interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4 Services Manager or Systems Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.4.1 Terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4.2 Function differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.1 Installation process overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.2 Installation planning considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3 Typical full installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.4 Migration process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.4.1 License server considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.4.2 Security manager considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.4.3 Netcool OMNIbus considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.4.4 Migrating Tivoli Business Service Manager data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. iii 3.4.5 Manual modifications required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 4.1 Introduction Discovery Library toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 4.2 Installation of the Discovery Library toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 4.2.1 Verify the is correct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.2.2 Verify Tivoli BSM Discovery Library toolkit service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.2.3 Verify that default templates have been installed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.2.4 Test discovery using the sample provided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4.3 IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.3.1 Discovery features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4.3.2 Installing z/OS DLA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 4.3.3 Running z/OS discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 4.3.4 Running Discovery Library toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 4.4 Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.4.1 Integration overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.4.2 Integration prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 4.4.3 Integration in action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Chapter 5. Operational aspects of Tivoli Business Service Manager . . . 71 5.1 Startup and shutdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 5.2 Backup and recovery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 5.3 Performance optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.4 Failover consideration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 5.4.1 Setting up security server for failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 5.4.2 Setting up OMNIbus for failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.4.3 Setting up Tivoli Business Service Manager for failover . . . . . . . . . . 76 5.4.4 Finalizing failover configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 IBM Redbooks Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 How to get IBM Redbooks Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 iv IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, North Castle Drive, Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM, for the purposes of developing, using, marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. v Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: Redbooks (logo) z/OS® zSeries® AIX 5L™ AIX® CICS® DB2® ® IBM® IMS™ MQSeries® Netcool® NetView® OMEGAMON® Redbooks® RACF® Tivoli Enterprise™ Tivoli Enterprise Console® Tivoli® WebSphere® ITIL is a registered trademark, and a registered community trademark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. vi IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Preface This IBM® Redpaper leads you through the new Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 that is based on Netcool/Realtime Active Dashboard (RAD), instead of the previous Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1. This paper describes Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 components and architecture. It also discusses function comparison of Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 and Netcool/RAD to Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1. It documents the installation and migration of Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 in our environment. Migration is currently only available for Netcool/RAD 3.0 users. This paper also discusses integration with IBM Tivoli® Service Management framework that allows Tivoli Business Service Manager to integrate with Tivoli Change and Configuration Management database (CCMDB) using Discovery Library toolkit. This function is also available for z/OS® configuration. Finally, Tivoli Business Service Manager operational consideration is discussed, including backup and recovery process, maintenance schedule, and performance tips. The team that wrote this IBM Redpaper This IBM Redpaper was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working at the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Austin Center. Budi Darmawan is Project Leader at the International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center. He writes extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide on all areas of Tivoli systems management product. Before joining the ITSO eight years ago, Budi worked in IBM Global Technology Services as lead implementer and solution architect. His current interests include business management, application management, and Java™ programming. Daniel Peacock is a Field Technical Sales Specialist from IBM United States. He previously worked in Micromuse which was acquired by IBM. His speciality is the Tivoli business automation field. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. vii Gary Kalatucka is a Senior Consultant for the SWAT team worldwide team specializing in Availability and Business Service Management from IBM United States. Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project: Allen Sofley, Editor International Technical Support Organization Douglas McClure, Daniel Kitay, Rod Bowman IBM Software Group Become a published author Join us for a two- to six-week residency program! Help write an IBM Redbooks Publication dealing with specific products or solutions, while getting hands-on experience with leading-edge technologies. You will have the opportunity to team with IBM technical professionals, Business Partners, and Clients. Your efforts will help increase product acceptance and customer satisfaction. As a bonus, you will develop a network of contacts in IBM development labs, and increase your productivity and marketability. Find out more about the residency program, browse the residency index, and apply online at: viii IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Comments welcome Your comments are important to us! We want our IBM Redpapers to be as helpful as possible. Send us your comments about this IBM Redpaper or other IBM Redbooks® Publications in one of the following ways: Use the online Contact us review form found at: Send your comments in an e-mail to: Mail your comments to: IBM Corporation, International Technical Support Organization Dept. HYTD Mail Station P099 2455 South Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601-5400 Preface ix x IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 1 Chapter 1. Introduction to business service management This chapter describes business service management as the primary objective for managing IT resources. The topics include general background information relevant for managing business service. The discussion in this chapter includes: 1.1, “Business service management” on page 2 1.2, “Tivoli management portfolio” on page 3 1.3, “Redpaper environment and organization” on page 4 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. 1 1.1 Business service management From the Web site of Office of Government Commerce (OGC), the glossary of IT infrastructure library in, a business service is defined as: A Service that is delivered to Business Customers by Business Units. For example delivery of financial services to Customers of a bank, or goods to the Customers of a retail store. Successful delivery of Business Services often depends on one or more IT Services. Based on that definition, the business service has the following attributes: Business customer, consumer of service that wants the service to be available so they can accomplish their needs Business unit, delivers the service, also requires the service to be available for the business unit so they can satisfy their consumer and get repeat interaction IT services, a primary prerequisite to be able to have a successful delivery of the business service Business service management is primarily concerned with the ability to manage IT services rather than just IT systems. IT services should be managed in the context that they enable business services to function. This includes the following contexts: Individual IT components are inter-related to provide service for a business service. These interactions must be clearly defined and understood to successfully build the business service definition. Some IT components might affect more than one business service. The more business services it affects, the more important the component is. The importance of the components is needed for prioritizing the work to ensure its availability. Some business services might have components that are redundant to ensure that the services are still in good health even though one or more components fail. The ability to tie in IT component availability with a more abstract entity such as business service is the primary premise of business service management. The business service can be any entity abstraction that is needed by an enterprise to conduct its business, such as: Departmental application health: for example, finance system, human resource system, purchasing department, warehouse system Geographical office status: for example, Texas regional office, Asia Pacific branch status, France marketing department 2 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Platform based grouping (which might only be of interest to the IT department): for example, Windows® servers, UNIX® machines, mainframes Any other combination or decomposition of an entity that needs to be managed The availability of a business service would be the most important aspect for Service Level Agreement (SLA). In SLA, the service provider commits certain measurement for services to satisfy the service consumer. In IT service SLAs, it is important to harness the user’s view of the service status instead of the IT department’s view of it. The abstraction of different components that build into a business service provides a framework to measure the net impact of business service availability affected by different combination of outages and failures. 1.2 Tivoli management portfolio The system management portfolio of IBM Tivoli consists of a systems management suite to manage your entire IT infrastructure. The IBM Tivoli product suite is in line with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) specification. With the launch of the IBM Tivoli Service Management suite of products, the overall IBM Tivoli Portfolio can conceptually be shown in Figure 1-1. IBM Service Management IT CRM & Business Management Service Delivery & Support Service Deployment Information Management Business Resilience Process Management Service Management Platform Operational Management Best Practices Change and Configuration Management Database Business Application Management Server, Network & Device Management Storage Management Security Management Figure 1-1 IBM Tivoli product portfolio In Figure 1-1, the business service management product resides in the business application management discipline. For more information on other Tivoli product suites, visit the Tivoli homepage at: Chapter 1. Introduction to business service management 3 The business service management function is primarily managed using the products: IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager: manages business service entities because they are affected by the health and status of the underlying IT components IBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor: collects and maintains service level information from various sources for reporting and analysis This paper discusses the IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager Version 4.1. This product evolved from Netcool/Real-time Active Dashboard (RAD) Version 3.0. The product will merge with the existing IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager Version 3.1 in the next release. 1.3 Redpaper environment and organization This redpaper was written in the IBM International Technical Support Organization (ITSO) Austin center. The project is primarily performed on a set of Windows 2003 and a Red Hat Enterprise Linux® Advanced Server 4 that we used as the base environment. The discussion in this redpaper is divided into the following chapters: Chapter 1, “Introduction to business service management” on page 1 introduces the redpaper content and puts business service management in context. Chapter 2, “Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture” on page 5 explains IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture. We also compare terminology and concepts related to IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1. Chapter 3, “Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1” on page 25 describes installation and migration activities related to IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager. Chapter 4, “Working with Discovery Library toolkit” on page 41 discusses the Discovery Library Adapter (DLA) interface to z/OS systems and IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager. Chapter 5, “Operational aspects of Tivoli Business Service Manager” on page 71 covers some operational considerations for IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager, including performance tips, backup and recovery, and failover concepts. 