ECOMAG: Regional model of hydrological cycle. Application to the NOPEX region W AT UN D GRO Z ZZ ONE ER Yuri G. Motovilov, Lars Gottschalk, Kolbjørn Engeland, Alexander Belokurov Institute Report Series No: 105 ISBN 82-91885-04-4 May 1999. Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo P.O. Box 1022 Blindern 0315 OSLO, NORWAY -1- Abstract In connection to climate change studies a new hydrologic field has evolved - regional hydrological modelling or hydrologic macro modelling, which implies a repeated application of a model everywhere within a region with a global set of parameters. An application of a physically based distributed model ECOMAG to river basins within the NOPEX region with the use of global parameters is presented. The model considers the main processes of the land surface hydrological cycle: infiltration, evapotranspiration, thermal and water regime of the soil, snowmelt, formation of surface, subsurface and river runoff and groundwater. The spatial integration of small and meso-scale non-homogeneity of the land surface is a central issue both for the definition of fundamental units of the model structure and for determination of representative values for model validation. ECOMAG is based on a uniform hydrological (or landscape) unit representation of the river basin, which reflects topography, soil, vegetation and land use. As a first step the model was calibrated using standard meteorological and hydrological data for seven years from a regular observation network for three basins. An additional adjustment of the soil parameters was performed using soil moisture and groundwater level data from five small experimental basins. This step was followed by validation of the model against runoff observation for 14 years from six other drainage basins, and synoptic runoff and evapotranspiration measurements performed during two concentrated field efforts (CFEs) of the NOPEX project in 1994 and 1995. The results are promising and indicate directions for further research. -2- CONTENTS Abstract 1. Introduction 5 2. Scale issues 9 3. Hydrological model formulation 11 3.1 Introduction 11 3.2 General assumptions 15 3.3 Balance equations 17 3.4 Basic structure 21 3.4.1. Horizontal structure 21 3.4.2 Vertical structure 23 3.5 Process description 26 3.5.1 Surface water 26 3.5.2 Infiltration into soil 27 3.5.3 Surface retention 28 3.5.4 Soil horizons 29 3.5.5 Groundwater zone 32 3.5.6 Snow cower formation and snowmelting 32 3.5.7 Thermal conditions in snow and soil 34 3.5.8 Infiltration into frozen soil 35 3.5.9 River flow 36 3.6 Model calibration processing 37 3.6.1 Background information 37 3.6.2 Model parameters 37 3.6.3 Calibration procedure 39 -3- 4. Data used 40 4.1 NOPEX region 40 4.2 Geographical data 41 4.3. River runoff 41 4.4. Meteorological data 43 4.5. Special NOPEX CFEs data 44 4.5.1. Synoptic runoff 44 4.5.2 Soil moisture and ground water 45 4.5.3. Evapotranspiration 46 4.6 Interpolation of meteorological data 47 4.6.1 Interpolation of precipitation by kriging. 5. Sensitivity analysis 47 49 5.1 River basin schematisation 49 5.2 Model realization 51 5.3 Model sensitivity 55 6. Model validation 59 6.1 Runoff at gauging stations 60 6.2 Synoptic runoff 67 6.3. Soil moisture and groundwater levels 68 6.4 Vertical flux exchange and water balance 71 7. Conclusions 77 8. Notations and dimensions 79 9. References 82 -4- Chapter 1 Introduction 1. Introduction Hydrological models account for the storage and flow of water on the continents, including exchanges of water and energy with the atmosphere and oceans. During the past three decades, hydrologists have developed a large number of models ranging in sophistication and complexity. Most of these models apply to geographical areas smaller than the area represented by a typical GCM grid square, although some basin-scale hydrological models have been applied to areas as large as 104 km2. “Macro-scale” hydrological models are hydrological models that are compatible with the scale of a GCM grid square (e.g. 105 km2) and can accept atmospheric model data as input. Preparing macro-scale hydrological models is a major undertaking that will require the cooperative effort of hydrologists and other geo-scientists all over the world. The challenge is to extend existing knowledge of hydrological processes, as they occur at a point location and on the scale of small basins, to the macro-scale. Macro-scale hydrological models must be able to exchange information with atmospheric models. Processes that occur at a sub-grid scale must be accounted for internally in such hydrological models. Ultimately, it must be possible to apply the model globally. There are no data to calibrate macro-scale hydrological models in the same way that hydrologists usually calibrate catchment models. Therefore, the required macro-scale models must account for the water balance of “ungauged areas”, and model parameters must be estimated a priori using limited climate, soil and vegetation data. Klemes (1985) noted the following requirements (among others) to hydrological models designed to assess the sensitivity of water resources to climate processes: i) they must be geographically transferable and this has to be validated in the real world; ii) their structure must have a sound physical foundation and each of the structural components must permit its separate validation. Klemes (1986) presents a hierarchical scheme for systematic testing of the grounds for credibility of a given hydrological model. The models applied by hydrologists in climate change studies at present are poorly adapted to the problem they are aimed to solve. The critical problem is that they are often lumped (semi-distributed) with calibrated ‘effective’ parameters. This fact seriously hinders the assessment of the scale (aggregation/disaggregation) that is the focal scientific problem. To -5- Chapter 1 Introduction better meet the new requirements to hydrological models, a new hydrologic research field has evolved - regional hydrological modelling or hydrologic macro-modelling. This new concept implies an application of a hydrological model over a large spatial domain (at least 105 km2) or, more precisely, a repeated application of a model everywhere within this domain. There are two approaches to the development of a macro-model (Arnell, 1993): 1. “Top-down” which treats each of the fundamental units as a single drainage basin, and applies to each of them a lumped catchment model (the classical example is the Budyko bucket model and its modifications, Korzun, 1978; more recent ones are provided by Vorösmarty et. al. 1989; Vorösmarty and Moore, 1991; Dümenil and Todini, 1992; Sausen et al., 1994). 2. “Bottom-up” which identifies representative hydrological areas and aggregates upwards to the fundamental unit size ( see “scale issues” below) For the latter approach, data for validation of the process description are essential. Of great importance in this context is a series of recent and ongoing land surface experiments, where hydrologists together with meteorologists, climatologists, plant physiologists, ecologists, soil scientists, geohydrologists etc. study exchange processes between the land surface and the atmosphere at a range of scales, from an individual soil column with vegetation to the globe as a whole. The design and execution of these coordinated experiments constitute a landmark in hydrology as the essence of physical science is experimentation (National Research Council, 1991). Historically most hydrologic data have been collected to answer water resources questions rather than scientific ones. The most critical barrier to future development of theoretical hydrology is the availability of data for identifying and verifying theories (Gottschalk and Askew, 1987). The recent and ongoing land surface experiments provide such data. Here data from the NOrthern hemisphere climate Processes land-surface EXperiment (NOPEX) (Halldin et al., 1995, 1998) are utilised for calibration and validation of a physically based distributed hydrological model ECOMAG (Motovilov, 1995). The NOPEX study region is chosen to represent the boreal forests, common for northern landscapes which plays an important role in global hydrological and biogeochemical cycles (Thomas and -6- Chapter 1 Introduction Rowntree, 1992). The NOPEX area is situated in southern Sweden, in the densest part of the northern European boreal forest zone. The NOPEX region is also centrally situated in the Baltic Sea drainage basin, which is the study region for the BALTEX project. An extensive amount of meteorological and hydrological data collected during the NOPEX concentrated field efforts (CFE) CFE1 (27 May to 23 June 1994) and CFE2 (18 April to 14 July 1995) have been utilised in the process of model calibration and validation. These data include: • Geographical data including a digital terrain model with a resolution of 50 m and land cover data with 25 m resolution (both data sets from the National Land Survey of Sweden) and a comprehensive digitised soil map with a resolution of 2 km (from Seibert, 1994). • Regular mean daily discharge observation for the period 1981-1995 from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). The NOPEX area contains 11 standard gauging stations in drainage basins covering the main part of the area. • Daily observations from 25 precipitation stations, 7 temperature stations and 5 stations measuring vapour pressure deficit for the period 1981-1995 belonging to SMHI's regular climatic observation network. The temperature and vapour pressure deficit values were interpolated to a regular 2 km grid by inverse distance weighting, and the precipitation values were interpolated by kriging. • Detailed hydrological studies were carried out in five experimental basins during the CFE1 and CFE2. These included measurements of discharge, groundwater levels and soil moisture, as well as standard climatological variables. The sites for groundwater levels and soil moisture measurements were chosen to represent different geomorphologic units (hollow, slope, nose) within the experimental basins. The data set contains a total of about 2000 individual measurements of groundwater levels and about 16 000 measurements of soil moisture content (the measurements were also performed outside CFE periods). • Synoptic discharge measurements at 38 sites in the Fyrisån river basin on four occasions during recession. • Mast measurements of vertical fluxes from two forest sites, three agricultural and two lakes sites. -7- Chapter 1 Introduction The validation of the ECOMAG model performed here is a test of its ability to live up to the demands to a macro hydrological model. The work was carried out in the following steps: • Calibration of the model against runoff for three basins with one global set of parameters. • Adjustment of the soil parameters and validation of the model with the use of soil moisture and groundwater level data from five small experimental subbasins. • Validation against synoptic measurements of runoff. • Validation against runoff in six other basins that has not been used for calibration. • Validation against regional flux estimates (evapotranspiration) for the whole NOPEX region. The task put forward is demanding and it can hardly be expected that a model will perform well in relation to all the tests undertaken. The results of the validation may be useful to elucidate critical issues and indicate possible improvements of the model process formulation and parameterisation. The scale issue is essential for the definition of the spatial grid resolution of the model and for comparing data measured at “points” with modelled data representing grid cells. This topic is first discussed (Chapter 2) to give a background to both the model formulation and validation procedure. Chapter 3 of the report presents the main features and equations of the ECOMAG model. A brief description of the studied area and basic data sets are given in the Chapter 4. Chapter 5 offers the results of sensitivity analysis of the model. Calibration and validation results are presented in the Chapter 6. Finally, some conclusions based on the gained experience are drawn in Chapter 7. -8- Chapter 2 Scale issues 2. Scale issues An ambition within the NOPEX project is to bring insight into the problem of scale variability. For this purpose spatial digital geographic data for the NOPEX area (topography, land cover, soil types and remotely sensed data) have been analysed with respect to homogeneity, uniformity, correlation lengths and the effect of spatial aggregation (scaling) on these properties (Sulebak, 1997). Soil moisture, groundwater and synoptic runoff measurements were analysed with the aim of identifying spatial scales (patches, representative areas) of relevance for aggregation approaches (Beldring et al., 1998). In meteorology and also in subsurface hydrology there is a tradition of distinguishing between spatial variability at different scales. In surface hydrology it is quite a recent way of thinking. The concept of Representative Elementary Volume (REV), on which scale basic theoretical equations are founded, is focal in this context. Wood et al. (1988, 1990) have introduced the complementary concept of Representative Elementary Area (REA). At a certain scale a landscape element (a drainage basin or a grid cell) might contain a sufficient sample of the geomorphologic, soil and other relevant characteristics of the region. It is then no longer necessary to take account of the pattern of these characteristics but only of their distribution. The underlying variability may still be important in controlling both discharges and evaporation fluxes, but the patterns are less important. The scale at which this happens defines the REA. The REA concept is not a direct analogy with the REV in subsurface hydrology as the REV denotes a scale at which average quantities of potential and moisture content can be used in a continuum description of the fluxes. In the REA the distribution of characteristics may still be important in determining the fluxes. Figure 2.1 shows examples of plots used to identify the REA for terrain with till soils. A preliminary conclusion is that for this type of terrain the main part of the spatial variability in soil moisture and groundwater fluctuations is contained in the 2 km grid size used for modelling (Beldring et al., 1998). Theoretical distribution functions that can take into account this variability have been developed. The possibility of identifying a REA is of vital importance for the process formulation in the ECOMAG model as it indicates that within a grid cell of 2x2 km runoff is delivered directly to the river network and that rivers provide the only exchange between grid cells in this type -9- Chapter 2 Scale issues of landscape. The exchange through groundwater flow is of a negligible order, as there are no runoff formation factors acting at a between grid cell scale. From the scale analysis it is obvious that measured soil moisture and groundwater level values cannot be compared directly with the corresponding modelled ones. The latter values do not reflect the full small-scale variability as illustrated by the left-hand side of the diagrams in Fig. 2.1. Measured data must be averaged to the REA scale in order to match the model output. 