ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Clint W. Boal for his support throughout this study, and Dr. Loren M. Smith and Dr. Nancy E. McIntyre for their suggestions and comments that greatly improved this thesis. Thanks to C. L. Coffman, NRCS Unit Office in Lubbock, local NRCS county personnel, and land owners in their support and assistance during this study. Thanks, also, to my field assistants Pamela Newton, Josh Deal, and Lawson Dennis, as well as all the volunteers who helped collect the data for this study. Funding and support for this project were provided by Texas Parks & Wildlife, the USGS Texas Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, and Texas Tech University. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................................... ii ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................. v LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................ vii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................... xii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................ 1 II. BREEDING AND WINTERING SEASON GRASSLAND BIRD ABUNDANCES AND HABITAT ASSOCIATIONS AMONG THE PRINCIPLE CONSERVATION RESERVE PROGRAM COVER TYPES IN THE SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS OF TEXAS............................................................................. 5 Introduction.................................................................................... 5 Methods ......................................................................................... 9 Results............................................................................................ 14 Discussion...................................................................................... 30 Management Implications ............................................................. 37 NESTING BIOLOGY AND NEST SITE CHARACTERISTICS OF GROUND-NESTING BIRDS IN THE PRINCIPLE GRASSLAND COVER TYPES IN THE SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS OF TEXAS.................................................................. 72 Introduction.................................................................................... 72 Methods ......................................................................................... 74 Results............................................................................................ 79 Discussion...................................................................................... 85 Management Implications ............................................................. 90 III. iii LITERATURE CITED ................................................................................................. 110 APPENDIX: SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF AVIAN AND PLANT SPECIES CITED............................................................................................................... 118 iv ABSTRACT To increase the value of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields as wildlife habitat, the Farm Bill of 1996 required participants with existing CRP contracts in Texas to re-seed 51% of existing CRP fields with native grasses. Additionally, all new CRP contracts require 90% of the land enrolled to be in native grass species mixes. However, the direct value of native seeding for grassland birds has not been evaluated fully in the Southern High Plains of Texas. We examined bird use and productivity during the breeding season, and bird use during the winter among 4 principle CRP cover types: (1) Old World bluestem (OWB) (Bothriochlora ischaemum), (2) weeping lovegrass (WLG) (Eragrostis curvula), (3) native grass mix (NAB) including buffalo grass (Buchloë dactyloides), and (4) native grass mix without buffalo grass (NAA). For 2001 and 2002 breeding season, 12 avian species were observed in the study fields. Species number, richness, and total abundances of birds did not differ between cover types or between years for overall avian abundances during the breeding season and May surveys. Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), Cassin’s Sparrow (Aimophila cassinii), Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura), and Western Meadowlark (Strunella neglecta) accounted for more than 95% of all observations for the two years. Grasshopper Sparrows were the most abundant species in all cover types except NAA, being in roughly equal proportion to Cassin’s Sparrows in these fields. Grasshopper Sparrow abundances were higher in NAB and OWB fields during both the overall breeding season and May survey periods. Grasshopper Sparrows were associated with fields that had low percent bare ground, high percent grass cover, low to moderate vertical densities, and low overall vegetation heights. Cassin’s Sparrow abundances were higher in NAA fields compared to NAB and OWB fields for both the overall breeding season and May surveys. Cassin’s Sparrows were associated with fields with moderate shrub densities (> 2 per 50 m2) and/ or moderate to high percent bare ground (> 30%). Western Meadowlarks occurred in low abundances across all CRP cover types and did not show any consistent relationship based on vegetation characteristics within cover v types. Mourning Doves occurred in low abundances across all cover types, but were more abundant in introduced grass fields compared to native grass mix fields. Nests of 7 species were found in CRP fields. Grasshopper Sparrow (29.7%), Cassin’s Sparrow (23.7%), and Mourning Dove (38.1%) accounted for 91.5% of all nests located. Grasshopper Sparrow nest densities were higher in NAB fields compared to NAA fields. Cassin’s Sparrows were not found to nest in NAB fields and were equally abundant among the other cover types. Overall more Cassin’s Sparrow nests were found in NAA and range fields compared to other cover types. Mourning Dove preferred introduced grass fields compared to native grass mixes, being higher in WLG and OWB fields. Nest success estimates for all species were similar among cover types and between CP types for the years combined. Winter avian abundance, species richness, and number of species differed among CRP cover types. Native grass mix CRPs supported more avian species and higher abundances of species during the winter than introduced grass CRPs. Western Meadowlark (36.9%), Savannah Sparrow (24.7%), and Horned Lark (32.5%) were the most common species observed for the two years, accounting for 94.1% of all species. Western Meadowlarks were common across all cover types, while Savannah Sparrows and Horned Larks were more abundant on the native grass mix CRPs. The native seeding requirement of CRP has likely contributed to abundances of avian species within the Southern High Plains of Texas during the breeding and wintering season. The more diverse native grass mixes in term of both species composition and structure influences the use of these cover types by several different species throughout the year. Results of this study provide a clearer understanding of the applicability of CRP plantings as a conservation tool for grassland passerines. vi LIST OF TABLES 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6 2.7. 2.8. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed in CRP cover types for the breeding season (May–July) 2001 and 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 40 Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed in CRP cover types for May 2001 and 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas............................................................................................................. 42 Total number and average number of avian species on CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type during the breeding season (May–July) and May 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas............................................... 44 Breeding season species abundance, richness, evenness, and dominance means (x̄) in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas............................................... 45 May species abundance, richness, evenness, and dominance means (x̄) in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 46 Average breeding season (May–July) relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas............................................... 47 Average breeding season (May–July) singing male relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas .............................. 48 Average May relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas......................................................................................... 49 vii 2.9. Average May singing male relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 50 Summer (May–July) vegetative composition of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001–2002).................................................... 51 Dominant grass species compositions and proportions among CRP cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001–2002).............. 52 Most common forb and shrub species compositions among CRP cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001–2002) ...................... 53 Summer (May–July) vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001–2002).................................................... 54 Summer (May–July) vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001 in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 55 Summer (May–July) vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 56 Correlation coefficients between bird abundances and vegetation variables in CRP fields during the 2001 breeding season in the Southern High Plains of Texas.................................................................... 57 Correlation coefficients between bird abundances and vegetation variables in CRP fields during the 2002 breeding season in the Southern High Plains of Texas.................................................................... 58 2.18. Correlation coefficients between bird abundances and vegetation variables in CRP fields during the breeding season (2001–2002) in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 60 2.19. Correlation coefficients between bird abundances and vegetation variables in CRP fields during May 2001 in the Southern High Plains of Texas......................................................................................... 61 2.10. 2.11. 2.12. 2.13. 2.14. 2.15. 2.16. 2.17. viii 2.20. Correlation coefficients between bird abundances and vegetation variables in CRP fields during May 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas......................................................................................... 62 2.21. Correlation coefficients between bird abundances and vegetation variables in CRP fields during May (2001–2002) in the Southern High Plains of Texas......................................................................................... 64 2.22. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed in CRP cover types for the wintering season (January–February) 2002 and 2003 in the Southern High Plains of Texas................................................ 65 Wintering season species abundance, richness, evenness, and dominance means (x̄) in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2002, 2003, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas............................................... 67 Average wintering season (January–February) relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2002, 2003, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas .............................. 68 Winter vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type in the Southern High Plains of Texas for 2002 ................................................................................... 69 2.26. Correlation coefficients between 2002 winter bird abundances and vegetation variables from Winter 2002 and Summer (July) 2001 in CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas......................................... 70 2.27. Correlation coefficients between 2003 winter bird abundances and vegetation characteristics from Summer (July) 2002 on CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 71 2.23. 2.24. 2.25. 3.1. 3.2. Nesting species composition and the number of avian nests located in CRP and native shortgrass prairie cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001–2002) ................................................................... 92 Nesting species composition and number of avian nests located in CRP and native shortgrass prairie cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas for 2001 and 2002 .......................................................... 93 ix 3.3. Nest densities (n/ha) for nesting species in CRP and native shortgrass prairie cover types for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas ............................................................... 95 3.4. General nesting biology (x̄ + SE) of Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, and Mourning Dove in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002 ................................ 96 3.5. Mayfield nest success of the most common ground nesting birds in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002......................................................................................... 97 3.6. Overall nest success for the most common nesting species in 5 principle cover types and CRP CP (conservation practice) types (2001–2002 combined) in the Southern High Plains of Texas ......................... 98 3.7. Nest site characteristics among the most common ground nesting bird species in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002 ...................................................... 99 3.8. Grasshopper Sparrow nest site characteristics between CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002.......................... 100 3.9. Grasshopper Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002......................................................................................... 101 3.10. Grasshopper Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002..................................................................... 102 3.11. Cassin’s Sparrow nest site characteristics between CP1, CP2, and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002......................................................................................................... 103 3.12. Cassin’s Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002 ........................................... 104 3.13. Cassin’s Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CP1 and CP2 fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002 ................................ 105 x 3.14. Mourning Dove nest site characteristics between CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002.................................. 107 3.15. Mourning Dove nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002 ............................................................................................. 108 3.16. Mourning Dove nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2002.............................................................................. 109 A.1. Avian species codes, common names, and scientific names ............................ 119 A.2. Plant species common and scientific names ..................................................... 120 xi LIST OF FIGURES 2.1. 3.1. 3.2. Location of counties and study fields within the Texas Southern High Plains used in study, 2001–2003.............................................................. 39 Location of counties and study fields within the Texas Southern High Plains used in study, 2001–2003.............................................................. 91 Nest initiation dates for ground-nesting birds in the principle grassland cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001–2003......................................................................................................... 94 xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Title XII of the1985 Food Security Act (1985 Farm Bill), was originally enacted with the dual purpose of conserving soil and water resources and reducing agricultural surplus (Bartlett 1988). Amendments to this original program (the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, and the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996), have also recognized the value of these areas in providing habitat for wildlife (Wildlife Management Institute 2000). CRP enrollment currently stands at 13.5 million hectares with approximately 80% planted in grass cover (USDA 2003). Texas leads all states with a little over 1.6 million hectares or 11.8% of the U.S. total, most of it within the panhandle and Southern High Plains (USDA 2003). While CRP often does not restore the native prairie that once existed in these areas, it does provide areas of vegetation more characteristic to natural conditions than cropland, as well as adding to the remaining available prairie remnants. Of the historic 1.7 million hectares of shortgrass prairie that once existed on the High Plains of Texas only 20% remains (Samson and Knopf 1994). These prairies that were once dominated by buffalograss (Buchloë dactyloides) and blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) have largely been converted to cropland (e.g. cotton, wheat, sorghum or corn), excessively overgrazed, or invaded by mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) and other invasive species to a point that they no longer function as short- and mixed-grass prairie ecosystems (Bolen et al. 1989, Samson and Knopf 1996). While this is less than the approximate loss of 99% of the eastern and Midwestern tallgrass prairies, the short- and mixed-grass prairie habitats remain critically threatened (Samson and Knopf 1994, Noss et al. 1995). Loss of this habitat, coupled with the fragmentation and degradation of the few remaining patches, has had a dramatic negative impact on obligate grassland birds (Askins 1993, Knopf 1994, Peterjohn and Sauer 1999). During the past quarter century, grassland birds have experienced “steeper, more consistent, and more geographically 1 widespread population declines than any other behavioral or ecological guild in North America” (Knopf 1994: 251). With the intensification of farming practices in the late 1950s through the mid 1980s the situation for grassland nesting birds became considerably worse (Best et al. 1997, Brady 2000). Eight of the 13 grassland species that showed declining population trends from the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) 1966-1996 (Peterjohn and Sauer 1999) occur on the Southern High Plains at some time during the year. Since its initiation, numerous studies have documented the positive effects of the CRP as breeding habitat for grassland birds. Johnson and Schwartz (1993a and 1993b) observed that several grassland bird species in the Northern Great Plain, such as the Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), Baird’s Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii) and Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys), that had declined in abundance from 1966-1990 were common in CRP fields. In the Midwest, Best et al. (1997) found nests of 33 species in CRP fields compared with only 10 in row-crop fields, and the number of nests found was 13.5 times greater in CRP fields. Patterson and Best (1996) concluded that the CRP has likely contributed to an increase in the abundance of many bird species in central Iowa, inasmuch as the row-crop habitat that it replaced has lower bird abundance and supports fewer nesting species. In Illinois, Herkert (1998) noted that the availability of grassland habitat in the form of CRP fields has positively influenced the population trends of Grasshopper Sparrows within that state. In the Southern High Plains, Berthelsen et al. (1989) concluded that Ring-necked Pheasant populations benefited from CRP fields due to increases in nesting cover, brood cover, and winter habitat. Within the same region Berthelsen and Smith (1995) reported that breeding nongame grassland bird populations also benefited from CRP by providing large areas of nesting and brood-rearing habitat. Fewer studies have been done on bird use of CRP fields during winter, although studies have indicated that wintering grassland birds, including those with declining population trends, readily use these areas. In the Midwest, Best et al. (1998) reported Ring-necked Pheasant, Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), American Tree 2 Sparrow (Spizella arborea), and Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) being more abundant and widespread on CRP fields compared to cropland, and speculated that the availability of the CRP during the winter was beneficial to the habitat requirements of these species. King and Savidge (1995) reported higher densities of birds on CRP fields compared to croplands in southeastern Nebraska during winter presumably as a result of CRP having more vegetative cover. Berthelsen (1989) determined that CRP fields in the Southern High Plains provided high quality habitat for Western Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow, and Ring-necked Pheasants, and that availability of CRP likely promoted dispersal and survival over the winter months. While these studies looked primarily at the differences in abundance of grassland birds between CRP fields (CP1—perennial introduced grasses and legumes, and CP2— perennial native grasses) and croplands, few have looked at how well the different seeding mixture within the different CRP conservation types, especially the native seed mixes, affect grassland bird composition and abundance. The primary reasons is that in the beginning the majority of CRP contracts were for CP1s, and even when native grass were planted they are still largely planted as monocultures (e.g., Missouri and Nebraska: switchgrass (Panicum virgatum)) or comprised only 2 species (e.g., Texas: blue grama/ sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) mix). Berthelsen and Smith (1995) and Berthelsen (1989) looked at nest densities and wintering abundances, respectively, among three cover types, one native mix and two native/exotic mixes, within the Southern High Plains of Texas. They found nest densities to be similar among the cover types for all species, however during the winter the blue grama/Kleingrass (Panicum antidotale) (BG/ K) native/exotic mix was found to have the greatest avian winter densities and number of birds observed, as well as provided the best winter cover for Ring-necked Pheasants. In Nebraska, King and Savidge (1995) detected no relationship between bird numbers and vegetation diversity, while Delisle and Savidge (1997) found that certain species showed a preference for either the CP1 or CP2 planting types. Davis and Duncan’s (1999) study in Saskatchewan supported these findings. They found that vegetative structure is more important than plant-species composition in grassland bird habitat selection, as crested 3 wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) pastures were as attractive as native pastures to many of the species studied. In an attempt to improve grassland habitat for wildlife, the Farm Bill of 1996 required participants with existing CPR contracts in Texas to re-seed 51% of CRP land with native grasses. Furthermore, all new CRP contracts require native species seeding of at least 90% of the area. However, the value of native seeded CRP fields in providing breeding and wintering habitat for obligate grassland birds has not been assessed fully on the Southern High Plains. To better understand the contributions and values of the different seeding mixtures to grassland bird conservation, I tested whether avian abundances and compositions, as well as vegetation characteristics differed among the principle CRP cover types found in the Southern High Plains of Texas during the breeding and wintering season. Additionally, I investigated whether avian nest densities and nest success differed among the principle CRP cover types and, where possible, native rangeland. 