4 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 2 Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture In this chapter, we introduce Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture. The discussion in this chapter is divided into: 2.1, “Business service management concepts” on page 6 2.2, “Tivoli Business Service Manager architecture” on page 8 2.3, “Interfaces and integration” on page 15 2.4, “Services Manager or Systems Manager” on page 18 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. 5 2.1 Business service management concepts Tivoli Business Service Manager allows us to define business service objects in a tree view. Each service object has a color coded state associated with it. These states are calculated either from the state of its descendants or from the effect of an external event. The service object can represent an actual IT resource or an abstract entity. A typical abstract entity can depict a geographical region, business function, application system, or a collection of items. Tivoli Business Service Manager can be used as a: Operational tool for alerting operators of impending problems regarding a specific function or business process Prioritization tool for understanding the business impact of an IT resource outage Executive tool that shows the state of a certain business function for a quick check Service level analysis tool that calculates the net effect of different outages and failures to the overall service level objective. This chapter introduces you to how Tivoli Business Service Manager accomplishes those functions. In 2.2, “Tivoli Business Service Manager architecture” on page 8, we discuss the components that make up Tivoli Business Service Manager. Mechanisms on how events and information enter Tivoli Business Service Manager is discussed in 2.3, “Interfaces and integration” on page 15. Finally, we draw some comparisons of Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 against Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 in 2.4, “Services Manager or Systems Manager” on page 18. The processing of Tivoli Business Service Manager is summarized in Figure 2-1 on page 7. 6 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 SQL query Service templates Service instances Auto population rules event event event Figure 2-1 Processing summary Tivoli Business Service Manager service management function is defined as a set of service templates and rules. Service templates can be regarded as a class definition. Service templates are created in a tree like structure. A service template is an instance generator which defines how the service objects are created. Service objects creation is based on: – Events from Netcool/OMNIbus – External SQL query from a repository table Rules are definitions changing service instance definition and its attributes. There are several different types of rules in Tivoli Business Service Manager, such as: – Service object creation rules • • • Auto population rule: determines how an event can create service instances Data fetcher rule: creates service objects based on data on a relational database Enhanced Service Dependency Adapter (ESDA) rule: dynamic service object creation based on an external relational database query. Service objects that are created using ESDA rules can be persistent or non-persistent. Their statuses are calculated at runtime using a database query. – Status calculation rules Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 7 • • • Incoming status rule: defines how an event or data query changes the status of a service object, can be based on the event state or a numerical computation Status aggregation rule: calculating a status of a service object based on the collective status of its children Numerical rule: defines a computational value that can be used to show a new attribute of an instance (numerical formula rule) or an aggregated status of an instance (numerical aggregation rule) – SLA rules: defines Service Level Agreement status computation • • • Cumulative SLA rule: SLA is based on the time a service object has a good status. Duration cumulative SLA rule: SLA is based on availability on a specific duration (for example: 1 hour of down time in a day). Incident based SLA rule: SLA is measured from the number of detected outages. The user interface for Tivoli Business Service Manager is Web browser based. It is based on the Netcool® GUI Foundation. The following are some user interface objects that can be customized in the Web interface: Custom view. There are several view types in Tivoli Business Service Manager, such as: – – – – – Basic relationship tree with only color coded status Relationship tree view with SLA information and event count information Concentric with the root node as the center Grid for all the children without relations Geographical Information System (GIS) map Custom canvas. The canvas provides a visualization method for a service object. The canvas is useful when combined with the appropriate view to quickly present business status. Context menu or action items Custom icon for newly defined template or service object 2.2 Tivoli Business Service Manager architecture The overall architecture of Tivoli Business Service Manager is depicted in Figure 2-2 on page 9. 8 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Tivoli Enterprise Console CCMDB Relational databases Data fetcher ESDA C Discovery Library Books NetView xml files Optional components XML Toolkit Tivoli Service Level Advisor IBM Tivoli Monitoring OMEGAMON ITCAM Tivoli EIF probe JDBC TBSM processes SLA events TBSM postgreSQL Netcool GUI Foundation Netcool OMNIbus TBSM ObjectServer TBSM Console TBSM Server events Netcool Webtop launch user data Tivoli Enterprise Portal user data Netcool Security Manager license Netcool License Server Figure 2-2 Overall architecture of Tivoli Business Service Manager In Figure 2-2, the components in the TBSM processes box must exist and can be installed using the Tivoli Business Service Manager installation wizard. These are the central components that make up the Tivoli Business Service Manager server. The optional components are distributed with Tivoli Business Service Manager but can be installed separately. These components are primarily used if you want to interface Tivoli Business Service Manager with external systems. The items in Figure 2-2 that are not shown in the boxes are external components that interface with Tivoli Business Service Manager. The discussion in this section primarily regards the mandatory components in the TBSM processes box in Figure 2-2. The optional components and external interfaces are discussed in 2.3, “Interfaces and integration” on page 15. Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 9 2.2.1 Netcool OMNIBus object server The Netcool OMNIbus object server is a high speed event processing engine from which Tivoli Business Service Manager collects events. OMNIbus object server processes events in memory, with a relational database for persistent event storage. The database in OMNIbus only contains active events. Active events means events that are not yet closed, thus preserving its performance and size. OMNIbus has the ability to perform event processing, correlation, and automation. The alerts are stored in a table called alerts. The table can be extended to accommodate additional attributes. This ensures that the performance of OMNIbus is consistent even with additional attributes, compared to a SQL join operation that is required to access additional slots in Tivoli Enterprise™ Console. The OMNIbus object server requires access to: Netcool license server for product license information Netcool security manager for user ID authentication The OMNIbus object server runs in its own processes that access an embedded Sybase SQL Anywhere database server. This process can be started separately using the command $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/ NCOMS. Netcool OMNIbus collects events from the probes. Probes can connect directly to the OMNIbus server or can connect through a gateway process. Probes can collect data directly from the monitored system or act as an event converter. One example of a probe is the Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) probe. The Tivoli EIF probe is a Java process that converts Tivoli Enterprise Console® events into Netcool OMNIbus events. As Tivoli Business Service Manager gathers status information from events, it taps into OMNIbus events. Sometimes it is necessary to see what events are in OMNIbus, or to manage the OMNIbus definition for problem determination or configuration. The OMNIbus software distributed with Tivoli Business Service Manager is a restricted version of OMNIbus. It does not have the full administration and client function to access OMNIbus. You might want to purchase a separate full function OMNIbus license to work with these advanced customization needs. OMNIbus configuration interface is started with the command $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_config. The interface is shown in Figure 2-3 on page 11. 10 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 2-3 Netcool configuration The OMNIbus events can be accessed using the utility called $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_event. The login page is shown in Figure 2-4 on page 12. Note: We have to modify $NCHOME/platform/linux2x86/locales/locales.dat under the [linux] section to define out locale. The $LOCALE definition in our Red Hat Enterprise Linux is en_US.UTF-8, while the definition is en_US.utf8. Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 11 Figure 2-4 Login to event browser The event browser is shown in Figure 2-5. Figure 2-5 Event browser When you click View, for example in the All Events area, the detailed event list is displayed. See Figure 2-6 on page 13. 12 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 2-6 Event list 2.2.2 Netcool license server The Netcool/OMNIbus requires a license to know the features that are enabled for a particular installation. This license is managed by the Netcool license server. The server serves as a license repository that the product checks and validates. The license server is installed as a separate directory structure under $NCHOME/license. It runs on its own process, either as a UNIX daemon or a Windows service. Licenses are stored as files under the $NCHOME/license/etc directory. Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 uses two license files: netcool_omni_anyhost_keys.lic netcool_tbsm_anyhost_keys.lic 2.2.3 Netcool security server The Netcool security server authenticates the user ID with its password. It runs in a Java process that reads authentication requests from a network port. The password authentication can be performed against a local repository or against an LDAP directory server. Both Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool GUI Foundation use the security server to authenticate users. However, each uses their own mechanism for determining what are the authority of the users once their passwords are authenticated. Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 13 The security manager is installed as a separate directory structure under $NCHOME/security. The user and group IDs in the security manager are stored in a separate database under $NCHOME/security/db directory. For UNIX or Linux based platforms, the command ncsm_db can be used to maintain the database. Another option for using the security manager is to interface authentication to an external Light-weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. This allows user management to be performed integrated with other user authentication processes outside of the Netcool suite. 2.2.4 Netcool GUI Foundation The Netcool GUI Foundation is a custom used J2EE™ server based on the Apache Tomcat server. The Tivoli Business Service Manager server process is actually an application running in the Java process. The Netcool GUI Foundation also hosts the Netcool Webtop, which provides another layer of Web navigation for Tivoli Business Service Manager. Netcool GUI Foundation resides in $NCHOME/guifoundation. The Netcool GUI Foundation allows Web applications to be deployed into it. The Web applications are deployed in the webapps path. The Web application for Tivoli Business Service Manager is called sla. The name is derived from the original purpose of the application which is calculating and managing Service Level Agreements. 