8. May 1996 8. May 1996 0 Groundwater table depth (m) Volumetric soil moisture 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1 10 Square root of area (m) 19. June 1996 1000 10000 100000 10000 100000 19. June 1996 0 Groundwater table depth (m) 0.6 Volumetric soil moisture 100 Square root of area (m) 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1 10 100 1000 Square root of area (m) Square root of area (m) Figure 2.1 Spatial variations of soil moisture and groundwater levels as a function of scale of aggregation (from Beldring et. al., 1998) - 10 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation 3. Hydrological model formulation 3.1 Introduction Distributed hydrological models allow the determination of the water balance and its variation across river basins. In connection to climate change studies, fully distributed physically based hydrological models (e.g., SHE-model, Abbott et al., 1986; WPI-models, Kuchment et al., 1983, 1986, 1990) might be more suitable than the others. Parameters of such models have a physical interpretation and, in principle, they can be measured. Such models are physically based in the sense that the main hydrological processes of water movement are modelled by finite difference representation of the partial differential equations of mass, momentum and energy conservation. Spatial distribution of catchment parameters, rainfall input and hydrological response is achieved in a horizontal space by a grid network and in the vertical space by a column of horizontal layers for each grid cell. In two of the most widely used distributed hydrological models, namely in the Système Hydrologique Europeén (SHE-model) and Water Problems Institute models (WPI-models) each of the primary processes of the terrestrial hydrological cycle is modelled as follows: l interception (the Rutter accounting procedure); l evapotranspiration (the SVAT scheme); l overland and channel flow (SHE: simplification of the St Venant equations; WPI: one or two-dimensional kinematic wave equations for overland flow and the St Venant or onedimensional kinematic wave equations for flow in the river channel system); l unsaturated flow in the thawed soil (the one-dimensional Richards equation); l unsaturated flow in the frozen soil (WPI: one-dimensional heat and moisture transfer equations); l saturated zone flow (two-dimensional Boussinesq equations); l snow cover formation and snowmelt (heat and moisture transfer equations, energy budget method). It is seen clearly that both these models are very similar and often use the same equations for the description of the primary processes. However, they differs what concerns the used finite - 11 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation difference methods for solving of equations, types of boundary conditions, parameterisation of subgrid effects, input data, software and user interface, etc. There are a large number of parameters associated with the processes simulated in the models, which have to be estimated. These parameters take different values in different model grid cells. For example, in the application of the SHE model to the Wye catchment it was necessary to specify approximately 2400 parameter values (Beven, 1989). Obviously, it is not possible to estimate all the parameter values adequately or measure them in field. A pragmatic approach to the identification of the parameter values can be adopted instead. Some parameters can be estimated a priori and other parameters are assumed to vary dependent on spatial distribution of soil and vegetation types. The number of parameters actually supplied to the model is therefore much smaller, but a calibration of some parameters is needed. The pragmatic approach to the parameter estimation and its calibration weakens its "physical base". Fully distributed physically based hydrological models have the following advantages: l they give a better understanding of the hydrological processes in the catchment; l they can be used for estimation of influence of human activity on the hydrological processes and for development of alternative strategies to reduce the negative human impacts; l they can be used for simulation when observation records are very short. The main difficulties with the use of such models are connected mostly to high demands to input data and complexity of the model structure. Fully distributed physically based hydrological models: • require detailed data and parameters related to the physical characteristics of the river basin., require data and parameters related to the physical characteristics of the river basin, which might not be available for the whole basin; l are very sensitive to the completeness and quality of the input data (parameters, initial and boundary conditions in the catchment). Whenever the data are not complete calibration - 12 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation of parameters is required, making the modles similar to lumped conceptual models (Beven, 1989); l are very complicate in application to the real watersheds. The experience shows that often the adjusting of the model to the real catchment is determined by not only qualification of specialists, but their skill and hydrological intuition too. A number of principal problems arise when such models are applied on a regional scale (Vinogradov, 1988; Beven, 1997; Refsgaard, 1997). Strictly speaking, theoretical equations in partial differences are based on the micro-scale conception of the “representative elementary volume” (REV). When solving these equations by finite difference method, the resolution of the spatial grid has to correspond to the typical scale of the process. For example, if a typical size of water depth on the slope is mm or cm then an acceptable spatial resolution of the grid network must be maximum one or two orders more. However, the equations of overland flow are often solved with the grid net resolution of hundreds meters and even several kilometres. In such cases, obviously, the simulated values of depth and flow velocity on the slope are far from reality (Vinogradov, 1988). Some of processes (i.e. preferential flow, depression storage, effects of small scale variability of basin's characteristics) are lost with a coarse grid net. Additional equations are introduced into for parameterisation of such processes on the sub-grid scale. These equations are either empirical or are obtained from general subjective considerations. The above named scale problems require further investigations. Without additional substantiation an application of such models at the typical grid scale of large river basins or GCMs may be dubious (Beven, 1997). Difficulties with application of the fully distributed physically based models to real watersheds lead to attempts to develop their simplified versions which are more suitable in practice, but still preserve the main features of distributed physically based models. As a rule, the principal equations in such models are obtained either by spatial integration of the initial equations in partial differences or by assumptions allowing simplified analytical solutions. Such models occupy an intermediate place between fully distributed physically based models and lumped conceptual hydrological models (Knudsen et al., 1986; Refsgaard, 1997). In this sense simplified physically based models can be regarded as an - 13 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation example of introduction of a physically based distributed representation into a conceptual distributed model. The issue of aggregation/disaggregation, compromise between limitations of data availability and complexity of a model structure, and possibility of a priori estimates of the model parameters are the main challenges for the regional physically based hydrological models, e.g. TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby, 1979), WATBAL (Knudsen et al., 1986), HYDROGRAPH (Vinogradov, et. al., 1988). A number of physically based distributed models are in common use but none of them explicitly contains components reflecting important characteristics of the boreal landscape like mires, lakes and the close relationship between soil moisture and ground water in the till soil. Preliminary runoff data analysis indicates that the frequency of lakes and mires in upstream areas are the main factors explaining the spatial runoff variation (Erichsen et al., 1995). A distributed physically based model ECOMAG (Motovilov and Belokurov, 1997) used here has been developed for boreal conditions. Primary the model was constructed for decision of applied tasks of a regional ecological monitoring (ECOMAG - ECOlogical Model for Applied Geophysics). The model consists of two main modules. The first one provides a description of the hydrological processes in catchment while the second describes pollution transformation and transport in a basin. The model, which is based on 15-year’s experience of the fully distributed physically based hydrological models WPI (Kuchment et. al., 1983, 1986, 1989; Motovilov, 1986, 1987, 1993) has already been applied and tested in Russia. In 1995 a hydrological module of the ECOMAG was improved and adopted for regional simulations of the terrestrial water cycle in northern landscapes (Motovilov, 1995). The basic assumption used in the model is that a river basin can be sub-divided into a mosaic of irregular or regular landscape elements, each to be viewed as a hydrological unit. The REA concept referred to above is of vital importance here as it constitutes the minimum size for such an element. The model describes the processes of infiltration, evapotranspiration, thermal and water regimes of the soil, surface and subsurface flow, groundwater and river flow, snow accumulation and snowmelt. In its original form a drainage basin is approximated by - 14 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation irregular triangular or trapezoidal elements, taking into consideration peculiarities of topography and spatial distribution of the soil and land cover types in a GIS frame. The second version of the model is now under development (Gottschalk et al., 1998b; Motovilov et al., 1998) and the present report describes a step in this new direction. The main change is the use of a regular grid network (2 km x 2 km) in order to (after further development) allow direct coupling with a meso-scale meteorological model and the use of radar-evaluated precipitation data (Crochet, 1999). 3.2 General assumptions Processes in the soil and snow cover have an important role for the terrestrial water cycle. In the distributed physically based models Richard’s equation is often used to describe water movement in the unsaturated soil and snow. This approach needs detailed spatially distributed information about relationships between capillary-sorption potential, hydraulic conductivity and moisture. In principle, Richard's equation is based on a micro-scale concept of the "representative elementary volume" (REV). This approach makes it difficult to account for the effects of soil non-homogeneity and macro-porosity, important for generation of preferential flow in the boreal regions. A more simplified approach based on the concept of so-called “water constants” may be useful for the description of a water regime in the soil and snow-pack at the meso-scale. According to this approach water is divided into several classes depending on the nature of the soil-water or snow-water interactions. Water in the porous medium, for example, could be classified into three kinds (Baver, 1965): Hygroscopic water, which is adsorbed from water vapour of atmosphere as a result of attractive forces in the surface of the solid particles. Capillary water, which is held by surface tension forces as a continuous film around the particles and in the capillary spaces. Gravitational water, which is not held by the soil and drains under the influence of gravity. In the soil and snow hydrology there are several so-called soil-water and snow-water constants that are used to express water interactions under the action of different forces. According to Baver (1965) and Maidment (1993): - 15 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation Wilting point (WP) refers to the soil moisture content at which soil cannot supply water at a sufficient rate to maintain turgor, and the plant permanently wilts. The tension of the soil water at WP is about 15 atmospheres. Water in the soil is held as a thin film around the particles. The movement of water within the soil takes place mainly in the vapour phase since the capillary conductivity is assumed zero. Field capacity (FC) of the soil is defined as the amount of water held by surface tension on the soil particles after the excess gravitational water has drained. The mean tension of the soil water at FC is about 0.3 atmosphere. The hydraulic conductivity at FC approaches zero at least decreases by several orders relatively saturated hydraulic conductivity. Water movement is very slow at moisture content below FC. This constant seems to be similar for water holding capacity (WHC) in the snow. Saturated soil (snow) represents the amount of water that is necessary to fill the whole pore space. The moisture content is equal the total porosity (P). The capillary tension is nearly to zero. The hydraulic conductivity is equal the saturated one. The water moves due to the gravitational force. The soil and snow water constants might be considered as boundaries which separate different parts of the water concerning to the ability to move and change. The soil loses the water by rapid drainage due to gravitational force until the moisture content decreases from saturated state to field capacity (gravitational water). For the snow, such behaviour proceeds until the moisture of snow decreases to the snow water holding capacity. The movement of water takes place trough large non-capillary pores that do not hold water tightly by capillary forces. The non-capillary porosity (D) is equal the difference between total porosity and soil field capacity (water holding capacity for the snow). Due to evapotranspiration the moisture content of the soil can decrease from the field capacity until it reaches the wilting point. The difference between field capacity and wilting point represents the amount of water available to plants. This is actual capillary porosity (C). The movement of water in the capillary zone during rain less period is less pronounced and is carried out mainly from the thin films around soil particles to the nearest root tissue of plants. Essentially, such movement can be considered as that in - 16 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation micro-scale relatively large-scale horizontal and vertical movement of gravitational water in the non-capillary pores. In the snow the water in capillary pores in a moisture range from water holding capacity to zero can change due to evaporation or refreezing of snowmelt water during the cold period. The decrease in soil moisture below the wilting point may be caused by evaporation from the surface during long dry periods. In nature, such conditions are observed very seldom and then mainly in desert regions. The process parametrisation applied here is based the concept of water constants. These constants represent a separation of the water in the porous space into several classes with different regimes of changes. 