4 CHAPTER II BREEDING AND WINTERING SEASON GRASSLAND BIRD ABUNDANCES AND HABITAT ASSOCIATIONS AMONG THE PRINCIPLE CONSERVATION RESERVE PROGRAM COVER TYPES IN THE SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS OF TEXAS Introduction The expanse of short- and mixed-grass prairie that once existed from central Alberta south to the Southern High Plains of Texas has undergone extensive reduction since the arrival of Europeans over 500 years ago(Samson and Knopf 1994). In the past 100 years most of these areas have seen a loss of native vegetation exceeding 80 percent (Samson and Knopf 1994). While this is less than the approximate loss of 99% of the eastern and Midwestern tallgrass prairies, the short- and mixed-grass prairie habitats remain critically threatened (Samson and Knopf 1994, Noss et al. 1995). Of the historic 1.7 million hectares of shortgrass prairie that once existed on the High Plains of Texas only 20% remains (Samson and Knopf 1994). These prairies that were once dominated by buffalograss (Buchloë dactyloides) and blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) have largely been converted to cropland (e.g. cotton, wheat, sorghum or corn), excessively overgrazed, or invaded by mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) and other invasive species to a point that they no longer function as short- and mixed-grass prairie ecosystems (Bolen et al. 1989, Samson and Knopf 1996). Loss of this habitat, coupled with the fragmentation and degradation of the remaining patches, has had a dramatic negative impact on obligate grassland birds (Askins 1993, Knopf 1994, Peterjohn and Sauer 1999). During the past quarter century, grassland birds have experienced “steeper, more consistent, and more geographically widespread population declines than any other behavioral or ecological guild in North America” (Knopf 1994: 251). Eight of the 13 grassland species that showed declining population trends from the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) 1966-1996 (Peterjohn and Sauer 1999) occur on the Southern High Plains at some time during the year. Breeding species 5 included Ring-necked Pheasant (Phasianus colchicus), Horned Lark (Eremophila alpestris), Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna), Western Meadowlark (S. neglecta), and Cassin’s Sparrow (Aimophila cassinii) (Oberholser 1974, Peterjohn and Sauer 1999, Kosteche et al. 2001, Seyffert 2001). Wintering birds include Vesper Sparrow (Pooecetes gramineus) and Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis), in addition to the Ring-necked Pheasant, Horned Lark, and Western Meadowlark (Oberholser 1974, Kosteche et al. 2001, Seyffert 2001). If degradation of the grasslands has caused the decline of obligate grassland birds, then the rehabilitation and restoration of these areas may help reverse these declines (Koford 1999). The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), Title XII of the1985 Food Security Act (1985 Farm Bill), as well as the amendments to it (the Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990, and the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of 1996) allowed establishment of seeded (exotic and native) grasslands for original contract periods of ten years. Originally enacted to conserve soil and water resources, as well as to reduce agricultural surplus, CRP has gained recognition as holding values as wildlife habitat (Wildlife Management Institute 2000). CRP enrollment currently stands at 13.5 million hectares with approximately 80% planted in grass cover (USDA 2003). Texas leads all states with a little over 1.6 million hectares or 11.8% of the U.S. total, most of it within the panhandle and Southern High Plains (USDA 2003). While CRP often does not restore the native prairie that once existed in these areas, it does provide large areas of vegetation more characteristic to natural conditions than cropland, as well as adding to the remaining natural prairie remnants. Since its initiation, numerous studies have documented the positive effects of the CRP as breeding habitat for grassland birds. Johnson and Schwartz (1993a and 1993b) observed that several grassland bird species in the Northern Great Plain, such as the Grasshopper Sparrow, Baird’s Sparrow (Ammodramus bairdii) and Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys), that had declined in abundance from 1966-1990 were common in CRP fields. In the Midwest, Best et al. (1997) found nests of 33 species in CRP fields compared with only 10 in row-crop fields, and the number of nests found was 6 13.5 times greater in CRP fields. Patterson and Best (1996) concluded that CRP has likely contributed to an increase in the abundance of many bird species in central Iowa, inasmuch as the row-crop habitat that it replaced has lower bird abundance and supports fewer nesting species. In Illinois, Herkert (1998) noted that the availability of grassland habitat in the form of CRP fields has positively influenced the population trends of Grasshopper Sparrows within that state. In the Southern High Plains, Berthelsen et al. (1989) concluded that Ring-necked Pheasant populations benefited from CRP fields due to increases in nesting cover, brood cover, and winter habitat. Within the same region Berthelsen and Smith (1995) reported that breeding nongame grassland bird populations also benefited from CRP by providing large areas of nesting habitat. By looking at the reproductive rate of grassland birds in Missouri, McCoy et al. (1999) was able to identify CRPs as source habitat for several grassland species, however other species were not shown to benefit from the availability of CRP. Fewer studies have been done on bird use of CRP fields during winter, although studies have indicated that wintering grassland birds, including those with declining population trends, readily use these areas. In the Midwest, Best et al. (1998) reported Ring-necked Pheasant, Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), American Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea), and Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) being more abundant and widespread on CRP fields compared to cropland, concluding that the availability of the CRP was beneficial to the habitat requirements of these species during winter. King and Savidge (1995) reported higher densities of birds on CRP fields compared to croplands in southeastern Nebraska during winter possibly as a result of CRP having more vegetative cover. Berthelsen (1989) determined that CRP fields in the Southern High Plains provided high quality habitat for Western Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow, and Ring-necked Pheasants, and that the availability of CRP likely promoted dispersal and survival of the pheasant over the winter months. While these studies looked primarily at differences in abundance of grassland birds between CRP fields (CP1—perennial introduced grasses and legumes, and CP2— perennial native grasses) and croplands, few have looked at how well the different 7 seeding mixture within the different CRP conservation types, especially native seed mixes affect grassland bird composition and abundance. Berthelsen and Smith (1995) and Berthelsen (1989) looked at nest densities and wintering abundances, respectively, among three cover types, one native mix and two native/exotic mixes within the panhandle of Texas. In this study, nest densities were similar among the cover types for all species, however during the winter the blue grama/ Kleingrass (Panicum coloratum) (BG/ K) native/exotic mix was found to have the greatest avian winter densities and number of birds observed, as well as provide the best winter cover for pheasants. In Nebraska, King and Savidge (1995) detected no relationship between bird numbers and vegetation diversity, while Delisle and Savidge (1997) found that certain species showed a preference for either the CP1 or CP2 planting types. Davis and Duncan’s (1999) study in Saskatchewan supported these findings. They found that vegetative structure is more important than plant-species composition in grassland bird habitat selection, as crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) pastures were as attractive as native pastures to many of the species studied. During the first 3 years of the CRP, about 1.2 million hectares were enrolled in Texas, 54.3 % in native grasses and 40.2% as introduced grasses (Smith et al. 1996). In an attempt to improve grassland habitat for wildlife, the Farm Bill of 1996 required participants with existing CPR contracts in Texas to re-seed 51% of CRP land with native grasses. Furthermore, all new CRP contracts require native species seeding of at least 90% of the area at an added expense to the landowner. However, the value of native seeded CRP fields in providing breeding and wintering habitat for obligate grassland birds has not been assessed fully in the Southern High Plains. To better understand the contributions and values of the different seeding mixtures to grassland bird conservation, I tested whether avian abundances and compositions, as well as vegetation characteristics differed among the principle CRP cover types found in the Southern High Plains. In addition I looked at what vegetative characteristics among the cover types were associated with bird use. 8 Methods Study Area I studied avian abundance and use within 4 principle CRP cover types found in the Southern High Plains (SHP) of Texas. This portion of the High Plains, also known as the Llano Estacado, straddles the Texas-New Mexico border and is bounded by the Canadian River to the North and the Caprock Escarpment to the South and East (Blackstock 1979). In Texas, this region is characterized by nearly flat to gently undulating featureless plains that include numerous natural depressions known as playa lakes (Blakely and Koos 1974, Blackstock 1979). Study fields were selected from the south-central and south-western sections of the SHP within Hale, Lamb, Lubbock, and Terry counties (Figure 2.1). Elevation within these counties ranges from 880 meters in the east to 1200 meters in the west. The area has a dry continental-steppe climate with mild winters and most rainfall events occurring from April to October (Blakely and Koos 1974, Blackstock 1979). Normal average temperature during summer is 24.5 o C with the hottest temperatures being recorded in July and August (26.6 o C and 25.6 o C, respectively) (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] 2003). Maximum highs during this period often exceed 31.5 o C (NOAA 2003). Winters are generally mild with normal daily temperatures for the 2 coldest months (January and February) at approximately 4.8 o C (NOAA 2003). Annual average precipitation and temperature fluctuate widely ranging from 22.1 cm to 102.9 cm, and -4o to above 50o C, respectively (Blakely and Koos 1974, Blackstock 1979, Haukos and Smith 1997). The annual variability in rainfall and temperature makes drought a frequent occurrence (Holliday 1991). Historically this area was dominated by short- to mixed-grass prairie with large portions covered in buffalograss and blue grama. Today the landscape is dominated by agriculture with large portions of the study area counties now being used for cotton, grain sorghum, wheat, corn, and other grain crop production. 9 Field Selection and Study Plots Fourteen CRP fields were selected for study based on the original seed mixture, the degree of stand establishment, and input from local USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) personnel. The grass mixes chosen were those most represented in the south-central portion of the SHP. These included 2 types of introduced grasses (CP1s) and 2 types of native grass mix (CP2s). The CP1s were monocultures of either ‘Old World’ bluestem (OWB) (Bothriochlora ischaemum) or weeping lovegrass (WLG) (Eragrostis curvula) cover types, while the CP2s were a mix of 3 to 5 native grass species. The principle grasses include in native mixes were sideoats grama, blue grama, green sprangletop (Leptochloa dubia), switchgrass, and buffalograss. Native mixes were differentiated into two cover types based on whether buffalograss was included (NAB) or absent (NAA) from the native mix. Buffalo grass presence or absence in the native seed mix was selected as a treatment because of its historical importance and abundance in native shortgrass prairies, and because it is not always selected in native mixes due to its cost and difficulty in getting established. Thus, 14 CRP fields selected for this study consisted of 4 cover types, which included 3 WLG, 3 OWB, 4 NAB, and 4 NAA. All study fields were approximately 65 ha in area and separated by more than 0.5 km. CP1 fields were on average 7.3 years old, while CP2 fields were 4.3 years old. Avian Abundance and Composition We surveyed bird populations with fixed-radius point counts 3 times during the breeding season (May, June, and July) (Reynolds et al. 1980, Hutto et al. 1986, Ralph et al. 1993). Surveys started on 12 May in 2001 and 10 May in 2002. Each survey point was a 75 m radius circle. All point count centers were at least 200 m apart to minimize the possibility of counting the same birds in adjacent circles (Prescott et al. 1993). Within roughly the middle of each study field of 65 ha, 9 fixed-radius point counts were randomly established in a 3 x 3 arrangement that covered 30.25 ha (550 m x 550 m). In 2 fields I was only able to establish 6 fixed-radius point counts in a 2 x 3 arrangement. All survey points were greater than 125 m from any field edge and at least 75 m from any 10 adjacent habitat type (e.g., playa lake) within the selected field to reduce the possibility of edge effects during the counts. All birds seen or heard within the 75 m radius during a 5 min interval were recorded as well as any behavior, including singing by males, territorial displays, perching substrates, etc. Birds flying overhead but not landing in or foraging within the 75 m radius were not recorded. In addition, observers recorded the distance from the center of the survey point to each detection in 5 m increments using a rangefinder. This data was to be used to determine if there were differences in detectability between the cover types for individual bird species. Surveys began half hour before sunrise and ended approximately 3 hours after sunrise (Ralph et al. 1993). Surveys were not conducted if it was raining or winds were > 18 km/hr to reduce the potential bias that weather conditions might have on the counts (Martin and Conway 1994). Avian abundances were expressed as the number of individuals observed per ha (no./ha) and reflecting relative abundances and not actual densities. We surveyed winter bird populations using fixed-width transects spaced 50 m apart, with birds recorded within 25 m of either side of the line being transversed (Burnham et al. 1980, Delisle and Savidge 1997). To reduce the potential biases associated with this method, such as not detecting all birds within the transect strip or inaccurately recording distance from the observer to the bird (Buckland et al. 2001), transect width was kept small (Mikol 1980). The survey area was a 400 m x 400 m block located approximately in the middle of each study plot established for the breeding season surveys. Each block contained 8 parallel, 400-m-long transects (3.2 km/ study field) yielding an area of 16 ha. I surveyed fields twice between January and February throughout the day at least an hour and a half after sunrise or before sunset. In 2002 surveys started on 7 January and ended on 26 February, and in 2003 surveys started on 3 January and ended on 4 March. Surveys were not conducted if there was any precipitation or winds were > 18 km/hr to reduce the potential bias that weather conditions might have on the counts (Martin and Conway 1994). Avian abundances were expressed as the number of individuals observed per ha (no./ha) and reflecting relative abundances and not actual densities. 11 Vegetation Sampling The vegetation of each study field was characterized twice during the growing season (May and July). Each study field contained 3 transects spaced equidistantly with the distance between transects depending on the size and shape of the field. Each transect contained 5 equally spaced sampling points along its length, for a total of 15 sampling points per field. Transects were greater than 50 m from field edges or from other habitat types (e.g., playa lakes). At each sampling point, the structural density of the vegetation was measured with a Robel pole (Robel et al. 1970). Readings were taken of the lowest obstructed point on the Robel pole visible at a distance of 4 m and at a height of 1 m above the ground for each of the 4 cardinal directions (Robel et al. 1970). The highest vegetation intersecting or within 2 cm of the Robel pole in each of the 4 cardinal directions was also recorded as a measure of average vegetation height. Percent canopy coverage was visually estimated 1 m in front of the Robel pole and along the direction of the transect being transversed using a modified 0.5 m2 Daubenmire frame (Daubenmire 1959). Percent cover of grasses, forbs, bare ground, and litter, as well as percent cover of individual grass and forb species, and living and dead vegetation were determined on a non-overlapping basis (i.e., the sum at a sample point could not exceed 100%). Maximum heights of living, dead, grass, and forb were recorded from the vegetation with their bases inside the Daubenmire frame. Standing dead vegetation was defined as any dead plant material above the soil surface and still rooted in the ground (Best et al. 1997). Litter depth was measured at the middle of each side of the Daubenmire frame and averaged together. Litter was defined as any non-attached plant material lying flat on the soil surface (Best et al. 1997). We collected winter vegetation measurements only in 2002. Each study field was sampled once between January and February within the perimeters of the 400 m x 400 m winter survey plot. Three 400-m-long transects set 100 m apart were equidistantly established inside each survey plot. Each transect contained 5 sampling points starting 50 m from the edge of the sampling point. Transects were spaced at 100 m intervals giving each plot 15 sampling points. Measurements taken were similar to those taken during the 12 summer vegetation surveys, except living and dead canopy coverage and maximum height were not recorded. Data Analysis Normality of avian abundance and vegetation experimental errors within treatments was tested with the Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965) and equality of variances within treatments was tested with Levene’s test (1960). Data were normalized with natural log transformation as needed (e.g., percent grass cover, percent forb cover, singing male Grasshopper Sparrows). If data could not be normalized, nonparametric test were used (see below) (Zar 1999). Avian data were separated into average breeding season abundances (May, June and July surveys) and the initial May survey abundances, both expressed as the number of birds per ha (no./ha). Avian data were further separated out based on behavioral cues, in this case abundances of singing (i.e., territorial) males during the breeding season and the initial May survey. Singing male abundance was used in addition to total abundance to discern breeding potential, defined as occupation of a territory by a male (Johnson 1980, Hutto et al. 1986, Vickery et al. 1992). Berthelsen and Smith (1995) reported that 50% of all songbird nests located during their study were initiated before 5 June, and during this study 76% of all nests located were initiated before 10 June. In the absence of nest productivity data singing male abundances might provide information about the quality of the habitat not detected by looking at overall densities (Van Horne 1983 and Vickery et al. 1992). However, both Van Horne (1983) and Vickery et al. (1992) concluded that high territory densities alone is a misleading measure of habitat quality. Shannon’s (H’), Simpson’s (D), and Pielou’s (J’) Indexes were used to estimate species richness, dominance, and evenness, respectively (Magurran 1988, Krebs 1998). I compared relative avian abundance, avian diversity, and vegetation variables (dependent variables) among the 4 cover types and between the pooled CP types using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Zar 1999). The whole plot factor was cover type or CP type (independent variables) and year was the repeated measure. 13 Tukey’s HSD Test was used to identify differences among means when they were significant (P < 0.05). If vegetation and avian abundance data could not be normalized, Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis was used to detect differences among cover types and the Mann-Whitney U-test was used to detect differences among CP types (Conover 1980) for years combined. Paired t-tests were used to detect differences between years within cover types, and between 2001 and 2002 abundances for non-normal variables. Pearson product-moment correlation analysis was used to determine relationships between bird abundances and measured CRP vegetation variables. For species with abundances that were non-normal, a Spearman rank correlation analysis was used. Breeding season abundances and breeding season singing male abundances were examined with the average vegetation means from May and July, whereas May abundances and May singing male abundances were examined with only the May vegetation variables. The wintering season abundances in 2002 were tested with the corresponding vegetation measurements for that period. Additionally, I examined wintering avian abundances from 2002 and 2003 with the summer vegetation variables from the July prior to each of the winter avian surveys as another means for predicting wintering season abundances. Results Overall Avian Abundance and Composition – Breeding Season Sixteen species were observed in study fields during the breeding season (May – July), 12 in 2001 and 12 in 2002 (Tables 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3). Ten species were recorded in WLG and OWB fields, 9 species in NAB fields, and 11 species in NAA fields for the 2 years combined (Table 2.3). During the breeding season all study fields were dominated by 1 or 2 species making up approximately 80% of all individuals detected for the 2 years (Table 2.1). Average number of species did not differ among cover types (F3, 10 = 2.58, P = 0.1117) or between years (F3, 10 = 2.25, P = 0.164), and there was no cover type x year interaction (F3, 10 = 1.11, P = 0.3909) (Table 2.3). When cover types were pooled into introduced grasses (CP1s) and native grass mixes (CP2s) a difference was detected (F1, 12 14 = 7.90, P = 0.0158), but there was no year (F1, 12 = 2.20, P = 0.1636) or CP type x year interaction (F1, 12 = 1.03, P = 0.33) (Table 2.3). Overall CP1 fields had higher average species number than CP2 fields. Breeding season bird abundances did not differ among cover types (F3, 10 = 0.80, P = 0.522), between CP types (F1, 12 = 2.25, P = 0.159), or between years (F1, 10 = 3.06, P = 0.1109 and F1, 12 = 3.27, P = 0.0958), and there was no cover type (F 3,10 = 0.96, P = 0.448) or CP type (F 1, 12 = 1.76, P = 0.2096) x year interaction (Table 2.4). Species richness was similar among cover types (F3, 10 = 1.27, P = 0.3374), between CPs (F1, 12 = 3.38, P = 0.0909), and between years (F1, 10 = 0.34, P = 0.5701, and F1, 12 = 0.37, P = 0.5537) and there was no cover type (F 3, 10 = 0.38, P = 0.7677) or CP type (F1, 12 = 0.01, P = 0.9424) x year interaction (Table 2.4). Species dominance and evenness indices for the breeding season were similar among cover types, between CP types, and between years, and there were no interactions. Overall Avian Abundance and Composition–May Surveys For the 2 years of this study I recorded a total of 14 species during May, 10 in 2001 and 11 in 2002 (Tables 2.2 and 2.3). WLG fields had 9 species, OWB fields had 8 species, and NAB and NAA fields each had 7 species total (Table 2.3). Fields were dominated by 1 or 2 species accounting for greater than 75% of all observed individuals for May (Table 2.2). Average number of species were similar among cover types (F3,10 = 0.27, P = 0.849), between CP types (F1,12 =0.27, P = 0.505), and between years (F1,10 = 0.77, P = 0.4011 and F1,12 = 0.82, P = 0.3828), and there were no cover type or CP type x year interactions (F3,10 = 0.45, P = 0.7216 and F3,10 = 0.12, P = 0.7335, respectively) for May (Table 2.3). May bird abundances did not differ among cover types (F3, 10 = 2.30, P = 0.1395), between CP types (F1, 12 = 0.19, P = 0.6672), or between years (F1, 10 = 2.98, P = 0.1148 and F1, 12= 3.34, P = 0.0926), and there was no cover type (F3,10 = 1.03, P = 0.4212) or CP type (F1, 12 = 2.64, P = 0.1301) x year interactions (Table 2.5). Species richness, dominance, and evenness indices for May were similar among cover types, between CP 15 types, and between years, and there was no cover type or CP x year interactions for any of the diversity indices (Table 2.5). Species Abundances—Breeding Season Breeding season analyses were only performed on ground-nesting species accounting for > 2% of all detections for years combined (Table 2.1). Grasshopper Sparrow (67.1%), Cassin’s Sparrow (17.3%), Western Meadowlark (7.0%), and Mourning Dove (2.7%) accounted for 94.1% of all detections for the 2 years (Table 2.1). Grasshopper Sparrow was the most abundant species for all cover types except NAA (Table 2.1). Breeding season abundances for this species did not differ among cover types (F3, 10 = 2.86, P = 0.0906), between CP types (F1, 12 = 2.40, P = 0.1475), or between years (F1, 10 = 2.25, P = 0.164 and F1, 12 = 1.9, P =0.1890), and there was no cover type (F3, 10 = 1.41, P = 0.2961) or CP type (F1, 12 = 0.25, P = 0.6240) x year interaction (Table 2.6). Cassin’s Sparrow was the most abundant species in NAA, and the second most abundant in WLG and OWB cover types during the breeding season, accounting for 46.9%, 14.0%, and 12.2% of all detections, respectively (Table 2.1). Abundances did not differ between years (U = 84.5, P = 0.5351), between years within cover types (WLG: U = 4.0, P = 0.8273; OWB: U = 2.0, P = 0.2752; NAB: U = 4.0, P = 0.2482; NAA: U = 7.0, P = 0.7728), or between years within CP types (CP1: U = 15.5, P = 0.6889; CP2: U = 26.0, P = 0.5286) (Table 2.6). When yearly breeding season abundances were averaged differences were detected among cover types (H = 13.93, P = 0.003), but not among CP types (U = 95.5, P = 0.98) (Table 2.6). NAA fields had higher average breeding season abundances of Cassin’s Sparrows than NAB (P = 0.0014) and OWB fields (P = 0.0492), but did not differ from WLG fields (P = 0.0763). Western Meadowlark accounted for only 7% of all species detected during the breeding season (Table 2.1). It was the second most abundant species detected in NAB fields (11.6%), the third most in WLG and NAA fields (5.1% and 6.6%, respectively), and the fourth most in OWB fields (4.2%). Relative abundances did not differ between 16 years (U = 84.5, P = 0.5351), between years within OWB (U = 2.0, P =0.2752) or NAA (U = 5.0, P = 0.3865), or between years within CP types (CP1: U = 12.5, P = 0.3785; CP2: U = 16.0, P = 0.0929) (Table 2.6). WLG (U = 1.0, P = 0.0495) and NAB (U = 1.0, 0.0433) fields differed between years each with higher abundances in 2002 than in 