2.2.5 Tivoli Business Service Manager server As discussed in 2.2.4, “Netcool GUI Foundation” on page 14, the Tivoli Business Service Manager server is a Web application residing inside Netcool GUI Foundation. This section discusses the server processing in more detail. The sla Web application has the following functions: Serve the graphical interface, in coordination with Netcool GUI Foundation and Webtop functions Apply filters for the incoming events from Netcool/OMNIbus to match them with the service templates, and create service instances for events that match service templates Run ESDA interface to work with external relational database access as discussed in 2.3.3, “ESDA interface” on page 16 Change service instances status based on existing aggregation or status rules 14 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 The Tivoli Business Service Manager Web application uses a separate postgreSQL relational database as its repository. The postgreSQL database runs on its own process. The Netcool GUI Foundation uses JDBC™ to access the postgreSQL database. 2.3 Interfaces and integration As discussed in 2.2, “Tivoli Business Service Manager architecture” on page 8, Tivoli Business Service Manager receives events from Netcool/OMNIbus. Events go in to Netcool OMNIbus from the OMNIbus probes. For IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events, there is a specialized probe called Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) probe to get the IBM Tivoli Monitoring and Tivoli Enterprise Console events into OMNIbus. There are other optional methods of data baing used to populate the service instance hierarchy in Tivoli Business Service Manager, those are for the discovery interface using the XML toolkit. The methods are discussed in this section. Another major component in Tivoli Business Service Manager interface is ESDA. 2.3.1 Tivoli EIF event interface Events from Tivoli Enterprise Console or IBM Tivoli Monitoring come through the Tivoli EIF probe. The probe listens to incoming events that are forwarded to it from the Tivoli Enterprise Console or the IBM Tivoli Monitoring interface. The probe then inserts the event into the Netcool/OMNIbus event repository. Tivoli Business Service Manager is notified regarding the events, and the following happens: Auto population rule reads the events and defines any newly discovered service instances. Incoming status rule applies status changes to the service instances. This interface is similar to and meant to replace the Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 generic event interface using the ihstttec exit. 2.3.2 Discovery interface The discovery interface uses the Discovery Library adapter. The Discovery Library adapter is often called the XML toolkit. The Discovery Library adapter reads Discovery Library books that are generated by other applications, especially IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager. The Discovery Library book is an XML file that conforms to the idML specification. Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 15 The discovery interface allows service instance creation based on the object structure from the XML files. The service instances are created in the SCM tables. The actual instances are created from the SCM instances. The discovery interface can also be used to create resources from the z/OS Discovery Library adapter. The Discovery Library adapter is discussed in Chapter 4, “Working with Discovery Library toolkit” on page 41. 2.3.3 ESDA interface The ESDA interface allows dynamic instance and status display in the Tivoli Business Service Manager Web console. The ESDA interface retrieves the service instance information from a relational database table. The ESDA rules define how a child connects to its parent and also how parents connect to their children. ESDA definitions are completely dynamic. They are not stored in the Tivoli Business Service Manager database structure. The objects and their relationships are queried on the fly at the time you expand a service instance. This can be viewed as a just-in-time dynamic configuration, or as another additional performance requirement for running all these functions. An example of ESDA function is illustrated in Figure 2-7 on page 17. 16 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Hostname Software Event no DB2 0 WebSphere 4 DB2 2 Tomcat 2 Apache 1 WebSphere 19 Domino 2 Enterprise Location Machine Software Figure 2-7 Sample ESDA processing In Figure 2-7, the source data is a single table. From the table, we define the hierarchy of Enterprise - Location - Machine - Software component. The mapping of the hierarchy would be similar to Table 2-1. Table 2-1 Hierarchy mapping Component Source data Enterprise ABC Corp Location substr(hostname, pos(‘.’,hostname), length(hostname)) Machine hostname column Software sw column Based on that hierarchy, the service instances are then defined similar to Figure 2-8 on page 18. Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 17 ABC Corp abc DB2 WebSphere def Apache DB2 Tomcat ghi Domino WebSphere Figure 2-8 Service instance hierarchy 2.4 Services Manager or Systems Manager This section compares Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 against the functionality in Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1. Because the products are derived from different sources, they have completely different concepts and functionality. This section provides a generic comparison of these products. Both Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 and Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 provide a generic tree interface for providing the status of a business context entity as reflected from a set of conditions based on IT resources. These business entities can be used for operational monitoring or service level measurement. 18 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 2.4.1 Terminologies This section provides a summary of terminologies translation. The translation is performed loosely based on the apparent functions that they provide. The definitions that we provide here are for comparing the functionality of the products, not a formal translation. Physical resource SCM resource Only resources from the Discovery Library adapter would appear in this tree. This is the closest that Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 has regarding physical resources. For service instances defined directly from auto population rules based on events, there is no concept of physical resources. Resource Service instance There is no concept of physical resources in Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1. All definitions are related to business system resources and business system folder. There is no distinction between them. Class Service template This is a loosely related definition of the class object to be the template for the instances. The classes in Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 are formally related to physical resource type, however the service template defines the hierarchy of the business system tree. The business system tree is not structured rigidly, but the service tree hierarchy is defined by the template structure. The same resource can appear in different tree branches, but this might require a different template being defined. Alerts and messages Events There is no distinction on the types of events nor its source in terms of processing. All events are treated equally from Netcool/OMNIbus or an external data calculation. Child event Numerical rules The events are not propagated based on the incoming events, such as in Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1. The status of aggregate objects or containers are calculated based on the numerical rules from the children status. Event enablement Tivoli EIF probe The event enablement interface allows events to be retrieved from the Tivoli Enterprise console. The function Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 19 is performed by the Tivoli EIF probe. There is no comparable function for common listener, because it can perform both topology discovery and alerting functions. The discovery must be ported to the Discovery Library adapter, while a new probe might be needed to receive its events. There are some functions in Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 that have no comparable functions in Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1. They are just inherently not needed. Some of them are: Business systems building tools Business systems building tools, such as Automated Business Systems (ABS) or XML interface, are not needed as the service instance structure must be predefined using service templates. The templates define the structure of the discovered instances and also determine the containment hierarchy of the instances. The ESDA interface can be used to accommodate service instance hierarchy that is totally dynamic based on external relational data for both placement and status. Critical resource list There is no critical resources list in Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1. Custom views can be created for operators that provide quick access to critical resources for the operator. Executive dashboard Because the Web interface is very adaptable and versatile, custom views can be created to accommodate the executive dashboard function. There is only a single Web console for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1, as opposed to the three options for accessing Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 from a Java console, Web console, or executive dashboard (or four options with the reporting system). 2.4.2 Function differences Detailed function comparison between Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 and Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 is listed in Table 2-2. The prerequisite column indicates what other component or product is needed to provide the listed function in Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1. Products marked with an * are included as part of the Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 distribution. Table 2-2 Function comparison Function V3.1 V4.1 Discovery of Distributed Resources using Events X X 20 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Prerequisite Function V3.1 V4.1 Discovery of Distributed Resources using TADDM X X Discovery of Distributed Resources using Discovery Library adapters X X Discovery of Distributed Resources using Data Fetcher (query) Discovery of z/OS Resources using Events X X Discovery of z/OS Resources using TADDM Discovery of z/OS Resources using batch process X X X Discovery of z/OS Resources using Discovery Library adapters X Discovery of z/OS Resources using Data Fetcher (query) X Automatic Business System Rules (ABS) X Automatic Business Service Population (Auto-Population Rules, DataFetcher, ESDA, Composite Objects using Discovery) X Resource and Business System Creation (import file) X X Resource and Business System Creation (manually from console) X X Dynamic Resource and Business System Creation from External Data Source (using ESDA) Event Management Infrastructure/Event Respository - Internal database structure Prerequisite X X Event Management Infrastructure/Event Respository - OMNIbus provides the Event Management Infrastructure X Counter Based Status Propagation (Threshold) - Defined at Object Level in v3.1 - Defined at event rule level in v4.1 X X Percentage Based Status Propagation X X Worst Case Status Propagation X X Java Console X Netcool OMNIbus* Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 21 Function V3.1 V4.1 Web Console X X Executive Dashboard X X Visualization - Console consolidation point X X Visualization - Custom workspace per user X X Visualization - Canvas View Definitions (view customization) X X Visualization - All Resource View X Visualization - Business System View - Service Navigation Panel in V4.1 X X Visualization - Tree View - Service Navigation Panel in V4.1 X X Visualization - Service Navigator Scorecard X Visualization - Topology View - Service Viewer in V4.1 X X Visualization - Event Detail View - Service Affecting Events View and Active Event List in V4.1 X X Visualization - Events Summary Panel X Visualization - HyperView X Visualization - Table View X Visualization - Business Impact View - Service Viewer in V4.1 X Visualization - z/OS Systems Specific Views - CICS®, IMS™, DB2®, Batch X X Visualization -GIS Map-based View X Active Metric Retrieval from External Data Sources X Numerical Formula Based Calculations (for status & metrics) X Role-based User Authentication and Authorization X X Right-Click Task Integration from Business Service - URL Launch only for V4.1 X X 22 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Prerequisite Netcool Security Manager* Function V3.1 V4.1 Prerequisite Right-Click Task Integration from event X X Netcool OMNIbus* Netcool Webtop AEL* Tivoli Management Framework Integration X NetView® for z/OS Command Integration X System Automation for z/OS Command Integration X Policy Based Actions (clear events, send email, execute external commands, scripts and applications, and so on) X X Alert Workflow X X Historical Reporting X Problem Ticket Interface X Self-Management (Health Monitor) X X Maintenance Mode Support X X Real-time SLA Integration - Configure real-time SLA against defined business services Netcool Webtop AEL* X Historical SLA Integration X X Tivoli Service Level Advisor Failover X X Netcool OMNIbus* Netcool OMNIbus ObjectServer Gateway Chapter 2. Tivoli Business Service Manager concepts and architecture 23 24 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 3 Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 This chapter documents our experiences in installing and migrating to Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1. The discussion consists of: 3.1, “Installation process overview” on page 26 3.2, “Installation planning considerations” on page 27 3.3, “Typical full installation” on page 27 3.4, “Migration process” on page 33 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. 