3.3 Balance equations Let us look at a separate soil layer as an example of the general balance equations used in ECOMAG. The water conservation equation for a three dimensional element can be written in the form ∂ v ∂ v y ∂ vz ∂W =− x − − − S, ∂t ∂x ∂ y ∂z (3.1) where W is the volumetric content of water per unit of volume; vx, vy and vz are the volume water fluxes in the directions x, y and z (rate of water flow per unit of area); S is the rate of intrinsic source, for example, transpiration (volume of water per unit volume per unit time); t is the time. - 17 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation Let us consider an isotropic soil sample in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped of the dimension L x B x Z. By not allowing flow along the y axis (two-dimensional flow) and assuming that the mean rates of horizontal and vertical water are known functions of time, an integration of equation (3.1) yields: ∂v ∂W æ ∂v ö ò0 ò0 ò0 ∂ t dxdydz = ò0 ò0 ò0 çè − ∂ xx − ∂ zz − S ÷ø dxdydz L B Z L B Z (3.2) Þ Z ( ) dW Z v x , 0 − v x , L = + v z , 0 − v z ,Z + ZS . dt L ( ) (3.3) Denote Qo=BZvx,o, QL=BZvx,L, E=ZS, V0=vz,0 and VZ=vz,Z. Here Q is the discharge through the left (index 0) and right (index L) cross sections of the soil sample, V is the flow rate through unit area of the soil sample in the top (index 0) and bottom (index Z), and E is the transpiration rate from the soil column over unit area. Substituting these variables in (3.3), yields the water balance equation for the whole soil sample: Z dW Q0 − QL = + (V0 − VZ ) − E. dt BL (3.4) Figure 3 illustrates a soil sample schematically with its different parts of porous space. The water balance for each of these parts is treated separately. Dependent on meteorological conditions the water content in the soil can vary between the total porosity (P) and the wilting point (WP). Below WP water is strongly influenced by capillary-sorption forces and does not move. - 18 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation vertical inflow, V0 soi l M pa (m rticle atr s ix) L fie FC ld W cap wi p aci ltin ty g po int ca C pil lar y transpiration, E Z un B = 1 it w idt h P tot = 1 al p -M oro sity po ro sity no D = n-c api P-FC lla ry po ro sity horizontal inflow, Q0 horizontal outflow, QL h0 hL vertical outflow, VZ Figure 3.1 Structure of soil sample and soil water constants Water is slowly mobile in the capillary porous space (C) with soil moisture content ranging from the wilting point to the field capacity. Changes in soil moisture content are caused mainly by vertical fluxes viz. precipitation and evaporation, and also as an intrinsic source via transpiration. The horizontal movement in capillary pores may therefore be neglected. The water balance equation for the capillary pores can in this case be written in the form (index c): Z ( ) dWc = Vc , 0 − V c , Z − E c . dt (3.5) Changes in water content in non-capillary pores, ranging between saturated state (porosity) and field capacity, are caused mainly by vertical water fluxes. Water is drained rapidly into deeper soil horizons due to gravitational forces. If deeper horizons are less permeable than the given horizon, water in the non-capillary zone can both accumulate and move in the direction of prevailing slope along the relatively impermeable surface between horizons. The water balance equation for the noncapillary zone of the soil column pores space (D) is written as (index nc): - 19 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation Z dWnc Q0 − QL = + Vnc , 0 − Vnc ,Z − Enc . BL dt ( ) (3.6) ZWnc is the layer of water calculated over a surface unit of the soil column. Since the water moves horizontal only in a part of the soil volume, the non-capillary porosity (D), the actual water layer in the non-capillary zone of a soil column is calculated as h= ZWnc . D (3.7) Inserting Wnc into equation (3.6) and assuming a linear profile of water depth in xdirection results in: D d ( h0 + hL ) Q0 − QL = + Vnc , 0 − Vnc ,Z − E nc . 2 BL dt ( ) (3.8) The total changes in soil moisture in the capillary and non-capillary zones of a soil sample is found by adding the equations (3.5) and (3.8): Z dWc D d ( h0 + hL ) Q0 − QL + = + Vc , 0 − Vc ,Z + Vnc , 0 − Vnc ,Z − Ec − Enc . 2 BL dt dt ( ) ( ) (3.9) Taking into account the fact that V=Vc+Vnc and E=Ec+Enc, equations (3.4) with consideration of equation (3.9) is now expressed as: Z dWc D d (h0 + hL ) dW . =Z + 2 dt dt dt (3.10) The equations, analogous to (3.8) and (3.9), for a landscape element of a trapezoidal form in the plane are written as: [( ] D d ( BL hL + B0 h0 ) Q0 − QL = + Bm Vnc , 0 − Vnc ,Z − E nc , 2 L dt Bm Z ) (3.11) dWc D d ( BL hL + B0 h0 ) Q0 − QL + = + Bm (V0 − VZ ) − E , dt dt L 2 [ ] (3.12) where Bm=(BL+B0)/2 is the mean width of the trapezoidal element. In these equations it is assumed that the cross section of the water flow (Bh) is a linear function of the xdirection. The water balance equations (3.5), (3.8), (3.9), (3.11) and (3.12) are used for simulating - 20 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation the dynamics in soil moisture and groundwater levels in ECOMAG. The same equations could be used for a description of the water changes in the snow regarding porosity as the snow space free of ice particles. If D=1 (non-capillary pores occupy the whole space of the volume) then these equations can be applied as water balance equations for surface water. 3.4 Basic structure The structure of the hydrological model is based on the following description of the processes of the hydrological cycle: During a summer period rain water infiltrates partially into the soil and penetrates into deeper soil layers. After the surface depressions are filled, the excess water not absorbed by the soil, runs off on the sloping land surface to the river network (surface flow). Part of the water infiltrated into the soil, flows along a temporary, relatively impermeable, boundary close to the surface of the slopes as shallow groundwater (subsurface) flow. When soil is saturated, a lateral subsurface flow can be released as return surface flow. Another part of infiltrated water is transported in the groundwater zone and forms the base flow. Water in the surface depressions and soil horizons is depleted by evapotranspiration. The surface, subsurface and groundwater flow form the lateral inflow into the river network. During cold periods of the year, the above scheme is supplemented by hydrothermal processes - snow cover formation, snowmelt, freezing and thawing of the soil, and infiltration of snowmelt water into the frozen soil. 3.4.1. Horizontal structure In the ECOMAG model a catchment is subdivided into landscape elements on the basis of topography, landuse and soil. GIS is used for spatial analysis of this information creating files with coordinates and parameter classes of each landscape and river element. The process of a catchment schematisation starts by dividing the river basin into subbasins using the river network and topography. Water movement is assumed to take place in the direction of the prevailing slope towards the river. The subbasins are divided into prevailing slopes, and the river network into river links. Each river element has two adjacent slopes. Landscape elements shown in Figure 3.2 are then determined for all the slopes using landuse and slope. The landscape elements have the form of polygons with - 21 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation three or four corners. Coordinates of the polygon corners are registered, and their area, length, width and slope are calculated. Each of the landcape elements is assigned a soil and land use class. This set of parameters represents physical characteristics of each landscape element. The river links are characterized by length, width, slope and Manning’s roughness coefficient. Another option is to construct the landscape elements as a regular gridnet. The schematisation is then more objective, but the flexibility given by the varying size and shape is lost. Both the landscape elements and the river links form a tree-structure and are numbered following a hierarchical system as illustrated in Figure 3.3. Each river link is given a number, starting at the source of the main river with the numbers increasing downstream. The Z ZZ ON E river links of the first tributary are ER W AT UN D GRO numbered, and the procedure continues downstream towards the last tributary. The landscape elements are asigned numbers following the same system, beginning with the left Figure 3.2 Schematisation of a catchment in the side. When a slope contains more ECOMAG model. than one landscape element, the numbering starts at the top of the slope. Such a structure allows easy calculation of both water movement between elements and along the river network . All this information in ASCII format is used as input files in ECOMAG. - 22 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation Figure 3.3 Numbering of landscape elements and river links in ECOMAG. 3.4.2 Vertical structure In the ECOMAG model the vertical distribution is achived by dividing each landscape element into several layers. Figure 3.4 shows five such layers: a snow cover layer for the cold period, a surface layer and three soil layers (a top layer, horizon A, a transition layer, horizon B, and a bottom layer called groundwater-zone). Usually horizon A is the soil layer of high porosity and conductivity, while horizon B is a deeper layer of much lower porosity and conductivity. Simulation of hydrological processes for each landscape element is executed consistently for each layer. In the warm period, rain precipitation is treated by surface layer processes. In the cold season, the first group of processes is simulated for the snow cover layer and thermal conditions of the soil (freezing and thawing of the soil, formation of snow cover and snow melting). The phase of precipitation is determined by the daily average air temperature and the threshold temperature. The snowmelt rate is calculated using the degree-day method. Evaporation of solid and liquid phases of snow is estimated using data on air temperature and vapour pressure deficit. - 23 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation precipitation E5 non capillary zone capillary zone ice particles snow cover h5 melt water E1 infiltration subsurface inflow horizon A s o i l m a t r i x horizon A non capillary zone capillary zone penetration evapotranspiration E2 Z2 infiltration surface water storage E3 subsurface inflow horizon B Z3 s o i l WP horizon B porosity h3 E4 groundwater inflow Z4 surface water outflow h2 River flow subsurface outflow horizon A field capacity groundwater zone h4 penetration m a t r i x h1 return flow surface water inflow subsurface outflow horizon B groundwater outflow Figure 3.4 Vertical structure of ECOMAG for a landscape element It is assumed that the vertical temperature profiles in the snow, as well as in the frozen and thawed soil, differ only slightly from linear ones, and that the migration of moisture to the freezing front is negligible. Under these conditions the soil-frost and soil-thawing depth dynamics can be described by a system of ordinary differential equations (Motovilov and Nazarov, 1991). The rain or melted water, which reaches the surface, is treated by surface layer processes. Some of the water infiltrates into the soil. It is assumed that surface water layer appears when intensity of rain or melt water exceeds the infiltration rate into the soil. Infiltration of rain and melt water into the frozen soil is simulated taking into account the influence of ice content in the frozen soil on the soil hydraulic conductivity. Part of the surface water is spent to fill a depression storage. The remaining part flows on the surface, and reaches the next landscape element on the same slope or flows to the river link element. Surface runoff on the slopes is described by a simplified version of the kinematic wave equation, based on Rose's approximation (Rose et al., 1983). The infiltrating water is treated in the next group of processes for soil horizon A. - 24 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation According to assumptions in sections 3.2 and 3.3, each soil horizon is divided in two zones -viz capillary zone and non-capillary zone. Infiltrated water penetrates into the capillary zone if the capillary soil moisture is less than field capacity, in the other case it drains into the non-capillary zone. From the capillary zone water can only disappear by evapotranspiration. A simple method is used for simulation of the actual evapotranspiration (Thornthwaite-Budyko approach, after Brutsaert, 1982, Feddes et al., 1974). Under the condition of high soil moisture content the actual evapotranspiration equals the potential one, and it linearly decreases to zero at soil moisture content equal to the wilting point. From the non-capillary zone water penetrates into a deeper horizon or can partially accumulate on a relatively impermeable boundary between soil horizons. In this latter case water moves along the landscape element as subsurface flow, reaches the next element on the same slope or flows into the river link. If the non-capillary zone is filled up, the exceeding water is released as return flow on the surface. In the groundwater zone some water can be exchanged with still deeper groundwater horizons. The subsurface and groundwater flow is modelled as a Darcy flow. Finally, the processes in the river network are simulated using kinematic wave equations. The landscape information extracted from the GIS grasps only large-scale features. Smallscale fluctuations in landscape characteristics, however, are important for the runoff formation processes. A common approach in lumped hydrological models is to resolve this variability in terms of spatial distribution functions (Kuchment et al. 1986). A possible simplification is to use the same distribution for all elements allowing the mean value to vary between them. The within element variability is taken into consideration in this manner in ECOMAG for three parameters - the vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity of soils, surface depression storage and soil field capacity. For the first two parameters an exponential function is applied (Vinogradov, 1988, Popov 1979) and for the third - a parabolic function (Bergström, 1976; Dümenil and Todini, 1992). - 25 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation 3.5 Process description Different water fluxes and intrinsic sources play different roles for the snow, surface and soil layers. To account for the peculiarities of processes in different layers, a landscape element can be divided into five blocks: (see Fig.3.4) a surface layer in the zone of surface runoff formation, two soil layers (a top layer, horizon A, and a deeper soil layer, horizon B), a layer in the groundwater zone and a snow cover layer for a cold period. A trapezoidal form of the landscape element will be adopted here. 3.5.1 Surface water (index 1) The flow of surface water along the slope of a landscape element is described by a simplified version of a kinematic wave equation in the form of a mass conservation equation (3.11), assuming D=1, and Manning’s formula: 1 d ( B h + B0 h1, 0 ) = R0 Bm − ( Q1, L − Q1, 0 ) / L , 2 dt L 1, L (3.13) Q1 = i11/ 2 h15/ 3 B / n1 , (3.14) where Q1 is the horizontal flux (discharge) of surface water; h1 is the depth of surface flow; R0 is the rainfall excess, which forms the overland flow; B and L are the width and length of a landscape element, respectively; Bm=(B0+BL)*0.5 is the mean width of an element; i is the slope of an element; n is the Manning’s roughness coefficient; Indices 0 and L denote the values on the upper and lower boundaries of a landscape element in a plane. The effective rainfall excess R0 is calculated as R0 = V1 − V2 + Vr − VP , (3.15) where - 26 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation V1 is the rain or snowmelt water flux on the surface; V2 is the infiltration rate into the soil; Vr is the rate of return inflow of subsurface water on the surface; VP is the rate of water losses in the depression storage. 3.5.2 Infiltration into soil It is assumed that the space distribution function (F) of the vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) for each landscape element can be approximated by an exponential function: F ( K ) = 1 − exp( −αK ) (3.16) where α= 1 , K (3.17) K is the mean value of K over the area. Assume that for each point of the element's area the following relations exist between water flux on the surface (V1) and infiltration rate (V): V=K, for V1>K, V= V1, for V1<K. Then the infiltration rate into the soil, V2, over a whole element’s area can be expressed as: FVC1 V2 = ò V1dF C + 0 1 ò FVC1 − 1 é ù ln( F C )dF C = K ê1 − expæç − V1 ö÷ú , K è øû α ë (3.18) where F C ( K ) = exp(−αK ) , FC(K) is the exceedance probability distribution. Figure 3.5 illustrates this relationship. Vinogradov (1988) obtained the same formula for calculation of infiltration into the soil using other assumptions. - 27 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation K K = -lnFC/ α V1 0 FCV1 FC=1 Figure 3.5 Saturated hydraulic conductivity distribution and infiltration for a landscape element 3.5.3 Surface retention To describe the dynamics of the water in the depression storage an approximation of the surface depressions' distribution for a landscape element by an exponential function is used (Popov, 1979): ìï é 1 ù üï ϕ ( t ) = ϕ0 * í1 − exp ê− ò (Ve ( t ) − E pot ( t ))dt ú ý , ïî ë ϕ0 t û ïþ (3.19) where Ve= V1-V2+Vr, ϕ0 is the maximum value of the depression storage; E pot is the rate of potential evaporation, which is calculated by the empirical Dalton's formula. Epot=ked, (3.20) where d is the air vapour pressure deficit; ke is the empirical coefficient. Equation (3.19) is solved in two steps. First, the function ϕ*(t) is founded assuming Epot(t)=0 and the rate of water losses in the surface depressions is calculated as: - 28 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation dϕ * (t ) VP = . dt (3.21) Then actual evaporation Epot(t) is taken in account for calculating ϕ(t). 