2001. When years were averaged together there was no difference in overall breeding season abundances among cover types (H = 2.78, P = 0.4271) or CP types (U = 73.5, P = 0.2954) (Table 2.6). Mourning Dove was uncommon in all study fields during the breeding season (Tables 2.1 and 2.6). Abundances did not differ between years (U = 95.0, P = 0.8904), between years within cover types (WLG: U = 1.5, P = 0.1904; OWB: U = 4.0, P = 0.8273; NAB: U = 6.0, P = 0.5637; NAA: U = 7.5, P = 0.8852), or between years within CPs (CP1: U = 12.0, P = 0.3367; CP2: U = 29.0, P = 0.7527) (Table 2.6). When yearly abundances were averaged differences were detected among cover types (H =12.71, P = 0.0053) and among CP types (U = 27.0, P = 0.0007) (Table 2.6). OWB fields had higher breeding season abundances than NAB study fields (P = 0.005), and CP1 fields had higher overall abundances than CP2 fields (P < 0.01). Singing Male Abundances–Breeding Season There were no differences detected for Grasshopper Sparrow singing male breeding abundances among cover types (F3, 10 = 3.07, P = 0.0779), between CP types (F1, 12 = 2.26, P = 0.1588), or between years (F1, 10 = 0.29, P = 0.599 and F1, 12 = 0.28, P = 0.6039) (Table 2.7). Among the cover types, the difference in abundances between OWB and NAA was not statistically significant (P = 0.0789), however the difference might be biologically meaningful. Additionally, no cover type (F3, 10 = 1.19, P = 0.3615) or CP type x year (F1, 12 = 1.07, P = 0.3208) interactions were detected. Abundances of singing male Cassin’s sparrows during the breeding season did not differ between years (U = 81.0, P = 0.4347), between years within cover types (WLG: U = 3.5, P = 0.6625; OWB: U = 2.0, P = 0.2752; NAB: U = 4.0, P = 0.2482; NAA: U = 7.0, P = 0.7728), or between years within CP types (CP1: U = 15.5, P = 0.6889; CP2: U = 17 26.0, P = 0.5286) (Table 2.7). For years averaged together, NAA had higher relative abundances than other cover types (H = 14.27, P = 0.0026) (Table 2.7). Between CP types for years averaged together no differences in singing male abundance was detected (U = 93.5, P = 0.9065). Breeding season singing male abundances for Western Meadowlark were similar between years (U = 85.0, P = 0.5503), between years within WLG (U = 4.0, P = 0.8273) OWB (U = 4.5, P = 1.0) and NAB (U = 6.0, P = 0.5637), and between years within CP types (CP1: U = 17.0, P = 0.8728; CP2: U = 23.5, P = 0.3720) (Table 2.7). A difference was detected in NAA between years (U = 1.0, P = 0.0433) with fewer singing males in 2002 than 2001. No differences were detected when yearly cover types were averaged together (H = 2.79, P = 0.4271). However, when yearly CP types were averaged together, CP2s had greater overall breeding season abundances of singing males than CP1s (U = 55.0, P = 0.0429). Species Abundances—May Grasshopper Sparrow was the most abundant species observed on all cover types except NAA comprising 66.4% of all detections. May relative abundances for this species differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 4.30, P = 0.0342), but no differences were detected between years (F1, 10 = 3.30, P = 0.0992) and there was no cover type x year interaction (F3, 10 = 0.81, P = 0.5145) (Table 2.8). Overall Grasshopper Sparrow May abundances were higher in NAB (P = 0.0488) and OWB (P = 0.0493) cover types compared to NAA. When cover types were pooled no differences were detected in abundance between the CP types (F1, 12 = 1.23, P = 0.289), between years (F1, 12 = 3.20, P = 0.0987), and there was no interaction between year and CP type (F1, 12 = 0.07, P = 0.7902) (Table 2.8). Cassin’s Sparrow was the second most abundant species overall, and accounted for 15.9% of all detections (Table 2.2). Among cover types, Cassin’s Sparrow was most common on NAA fields and least on NAB fields. Abundances did not differ between years (U = 84.0, P = 0.5201), between years within cover types (WLG: U = 3.5, P = 0.6625; OWB: U = 4.5, P = 1.0; NAB: U = 6.0, P = 0.5637; NAA: U = 5.0, P = 0.7237), 18 or between years within CP types (CP1: U = 17.5, P = 0.9362; CP2: U = 25.5, P = 0.4948) (Table 2.8). When yearly May abundances were averaged together differences were detected among cover types (H = 10.34, P = 0.0159), but not among CP types (U = 91.0, P = 0.8200) (Table 2.8). NAA study fields had higher overall abundances of Cassin’s Sparrows in May than either NAB (P = 0.0165) or OWB fields (P = 0.0341), but they did not differ from WLG fields (P = 0.260). Western Meadowlark was the third most abundant species overall accounting for 8.1% of all detections for the month of May (Table 2.2). Abundances were similar between years (U = 65.0, P = 0.1295), between years within WLG (U =1.0, P = 0.1266), OWB (U = 2.0, P = 0.2752) and NAA (U = 4.0, P = 0.4795), and between years within CP1s (U = 17.5, P = 0.93629) (Table 2.8). Between years abundances differed for both NAB (U = 1.0, P = 0.0209) and CP2 (U = 13.0, P = 0.046) fields. In 2002 abundances were higher in both NAB and CP2 fields compared to 2001. When years were averaged together no differences were detected in May Western Meadowlark abundances among cover types (H = 1.46, P = 0.6923) or between CP types (U = 75.5, P = 0.2945). Mourning Doves accounted for 2.1 % of the species detected in May (Table 2.2). Abundances in May did not differ between years (U = 89.0, P = 0.6792), between years within cover types (WLG: U = 4.0, P = 0.8273; OWB: U = 2.0, P = 0.2752; NAB: U = 6.0, P = 0.5637; NAA: U = 4.0, P = 0.4795), or between years within CPs (CP1: U = 13.5, P = 0.4712; CP2: U = 24, P = 0.4008) (Table 2.8). Yearly May abundances averaged together did not differ among cover types (H = 7.30, P = 0.0630), but did differ when pooled into CP types (U = 7.0, P = 0.0282). Among cover types the difference between NAB and OWB (P = 0.0630) was not significant but possibly biologically meaningful. Between CP types, introduced grass fields (CP1s) had higher abundances than native grass mix fields (CP2s) when years were averaged together. Singing Male Abundances – May Singing male relative abundances for Grasshopper Sparrow during May did not differ by cover type (F3, 10 = 3.55, P = 0.05565), CP type (F1, 12 = 1.59, P =0.2313), or 19 year (F1, 10 = 1.23, P = 0.2934 and F1, 10 = 1.39, P = 0.2612) (Table 2.9). However, the differences between OWB and NAB when compared to NAA fields (P = 0.0820 and P = 0.0766, respectively) may be biologically meaningful. Additionally, there was no cover type (F3, 10 = 0.24, P = 0.8675) or CP type (F1, 12, = 0.12, P = 0.7373) x year interaction (Table 2.9). May Cassin’s Sparrow singing male abundances did not differ between years (U = 86.5, P = 0.5972), between years within cover types (WLG: U = 3.0, P = 0.5127; OWB: U = 4.0, P = 0.8273; NAB: U = 6.0, P = 0.5637; NAA: U = 5.0, P = 0.7237), or between years within CP types (CP1: U = 15.0, P = 0.6310; CP2: U = 25.5, P = 0.4948) (Table 2.9). When years were averaged together a difference was detected among cover types (H = 11.18, P = 0.0108). During May, abundances of singing males were higher in NAA than both NAB (P = 0.0016) and OWB (P = 0.0157), while WLG study fields did not differ between any of the other cover types (P > 0.05) (Table 2.9). Between CP types, abundances were similar for years combined (U = 87.0, P = 0.6630). During May Western Meadowlark singing male abundances did not differ between years (U = 94.5, P = 0.8722), between years within cover types (WLG: U = 3.0, P = 0.5127; OWB: U = 3.0, P = 0.5127; NAB: U = 4.0, P = 0.2482; NAA: U = 1.5, P = 0.1116), or between years within CP types (CP1: U = 17.5, P = 0.9362; CP2: U = 29.0, P = 0.7527) (Table 2.9). When years were combined there was still no differences among cover types (H = 5.49, P = 0.1392) or between CP types (U = 82.5, P = 0.5308). Vegetation Characteristics–Breeding Season The number of plant species differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 4.82, P = 0.0251) and CP types (F1, 12 = 6.58, P = 0.0248), but did not differ among years (F1, 10 = 1.38, P = 0.267) (Table 2.10 and Table 2.11). NAA study fields had a greater number of plant species than WLG fields (P = 0.0166), whereas all other fields were similar in number (Table 2.10). When grouped by CP type, CP2 fields had higher plant species numbers than CP1 fields. Grass species number also differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 34.83, P < 0.0001) and between CP types (F1, 12 = 20.42, P = 0.0007), but did not differ 20 between years (F1, 12 = 1.84, P = 0.2004) (Table 2.10). WLG fields had the lowest number of grass species compared to other cover types (P < 0.001). OWB and NAB fields were similar in grass species number (P > 0.05), but these differed from NAA fields (P = 0.0111), which had the highest grass species number among all cover types. When cover types were compared by CP type, CP2s had more grass species than CP1s (F1, 12 = 9.57, P = 0.0093). CP1 fields were primarily monocultures of 1 grass species (> 90% of vegetation cover), while CP2 fields were a mixture of 3 to 5 dominant grass species (Table 2.11). The number of forb species did not differ among cover types (F 3, 10 = 0.84, P = 0.5031), or between CP types (F1, 12 = 0.15, P = 0.7068), but did differ between years (F1, 12 = 22.80, P < 0.001) (Table 2.10). In 2001 more forb species were recorded in the CRP fields than in 2002. The number of shrub species did not differ among cover types (F 3, 10 = 1.24, P = 0.3468), between CP types (F1, 12 = 2.44, P = 0.1445), or between years (F1, 12 = 1.76, P = 0.1.988) (Table 2.10). Forb and shrub species compositions were similar among cover types, however NAA fields had more species of both (Table 2.10 and 2.11). Percent cover variables differed among cover types except for % forb cover and litter depth (Table 2.12 – 2.14). NAA fields had the lowest grass coverage (F3, 10 = 28.96, P < 0.0001), and higher living grass cover and lower dead grass cover than WLG study fields (P = 0.0218 and P = 0.0074, respectively). Except for NAA, all cover types were similar in % living, % dead, and % total grass cover (P > 0.05). Percent living (F1, 12 = 2.11, P = 0.1720), dead (F1, 12 = 2.78, P = 0.1213), and total grass cover (F1, 12 = 2.07, P = 0.1762) did not differ among CP types. Although percent forb cover did not differ among the cover types (F1, 12 = 3.64, P = 0.0525), when these were grouped based on CP type, CP1s had lower percent coverage in forbs than CP2 cover types (F1, 12 = 5.50, P = 0.0371). Total vegetative cover was lowest in NAA fields (F3, 10 = 22.62, P < 0.0001), but when cover types were pooled into their respective CP types no differences were detected (F1, 12 = 1.29, P = 0.2777). All vegetation cover variables increased from 2001 to 2002 except for percent living grass cover (Tables 2.13 and 2.14). Significant cover type x year interactions occurred in NAB and NAA for percent living and dead grass cover. From 21 2001 to 2002 living grass cover decreased (F3, 10 = 15.71, P = 0.0004) and dead grass cover increased (F3, 10 = 4.86, P = 0.0252) in NAB fields. In contrast, living grass cover increased (F3, 10 = 4.01, P = 0.0251) in NAA study fields. Percent litter differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 6.95, P = 0.0083) and between years (F1, 10 = 16.50, P = 0.0023), but not between CP types (F1, 12 = 0.13, P = 0.7248) (Tables 2.12 – 2.14). Litter decreased from 2001 to 2002, but there was no cover type x year interaction (Tables 2.13 and 2.14). NAA and WLG study fields had higher percent litter coverage than NAB study fields (P = 0.0076 and P = 0.034, respectively), while OWB did not differ from the other cover types (P > 0.05). Litter depth was only measured in 2002 and did not differ among cover types or between CP types (t12= 1.94, P = 0.0758). Percent bare ground differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 5.35, P = 0.0186) and between years (F1, 10 = 7.18, P = 0.01861), but not between CP types (F1, 12 = 2.12, P = 0.1709) (Tables 2.12 – 2.14). NAA study fields had higher percent bare ground than WLG (P = 0.0219) and NAB (P = 0.0376) fields. For all cover types bare ground increased from 2001 to 2002 (Tables 2.13 – 2.14). Visual obstruction readings (VOR) for both vertical density (VOR-lowest obstructed) and average height (VOR-highest touching) differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 9.31, P = 0.003 and F3, 10 = 13.47, P < 0.001, respectively) and between CP types (F1, 12 = 28.93, P < 0.001 and F1, 12 = 10.64, P = 0.0068, respectively), but not between years (F1, 10 = 0.29, P = 0.6022 and F1, 10 = 0.84, P = 0.3807) (Tables 2.12 – 2.14). Vertical density was lower in NAA fields compared to CP1 cover types (P < 0.05), higher in WLG compared to CP2 cover types (P < 0.05), and higher in OWB than NAA (P = 0.020). VOR average height readings for cover types were higher in WLG study fields compared to all other cover types (P < 0.05). When cover types were pooled into CP types, CP1s had higher VOR average height and vertical density readings than CP2s. Total shrub density differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 6.51, P = 0.0102) but not between CP types (t12= 1.35, P = 0.144) for 2002 (Tables 2.12 and 2.14). WLG and NAA fields had higher densities of shrubs than either OWB or NAB study fields (P < 0.05). 22 Maximum grass heights differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 51.37, P < 0.001), between CP types (F1, 12 = 7.51, P =0.0179), and between years (F1, 10 = 15.34, P = 0.0039 and F1, 12 = 13.84, P = 0.0029) (Table 2.12). WLG had higher maximum grass heights than the other cover types (P < 0.001) for the 2 years, while between CP types CP1 fields had taller grasses than CP2s. From 2001 to 2002, maximum grass height increased among all cover types. A cover type x year interaction was only detected among OWB study fields (P = 0.0175) increasing linearly from 2001 to 2002 (Table 2.13 and 2.14). Maximum forb height did not differ among cover types (F3, 10 = 1.74, P = 0.2233) or between CP types (F1, 12= 1.35, P = 0.2571), but did differ between years (F1, 3 = 6.43, P = 0.0295) increasing from 2001 to 2002. Both living and dead vegetation heights differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 51.98, P < 0.0001 and F3, 10= 8.20, P = 0.0047, respectively) and between CP types (F1, 12 = 15.54, P = 0.0006 and F1, 12 = 9.87, P = 0.0044, respectively), but only dead height differed between years (F1, 10 = 17.85, P = 0.0018) increasing from 2001 to 2002 (Table 2.12). WLG fields had the highest living vegetation (P = 0.0002) among cover types, as well as higher dead vegetation than NAB and NAA fields. When grouped into CP types, CP1s had higher living (P = 0.0109) and dead (P = 0.0081) vegetation compared to CP2 fields. Relationships Between Breeding Bird Abundances and CRP Vegetation Structure In 2001 no significant relationships were detected between total breeding season avian abundance and any measured vegetation variable (Table 2.15). However, in 2002 total avian abundance was negatively correlated with percent vegetation cover, percent dead grass cover, vertical density, average vegetation height, maximum grass height, and maximum dead vegetation height. Additionally, abundance was positively correlated with percent forb cover and the number of grass species (Table 2.16). For the years combined, maximum forb height was the only variable correlated with total avian abundance (Table 2.17). 23 The only vegetation variable Grasshopper Sparrow abundance was correlated to for both 2001 and 2002 breeding seasons was percent bare ground cover (Tables 2.15 and 2.16). In both years total and singing male abundances were negatively correlated with bare ground. In 2001 total and singing male abundances were both positively correlated with vertical density. In 2002 both abundances were positively correlated with percent vegetation cover, percent dead grass cover, maximum forb height, and maximum dead vegetation height, while negatively correlated with the number of forb species present. Only total abundance was negatively correlated with percent forb cover in 2002. For the years combined, percent grass cover, and maximum forb and dead heights were positively associated with Grasshopper Sparrow overall and singing male abundances, while percent bare ground was the only vegetation variable that was negatively correlated (Table 2.17). Cassin’s Sparrow total and singing male abundances were negatively correlated with percent vegetation cover in 2001 and 2002 (Tables 2.15 and 2.16). Additionally, 2001 abundances were positively correlated with shrub density, but only singing male abundance was positively correlated with percent litter. In 2002 abundances were positively correlated with percent bare ground, but only singing male abundance was negatively correlated with percent dead grass cover. For the years combined, overall and singing male abundances were negatively associated with percent grass cover and maximum forb height. In addition, abundances were positively associated with percent bare ground and shrub density (Table 2.17). Western Meadowlark total abundance was positively correlated with percent living grass cover in 2001 (Table 2.15). Additionally, 2001 singing male abundance was positively correlated with percent native grass cover and negatively correlated with vertical density. However, in 2002 no relationships were detected in breeding season abundance. For the years combined, overall and singing male abundances showed a negative relationship with maximum living height, while only singing male abundance showed a positive association with percent native vegetation and a negative association with vertical density (Table 2.17). 24 Breeding season abundance for the Mourning Dove was negatively correlated with percent grass cover in 2001, and positively correlated with vertical density in 2002 (Tables 2.15 and 2.16). No other relationships were detected in 2001 or 2002. For the years combined, Mourning Dove abundance was negatively correlated with percent native vegetation and positively associated with vertical density (Table 2.17). Relationships Between May Bird Abundances and CRP Vegetation Structure In 2001, total avian abundance was not correlated with any measure of vegetation structure in May (Table 2.18). In 2002, total avian abundance was negatively correlated with percent dead grass cover, percent vegetation cover, vertical density, average vegetation height, maximum grass height, and maximum dead height, and positively correlated with total plant species number and grass species number (Table 2.19). For the years combined, total avian abundance was positively correlated with percent grass cover, percent native grass cover, and maximum forb height (Table 2.20). In 2001 and 2002, Grasshopper Sparrow May total abundance and singing male abundance were positively correlated with percent grass cover and negatively correlated with percent bare ground (Tables 2.18 and 2.19). In addition in 2001, Grasshopper Sparrow total abundance was positively correlated with vertical density. In 2002, Grasshopper Sparrow total abundance was also positively correlated with maximum forb height, while singing male abundance was positively correlated with dead height. Both measures of abundance were negatively correlated with the number of forb species present. For the years combined, Grasshopper Sparrow abundances were positively associated with percent grass cover and average vegetation height, while they were negatively correlated with percent bare ground (Table 2.20). Only total abundance showed a positive association with maximum forb height for the years combined. Cassin’s Sparrow total abundance and singing male abundance were negatively correlated with percent vegetation cover in 2001 and 2002 (Tables 2.18 and 2.19). In 2001, abundances were also positively correlated with shrub density and maximum grass 25 height. In 2002, total and singing male abundances were negatively correlated with percent dead grass cover, but only singing male abundance was positively correlated with bare ground. For the years combined, abundances were negatively correlated with percent grass cover, vertical density, and maximum forb height. Only singing male abundances showed a negative association with average vegetation height for the years combined. Positive associations with Cassin’s Sparrow abundances included percent litter cover, percent bare ground cover, and shrub density (Table 2.20). Relationships between Western Meadowlark abundances and vegetation structure were inconsistent between years and only for singing male abundance (Tables 2.18 and 2.19). In 2001, singing male abundance was negatively correlated with percent vegetation cover, but 2002 abundance was positively related to this measure. Additionally, 2001 abundance was positively associated with the number of grass species, while 2002 abundance was negatively correlated with percent litter cover and positively correlated with maximum forb height. For the years combined, maximum forb height was the only variable positively correlated Western Meadowlark abundance (Table 2.20) Low abundances of Mourning Dove throughout all study fields for May most likely made it difficult to discern associations of this species based on characteristics of the vegetation. However, abundance in 2001 were negatively correlated with percent native grass cover (Table 2.18). For the years combined there were no significant associations between abundance and measured vegetation variables (Table 2.20). Overall Avian Abundance and Composition–Winter Twelve species were recorded on study fields during the winters of 2002 and 2003 (Table 2.21). Western Meadowlark (36.9%), Savannah Sparrow (24.7%), and Horned Lark (32.5%) were the most common species accounting for 94.1% of all detections. Average number of species counted did not differ among cover types (F3, 10 = 1.66, P = 0.2384), but did between CP types (F1, 12 = 5.50, P = 0.3703) (Table 2.22). CP2 fields had higher average number of species than CP1 fields. The most common species on CP1s were Western Meadowlark and Savannah Sparrow, while CP2 had these species 26 plus Horned Lark. No differences were detected between years for cover types and CP types (F1, 10 = 0.12, P = 0.7315 and F1, 12 = 0.08, P = 0.7856, respectively), and there was no cover type x year (F3, 10 = 3.63, P = 0.0536) or CP type x year (F1, 12 = 1.0, P = 0.34) interactions. Total avian relative abundance differed among cover types (F3, 10 = 3.98, P = 0.0418) and between CP types (F1, 12 = 14.31, P = 0.0026), but not between years (F1, 10 = 2.63, P = 0.1358 and F1, 12 = 2.59, P = 0.1336). Among cover types (P < 0.05) and between CP types (P = 0.0026) native grass fields had higher abundances than CP1 fields. Additionally, there was no cover type x year (F3, 10 = 0.90, P = 0.4759) or CP type x year (F1, 12 = 0.49, P = 0.4991) interactions (Table 2.23). Species richness (H’) differed among cover types (F3,10 = 4.49, P = 0.305) and between CP types (F1, 12 = 11.74, P = 0.005) with native grass fields being more diverse (P < 0.05) than introduced grass stands (Table 2.22). Species richness did not differ between years (F1, 10 = 0.1156, P = 0.7409 and F1, 12 = 0.13, P = 0.72), and there was no cover type x year (F3, 10 = 0.11, P = 0.9549) or CP type x year (F1, 12 = 0.02, P = 0.8988) interactions. Species evenness and dominance indices did not differ among cover types, between CP types, or between years (P > 0.05). Species-Specific Abundances–Winter Only those species consisting of greater than 5% of the total detected individuals were included in the analysis of specific species abundances (Table 2.21). Western Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow, and Horned Lark were the only species that comprised greater than 5% of the total detected individuals. Winter abundances for Western Meadowlark were similar among cover types (F3, 10 = 0.4575, P = 0.711) and between CP types (F1, 12 = 1.06, P = 0.282), but did differ between years (F1, 10 = 7.16, P = 0.0232), increasing in 2003 (Table 2.23). No cover type x year (F3, 10 = 0.23, P = 0.8724) or CP type x year (F1, 12 = 0.14, P = 0.7120) interactions were detected. Savannah Sparrow abundances did not differ among cover types (F3, 10 = 3.31, P = 0.0654). However the higher abundances in NAA fields compared to OWB fields might be biologically meaningful (P = 0.0659). When cover types were grouped by 27 CP type, abundances were higher in CP2 fields compared to CP1 fields (F1, 12 = 6.36, P = 0.0268) (Table 2.23). No differences were detected between years (F3, 10= 3.75, P = 0.0814 and F1, 12 = 2.97, P = 0.1103) and there was no cover type x year (F3, 10 = 1.73, P = 0.2229) or CP type x year (F1, 12 = 0.04, P = 0.8432) interactions. Horned Larks were found in all cover types except WLG. Abundances did not differ between years (U = 87.5, P = 0.6295), between years within cover types (OWB: U = 2.0, P = 0.2752; NAB: U = 6.0, P = 0.6587; NAA: U = 6.5, P = 0.7321), or between years within CPs (CP1: U = 19.5, P = 0.812; CP2: U = 21.0, P = 0.7412). When years were averaged together, NAB fields had higher abundances than OWB fields (H = 10.69, P = 0.0296), and CP2 fields had higher abundances than CP1 fields (U = 38.0, P = 0.0071) (Table 2.23). Vegetation Characteristics–Winter Winter vegetation variables were collected only for the 2002 field season (Table 2.24). Forb cover (U = 5.32, P = 0.1499), bare ground cover (F3, 10 = 2.20, P = 0.1511), litter depth (F3, 10 = 0.96, P = 0.4588), and shrub density (F3, 10 = 3.47, P = 0.0586) did not differ among cover types. All other vegetation variables differed among cover types. WLG, OWB, and NAB fields all had higher percent grass cover than NAA (F3, 10 = 22.96, P < 0.01). Litter depth was higher in WLG and NAA fields compared to NAB fields (F3, 10 = 0.94, P < 0.05), but OWB fields did not differ from other cover types. Vertical density (VOR-lowest obstructed) was higher in WLG compared to native seed mixes, NAB and NAA (F3, 10 = 18.42, P < 0.001), but did not differ from OWB fields. Average grass height (VOR-highest touching) was higher in introduced grass cover types compared to native grass mixes (F3, 10 = 8.38, P = 0.0044). Maximum grass and forb heights were higher in WLG fields compared to NAA, but there was no difference detected among other cover types. Vertical density and average grass height were the only vegetation variables that differed between CP types for winter 2002, with CP1s having a higher vertical density and average grass height than the pooled native grass mixes. 