25 3.1 Installation process overview The installation process of the Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 lays out the necessary components of the installation, including: Netcool OMNIbus Netcool License Server Netcool Security Server Tivoli Business Service Manager server application, including Netcool Webtop, embedded Netcool Impact, and Netcool GUI Foundation The installation is performed from a DVD disk or a disk image. The image contains all the components’ installation images. There are two installation options: The typical installation method installs all the required components on a single machine. The custom installation method provides more installation options and allows you to choose which required components to install. Additionally you can install additional components such as the TEC event adapter probe and the Discovery Library toolkit (XML toolkit). These components are installed using separate installation wizards. Figure 3-1 shows the installation DVD image directory structure. Figure 3-1 DVD image structure 26 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 As shown in Figure 3-1 on page 26, the DVD image contains the installation wizard for all the components. The installation also gives the option of performing migration. Migration is only supported from Netcool Real-time Active Dashboard V3.0. We discuss migration in 3.4, “Migration process” on page 33. 3.2 Installation planning considerations Before you start installing, the following are the important prerequisites: Processor Two or more CPUs with minimum 1 GHz SPARC or 2 GHz Intel® speed Memory 2 GB minimum RAM, with 4 GB preferred Disk space 40 GB local disk space Operating system The supported platforms are: Sun Solaris™ 9 and 10 IBM AIX® 5L™ 5.2 and 5.3 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 Microsoft® Windows 2003 Server and Windows XP Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6.x or Mozilla Firefox 1.5x The installation of Tivoli Business Service Manager must be performed by a user ID other than root or Administrator. You can define the user ID using: Computer Management application in Windows, go to Local users and groups → Users and select Add. The command smitty user in AIX would take you to user administration functions. The command adduser in Linux would add a user and its associated attributes. 3.3 Typical full installation This section provides a screen-by-screen typical full installation of the required Tivoli Business Service Manager components. This installation type is suitable for a small scale environment or a demonstration system. You can consult the IBM Tivoli Business Services Manager V4.1 Installation Guide, Gl11-8054 for more information on the options and other types of installations. Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 27 Installation is started from the launch pad. You must start this using a non-root user ID. The launch pad is started automatically when the DVD is inserted; otherwise you can invoke the launchpad using the launchpad or ./ commands. The launchpad window is shown in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 Tivoli Business Service Manager launchpad From the launch pad in Figure 3-2, click Install IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 link, and start the installation wizard. You can use the default options for the installation. The installation options window on a Linux platform are shown in Figure 3-3 on page 29. It basically requires only the home directory of where to install the product. The default directory in Linux is /opt/IBM/Netcool. This directory would be called $NCHOME. 28 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 3-3 Installation options for simple install in Linux Figure 3-4 shows the list of products and options for this installation. Figure 3-4 The installation summary window Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 29 After the install, Tivoli Business Service Manager processes are started automatically, and the default service templates are defined. If Tivoli Business Service Manager is not started you can start it using the sequence shown in Figure 3-5. [TBSMadmin@tbsmsrv ~]$ $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/bin/ Running: /opt/IBM/Netcool/license/bin/nc_start_license & Number of License Server processes found = 2 License Server is running, continue... [TBSMadmin@tbsmsrv ~]$ $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/bin/ Running: /opt/IBM/Netcool/security/bin/ncsm_server & Starting Server ... Logging to file: log/SM_server.log ... Server Started. Number of Security Manager processes found = 2 Security Manager is running, continue... [TBSMadmin@tbsmsrv ~]$ $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/bin/ NCOMS Running: /opt/IBM/Netcool/omnibus/bin/nco_objserv -name NCOMS & Netcool/OMNIbus Object Server - Version 7.1 Copyright (C) 1994 - 2005, Micromuse Ltd. All rights reserved. Server 'NCOMS' initialised - entering RUN state. Number of ObjectServer processes found = 1 ObjectServer is running, continue... [TBSMadmin@tbsmsrv ~]$ $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/bin/ Running: /opt/IBM/Netcool/bin/rad_server & JAVA_HOME is /opt/IBM/Netcool/platform/linux2x86/jre_1.5.0 JAVA_OPTS is -Dnchome=/opt/IBM/Netcool -Dngfhome=/opt/IBM/Netcool/guifoundation . . . Starting IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager Server process... Figure 3-5 Starting Tivoli Business Service Manager processes You can verify that processes are running as shown in Figure 3-6 on page 31. Using the ps -ef command. It shows the following processes: 30 Netcool GUI Foundation Adaptive Server Anywhere database Tivoli Business Service Manager progreSQL database processes License manager processes Security manager processes Netcool OMNIbus object server Netcool GUI Foundation Tivoli Business Service Manager server IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 5738 5957 5960 5961 5962 6088 6089 6099 6107 6161 6203 1 1 5957 5957 5961 1 6088 1 6099 1 1 /opt/IBM/Netcool/guifoundation/asa/unix/dbsrv9 -o /opt/IBM/Netcool/guifoundatio /opt/IBM/Netcool/platform/linux2x86/pgsql8/bin/postmaster -B 35 -N 15 -i postgres: writer process postgres: stats buffer process postgres: stats collector process /opt/IBM/Netcool/license/platform/linux2x86/bin/lmgrd -c $NCHOME/license/etc/ netcool -T tbsmsrv 9.2 3 -c /opt/IBM/Netcool/license/etc/ --lmgrd_start /bin/sh /opt/IBM/Netcool/security/bin/ncsm_server /opt/IBM/Netcool/platform/linux2x86/jre_1.4.2/bin/java -Dapp=SM_ncsm_server /opt/IBM/Netcool/omnibus/platform/linux2x86/bin/nco_objserv -name NCOMS /opt/IBM/Netcool/platform/linux2x86/jre_1.5.0/bin/java -Dnchome=/opt/IBM/Netcool Figure 3-6 Checking Tivoli Business Service Manager processes You can get into the Tivoli Business Service Manager console using a Web browser to connect to port 8080 of your machine. The default user ID is admin with the password netcool. Figure 3-7 shows the login panel. Figure 3-7 Login to Tivoli Business Service Manager Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 31 Inside the Tivoli Business Service Manager interface, you can see the predefined service templates using the Service Administration desktop. The templates are shown in the Service Component Repository tree. These templates are defined from the $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/install/BSM_Templates.radsh file. If you are using an Advanced installation and want to load the templates, you can run the $NCHOME/bin/rad_radshell and pipe the radsh file to the command. Figure 3-8 shows the service templates definition. Figure 3-8 Service templates This concludes our installation discussion. The migration process in 3.4, “Migration process” on page 33 should be run only if you have an existing Netcool Real-time Active Dashboard (RAD) V3.0. 32 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 3.4 Migration process The migration process of Netcool RAD V3.0 is not an inplace migration. You would transfer Netcool RAD V3.0 templates and definitions into a freshly installed custom installation of Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 and reapply the configuration. Note: Although the migration tools create and define all templates, rules, and objects from inside RAD 3.0 definitions; some manual intervention might be needed. The manual actions would be required for items that are manually changed, such as custom canvasses, impact policies, and other files that are edited in RAD 3.0. Before you migrate to a Tivoli Business Service Manager environment, you must also consider the migration path that you would take for all components of Tivoli Business Service Manager. See Table 3-1 for migration consideration. Table 3-1 Migrating Tivoli Business Service Manager components Components Inplace migration Data migration Comments Netcool OMNIbus Yes Yes License Server Yes Yes Security Server Yes Yes Netcool Webtop N/A Yes Has to be migrated Netcool GUI Foundation N/A Yes Has to be migrated Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 33 The migration process is illustrated in Figure 3-9. RAD 3.0 environment TBSM 4.1 environment License Server License Server Security Server Security Server OMNIbus OMNIbus RAD 3.0 TBSM 4.1 Figure 3-9 Migration process The migration process would be: 1. Install a new custom installed Tivoli Business Service Manager server (or servers) according to the desired configuration. You may preserve the options that you have for the existing Netcool RAD environment, such as a separate OMNIbus or failover implementation. The Tivoli Business Service Manager installation type must be custom. The custom installation does not create the default service templates. 2. Migrate prerequisite software if needed, or prepare for inplace migration. Actions include: – Expand the existing OMNIbus schema for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 processing or apply schema modifications from the existing OMNIbus. – Add new Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 licenses to the existing license server, or migrate other Netcool licenses to the new license server. – Use existing security, or migrate security manager user ID and groups. 3. Stop Netcool RAD processing, by disabling probes to the OMNIbus. Generate an export file for Tivoli Business Service Manager definitions. 4. Apply migrated Netcool RAD definitions into an empty Tivoli Business Service Manager system. 34 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 5. Perform manual changes for additional Tivoli Business Service Manager features. 3.4.1 License server considerations License server uses license files stored under the etc sub-directory of the installation path. If you decided to use a new license server, all license files from the old license server located under $NCHOME/license/etc must be copied over. For using an existing license server, you must make sure that Tivoli Business Service Manager license files are there: netcool_omni_anyhost_keys.lic netcool_tbsm_anyhost_keys.lic 3.4.2 Security manager considerations Existing security manager users and groups can readily be used for the new installation of Tivoli Business Service Manager. No additional tasks are required to use an existing security manager. However, if you decide to use a new security manager installation, you must restore all the users and groups definitions. The migration utility preserves the object IDs of the Tivoli Business Service Manager objects, therefore all authorization definitions are preserved. The simplest way to transfer over the security manager definition is by restoring a backup copy of the security manager database. For UNIX and Linux platforms, you can run the ncsm_db command to backup and restore the database. For Windows platform, you must copy the database inside %NCHOME%\security\db\security.script while the security server is stopped. 3.4.3 Netcool OMNIbus considerations The OMNIbus migration is the most complex migration process because it is the heart of the event processing mechanism. Tivoli Business Service Manager only supports OMNIbus V3.6 or V7. The OMNIbus installed with Tivoli Business Service Manager is version 7. You can reuse an existing OMNIbus or migrate an existing OMNIbus to a new installation. Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 35 Usage of existing OMNIbus For an existing OMNIbus, an additional Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 data model must be supplied to make it functional. The Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 data model update for OMNIbus is located in $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/sql/tbsm_db_update.sql. This SQL file must be run against the existing OMNIbus database. To run the SQL file into OMNIbus database, invoke the isql command (Windows) or nco_sql command (UNIX/Linux), and pipe the SQL file into it. The command would be similar to: $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_sql -S NCOMS -U root -P password or %NCHOME%\omnibus\bin\isql.bat –S NCOMS –U Administrator –P password Migrate to a new OMNIbus If you want to move your existing OMNIbus to a new OMNIbus, you must decide whether you want to have the event data preserved or you want to build the events over time. The event data migration is only supported over the same OMNIbus version running on the same platform. If you do not want to move the event data, you can just apply any schema changes from your existing OMNIbus into your new OMNIbus using either the isql or nco_sql commands. Using the same interface, you can also perform backup of your OMNIbus database. You backup the OMNIbus database using the ALTER SYSTEM BACKUP command as shown in Figure 3-10. [TBSMadmin@tbsmsrv omnibus]$ ./bin/nco_sql -S NCOMS -U root Password: 1> ALTER SYSTEM BACKUP '/home/TBSMadmin/OMNIbackup' 2> go (0 rows affected) 1> exit [TBSMadmin@tbsmsrv omnibus]$ ls /home/TBSMadmin/OMNIbackup/ Figure 3-10 Backup OMNIbus database The database files (*.tab) will be stored on the directory that you choose. You can copy these files into the new OMNIbus while it is not running. The OMNIbus database called NCOMS is stored in $NCHOME/omnibus/db/NCOMS. 