3.5.4 Soil horizons (index j=2,3) Two soil layers are considered: horizon A (index j=2) and horizon B (index j=3). Each soil horizon is divided into two parts (Fig. 3.4): a capillary and non-capillary zone. It is assumed that in each point the infiltrated water penetrates into the capillary zone if the capillary soil moisture, W, is less than field capacity, FC, otherwise it drains into the non-capillary zone: Vj,c = Vj and Vj,nc= 0 for Wj < FCj, Vj,c = 0 and Vj,nc=Vj for Wj = FCj. The separation of the infiltrated water between these two zones over the area of a landscape element is achieved using a spatial distribution function of field capacity (Bergström, 1976): β β æ FC ö æ FC ö F ( FC ) = ç ÷ , F0 ( FC ) = 1 − ç ÷ , è FCM ø è FCM ø FC2 = FCM β , β +1 (3.22) where FCM is the maximum FC value for a landscape element; FC2 is the mean FC value; F and F0 are the spatial distribution function and the exceedance probability for FC; β is the parameter of the distribution function. The penetration into the capillary zone (index c) is then given by: V j ,c β é æW j ö ù = V j ê1 − ç FCM ÷ ú , jø û ë è (3.23) and the one into non-capillary zone (index nc) by: - 29 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation β V j ,nc æW ö = V j ç j FCM ÷ , è jø (3.24) where Wj is the volumetric soil moisture in the capillary zone of j-th soil layer. Capillary zone Soil moisture in the capillary zone is calculated using equation (3.5) as: Zj dW j dt = V j ,c − E j , (3.25) where Zj is the depth of soil layer j; Ej is the evapotranspiration rate from soil layer j. Thornthwaite-Budyko approach is used for estimation of the actual evapotranspiration. Under the condition of high soil moisture content the actual evapotranspiration equals the potential one, and then linearly decreases to zero as soil moisture content diminishes to the wilting point (WP): E pot , j , ì ï æ W j − WPj ö Ej = í çç ÷÷ , E pot j , ï WE WP − è ø j j î for W j > WE j for W j ≤ WE j (3.26) where E pot , j = E pot k w, j , is the potential evapotranspiration from soil layer j; WEj=(FCj+WPj)*0.5 is the critical moisture content for potential evapotranspiration; kw,j is a weighting factor, distributing the potential evapotranspiration between soil layers influenced by the distribution of the roots system. Non-capillary zone Water, that entered into the non-capillary zone, can penetrate into the deeper soil layer with the rate Vj+1, which equals the vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity of soil (Kj+1) in the layer j+1. If the penetration rate Vj,nc is higher than Kj+1, then the infiltrated water can accumulate in the non-capillary zone and move in the direction of prevailing - 30 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation slope on the relatively impermeable boundary between layers j and j+1. During storm precipitation the non-capillary zone of upper soil horizon A can be completely filled and return surface flow occurs. The flow of subsurface water flow is supposed to be a Darcy flow. Equation (3.11) can be used for the description of water balance in the noncapillary zone in the form: Dj d ( B h + B0 h j , 0 ) = (V j ,nc − V j ,r − V j +1 ) Bm − ( Q j , L − Q j , 0 ) / L , 2 dt L j , L (3.27) Q j = BiK x , j h j , (3.28) where Qj is the horizontal flux (discharge) of subsurface water in the soil horizon j; hj is the water level in the non-capillary zone; Kx, j is the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in a horizontal direction (usually it is a function of depth, hj); D j = Pj − FC j is the non-capillary porosity. Rj,r is the rate of return inflow of subsurface water to the upper layer and is calculated as: ïì( Q j − Q j ,max ) / Bm L, V j ,r = í ïî0, for Q j > Q j ,max , for Q j ≤ Q j ,max , (3.29) where Q j ,max = BiK x , j Z j . When horizon A is considered, V2,r is the return surface flow. This flow is also formed if the incoming surface flux V1 occurs on the saturated areas. In this case we have: V2,r = V2 − V3 + ( Q2,max, 0 − Q2,max, L ) / BL. (3.30) - 31 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation 3.5.5 Groundwater zone (index 4) The groundwater flow is calculated using equation (3.11) and Darcy's formula in the which yields: D4 d ( B h + B0 h4, 0 ) = (V4 + Vd − V4,r − E4 ) Bm − ( Q4,L − Q4, 0 ) / L , 2 dt L 4, L (3.31) Q4 = BiK x , 4 h4 , (3.32) where Q4 is the horizontal inflow (index 0) and outflow (index L) of groundwater for a landscape element; h4 is the groundwater level; Vd is the rate of water exchange between groundwater zone and deeper layers; Kx,4 is the horizontal saturated hydraulic conductivity (usually a function of depth, h4); D4=P4-FC4 is the non-capillary porosity in the groundwater zone; E4=Epotkw 4 is the evapotranspiration from the groundwater zone; kw,4 is the weighting factor for a groundwater zone, distributing the potential evapotranspiration between soil layers. During a cold period of the year ECOMAG considers the processes of snow cover formation and snowmelt, freezing and thawing of the soil, infiltration of snowmelt water into the frozen soil. 3.5.6 Snow cower formation and snowmelt (index 5) The snow cover varies in time due to precipitation, evaporation, snow compaction, melting and freezing of meltwater in the snow. In the ECOMAG model the phase composition of precipitation (R), i.e. snow or rain, is determined by the daily average air temperature (T) as : T < Tcr - snow (Rs), T ≥ Tcr - rain (Rr). The following system of equations describes snow cover formation and snowmelting (Motovilov, 1986, 1993): - 32 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation ρi d ( Ih5 ) = Rs − E s − S T + S f , ρ w dt (3.33) d (W5 h5 ) = Rr + S T − E L − V1 − S f , dt (3.34) éR dh5 S + Es ù = ρW ê s − T ú − v s (h5 , I ,W5 , Ts ) , dt ρi I û ë ρn (3.35) where h5 is the snow depth; I is the volumetric content of ice per unit volume of snow; W5 is the volumetric content of liquid water per unit volume of snow; V1 is the meltwater yield from snow (flux of snowmelt water on the surface); Ts is the temperature of the snow surface; ρi is the ice density; ρw is the water density; ρn is the density of new snow. The snowmelt rate, ST, is calculated using the degree-day method: S T = kT * (T − TM ) at (T − TM ) > 0 , (3.36) where TM is the threshold temperature for snowmelt; kT is the degree day factor. A similar procedure is used to describe the freezing rate of meltwater in snow, Sf : S F = kT * (T − TM ) for (T − TM ) < 0 and W5 > 0 . (3.37) Evaporation of solid (Es) and liquid (Ew) components of snow are estimated using data on the deficit of air vapour pressure as: - 33 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation Es = æ1 + ç è EL = Es ke d ρ wW5 ö ρ i I ÷ø , (3.38) ρ wW5 . ρi I (3.39) Using the approach by Yosida et al., (1955) the velocity of snow compaction, vs, can be described as (Motovilov, 1993): k c ( ρ i I + ρ wW5 )h52 vs = , exp[− 0.08Ts + 21( ρ i I + ρ wW5 )]ρ w (3.40) where ìT , Ts = í î0, at T < 0, at T ≥ 0, kc is the parameter of snow compaction. The rate of water yield from the snow, which reaches the soil surface, V1, is calculated by the following equation: ì(W5 − WHC )h5 / δt , V1 = í î0, at W5 > WHC , at W5 ≤ WHC , (3.41) where WHC is the water holding capacity of the snow; δt is the calculation time step. When there is no snow cover, V1 equals to the rate of rain precipitation, Rr. 3.5.7 Thermal conditions in snow and soil The vertical temperature profiles in snow, frozen and unfrozen soil are supposed to be approximately linear, and the transport of moisture to the freezing-front can be neglected. Under these conditions the soil frost depth, Hf, and the soil thawing depth, Ht, are described by the following equations (Vehviläinen and Motovilov, 1989; Motovilov and Nazarov, 1991): - 34 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation Qf dH f dt = λ f T0 λt Tg − , Hf Hg − H f æ δt ö ÷ H t = çç H t2 + 2λt T Q f ÷ø è (3.42) 0.5 , (3.43) Q f = ρw L f (W j − Wu ) , (3.44) λs H f , λ s H f + λ f h5 (3.45) T0 = T where Wj is the volumetric water content in horizon j of the soil; Wu is the volumetric unfrozen water content in the soil; Tg is the soil temperature at the depth Hg, where it remains practically unchanged during the winter season; T0 is the temperature snow-soil interface; Lf is the latent heat of the ice fusion; λt is the heat conductivity of the unfrozen soil; λf is the heat conductivity of the frozen soil; λs is the heat conductivity of the snow. 3.5.8 Infiltration into frozen soil Frozen soil has reduced hydraulic conductivity due to the ice present in the pores. Infiltration of rain and meltwater into the frozen soil is described as (Motovilov and Nazarov, 1991): é æ−V öù V2, f = K 2, f ê1 − expç 1 K ÷ ú , è 2, f ø û ë (3.46) 4 K 2, f é P − I 2 − WP2 ù 2 = K2 ê 2 ú / (1 + k i I 2 ) , P − WP 2 2 ë û (3.47) - 35 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation I2 = ρw (W j − Wu )η( H f , H t ) , ρi (3.48) ì( H f − H t ) / Z2 , at H f < Z2 , ï η( H f , H t ) = í( Z2 − H t ) / Z2 , at H f ≥ Z2 and H t < Z2 , ï at ( H f ≥ Z2 and H t ≥ Z2 ) or H f = 0, î0, (3.49) where K2 is the vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity of unfrozen soil in horizon A; K2,f is the vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity of the frozen soil; I 2 is the fraction of ice content in the soil; P2 is the porosity; WP2 is the wilting point; Z2 is the thickness of horizon A; ki is the empirical constant. 3.5.9 River flow (index 6) River flow is described by a simplified version of the kinematic wave equation in the form of mass conservation equation (3.11), assuming D=1, and Manning’s formula as: 1 d (BR,L h6,L + BR,0 h6,0 ) = (Qlat + Q6,0 − Q6,L ) / LR , 2 dt 1 5 Q6 = i R 2 h6 3 BR / n R , (3.50) (3.51) where Q6 is the river discharge; H6 is the depth of river flow; LR is the length of a river link; BR is the width of a river link; iR is the slope of a river link; - 36 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation nR is the Manning’s roughness of the river bed. Indices 0 and L denote the variables at the inlet and outlet of a river link. Qlat is the lateral inflow into a river link from ajacent landscape-elements. Qlat is calculated as 4 Qlat = å Q j ,n , (3.53) j =1 where index n denotes the lateral inflow into the river link from ajacent landscape elements. 3.6 Model calibration processing 3.6.1 Background information The following data are required for simulations of processes of the hydrological cycle: precipitation, temperature and air humidity records with a daily resolution. Observations of river runoff, snow cover, soil moisture, groundwater levels, soil temperature, soil frost depth, evapotranspiration etc. can be used for calibration of parameters and validation of the model. Discretization of a river basin into landscape elements is carried out using thematic maps in a GIS frame. Digital terrain data, physiographic, soil and land use maps are required. After discretization into landscape element each of these is assigned a set of parameters, reflecting its form (area, length, width and elevation gradient), soil and land use classes. Information about soil and land use properties is needed to choose the model parameters. 3.6.2 Model parameters Soil properties control the main processes of the terrestrial water cycle: infiltration, evaporation, water exchange between soil horizons, lateral groundwater flow etc. Table 3.1 shows the model parameters related to the soil characteristics. Land use properties influence mainly surface processes like surface flow, water retention in relief depressions and snowmelt. Soil parameters like soil volume density, vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity, thickness of the top soil horizon, which usually are measured at agricultural - 37 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation fields, may be different for other land cover classes (for example, for forested area). This is achieved in the model with references to coefficients of corresponding values from a certain soil class. Table 3.1 presents also parameters valid for the catchment as a whole. Many equations of physically based Table 3.1 Model parameters models Parameters of soil classes contain parameters and coefficients that have a direct physical Volume density interpretation and, in principle, can be Porosity Field capacity measured in the field.Example of such Wilting point parameters in the ECOMAG model are Vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity the soil water constants (Tab. 3.1). The Horizontal saturated hydraulic conductivity initial values of these parameters for the Heat conductivity for thawed and frozen different soil types can be determined Unfrozen water in frozen soill on the basis of regional information Thickness of soil horizon Parameter of distribution of field capacity about the hydrological properties of the Parameters of land use classes soil and supplemented by data from Maximal retention storage literature sources (Nyberg, 1995, Stähli Manning’s roughness coefficient for slope et al., 1996). Degree-day factor For other parameters, experimental Parameters for whole catchment Prameter of potential evaporation results allow to establish empirical Critical temperature snow/rain relations (heat conductivity of both soil Density of new snow and snow, unfrozen water content in Snow water holding capacity frozen Parameter of snow compaction soil, snow water holding capacity) or indicate reasonable well- Depth of unchanged ground temperature defined limits for parameter values Manning’s roughness coefficient for river (degree-day factor and critical temperature for snowmelt, parameter of snow compaction). In still other cases, the limits are not so well defined (for example, horizontal hydraulic conductivity for calculation of shallow groundwater flow) and the parameter values must be determined by calibration. The fact that not all parameters can be well defined originates from scale issues simplifications and non-adequacies in the model description. - 38 - Chapter 3 Hydrological model formulation 3.6.3 Calibration procedure The various groups of model parameters may be calibrated in separate steps using only data about the dynamics of evapotranspiration, soil moisture, groundwater, snow cover, frozen soil and river runoff, respectively. Parameter values can be adjusted by means of a visual comparison of the simulated and observed values or a numerical performance criterion. Here the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency measure R2 (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) is used: R 2 å (Q = o d ) − å (Q å (Q − Q ) −Q 2 o d o d − Qdc ) 2 (3.54) 2 where d is the day number; Q is the observed mean value; Q0d is the observed value; Qcd is the calculated value. An automatic calibration is performed using the Rosenbrock's optimization procedure (Rosenbrock, 1960). - 39 - Chapter 4 Data used 4. Data used 4.1. NOPEX region The model development is centred around data from the NOPEX experiment (Halldin et. al., 1995 , 1998) performed north of the city of Uppsala in southern Sweden (Fig. 4.1.). The annual precipitation in the NOPEX area 0° 10°E 20°E 30°E fluctuates between 600 and 800 mm. Monthly 70°N values has a minimum in August and a maximum in February. 