28 Relationships between Wintering Bird Abundances and CRP Vegetation Structure Because winter vegetation data were measured only in 2002 I could only test for relationships between winter avian abundances and winter vegetation within that year. However, I also tested winter avian abundances with the July (summer) vegetation measurements from the previous year to determine if summer vegetation characteristics could be related to the following winter’s avian abundances. Only 2 of the vegetation measurements taken during winter of 2002 (Table 2.24) were correlated with winter avian abundances (Table 2.25). Total winter avian abundance and Horned Lark abundance were negatively related to winter litter depth. Additionally, Horned Lark abundance was negatively related to average winter vegetation height. When compared to 2001 July vegetation measurements, 4 significant relationships were detected with 2002 winter avian abundance (Table 2.25). Total avian winter abundance was negatively correlated to summer percent litter cover, winter Western Meadowlark abundance was positively correlated to the number of forb species recorded in July, and winter abundance of Horned Lark was negatively correlated with July’s vertical density and average vegetation height. No significant relationships were detected between 2002 winter Savannah Sparrow abundance and winter 2002 or July 2001 vegetation variables. Total winter avian abundance for 2003 was not correlated within any vegetation variables measured in July 2002 (Table 2.26). However, winter abundances for the Western Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow, and Horned Lark all showed at least one significant correlation with winter vegetation measures from the previous summer (Table 2.26). Western Meadowlark abundance was positively correlated with percent forb cover and maximum forb height. Savannah Sparrow abundance was positively correlated with the number of forb species, percent forb cover, and percent bare ground. Horned Lark abundance was positively correlated with the number of forb species, and negatively correlated with vertical density and average vegetation height from July. 29 Discussion In the Southern High Plains of Texas the value of CRP established with native grass mix is equal to that of CRP established with introduced grasses and is, in some cases, better in providing breeding and wintering habitat for grassland birds. Furthermore, floristic and vegetative diversity and the role they play in shaping the vegetative structure within these CRP cover types are important factors in determining avian species compositions and abundances. During the breeding season introduced and native grass cover types did not differ in total avian abundance, average number of species, or in species richness and diversity indices. These results were consistent in regard to both the overall breeding season averages and May counts, and suggest that breeding species diversity and abundances are relatively consistent over the summer months. Pooling cover types into broad categories based on CP type (CP1 and CP2) also reviled no differences in overall avian abundance and diversity indicies. Similarly, studies in Nebraska (King and Savidge 1995, Delisle and Savidge 1997), and Missouri (McCoy et al. 2001) detected no differences in total avian abundance or species richness during the breeding season relative to CP type. CP2 fields in Nebraska and Missouri were for the most part monocultures of switchgrass, whereas CP2 fields in this study were a mixture of 3 to 5 grass species with greater potential at providing variable vegetation structure for grassland bird use. However, the average number of species throughout the breeding season was higher on CP1 fields compared to CP2 fields. Even though avian abundances and richness measures were not different, means for these measures were consistently higher on CP1 fields. The difference in average number of species and in species compositions between CP1 and CP2 fields can be related to the varying vegetation structure within cover types and individual CRP fields. Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, and to lesser extents Western Meadowlark and Mourning Dove, were the most common species detected in CRP fields. Grasshopper Sparrow and Cassin’s Sparrow accounted for 83.1% of all detections. Both species have shown declining trends within the Central Shortgrass Prairie and Staked 30 Plains regions of the North American Breeding Bird Survey (Breeding Bird Survey 2003), and have been included on the “Migratory Nongame Birds of Management Concern in the United States: the 1995 List” issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW 1995). Among cover types species showed preferences toward specific plantings, however no CP type preferences were detected for either species. Differences in cover types and overall trends of species abundances (total vs. singing male) depending on the survey period (May vs. breeding season average) were difficult to assess. Small sample sizes, structural variability within CRP fields, and yearly fluctuations of species and vegetation characteristics within cover types may have made differences in abundances due to survey period or adult behavior difficult to discern within individual species (Delisle and Savidge 1997). Grasshopper Sparrow abundances were higher in NAB, OWB, and WLG fields, but this species occurred only in half the NAA fields. A difference in abundance depending on survey period or adult behavior was significant only among the total abundance of this species during May. Grasshopper Sparrow abundances during May and the breeding season were higher on NAB and OWB fields in both 2001 and 2002. However, between CP types Grasshopper Sparrows did not show any preferences toward CP1 or CP2 fields. Johnson and Schwartz (1993), Delisle and Savidge (1997) and McCoy et al. (2001) also reported no differences in Grasshopper Sparrow abundances between CP1 and CP2 fields. The only vegetation characteristics that were associated with Grasshopper Sparrow abundances in both years were a negative relationship with percent bare ground during the breeding season and May, as well as a positive relationship with percent vegetation cover in May. The NAB, OWB, and WLG were all similar in percent bare ground and grass cover and had relatively similar Grasshopper Sparrow abundances. In North Dakota, Schneider (1998) detected higher abundances in areas of decreasing bare ground, but also in areas of increasing litter. Litter cover was highest on NAA study fields in this study, but this was also the study field with the greatest amount of bare ground. Saab et al. (1995) recorded Grasshopper Sparrows in more lush vegetative areas of the southwestern shortgrass prairie, and it has been speculated that they may be 31 heavily reliant on CRP fields in these areas for that reason (Vickery 1996). Patterson and Best (1996) reported abundance was negatively correlated with vertical density of the vegetation, with abundances higher in CRP fields with moderate grass height and vertical density. In this study Grasshopper Sparrows were found in cover types with moderate (NAB) to high (OWB) vertical densities and with low average vegetation height. The differences between the 2 studies reflect the variations within CRP plantings between geographic location (e.g., tall-grass prairie region of Iowa and shortgrass prairie region of Texas). In Midwestern CRP, CP1 fields are normally the shorter, less dense stands, while CP2 fields tend to be taller and more dense (Best et al. 1997). Such distinctions when comparing CRP studies across geographic regions is critical to not misinterpret findings concerning habitat preferences of species. Cassin’s Sparrows were more abundant in NAA and WLG fields, and only occurred in 1 OWB field and 2 NAB study fields. Like the Grasshopper Sparrow though, these differences were dampened when cover types were pooled into CP type. The Cassin’s Sparrow was the only species that showed consistent differences among cover types for the different measures of abundance and survey period. Cassin’s sparrows were more abundant on native mix without buffalograss (NAA) compared to OWB and NAB. In 2001 and 2002, abundances were negatively associated with percent vegetation. In addition, in 2001 abundances were positively associated with shrub density and grass height, while in 2002 abundances were positively associated with bare ground and negatively associated with percent dead grass cover. Maurer (1986) reported Cassin’s Sparrows to be positively associated with percent bare ground cover in southeastern Arizona. Ruth (2000) described Cassin’s Sparrow breeding habitat as a continuum of shortgrass prairie interspersed to varying degrees with a shrub component and bare ground. Territories of this species normally require a shrub component for song perches and to initiate skylarking and flight songs from, in addition to enough grass cover to meet nesting requirements (Maxwell 1979, Dunning 1999, Ruth 2000). These flight songs and skylarking behavior have been hypothesized as serving the multiple functions of territorial establishment, mate attraction, territory defense, and predator detection 32 (Anderson and Conway 2000). In areas that lack or have too few shrubs, as well as areas with too high of densities and not enough grass cover, Cassin’s Sparrows will be absent or in low densities, while habitats in between these 2 extremes are likely to meet the species territorial requirements (Maxwell 1979, Dunning 1999, Ruth 2000). Within this study, Cassin’s Sparrows were absent or in low abundances in NAB and OWB fields were shrub densities were low and percent grass coverage was the highest, while NAA and WLG fields met the habitat needs of this species to varying degrees and in different ways. WLG fields had the highest shrub densities (x̄ = 12.24 + 5.99) among cover types, while NAA fields had low to moderate shrub densities (x̄ = 2.44 + 0.87) but the most bare ground of the cover types (x̄ = 42.71 + 10.66). In NAA fields where shrub densities were < 2 per 50 m2, this species was observed to initiate their flight song from areas of bare ground, and occasionally from the dead stems located at the tops of bunches of ‘Old World’ bluestem and weeping love grass. This suggests that the Cassin’s Sparrow might use areas with low shrub densities if they can substitute bare ground or other available vegetation as song and flight song perches. Western Meadowlark is another species detected during this study that also showed a declining population trend on the Central Shortgrass and Staked Plains BBS surveys (2002). This was the only species that occurred in all study fields in both 2001 and 2002. Abundances of Western Meadowlarks occurred in low but relatively equal abundances among cover types and no differences were detected by survey period or adult behavior during the breeding season. Between CP types, CP2 fields had higher abundances of singing males during the breeding season than CP1s, but no other differences were detected. Western Meadowlark abundances showed no consistent relationships between vegetation characteristics within or between years. In Nebraska, Western Meadowlarks were found to be equally abundant in native and introduced grass CRPs (King and Savidge 1995, Delisle and Savidge 1997). Davis and Duncan (1999) reported a similar pattern in Saskatchewn where Western Meadowlarks occurred in equal frequencies in native pastures and introduced grass stands. Johnson and Schwartz (1993a) found no significant relationships between abundances and vegetation variables within 33 the Northern Great Plains. In Iowa, Patterson and Best (1996) reported abundances to be negatively correlated with vertical density and positively correlated to vertical patchiness, while in Nebraska, Delisle and Savidge (1997) found abundances to be negatively correlated with litter depth. These inconsistencies and discrepancies between vegetation variables and abundances can partly be explained by the differences in location and vegetation structure found in CRP within these different studies. But this, as well as the low abundances reported in this study, can also be attributed to the generally large, structurally diverse territories these species have (Weins 1969, Johnson and Schwartz 1993a, Patterson and Best 1996). Mourning Dove abundances were low across all cover types and survey periods, but CP1s had higher abundances than CP2s in both May and the breeding season. Within cover types, NAB fields had lower abundances than the other cover types. Mourning Doves did not show any strong associations for any of the vegetation characteristics during this study. However, CP1 cover types had greater vertical densities, average vegetation heights, and maximum grass heights than CP2s. George et al (1979) and Houghes et al. (2002) noted that Mourning Doves nested in fields with tall live vegetation characterized by tall clumps or bunches of grass in which they preferred to place their nests under. Winter avian abundance, species richness, and number of species differed among cover types, as well as between CP types. Native grass CRPs supported more avian species and abundances during winter than introduced grass CRPs. In Nebraska, Delisle and Savidge (1997) reported bird abundances and species richness in CP2 fields as almost twice that of CP1 fields. In contrast, McCoy et al. (2001) did not find any differences in abundance and species richness between CPs. Total winter avian abundance was found to be negatively associated with winter litter depth in 2002, and negatively associated with the previous summers percent litter cover. Areas with less litter cover and litter depth, more bare ground, and lower grass heights and vertical densities might provide more favorable opportunities for foraging on the ground for seeds (Best et al. 1998, Igl and Ballard 1999, Carrie et al. 2002). Additionally, grasses within 34 native seed mixes vary in seed size, production, timing of production, and energetic value and may provide wintering granivorous grassland birds with more opportunities to forage more efficiently. In addition, native grass mix CRPs within this study were still relatively young (< 5 years) and contained considerable weedy species (i.e., forbs) that are important food sources for wintering birds (Robel and Slade 1965). Klute et al. (1997) determined that CRP fields in Kansas (which are mixes of native grasses) were better seed producers than grazed native grass pastures and that these areas are important sources of food for grassland birds during the winter. Local landscape features may also play an important part in determining how wintering grassland birds utilize the CRP cover types within the SHP. CRP that are positioned close to grain fields with residual tillage, or those adjacent to playa lakes and the abundance of forb and weedy species that these areas provide might be more utilized during the winter than CRPs that are not near these features. The Western Meadowlark, Savannah Sparrow, and Horned Lark were the most abundant species recorded during the winter in this study. Western Meadowlark abundances did not differ among cover types or between CP types. For 2002 no winter vegetation characteristics were found to be correlated with meadowlark abundances, although summer associations for both years were related to forb species and cover. Savannah Sparrows were more abundant in CP2 fields, and somewhat in WLG fields. Winter 2003 abundances were associated with summer 2002 forb species number, percent forb cover, and percent bare ground. Horned Larks were more abundant on native grass mixes and corresponds to this species preference for short sparse areas of bare ground to forage in (Beason 1995). Abundances in 2003 were negatively associated with winter litter depth and average vegetation height. Likewise summer vegetation associations for both winter surveys included negative correlations with vertical density and average vegetation height. Besides vegetation compositions and the structural characteristics associated with CRP cover types, other factors such field age and successional changes within fields (Millenbah et al. 1996), availability and abundances of invertebrate prey or seed sources 35 (Hull et al. 1996, Klute et al. 1997, McIntyre and Thompson 2003), local and region landscape features (Bakker et al. 2002, Fletcher and Koford 2002), and fragmentation of the surrounding landscape compositions (Coppedge et al. 2001, Johnson 2001, Johnson and Igl 2001) might also affect the distribution and abundances of grassland birds in the SHP during the breeding and wintering season. Millenbah et al. (1996) reported that younger fields (1-2 years since establishment) had higher avian diversities and abundances than older CRPs (> 3 years since establishment) but higher productivity. CRP fields within the current study varied in age among and within the cover types, and thus between CP types. Average field age among cover types were: OWB and WLG field age 7.3 years, NAB 5.25, and NAA 3.25. Even with these differences cover types did not differ in total avian abundance or diversity indices during the breeding season. However, during winter the younger CP2 fields had higher abundances and diversity indices. These early successional fields, besides containing a variety of grass seed sources, might also provide additional sources of food from pioneering weedy plant species, as well as more bare ground for foraging. The availability and abundance of insectivorous prey during the breeding season is critical in grassland nesting birds being able to establish a nest and to successfully fledge young from it (Weins and Rottenberry 1979). In 2001 CRP fields used in this study were sampled for arthropod richness and abundances to determine if there were differences among cover types (McIntyre and Thompson 2003). Results from this study did not detect any differences among cover types in relation to arthropod richness and diversity. While further research is warranted, initial findings indicate that exotic grass CRPs provide equivocal abundances and diversities of arthropod prey for grassland birds during the summer (McIntyre and Thompson 2003). A similar study in Kansas (Hull et al. 1996) found no relationship between bird abundances and invertebrate biomass within native mix CRP that varied in forb abundances. These studies would suggest that breeding grassland birds are not limited by prey abundances and diversities within CRP fields regardless of grass mixture or forb abundance. 36 Numerous studies over the last couple of years have started to investigate how local landscape and habitat features and composition interact to determine the distribution and abundance of species (i.e., through fragmentation, disturbance, degradation) (Coppedge et al. 2001, Johnson 2001, Johnson and Igl 2001, Bakker et al. 2002, Fletcher and Koford 2002). These studies have demonstrated that local features do influence local abundances and diversities of grassland birds species, and that it is important to recognize how these feature within the landscape influence grassland bird use. Landscape features that were associated with (< 400 m distance from) CRP fields within this study include playa lakes (11 fields), other CRP (12 fields), woody edge (2 fields), cotton (7 fields) other cultivated fields (4 fields), power lines (9 fields), and grazed native grassland (1 field). These features, depending on the species and time year could potentially affect the way different CRP cover types are utilized by grassland birds. Management Implications Since its initiation in 1986 the Conservation Reserve Program has benefited grassland birds in the SHP of Texas. CRP has provided large blocks of nesting and brood-rearing habitat during the breeding season and alternative areas for cover and forage in winter for non-game and upland game birds, as well as waterfowl, where previously there was only cropland (Berthelsen 1989). But since 1997 with the start of planting exclusively native seed mixes, CRPs have become of even greater value to these avian groups that use grassland. During the breeding season, native grass mix CRPs had equal to higher avian abundances and diversity indices compared to CRP planted with exotic grasses. However, during the wintering season CP2s were superior to CP1 fields in avian abundances and diversity indices. Additionally, CRPs planted with mixtures of native grass and forb species will likely promote increased avian use and production compared to monocultures of exotic grass stands (Delisle and Savidge 1997, Davis and Duncan 1999, McCoy et al. 2001) During this study pooling of cover types into the broad categories of CP1s (exotic grasses) and CP2s (native grass mixes) often tended to dampen or occlude biologically 37 meaningful results (e.g., both the Grasshopper Sparrow and Cassin’s Sparrow). For this reason the broad categories based solely on CP type alone should be avoided when assessing the value of different CRP cover types. Vegetation structure and vegetative composition in so far as helps to determine this structure likely influences how grassland birds utilize CRP fields during the breeding and wintering season. Native grass mixes and the individual grass species in these mixes, with their differences in germination rate, growth form, production, successional development, and intra- and interspecific interactions with other plant species, are more likely to provide and meet the requirement of more grassland birds due to the variability created in vegetative composition and structure than monocultures of exotic grasses. Stands of native grass mixes, as well as the residual exotic grass CRP could be maintained and enhanced through the use of management practices that simulate natural historic disturbances and within grasslands (i.e., grazing, burning, mowing, discing). These management practices should be further explored and investigated, especially in light of planting native grass species that evolved with these disturbances (e.g., grazing of buffalograss and blue grama). Likewise, control of weedy species, including certain shrub species, by farmers should be reassessed in light of the potential use of these areas by grassland species. Management of CRPs that support more heterogeneity within fields (Fuhlendorf and Engle 2001) through variation in planting mixtures and use of limited management practices to maintain and enhance current fields should be further explored in the SHP at the local and landscape level. 38 CP1: Weeping Lovegrass (WLG) Old World Bluestem (OWB) CP2: Native w/ Buffalo Grass (NA-B) Native w/o Buffalo Grass (NA-A) Figure 2.1. Location of counties and study fields within the Texas Southern High Plains used in study, 2001 – 2003. 39 Table 2.1. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed (in parenthesis) in CRP cover types for the breeding season (May – July) 2001 and 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeB Species CodeA 2001 WLG 2002 Total 2001 OWB 2002 Total 2001 NAB 2002 Total 2001 NAA 2002 Total Total # Observed (156) (199) (355) (187) (190) (377) (163) (225) (388) (145) (158) (303) GRSP 64.7 (101) 63.3 (126) 63.9 (227) 75.4 (141) 74.6 (141) 74.8 (282) 82.8 (135) 79.6 (179) 80.9 (314) 40.7 (59) 36.7 (58) 38.6 (117) CASP 15.4 (24) 12.9 (23) 13.2 (47) 9.6 (18) 14.8 (28) 12.2 (46) 0 3.1 (7) 1.8 (7) 44.8 (65) 48.3 (77) 46.9 (142) WEME 1.9 (3) 7.8 (14) 4.8 (17) 5.4 (10) 3.2 (6) 4.2 (16) 6.8 (11) 15.1 (34) 11.6 (45) 6.2 (9) 7.0 (11) 6.6 (20) MODO 4.5 (7) 1.7 (23) 8.5 (30) 4.8 (9) 5.3 (10) 5.0 (19) 0 0.4 (1) 0.3 (1) 2.8 (4) 2.5 (4) 2.6 (8) WEKI 7.1 (11) 4.5 (8) 5.4 (19) 1.6 (3) 0.5 (1) 1.1 (4) 1.2 (2) 1.8 (4) 1.5 (6) 1.4 (2) 0 0.7 (2) LARB 3.9 (6) 0 1.7 (6) 2.7 (5) 0.5 (1) 1.6 (6) 4.3 (7) 0 1.8 (7) 0.7 (1) 3.8 (6) 2.3 (7) RNPH 1.3 (2) 0.6 (1) 0.8 (3) 0.5 (1) 0 0.3 (1) 0.6 (1) 0 0.3 (1) 0.7 (1) 0.6 (1) 0.7 (2) RWBL 1.3 (2) 0 0.6 (2) 0 0 0.3 (1) 0.61 (1) 0 0.3 (1) 0 0 0 BUOR 0 1.1 (2) 0.6 (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 Table 2.1. Continued. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed (in parenthesis) in CRP cover types for the breeding season Cover TypeB Species CodeA 2001 WLG 2002 Total 2001 OWB 2002 Total 2001 NAB 2002 Total 2001 STFC 0 1.1 (2) 0.6 (2) MALL 0 0 GWTE 0 GTGR NAA 2002 0 0.5 (1) 0.3 (1) 0 0 0 1.4 (2) 0 0.7 (2) 0 0 1.4 (1) 0.3 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 (1) 0.3 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.7 (6) 0 1.5 (6) 0 0 0 BUOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 (1) 0 0.3 (1) BLGR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 (1) 0 0.3 (1) HOLA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 (1) 0.3 (1) Total A For species codes see Appendix A. B WLG = weeping lovegrass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss. 41 Table 2.2. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed (in parenthesis) in CRP cover types for May 2001 and 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeB Species CodeA 2001 WLG 2002 Total 2001 OWB 2002 Total 2001 NAB 2002 Total 2001 NAA 2002 Total Total # Recorded 63 69 132 78 73 151 74 107 181 50 66 116 GRSP 55.6 (35) 68.1 (47) 62.1 (82) 73.1 (57) 83.6 (61) 78.1 (118) 83.8 (62) 74.8 (80) 78.5 (142) 42.0 (21) 33.3 (22) 37.1 (43) CASP 19.1 (12) 14.5 (10) 16.7 (22) 6.4 (5) 11.0 (8) 8.6 (13) 0 4.7 (5) 2.8 (5) 48.0 (24) 42.4 (28) 44.8 (52) WEME 3.17 (2) 8.7 (6) 6.1 (8) 7.7 (6) 1.4 (1) 4.6 (7) 2.7 (2) 19.6 (21) 12.7 (23) 8.0 (4) 7.6 (5) 7.8 (9) MODO 3.17 (2) 2.9 (2) 3.0 (4) 5.1 (4) 1.4 (1) 3.3 (5) 0 0.9 (1) 0.6 (1) 0 3.0 (2) 1.7 (2) WEKI 3.1 (2) 2.9 (2) 3.0 (4) 3.9 (3) 0 2.0 (3) 1.4 (1) 0 0.6 (1) 0 3.0 (2) 1.7 (2) LARB 12.7 (8) 0 6.1 (8) 3.9 (3) 0 2.0 (3) 4.1 (3) 0 1.7 (3) 0 9.1 (6) 5.2 (6) RNPH 1.6 (1) 0 0.8 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 Table 2.2. Continued. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed (in parenthesis) in CRP cover types for May 2001 and 2002 inhe. Cover TypeB Species CodeA 2001 WLG 2002 Total 2001 OWB 2002 Total 2001 NAB 2002 Total 2001 NAA 2002 Total RWBL 1.6 (1) 1.5 (1) 1.5 (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUOR 0 1.5 (1) 0.8 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MALL 0 0 0 0 1.4 (1) 0.7 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 GWTE 0 0 0 0 1.4 (1) 0.7 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 GTGR 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.1 (6) 0 3.3 (6) 0 0 0 BLGR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 (1) 0 1.7 (1) HOLA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 (1) 1.7 (1) A For species codes see Appendix A. B WLG = weeping lovegrass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss. 43 Table 2.3. Total number and average number of avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type during the breeding season (May – July) and May 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas Cover Type A CP Type A, B WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Breeding Season Totals: Total Numbers of Species (n) 2001 8 7 7 10 8 12 2002 8 8 5 7 10 8 Years Combined 10 10 9 11 10 13 2001 3.44 + 0.62 2.89 + 0.40 2.08 + 0.34 2.58 + 0.55 3.17 + 0.35 2.33 + 0.31 2002 3.78 + 0.62 3.44 + 0.22 2.50 + 0.22 2.33 + 0.24 3.61 + 0.30 2.42 + 0.15 Years Combined 3.61 + 0.40 3.17 + 0.24 2.29 + 0.20 2.46 + 0.28 3.39 + 0.23 2.38 + 0.17 * May Totals: Total Numbers of Species (n) 2001 8 6 5 4 8 7 2002 7 6 4 7 9 7 Years Combined 9 8 7 8 11 9 2001 3.33 + 0.88 3.33 + 0.88 3.00 + 0.71 2.75 + 0.48 3.33 + 0.56 2.88 + 0.40 2002 4.00 + 0.58 3.00 + 0.58 3.25 + 0.63 3.25 + 0.25 3.50 + 0.43 3.25 + 0.31 Years Combined 3.66 + 0.49 3.17 + 0.48 3.13 + 0.44 3.00 + 0.27 3.42 + 0.34 3.06 + 0.25 Avg. Species Number (n) Avg. Species Number (n) A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 44 Table 2.4. Breeding season species abundance, richness, evenness, and dominance means (x̄) in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA CP TypeA WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Species Abundance (n / ha) 2001 1.19 + 0.26 1.31 + 0.15 0.91 + 0.13 0.91 + 0.10 1.25 + 0.14 0.91 + 0.08 2002 1.26 + 0.39 1.33 + 0.20 1.29 + 0.09 1.04 + 0.26 1.29 + 0.14 1.17 + 0.14 Years Combined 1.22 + 0.15 1.32 + 0.11 1.10 + 0.10 0.98 + 0.13 1.27 + 0.09 1.04 + 0.08 2001 0.83 + 0.14 0.64 + 0.21 0.34 + 0.16 0.60 + 0.22 0.73 + 0.12 0.50 + 0.13 2002 0.80 + 0.15 0.76 + 0.06 0.51 + 0.09 0.56 + 0.11 0.78 + 0.07 0.54 + 0.07 Years Combined 0.81 + 0.09 0.70 + 0.10 0.45 + 0.09 0.58 + 0.12 0.76 + 0.07 0.52 + 0.07 2001 0.69 + 0.04 0.62 + 0.13 0.43 + 0.18 0.55 + 0.18 0.65 + 0.06 0.49 + 0.12 2002 0.61 + 0.04 0.62 + 0.04 0.59 + 0.10 0.60 + 0.09 0.61 + 0.04 0.60 + 0.06 Years Combined 0.65 + 0.03 0.62 + 0.06 0.51 + 0.10 0.60 + 0.09 0.63 + 0.03 0.54 + 0.07 2001 0.55 + 0.06 0.65 + 0.12 0.44 + 0.10 0.44 + 0.06 0.60 + 0.07 0.44 + 0.05 2002 0.58 + 0.07 0.59 + 0.04 0.71 + 0.06 0.50 + 0.06 0.59 + 0.04 0.60 + 0.06 Years Combined 0.57 + 0.04 0.62 + 0.06 0.57 + 0.07 0.47 + 0.04 0.59 + 0.04 0.52 + 0.04 Species Richness (H’) Species Evenness (J) Species Dominance (D) A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). 45 Table 2.5. May species abundance, richness, evenness, and dominance means (x̄) in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) types for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA CP TypeA WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Species Abundance (n / ha) 2001 1.34 + 0.25 1.58 + 0.15 1.38 + 0.16 0.96 + 0.16 1.45 + 0.14 1.17 + 0.13 2002 1.43 + 0.27 1.53 + 0.27 1.93 + 0.16 1.25 + 0.26 1.48 + 0.17 1.59 + 0.19 Years Combined 1.38 + 0.17 1.56 + 0.14 1.65 + 0.15 1.11 + 0.15 1.47 + 0.11 1.38 + 0.12 2001 0.87 + 0.21 0.70 + 0.28 0.60 + 0.24 0.60 + 0.15 0.79 + 0.16 0.60 + 0.13 2002 0.82 + 0.20 0.52 + 0.19 0.76 + 0.20 0.82 + 0.13 0.67 + 0.14 0.79 + 0.11 Years Combined 0.85 + 0.13 0.61 + 0.15 0.68 + 0.15 0.71 + 0.10 0.73 + 0.10 0.69 + 0.09 2001 0.76 + 0.05 0.57 + 0.10 0.46 + 0.17 0.61 + 0.10 0.67 + 0.07 0.53 + 0.09 2002 0.59 + 0.09 0.46 + 0.13 0.68 + 0.12 0.70 + 0.09 0.52 + 0.08 0.69 + 0.07 Years Combined 0.68 + 0.06 0.52 + 0.08 0.57 + 0.10 0.65 + 0.06 0.60 + 0.05 0.61 + 0.06 2001 0.50 + 0.10 0.65 + 0.13 0.43 + 0.16 0.74 + 0.05 0.57 + 0.08 0.58 + 0.10 2002 0.57 + 0.11 0.72 + 0.11 0.58 + 0.10 0.54 + 0.08 0.65 + 0.08 0.56 + 0.06 Years Combined 0.54 + 0.07 0.69 + 0.08 0.50 + 0.09 0.64 + 0.06 0.61 + 0.06 0.57 + 0.06 Species Richness (H’) Species Evenness (J) Species Dominance (D) A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). 46 Table 2.6. Average breeding season (May – July) relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA CRP TypeA WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Grasshopper Sparrow (n / ha) 2001 0.78 + 0.11 0.99 + 0.22 0.74 + 0.14 0.38 + 0.22 0.88 + 0.12 0.56 + 0.14 2002 0.88 + 0.09 0.99 + 0.17 0.99 + 0.12 0.36 + 0.21 0.94 + 0.09 0.67 + 0.16 Years Combined 0.83 + 0.07 0.99 + 0.12 0.86 + 0.09 0.37 + 0.14 0.90 + 0.07 0.62 + 0.10 2001 0.18 + 0.05 0.13 + 0.11 0.00 + 0.00 0.38 + 0.13 0.15 + 0.05 0.19 + 0.09 2002 0.16 + 0.10 0.18 + 0.06 0.23 + 0.09 0.17 + 0.04 0.21 + 0.06 Cassin’s Sparrow (n / ha) Years Combined 0.17 + 0.05 0.20 + 0.08 ab 0.16 + 0.06 0.05 + 0.04 b 0.02 + 0.02 0.42 + 0.13 b 0.40 + 0.08 a Western Meadowlark (n / ha) 2001 0.02 + 0.01 0.07 + 0.01 0.06 + 0.02 0.06 + 0.03 0.05 + 0.01 0.06 + 0.02 2002 0.10 + 0.04 0.04 + 0.01 0.19 + 0.07 0.07 + 0.01 0.07 + 0.02 0.13 + 0.04 Years Combined 0.06 + 0.02 0.06 + 0.01 0.13 + 0.04 0.06 + 0.02 0.06 + 0.01 0.10 + 0.02 2001 0.06 + 0.02 0.06 + 0.01 0.00 + 0.00 0.03 + 0.03 0.06 + 0.01 0.02 + 0.02 2002 0.02 + 0.00 0.07 + 0.03 0.05 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01 0.05 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.01 * Mourning Dove (n / ha) Years Combined 0.04 + 0.1 ab 0.07 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.02 a 0.01 + 0.01 0.02 + 0.04 b 0.03 + 0.02 ab A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= iIntroduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 47 Table 2.7. Average breeding season (May- July) singing male relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA CRP TypeA, B WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Grasshopper Sparrow (n / ha) 2001 0.38 + 0.04 0.55 + 0.16 0.36 + 0.09 0.19 + 0.11 0.47 + 0.08 0.28 + 0.08 2002 0.37 + 0.01 0.42 + 0.03 0.47 + 0.10 0.13 + 0.08 0.40 + 0.02 0.30 + 0.09 Years Combined 0.38 + 0.05 0.49 + 0.08 0.41 + 0.07 0.16 + 0.07 0.43 + 0.04 0.29 + 0.06 2001 0.10 + 0.0 0.04 + 0.03 0.00 + 0.00 0.27 + 0.08 0.07 + 0.02 0.14 + 0.06 2002 0.09 + 0.05 0.11 + 0.03 0.16 + 0.06 0.09 + 0.02 0.15 + 0.04 Cassin’s Sparrow (n / ha) Years Combined 0.10 + 0.03 0.13 + 0.05 a 0.09 + 0.03 0.04 + 0.03 a 0.02 + 0.02 0.27 + 0.09 a 0.27 + 0.05 b Western Meadowlark (n / ha) 2001 0.01 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.01 0.04 + 0.02 0.03 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.00 0.03 + 0.01 2002 0.02 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01 0.06 + 0.04 0.01 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.01 0.03 + 0.02 Years Combined 0.01 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.00 0.05 + 0.10 0.02 + 0.01 0.01 + 0.01 0.03 + 0.01 * A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 48 Table 2.8. Average May relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA, B CRP TypeA,C WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Grasshopper Sparrow (n / ha) 2001 0.83 + 0.11 2002 0.99 + 0.08 Years Combined 0.91 + 0.07 1.20 + 0.07 1.02 + 0.19 1.28 + 0.29 ab 1.24 + 0.14 0.42 + 0.26 1.34 + 0.14 a 1.18 + 0.12 0.43 + 0.25 a 0.42 + 0.17 b 1.01 + 0.10 0.72 + 0.19 1.14+ 0.15 0.88 + 0.22 1.08 + 0.09 0.80 + 0.14 0.19 + 0.05 0.21 + 0.11 0.19 + 0.09 0.30 + 0.11 0.19 + 0.05 0.25 + 0.08 Cassin’s Sparrow (n / ha) 2001 0.27 + 0.06 2002 0.21 + 0.13 Years Combined 0.24 + 0.06 0.11 + 0.06 0.00 + 0.00 0.17 + 0.14 ab 0.14 + 0.07 0.42 + 0.17 0.12 + 0.12 b 0.06 + 0.06 0.47 + 0.14 b 0.45 + 0.10 a Western Meadowlark (n / ha) 2001 0.04 + 0.04 0.13 + 0.07 0.03 + 0.03 0.08 + 0.01 0.08 + 0.04 0.06 + 0.02 2002 0.13 + 0.04 0.02 + 0.02 0.35 + 0.14 0.09 + 0.02 0.07 + 0.03 0.22 + 0.08 Years Combined 0.08 + 0.03 0.07 + 0.04 0.19 + 0..09 0.08 + 0.01 0.08 + 0.02 0.14 + 0.05 2001 0.04 + 0.04 0.08 + 0.04 0.00 + 0.00 0.00 + 0.00 0.06 + 0.03 0.00 + 0.00 2002 0.04 + 0.02 0.02 + 0.02 0.02 + 0.02 0.03 + 0.03 0.03 + 0.01 0.03 + 0.02 Years Combined 0.04 + 0.02 0.05 + 0.03 0.01 + 0.01 0.02 + 0.02 0.05 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01 * Mourning Dove (n / ha) A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 49 Table 2.9. Average May singing male relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA, B CRP TypeA WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Grasshopper Sparrow (n / ha) 2001 0.45 + 0.11 0.59 + 0.11 0.52 + 0.12 0.18 + 0.11 0.52 + 0.08 0.35 + 0.10 2002 0.52 + 0.06 0.59 + 0.06 0.61 + 0.11 0.21 + 0.12 0.56 + 0.04 0.41 + 0.11 Years Combined 0.49+ 0.06 0.59 + 0.06 0.57 + 0.08 0.20 + 0.08 0.54 + 0.04 0.38 + 0.07 2001 0.17 + 0.02 0.06 + 0.04 0.00 + 0.00 0.34 + 0.22 0.12 + 0.03 0.17 + 0.09 2002 0.13 + 0.10 0.13 + 0.07 0.24 + 0.08 0.12 + 0.04 0.20 + 0.06 Cassin’s Sparrow (n / ha) Years Combined 0.15 + 0.05 0.13 + 0.13 ab 0.10 + 0.06 0.10 + 0.10 a 0.05 + 0.05 0.39 + 0.09 a 0.36 + 0.08 b Western Meadowlark (n / ha) 2001 0.00 + 0.00 0.02 + 0.02 0.00 + 0.00 0.05 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01 0.03 + 0.01 2002 0.04 + 0.04 0.00 + 0.00 0.11 + 0.09 0.00 + 0.00 0.02 + 0.02 0.06 + 0.05 Years Combined 0.02 + 0.02 0.01 + 0.01 0.06 + 0.05 0.03 + 0.01 0.02 + 0.01 0.04 + 0.02 A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). 50 Table 2.10. Summer (May – July) vegetative composition of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001 – 2002). Cover Type A, B CP Type A,C WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Total plant species (n) 19 20 21 33 25 41 11.67 + 2.33 15.67 + 1.20 13.75 + 0.85 19.25 + 1.55 13.67 + 1.48 16.50 + 1.32 3 4 7 10 6 13 2.33 + 0.33 a 4.67 + 0.33 b 5.00 + 0.00 b 6.00 + 0.71 b 3.50 + 0.56 5.50 + 0.38 * 11 12 10 17 13 21 Avg. forb species/ field 7.33 + 1.20 8.67 + 1.20 7.50 + 0.96 9.00 + 1.35 8.00 + 0.82 8.25 + 0.82 Total shrub species (n) 5 4 4 6 6 7 3.00 + 1.00 2.67 + 0.33 1.75 + 0.25 2.25 + 0.85 2.83 + 0.48 2.00 + 0.42 Avg. plant species/ field Total grass species (n) Avg. grass species/ field Total forb species (n) Avg. shrub species/ field A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 51 Table 2.11. Dominant grass speciesA compositions and proportions among CRP cover typesB in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001-2002). WLG Grasses: Weeping lovegrass Silver bluestem Johnsongrass Switchgrass OWB (98.2 + 0.8) (0.7 + 0.5) (0.3 + 0.2) (0.3 + 0.2) Old World bluestem Blue grama Johnsongrass Sideoats grama Switchgrass NAB (91.4 + 1.8) (4.4 + 1.2) (2.9 + 1.1) (0.4 + 0.3) (0.3 + 0.2) Sideoats grama Blue grama Buffalograss Japanese brome Old World bluestem Silver bluestem Switchgrass NAA (75.2 + 2.0) (11.4 + 1.4) (5.1 + 1.0) (3.6 + 0.8) (3.2 + 0.9) (0.4 + 0.4) (0.2 + 0.2) Sideoats grama Switchgrass Blue grama Weeping lovegrass Green sprangletop Sand Dropseed Johnsongrass Silver bluestem Arizona cottontop Purple threeawn Old World bluestem Buffalograss (32.6 + 2.3) (16.0 + 1.7) (11.8 + 1.5) (11.2 + 1.6) (5.5 + 1.0) (5.3 + 1.1) (3.9 + 1.1) (3.8 + 1.1) (3.3 + 0.3) (3.2 + 0.9) (0.5 + 0.4) (0.4 + 0.2) A Scientific names are listed in Appendix B WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss. 52 Table 2.12. Most common forb and shrub speciesA compositions among CRP cover typesB in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001-2002). WLG OWB NAB NAA Blueweed sunflower Mare’s tail Prickly lettuce Mustard spp. Ragweed Fourwing saltbush Silver-leaf nightshade Goldenweed Blueweed sunflower Ragweed Mare’s tail Fourwing saltbush Mustard spp Curly-top gumweed Rubber rabbitbush Silver-leaf nightshade Prickly lettuce Rubber rabbitbush Prickly lettuce Purple ground cherry Silver-leaf nightshade Milkweed Mare’s tail Kochia Mustard spp. Mare’s tail Common sunflower Russian thistle Silver-leaf nightshade Mustard spp. Curly-top gumweed Plains ironweed Goldenweed Buffalo bur Ragweed Yucca Catclaw Baccharis Yucca Catclaw Hackberry Yucca Baccharis Hackberry Yucca Mesquite Baccharis Catclaw Forbs: Shrubs: A Scientific names are listed in Appendix B WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss. 53 Table 2.13. Summer (May – July) vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001-2002) Cover TypeA, B CRP TypeA, C Vegetation Characteristics WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 % Canopy Cover: Grass Living Grass Dead Grass 76.42 + 2.31a 63.17 + 6.29a 77.56 + 1.85a 26.91 + 6.00b 69.79 + 4.21 52.23 + 10.00 40.97 + 3.84 a 62.54 + 6.54 ab 56.35 + 4.86 ab 65.89 + 4.15b 51.76 + 5.88 61.12 + 3.47 a ab ab b 23.53 + 6.82 47.05 + 5.93 33.55 + 5.42 3.69 + 0.64 58.33 + 4.29 35.76 + 5.47 43.57 + 4.85 8.69 + 1.86 * Forb 3.08 + 1.26 4.29 + 0.33 5.96 + 1.22 11.42 + 3.13 Total 79.50 + 1.88 a 67.46 + 6.42 a 83.52 + 2.92 a 38.32 + 5.35 b 73.48 + 4.03 60.92 + 8.99 b a 13.44 + 1.29 11.71 + 4.02 1.01 + 0.18 0.69 + 0.07 13.10 + 4.69 27.39 + 7.67 % Litter Litter Depth (cm) 14.43 + 2.37 a 1.15 + 0.38 12.46 + 1.32 ab 0.87 + 0.66 a 0.67 + 0.06 ab 0.74 + 0.14 a Vertical Density (dm) 1.65 + 0.17 a 1.47 + 0.20 ac 0.79 + 0.11 bc 0.63 + 0.17 b 1.56 + 0.12 0.71 + 0.10 * Avg. Vegetation Height (dm) 4.37 + 0.38 a 2.72 + 0.20 b 2.31 + 0.17 b 2.14 + 0.29 b 3.54 + 0.42 2.23 + 0.16 * 12.24 + 5.99 a 0.90 + 0.82 b 0.60 + 0.31 b 2.44 + 0.87 a 6.57 + 3.71 1.52 + 0.55 a b b b 62.48 + 7.17 44.80 + 1.73 * 78.13 + 2.32 Max. Forb Height (cm) 29.60 + 5.06 46.83 + 2.61 37.76 + 2.87 a Max. Living Height (cm) 75.14 + 3.46 Max. Dead Height (cm) 52.37 + 5.34 a 48.01 + 1.85 41.80 + 1.22 36.20 + 3.66 bc 40.31 + 2.35 ab 39.60 + 0.58 42.71 + 10.66 b 6.13 + 2.43 Max. Grass Height (cm) 12.07 + 2.17 19.01 + 6.25 % Bare Ground Number Shrubs per 50 m 20.08 + 7.45 4.41 + 0.89 47.80 + 2.56 27.56 + 3.38 c 37.00 + 2.34 b 33.68 + 3.18 31.88 + 2.82 b 61.58 + 6.31 43.99 + 1.94 * 31.63 + 1.90 b 46.34 + 3.75 34.32 + 1.72 * 48.38 + 2.08 A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 54 Table 2.14. Summer (May – July) vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2001 in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA, B CRP TypeA, C Vegetation Characteristics WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 % Canopy Cover: Grass Living Grass Dead Grass 71.44 + 5.62 a 58.89 + 4.78 a 74.04 + 3.24 a 25.13 + 6.43 b 65.17 + 4.33 49.58 + 9.83 43.87 + 3.40 60.96 + 6.91 56.35 + 4.86 63.11 + 3.81 52.41 + 5.14 61.67 + 2.66 45.33 + 5.18 30.86 + 4.64 4.39 + 0.90 12.96 + 3.33 * 54.96 + 3.69 a 35.71 + 5.31 ab 36.95 + 3.84 ab 24.77 + 7.81 b Forb 3.94 + 1.93 4.83 + 0.42 9.08 + 2.39 16.83 + 6.00 Total 75.39 + 4.04 ab 63.72 + 4.68 ab 83.13 + 4.20 a 41.96 + 7.89 b 69.56 + 3.80 62.54 + 8.81 b a 19.00 + 2.73 13.27 + 3.73 24.19 + 7.13 % Litter 20.89 + 3.88 a 17.11 + 4.31 a 5.13 + 1.23 21.42 + 4.38 Litter Depth (cm) % Bare Ground 3.72 + 1.77 a 19.17 + 8.28 ab Vertical Density (dm) 1.57 + 0.31 1 .27 + 0.20 Avg. Vegetation Height (dm) 4.45 + 0.63 a 2.71+ 0.13 ab 11.75 + 3.08 a 36.63 + 11.17 b 11.44 + 5.12 0.91 + 0.18 0.67 + 0.30 1.42 + 0.18 0.79 + 0.17 * 2.40 + 0.30 ab 2.33 + 0.49 b 3.58 + 0.48 2.37 + 0.26 * Number Shrubs per 50 m Max. Grass Height (cm) 75.39 + 4.55 a 40.39 + 1.44 b 41.15 + 1.22 b 47.08 + 2.58 b 57.89 + 8.11 Max. Forb Height (cm) 32.71 + 5.29 42.29 + 3.61 38.29 + 2.67 31.40 + 6.96 37.51 + 3.58 Max. Living Height (cm) Max. Dead Height (cm) 74.12 + 6.14 a 40.09 + 7.24 a 44.31 + 0.95 bc 37.92 + 3.10 ab 43.79 + 0.71 c 29.16 + 3.11 b 48.88 + 3.51 b 59.22 + 7.22 33.40 + 1.79 b 39.01 + 3.56 44.12 + 1.73 34.84 + 3.69 a 46.34 + 1.92 31.28 + 1.84 A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 55 Table 2.15. Summer (May – July) vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA, B CRP TypeA, C Vegetation Characteristics WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 % Canopy Cover: Grass Living Grass Dead Grass Forb Total 81.39 + 1.50 a 67.44 + 7.99 a 81.08 + 2.20 a 28.69 + 5.68b 74.42 + 4.79 54.89 + 10.30 38.08 + 4.67 a 64.13 + 6.80b 49.58 + 6.11ab 71.55 + 4.19 b 51.10 + 6.89 60.57 + 5.39 a b 48.76 + 6.91 36.23 + 6.59 2.99 + 0.51 4.42 + 1.05 77.40 + 4.73 59.30 + 9.54 7.89 + 0.92 10.15 + 4.74 1.01 + 0.18 0.69 + 0.07 30.59 + 8.53 61.71 + 5.04 a 2.22 + 0.76 83.61 + 2.18 % Litter 7.97 + 1.12 Litter Depth (cm) 1.15 + 0.38 35.81 + 6.75 ab 3.75 + 0.34 a 71.19 + 8.29 2.83 + 0.57 a 7.81 + 1.72 16.60 + 8.76 0.67 + 0.06 ab 0.74 + 0.14 a b 48.79 + 10.73 14.76 + 4.36 8.53 + 3.39 Vertical Density (dm) 1.74 + 0.04 a 1.65 + 0..21 a 0.67 + 0.05 b 0.60 + 0.10 b 1.70 + 0.10 0.64 + 0.05 * Avg. Vegetation Height (dm) 4.29 + 0.19 a 2.72 + 0.30b 2.23 + 0.06 b 1.95 + 0.17 b 3.51 + 0.39 2.09 + 0.10 * 12.24 + 5.99 a 0.90 + 0.82 b 0.60 + 0.31 b 2.44 + 0.87 a 6.57 + 3.71 1.52 + 0.55 a b b b 67.07 + 6.42 45.48 + 1.94* Max. Grass Height (cm) 80.88 + 0.17 Max. Forb Height (cm) 26.48 + 6.03 53.27 + 3.90 33.23 + 2.19 a Max. Living Height (cm) 76.16 + 1.52 Max. Dead Height (cm) 64.64 + 4.15 a 51.71 + 2.75 12.40 + 1.89 34.69 + 4.01 b % Bare Ground Number Shrubs per 50 m 21.00 + 6.67 83.92 + 2.18 22.28 + 5.97 6.00 + 1.77 a 3.69 + 0.55 0.87 + 0.66 a 50.19 + 6.08 42.45 + 1.27 34.10 + 4.79 b 42.69 + 2.08 b 35.42 + 0.94 48.51 + 3.14 23.73 + 2.20 c 44.85 + 2.63 b 29.85 + 3.24 28.91 + 3.13 b 63.93 + 5.64 41.65 + 2.73* 29.86 + 5.00 b 53.67 + 5.33 37.35 + 3.86* 47.88 + 2.84 A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 56 Table 2.16. Correlation coefficientsA between bird abundancesB and vegetation variables in CRP fields during the 2001 breeding season in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Total Abundance % Veg. Cover % Native Grass Cover % Living Grass Cover % Litter Cover % Bare Ground Cover Vertical Density Shrub Density Max. Grass Height 0.0051 -0.3711 -0.1157 0.3213 -0.1712 0.2278 0.4768 0.1114 0.5199 0.0129 -0.0940 0.0810 -0.6067 * 0.5776 * 0.0440 0.0401 * * -0.0307 -0.0123 -0.4028 0.6256 * 0.4473 * 0.4698 Grasshopper Sparrow Total Singing Male 0.4354 -0.0347 -0.0474 0.1636 -0.5575 0.5394 Total -0.8025 *** -0.3955 -0.0787 0.4653 * 0.4068 Singing Male *** -0.4205 -0.1101 0.5462 * 0.3754 -0.3960 06526 -0.2146 0.2562 * 0.6748 ** -0.1527 0.5664 -0.3610 * -0.3178 -0.5509 -0.3687 0.5778 * ** 0.0507 0.4654 -0.6447 * -0.0427 -0.3479 -0.2417 -0.7096 ** 0.5375 * -0.0962 0.1856 0.4159 0.0915 Cassin’s Sparrow -0.7980 Western Meadowlark Total Singing Male 0.5069 Mourning Dove Total A * B -0.1103 P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001 Values given for Total Abundance and Grasshopper Sparrow abundances are Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. All other species-specific values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 57 Table 2.17. Correlation coefficients A between bird abundancesB and vegetation variables in CRP fields during the 2002 breeding season in the Southern High Plains of Texas. % Vegetation Cover % Dead Grass Cover % Forb Cover % Litter Cover % Bare Ground Cover Vertical Density Avg. (x̄) Vegetation Height -0.7465 ** -0.6519 * 0.5617 * 0.1821 0.7284 ** -0.8583 *** -0.8510 *** Total 0.7674 ** 0.5559 * -0.6453 * -0.1144 -0.5807 * 0.4118 0.3837 Singing Male ** * -0.5279 -0.2698 -0.5335 * 03216 0.3483 Total Abundance Grasshopper Sparrow -0.7665 0.5878 Cassin’s Sparrow Total -0.6497 * -0.5812 0.3827 0.4436 0.6298 * -0.2718 -0.4442 Singing Male -0.7271 ** -0.6563 * 0.3584 0.4701 0.6983 ** -0.3315 -0.5304 Total 0.2873 0.3094 -0.4226 -0.4314 -0.2829 -0.3514 0.0111 Singing Male 0.3705 0.2462 -0.1171 -0.5099 -0.2681 -0.2998 0.0171 0.0440 -0.0857 -0.0626 0.2086 -0.0579 0.7363 ** 0.4052 Western Meadowlark Mourning Dove Total 58 Table 2.17. Continued. Correlation coefficients between bird abundances A and vegetation variables in CRP fields during the 2002 breeding Max. Grass Height Max. Forb Height Max. Dead Height Total Plant Species Grass Species Forb Species -0.6873 ** -0.1794 -0.7989** 0.7251 ** 0.8195 *** 0.4438 Total 0.1230 0.6224 * 0.5615 * -0.3092 -0.2470 -0.7280 Singing Male 0.0477 0.6881 ** 0.5678 * -0.3142 -0.2549 -0.6927 ** Total 0.1635 -0.2829 -0.5060 0.0579 0.1879 0.3277 Singing Male 0.0597 -0.3227 -0.6188 0.1370 0.2801 0.3669 Total -0.3956 0.2674 0.2541 0.0657 -0.1069 0.0828 Singing Male -0.2949 0.5118 0.1974 0.1032 -0.1327 0.2578 0.4793 -0.1459 0.1088 -0.3348 -0.3689 Total Abundance Grasshopper Sparrow ** Cassin’s Sparrow Western Meadowlark Mourning Dove Total A * B -0.3738 P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001 Values given for Total Abundance and Grasshopper Sparrow abundances are Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. All other species-specific values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 59 Table 2.18. Correlation coefficients A between bird abundances B and vegetation variables in CRP fields during the breeding season (2001 – 2002) in the Southern High Plains of Texas. % Grass Cover % Native Grass Cover % Bare Ground Cover Vertical Density Max. Forb Height Max. Living Height Max. Dead Height Shrub Density 0.4346 0.1067 -0.1361 0.2573 0.5852 * 0.0866 0.3843 0.1060 Total 0.7997 *** 0.2938 -0.5807 * 0.4503 0.6224 * 0.0241 0.5615 * -0.2118 Singing Male *** 0.4124 -0.5335 * 0.3519 0.6881 * -0.0513 0.5678 * -0.2565 -0.5696 ** 0.0783 0.5632 ** -0.3148 -0.4418 * 0.3126 -0.2143 0.5291 ** -0.6209 *** -0.2884 0.5841 ** -0.3523 -0.4655 * 0.2524 -0.2164 0.5022 ** 0.1184 0.2445 0.2785 -0.3164 -0.0466 -0.5136 ** 0.1743 -0.1433 -0.1473 -0.0064 0.3257 0.2217 Total Abundance Grasshopper Sparrow 0.7785 Cassin’s Sparrow Total Singing Male Western Meadowlark Total Singing Male * -0.0012 0.4388 -0.0382 -0.6414 *** 0.0943 -0.4271 * 0.1974 -0.3854 -0.0596 0.4537 * -0.0203 0.3269 * Mourning Dove Total A * B P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001 Values given for Total Abundance and Grasshopper Sparrow abundances are Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. All other species-specific values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 60 Table 2.19. Correlation coefficientsA between bird abundancesB and vegetation variables in CRP fields during May 2001 in the Southern High Plains of Texas. % Grass Cover % Native Grasses Cover % Vegetation Cover % Bare Ground Cover Vertical Density Shrub Density Max. Grass Height Grass Species (n) 0.4540 0.0715 0.3786 -0.3676 0.2558 -0.0345 -0.2304 -0.2842 Total 0.6217 * 0.1987 0.6329 * -0.6440 * 0.5572 * -0.4607 -0.2462 -0.1103 Singing Male * 0.2050 0.5823 * -0.6319 * 0.5044 -0.4101 -0.1628 -0.1304 Total -0.4672 -0.4917 -0.6176 * 0.3500 -0.4392 0.7271 ** 0.6451 * 0.0141 Singing Male -0.5211 -0.4665 -0.6512 * 0.3898 -0.4242 0.6852 ** 0.6054 * 0.0759 -0.1172 0.2605 -0.1400 -0.0115 0.1125 0.0115 -0.1033 0.2349 0.3576 -0.1663 -0.0486 -0.0554 0.5687 * -0.0429 0.1257 0.3191 -0.1778 -0.2902 Total Abundance Grasshopper Sparrow 0.5858 Cassin’s Sparrow Western Meadowlark Total Singing Male -0.6272 * 0.0101 -0.6404 -0.5359 * -0.1042 * Mourning Dove Total A * B -0.0245 P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 Values given for Total Abundance and Grasshopper Sparrow abundances are Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. All other species-specific values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 61 Table 2.20. Correlation coefficientsA between bird abundancesB and vegetation variables in CRP fields during May 2002 in the Southern High Plains of Texas. % Dead Grass Cover % Vegetation Cover % Litter Cover % Bare Ground Cover Vertical Density Avg. (x̄) Vegetation Ht. Max. Grass Height Max. Forb Height -0.6907 ** -0.5739 * 0.2628 0.4302 -0.6806 * -0.6950 * -0.7027 * -0.2469 Total 0.5263 0.7231 ** -0.2516 -0.7439 * 0.5273 0.4574 -0.0394 0.6511 * Singing Male 0.6253 * 0.7385 ** -0.2700 -0.7673 ** 0.4875 0.5258 0.0786 0.5216 -0.5632 * -0.6383 * 0.4454 0.4731 -0.3112 -0.4922 -0.0743 -0.3492 -0.4798 -0.6312 -0.1586 -0.3976 -0.4587 -0.1232 0.2196 0.1275 0.4609 -0.4740 0.0214 0.4015 0.1254 0.6269 * -0.1984 0.3096 0.0930 0.4664 -0.4149 Total Abundance Grasshopper Sparrow Cassin’s Sparrow Total Singing Male -0.6755 ** -0.5792 * 0.4314 0.5332 * Western Meadowlark Total Singing Male 0.2640 0.4805 0.3396 0.5725 0.1623 0.1832 -0.3920 * -0.5847 * Mourning Dove Total 0.0026 62 Table 2.20. Continued. Maximum Dead Height Total Plant Species Grass Species Forb Species -0.8023 ** 0.6506 * 0.5722 * 0.4871 Total 0.3969 -0.1426 -0.1303 -0.5851 * Singing Male 0.4834 -0.3071 -0.2457 -0.7071 ** Total -0.3965 0.0942 0.1468 0.4231 Singing Male -0.4827 0.1598 0.2188 0.4956 Total 0.2260 0.1590 -0.0159 0.0283 Singing Male 0.2966 0.1079 -0.1308 0.0464 Total 0.0902 -0.3038 -0.2912 -0.1918 Total Avian abundance Grasshopper Sparrow Cassin’s Sparrow Western Meadowlark Mourning Dove A * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 B Values given for Total Abundance and Grasshopper Sparrow abundances are Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. All other species-specific values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 63 Table 2.21. Correlation coefficients A between bird abundancesB and vegetation variables in CRP fields during May (2001 – 2002) in the Southern High Plains of Texas. % Grass Cover % Native Grass Cover % Litter Cover % Bare Ground Cover Vertical Density Avg. (x̄) Vegetation Height Max. Forb Height Shrub Density 0.5358 * 0.5344 * -0.2553 -0.2615 0.2265 0.3220 0.6058 * -0.2273 Total 0.7420 ** 0.4304 -0.2516 -0.5512 * 0.5765 * 0.5423 * 0.5808 * -0.4379 Singing Male ** 0.3820 -0.2700 -0.5718 * * * 0.4271 -0.3948 Total -0.5174 ** -0.3572 0.4200 * 0.4567 * -0.4165 * -0.3582 -0.3726 * 0.5193 ** Singing Male -0.5801 ** -0.3053 0.4027 * 0.5164 ** -0.4982 ** -0.4234 * -0.3779 * 0.5093 ** 0.2518 0.1648 -0.2112 -0.1160 -0.1041 0.0888 0.3447 0.0354 Total Abundance Grasshopper Sparrow 0.7577 0.5476 0.5966 Cassin’s Sparrow Western Meadowlark Total Singing Male * -0.0362 0.2736 0.0653 0.1815 -0.1151 -0.0528 -0.0512 0.2460 0.4743 0.1694 -0.3403 -0.0210 -0.0797 0.2196 0.1153 -0.1062 Mourning Dove Total A * B P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001 Values given for Total Abundance and Grasshopper Sparrow abundances are Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. All other species-specific values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 64 Table 2.22. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed (in parenthesis) in CRP cover types for the wintering season (January – February) 2002 and 2003 in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeB Species CodeA 2001 WLG 2002 2001 OWB 2002 Total 2001 NAB 2002 Total 2001 NAA 2002 Total Total # Observed (27) (40) (24) (45) (69) (112) (118) (230) (64) (173) (237) WEME 63.0 (17) 62.5 (25) 62.7 (42) 33.3 (8) 62.2 (28) 52.2 (36) 25.0 (28) 44.1 (52) 34.8 (80) 31.3 (20) 26.0 (45) 27.4 (65) SAPS 18.5 (5) 35.0 (14) 28.4 (19) 8.3 (2) 20.0 (9) 15.9 (11) 21.4 (24) 16.1 (19) 18.7 (43) 34.4 (22) 31.2 (54) 32.1 (76) GRSP 0 0 0 4.2 (1) 0 1.4 (1) 2.7 (3) 0 1.3 (3) 0 0 0 VESP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 (1) 0.4 (1) 0 0 0 HOLA 0 0 0 50.0 (12) 13.3 (6) 26.1 (18) 41.1 (46) 39.0 (46) 40.0 (92) 31.3 (20) 38.2 (66) 36.3 (86) RNPH 11.1 (3) 2.5 (1) 6.0 (4) 4.2 (1) 2.2 (1) 1.4 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total (67) 65 Table 2.22. Continued. Avian percent compositions and total numbers observed in CRP Cover Types for the wintering season (January – February). Cover TypeB Species CodeA 2001 WLG 2002 Total 2001 OWB 2002 Total 2001 NAB 2002 Total 2001 NAA 2002 Total NOHA 3.7 (1) 0 1.5 (1) 0 0 0 0.9 (1) 0 0.4 (1) 0 1.7 (3) 1.3 (3) PRFA 3.7 (1) 0 1.5 (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEOW 0 0 0 0 2.2 (1) 1.4 (1) 3.6 (4) 0 1.7 (4) 0 0 0 BUOW 0 0 0 0 0.5 (1) 1.4 (1) 3.6 (4) 0 1.7 (4) 3.1 (2) 1.7 (3) 2.1 (5) GTT0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6 (1) 0.4 (1) 0 0 0 0 1.8 (2) 0 0.9 (2) 0 0.6 (1) 0.4 (1) MODO 0 0 0 0 A For species codes see Appendix A. B WLG = weeping lovegrass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss. 66 Table 2.23. Wintering season species abundance, richness, evenness, and dominance means (x̄) in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2002, 2003, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA, B CRP TypeA, C WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Average Number of Species 2002 3.00 + 1.53 3.00 + 1.00 5.00 + 0.00 3.00 + 0.41 3.00 + 0.82 4.00 + 0.42 2003 Years Combined 2.00 + 1.15 2.50 + 0.89 2.67 + 0.33 a 3.75 + 0.48 2.83 + 0..48 a 4.38 + 0.32 5.00 + 1.00 b 4.00 + 0.63 b 2.33 + 0.56 4.38 + 0.56 2.67 + 0.48 4.19 + 0.34 * 0.57 + 0.16 1.08 + 0.08 0.61 + 0.13 1.09 + 0.09 0.59 + 0.100 1.08 + 0.06 * 0.46 + 0.12 0.82 + 0.05 0.52 + 0.12 0.80 + 0.05 0.49 + 0.08 0.81 + 0.03 Species Richness (H’) 2002 0.47 + 0.26 2003 0.48 + 0.27 Years Combined 0.47 + 0.17 0.68 + 0.23 1.18 + 0.10 0.74 + 0.03 a 0.71 + 0.10 0.97 + 0.11 1.14 + 0.13 ab 1.16 + 0.08 1.04 + 0.14 c 1.01 + 0.08 bc Species Evenness (J) 2002 0.41 + 0.21 2003 0.46 + 0.23 Years Combined 0.44 + 0.14 0.51 + 0.14 0.73 + 0.06 0.57 + 0.13 a 0.54 + 0.09 0.92 + 0.01 0.88 + 0.03 a 0.80 + 0.04 0.73 + 0.07 b 0.82 + 0.05 b Species Dominance (D) 2002 0.66 + 0.20 0.69 + 0.13 0.41 + 0.06 0.41 + 0.04 0.68 + 0.11 0.41 + 0.03 2003 0.38 + 0.20 0.53 + 0.02 0.37 + 0.04 0.45 + 0.04 0.46 + 0.10 0.41 + 0.03 Years Combined 0.52 + 0.14 0.61 + 0.07 0.39 + 0.03 0.43 + 0.03 0.57 + 0.08 0.41 + 0.02 A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 67 Table 2.24. Average wintering season (January – February) relative abundances for the dominate avian species in CRP fields based on cover type and CP (conservation practice) type for 2002, 2003, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA, B CRP TypeA, C WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 Western Meadowlark (n / ha) 2001 0.89 + 0.14 0.42 + 0.14 1.09 + 0.38 0.78 + 0.11 0.65 + 0.14 0.94 + 0.19 2002 1.25 + 0.72 1.45 + 0.52 1.95 + 0.75 1.75 + 0.45 1.35 + 0.40 1.86 + 0.41 Years Combined 1.07 + 0.34 0.94 + 0.34 1.52 + 0.42 1.27 + 0.28 1.00 + 0.23 1.40 + 0.25 Savannah Sparrow (n / ha) 2001 0.26 + 0.26 0.10 + 0.05 0.94 + 0.37 0.86 + 0.33 0.18 + 0.12 0.90 + 0.23 2002 0.73 + 0.58 0.47 + 0.39 0.74 + 0.26 2.11 + 0.49 0.60 + 0.32 1.43 + 0.36 Years Combined 0.49 + 0.30 0.29 + 0.20 0.84 + 0.21 1.48 + 0.36 0.39 + 0.78 1.16 + 0.22 * 2001 0.00 + 0.00 0.52 + 0.52 1.75 + 0.81 0.70 + 0.48 0.26 + 0.26 1.23 + 0.48 2002 0.00 + 0.00 0.31 + 0.31 Horned Lark (n / ha) Years Combined 1.72 + 0.54 a 1.73 + 0.45 2.46 + 1.95 b 1.58 + 0.99 0.16 + 0.16 2.09 + 0.95 ab 0.21 + 0.15 1.66 + 0.53 * 0.00 + 0.00 0.42 + 0.28 2001 1.41 + 0.55 a 1.20 + 0.66 a 4.22 + 0.52 b 2.42 + 0.66 ab 1.30 + 0.39 3.32 + 0.52 2002 2.08 + 1.38 2.34 + 0.72 4.61 + 1.32 6.64 + 0.2.26 2.21 + 0.70 5.63 + 1.27 1.74 + 0.68 a 1.77 + 0.51 a 4.41 + 0.66 b 4.53 + 1.35 b 1.76 + 0.40 4.47 + 0.73 * Total Abundance (n / ha) Years Combined A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 68 Table 2.25. Winter vegetation characteristics of CRP fields based on cover type and CP conservation type (CP) in the Southern High Plains of Texas for 2002. Cover TypeA CRP TypeB Vegetation Characteristics WLG OWB NAB NAA CP1 CP2 % Canopy Cover: Grass 57.33 + 4.81 a 68.89 + 5.58 a 78.50 + 3.54 a 26.29 + 5.78 b 63.11 + 4.21 52.40 + 10.35 Forb 1.78 + 0.71 1.17 + 0.29 % Litter 28.67+ 2.87 ad Litter Depth (cm) 0.77 + 0.11 % Bare Ground 15.89 + 3.32 bcd 8.42 + 0.99 bc 0.94 + 0.43 12.22 + 7.68 0.42 + 0.11 14.06 + 8.35 a Vertical Density (dm) 1.67 + 0.19 Avg. Vegetation Height (dm) 3.36 + 0.41 a Number Shrubs per 50 m 2.04 + 0.99 10.89 + 6.63 a Max. Grass Height (cm) 69.09 + 8.09 Max. Forb Height (cm) 52.44 + 12.49 a 1.14 + 0.09 11.04 + 4.53 ac 0.68 + 0.05 3.96 + 0.48 1.47 + 0.37 3.00 + 0.63 36.25 + 7.17 a 22.27 + 3.47 22.33 + 6.24 0.61 + 0.21 0.86 + 0.20 0.51 + 0.11 13.14 + 5.09 22.35 + 6.34 33.67 + 9.05 bc 0.35 + 0.16 b 1.40 + 0.15 0.51 + 0.10 * 2.34 + 0.17 ac 2.02 + 0.12 bc 1.32 + 0.36 bc 2.85 + 0.30 1.67 + 0.22 * 0.89 + 0.86 0.47 + 0.23 2.85 + 2.07 45.62 + 5.33 bc 47.63 + 3.06 29.48 + 0.44 a ab 33.70 + 4.09 a 5.88 + 3.73 1.66 + 1.06 b 57.36 + 6.80 43.55 + 2.80 27.40 + 3.56 b 40.96 + 7.59 30.55 + 2.78 39.47 + 4.02 A WLG = weeping love grass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). C CP type means ( + SE ) with an (*) superscript are different (P > 0.05). 69 Table 2.26. Correlation coefficientsA between 2002 winter bird abundancesB and vegetation variables from Winter 2002 and Summer (July) 2001 in CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Winter Litter Depth Winter Avg. Veg. Height Forb Species Summer % Litter Cover Summer Vertical Density Summer Avg. Veg. Height Total Avian Abundance -0.6058 * -0.3032 -0.1094 -0.7122 ** -0.5304 -0.5146 Western Meadowlark -0.0268 -0.1697 0.6396 * -0.3103 -0.2210 0.0692 Savannah Sparrow -0.2749 -0.4716 0.4163 -0.3934 -0.3866 -0.3263 Horned Lark -0.5752 * -0.6239 * -0.0715 -0.3900 -0.7214 ** -0.7604 ** A* B P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 Values given for total avian abundance are Pearson product-moment coefficients. All species values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 70 Table 2.27. Correlation coefficientsA between 2003 winter bird abundancesB and vegetation characteristics from Summer (July) 2002 in CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Forb Species % Forb Cover % Vegetation Cover %Bare Ground Cover Vertical Density Avg. Vegetation Height Max. Forb Height Total Avian Abundance 0.4384 0.0249 -0.1094 0.1219 -0.5066 -0.4911 0.1389 Western Meadowlark 0.3293 0.0829 0.6396 * -0.0285 -0.1299 -0.2398 07658 * Savannah Sparrow 0.7077 ** 0.5431 * 0.4163 0.5736 * -0.4688 -0.2985 -0.2017 Horned Lark 0.5332 * -0.1313 0.0160 0.0160 -0.6207 * -0.7443 ** 0.2084 A* B P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 Values given for total avian abundance are Pearson product-moment coefficients. All species values are Spearman rank correlation coefficients. 71 CHAPTER III NESTING BIOLOGY AND NEST SITE CHARACTERISTICS OF GROUNDNESTING BIRDS IN THE PRINCIPLE GRASSLAND COVER TYPES IN THE SOUTHERN HIGH PLAINS OF TEXAS Introduction According to the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), grassland birds have declined substantially over the past 25 years (Peterjohn and Sauer 1993, Askins 1993). The loss, fragmentation, and degradation of the historical grassland habitat that these birds rely on have all been cited as primary factors for these declines (Peterjohn and Sauer 1993, Herkert 1994, Knopf 1994, Herkert et al. 1996, Johnson 2001). Of the approximate 162 million ha of native prairie that once existed before settlement by Europeans, less than 90% remains today (Samson and Knopf 1994). Loss of native grasslands has resulted in obligate grassland birds (i.e., birds that rely on these habitats for all or portions of their life history) having to find other alternatives that are available and can be substituted for historic natural habitats within their geographic ranges. Grassland birds, in the absence of native vegetation, will breed in grassland habitats that are structurally similar to those historically used (Bollinger et al. 1990, Warner 1994, Koford 1999). The quality of this habitat and its suitability in providing nesting cover and food resources, however, are often the main limiting factors in birds producing a successful nest and, thus, in maintaining populations. Before the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) was implemented under the Federal Food Security Act of 1985, grassland birds in the absence of historical nesting habitat would often nest in low quality prairie remnants, non-native pastureland and hayfields, or in other types of non-native habitat such as cropland residues. With the intensification of farming practices in the late 1950s through the mid 1980s the situation for grassland nesting birds became considerably worse (Best et al. 1997, Brady 2000). From 1966 to 1996, 44% of the grassland nesting birds had a declining trend reflecting the impact that the loss of quality nesting habitat was having on this avian group (Brady 72 2000). From 1980 through 2002, which includes the 17 years of the CRP fields being available for breeding birds, the number of species with declining population trends did not change (15 species out of 25, or 60%)(Peterjohn and Sauer1999). However, between 1966 and 1980 10 species were record as having significantly negative population trends, while between 1980 and 2002, that number dropped to only 5 (Peterjohn and Sauer 1999). It was only after the CRP program was implemented that reversals in these trends were first observed. CRP enrollment currently stands at 13.5 million ha, with approximately 80% of CRP acres planted with grass cover (Heard 2000). Since its initiation there have been numerous studies that have documented the positive effects of the CRP for grassland birds. Johnson and Schwartz (1993a) observed that several grassland bird species (e.g., Grasshopper Sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum) and Lark Bunting (Calamospiza melanocorys)) in the Northern Great Plains that had seriously declined in abundance during 1966-1990 were common in CRP fields. In the Midwest, Best et al. (1997) found nests of 33 species in CRP fields compared with only 10 in rowcrop fields, and the number of nests found was 13.5 times greater in CRP fields. Patterson and Best (1996) concluded that the CRP has likely contributed to an increase in the abundance of many bird species in central Iowa, inasmuch as the row-crop habitat that it replaced had lower bird abundance and supported fewer nesting species. In the Southern High Plains, Berthelsen et al. (1989) concluded that Ring-necked Pheasant populations would benefit from CRP fields due to increases in nesting cover, brood cover, and winter habitat. In the same study Berthelsen and Smith (1995) concluded that CRP was providing quality breeding habitat for nongame birds, because it replaced acres that had previously been cropland with nesting cover. McCoy et al. (1999) reported that the Conservation Reserve Program can be useful in reducing threats to species population declines and in maintaining stable populations of some avian species, but not others. In an attempt to increase grassland habitat, CRP participants with existing contracts in Texas (those from 1987 through 1993) have been required to re-seed 51% of CRP land with native grasses since 1997. Furthermore, all new CRP contracts require 73 native species seeding of at least 90% of the area. However, the value of native seeded CRP land in providing quality nesting habitat for obligate grassland birds has not been assessed fully in the Southern High Plains. Despite the fact that Texas has more land enrolled in CRP (1.6 million ha or 11.4% of the total as of 1997) than any other state, only one study (Berthelsen 1989) has looked at the impact that it has had on nesting grassland birds. To more fully understand the contributions and values of the different seeding mixtures for grassland bird conservation in Texas, I investigated whether avian densities and nesting success differed among the principle CRP cover types and, where possible, native rangeland. Additionally, I examined what nest site vegetation characteristics were associated with the different species, and if there were any differences between successful and depredated nests, and between CP conservation type fields for each species. Methods Study Area I studied the nesting ecology of the ground-nesting grassland birds (> 5 nests) that were located on five principle cover types (4 types of CRP and native short-grass prairie) found within the Southern High Plains of Texas. This portion of the High Plains, also known as the Llano Estacado, straddles the Texas-New Mexico border and is bounded by the Canadian River to the North and the Caprock Escarpment to the South and East (Blackstock 1979). In Texas, this region is characterized by nearly flat to gently undulating featureless plains that include numerous natural depressions known as playa lakes (Blakely and Koos 1974, Blackstock 1979). Study fields were selected from the south-central and south-western sections of the SHP within Hale, Lamb, Lubbock, Terry and Bailey counties (Figure 3.1). Elevation within these counties ranges from 880 meters in the east to 1200 meters in the west. The area has a dry continental-steppe climate with mild winters and most rainfall events occurring from April to October (Blakely and Koos 1974, Blackstock 1979). Normal average temperature during summer is 24.5 o C with the hottest temperatures 74 being recorded in July and August (26.6 o C and 25.6 o C, respectively) (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] 2003). Maximum highs during this period often exceed 31.5 o C (NOAA 2003). Annual average precipitation and temperature fluctuate widely ranging from 22.1 cm to 102.9 cm, and -4o to above 50o C, respectively (Blakely and Koos 1974, Blackstock 1979, Haukos and Smith 1997). The annual variability in rainfall and temperature makes drought a frequent occurrence (Holliday 1991). Historically this area was dominated by short- to mixed-grass prairie with large portions covered in buffalograss and blue grama. Today the landscape is dominated by agriculture with large portions of the study area counties now being used for cotton, grain sorghum, wheat, corn, and other grain crop production. Field Selection CRP study fields were chosen based on the original seed mixture, the degree and quality of stand establishment, and recommendations from local USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) personnel. Fields selected were a representative sample from the larger population of CRP fields of good quality and degree of establishment within in the SHP. The grass mixes chosen were those most representative in the south-central and south-western portion of the SHP. These included 2 types of introduced grasses (CP1s) and two types of native grass mix (CP2s). The CP1s were monocultures of either ‘Old World’ bluestem (OWB) (Bothriochlora ischaemum) or weeping lovegrass (WLG) (Eragrostis curvula), while the CP2s were a mix of 3 to 5 native grass species. The principle grasses include in native mixes were sideoats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula), blue grama, green sprangletop (Leptochloa dubia), switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), and buffalograss. Native mixes were differentiated into two cover types based on whether buffalo grass was included (NAB) or absent (NAA) from the native mix. Buffalo grass presence or absence in the native seed mix was selected as a treatment because of its historical importance and abundance in native shortgrass prairies (Berthelsen et al.1989), and because it is not always selected in native mixes due to its cost and difficulty in getting established. 75 Fourteen CRP study fields were selected for study: 3 WLG, 3 OWB, 4 NAB, and 4 NAA. All fields were approximately 65 ha in area and separated by more than 0.5 km. In addition to the CRP fields, 1 study field in 2001 and 2 study fields in 2002 were selected from Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge (MNWR) to represent native shortgrass prairie. These fields had low densities of mesquite and had not been grazed since 1997. Due to lack of adequate native prairie that met these criteria we did not include them in the analyses of nesting densities, and only report means as a reference. Study Plots and Nest Search Areas A nest search area (NSA) of 4 ha (200 m x 200 m) was randomly chosen from the 4 quadrants of the 30.25 ha (550 m x 550 m) fixed-circular point count 3-x-3 grid established in each field (see Chapter II). The corners of each NSA were the corresponding centers of 4 of the 9-point count stations. Each NSA was searched twice during the nesting period. In 2001 NSAs were searched from the 16 May–10 June and 17 June–10 July, and in 2002 from 12 May–2 June and 12 June–10 July. The same NSAs within each study field were used in both years of the study. Nest Searching and Monitoring The search-line method was used to search NSAs for nests of ground-nesting birds (Baxter and Wolfe 1973, Berthelsen et al. 1989). Fields were searched systematically by teams of 2-3 individuals that would walk abreast (<1 m spacing) and part the grass with sticks to get a view of the ground (Berthelsen et al. 1989). Alignment and completeness of the search was maintained by the use of metal flags that were removed and reset after each pass until the entire NSA was searched. NSAs were searched twice during the breeding season, the timing corresponding with and following the first and second avian abundance surveys (Chapter II). In 2001 and 2002, NSAs were searched during the second and third week of May, and during the second and third weeks of June. NSAs were surveyed from 0900 to 1400. NSAs were not searched during 76 periods of precipitation or if winds exceeded 18 km/hour to reduce the chances of missing nests due to weather conditions. Nests were located by flushing adult birds off nest and by observing adult behavior. Behavioral clues that were used to identify nest locations included chipping, flying short distances away from or around observers, flushing close to observers and flying only a short distance, and the carrying of nest material, fecal sacs, or food (Winter 1999). Additional nests were located by observing adult behavior within the entire study plot and fortuitously while collecting other data (i.e., point counts, vegetation sampling, monitoring of nests). Nest monitoring and recording protocol followed that outlined by Martin and Geupel (1993) and Ralph et al (1993). Nest locations were marked with a metal flag positioned 5 m N of the actual nest location. Nests were monitored every 2-3 day until an outcome could be determined. Nests were considered successful if > 1 nestling fledged per nest. The following clues based on Winter (1999) were used to determine if empty nests were successful: (1) feces in nest, (2) feather sheaths in the nest, (3) nest rim flattened, (4) adults carrying food or chipping, and/ or (5) fledgling close to nest. Nest Success Species daily nest survival rate was calculated for the incubation, nestling, and total nesting period stages using the method developed by Mayfield (1975). Estimates of incubation and nestling stage duration needed for calculations of nesting success were taken from Ehrlich et al. (1988) for the Grasshopper Sparrow (20 days; 11 incubation days plus 9 nestling days) and Mourning Dove (27 days; 14 incubation days plus 13 nestling days), and from Schnase et al. (1991) and Dunning (2000) for the Cassin’s Sparrow (20 days; 11 incubation days plus 9 nestling days). Standard errors for daily nest survival rates were calculated following Murphy et al. (1999). Means and confidence intervals for incubation, nestling, and the total nesting period were calculated using the method described by Johnson (1979). This method allows nest success comparisons between years and treatments for all species by comparing confidence intervals. . 