36 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 After the OMNIbus database is restored, you must update the Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 data model from $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/sql/tbsm_db_update.sql similar to “Usage of existing OMNIbus” on page 36. Furthermore, you must also run the following SQL command using the interactive SQL prompt: “UPDATE alerts.status SET RAD_FilterIDList = ’’, RAD_RawInputLastValue = 6;” 3.4.4 Migrating Tivoli Business Service Manager data The migration of Tivoli Business Service Manager data can be performed using the migration wizard or manually using the RAD shell command line interface. The service objects and templates are recreated preserving its object ID. The migration utility only supports automatic migration for UNIX to UNIX or Windows to Windows platforms. Note: Because the object ID is preserved, this would assume that the target Tivoli Business Service Manager database is empty. If you already have the templates defined, the migration process would fail. Before running the migration tool, the following must be performed in the RAD 3.0 system: Install RAD 3.0 Fix Pack 1. The patch package is called 3.0.0-TIV-RAD-FP0001. It can be downloaded from: d=swg24014299&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&cc=us&lang=en2 Modify some files in the RAD 3.0 from the installation DVD: web.xml copy $platform/TBSM/migration/web.xml to $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/WEB-INF/web. xml ncs200*.jar remove existing ncs200*.jar from $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/WEB-INF/lib; and copy $platform/TBSM/migration/ncs200*.jar to $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/WEB-INF/lib ncsSoapClient200*.jar remove existing ncsSoapClient200*.jar from $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/WEB-INF/lib; and copy $platform/TBSM/migration/ncsSoapClient200*.jar to $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/WEB-INF/lib The migration wizard windows are shown in Figure 3-11 on page 38. Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 37 Figure 3-11 Migration wizard The migration wizard performs the following steps: 1. Invoking rad_radshell for command line access to Tivoli Business Service Manager. This is performed from the Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 server. 2. Running the radshell command exportForMigration(host, port) that is targeted to the RAD 3.0 host and port. This would invoke SOAP access to the RAD 3.0 server. This creates export.radsh script under $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla. 3. Piping the export.radsh file into the rad_radshell command. This creates the objects while preserving the object IDs. 4. Copying files using the radshell command getfile(radhost, radport, radNCHOME, tbsmNCHOME, path, user, password). Additions to these files are 38 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 applied to the new files in the Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 server. The files are: – Maintenance schedule: $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/xml/scheduleTime.xml – Custom view definitions and custom service tree: $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/av/xmlconfig – Custom static view: $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/av/canvas – Custom dashboard changes: $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/dashboard/chartconfig and $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/dashboard/chartcss 3.4.5 Manual modifications required There are several manual modifications that must be performed: Custom actions, modified service tree, or view definition in $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/av/xmlconfig must be reapplied manually. Netcool GUI Foundation configuration changes, including changes in Webtop must be applied manually: a. Export configuration changes from RAD 3.0 Web console’s Administration window. In the Layout tab, expand the pages list and select the modified pages. For each page, click the export button and specify an output file. Figure 3-12 Netcool GUI Foundation pages list Chapter 3. Installation and migration consideration for Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 39 b. From the Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Web console’s Administration window, Layout tab, select the pages list. Click the Import button to indicate the source files as exported from step a. Figure 3-13 shows the import page. Figure 3-13 Import window Icon files must be migrated from: – $NCHOME%/guifoundation/webapps/sla/icons – $NCHOME%/guifoundation/webapps/sla/icons/svg Property files migration from: – – – – 40 $NCHOME/etc/rad/RAD_av.props $NCHOME/etc/rad/RAD_chart.props $NCHOME/etc/rad/RAD_server.props $NCHOME/etc/rad/RAD_sla.props IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 4 Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit This chapter discusses Discovery Library toolkit. This toolkit provides integration to CCMDB and z/OS discovery process. The discussion consists of: 4.1, “Introduction Discovery Library toolkit” on page 42 4.2, “Installation of the Discovery Library toolkit” on page 43 4.3, “IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS” on page 51 4.4, “Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager” on page 62 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. 41 4.1 Introduction Discovery Library toolkit This section provides an overview of the Discovery Library toolkit. The Discovery Library toolkit is an optional component of Tivoli Business Service Manager that has the ability to access data using Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager API or reading Discovery Library books. The Discovery Library toolkit can only accept data from one of these sources at any one time based on its configuration. Figure 4-1 shows the Discovery Library toolkit architecture with Tivoli Business Service Manager. TBSM 4.1 server IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Bulk load TBSM templates TADDM API ` Discovery Library Books (files) Service objects ESDA TBSM database read XML toolkit Discovery Library Reader SCR tables Figure 4-1 Discovery Library toolkit architecture The Discovery Library toolkit acts as a Windows service or UNIX daemon that monitors the data source and adds data to the Service Component Registry (SCR) tables. Tivoli Business Service Manager uses ESDA rule to query these tables and build the service object hierarchy based on these tables. Discovery library books are idML files that are created by Discovery Library adapter (DLA) programs. There are various IBM DLAs output that are supported by Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1, including: 42 IBM Tivoli Monitoring Services IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Discovery Library books from the DLAs can be either loaded directly in Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 or can be loaded into Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager into the Configuration Manager Database (CMDB). We recommend that if Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager is deployed, the DLAs should be loaded into Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager and then imported to Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 using the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager API. More information about the DLAs can be found on the IBM OPAL website at Generally Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 supports all DLAs that conform to version 2.3 of the Common Data Model (CDM) specifications. The processing of Discovery Library books by Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 are similar for all Discovery Library adapters. This chapter discusses: 4.2, “Installation of the Discovery Library toolkit” on page 43 which shows the installation and verification of the Discovery Library toolkit. 4.3, “IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS” on page 51. 4.4, “Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager” on page 62 which discusses the integration with IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager. 4.2 Installation of the Discovery Library toolkit This section discusses the installation of the Discovery Library toolkit. We are installing on Windows 2003 server and installing to read Discovery Library books. The installation of the Discovery Library toolkit must be performed on the Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 server. The install media we use is on a mapped drive and the install is performed using the Launchpad.exe found in the root directory of the install media. 1. Open the Launchpad as shown in Figure 4-2 on page 44 and select the Install Discovery Library. From the Install Discovery Library Support panel, click Run the Discovery Library Installation program link. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 43 Figure 4-2 Launchpad for Discovery Library support 2. Figure 4-3 shows the Welcome window. Click Next. Figure 4-3 Welcome to the InstallShield window 44 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 3. The license agreement panel is launched. 4. Figure 4-4 shows the installation target directory. Although the panel suggests that you can change this installation directory, you should not change this. The toolkit uses $NCHOME location to get the JDBC driver for the PostgreSQL database. The directory will default to the $NCHOME/XMLToolkit. Click Next. Figure 4-4 Installation directory window 5. Figure 4-5 shows the Tivoli Business Service Manager connection information window. The Discovery Library toolkit connects to the Tivoli Business Service Manager using SOAP connection from the information in this window. Click Next after filling in the values. Note: The userid and password are not validated during the install. The default userid and password on the Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 install is admin and netcool. Figure 4-5 HTTP information panel 6. Figure 4-6 on page 46 shows the window for configuring the Discovery Library toolkit data source. We selected Discovery Library books. This setting can be modified after the install by updating the $NCHOME/XMLToolkit/bib/ file. The userid and Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 45 password must be entered for access to the Tivoli Business Service Manager PostgreSQL database. Click Next. Note: The PostgreSQL userid is not validated during the install. Figure 4-6 Data source for toolkit and database user information 7. Figure 4-7 on page 47 shows the postgreSQL connection information. All of the values are populated with the defaults. We accept all the default values. Click Next. 46 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 4-7 Database connection information 8. Figure 4-8 prompts for the location of the Discovery Library books. This directory is the location where the books will be read. This directory can be modified to any directory accessible to the Tivoli Business Service Manager server. The default is $NCHOME/discovery/dlbooks. Click Next. Figure 4-8 Discovery Library books directory 9. Figure 4-9 on page 48 shows the summary of the installation. Click Next. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 47 Figure 4-9 Installation Summary 10.After the progress bar and the installation process is running, click Finish in the installation complete window. After the Discovery toolkit is installed there are various ways to verify the installation was successful and configured correctly. A reboot of the server is not required after the install. Prior to starting and testing, it would be beneficial to verify the install. Here are some suggestions: “Verify the is correct” on page 48 “Verify Tivoli BSM Discovery Library toolkit service” on page 49 “Verify that default templates have been installed” on page 49 “Test discovery using the sample provided” on page 50 4.2.1 Verify the is correct The file is configured during the install. The file is found in the $NCHOME/XMLtoolkit/bin directory. This file is well documented for each of the parameters. The most common issues might be with the following parameters: DL_TBSM_Hostname Ensure the hostname is the local Tivoli Business Service Manager server. DL_TBSM_HTTP_Port Verify the port is correct for the HHTP port that is used for the Tivoli Business Service Manager console. DL_FileSystem Verify the directory is correct. The should be backed up before making any changes. Changes to this file can only be made on Windows if the service is not running. The changes are active only when the process is restarted. 