20 to 30 per cent of 65°N the total annual precipitation falls as snow. A snow cover exists from the middle of Sweden Finland 60°N Norwa Oslo November and has a duration of 100 to 110 Uppsala Denmark days on the average, but normally it is not 55°N continuos throughout the winter. The mean annual temperature for 1961-1990 at the NOPEX area station Uppsala is +6oC. The daily average Figure 4.1 Localization of the NOPEX area has a maximum in July (+17oC) and a minimum in February (-5oC). The vegetation period lasts about 180 days (Seibert, 1994). The NOPEX region is an area of small differences in elevation. The landscape was formed during the Quaternary period. In the research area, the glacier left behind unsorted deposits in ground moraines. The area is crossed by some in N-S oriented eskers reaching a height of 20-50 m over the surrounding terrain. The eskers provide important groundwater resources. Also outcrops of bedrock rise over the plain. Till is the most common soil type in the area, particularly in the north. The thickness of the till is decreasing from the western part with depths of 10 to 20 meters, to the eastern parts with depths of 3 to 4 meters. The fine grained clay soils, together with areas of sandy and silty materials, dominate in the south. The glacial clay reaches a depth of 15-100 meters. A part of the area is covered by peatland having the largest extend in the northern part. The NOPEX area has a heterogeneous surface cover, represented by coniferous and mixed forest (57%), open land, mainly agricultural (35.8 %), mires (2.6 %), lakes - 40 - Chapter 4 Data used (2.6%) and urbanized areas (2.0%) (evaluated from digital maps of the National Land Survey of Sweden). The portion of forest increases from south towards north. Most of the forest is coniferous. 4.2 Geographical data Geographical data used includs a digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 50 m and land cover data with 25 m resolution (both data sets from the National Land Survey of Sweden), and comprehensive digitized soil map with a resolution of 2 km (from Seibert, 1994). The slope was calculated as the average slope within each grid cell of resolution 2x2 km on the basis of the DEM. The land cover map included five classes (open land, forest, lakes, swamp and urban areas). This information was aggregated to a grid net of 2x2 km (Fig 4.2). The soil map included five classes: peat, clay, sand, till and shallow bedrock and lakes (Fig. 4.2.). Figure 4.2 Distribution of soil and land cover classes in the NOPEX area (2X2 km grid) 4.3. River runoff The regular discharge observation network run by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) within the NOPEX area contains 11 standard gauging stations in drainage basins covering the major part of the area. Daily values for the period 1981-1995 - 41 - Chapter 4 Data used from 10 of the stations were used. Table 4.1 and Figure 4.3 offer some information about the basins. Table 4.1 Runoff station used in ECOMAG Station Gränvad Härnevi Lurbo Ransta Sävja Sörsätra Stabby Tärnsjö Ulva Kvarndam Vattholma River 168.0 305.0 124.0 198.0 727.0 612.0 6.6 14.0 950.0 Altitude (m.a.s.l.) min 15 15 15 15 5 35 18 55 5 max 75 105 75 105 75 145 55 105 95 284.0 25 65 Coordinates X Y Station number Area (km2) Lillån Örsundaån Hågaån Sävaån Sävjaån Sagån Stabbybäcken Stalbobäkken Fyrisån 661637 662438 663271 662754 663592 662278 663200 666859 664509 155504 157112 160107 158926 160652 155498 159982 156333 159902 61-2217 61-2248 61-2245 61-2247 61-2243 61-2220 61-1742 54-2299 61-2246 Vattholmaån 665713 160736 61-244 Figure 4.3 The ten gauged river basins and five experimental basins in the NOPEX area - 42 - Chapter 4 Data used 4.4. Meteorological data Daily values from 25 precipitation stations, 7 temperature stations, 5 stations for vapour pressure deficit and 1 snow depth station for the period 1981-1995 from the climatic network run by SMHI were used (see information in Tab. 4.2 and Fig. 4.4.). Table 4.2 Climate stations used in ECOMAG Station name Station nr. Station name Arlanda 9739 Österby Drälinge 9759 Sala* Enköping 9738 Skjorby Fagerstad 10500 Skultuna Films Kyrkby** 10714 Sundby Folkärna** 10610 Tärnsjö Gysinge 10617 Ultuna* Hallstaberg 9639 Uppsala** Harbo 10708 Uppsala flygplats**s Hyvlinge 9745 Västerås Hasslö** Köping 9631 Vattholma Lisjö 9642 Vittinge Nybyholm 9731 * The station is also measuring temperature ** The station is also measuring temperature and air humidity s The station is also measuring snow depth - 43 - Station nr. 9740 9655 9733 9644 9641 10612 9749 9751/2 9753 9635 10701 9754 Chapter 4 Data used NOPEX area Climate stations run by SMHI Gysinge Films Kyrkby 6680000 Folkärna Tärnsjö Harbo 6660000 Vattholma Drälinge Fagersta Lisjö 6620000 6600000 1500000 Köping 1520000 Uppsala flygplats Uppsala Ultuna Vittinge Sala 6640000 Hyvlinge Skultuna Sundby Hallstaberg Österby Enköping Västerås-Haslö Nybyholm Skjorby 1540000 1560000 1580000 1600000 Arlanda 1620000 Coordinates in Rikets Nät (RT 90) 10000 0 10000 20000 SMHI climate station 30000 METERS Figure 4.4 Climate stations used in ECOMAG 4.5. Special NOPEX CFEs data An extensive amount of hydrological data collected during the NOPEX concentrated field efforts (CFE): CFE1 (27 May to 23 June 1994) and CFE2 (18 April to 14 July 1995) has been utilized in the process of model calibration and validation. The data were taken from the SINOP database in the NOPEX project (Halldin and Lundin, 1994). 4.5.1. Synoptic runoff Synoptic discharge measurements at 38 sites in the Fyrisån river basin were performed on four occasions during recession (7-9 June 1994, 21-23 April 1995, 3-5- May 1995 and 2627 July 1995), and data from 12 of the sites were used (Tab. 4.3.). The measurements followed the procedures described by Krasovskaia (1988). - 44 - Chapter 4 Data used Table 4.3 Synoptic runoff measurements used in ECOMAG St. number 3 4 7 9 12 14 15 16 17 41 39 19 River Tegelsmoån Toboån Vendelån Sävastabäcken Vendelån Vendelån Tassbäcken Velångsbäcken Björklingeån Fyrisån Vattholmån Björklingeån X-coordinate 16605 16027 16017 16024 16066 15998 15986 15925 15925 15990 16074 15967 Y-coordinate 66865 66840 66654 66625 66563 66693 66712 66583 66583 66451 66571 66573 The discharge was calculated by the velocity-area-method. The velocity was measured with a current meter at the depths of 0.2 and 0.8 times the total depth at several vertical transects along a river cross section, on the average during 60 seconds. At every site two estimations of runoff were done, and if the difference between the two estimations was bigger than 5%, new measurements were done. The observations in each campaign were performed during 2-3 days, and therefore the data are not strictly speaking synoptic. However, since the measurements were performed during recession period, this does not introduce a serious error. 4.5.2 Soil moisture and ground water The sites for groundwater level and soil moisture measurements were chosen to represent different geomorphologic units (hollow, slope and nose) within five small experimental basins (see Fig. 4.3), These basins represent different soil and land use types. This data set contains about 2000 individual measurements of groundwater levels and about 16000 measurements of soil moisture content (the measurements were also performed outside CFE periods). Soil moisture Soil moisture content was measured in five small experimental basins: Marsta, Damsarhällarna, Buddby, Östfora and Tärnsjö within the NOPEX area during CFE1 and CFE2. Table 4.4 shows locations of observation points in each campaign for different basins and the table indicates their soil and land cover type. - 45 - Chapter 4 Data used Table 4.4 Number of observation points of soil moisture and groundwater level within experimental drainage basins Basin Buddby Dansarhellarna Östfora Östfora Marsta Tärnsjö Number points Soil moisture 151 75 50 25 50 of observation Soil type Land use till till till/sand peat clay sand forest forest forest mire open area forest Groundwater 16 16 19 15 - The measurements were performed in June 1994 and April to October 1995. Only the data from 1995 were used for simulations, since the record for 1994 was too short, and the soil moisture content was almost constant throughout that period. The measurements were carried out by the TDR-method. The method is described by Tallaksen and Erichsen (1995). The soil moisture was measured in the top 15 cm of the soil. Within each experimental basin the locations of grid nets, each of 5x5 measuring points separated by two meters, were carefully chosen to represent different geomorphologic units to get values representative of the whole basin, comparable to simulated values in computational elements. Ground water Groundwater level was measured manually in tubes in three experimental basins, as indicated in Table 4.4. The measurements are performed in lines following a slope to represent different geomorphologic units. However, due to difficulties in installing tubes in till soils many of the tubes goes empty during dry conditions, especially those in the top of the slopes. 4.5.3. Evapotranspiration Two forest sites (Norunda and Siggefora) and three agricultural sites (Tisby, Marsta and Lövsta) were equipped with eddy correlation instruments for flux measurements of latent and sensible heat fluxes with a temporal resolution in the rate of 10 Hz. At two lakes micro- - 46 - Chapter 4 Data used meteorological studies were performed (Tourula et. al., 1997). Heat energy exchange over the lakes was measured by the eddy correlation techniques. Data from local flux measurements at these sites distributed over the NOPEX region were used to estimate weighted average regional fluxes using land cover data to obtain the weight factors for spatial averaging (Gottschalk et al., 1998a). 4.6 Interpolation of meteorological data The temperature and vapour pressure deficit observed at the stations were interpolated into grid cells by inverse distance weighting. 4.6.1. Kriging interpolation of precipitation The precipitation from 25 stations (see Tab. 4.2 and Fig. 4.4) were interpolated by kriging. It is shown that a precipitation-field RA(X,t) can be modelled by two components, the changing phenomenon RI(X,t) and the inner variability F(x,t). RI(X,t) is a binary function identifying areas of precipitation and no precipitation. F(x,t) corresponds to precipitation height. Two semivariograms must be estimated, one for binary precipitation and one for precipitation height. First, the binary precipitation is interpolated. The interpolated value will receive a value between 0 and 1, and for the interpolated RI(X,t) greater than 0.5 there is precipitation and for the interpolated RI(X,t) less than 0.5 there is no precipitation. Then the precipitation height is interpolated to the points of precipitation (Barancourt et al., 1992). The semivarogram is chosen to be constant in time. The identification of the semiovarigrams was done by Wai Kwok Wong from the Department of Geophysics University of Oslo. Daily precipitation for the years 1961-1995 were used. For binary precipitation an exponential semivariogram with parameters: range 50 km, sill, 0.094 and nugget 0.0 was fitted. The semivariogram is shown in Fig. 4.5. For interpolation of precipitation height an exponential semivariogram with parameters: range 70 km, sill 4.7 mm2 and nugget 0.0 mm2 was fitted (Fig. 4.6). - 47 - Chapter 4 Data used Empirical and theoretical semivariogram for binary precipitation. Exponential model, nugget = 0.0, sill = 4.7 and range = 50 km 0.14 Semivariance 0.12 0.1 0.08 Empirical 0.06 Theoretical 0.04 0.02 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Distance (km) Figure 4.5 Semivariogram for binary precipitation Empirical and theoretical semivariogram for precipitation height. Eksponetial model, nugget = 0.0 mm2, sill = 4.7 mm2 8 and range = 70 km Semivariance (mm2) 7 6 5 4 Empircal 3 Theoretical 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Distance (km) Figure 4.6 Semivariogram for precipitation height - 48 - 120 140 Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis 5. Sensitivity analysis The ECOMAG model was applied for simulating hydrological cycle processes at the Fyrisån river basin in the biggest one in the NOPEX area in order to study l adequacy of the model structure and its possibilities to reflect the main features of hydrological processes in a boreal environment, l role and importance of the model parameters in the common model structure, l sensitivity of the model to changes in the model parameters. The trapezoidal version of the ECOMAG model was used for these tasks. 5.1 River basin schematisation The Fyrisån cathment was divided into computational elements according to the procedures described in section 3.4. Figures 5.1-5.3 shows the digitised map used. Figure 5.4 offers the obtained landscapelements and river links, ordered hierarchically within the model. In this application a simplified procedure of homogeneous meteorological zones was used for interpolation of meteorological data into grid cells. Figure 5.5 shows spatial distribution of the main parameters' classes. Elevations: m a.s. m a.s. m a.s. m a.s. m.a.s. Rivers and lakes Figure 5.1 Relief (a) and river network (b) for the Fyrisån catchment - 49 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis Forest Open land Rivers and lakes Figure 5.2 Land cover map for the Fyrisån catchment Sand Till Clay Peat Figure 5.3 Soil map for the Fyrisån catchment - 50 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis 25 1 3 2 4 23 24 5 6 7 28 29 15 19 18 16 17 8 27 Vattholma 26 20 21 Ulva Kvarndamn 9 10 22 11 12 13 14 Figure 5.4 Element numbers for landscape and river elements in the Fyrisån catchment Class assignation for landscape elements Soil and groundwater zone classes Vegetation and landuse classes Peat Clay Sand Till Slope (length/length)*100 Precipitation zones Forest Open land Figure 5.5 Soil and land cover classes, slope and precipitation zones in the Fyrisån catchment 5.2 Model run Runoff data at Ulva Kvarndam during 15 years were used for the model calibration and validation. The model runs started 1 August each year. The data for years 1981/82, 1985/86, 1987/88, 1990/91, 1992/93 and 1994/95 were used for calibration. These years were chosen to reflect a big variation in the climatic conditions. The remaining data were used for validation. Modeled snow depth for one element was calibrated and - 51 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis validated against snow depth measured at Uppsala flygplats. In addition, soil moisture and groundwater measurements were used for adjustment of the soil water parameters. The calibration was performed both by visual criterions, to fit the observed and simulated curves, and using the Rosenbrock's optimization procedure of the NashSutcliffe criterion (3.54). Totally 14 parameters were calibrated or adjusted, four parameters for snow depth, 3 for soil water measurements and seven parameters for river runoff data. Table 5.1 offers values of the Nash-Sutcliffe criteria for the calibration years, and Figure 5.6 shows results of the runoff simulations for these years. Table 5.2 and Figure 5.7 show results of the model validation against runoff data for the years not included into calibration. Year R2 1981/82 0.87 1984/85 0.88 1987/88 0.88 1990/91 0.72 1992/93 0.85 1994/95 0.81 Average 0.84 Table 5.1 Nash-Sutcliffe criterion for calibrated years Year R2 1982/83 0.84 1983/84 0.77 1985/86 0.94 1986/87 0.90 1988/89 0.80 1989/90 0.95 1991/92 0.85 1993/94 0.78 Average 0.85 Table 5.2 Nash-Sutcliffe criterion for validated years - 52 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis Results for years used for calibration of ECOMAG The time series start 01. August each year T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 19 81/82 R u no ff ( m 3 /s ) T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1984/85 R uno ff (m 3/s ) 80 80 60 60 60 60 40 40 20 50 20 50 0 0 -2 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 40 -4 0 -6 0 -6 0 -8 0 30 -8 0 30 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 2 0 20 -1 2 0 20 -1 4 0 -1 4 0 -1 6 0 -1 6 0 10 -1 8 0 10 -1 8 0 -2 0 0 0 -2 2 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 -2 0 0 0 D a y 361 T e m p . (oC ) P r e c ip .