77 Nest Site Vegetation Characteristics Nest vegetation was measured within 7 days of the nesting outcome. All vegetation measurements were centered on or taken from the nest cup or depression. A 50 cm x 50 cm Daubenmire frame was used to estimate the percent grass, forb, litter, and bare ground cover surrounding the nest on a non-overlapping basis (Daubenmire 1959). Litter depth was measured at the mid-point of each side of the Daubenmire frame and averaged to produce 1 mean per nest. Litter was defined as any dead or decaying unattached vegetation lying flat on the soil surface. Maximum grass, forb, living, and dead heights of vegetation with their bases inside the daubenmire frame were also recorded at each nest. The vertical density and average height of the vegetation around the nest was determined by placing a Robel pole (Robel 1970) at the entrance of a nesting cup or in the middle of a nest depression depending on the species. Vertical density was recorded as the lowest obstructed dm measured at 4m from the Robel pole and at a height on 1 m above the ground in each of the four cardinal directions (Robel 1970). Vegetation touching or within 2 cm of the Roble pole in each of the four cardinal directions was averaged to determine the average vegetation height at each nest. The number of shrubs within 50-m of the nest was counted to determine shrub densities around each nest, and the distance from the nest to the nearest shrub was measured as the nearest perching site. Statistical Analyses Only those nests located inside the nest search areas (NSAs) were used in estimating nest density for species, cover types, and CP types. The Shapiro-Wilk Normality test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965) and Levene’s test (1960) were used to test the assumptions of normality and the equality of variances among treatments, respectively. The test of the assumptions indicated that the data for Cassin’s Sparrow densities were non-normal and heterogeneous resulting in the non-parametric testing of this data. To test for differences in total avian nest densities, and nest densities of the Grasshopper Sparrow and Mourning Dove among the cover types and between CP type I used a repeated measure ANOVA. The whole plot factor was cover type or CP type (independent 78 variables) and year was the repeated measure. If significant, this was followed by Tukey’s HSD Test to separate the differences among the means (P < 0.05). I tested for differences in Cassin’s Sparrow nest density among the cover types and betweenCP types for 2001, 2002, and the years combined using Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis and the Mann-Whitney U Test, respectively (Conover 1980). Differences in nest vegetation characteristics among species were tested using one-way ANOVAs with measured vegetation variables as the dependent variable and cover type as the independent variable. Tukey’s HSD Test was used to identify the differences among the means if the ANOVA was significant (P < 0.05). Due to small sample sizes of nests of individual species by cover type, I pooled nests of each species by CP type to test for differences in nest site characteristics within introduced and native grass mix CRP fields. A two-tailed t-test followed by a sequential Bonferroni adjustment (P < 0.05) was used to compare the vegetation characteristics of Grasshopper Sparrow and Mourning Dove nests in CP1 and CP2 study plots (Sokal and Rohlf 1995). Measured vegetation variables were the dependent variables and CP type was the independent variables. Cassin’s Sparrow was the only species with enough nests in native shortgrass prairie plots to allow for comparisons with CP types. To compare vegetation characteristics of Cassin’s Sparrow in CP1, CP2, and native shortgrass prairie a one-way ANOVA was used followed by Tukey’s HSD Test if significant (P < 0.05). Results Nesting Composition and Densities Seven species were found nesting within study plots, and 6 within NSAs (Tables 3.1 and 3.2). Cover types and CP types were similar in nesting species compositions and total number of nests located (Tables 3.1 and 3.2). A total of 118 nests were located for the 2 years combined. Nests of Grasshopper Sparrows (29.7%), Cassin’s Sparrows (23.7%), and Mourning Doves (38.1%) accounted for 91.5% of all nests located. NSAs within the CRP study plots yielded 69 nest, or 58.5% of the total; 28 Grasshopper Sparrow, 10 Cassin’s Sparrow, and 22 Mourning Dove. 79 Total nest densities were similar among CRP cover types (F3,10 = 0.43, P = 0.7334), between CP types (F1,12 = 0.84, P = 0.3781), and between years (F1,10 = 0.43, P = 0.2308 and F1,12 = 0.27, P = 0.2671), and there was no significant cover type x year (F3,10 = 1.48, P = 0.2777) or CP type x year interaction (F1,12 = 0.03, P = 0.8707) (Table 3.3). Grasshopper Sparrow nest densities differed among CRP cover types (F3,10 = 2.99, P = 0.0483), but when pooled by CP type they did not differ (F1,12 = 0.41, P = 0.5120). Densities differed among native grass mixes with NAB nest search areas having more nests per ha than NAA (P = 0.0434). There were no differences detected between introduced grasses (P = 0.7925) or between the introduced grasses and NAB nest search areas for the Grasshopper Sparrow (P = 0.1277 and P = 0.2001, respectively for WLG and OWB). Cassin’s Sparrows were not found nesting in OWB or NAB in 2001 and in NAB in 2002 (Table 3.3). Densities for this species did not differ in 2001, 2002, or years combined among the remaining CRP cover type (H = 2.18, P = 0.5366; H = 2.05, P = 0.5612; H = 2.16, P = 0.5401, respectively), or between CP types (U = 23.5, P = 0.9157; U = 20.0, P = 0.6056l; U = 21.0, P = 0.6985, respectively). Cassin’s Sparrow nest densities were 3 times greater on native shortgrass prairie compared to the CRP cover types, but, due to lack of replication, the means are only presented here as a reference of possible, and apparent, biological significance. Grasshopper Sparrows and Mourning Doves were not found nesting in either year within the NSA of the native shortgrass prairie. Mourning Dove nest densities did not differ by CRP cover type (F3,10 = 1.63, P = 0.2435), CP type (F1,12 = 2.96, P = 0.1111), or years (F1,10 = 0.31, P = 0.5922 and F1,12 = 0.36, P = 0.5573), and there was no significant cover type x year (F3,10 = 0.13, P = 0.9410)or CP type x year interaction (F1,12 = 0.36, P = 0.5573) (Table 3.3). Species Nesting Biology The peak-breeding season for birds on the Southern High Plains is early to midMay with numbers tapering off through July (Berthelsen 1989). For determination of approximate initiation dates, the breeding season was divided into three 28-day periods and the number of nests identified through back dating to have been initiated during that 80 period were summed (Figure 3.2). For years combined, 76% of all nests were initiated before 10 June and 96% were initiated by 7 July. Grasshopper Sparrows had 89% of their nest initiated before 10 June and were not found nesting on any of the study plots after 8 July. Cassin’s Sparrows were also not found initiating nests within the study fields after the 8th of July. The peak of nesting for Cassin’s Sparrow was during the first period of the breeding season (71% of nest initiated), but nest initiations continued through the end of the June (29% initiated). Mourning Doves initiated nests through the end of July but the majority of nesting took place during the first (64%) and second (27%) periods of the breeding season. Clutch size, hatching success, young-fledged per successful nest, and nest productivity did not differ between years for any of the species (Table 3.4). Nest Success Nest success during incubation and nestling stages did not differ between years for any species (Table 3.5). Nesting failure tended to occur more frequently during the nestling stage compared to the incubation stage for both the Grasshopper Sparrow and Cassin’s Sparrow (Table 3.5). In contrast, nesting failure occurred more frequently during the incubation stage for the Mourning Dove. Due to small sample sizes in both 2001 and 2002, I did not attempt to evaluate yearly differences in nest success of individual species by cover type. Estimates of species nest success by cover type and CP type are presented here with years combined (Table 3.6). For all species nest success did not differ by CRP cover type or CP type; the 95% confidence intervals overlapped in all cases for all species. Grasshopper Sparrow nest success tended to be higher on NAB study plots (60.7%) than the other CRP cover types (39.4-29.3%). Nest success was also higher on CP2 study plots (55.7%) compared to CP1 study plots (31.3%) for this species. Mayfield nest success estimates for the Cassin’s Sparrow were similar among the CRP cover types in which it occurred most often, WLG (41.6%) and NAA (40.1%), but tended to be higher on native shortgrass prairie (50.6%). Between CP types, Cassin’s Sparrows had higher nest success in CP1s (61.3%) than CP2s (40.1%). Mourning Dove nest success estimates were higher on WLG 81 study plots (41.3%) than the other CRP cover types (25.9%-20.5%). When the CRP cover types were pooled, nest success was higher on CP1 study plots (35.4%) compared to CP2 study plots (20.5%). Nest depredation was the main cause of nest failure for all species (Table 3.6). For most nests the depredating species was unknown, although skunks (Mephitis mephitis.), ground-squirrels (Citellus spp.), coyotes (Canis latrans) and several species of snakes were seen on the study fields. Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) were observed only once in the two years of this study in close proximity to CRP cover types. During this study no nest located in CRP fields were parasitised, but in 2002 a Cassin’s Sparrow nest in native shortgrass prairie field was abandoned after being parasitiesed by a Brownheaded Cowbird. Nest Site Characteristics Between Species The Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, and Mourning Dove differed in nest placement, nest plant, and nest site characteristics (Table 3.7). The Cassin’s Sparrow was the only species that nested both above and at ground level. Sixteen of 28 Cassin’s Sparrow nests (57.1%) were in a plant ranging from 1.0 to 8.4 cm above the ground (x̄ = 4.04 + 0.89). Cassin’s Sparrow nests were normally placed near the center of the nest plant and woven into and around the stems for support. Within the CRP cover types Cassin’s Sparrows primarily nested in weeping lovegrass (52.9%), switchgrass (17.6%), ‘Old World’ bluestem (17.6%), and sideoats grama (11.8%). Nests found in the native shortgrass prairie were placed in broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothraie) 72.7% of the time, with the remaining nests being composed of blue grama, burrograss, and prairie three-awn (Aristida purpurea). Grasshopper Sparrow nests were found at ground level with the nest being tunneled into and woven near the base of the nest plant. The main nest plants used were sideoats grama-blue grama (42.9%), ‘Old World’ bluestem (22.9%), and weeping lovegrass (20.0%). Grasshopper Sparrow used broom snakeweed as the nest plant in the two nest found within the native shortgrass prairie study plots. Mourning Dove nests 82 were located near the base of vegetation or clumps of vegetation with adequate litter cover and vegetation height suitable for the nest. Nests were not woven into the vegetation but were mainly made up of litter arranged into a shallow bowl. Nests were found 64.4% of the time under the introduced grass species (weeping love grass 40.0%, ‘Old World’ bluestem 24.4%). The remaining nest were predominately found under clumps of sideoats grama and switch grass. Of the 12 vegetation variables measured at each nest site only 4 were similar among the three species (Table 3.7). The Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, and Mourning Dove did not differ in percent bare ground cover (F2,103 = 2.0, P = 0.1335), vertical density (F2,105 = 1.70.0643), average vegetation height (F2,105 = 3.1, P = 0.0509), or maximum forb height (F2,79 = 2.6, P = 0.0780). The Mourning Dove differed from the other two species in having more litter cover (F2,103 = 11.5, P < 0.0001), greater litter depth (F2,103 = 10.9, P < 0.0001), and higher living vegetation height (F2,105 = 11.1, P < 0.0001). The two sparrows differed from each other in the amount of grass (F2,105 = 4.9, P = 0.0089) and forb (F2,103 = 7.1, P = 0.013) cover, height of dead vegetation (F2,105 = 5.3, P = 0.0069), shrub densities (F2,105 = 19.3, P < 0.0001), and nearest perch sites (F2,46 = 6.1, P < 0.0044). Grasshopper Sparrow nest had more grass and less forb cover, lower dead vegetation height, and less shrub densities within 50 m of the nest. Cassin’s Sparrow nests had less grass cover, more forb cover, higher dead vegetation, less distance to the nearest perch site, and greater shrub densities within 50 m of the nest. Species Nest-Site Characteristics between CP Types Nest site characteristics were not analyzed at the specific cover type level or between years because of small and unequal sample sizes within groups. For the Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, and Mourning Dove I compared nest characteristics between the introduced grass study plots (CP1’s) and the native grass mix study plots (CP2s). Additionally, I compared nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests, and between nests within CP1 and CP2 fields for all of these 83 species. Because I found a similar number of Cassin’s sparrow nests in native shortgrass prairie and the individual CP types, I included range in the analyses. Of the 12 vegetation variables measured at Grasshopper Sparrow nests, only maximum living vegetation height was different between the two CPs (t31 = -3.9, P = 0.0004) (Table 3.8). CP1s had higher living vegetation heights than CP2 fields. No other nest site characteristic differed between nests found in CP1 and CP2 study fields for the two years. Depredated and successful nests differed in vertical density and average vegetation height, both being higher on depredated nests (t31 = 2.4, P = 0.0251, and t31 = 2.3, P = 0.0299) (Table 3.9). However, these differences did not remain significant after the Bonferroni adjustment. Successful and depredated nests within CP type did not differ statistically in any of the measured vegetation variables at the nest site (Table 3.10). Cassin’s Sparrow nests differed considerably between the CPs and native shortgrass prairie (Table 3.11). Nests found on the native shortgrass prairie study plots differed from the CP types in the percent forb cover (F2,25 = 19.7, P < 0.0001), vertical density (F2,25 = 12.1, P = 0.0002), maximum living vegetation height (F2,25 = 8.5, P = 0.0016), and shurb density within 50 m of the nest site (F2,25 = 35.5, P < 0.001). CRP study fields had less forb cover, higher vertical densities, higher living vegetation heights, and less shrub densities than native rangeland study plots. Additionally, nest sites in CP2 study fields had higher percent bare ground (F2,25 = 12.3, P = 0.0002), greater distances to the nearest perch sites (F2,22 = 9.1, P = 0.0014), and substantially lower shrub densities (F2,25 = 35.5, P < 0.0001) than did nest sites in native rangeland. The three cover types did not differ in percent litter cover or in litter depth (F2,25 = 2.8, P = 0.0816, and F2,25 = 0.5, P = 0.6199, respectively). Only 2 nest variables differed between nests found on CP1 and CP2 study plots; CP2 nests had less percent grass cover (F2,25 = 13.3, P = 0.001) and more bare ground cover (F2,25 = 12.3, P = 0.0002) than CP1 nests. Cassin’s Sparrow nests did not differ in any nest site characteristic between successful and depredated nests (Table 3.12). Likewise, no differences were detected between successful and depredated nests within CP types and native shortgrass prairie. However, before the Bonferroni adjustment, successful nests in CP2 fields had lower maximum forb heights (t5 = 3.3, P = 84 0.0206) and were further away from the nearest perch sites (t3 = -3.5, P = 0.0390) (Table 3.13). Eight of the 12 nest site variables differed between the CP types for Mourning Dove, but only 4 remained significant after Bonferroni adjustments (Table 3.14). Nest sites measured in CP1 study fields had higher percent grass cover (t41 = 4.24, P = 0.0001) and lower percent forb (t41 = -2.47, P = 0.0177) and litter cover (t41 = -2.11, P = 0.0406) than CP2 study fields. Vertical density (t41 = 3.82, P = 0.0004), average height of vegetation (t41 = 3.89, P = 0.0004), maximum height of living and dead vegetation (t41 = 4.28, P = 0.0001, and t41 = 2.98, P = 0.0048, respectively), and shurb densities within 50 m of the nest (t41 = 2.24, P = 0.0302) were all higher on nest sites located in CP1 study fields. Percent grass cover, vertical density, average vegetation height, and maximum height of living vegetation were the only variables that remained significant after the Bonferroni adjustment. No differences were detected in nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests for all Mourning Dove nests (Table 3.15), or for nests within specific CP types (Table 3.16). Discussion In the Southern High Plains of Texas specific CRP cover types did not differ in the number of nesting species, but they did differ in the composition and proportion of nests found per species, presumably as a result of differences in habitat structure. The Grasshopper Sparrow (32.0%), Cassin’s Sparrow (16.5%), and Mourning Dove (41.7%) accounted for 90.1% of all nest found in CRP study fields. The number of nests found, species compositions, proportions of nests per CRP cover type, and nest densities in this study differed considerably from those reported by Berthelsen (1989) and Berthelsen and Smith (1995). During this study I found less than a quarter (24.2%; n = 103) of the nests found in their study (n = 425) during the late 1980s even with two additional study fields. In Berthesen’s study the dominant species were the Ring-necked Pheasant (43.5%), Redwinged Blackbird (18.3%), Grasshopper Sparrow (15.3%), Cassin’s Sparrow (8.7%), and Western Meadowlark (5.9%). In this study I only recorded 2 Ring-necked Pheasant nests, 4 Western Meadowlark nests, and found no Red-winged Blackbird nests. Part of this 85 difference is due to Berthelsen’s study taking place in counties located in the central and west-central portion of the SHP within CRP fields that were relatively young stands (< 3 years). Differences in Ring-necked Pheasant nests can be attributed to the present study taking place on the southwestern edge of its range in Texas (Sauer et al. 1996). Additionally, the extreme variability within rainfall and temperatures within and between years for the 2 studies, as well as differences in vegetation structure and landscape attributes, probably also played a significant role in the differences observed (Rottenberry and Wiens 1991). Nest densities were considerably less than those reported by Berthelsen and Smith (1995) for total avian species, Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, and Western Meadowlark nest densities. Berthelsen and Smith (1995) were finding approximately 3.4 nests per ha compared to 0.58 in this study. However, to the Berthelsen and Smith (1995) study similar to their study relationships between species nest densities and cover types were difficult to distinguish due to low samples sizes within the nest search areas. Total avian densities did not differ between the cover types or CP types during this study. Nest densities were similar between years for all species within the cover types and CP types. This might reflect the influence that drought conditions over the past 5 years might have on nest densities, causing species to nest in lower densities within the SHP or breeding in other areas. Grasshopper Sparrow was the only species whose nest densities differed among the 4 cover types, being more abundant in native mix with buffalo grass (NAB) than in native mix without buffalo grass (NAA). Although Berthesen et al. (1989) did not find any differences in Grasshopper Sparrow abundances among the 1 native mix and the 2 native/introduced grass mix, in both years the blue grama-sideoats grama mixes had higher or equal nest densities compared to the other mixes. The differences in nest densities among the cover types in this study are the probable result of differences in vegetative structure among the cover types. NAB fields in this study had higher grass cover, lower grass heights and vertical densities, and less litter cover than the other three cover types. Cody (1968) and Wiens (1969 and 1973) both reported Grasshopper Sparrows preferring to nest in areas of low to sparse vegetation with no or little shrub or 86 woody species. Wiens (1969) also reported that Grasshopper Sparrow territories had lower vertical densities, forb and litter cover, and higher grass cover than areas outside territories. Bollinger (1995) and Rottenberry and Weins (1980) reported Grasshopper Sparrows abundances correlated with increasing grass cover. When cover types were pooled into CPs nest densities did not differ for this species, reflecting the variablility within cover types of the introduced and native grass mixes. Cassin’s Sparrows were not found nesting on any NAB study field and were only found to nest in 1 OWB field in 2002. The remaining two cover types, NAA and WLG, were similar in nesting density but were approximately 3 times lower compared to native shortgrass prairie. Berthelsen and Smith (1995) reported higher densities of nest on the native grass mix compared to the native/exotic grass mixes, but densities were only significantly higher in 2001. Previous studies have reported that Cassin’s Sparrow territories normally require a shrub component with enough grass cover to meet the species nesting requirements (Maxwell 1979, Dunning 1999, Ruth 2000). Males of this species perform flight songs from available perches within their territory. These flight songs have been hypothesized as serving the multiple functions of territorial establishment, mate attraction, territory defense, and predator detection (Anderson and Conway 2000). Ruth (2000) characterized Cassin’s Sparrow territories as ranging along a continuum of varying shrub densities. Areas that lack or have too few shrubs, as well as areas with too high of densities and not enough grass cover will usually not have Cassin’s Sparrows, while habitats in between these 2 extremes are likely to meet the species requirements. WLG fields had the highest shrub densities (x̄ = 12.24 + 5.99) among cover types, while NAA fields had low to moderate shrub densities (x̄ = 244 + 0.87) but the most bare ground of the cover types (x̄ = 42.71 + 10.66). In NAA fields where shrub densities were < 2 per 50 m2, this species was observed to initiate their flight song from areas of bare ground, and occasionally from the dead stems located at the tops of bunches of ‘Old World’ bluestem and weeping love grass. This suggests that the Cassin’s Sparrows might nests in areas with shrub densities below those reported from other studies if they can substitute bare ground or other available vegetation as song and flight 87 song perches. However, based on available literature, nest densities would probably be very low in these areas and would thus not serve as viable habitat for this species (i.e., population sink). While the native shortgrass prairie nests were not included in the analyses with the CRP cover types, for both 2001 and 2002 3-times as many Cassin’s Sparrow nest were found in these areas. Native prairie within this study had moderate densities of yucca, and low densities of mesquite, as well as a grass and forb component for nesting substrates that might better met the territorial requirements of nesting Cassin’s Sparrows compared to CRP fields. Mourning Dove nest densities were relatively similar among the cover types, but on the average higher on the introduced grass fields. In contrast to this study, Berthelsen and Smith (1995) did not report the nest densities of this species, presumably due to low sample sizes, and possibly reflecting the nesting habitat adaptability of this species (i.e., able to nest in areas other than CRP fields) (Sayre and Silvy 1993). Within this study cover types were characterized by tall clumped vegetation with moderate levels of bare ground and litter cover. George et al. (1979) and Houghes (2000) also noted Mourning Doves nesting in these types of fields. Mourning Doves were able to nest near the bases of these clumps that would shield nests from direct sunlight, while the available litter and bare ground underneath these clumps provided material and area for the placement of the nest. Clutch sizes, hatching success, and nest productivity did not differ between years for the Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, or Mourning Dove, but it was slightly less than that reported by Berthelsen (1989). We found no statistical differences in nest success between the cover types or CP types among the species in this study when the years were combined based on calculated confidence intervals from Johnson (1979). This suggests that cover types within our study area are relatively equivocal in terms of nest success. However, lack of sufficient sample sizes within the cover types might be occluding any differences in nest success being detected as was noted in the results. Granfors et al. (1996), Koford (1999), and McCoy et al. (2001) were also unable to detect any differences in nest success due to cover type (CRP fields and native range; CRP 88 fields and waterfowl production areas; and CP1 and CP2 CRP fields). Total nest success for Grasshopper Sparrow and Cassin’s Sparrow were similar to slightly higher to those reported by Berthelsen and Smith (1995), and is on the high end of the reported 25-50% average for grassland-nesting birds (Weins 1968, Martin 1995, Greenwood et al.1995). Mourning Dove apparent nest success was similar to the 55.6% reported by Houghes et al. (2000) on CRP in eastern Kansas, but considerably higher than studies in Kansas (29%; Downing 1959) and Texas (16%; Swank 1955). Nest depredation was the main cause of nest failures for all species. Nest placement and nest site characteristics differed considerably between species, as would be expected. Likewise, nests of specific species differed in vegetation characteristics depending upon the CP type, suggesting that within the CPs species were able to use and select from a wide continuum of vegetation variables or alternatives to these. Of the 3 main species in this study only the Cassin’s Sparrow is recognized as a primary species (endemic) to grasslands (Knopf 1994). The Grasshopper Sparrow is recognized as a secondary, more widespread species (Knopf 1994), while the Mourning Dove is adaptable to nesting in a variety of habitats, not just grasslands (Sayre and Silvy 1993). Cassin’s Sparrows and Grasshopper Sparrows were only occasionally found to nest in the same cover types and never within great proximity to each other. As mentioned above the Cassin’s sparrow will normally not nest in habitats lacking adequate shrub densities for perching and sky-larking and grass cover for nesting (Maxwell 1979, Dunning 1999, Ruth 2000), while Grasshopper Sparrows tended to avoid areas with increasing shrub and forb densities, preferring areas with increasing grass cover (Weins 1969, Rottenberry and Wiens 1980, Bollinger 1995). Within CP types no differences were detected between any of the measured nest site vegetation characteristics and the fate of the nest, suggesting that species were able to select areas within the CP types that met nesting requirements for that species. However, a larger sample size and further information about reproductive productivity would be needed to discern the varying qualities of the different nest sites for individual species within cover types and CP types and between nest fates within these plantings. 89 Management Implications The native seeding requirement of CRP in the SHP has benefited nesting grassland birds by providing large areas of established grassland that vary in vegetative composition and structure in which to breed. Individual species demonstrated a preference for specific cover types and vegetative characteristics related to the nest site. Management within these cover types should focus on recognizing the breeding requirements of species of management concern and manipulating the structure of CRP fields through the use of management practices that simulate natural disturbances (e.g., plantings, grazing, fire, discing) and successional stages. During this study, the pooling of cover types into the broad categories of CP1s (exotic grasses) and CP2s (native grass mixes) often tended to dampen or occlude biologically meaningful results. For this reason the broad categories based solely on CP alone should be avoided when assessing the value of different CRP cover types. Vegetation structure and vegetative composition in so far as helps to determine this structure likely influences how grassland birds utilize CRP fields during the breeding and wintering season. Native grass mixes and the individual grass species in these mixes, with their differences in germination rate, growth form, production, successional development, and intra- and interspecific interactions with other plant species, are more likely to provide and meet the requirement of more grassland birds due to the variability created in vegetative composition and structure than monocultures of exotic grasses. The relationships between species nest densities and cover types, and species nest success and cover types were difficult to distinguish due to low samples sizes within treatments. Larger samples sizes within treatments and over longer periods of time are needed to fully assess the value of native grass seeding mixtures of CRP in the SHP. 90 CP1: Weeping Lovegrass (WLG) Old World Bluestem (OWB) CP2: Native Shortgrass Prairie: Native w/ Buffalo Grass (NA-B) Native w/o Buffalo Grass (NA-A) Figure 3.1. Location of counties and study fields within the Texas Southern High Plains used in study, 2001 – 2003. 