48 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Note: If the Discovery Library toolkit is reinstalled it will NOT recreate this file. If the toolkit was installed for Discovery Library books, then uninstalled the configuration will not change. We suggest you rename the $NCHOME/XMLToolkit directory before reinstalling the toolkit. 4.2.2 Verify Tivoli BSM Discovery Library toolkit service On Windows, in the services applet verify the service exists. The service is created with a manual startup type. This can be changed once you have verified the setup. 4.2.3 Verify that default templates have been installed The Discovery Library books require that the Tivoli Business Service Manager default templates are defined in order to create the services correctly in the Service Component Registry. An easy way to check would be to launch the Tivoli Business Service Manager Console using the Service Administrator and view the Templates. The templates are named BSM_. See Figure 4-10 on page 50 Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 49 Figure 4-10 Default BSM templates 4.2.4 Test discovery using the sample provided Tivoli Business Service Manager provides a sample discovery book in the $NCHOME/XMLToolkit/samples directory. This sample book, creates four computer systems and two DB2 databases. To test discovery with this file, you must perform the following: 1. Copy to the discovery book directory specified during the install. It is the DL_FileSystem value in the file. The default is $NCHOME/discovery/dlbooks. 2. Start the Tivoli BSM Discovery Library toolkit service. 50 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 3. Verify in the console that the instances were created. 4. The logs for the toolkit can be found in the $NCHOME/XMLtoolkit/log directory. The log file names are msgGTM_XT.log for the message log and traceGTM_XT.log is for trace. The properties for the trace setting is in $NCHOME/XMLtoolkit/bin/ 4.3 IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS The discussion in this section contains: 4.3.1, “Discovery features” on page 51 4.3.2, “Installing z/OS DLA” on page 52 4.3.3, “Running z/OS discovery” on page 57 4.3.4, “Running Discovery Library toolkit” on page 60 4.3.1 Discovery features IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS runs on the z/OS operating system as a batch job or started task. The DLA discovers z/OS resources and produces idML output files that can be processed by Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 or directly into the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager. IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS discovers and produces idML files which include: z/OS information: active member of the PARMLIB’s content, LNKLST, IODF dataset, system exits, APF list, and IPL information zSeries® machine information: serial number, processing capacity, logical partition (LPAR), VM guest information IMS information: transactions, programs, and databases CICS information: transactions, programs, files, and System Initialization Table (SIT) details DB2 information: databases and tablespaces MQSeries® for z/OS information: channels, ports, and connections WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS information: cell, node, and configuration files Address space information: DD allocations, address space type, program name, and program parameters DASD volume information Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 51 Although all of this information is created in the Discovery Library books, not all of the discovery data creates individual services in Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 Service Component Registry. The z/OS Discovery Library Adapter will discover the following z/OS resources and relationships: zSeries hardware and z/OS details Address Space details and relationships DB2 Subsystem details and relationships IMS subsystem details and relationships MQ subsystem details and relationships CICS region details and relationships WebSphere Application Server details and relationships Status event for z/OS discovered resources is supported from the OMNIbus Tivoli EIF Probe. There are several ways to integrate these events including: NetView for z/OS forwarding of TEC events Event Integration Facility from Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 object pump OMEGAMON® situation events from Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server 4.3.2 Installing z/OS DLA The IBM Tivoli Discovery Library Adapter for z/OS can be installed on z/OS using SMP/E or using the zosdla_ftp.hta utility that can be found on the IBM Open Process Automation Library (OPAL) Web site at The instructions for installing and using SMP/E are supplied in the Program Directory. The instructions for using the zosdla_ftp.hta utility are provided in the readme.txt file. This file is provided when you download the DLA from OPAL. The zosdla_ftp.hta utility is an FTP front end that can be used from Windows to run the z/OS DLA. We describe the installation using the zosdla_ftp.hta utility. The zosdla_ftp.hta utility might be appropriate for proof of concepts and the SMP/E install is more appropriate for permanent deployments or where company policy requires the SMP/E based installation. 52 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 User setup A valid TSO userid must be set with the following accesses: The user must have an OMVS segment to run the DLA. From a security administrator user, you can add an OMVS segment using the ALU command similar to ALU userid OMVS(HOME(‘/u/userid’) PROGRAM(‘/bin/sh’) UID(555)) The user must have READ access to RACF® protected resources as required, such as system PARMLIB data set, MQCMDS class resources, and WebSphere configuration files. The user must have access to the DB2 DSNREXX interface. The user must be granted READ access to DB2 controlled resources: – DB2 -DISPLAY commands (DISPLAY GROUP and DISPLAY DB) – SYSIBM resources (SYSIBM.SYSDATABASE, SYSIBM.SYSTABLES, SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACE, SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES, and SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS). The user must be granted READ access to MQ controlled resources in the MQCMDS class for DISPLAY commands (QMGR, DQM V5.3.1, or CHINIT V6.0 and CHANNEL). Install process Download the z/OS DLA from the URL: Once you have downloaded the z/OS DLA, unzip the file and run the HTML application file zosdla_ftp.hta. The zosdla_ftp.hta opens a Web browser. The top part shown in Figure 4-11 on page 54 provides the parameters and four operation options: Run z/OS DLA and download the output XML files Download all XML files Download all members Install z/OS DLA V2.1 run time datasets Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 53 Figure 4-11 Parameters for DLA interface Select the Install z/OS DLA V2.1 run time datasets for PoC as seen in Figure 4-11. The z/OS DLA FTP utility requires the following information: FTP Server IP Name/Address - Hostname or IP address of the z/OS operating system where the DLA will be installed Note: If there is a firewall authentication required to connect to the z/OS operating system, it will have to be done prior to submitting the z/OS DLA. FTP Userid - TSO userid that has the access required to run the DLA FTP Password - TSO password FTP Port - The FTP port on the z/OS operating system z/OS DLA Dataset HLQ - The default high level qualifier is the &SYSUID which is the TSO userid. This is the dataset name of the target library of the DLA. z/OS DLA IDML Dataset - The default high level qualifier is the &SYSUID which is the TSO userid. This will be the partitioned dataset for storing the IDML output. 54 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 4-12 shows the bottom part of the page. The content of this area is dynamic, depending on your selection in the top part. The instruction and JCL is provided for the installation selection. Figure 4-12 The JCL changes updates made to the panel are not saved after the first execution. If you plan on installing on multiple environments or you might want to save your changes, you can update the template_jcl_install.txt file. Example 4-1 on page 56 shows the content of this JCL file template. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 55 Example 4-1 JCL file template //&SYSUID.I JOB (),'INSTALL ZOS DLA', // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=H,REGION=0M,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //* /*JOBPARM SYSAFF=* RUN ON OS THAT THE JOB WAS SUBMITTED //* //INSTALL EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES //SYSTSIN DD * RECEIVE INDSN('&DLAHLQ..XMIT') DA('&DLAHLQ..XMITPDS') RECEIVE INDSN('&DLAHLQ..XMITPDS(SIZDEXEC)') DA('&DLAHLQ..SIZDEXEC') RECEIVE INDSN('&DLAHLQ..XMITPDS(SIZDLOAD)') DA('&DLAHLQ..SIZDLOAD') RECEIVE INDSN('&DLAHLQ..XMITPDS(SIZDMESG)') DA('&DLAHLQ..SIZDMESG') RECEIVE INDSN('&DLAHLQ..XMITPDS(SIZDMAPS)') DA('&DLAHLQ..SIZDMAPS') RECEIVE INDSN('&DLAHLQ..XMITPDS(SIZDSAMP)') DA('&DLAHLQ..SIZDSAMP') DELETE '&DLAHLQ..XMITPDS' CONSOLE NAME(ZOSDLA) SYSCMD(SETPROG APF,ADD,+ DSNAME=&DLAHLQ..SIZDLOAD,SMS) /* //* //* IN CASE THE USER DOESN'T HAVE TSO CONSOLE ACCESS, APF //* AUTHORIZATION IS ATTEMPTED VIA A SDSF CONSOLE COMMAND. //* //SDSFAPF EXEC PGM=ISFAFD //ISFPRT DD SYSOUT=*,HOLD=YES //ISFOUT DD DUMMY //ISFIN DD DATA,DLM=$$ SET DELAY 10 SET CONSOLE ZOSDLA /+ ++<='SETPROG APF,ADD,'>, <='DSNAME=&DLAHLQ..SIZDLOAD,SMS'> ULOG PRINT FILE ISFPRT PRINT PRINT CLOSE $$ 56 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 When you click the Submit button, the following will happen: FTP binary lrecl=80 upload ZOSDLA.V2R1M0.XMITPOC to z/OS Upload the Install JCL Submit the JCL Download joblog Launch the Discovery Library XML Viewer for the downloaded files APF authorize the SIZDLOAD dataset. If the TSO userid does not have console authority the dataset can be dynamically APF authorized using the SET PROG command. Once processing is completed, the IDL view page is shown. Figure 4-13 shows the file browser which should be used to verify that the process completed successfully. Verify the outputs by selecting ftp_joblog.txt and ftp_log.txt files and check for errors, as seen in Figure 4-13 Figure 4-13 Discovery Library IDML XML File Browser The DLA must be installed or accessible to each z/OS system or sysplex that is the subject of discovery. APF authorization is required for the SIZDLOAD dataset. 4.3.3 Running z/OS discovery For running the discovery, you can use the zosdla_ftp.hta program. This applies for both FTP installation or SMP/E installation. In order to run the discovery using the z/OS DLA, go back to the z/OS DLA FTP utility panel and select Run z/OS DLA and download the output XML files link. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 57 The information for running the DLA is shown in Figure 4-14. Figure 4-14 Running the DLA Click Submit to run the discovery process. The submit creates a batch job and ftps the output back to the Windows workstation. The created XML files are stored in the partitioned dataset that was specified for the z/OS DLA IDML dataset. The Discovery Library XML Viewer will launch and show the XML output files produced as seen in Figure 4-15 on page 59 58 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 4-15 Discovery Library XML Viewer The file names are consistent with the XML toolkit naming conventions. The Discovery Library toolkit will not process any files that do not meet the naming standards. The Discovery Library file naming standard is: appcode@hostname.timestamp.refresh.xml where: appCode - the DLA Application Code hostname - the MSS Hostname specified in the IdML MSSName, which the z/OS DLA populates in the format member@fullyqualified domain name timestamp - the timestamp specified in the IdML create refresh if the IdML has a refresh clause Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 59 If the files are not created the job probably abended, check the ftp_joblog.txt file using the Discovery Library XML Viewer. 