( m m / d a y ) 1987/88 R u no f f ( m 3 /s ) 331 1 31 61 91 12 1 1 51 1 81 2 11 24 1 2 71 30 1 -2 2 0 36 1 D a y s T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 199 0/91 R u no f f ( m 3/s ) 33 1 80 60 60 80 60 60 40 20 50 40 20 50 0 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 -6 0 -8 0 30 -6 0 -8 0 30 -1 0 0 -1 2 0 20 -1 0 0 -1 2 0 20 -1 4 0 -1 4 0 -1 6 0 10 -1 8 0 -1 6 0 10 -1 8 0 -2 0 0 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 -2 2 0 361 D a ys T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1992/93 R u no ff (m 3 /s ) 331 -2 0 0 0 -2 2 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 80 60 60 50 60 40 20 50 0 0 -20 40 -40 -2 0 40 -4 0 -60 -80 30 -6 0 -8 0 30 -10 0 -12 0 20 -1 0 0 -1 2 0 20 -14 0 -1 4 0 -16 0 10 -18 0 -1 6 0 10 -1 8 0 -20 0 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 Observed runoff 211 2 41 271 301 331 -22 0 361 D a y s D a ys 80 60 40 20 361 T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1994/95 R u no f f (m 3 /s ) 331 -2 0 0 0 1 Simulated runoff 31 61 91 121 151 181 Precipitation 211 241 271 301 331 -2 2 0 361 D a ys Temperature Figure 5.6 Observed and simulated runoff at Ulva Kvarndam, Fyrisån, for calibrated years - 53 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis Results for years used for validation of ECOMAG The time series starts 01. August each year T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1 982/83 R u no ff (m 3 /s ) T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1983/84 R u no f f (m 3 /s ) 80 80 60 60 60 60 40 40 20 50 20 50 0 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 -20 40 -40 -6 0 -8 0 30 -60 -80 30 -10 0 -1 0 0 -1 2 0 20 -12 0 20 -14 0 -1 4 0 -1 6 0 10 -1 8 0 -16 0 10 -18 0 -2 0 0 0 -2 2 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 -20 0 361 D a y s T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1 98 5/86 R uno ff (m 3 /s ) 331 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 2 71 301 80 80 60 60 60 60 40 40 20 50 20 50 0 0 -2 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 40 -4 0 -6 0 -6 0 -8 0 30 -8 0 30 -1 00 -1 00 -1 20 20 -1 20 20 -1 40 -1 40 -1 60 -1 60 10 -1 80 10 -1 80 -2 00 -2 00 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 -2 20 361 D a y s T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip . ( m m /d a y ) 198 8/89 R uno ff (m 3 /s ) 3 31 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 60 80 60 60 40 40 20 50 20 50 0 0 -2 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 40 -4 0 -6 0 -6 0 -8 0 30 -8 0 30 -1 00 -1 20 20 -1 00 -1 20 20 -1 40 -1 40 -1 60 -1 60 10 -1 80 10 -1 80 -2 00 0 -2 20 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 2 71 301 -2 00 0 361 D a y s T e m p . (oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1991/92 R uno f f ( m 3 /s ) 331 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 2 11 241 271 301 60 80 60 60 40 40 20 50 0 20 50 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 -2 0 40 -4 0 -6 0 -8 0 30 -6 0 -8 0 30 -1 00 -1 20 20 -1 0 0 -1 2 0 20 -1 40 -1 4 0 -1 60 10 -1 80 -1 6 0 10 -1 8 0 -2 00 0 -2 20 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 Observed runoff 211 241 271 301 331 -2 20 361 D a y s T e m p . (oC ) P r e c i p .( m m / d a y ) 1993 /94 R u no f f ( m 3 /s ) 331 80 60 -2 20 361 D a y s T e m p . (oC ) re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1989/90 R uno f f ( m 3 /s ) 331 80 60 -22 0 361 D a y s T e m p . ( oC ) P re c ip .( m m /d a y ) 1 98 6/87 R u no f f ( m 3 /s ) 331 -2 0 0 0 361 D a y s 1 Simulated runoff 31 61 91 121 151 181 Precipitation 211 2 41 271 3 01 331 -2 2 0 3 61 D a y s Temperature Figure 5.7 Observed and simulated runoff at Ulva Kvarndam, Fyrisån, for validated years The presented simulation results shows the ECOMAG model gives in general a good - 54 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis agreement between the observed and simulated discharges. This justifies use investigation of the river basin hydrological cycle processes in the NOPEX area. 5.3 Model sensitivity The model sensitivity has been tested by estimating the changes in simulated hydrological cycle characteristics induced by the changes in of the model parameters. Numerical experiments show that a number of parameters are of primer importance for satisfactory results of runoff simulations. The processes surface and subsurface flow formation are defined by three parameters to a large extent horizontal hydraulic conductivity in horizon A, vertical hydraulic conductivity in horizon B and parameter of potential evaporation. Combination of these parameter values governs the amount of water that penetrates into deeper soil layers, evaporates, and flows as subsurface runoff. The thickness of soil horizon A controls the response of the catchment. The thinner horizon A is made, the sharper is the runoff response to precipitation. The simulated dynamics of soil moisture in horizon A show also a faster response on changes in evapotranspiration and precipitation when the thickness of the horizon A decreases. The thickness of horizon A also controls the volume of the quick return surface flow during storm rainfall. Using data from literature as a first approximation for the soil water constants allows to get dynamics of soil moisture close to the observed. As a rule, there is only a difference in the mean values of simulated and observed soil moisture content. This difference can be easily assessed by tuning both the wilting point and field capacity constants. Horizontal hydraulic conductivity in a groundwater zone controls the formation of base groundwater flow during recession periods. One of the important parameters is also the maximal retention storage, used in the Popov's formula. Increasing this parameter, might help to lower down too high estimated flood peaks. Snow cover parameters were calibrated using data of snow cover depth at Uppsala flygplats (Fig. 5.8). Snow depth was measured in a point, and these values were compared to the snow depth simulated for a landscape element with an area of several square - 55 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis kilometers. Comparison with snow water equivalent data, measured by coursing, would be more adequate in this case as the snow depth in point values do not reflect micro-scale variability of snow cover. However, there is no such information for the NOPEX area. That is why the calibration results are of a limited value. The following snow parameters have been calibrated: critical temperature snow/rain, density of new snow, parameter of snow compaction and degree-day factor. The critical temperature snow/rain controls the processes of snow accumulation, while the degreeday factor defines the intensity of snow melting. When snow cover data are not at hand, these parameters may be estimated on the basis of river runoff information with sufficient accuracy. The density of new snow and the parameter of snow compaction are important only for simulation of the snow cover depth. However, indirectly they control the processes of soil freezing as well. Soil frost is common during spring runoff formation in many boreal regions, e.g. for the central part of Russia. However, in the Nordic countries it is often of a minor importance for spring runoff formation (Bergstrom, 1976, Vehvilainen, Motovilov, 1989). The main reasons for that are the large content of both sand and stone components in the till soil, its high hydraulic conductivity, as a rule, small frost depth. A weak sensitivity of the model to the frost conditions in the NOPEX area allows to assign the values of both snow and soil frost parameters taken from literature. - 56 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis Observed and simulated snow depth The time series starts 01. August each year S n o w d e p th ( c m ) S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 1981/82 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 1 9 8 2 /8 3 20 10 10 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 S no w d e p th ( c m ) 211 241 271 301 331 D a ys 0 361 1 31 61 91 121 151 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 1 98 3/8 4 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 181 211 241 271 301 331 361 241 271 301 331 361 241 271 301 331 361 241 271 301 33 1 361 241 2 71 301 331 3 61 241 271 301 331 361 241 271 301 331 361 1984/85 20 20 10 10 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 2 11 2 41 2 71 301 331 D a ys 0 1 361 31 61 91 121 151 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 1985/86 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 181 211 1 9 8 6 /8 7 20 10 10 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 1 21 151 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 181 211 2 41 271 301 3 31 D a ys 0 3 61 1 31 61 91 121 151 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 1987/88 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 181 211 1988/89 20 10 10 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 S n o w de pth ( c m ) 181 211 241 271 301 331 D a ys 0 361 1 31 61 91 12 1 151 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 19 89/9 0 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 181 21 1 1 9 9 0 /9 1 20 10 10 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 S no w d e pth (c m ) 1 81 211 241 2 71 301 3 31 D a ys 0 3 61 1 31 61 91 1 21 151 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 1991/92 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 181 2 11 1992/93 20 10 D a ys 0 10 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 S n o w d e p th ( c m ) 18 1 211 24 1 271 301 331 361 1 31 61 91 121 151 S n o w d e p th (c m ) 1 9 9 3 /9 4 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 181 211 1994/95 20 20 10 10 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 2 11 2 41 Observed snow depth 271 301 3 31 3 61 D a ys 0 1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 Simulated snow depth Figure 5.8 Observed snow depth at Uppsala flygplats and simulated by ECOMAG snow depth in landscape element 58 Numerical experiments have also shown that the model is not much sensitive to changes in vertical hydraulic conductivity of horizon A. This parameter defines the process of the - 57 - Chapter 5 Sensitivity analysis surface runoff formation. Evidently, such phenomenon has of a secondary significance in the NOPEX area mainly covered by forest and soils of high hydraulic conductivity. The surface roughness has no importance since the temporal resolution is as coarse as 24 h. For simulating runoff at this time scale, the effective rainfall is much more important than surface water transformation. Sensitivity analysis performed for the Fyrisån river basin indicates possibilities both for improving and simplification of the model structure for better adapt it to conditions of the NOPEX area. For example numerical experiments have shown that the model is not very sensitive to the majority of parameters for horizon B. This soil horizon has function of transition layer between top soil horizon and groundwater zone. Such soil layer is important when groundwater is deep and there is a week connection between surface water and groundwater zone. In the NOPEX experimental watersheds a typical depth of the groundwater level is about 1 - 2 m, which facilitates interaction between surface and ground water. In this case, it is possible to exclude soil horizon B from the model structure essentially decreasing the amount of model parameters with the stability of the model increasing. This has been done when simulating hydrological cycle chracteristics for the whole NOPEX area. - 58 - Chapter 6 Model validation 6. Model validation The ECOMAG model has been applied for simulation of hydrological cycle processes for the whole NOPEX area. A validation of the model has been performed aimed at testing its ability to satisfy to the demands for a macro hydrological model. One of the main objectives of this exercise was to find a global parameters set that could be used everywhere within the NOPEX region. The model was first calibrated against runoff for three basins with one global set of parameters, then the soil parameters were adjusted against soil moisture and groundwater level data from five small experimental subbasins. After that the model was validated against: • runoff in six other basins that were not used for calibration, • synoptic measurements of runoff. • regional flux estimates (evapotranspiration) for the whole NOPEX region. The spatial distribution was obtained by dividing of an area into a square grid network with the resolution 2x2 km, a size that was defined in the scale study (see Chapter 2). Each cell has been considered as a representative elementary area (REA) or landscape unit (element). In the results of the sensitivity analysis (Chapter 5), each landscape element was divided vertically in four layers: snow cover layer, surface layer and two soil layers (horizon A and groundwater zone). Calibration followed the procedure described in Chapter 3.6 and data described in Chapter 4 were used for calibration of parameters and model validation. Calibration was done in three steps. First, the model parameters, related to the soil and land cover classes, were calibrated against discharge data. This calibration was done simultaneously for three basins with different conditions of runoff formation to find a global parameter set for the whole NOPEX area. The calibration was performed using the Rosenbrock's optimisation procedure. The optimisation criterion was calculated as the mean value of R2 for these river basins during the optimisation period. In the second step the soil water parameters for different soil types were adjusted using soil moisture and groundwater level data for five experimental river basins in the NOPEX area for - 59 - Chapter 6 Model validation 1995 including CFE period. These basins were considered as the REA units representing different landscapes. The adjustment was carried out by a visual comparison of simulated and observed dynamics of soil moisture and groundwater levels. In a third step, the remaining model parameters were calibrated again against runoff in the same way as in the first step. 6.1 Runoff at gauging stations Calibration of the model parameters against runoff was carried out in three river basins, different in size and conditions for runoff formation: Fyrisån (at Ulva Kvarn) with an area of 950 km2; Lillån (at Gränvad) with an area of 168 km2 and Stabbybäcken (at Stabby) with an area of 6.2 km2. Seven years of observation were used for the calibration: 1986-1993. This period was the most "difficult" one in the available sample for modeling, with continued years with low annual flow and unstable winters. The remaining seven years were used for the validation. Satisfactory agreement between the observed and simulated runoff has been obtained (see Fig. 6.1 and Tab. 6.1). Numerical experiments have shown that the calibration results might be improved slightly if the parameters of the model were calibrated separately for each basin. The parameter values were naturally different for different basins in this case. However, a good agreement between the observed and simulated values with the use of separately calibrated parameters does not guarantee that they can be assigned a physical meaning or that they can be transfered to other basins. A good model performance can be obtained for many different combinations of optimised parameters (Beven and Binley, 1992). It was easy to check that the parameters obtained for one basin did not provide a good performance of the model when applied to another one. When a global set of parameters is required for a number of basins with different conditions of flow formation, the possibility of finding the “correct” values physically reasonable is greater. This conclusion can be drawn studying the values of R2 offered by Table 6.2 for the simulation with the global parameters. Fig. 6.2a and 6.2b show examples of simulations for all nine basins for two years: one with a good agreement between the observed and simulated runoff (1984-85), and with a poor agreement (1994-95). - 60 - Chapter 6 Model validation Year 1981/82 Q (m3/s) Stabbybäcken Lillån Fyrisån 35 50 30 Year 1981/82 Q (m3/s) Year 1981/82 Q (m3/s) 60 0.9 0.8 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 30 0.4 15 0.3 20 10 10 5 0 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 0.1 Days 1 Year 1982/83 Q (m3/s) 0.2 61 1 21 241 301 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 301 361 Year 1982/83 Q (m3/s) 0.9 35 0.8 30 50 0 361 Year 1982/83 Q (m3/s) 60 1 81 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 0.3 10 0.2 10 5 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Days 1 Year 1983/84 Q (m3/s) 0.1 0 61 1 21 35 50 30 241 301 0 Days 1 361 Year 1983/84 Q (m3/s) 60 1 81 61 121 181 241 Year 1983/84 Q (m3/s) 0.9 0.8 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 0.3 10 10 5 0 0 Days 1 61 121 1 81 241 301 0.1 Days 1 361 Year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 0.2 