91 Table 3.1. Nesting species composition and the number of avian nests located (proportions in parenthesis) in CRP and native shortgrass prairie cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas (2001-2002). Total WLG OWB Cover TypeA NAB Grasshopper Sparrow 35 (29.7) 5 (16.1) 8 (34.8) 16 (64.0) 4 (17.4) 2 (12.5) 13 (23.6) 20 (42.6) Cassin’s Sparrow 28 (23.7) 6 (19.4) 3 (13.0) 0 8 (34.8) 11 (68.8) 9 (16.4) 8 (17.0) Mourning Dove 45 (38.1) 17 (54.8) 11 (47.8) 5 (20.0) 10 (43.5) 2 (12.5) 28 (50.9) 15 (31.9) 0 0 3 (12) 1 (4.3) 1 (6.3) 0 4 (8.5) Western Meadowlark 5 (4.2) CP TypeA NAA NSP CP1 CP2 Lark Bunting 1 (0.8) 1 (3.2) 0 0 0 0 1 (1.8) 0 Ring-necked Pheasant 2 (1.7) 2 (6.5) 0 0 0 0 2 (3.6) 0 Mallard 2 (1.7) 0 1 (4.3) 1 (4.0) 0 0 1 (1.8) 1 (2.1) 7 5 4 4 4 4 6 5 118 31 23 25 23 16 55 47 Number of Nesting Species Total Number of Nests A WLG = weeping lovegrass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; NSP = native shortgrass prairie not grazed since 1998 (1 study field in 2001 and 2 study fields in 2002); CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). 97 Table 3.2. Nesting species composition and number of avian nests located in CRP and native shortgrass prairie cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas for 2001 and 2002. Cover TypeA NAB 01 02 NAA 01 02 NSP 01 02 CP TypeA CP1 CP2 01 02 01 02 10 2 2 1 1 4 9 8 12 0 0 2 6 3 8 2 7 2 6 7 1 4 5 5 1 1 12 16 6 9 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 7 5 5 3 2 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 44 74 16 15 5 18 9 16 9 14 5 11 21 33 18 30 Total 01 02 WLG 01 02 OWB 01 02 Grasshopper Sparrow 13 22 3 2 1 7 6 Cassin’s Sparrow 7 21 2 4 0 3 Mourning Dove 19 26 8 9 4 Western Meadowlark 1 4 0 0 Lark Bunting 1 0 1 Ring-necked Pheasant 2 0 Mallard 1 Number of Nesting Species Total Number of Nests A WLG = weeping lovegrass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; NSP = native shortgrass prairie not grazed since 1998 (1 study field in 2001 and 2 study fields in 2002); CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). 98 0.9 0.8 0.7 % Total Nests 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Grasshopper Sparrow Cassin's Sparrow Mourning Dove Total* Most Common Ground-Nesting Avian Species >15 May - 09 Jun 10 Jun - 05 Jul 08 Jul - 31 Jul * Total includes nests from all species Figure 3.2. Nest initiation dates for ground-nesting birds in the principle grassland cover types in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001 – 2002. 99 100 Table 3.3. Nest densities (n / ha) for nesting species (> 5 nests) in CRP and native shortgrass prairie cover types for 2001, 2002, and years combined in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Cover TypeA, B CP TypeA WLG OWB NAB NAA NSP CP1 CP2 Grasshopper Sparrow 2001 0.25 + 0.14 0.08 + 0.08 0.38 + 0.07 0.13 + 0.07 0 0.17 + 0.08 0.25 + 0.07 2002 Years Combined 0.08 + 0.08 0.17 + 0.08 0.33 + 0.08 ab 0.21 + 0.08 0.44 + 0.21 ab 0.41 + 0.14 0.06 + 0.06 a 0.09 + 0.06 b 0 0.21 + 0.08 0.25 + 0.13 0 0.19 + 0.05 0.25 + 0.09 Cassin’s Sparrow 2001 0.08 + 0.08 0 0 0.13 + 0.13 0.75 0.04 + 0.04 0.06 + 0.06 2002 0.17 + 0.17 0.25 + 0.25 0 0.13 + 0.07 0.75 + 0.25 0.21 + 0.14 0.06 + 0.04 Years Combined 0.13 + 0.13 0.13 + 0.13 0 0.13 + 0.09 0.58 + 0.22 0.13 + 0.08 0.06 + 0.05 2001 0.42 + 0.17 0.25 + 0.14 0.06 + 0.06 0.19 + 0.12 0 0.33 + 0.11 0.13 + 0.07 2002 0.42 + 0.08 0.25 + 0.14 0.19 + 0.12 0.25 + 0.14 0 0.33 + 0.08 0.22 + 0.09 Years Combined 0.42 + 0.11 0.25 + 0.07 0.13 + 0.07 0.22 + 0.11 0 0.33 + 0.07 0.17 + 0.06 2001 0.83 + 0.36 0.33 + 0.08 0.44 + 0.12 0.44 + 0.12 0.75 0.58 + 0.20 0.44 + 0.08 2002 0.67 + 0.30 0.83 + 0.36 0.69 + 0.26 0.44 + 0.12 0.75 + 0.25 0.75 + 0.21 0.56 + 0.14 Years Combined 0.75 + 0.31 0.58 + 0.15 0.56 + 0.19 0.44 + 0.11 0.58 + 0.22 0.67 + 0.16 0.50 + 0.10 Mourning Dove Total Abundance A WLG = weeping lovegrass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; NSP = native shortgrass prairie not grazed since 1998 (1 study field in 2001 and 2 study fields in 2002); CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). B Cover type means with the same lowercase letter are not different (P > 0.05). 101 Table 3.4. General nesting biology (x̄ + SE) of Grasshopper Sparrow, Cassin’s Sparrow, and Mourning Dove in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002. Grasshopper Sparrow (N = 35) Cassin’s Sparrow (N = 28) Mourning Dove (N = 45) Successful Nest (N) 19 16 21 Depredated Nest (N) 16 12 24 Abandoned Nests (N)A a) during nest building b) with eggs c) parasitized 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 Mayfield Nest Success 44.7 50.9 31.5 Apparent Nest Success 54.3 57.1 46.7 4.38 + 0.11 (28) 4.14 + 0.10 (24) 1.98 + 0.02 (40) Hatching Success (N) B 92.9 (19) 90.3 (11) 93.7 (25) Young Fledged/Nest 1.7 + 0.02 1.6 + 0.02 0.6 + 0.01 3.74 + 0.17 3.63 + 0.13 1.65 + 0.11 3.34 3.69 1.04 General Nesting Data: Nesting Success: Nesting Biology: Clutch Size Young Fledged/Successful Nest Nest Productivity C A Not included in the total number of nests Percent hatched eggs from all eggs for which the clutch size was know with certainty C Nest productivity = Mayfield nest success x young fledged per successful nest x number of broods per female per year B 96 Table 3.5. Mayfield nest success of the most common ground nesting birds (> 5 nests) in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002. Nest Cycle Interval N Depredated (n) Exposure Days Survival + SE Success (%) Incubation Nestling Total 9 10 12 2 3 5 60 68 128 0.98 + 0.02 0.96 + 0.02 0.97 + 0.01 50.9 < 75.7 < 100 41.2 < 66.7 < 100 26.9 < 50.3 < 92.3 2002 Incubation Nestling Total 17 17 21 4 6 10 121.5 114.5 236 0.97 + 0.02 0.95 + 0.02 0.96 + 0.01 47.6 < 69.2 < 99.5 41.1< 61.6 < 90.7 24.1 < 42.1 < 72.1 Years Combined Incubation Nestling Total 26 27 35 7 9 16 213.5 191.5 405 0.97 + 0.01 0.95 + 0.02 0.96 + 0.01 52.3 < 69.3 < 91.1 48.3 < 64.8 < 86.2 29.7 < 44.7 < 66.7 Incubation Nestling Total 6 6 7 1 2 3 53 46 99 0.98 + 0.02 0.95 + 0.03 0.97 + 0.02 52.9 < 81.1 < 100 37.4 < 67.0 < 100 26.2 < 54.0 < 100 2002 Incubation Nestling Total 17 18 21 3 6 9 130.5 133.5 264 0.98 + 0.01 0.96 + 0.02 0.97 + 0.01 57.4 < 77.4 < 100 46.9 < 61.1 < 92.1 31.3 < 50.0 < 78.9 Years Combined Incubation Nestling Total 23 24 28 4 8 12 183.5 179.5 363 0.98 + 0.01 0.95 + 0.02 0.97 + 0.01 61.4 < 78.5 < 99.7 49.0 < 66.0 < 88.1 34.3 < 50.9 < 74.9 2001 Incubation Nestling Total 18 12 19 7 5 12 110 112 222 0.94 + 0.02 0.96 + 0.02 0.96 + 0.02 19.5 < 39.8 < 78.6 29.1 < 52.8 < 92.4 8.47 < 21.1 < 51.1 2002 Incubation Nestling Total 23 19 26 6 6 12 154 217.5 371.5 0.96 + 0.02 0.97 + 0.01 0.97+ 0.01 36.1 < 57.3 < 89.7 48.9 < 67.6 < 92.7 23.3 < 39.9 < 67.5 Years Combined Incubation Nestling Total 41 32 45 13 11 24 154 217.5 371.5 0.95 + 0.01 0.97 + 0.01 0.96 + 0.01 33.1 < 49.3 < 72.6 46.5 < 62.2 < 82.6 19.6 < 31.5 < 50.3 Grasshopper Sparrow 2001 Cassin’s Sparrow 2001 Mourning Dove 97 Table 3.6. Overall nest success for the most common nesting species (> 5 nests) in 5 principle cover typesA and CRP CP (conservation practice) typesA (2001-2002 combined) in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Species Cover Type N Failed Mayfield Nest Success (%) Apparent Success (%) GRSP WLG 6 3 9.7 < 34.6 < 100 50.0 OWB 8 5 9.5 < 29.3 < 85.33 37.6 NAB 15 5 38.6 < 60.7 < 94.4 66.7 NAA 4 2 10.1 < 39.4 < 100 50.0 CP1 14 8 13.6 < 31.3 < 70.3 42.9 CP2 19 7 35.6 < 55.7 < 86.3 63.2 NSP 2 2 100 100 WLG 6 3 14.7 < 41.6 < 100 50.0 OWB 3 0 100 100 NAB 0 0 NA NA NAA 8 4 15.7 < 40.1 < 98.0 50.0 CP1 9 3 34.4 < 61.3 < 100 66.7 CP2 8 4 15.7 < 40.1 < 98.0 50.0 NSP 11 5 27.3 < 50.6 < 92.2 54.6 WLG 17 8 21.9 < 41.3 < 76.6 52.9 OWB 11 6 8.4 < 25.9 < 76.4 45.5 NAB 5 3 3.2 < 20.8 < 100 40.0 NAA 10 6 5.4 < 20.5 < 76.2 40.0 CP1 28 14 20.2 < 35.4 < 61.3 50.0 CP2 15 9 8.9 < 23.6 < 60.8 40.0 NSP 2 1 5.4 < 20.5 < 76.2 50.0 CASP MODO A WLG = weeping lovegrass; OWB = Old World bluestem; NAB = native seed mix with buffalograss; NAA = native seed mix without buffalograss; NSP = native shortgrass prairie not grazed since 1998 (1 study field in 2001 and 2 study fields in 2002); CP1= introduced grasses (WLG and OWB); CP2 = introduced grasses (NAB and NAA). 98 Table 3.7. Nest site characteristics among the most common ground nesting bird species (> 5 nests) in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002. Variable Grass Cover (%) Grasshopper Sparrow (n = 35) 78.3 + 3.02 a Cassin’s Sparrow (n = 28) 62.3 + 5.29 b Mourning Dove (n = 45) 72.2 + 2.29 ab F 4.9 df 2, 105 P 0.0089 Forb Cover (%) 4.4 + 1.99 a 18.2 + 5.08 b 5.1 + 1.30 a 7.1 2, 103 0.0013 Bare Ground Cover (%) 11.4 + 1.85 13.9 + 2.90 8.6 + 1.11 2.0 2, 103 0.1355 Litter Cover (%) 5.9 + 1.58 a 3.7 + 0.84 a 14.0 + 1.82 b 11.5 2, 103 0.00003 Litter Depth (cm) 0.4 + 0.06 a 0.5 + 0.07 a 0.8 + 0.07 b 10.9 2, 103 0.00005 Vertical Density (dm) 1.2 + 0.10 1.5 + 0.11 1.6 + 0.14 1.7 2, 105 0.0.643 Average Veg Height (dm) 3.0 + 0.15 3.5 + 0.30 3.8 + 0.21 3.1 2, 105 0.0509 Max. Forb Height (cm) 29.4 + 3.12 32.4 + 3.90 23.1 + 2.30 2.6 2, 79 0.0780 Max. Living Height (cm) 49.1 + 4.05 a 52.8 + 4.64 a 73.1 + 3.62 b 11.1 2, 105 0.00008 Max. Dead Height (cm) 40.0 + 3.41 a 54.9 + 5.20 b 56.9 + 3.44 b 5.3 2, 105 0.0069 Nest Ht. Above Ground (cm) 0.2 + 0.11 a 4.0 + 0.89 b 0.0 + 0.00 a 28.1 2, 105 < 0.00001 Nearest Perch Site (m) 26.1 + 3.94 a 11.9 + 2.49 b 23.4 + 4.035 ab 6.1 2, 46 0.0044 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 4.0 + 1.82 a 20.4 + 3.41 b 4.0 + 1.09 a 19.3 2, 105 < 0.00001 * Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05, Tukey’s HSD Test) 99 Table 3.8. Grasshopper Sparrow nest site characteristics between CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 CP1 (n = 13) CP2 (n = 20) t df P Grass Cover (%) 76.5 + 5.08 83.8 + 2.51 1.4 31 0.1693 Forb Cover (%) 1.9 + 1.17 1.8 + 0.81 -0.1 31 0.9011 Bare Ground Cover (%) 15.4 + 3.72 8.5 + 1.69 -1.9 31 0.0681 Litter Cover (%) 6.2 + 2.11 6.0 + 2.44 -0. 31 0.9650 Litter Depth (cm) 0.4 + 0.07 0.4 + 0.09 0.5 31 0.6448 Vertical Density (dm) 1.5 + 0.19 1.2 + 0.13 -1.3 31 0.1899 Average Veg Height (dm) 3.6 + 0.26 3.0 + 0.23 -1.7 31 0.0932 Max. Forb Height (cm) 24.1 + 5.12 31.9 + 4.38 1.1 21 0.2871 Max. Living Height (cm) 66.0 + 5.51 42.6 + 3.20 ** -3.9 31 0.0004 Max. Dead Height (cm) 42.5 + 4.07 41.1 + 5.09 -0.2 31 0.8361 Nearest Perch Site (m) 22.9 + 5.15 37.6 + 4.80 1.9 11 0.0781 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 6.5 + 3.86 0.6 + 0.36 -1.9 31 0.0673 Variable ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 100 Table 3.9. Grasshopper Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 Successful (n = 19) Depredated (n = 14) t df P Grass Cover (%) 77.9 + 4.18 85.0 + 1.57 1.4 31 0.1708 Forb Cover (%) 2.1 + 0.86 1.4 + 1.07 -0.5 31 0.6223 Bare Ground Cover (%) 12.9 + 2.80 8.9 + 2.09 -1.1 31 0.2966 Litter Cover (%) 7.1 + 2.70 4.6 + 1.50 -0.7 31 0.4753 Litter Depth (cm) 0.5 + 0.09 0.3 + 0.06 -1.2 31 0.2396 Vertical Density (dm) 1.1 + 0.13 1.6 + 0.16 * 2.4 31 0.0251 Average Veg Height (dm) 2.9 + 0.17 3.7 + 0.34 * 2.3 31 0.0299 Max. Forb Height (cm) 31.0 + 4.57 25.8 + 4.80 -0.7 21 0.4737 Max. Living Height (cm) 49.1 + 4.69 55.5 + 5.29 0.9 31 0.3747 Max. Dead Height (cm) 38.6 + 3.73 45.7 + 6.33 1.0 31 0.3156 Nearest Perch Site (m) 29.4 + 7.90 29.4 + 4.16 -0.2 11 0.8257 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 1.2 + 0.59 5.2 + 3.63 1.3 31 0.2107 Variable ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 101 Table 3.10. Grasshopper Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 Successful (n = 6) CP1 Depredated (n = 7) Grass Cover (%) 69.2 + 10.28 Forb Cover (%) CP2 Depredated (n = 7) t df P t df P SuccessfulCP2 (n = 13) 82.9 + 2.40 1.4 11 0.1900 81.9 + 3.69 87.1 + 1.84 1.0 18 0.3346 3.3 + 2.47 0.7 + 0.46 -1.1 11 0.2841 1.5 + 0.60 2.1 + 2.14 0.3 18 0.7332 Bare Ground Cover (%) 19.6 + 7.26 11.8 + 3.02 -1.0 11 0.3167 9.8 + 2.15 6.1 + 2.66 -1.1 18 0.3029 Litter Cover (%) 7.9 + 3.44 4.6 + 2.70 -0.8 11 0.4636 6.7 + 3.69 4.6 + 1.58 -0.4 18 0.6941 Litter Depth (cm) 0.4 + 0.13 0.3 + 0.08 -0.8 11 0.4417 0.5 + 0.12 0.3 + 0.11 -0.8 18 0.4233 Vertical Density (dm) 1.2 + 0.35 1.7 + 0.16 1.2 11 0.2640 1.0 + 0.12 1.5 + 0.28 1.8 18 0.0949 Average Veg Height (dm) 3.2 + 0.34 4.0 + 0.34 1.7 11 0.1130 2.8 + 0.18 3.4 + 0.56 1.2 18 0.2425 Max. Forb Height (cm) 19.0 + 6.27 29.3 + 8.10 1.0 6 0.3556 35.4 + 5.33 22.3 + 5.81 -1.4 13 0.1961 Max. Living Height (cm) 68.7 + 9.47 63.7 + 6.83 -0.4 11 0.6734 40.1 + 3.06 47.3 + 7.21 1.1 18 0.2944 Max. Dead Height (cm) 41.8 + 5.84 43.1 + 6.08 0.2 11 0.8806 37.2 + 4.83 48.3 + 11.59 1.0 18 0.3096 Nearest Perch Site (m) 24.2 + 2.62 20.7 + 14.85 -0.3 6 0.7669 42.5 + 7.50 34.3 + 6.69 -0.8 3 0.4854 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 3.5 + 1.54 9.0 + 7.16 0.7 11 0.5016 0.1 + 0.08 1.4 + 0.97 1.9 18 0.0710 Variable ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 102 Table 3.11. Cassin’s Sparrow nest site characteristics between CP1, CP2, and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002. Variable Grass Cover (%) CP1 (n = 9) 88.3 + 2.89 a CP2 (n = 8) 61.9 + 6.33 b Native Prairie (n = 11) 41.4 + 8.20 b F 13.3 df 2, 25 P 0.0001 Forb Cover (%) 0.8 + 0.42 a 5.3 + 2.03 a 45.0 + 8.14 b 19.7 2, 25 < 0.0001 Bare Ground Cover (%) 8.3 + 2.36 a 30.3 + 6.06 b 7.1 + 2.21 a 12.3 2, 25 0.0002 Litter Cover (%) 2.5 + 0.72 2.5 + 1.25 6.6 + 1.85 2.8 2, 25 0.0816 Litter Depth (cm) 0.4 + 0.12 0.5 + 0.14 0.5 + 0.10 0.5 2, 25 0.6199 Vertical Density (dm) 2.1 + 0.16 a 1.8 + 0.10 a 1.1 + 0.15 b 12.1 2, 25 0.0002 Average Veg Height (dm) 3.9 + 0.55 ab 4.8 + 0.50 a 2.5 + 0.12 b 8.2 2, 25 0.0019 Max. Forb Height (cm) 15.4 + 3.37 a 27.9 + 5.88 ab 43.1 + 5.36 b 5.9 2, 20 0.0098 Max. Living Height (cm) 63.8 + 6.78 a 68.0 + 7.81 a 38.0 + 2.99 b 8.5 2, 25 0.0016 Max. Dead Height (cm) 64.4 + 7.03 a 61.8 + 8.87 ab 39.3 + 5.96 b 4.1 2, 25 0.0300 5.4 + 2.10 5.1 + 1.49 2.2 + 0.91 1.5 2, 25 0.2470 Nearest Perch Site (m) 13.2 + 2.54 ab 26.2 + 8.72 a 4.3 + 0.685 b 9.1 2, 22 0.0014 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 13.7 + 3.42 a 2.9 + 1.01 a 38.6 + 3.55 b 35.5 2, 25 < 0.0001 Nest Ht. Above Ground (cm) * Means with the same letter are not significantly different (P > 0.05, Tukey’s HSD Test) 103 Table 3.12. Cassin’s Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CRP fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 Successful (n = 16) Depredated (n = 12) t df P Grass Cover (%) 59.1 + 7.83 66.7 + 6.78 0.7 26 0.4875 Forb Cover (%) 23.0 + 7.15 14.8 + 7.13 -0.8 26 0.4353 Bare Ground Cover (%) 13.0 + 3.95 15.6 + 4.04 0.5 26 0.6479 Litter Cover (%) 5.0 + 1.41 2.9 + 0.91 -1.1 26 0.2607 Litter Depth (cm) 0.5 + 0.07 0.5 + 0136 0.2 26 0.8785 Vertical Density (dm) 1.8 + 0.15 1.4 + 0.17 -1.7 26 0.1017 Average Veg Height (dm) 3.4 + 0.28 3.9 + 0.56 0.9 26 0.3993 Max. Forb Height (cm) 31.2 + 6.63 33.8 + 4.10 0.3 21 0.7425 Max. Living Height (cm) 56.2 + 5.52 53.1 + 6.48 -0.4 26 0.7177 Max. Dead Height (cm) 51.6 + 6.59 56.8 + 6.21 0.6 26 0.5832 Nest Height Above Ground (cm) 4.9 + 1.32 3.0 + 1.08 -1.1 26 0.3003 Nearest Perch Site (m) 14.6 + 3.94 7.9 + 1.48 -1.3 23 0.1970 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 19.8 + 4.72 21.1 + 5.09 0.2 26 0.8575 Variable ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 104 Table 3.13. Cassin’s Sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CP1 and CP2 fields and native shortgrass prairie in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 Successful (n = 6) CP1 Depredated (n = 3) t df P Successful (n =4) Grass Cover (%) 89.2 + 4.17 86.7 + 3.33 0.7 7 0.7110 60.0 + 12.42 Forb Cover (%) 0.8 + 0.53 0.8 + 0.83 -0.0 7 1.0 Bare Ground Cover (%) 7.5 + 3.35 10.0 + 2.89 0.5 7 Litter Cover (%) 2.5 + 0.91 2.5 + 1.44 0.0 Litter Depth (cm) 0.4 + 0.16 0.3 + 0.22 Vertical Density (dm) 2.2 + 0.17 Average Veg Height (dm) Variable CP2 Depredated (n = 4) t df P 63.8 + 5.54 0.3 6 0.7920 5.6 + 0.3.29 5.0 + 2.89 -0.1 6 0.8911 0.6491 30.6 + 10.82 30.0 + 7.36 -0.0 6 0.9635 7 1.0 3.8 + 2.17 1.3 + 1.25 -1.0 6 0.3559 -0.2 7 0.8517 0.5 + 0.05 0.5 + 0.31 0.1 6 0.9074 1.7 + 0.27 -1.7 7 0.1308 1.8 + 0.11 1.8 + 0.18 0.1 6 0.8864 3.5 + 0.44 4.5 + 1.53 0.8 7 0.4470 4.3 + 0.67 5.3 + 0.75 1.0 6 0.3527 Max. Forb Height (cm) 11.5 + 3.50 18.0 + 5.03 0.9 3 0.4217 17.5 + 3.71 41.7 + 6.89 * 3.3 5 0.0206 Max. Living Height (cm) 62.0 + 7.77 67.3 + 15.5 0.4 7 0.7367 74.8 + 10.90 61.3 + 11.63 -0.8 6 0.4296 Max. Dead Height (cm) 58.2 + 9.72 77.0 + 1.53 1.3 7 0.2284 59.5 + 15.06 64.0 + 11.69 0.2 6 0.8212 Nest Ht. Above Ground (cm) 6.8 + 2.84 2.7 + 2.67 -0.9 7 0.3916 6.0 + 2.02 4.1 + 0.2.38 -0.6 6 0.5755 Nearest Perch Site (m) 13.5 + 3.75 12.7 + 2.67 -0.1 7 0.8890 39.0 + 6.65 7.1 + 3.95 * -3.5 3 0.0390 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 12.8 + 4.56 15.3 + 5.84 0.3 7 0.7546 2.8 + 1.03 3.0 + 1.91 0.1 6 0.9122 ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 105 Table 3.13. Continued. Cassin’s sparrow nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests Successful (n = 6) Native Prairie Depredated (n = 5) t df P Grass Cover (%) 28.3 + 6.41 57.0 + 14.02 2.0 9 0.0795 Forb Cover (%) 56.7 + 6.28 31.0 + 14.70 -1.7 9 0.1207 Bare Ground Cover (%) 6.7 + 3.33 7.5 + 3.16 0.2 9 0.8621 Litter Cover (%) 8.3 + 3.07 4.5 + 1.66 -1.0 9 0.3288 Litter Depth (cm) 0.5 + 0.10 0.6 + 0.19 0.1 9 0.8872 Vertical Density (dm) 1.3 + 0..22 0.9 + 0.19 -1.5 9 0.1794 Average Veg Height (dm) 2.6 + 0..20 2.4 + 0.13 -1.0 9 0.3571 Max. Forb Height (cm) 46.8 + 9.34 38.6 + 4.24 -0.7 9 0.4737 Max. Living Height (cm) 38.0 + 4.14 38.0 + 4.83 0.0 9 1.0 Max. Dead Height (cm) 39.7 + 10.83 38.8 + 4.43 -0.1 9 0.9468 Nest Height Above Ground (cm) 2.2 + 1.38 2.2 + 1.29 0.0 9 0.9865 Nearest Perch Site (m) 3.4 + 0.79 5.4 + 1.03 1.6 9 0.1482 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 38.2 + 6.39 39.0 + 2.83 0.1 9 0.9141 Variable ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 106 Table 3.14. Mourning Dove nest site characteristics between CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 CP1 (n = 28) CP2 (n = 15) t df P Grass Cover (%) 79.11 + 2.23 61.67 + 3.80 ** 4.24 41 0.0001 Forb Cover (%) 2.50 + 0.59 8.50 + 3.16 * -2.47 41 0.0177 Bare Ground Cover (%) 7.23 + 1.26 10.67 + 2.16 -1.47 41 0.1480 Litter Cover (%) 11.16 + 1.63 19.17 + 4.21 * -2.11 41 0.0406 Litter Depth (cm) 0.78 + 0.09 0.82 + 0.14 -0.27 41 0.7852 Vertical Density (dm) 1.96 + 0.15 1.14 + 0.22 ** 3.82 41 0.0004 Average Veg Height (dm) 4.36 + 0.19 3.19 + 0.22 ** 3.89 41 0.0004 Max. Forb Height (cm) 19.47 + 3.04 27.84 + 3.67 -1.76 30 0.0890 Max. Living Height (cm) 82.57 + 2.03 60.60 + 5.95 ** 4.28 41 0.0001 Max. Dead Height (cm) 61.43 + 3.33 45.20 + 4.08 * 2.98 41 0.0048 Nearest Perch Site (m) 23.40 + 3.47 15.00 + 0.00 -0.61 14 0.5542 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 4.96 + 1.49 0.33 + 0.33 * 2.24 41 0.0302 Variable ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 107 Table 3.15. Mourning Dove nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CRP fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 Successful (n = 19) Depredated (n = 24) t df P Grass Cover (%) 72.1 + 3.77 73.8 + 2.97 0.3 41 0.7298 Forb Cover (%) 4.7 + 2.39 4.5 + 1.17 -0.1 41 0.9183 Bare Ground Cover (%) 7.1 + 1.67 9.5 + 1.51 1.0 41 0.3005 Litter Cover (%) 16.1 + 2.98 12.3 + 2.40 -1.0 41 0.3257 Litter Depth (cm) 0.9 + 0.12 0.7 + 0.07 1.5 41 0.1472 Vertical Density (dm) 1.7 + 0.17 1.6 + 0.16 -0.6 41 0.5816 Average Veg Height (dm) 4.2 + 0.28 3.7 + 0..19 -1.6 41 0.1129 Max. Forb Height (cm) 21.5 + 3.49 23.8 + 3.36 0.5 30 0.6548 Max. Living Height (cm) 75.5 + 4.00 74.4 + 4.21 -0.2 41 0.8523 Max. Dead Height (cm) 56.2 + 4.14 55.4 + 3.95 -0.1 41 0.8911 Nearest Perch Site (m) 17.3 + 4.45 26.2 + 4.35 1.3 14 0.2011 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 2.8 + 1.32 3.8 + 1.54 0.4 41 0.6670 Variable ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 108 Table 3.16. Mourning Dove nest site characteristics between successful and depredated nests in CP1 and CP2 fields in the Southern High Plains of Texas, 2001-2002 Variable Successful (n = 6) CP1 Depredated (n = 3) t P Successful (n =4) CP2 Depredated (n = 4) t df df P Grass Cover (%) 79.2 + 3.75 79.0 + 2.73 -0.1 26 0.9600 56.7 + 4.41 65.0 + 5.53 1.1 13 0.2995 Forb Cover (%) 1.7 + 0.87 3.2 + 0.79 1.2 26 0.2310 11.3 + 7.00 6.7 + 2.76 -0.7 13 0.4979 Bare Ground Cover (%) 6.3 + 1.76 8.0 + 1.81 0.6 26 0.5215 8.8 + 3.86 11.9 + 2.63 0.7 13 0.4895 Litter Cover (%) 12.7 + 3.23 9.8 + 1.26 -0.9 26 0.3930 23.3 + 5.58 16.4 + 6.03 -0.8 13 0.4394 Litter Depth (cm) 0.9 + 0.14 0.6 + 0.08 1.7 26 0.1010 0.8 + 0.12 0.9 + 0.23 0.3 13 0.7630 Vertical Density (dm) 1.9 + 0.23 2.0 + 0.19 0.4 26 0.6922 1.4 + 0.11 1.0 + 0.13 -2.6 13 0.0219 Average Veg Height (dm) 4.6 + 0.32 4.1 + 0.19 -1.5 26 0.1493 3.4 + 0.37 3.1 + 0.28 -0.7 13 0.5082 Max. Forb Height (cm) 18.3 + 4.25 20.5 + 4.51 0.3 17 0.7325 28.8 + 5.02 27.4 + 4.99 -0.2 11 0.8778 Max. Living Height (cm) 83.2 + 3.58 82.1 + 2.30 -0.3 26 0.7950 59.0 + 6.02 61.7 + 9.38 0.2 13 0.8356 Max. Dead Height (cm) 62.8 + 4.88 60.2 + 4.69 -0.4 26 0.6998 41.8 + 3.30 47.4 + 6.52 0.7 13 0.5208 Nearest Perch Site (m) 17.3 + 4.45 27.4 + 4.66 1.5 13 0.1599 0.0 + 0.00 15.0 + 0.00 Shrub Density w/i 50 m 4.2 + 1.83 5.7 + 2.33 0.5 26 0.6221 0.0 + 0.00 0.6 + 0.56 0.8 13 0.4346 ** Means that remained significantly different after Bonferroni adjustment * P < 0.05 109 LITERATURE CITED Anderson, J. T., and W. C. Conway. 2000. The flight song display of the Cassin’s sparrow (Aimophila cassinii): form and possible function. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society 33(1):1-5. Askins, R. A. 1993. Population trends in grassland, shrubland, and forest birds in eastern North America. Current Ornithology 11:1-34. Bakker, K. K., D. E. Naugle, and K. F. Higgins. 2002. 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Avian species codes, common names, and scientific names Code Common Name Scientific Name GRSP Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum CASP Cassin’s Sparrow Aimophila cassinii WEME Western Meadowlark Stunella neglecta MODO Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura WEKI Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis LARB Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanocorys RNPH Ring-necked Pheasant Phasianus colchicus BUOR Bullock’s Oriole Icterus bullockii STFC Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana MALL Mallard Anas platyrhynchos GWTE Green-winged Teal Anas crecca GTGR Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus BUOW Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia BLGR Blue Grosbeak Guiraca caerulea HOLA Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris SASP Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis VESP Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramincus NOHA Northern Harrier Circus cyaneus PRFA Prairie Falcon Falco mexicanus SEOW Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus GTTO Green-tailed Towee Pipilo chlorurus 119 Table A2. Plant species common and scientific names Common Name Scientific Name Grasses: Arizona cottontop Digitaria californica Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis Buffalograss Buchloe dactyloides Burrograss Scleropogon brevifolius Curley mesquite Hilaria belangeri Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus Japanese chess Bromus japonicus Johnsongrass Sorghum halepense Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium Old World bluestem Bothriochloa ischaemum Kleingrass Panicum antidotale Rescuegrass Bromus catharticus Sedge Carex spp. Silver bluestem Bothriochloa laguroides Side-oats grama Bouteloua curtipendula Green sprangletop Leptochloa dubia Switchgrass Panicum coloratum Purple threeawn Aristida purpurea Tobossa Hilaria mutica Tumblegrass Schedonnardus paniculatus Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon Western wheatgrass Agropyron smithii Weeping lovegrass Eragrostis curvula Windmill grass Chloris verticillata Forbs: Annual aster Aster subulatus Plains ironweed Vernonia marginata Blueweed sunflower Helianthus ciliaris Buffalo spur Solanum rostratum 120 Table A2. Continued. Common Name Scientific Name Cocklebur Xanthium strumarium Devil’s claw Proboscidea louisinica Goat’s beard Tragopogon dubius Purple ground cherry Quincula lobata Illinois bundle-flower Desmanthus illinoensis Indian blanket Gallardia pulchella Scarlet globemallow Sphaeralcea coccinea Kochia Kochia scoparia Mexican hat Ratibida columnaris Milkweed Asclepias spp. Mare’s-tail Conyza canadensis Tanseymustard Descuraninia pinnata Fourwing saltbush Atriplex canescens Prickly Lettuce Lactuca serriola Spotted evening primrose Oenothera canescens Prairie coneflower Ratibida columnifera Rubber rabbitbush Chrysothamnus nauseosus Ragweed Ambrosia spp. Russian thistle Salsola kali Goldenweed Haplopappus ciliatus Sensitive briar Schrankia uncinata Smartweed Polygonum spp. Silver-leaf nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium Curly-top gumweed Grindelia squarrosa Common sunflower Helianthus annuus Tansey aster Machaeranthera tanacetifolia Tumbling aster Sisymbrium altissimum Sunflower Helianthus Spp. 121 Table A2. Continued. Common Name Scientific Name Shrubs: Yucca Yucca Spp. Sand Plum Prunus texana Mesquite Prosopis glandulosa False willow Baccharis texana Hackberry Celtis spp. Sand Sagebrush Artemisia filifolia Broom snakeweed Gutierrezia sarothrae Prickly Pear Opuntia polycantha 122