4.3.4 Running Discovery Library toolkit Now that the XML has been created the Discovery Library toolkit must read the XML. During the install of the toolkit the install prompted a directory for the Discovery Library books, the default directory is $NCHOME/discovery/dlbooks. If the Discovery Library toolkit was installed for reading books, no changes are required to the $NCHOHM\XMLtoolkit\bin\ file. The properties to check are: DL_Enable_41 =true DL_TADDM_Connect =false DL_FileSystem = C:/IBM/Netcool/discovery/dlbooks Before processing the XML it would be best to update the logging level used by the message loggers. Update the $NCHOHM\XMLtoolkit\bin\ file. Change the MessageLoggingLevel to Informational. After updating the file restart the Discovery Library toolkit process. The IDML XML files from the z/OS DLA are created on the z/OS DLA installation path. The path is shown on the Discovery Library XML Viewer. Copy the XML files to the Tivoli Business Service Manager server in the file location specified from the DL_FileSystem parameter. The Discovery Library toolkit monitors the DL_FileSystem directory for DLAs and new XML files. The XML will be read by the Discovery Library toolkit and populate the Service Component Registry. To verify the DLAs were processed, see the messages in the $NCHOME/XMLToolkit/log/traceGTM_XT.log file. The traceGTM_XT.log should reflect the XML file processing as seen in Example 4-2. Example 4-2 Log file for XML file processing 2007.04.20 07:56:16.109 GTM ASIRADObserver ASIRADObserver [Thread-0] XMLTOOLKIT srv181 GTMCL5289I: Begin processing book z/OSDISC210BASE.z/OSBASE@wtsc67.ITSO.IBM.COM.2007-04-19T17.11.55Z.xml. 2007.04.20 07:56:16.109 GTM ASIXSLTTransform transform [Thread-0] XMLTOOLKIT srv181 GTMCL5258I: Starting Transform: XML: C:/IBM/Netcool/discovery/dlbooks/z/OSDISC210BASE.z/OSBASE@wtsc67.ITSO.I BM.COM.2007-04-19T17.11.55Z.xml 60 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Schema: C:/IBM/Netcool/XMLtoolkit/xml/ScrProcessBookLevel0.xsl stdout: C:/IBM/Netcool/XMLtoolkit/xml/ScrGeneratedIdsTemp.xml P1Key: transformstepparm P1Value: 0. If the XML file is not processed successfully and the traceGTM_XT.log reflects an error message such as schemaVersion is not valid for ASIRADObserver, as seen in Example 4-3. The z/OS DLA probably did not run properly. Verify the joblogs from the z/OS DLA. Example 4-3 Error for schema 007.04.19 12:29:08.969 GTM ASIRADObserver ASIRADObserver [Thread-0] XMLTOOLKIT srv181 GTMCL5286I: Skipping book z/OSDISC210BASE.z/OSBASE@wtsc67.ITSO.IBM.COM.2007-04-11T22.38.50Z.xml because the schemaVersion is not valid for ASIRADObserver.2007.04.19 12:29:08.969 GTM ASIRADObserver ASIRADObserver [Thread-0] XMLTOOLKIT srv181 GTMCL5286I: Skipping book z/OSDISC210CICS.CICSBUD1@wtsc67.ITSO.IBM.COM.2007-04-11T22.38.50Z.xml because the schemaVersion is not valid for ASIRADObserver. Once the XML files are processed, the Service Component Repository will be populated. To view the discovery, you must log on to the Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 console as Service Administrator, and open the Service Administration view. The DLA will discover the z/OS operating system, started tasks, CICS, DB2 subsystems, IMS, MQ, and WebSphere components and their relationships at the time the DLA was processed. As seen in Figure 4-16 on page 62, the CICS region was discovered with the relationship to an MQ subsystem, the z/OS operating system, and the sysplex. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 61 Figure 4-16 CICS region discovered with its relationship 4.4 Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager This section discusses the integration of Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 and Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager. 4.4.1 Integration overview The Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager provides complete visibility into application complexity by automatically creating and maintaining application infrastructure maps. The Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager application maps are comprehensive and include run time dependencies. The Discovery Library support in Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 can connect to Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager and query the resource and dependency information that is stored in Tivoli 62 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Application Dependency Discovery Manager. This information is then mapped to templates defined in Tivoli Business Service Manager, providing a quick means of building business services in Tivoli Business Service Manager integration. Once the import is completed the business applications are imported to Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 as imported business services and the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager components are imported into the Service Component Registry. The integration continues to provide updates from Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager by continually querying the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager database. 4.4.2 Integration prerequisites Before starting the integration, the following prerequisites are needed: Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager version with fix pack 2 - Although fix pack 1 is supported it is highly recommended that Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager V5.1.1.2 with fix pack 2 is applied. Tivoli Business Service Manager server must have TCP/IP connectivity to the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager server. Connection from Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 is performed using JDBC access as defined in the $NCHOME/XMLtoolkit/bin/ file. The Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager properties are specified by a prefix of DL_TADDM. A summary of these properties are shown in Example 4-4. Example 4-4 TADDM properties # --------------------------------------------------------------# TBSM 4.1 Discovery Library Reader Properties # --------------------------------------------------------------# DL_Enable_41 =true DL_TADDM_Connect =true DL_TADDM_HostName = DL_TADDM_Port =9530 DL_TADDM_GUI_Port = 9430 DL_TADDM_Retry_Limit=86400 Discovery Library toolkit must be installed and configured for the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager integration - If the Discovery Library toolkit was installed to read Discovery Library books, update the DL_TADDM properties with the appropriate values and restart the Discovery Library toolkit process. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 63 Copy the Jar files on the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager server in /opt/IBM/cmdb/dist/lib to the $NCHOME/XMLToolkit/sdk/lib directory. The Jar files installed with the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager fix pack 2 are not compatible with the base Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1 install. If these files are not copied to the Tivoli Business Service Manager server, the Discovery Library toolkit process will fail. The server in Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager must have: com.collation.topomgr.generateExplicitRelationship=true If the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager server does not have this set to true, it does not generate the correct relationships that Tivoli Business Service Manager requires. The fix pack 2 provides a script to generate additional relationships. Recycle Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager, and then run the script to generate the additional relationships, then any newly discovered resources will have all of the relationships needed. To integrate with Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager the Discovery Library toolkit must be setup to connect to Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager using the setxmlaccess command. The setxmlaccess command creates the userids and password associated with the Discovery Library toolkit to connect to Tivoli Business Service Manager, PostgreSQL database, and Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager. The format of the command is: setXMLAccess.bat -U postgresuid:tbsmuid:taddmuid -P postgrespw:tbsmpw:taddmpw Figure 4-17 shows an example of the execution of setxmlaccess command. C:\IBM\Netcool\XMLtoolkit\bin>setxmlaccess.bat -U postgres:admin:administrator P tbsmadmin:netcool:collation GTMCI0002I Command processing completed. Figure 4-17 The setxmlaccess command The SCR tables should have been installed with Tivoli Business Service Manager, but the setupdbschema command can be issued to ensure they were created. If the tables were already installed the command will return the error that the schema already exists, as seen in Figure 4-18 on page 65. 64 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 psql:C:/IBM/Netcool/XMLtoolkit/sql/scc_staging_schema_setup.sql:329: ERROR: relation "stage_tracecurrentinfo" already exists Figure 4-18 Error schema already exists 4.4.3 Integration in action Before running the integration, you can restart the Discovery Library toolkit process and verify that a connection is active. The netstat command should show a connection from the Tivoli Business Service Manager server to the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager server port, as seen in Figure 4-19. netstat -a TCP srv181:3839 taddmsrv:9530 ESTABLISHED Figure 4-19 Output from the netstat command You can also check the msgGTM_XT.log under IBM/Netcool /XMLtoolkit/log that contains the GTPCL5227I message as shown in Figure 4-20. Other logs that you might want to consult are taddmsdk.log (taddm api log) and traceGTM_XT.log (Discovery Library toolkit trace log). GTMCL5276I: Requesting a connection to the CMDB at 2007.04.23 06:04:27.516 GTM ASITADDMConnection getConnection [P??Ô] XMLTOOLKIT srv181 GTMCL5277I: Connection established with Figure 4-20 Connection to CMDB The following steps show the integration between TBSM and TADDM: 1. Start the initial bulk discovery by using the cmdbdiscovery.bat -b commands seen in Figure 4-21 on page 66. Depending on the size of the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager database and the processing load of the server, the discovery process might take some time. During the discovery the memory usage on the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager server could increase. You can check the status of the discovery by using the cmdbdiscovery.bat -s commands seen in Figure 4-21 on page 66. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 65 C:\IBM\Netcool\XMLtoolkit\bin>cmdbdiscovery.bat -b C:\IBM\Netcool\XMLtoolkit\bin>cmdbdiscovery.bat -s GTMCL5302I: A bulk discovery is schedule to be run. C:\IBM\Netcool\XMLtoolkit\bin>cmdbdiscovery.bat -s GTMCL5303I: A bulk discovery is running. Figure 4-21 Running cmdbdiscovery.bat command 2. Verify the discovery has completed by viewing the log to find the message GTMCL52931 that indicates CMDB discovery is completed (in the msgGTM_XT.log), as seen in Figure 4-22. 2007.04.23 07:31:33.531 GTM ASITADDMObserver ASITADDMObserver [Thread-2] XMLTOOLKIT srv181 GTMCL5293I: CMDB discovery completed successfully. Figure 4-22 CMDB discovery completed 3. Log on to the Tivoli Business Service Manager Console and verify the Service Component Registry is populated and there is a service folder named Imported Business services. In our scenario, here is the Credit Verification Business application that was imported from Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager, as seen in Figure 4-23 on page 67. 66 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 4-23 Imported Business Service Credit Verification The same Credit Verification Business Application correspond to the same entity in Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager, as seen in Figure 4-24 on page 68. Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 67 Figure 4-24 Credit Verification Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Business Application With the integration complete, the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager console can be launched in context by right clicking on the imported business service and Launch Integrations and launch Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager tab, as seen in Figure 4-25 on page 69. 68 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Figure 4-25 Integrations and launch Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager tab Chapter 4. Working with Discovery Library toolkit 69 70 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 5 Chapter 5. Operational aspects of Tivoli Business Service Manager This chapter discusses operational aspects of Tivoli Business Service Manager. The items that we discuss are: 5.1, “Startup and shutdown” on page 72 5.2, “Backup and recovery” on page 73 5.3, “Performance optimization” on page 74 5.4, “Failover consideration” on page 74 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. 71 5.1 Startup and shutdown The process of starting up Tivoli Business Service Manager is performed using the Tivoli Business Service Manager instance user ID. This startup is performed with the following sequence: 1. Starting the license manager. This can be performed using the script $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/bin/ or $NCHOME/license/bin/nc_start_license & 2. Starting the object server. This can be performed with the command: $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/bin/ $NCHOME 2700 localhost NCOMS 3. Starting the security server. This can be performed with the command: $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/bin/ 4. Starting the Tivoli Business Service Manager server. This also includes the startup of the postgreSQL database. $NCHOME/bin/rad_server Shutdown of the Tivoli Business Service Manager server should be performed in the reverse order of the startup. The shutdown is performed in the following order: 1. Stopping the Tivoli Business Service Manager server and the progreSQL database. $NCHOME/bin/rad_shutdown 2. Stopping the security server. $NCHOME/security/bin/ncsm_shutdown 3. Stopping the OMNIbus object server. Run the command alter system shutdown; from the nco_sql interface. $NCHOME/omnibus/bin/nco_sql 4. Stopping the license manager. $NCHOME/license/bin/nc_stop_license 72 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 5.2 Backup and recovery The backup and recovery consideration that we performed in this section is primarily to address how we sustain the operation of the Tivoli Business Service Manager server. This would relate to the backup process for the following items: Back up Tivoli Business Service Manager database Back up of Tivoli Business Service Manager database can be performed using the rad_db command such as: $NCHOME/bin/rad_db backup -backupfile /bkup/rad_bk_2007-03-04.sql Back up other Tivoli Business Service Manager resources The following files would also need to be backed up: – – – – – $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/xml/cumulTimeSLA.xml $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/xml/scheduleTime.xml $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/av/xmlconfig/* $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/sla/dashboard/chartconfig Other custom Web pages from GUI foundation or Webtop Back up Netcool OMNIbus object server Back up the security server, use the ncsm_db command. The recovery process of Tivoli Business Service Manager should be based on which component is broken. However, the complete rebuild of Tivoli Business Service Manager server after the base software is installed would be performed with the following sequence: 1. Assure license server is started 2. Recovery of the security database 3. Recovery of the object server 4. Recovery of the Web resources and policy of Tivoli Business Service Manager server 5. Recovery of the Tivoli Business Service Manager database The recovery procedure for Tivoli Business Service Manager database only is: 1. Stop Tivoli Business Service Manager server using $NCHOME/bin/rad_shutdown command. 