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 0 61 121 35 0.9 50 30 0.8 181 241 301 361 301 361 301 361 301 361 301 361 Year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 60 0.7 25 40 Days 1 361 0.6 20 0.5 30 20 10 15 0.4 10 0.3 0.2 5 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Days 1 361 Year 1985/86 Q (m3/s) 0.1 0 61 1 21 35 50 30 241 301 0 361 Days 1 61 121 1 81 241 Year 1985/86 Q (m3/s) Year 1985/86 Q (m3/s) 60 1 81 0.9 0.8 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 0.3 10 10 0.2 5 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Days 1 Year 1986/87 Q (m3/s) 0.1 0 61 1 21 35 50 30 241 301 0 Days 1 361 Year 1986/87 Q (m3/s) 60 1 81 61 121 1 81 241 Year 1986/87 Q (m3/s) 0.9 0.8 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 0.3 10 10 0.2 5 0 Days 1 61 121 1 81 241 301 361 Days 1 61 1 21 60 35 50 30 1 81 241 301 61 121 1 81 241 Year 1987/88 Q (m3/s) 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 Days 1 25 40 0 361 Year 1987/88 Q (m3/s) Year 1987/88 Q (m3/s) 0.1 0 0.3 10 0.2 10 5 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Qobs erved 0.1 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Q s imulated - 61 - 0 Days 1 61 1 21 181 241 Chapter 6 Model validation Year 1988/89 Q (m3/s) Stabbybäcken Lillån Fyrisån 35 50 30 Year 1988/89 Q (m3/s) Year 1988/89 Q (m3/s) 60 0.9 0.8 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 0.3 10 10 0.2 5 0 Days 1 61 121 181 241 301 Days 361 1 Year 1989/90 Q (m3/s) 0.1 0 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 61 1 21 35 0.9 50 30 0.8 1 81 241 301 361 301 361 301 361 301 361 301 361 301 361 301 361 Year 1989/90 Q (m3/s) 60 0.7 25 40 Days 1 Year 1989/90 Q (m3/s) 0 361 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 0.3 10 0.2 10 5 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Days 361 1 Year 1990/91 Q (m3/s) 0.1 0 61 1 21 181 241 301 35 0.9 50 30 0.8 121 1 81 241 Year 1990/91 0.7 25 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 61 Q (m3/s) 60 40 Days 1 Year 1990/91 Q (m3/s) 0 361 0.3 10 0.2 10 5 0 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Year 1991/92 Q (m3/s) 0.1 Days 1 361 61 1 21 35 50 30 241 301 0 361 Days 1 Year 1991/92 Q (m3/s) 60 1 81 61 1 21 1 81 241 Year 1991/92 Q (m3/s) 0.9 0.8 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 0.3 20 10 10 5 0 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 0.1 Days 1 Year 1992/93 Q (m3/s) 0.2 61 121 181 241 301 Year 1992/93 Q (m3/s) 0 35 0.9 50 30 0.8 25 0.5 15 0.4 0 0 Days 1 61 121 181 241 301 Year 1993/94 Q (m3/s) 0.1 Days 61 1 21 35 50 30 1 81 241 301 0 Days 1 361 Year 1993/94 Q (m3/s) 60 Year 1992/93 0.2 1 361 241 0.3 10 5 1 81 0.6 20 10 1 21 0.7 30 20 61 Q (m3/s) 60 40 Days 1 361 61 1 21 1 81 241 Year 1993/94 Q (m3/s) 0.9 0.8 0.7 25 40 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 0.3 10 10 5 0 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 0.1 Days 1 361 Year 1994/95 Q (m3/s) 0.2 61 121 35 50 30 241 301 61 1 21 1 81 241 Days Year 1994/95 Q (m3/s) 0.8 0.7 0.6 20 0.5 15 0.4 30 20 1 0.9 25 40 0 361 Year 1994/95 Q (m3/s) 60 1 81 0.3 10 0.2 10 5 0 Days 1 61 1 21 181 241 301 361 Qobs erved 0.1 0 Days 1 61 121 1 81 241 301 361 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 Q s imulated Figure 6.1 Observed and simulated runoff for riverbasins used for calibration - 62 - Chapter 6 Model validation a) 1984/85 Fyrisån year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) Sagån year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 60 70 50 60 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Örsundaån year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) Lillån ear 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 0 361 50 35 45 30 40 25 35 30 20 25 15 20 10 15 10 5 5 0 Days 1 61 1 21 181 241 301 Days 1 61 1 21 181 241 301 361 301 361 Sävaån year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) Hågaån year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 0 361 25 16 14 20 12 10 15 8 10 6 4 5 2 0 Days 1 61 121 1 81 241 301 Sävjaån year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 0 Days 1 361 61 121 241 Stalbobäcken year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 60 1 81 1.2 50 1 40 0.8 30 0.6 20 0.4 10 0.2 0 Days 1 61 1 21 181 241 301 Days 1 Stabbybäcken year 1984/85 Q (m3/s) 0 361 61 Q (m3/s) 0.9 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Sum of all river basins year 1984/85 300 0.8 250 0.7 0.6 200 0.5 150 0.4 0.3 100 0.2 50 0.1 0 0 Days 1 61 121 181 Q obs erved 241 301 361 Days 1 61 Q s imulated - 63 - 1 21 181 241 301 361 Chapter 6 Model validation b) 1994/95 Fyrisån year 1994/95 Q (m3 /s) Q (m 3/s) 30 60 25 50 20 40 15 30 10 20 5 Sagån Year 1981/82 10 0 Day s 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Day s 1 Lillån year 1994/95 Q (m3/s) 0 361 61 20 18 16 18 14 14 12 12 10 8 10 6 6 4 2 4 1 81 241 301 361 Örsundaån year 1994/95 Q (m 3/s) 20 1 21 16 8 2 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Day s 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Sävaån year 1994/95 Q (m 3/s) Hågaån year 1994/95 Q (m3/s) 0 361 12 9 8 10 7 8 6 5 6 4 4 3 2 2 1 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Stalbobäcken year 1994/95 Q (m3/s) Sävjaån year 1994/95 Q (m 3/s) 0 361 0.4 30 0.35 25 0.3 20 0.25 0.2 15 0.15 10 0.1 5 0.05 0 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 Q (m 3/s) Stabbybäcken year 1994/95 Q (m 3/s) Days 1 361 0.45 140 0.4 120 0.35 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Sum of all river basins year 1994/95 100 0.3 0.25 80 0.2 60 0.15 40 0.1 20 0.05 0 Days 1 61 1 21 1 81 Q obs erved 241 301 0 Days 1 361 61 1 21 1 81 241 301 361 Q s imulated Figure 6.2 Observed and simulated runoff at six basins not used for calibration of regional parameters and three basins used for calibration. 1984/85 (a) and 1994-95 (b). - 64 - Chapter 6 Model validation Table 6.1 Model performance (R2) for the gauged river basins in the NOPEX area Basin Year 1981/82 Fyr Sag Lil Örs Håg Sva Svj Stl Stb Total 0.73 0.76 0.60 0.64 0.72 0.72 0.83 0.88 0.64 0.75 0.76 0.83 0.65 0.73 0.14 0.29 0.58 0.72 0.79 0.81 1982/83 0.81 0.84 0.56 0.60 0.62 0.70 0.52 0.73 0.43 0.83 0.62 0.80 0.53 0.61 0.70 0.72 0.59 0.60 0.76 0.80 1983/84 0.72 0.78 0.57 0.61 0.65 0.81 0.64 0.72 0.56 0.82 0.69 0.75 0.50 0.63 0.84 0.83 0.61 0.66 0.74 0.78 1984/85 0.78 0.84 0.83 0.86 0.75 0.90 0.84 0.94 0.77 0.96 0.90 0.96 0.82 0.93 0.75 0.88 0.68 0.93 0.90 0.95 1985/86 0.83 0.88 0.50 0.28 0.69 0.74 0.80 0.81 0.76 0.81 0.82 0.91 0.86 0.90 0.30 0.20 0.57 0.81 0.88 0.90 1986/87 0.88 0.94 0.48 0.46 0.57 0.71 0.69 0.72 0.53 0.71 0.73 0.84 0.69 0.77 0.45 0.54 0.54 0.75 0.77 0.79 1987/88 0.86 0.91 0.48 0.51 0.72 0.85 0.76 0.85 0.56 0.66 0.75 0.80 0.66 0.77 0.75 0.83 0.57 0.77 0.77 0.83 1988/89 0.70 0.84 0.25 0.33 0.32 0.46 0.22 0.60 0.26 0.64 0.27 0.64 0.19 0.58 0.62 0.76 0.26 0.44 0.48 0.68 1989/90 0.91 0.93 0.69 0.76 0.66 0.77 0.77 0.85 0.70 0.92 0.80 0.89 0.83 0.88 0.85 0.90 0.75 0.91 0.86 0.90 1990/91 0.77 0.92 0.35 0.19 0.62 0.84 0.62 0.74 0.53 0.62 0.71 0.78 0.60 0.65 0.60 0.68 0.71 0.85 0.72 0.75 1991/92 0.80 0.87 - 0.60 0.77 0.52 0.70 0.19 0.44 0.57 0.80 0.63 0.77 0.57 0.58 0.44 0.70 0.81 0.91 1992/93 0.90 0.94 - 0.74 0.78 0.71 0.73 0.64 0.78 0.65 0.72 0.78 0.85 0.73 0.79 0.76 0.85 0.84 0.87 1993/94 0.70 0.87 - 0.40 0.76 0.39 0.71 0.59 0.74 0.55 0.75 0.61 0.80 0.46 0.50 0.54 0.75 0.67 0.88 1994/95 0.72 0.78 - 0.61 0.78 0.53 0.91 0.24 0.70 0.69 0.91 0.69 0.84 0.67 0.66 0.65 0.95 0.80 0.92 1981-91 0.81 0.87 0.69 0.81 0.75 0.83 0.63 0.81 0.77 0.86 0.71 0.80 0.57 0.67 0.61 0.78 0.81 0.85 1981-95 0.81 0.87 0.67 0.80 0.71 0.83 0.60 0.80 0.76 0.85 0.71 0.81 0.59 0.68 0.62 0.79 0.82 0.88 0.57 0.60 - Numenator - R2 daily values Denumenator - R2 monthly values 0.00 - data included in calibration. 0.00 - validation. According to common practice (e.g. Popov, 1979) simulation results are considered to be good for values of R2 ≥0.75, and satisfactory R2 values between 0.75 and 0.36. According to this gradation good simulation results, based on daily observations, were - 65 - Chapter 6 Model validation obtained for Fyrisån, Sävaån and for the total gauged area of all the basins. For the rest of the basins the agreement was satisfactory. The values of R2 obtained as the average of monthly values were good for all the basins with the exception of Sagån and Stalbobäcken, where they were satisfactory. However, the gradation referred to is, as a rule, applied for individually calibrated basins, while in this study a global set of parameters for the whole NOPEX area was used. For this latter case there is yet no common practice concerning the reasonable accuracy demands. Comparing the diagrams in Figs. 6.1 and 6.2 it can be noted that the simulated curves are as a rule sharper than the observed ones. This can be explained by the fact that at this stage the actual amount of water delivered to the river net from REA elements is calculated and the flow transformation in the channel is not yet considered. For small and medium-sized basins with a lag time of less than the one day, this does not make any significant difference. A consideration of the transformation in the channel would smooth the hydrographs and possibly increase the R2 for daily values in the larger basins. It should also be noted, that for the purpose of coupling of hydrological and meteorological models, the instantaneous values of the hydrological cycle characteristics are required and, in particular, the amount of water delivered to the river net. The agreement between the simulated and observed discharge at the outlet sites of river basins including channel transformation is of a secondary importance in this case. The R2 efficiency criterion reflects the agreement between observed and calculated hydrographs, i.e. the dynamics of the discharge and not necessarily the agreement between the observed and calculated flow volumes. Table 6.2 shows the results of a comparison of the simulated water balance characteristics with the estimated values by Seibert (1994) on the basis of observed data. It is seen that the precipitation values used in simulations and those defined by Seibert are different. This discrepancy is explained by the difference in the method of calculation of areally averaged precipitation for the basins. Seibert obtained the mean values of precipitation for the river basins by multiplying the values of precipitation at each gauging station by individual correction factors for wind and moistening and the precipitation values for each basin were obtained by weighted averages of the observations at the nearest stations. Here a single correction factor of 1.2 was used for all the stations with precipitation less than 40 - 66 - Chapter 6 Model validation mm/day and for those with higher daily precipitation a correction factor of 1.0 was used. Calculation of areally averaged precipitation for the basins was done by means of interpolation of the observations to 2 km grid cells with the use of kriging. Table 6.2 Annual water balance of the gauged river basins in the NOPEX area (1981-1991) according to Seibert (1994): observed precipitation (P*), observed runoff (Q*) and evapotranspiration as resudial term (E*); and according to ECOMAG modelling: observed precipitation (P), calculated evapotranspiration (E) and calculated runoff (Q). ∆Q = Qmodel Qobserved Basin Fyrisån Sagån Lillån Örsundaån Hågaån Sävaån Sävjaån Stalbobäcken Stabbybäcken Station Ulva Kvarn Sörsätra Gränvad Härnevi Lurbo Ransta Sävja Tärnsjö Stabby P* (mm) 755 729 726 738 750 734 732 733 639 E* (mm) 534 384 481 448 436 456 488 462 458 Q* (mm) 222 346 245 290 313 278 245 272 235 P (mm) 731 720 709 715 716 715 719 728 709 E (mm) 502 484 461 468 450 464 464 472 463 (mm) (mm) ∆Q |∆ ∆Q/Q*| 229 237 249 248 265 251 254 257 246 7 -109 4 -42 -48 -27 9 -15 11 3 31 2 14 15 10 4 6 5 Q (%) It is seen in Tab. 6.2 that the simulated values were unsatisfactory for Sagån. No obvious reasons for such a discrepancy were found as runoff formation conditions in Sagån are similar to those in other river basins in the NOPEX area, in particular Fyrisån, for which the agreement was good. At the same time, the difference between the measured average annual values for Fyrisån and Sagån is 150 mm for evaporation and 124 mm for runoff. One of the possible reasons for the discrepancy may be the poor quality of the observed data, caused by inaccuracies in the rating curve. In any case, the observed data for Sagån need a thorough further analysis. 6.2 Synoptic runoff An idea about the spatial variability of river runoff can be obtained through synoptic runoff measurements (Krasovskaia, 1988). Four runoff surveys were performed at 38 sites during flow recession in the: two for wet conditions and two for dry conditions. It was possible to identify 12 of these sites along the river network used in the model (Fig. 6.3a). Fig 6.3b shows a comparison of the simulated and measured river runoff for these 12 sites on four measurement occasions. In general the agreement is good especially bearing in mind that the synoptic data have not at all been involved in the calibration. - 67 - Chapter 6 Model validation The range of variation and the variance are similar for both data sets. A more detailed analysis reveals certain discrepancies, which hardly can be fully explained. They might have been caused by inaccuracy in determination of the areas of small tributaries and the spatial interpolation of meteorological characteristics, especially rainfall. Besides, the synoptic runoff measurements, describing instantaneous discharge values, were carried out within a period of two or three days. The simulated discharges, on the other hand, give the average for a certain day, which might also cause discrepancies. Comparison of measured and simulated discharges 100 Observed discharges (m^3/s) Basin Fyrisån Synoptic measurements 10 1 0.1 Simulated discharges (m^3/s) 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Observed discharges (m^3/s) 30 25 20 15 10 5 Simulated discharges (m^3/s) 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure 6.3 Validation of the model performance; a) synoptic runoff observations at 12 sites in the Fyrisån river and b) comparison with those modelled from four different campaigns 6.3. Soil moisture content and groundwater levels Soil moisture content and groundwater levels were observed in a number of small experimental basins within the NOPEX area during CFE1 and CFE2 (the measurements were performed also outside CFEs periods). The observation points were chosen to represent different geomorphologic units (hollow, slope and nose), soil types (till, clay, sand) and land use (open area, forest, mire) found in the area. Simultaneous campaign measurements were performed in these experimental basins. The data obtained within each such basin were - 68 - Chapter 6 Model validation averaged and taken as a characteristic of an assumed REA. These data were used for the adjustment of soil water parameters at the stage of model calibration. Table 4.4 offers information about the number of observation points in each basin including their soil and land surface cover type. The modelled and averaged observed soil moisture content are in good agreement (Fig. 6.4). It can be noted, that soil moisture measurements were carried out in the top soil layer, 15-20 cm thick on the average, while soil moisture content has been modelled for an averaged 4060 cm thick soil layer (horizon A). This difference make observed soil moisture content much more sensitive to external factors (rain, evaporation) than the more integrated modelled results, resulting discrepancies between the simulated and observed values. The simulated groundwater levels are also in a good agreement with the averaged values of the groundwater level measurements (Fig. 6.4). The agreement is, however, not as good as for the soil moisture content. This is mainly explained by the fact that the groundwater observation tubes did not represent the variability in a REA well enough, partly due to technical problems of installation of groundwater tubes in till soil. In particular, groundwater tubes in nose positions went dry during longer periods without rain. This leads to a systematical underestimating of the average groundwater depth. The modelled groundwater depth is accordingly deeper than the observed averages for till soils during dry conditions. - 69 - Chapter 6 Model validation Soil moisture, Östfora Soil moisture, Dansarhällarna Ground water level, Östfora Ground water level, Dansarhällarna Soil moisture, Marsta Soil moisture, Buddby Ground water level, Buddby Soil moisture, Tärnsjö Figure 6.4 Observed and modelled soil moisture content groundwater levels, each cross represents a spatial average, compare Table 4.4. - 70 - Chapter 6 Model validation 6.4 Vertical flux exchange and water balance NOPEX concentrated field efforts during May - June 1994 and April - July 1995 provide high quality data sets for estimation of vertical fluxes, especially evapotranspiration (latent heat flux). Measurements were performed at a range of scales, in time and space, on the ground and from airborne and space platforms. In many contexts these different flux estimates are not directly comparable due to differences in temporal and spatial scales. Local measurements from masts allow calculation of “point” estimates of heat fluxes from lakes and land surfaces (forest, mires, agricultural land) using eddy correlation, profile and sap flow methods. During events with airborne and radio-sounding measurements, estimates of the fluxes are also available along flight transects. Regional flux estimates of sensible and latent heat for the whole and/or parts of the area are available from meso-scale climate modelling. A systematic evaluation and critical comparison of the different estimates including those of the ECOMAG model have been performed (Gottschalk et al., 1998a). The analysis of data within the NOPEX project is in an early stage and the methodological problem of comparison of different flux estimates has been stressed in this comparison. Table 6.3 shows components of the water balance estimated with ECOMAG for the whole NOPEX area during CFE1 and CFE2. The calculations show that during CFE1 the modelled evaporation was 10 mm higher than the observed precipitation and the runoff was as low as 6 mm. During the longer CFE2 period the evaporation and runoff parts of the water balance were 156 mm higher than the precipitation. This difference between precipitation on one hand and evaporation and runoff on the other during both CFE periods is balanced by a decrease is the soil moisture and groundwater supply, accumulated before during snowmelt and rain in winter and spring. Table 6.3 Water balance of the NOPEX area during CFE1 and CFE2 according to ECOMAG. Period Precipitation (mm) Evaporation (mm) Runoff (mm) ∆W (mm) CFE1 27 May - 23 June 1994 64 74 6 -16 CFE2 18 April - 14 July 1995 215 289 82 -156 ∆W - Water supply changes in soil and groundwater zone. - 71 - Chapter 6 Model validation Fig. 6.5a and 6.5b illustrate the patterns of the main hydrologic components for CFE1 and CFE2 periods, respectively. The components show relatively large variation across space. Precipitation has the smoothest variation, which is mainly explained by the interpolation method (kriging). An evaluation of precipitation from weather radar data gives a more patchy result (Crochet, 1997). It is seen that during both periods the lowest precipitation amount is found in the south-western part of the NOPEX area, while the highest values are observed in the northern part for CFE1 and north-eastern part for CFE2. As far as evaporation is concerned, the highest values during both periods were observed in the north-eastern part covered by forest on primarily till soils, while the lowest evaporation values are found in the south-eastern part of the NOPEX area with mainly clay soils and shallow bedrock. In a more detailed resolution a decrease in evaporation values in the areas with sandy soils is observed, while the evaporation values increase over lakes and mires. The current version of the ECOMAG model does not consider the role of different vegetation characteristics for evapotranspiration. There are still obstacles, mainly related to scale issues, to overcome, in order to correctly compare flux estimates with model calculations for individual “points”, patches and fundamental units (REA). Preliminary comparisons with mainly mast measurements give good agreement for individual patches on a daily base, although some discrepancies are noted. The variability across space shown by the model remains to be supported by independent measurements. Runoff patterns during CFE1 and CFE2 are non-homogeneous due to the non-linearity of the runoff formation process involving precipitation, soil and land cover patterns, slopes etc. In general, the highest specific runoff values are found in areas with shallow bedrock and sandy soil. These soils have low water storage capacity in the unsaturated zone and, as a rule, moderate evaporation, active recharge of groundwater and high base flow and occur in association with eskers and in areas with steep slopes. Low runoff values during the relatively short periods of CFE1 and CFE2 are found in areas with peat and mires, though in the context of a longer time period (e.g. a year) the simulation shows that mires act as runoff regulators. Low runoff was also found in flat areas. Table 6.4 shows the values of the simulated and measured river runoff in the gauged basins of the NOPEX area for the CFE1 and CFE2. It is seen, that in general, the results are in a - 72 - Chapter 6 Model validation good agreement for the runoff and also for the maximum daily discharges. Table 6.4 Observed (Qo) and simulated (Qs) runoff characteristics of the gauged NOPEX area during periods CFE1 and CFE2 CFE1, 27 May - 23 June 1994 CFE2, 18 April - 14 July 1995 Basin Qo Qs Qomax Qsmax Fyrisån (mm) 4 (mm) 6 (m3/s) 3.0 (m3/s) 3.0 Qo (mm) 100 Sagån - 6 - Qs (mm) 105 2.0 112 95 Qomax (m3/s) 29 31 32 Lillån 3 6 0.2 0.5 94 103 Örsundaån 3 5 0.7 0.8 75 90 Hågaån 4 3 0.4 0.3 94 89 Sävaån 5 5 0.5 0.5 99 89 10 11 Sävjaån 5 6 1.8 2.3 98 92 24 28 Stalbobäcken 9 10 0.09 0.07 90 104 0.4 0.4 Stabbybäcken 2 3 0.01 0.01 73 83 0.5 0.3 9.4 97 97 Total gauged area - 6 - 9.6 Qsmax (m3/s) 29 12 5.9 101 11 20 9.2 138 Soil moisture distribution patterns are in general more directly related to the soil type. Higher soil moisture content is found in areas with peat and clay soils, while soil moisture content is low in areas with sandy soil and shallow bedrock. - 73 - Chapter 6 Model validation a) - 74 - Chapter 6 Model validation b) Figure 6.5 Calculated water balance elements of the whole NOPEX area for a) CFE1 (27 May - 23 June 1994) and b) CFE2 (18 April - 14 July 1995) The main comparison is performed for regional flux estimates for the whole NOPEX area (Gottschalk et al., 1998a). The comparisons have been made for individual days when all different estimates were available as well as for the whole of CFE1 and CFE2 when only - 75 - Chapter 6 Model validation mast measurements and estimates from the meso-scale meteorological model and the ECOMAG model were available. The agreement is acceptable taking into consideration the uncertainty of the different estimates, but the problem needs further investigations. The regional estimate of evapotranspiration by a weighted average of mast measurements for CFE1 is 67 mm and CFE2 - 335 mm. The corresponding estimates by the ECOMAG model are 74 mm and 289 mm, respectively (see Tab. 6.3). There was also relatively good correlation between 24h values of evapotranspiration estimated by the ECOMAG model and values estimated from mast measurements, with R2= 0.672 (Fig. 6.6). Mast whole region (mm/day) 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 ECOMAG-model (mm/day) 4 5 Figure 6.6 Regional latent heat flux values estimated by mast measurements for the land cover data of the whole region and estimates by the ECOMAG model. - 76 - Chapter 7 Conclusions 7. Conclusions The conclusions referred to in the following are replica of those of Motovilov et al., (1998). A physically-based distributed hydrological model ECOMAG has been applied to nine river basins within the NOPEX area with the purpose of validating its ability for regional modelling i.e. a repeated use of the model everywhere within a region with a global set of parameters. The NOPEX concentrated field efforts during 1994 (CFE1) and 1995 (CFE2) as well as the continuous climate monitoring (CCM) and runoff monitoring provide high quality data sets for such a validation. Most parameters of the ECOMAG model have a physical interpretation, for example soil water parameters, which can, in principle, be measured. Others can be given reasonable values from experience, for example the degree-day factor. However, calibration of some model parameters is required to achieve an acceptable model performance. The question put forward here is whether a calibration of a global set of parameters on a few basins in a region provides an acceptable performance for basins not used in the calibration and for variables not included in the calibration procedure. An immediate answer to this question from the present study is yes, although with some reservations. The global parameters were determined from a joint calibration against runoff data for seven years from three drainage basins with an additional adjustment of soil parameters against soil moisture and groundwater level data from five small experimental subbasins in 1994-1995 including CFE periods. The model with these parameters was then validated against runoff data for 14 years from six other basins and the remaining seven years for the three basins used for calibration, and against synoptic runoff measurements on four occasions in the largest drainage basin Fyrisån during CFE1 and CFE2. Finally, regional estimates of daily evapotranspiration were compared with estimates from flux measurements, to give an independent assessment of the water balance. The performance of simulated runoff was evaluated by the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency measure. For the larger basins and for the NOPEX area as a whole the results were classed as good and for other basins as satisfactory. A striking result is the variation in the performance criteria between different years, which partly might be explained by shifts between stable and unstable climatic conditions. Some discrepancies in the model performance are - 77 - Chapter 7 Conclusions suspected to be caused by poor quality of runoff data. However, the overall result must be considered to be good as the simulations were performed without calibration. The ability of the ECOMAG model to simulate the variation of average soil moisture for a grid net of the resolution 2km x 2km as shown by this study is also good. The performance has been evaluated by manual inspection of averaged observed values for grid cells with those simulated. The performance is equally good for till, clay and sandy soils. Averaged observed and simulated groundwater level data have been compared in the same manner, with slightly worse results than in case of the soil moisture. A problem here has been to obtain representative average groundwater level values for grids, because of the difficulties with installing tubes at sufficient depth in till soils. A more problematic question is the comparison of synoptic runoff observations with those simulated. This focuses attention on the model’s ability to reproduce the spatial variation of runoff. The total variability across space, as assessed by the 12 synoptic points, has a similar pattern for observed and simulated values but the individual deviations between them are difficult to explain at present. It has therefore not been possible to really validate the process description and parameterisation of drainage from individual grid cells. The simulated water balance components for grid cells show relatively high spatial variability and it has not been possible to confirm this variability from independent observations. This problem needs to be studied further. Simulated water balance elements were integrated to the whole NOPEX area and independent estimates from vertical flux measurements of regional evapotranspiration have been used for validation. The noted discrepancies are within the uncertainties of the estimated values. A further step here would be to develop a data assimilation scheme for the regional model taking advantage of all separate data sources, not only those traditionally used in modelling efforts by hydrologists. - 78 - Notation and dimensions 8. Notation and dimensions Abbreviations ASCII BALTEX CFE DEM ECOMAG GCM GIS NOPEX REA REV SHE SINOP SMHI SVAT TOPMODEL WATBAL WPI American Standard Code for Information Interchange The Baltic Sea Experiment Concentrated Field Efforts Digital Elevation Model ECOlogical Model for Applied Geophysics Global Circulation Model Geographical Information System NOrthem hemisphere climate Processes land-surface Experiment Representative Elementary Area Representative Elementary Volume Systieme Hydrologigue European System of Information in NOPex Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Soil-Vegetation-ATmosphere scheme TOPography based hydrological MODEL¨ WATer BALance hydrological model Water Problems Institute Notations and dimensions Symbol Description x,y,z t Lf ρi ρw i B L Z d R Rr Rs T H E Epot I Q V W Units Main constants and variables Co-ordinates Time Latent heat of ice fusion Density of ice Density of water Geometrical characteristics Slope Width Length Thickness Meteorological characteristics Deficit of air vapour pressure Rate of precipitation Rate of rain precipitation Rate of snow precipitation Air temperature Main hydrological variables Depth of water (snow) layer Actual evapotranspiration Potential evaporation Volumetric content of ice per unit of volume Horizontal water flux (discharge) Vertical water flux Volumetric content of water per unit of volume - 79 - m day, s 179.0 kkal kg-1 917 kg m-3 1000 kg m-3 m m-1 m m m mb m day-1 m day-1 m day-1 o C m m day-1 m day-1 m3 m-3 m3s-3 , m3 day-1 m day-1 m3 m3 Notation and dimensions Symbol kT kc vs ST Sf Tcr TM T0 WHC ρn λs ke n R0 ϕo ϕ FC FCM WP P C D WE ρ K KX lt Hf Ht Kf Wu λf Hg Tg Vd Description Units Snow cover Degree day factor Parameter of snow compaction Velocity of snow compaction Rate of snowmelting Rate of frost of meltwater in snow Threshold air temperature for precipitation Threshold air temperature for snowmelting Temperature on the soil-snow surface Water holding capacity Density of new snow Heat conductivity of snow Surface Potential evaporation parameter Manning roughness coefficient Effective rainfall excess Maximal depression storage Actual depression storage Soil Constants Field capacity Maximum value of FC Wilting point Total porosity =FC-WP capillary porosity =P-FC non-capillary porosity =(FC-WP)/2 critical moisture for E Volumetric density of dry soil Unfrozen soil Vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity Horizontal saturated hydraulic conductivity Heat conductivity w m-1day Frozen soil Frost depth Thaw depth Vertical saturated hydraulic conductivity Volumetric content of unfrozen water Heat conductivity Ground water Depth of groundwater level Temperature of groundwater Rate of water exchange between upper groundwater zone and dipper layers - 80 - m day-1 oC-1 m2 kg-1 day-1 m day-1 m day-1 m day-1 o C o C o C m3 m-3 kg m3 w m-1day m day-1 mb-1 day m-0.33 m m m m3 m-3 m3 m-3 m3 m-3 m3 m-3 m3 m-3 m3 m-3 m3 m-3 kg m-3 m day-1 m day-1 m m m day-1 M3 M-3 w m-1day m C m day-1 o Notation and dimensions Probability characteristics Symbol Description F Distribution function F0 Probability of exceedanee distribution function 2 R Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient Parameters of probability distribution functions α,β Indices C Characteristics for capillary zone l Characteristics for liquid phase of water m Mean value nc Characteristics for non-capillary zone s Characteristics for solid phase of water (ice) L Characteristics for lower boundary of element on plane 0 Characteristics for upper boundary of element on plane 1 Characteristics for surface storage 2 Characteristics for horizon A of soil 3 Characteristics for horizon B of soil 4 Characteristics for groundwater zone 5 Characteristics for snow cover 6 Characteristics for river network - 81 - References 9. 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