2. Optionally copy the Tivoli Business Service Manager configuration files that you back up. 3. Start the postgreSQL database only using $NCHOME/bin/rad_db start command. Chapter 5. Operational aspects of Tivoli Business Service Manager 73 4. Restore the database backup. Pipe the backup file name into the $NCHOME/bin/rad_db log command. 5. Start back Tivoli Business Service Manager server using $NCHOME/bin/rad_server command. 5.3 Performance optimization Performance of Tivoli Business Service Manager server is highly dependent on the following: Event rate from Netcool OMNIbus Tivoli Business Service Manager auto discovery and numerical rule processing Number of users accessing the Web console Number of ESDA based interfaces The Tivoli Business Service Manager processing is performed under the Java Virtual Machine (JVM™) which is run by a Tomcat server. This server would be the most critical aspect of the Tivoli Business Service Manager performance. This server serves both the user interface and the backend processing of Tivoli Business Service Manager. 5.4 Failover consideration The business status object from Tivoli Business Service Manager is very useful to assess the overall health of the business. It is becoming more critical to the business management. The Tivoli Business Service Manager server can be ensured to run in a fault tolerant way by introducing the failover mechanism. Figure 5-1 on page 75 shows the failover configuration. There are three components that are supported to perform failover, the OMNIbus, Security Manager, and Tivoli Business Service Manager server. 74 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 events Primary Backup TBSM server NGF Webtop PostgreSQL TBSM server NGF Webtop PostgreSQL Security Manager Security Manager OMNIbus OMNIbus Figure 5-1 Failover configuration The failover configuration allows the primary set of servers to be replaced with a backup set of servers in the case of a failure of the servers. Each component has to be set separately to enable failover. When both systems are running, the primary and backup systems are kept synchronized automatically. Database updates and configuration modifications are communicated to the backup machines. Some points to note are: Some manual modifications such as custom visualization file, static canvases, and static view definitions are not copied automatically When the backup server acts as a primary, the file changes are not reflected on the primary servers. You must manually copy changed files to the primary servers. 5.4.1 Setting up security server for failover Make sure the primary and backup security server have the same security.script file. The file resides in the $NCHOME/security/db directory. For a Windows based security server, you must stop the security server database to access this file. Chapter 5. Operational aspects of Tivoli Business Service Manager 75 Database operations can be performed using the command: java -cp $NCHOME\security\lib3p\ncsm3p2004Aug24.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager -url jdbc:hsqldb:db/security 5.4.2 Setting up OMNIbus for failover The secondary OMNIbus must be initialized using a name other than NCOMS. You can use $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_dbinit command and indicate the name in the server parameter. Both the primary and backup object server should contain the same database schema. All schema update SQL commands for the alerts table must be applied, including the one from tbsm_db_update.sql. You also have to update the $OMNIHOME/etc/<nconame>.props file to set the BackupObjectServer parameter from false to true. When this is completed from the primary OMNIbus server, open the Server Editor gui, such as $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_xigen and add both the primary and backup OMNIbus servers in there. You must update the Server editor page for both machines. Set Both OMNIbus servers to listen to the common port number 4300. Create an additional gateway called NCO_Gate with port number 4300. 5.4.3 Setting up Tivoli Business Service Manager for failover The configuration for Tivoli Business Service Manager servers is performed at installation time. You specify in the advanced installation the partner server host name, RMI port, and database port. The postgreSQL database user name and password must be identical for the primary and backup servers. The primary server name is RAD and the backup is called RAD_B. 5.4.4 Finalizing failover configuration When all the failover components have been configured correctly, run the failover_cfg command to generate a configuration file. Modify the configuration file using a text editor. Finally run failover_cfg again with the configuration file as the input on each of the servers that would participate in this failover configuration. A sample configuration file entry is shown in Example 5-1 on page 77. 76 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Example 5-1 Sample configuration file LocalHost NCHOME OMNIHOME PrimaryTBSMHost PrimaryObjServHost PrimarySecMgrHost BackupTBSMHost BackupObjServHost BackupSecMgrHost PrimaryObjServDB PrimaryObjServUser PrimaryObjServPW object server BackupObjServDB BackupObjServUser BackupObjServPW object server PrimarySecMgrPort PrimarySecMgrCtrlPort PrimarySecMgrDBPort manager BackupSecMgrPort BackupSecMgrCtrlPort BackupSecMgrDBPort thishost # host name of this server /opt/IBM/Netcool # install directory of TBSM 4.1 /opt/IBM/Netcool/omnibus # install directory of Omnibus server1 # host name of primary TBSM server server2 # host name of primary object server server3 # host name of primary security manager server4 # host name of backup TBSM server server5 # host name of backup object server server6 # host name of backup security manager NCOMS # database name of primary object server root # database user of primary object server '' # password for database user of primary NCOMS_B root '' # database name of backup object server # database user of backup object server # password for database user of backup 8077 8087 5600 # HTTP port for primary security manager # Control port for primary security manager # Database port for primary security 8077 8087 5600 # HTTP port for backup security manager # Control port for backup security manager # Database port for backup security manager Chapter 5. Operational aspects of Tivoli Business Service Manager 77 78 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Related publications The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this IBM Redpaper. IBM Redbooks Publications For information about ordering these publications, see “How to get IBM Redbooks Publications” on page 80. Note that some of the documents referenced here may be available in softcopy only. Tivoli Business Systems Manager V2.1 End-to-end Business Impact Management, SG24-6610 IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 Advanced Implementation Topics, SG24-6770 Other publications These publications are also relevant as further information sources: IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Installation Guide, GI11-8054 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Quick Start, GI11-8055 Exploring IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager 4.1, GI11-8056 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Administrator's Guide, SC23-6040 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Service Configuration Guide, SC23-6041 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Customization Guide, SC23-6042 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Scenarios Guide, SC23-6043 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Troubleshooting Guide, GI11-8057 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Release Notes, GC23-6044 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. 79 Online resources These Web sites are also relevant as further information sources: Netcool product information center How to get IBM Redbooks Publications You can search for, view, or download IBM Redbooks Publications, IBM Redpapers, Technotes, draft publications and Additional materials, as well as order hardcopy IBM Redbooks Publications, at this Web site: Help from IBM IBM Support and downloads IBM Global Services 80 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Index Symbols $NCHOME/bin/rad_db command 73 $NCHOME/bin/rad_radshell command 32 $NCHOME/bin/rad_server command 74 $NCHOME/bin/rad_shutdown command 73 $NCHOME/InstallTBSM/ command 10 $OMNIHOME/bin/nco_dbinit command 76 A ABS 20 Alerts and messages 19 alter command 72 ALU command 53 Automated Business Systems, see ABS B business application management 3 C CDM 43 Child event 19 Class 19 CMDB 43 cmdbdiscovery.bat command 65 commands alter 72 ALU 53 cmdbdiscovery.bat 65 64 failover_cfg 76 ihstttec 15 isql 36 launchpad 28 nco_dbinit 76 nco_sql 36 ncsm_db 14, 35, 73 netstat 65 ps 30 rad_db 73 rad_radshell 32, 38 rad_server 74 © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved. rad_shutdown 73 SET PROG 57 setupdbschema 64 setxmlaccess 64 10 zosdla_ftp.hta 53 Common Data Model, see CDM Configuration Manager Database, see CMDB D Discovery Library Adapter, see DLA Disk space 27 DLA 4, 42 E EIF 10, 15 Enhanced Service Dependency Adapter, see ESDA ESDA 7 Event enablement 19 Event Integration Facility, see EIF command 64 F failover_cfg command 76 G Geographical Information System, see GIS GIS 8 I IBM Redbooks Publications Web site 80 ihstttec command 15 Information Technology Infrastructure Library, see ITIL International Technical Support Organization, see ITSO isql command 36 IT infrastructure 3 ITIL 3 ITSO 4 81 L Z launchpad command 28 LDAP 14 Light-weight Directory Access Protocol, see LDAP logical partition, see LPAR LPAR 51 zosdla_ftp.hta command 53 M Memory 27 N nco_sql command 36 ncs200*.jar 37 ncsm_db command 14, 35, 73 ncsSoapClient200*.jar 37 netstat command 65 O of Government Commerce, see OGC OGC 2 OPAL 52 Open Process Automation Library, see OPAL Operating system 27 P Physical resource 19 Processor 27 ps command 30 R RAD 4, 32 rad_db command 73 rad_radshell command 38 Real-time Active Dashboard, see RAD Resource 19 S SCR 42 Service Component Registry, see SCR Service Level Agreement, see SLA SET PROG command 57 setupdbschema command 64 setxmlaccess command 64 SIT 51 SLA 3 System Initialization Table, see SIT 82 IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Back cover ® IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 Redpaper Next generation of business system management This IBM Redpaper leads you through the new Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 that is based on Netcool/Realtime Active Dashboard (RAD), instead of the previous Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1. Includes TBSM V3.1 feature comparison This book will describe Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 components and architecture. We also discuss function comparison of functions for Tivoli Business Systems Manager V3.1 and Netcool/RAD to Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1. Cover migration from Netcool/RAD V3 We document the installation and migration of Tivoli Business Service Manager V4.1 in our environment. Migration is currently only available for Netcool/RAD 3.0 users. This paper also contains integration with IBM Tivoli Service Management framework that allows Tivoli Business Service Manager to integrate with Tivoli Change and Configuration Management database (CCMDB) using Discovery Library toolkit. This function is also available for z/OS configuration. Finally, Tivoli Business Service Manager operational consideration is discussed, including backup and recovery process, maintenance schedule, and performance tips. INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL SUPPORT ORGANIZATION BUILDING TECHNICAL INFORMATION BASED ON PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE IBM Redbooks are developed by the IBM International Technical Support Organization. Experts from IBM, Customers and Partners from around the world create timely technical information based on realistic scenarios. Specific recommendations are provided to help you implement IT solutions more effectively in your environment. For more information: REDP-4288-00