Document 11451751

topic 5 problem
legibility research
What is a legible font type and font size for a page of text? This is the question you have to answer in this
week’s problem. To answer this question you will need to do an experiment. You will need to make a
number of different pages with differing font types and font sizes etc. and to test them on a number of
subjects to assess their relative legibility so that you can choose the most appropriate types and forms for
your work.
Legible writing
What is a legible font type and font size for
a page of text? This is the question you
have to answer in this week’s problem. To
answer this question you will need to do
an experiment. You will need to make a
number of different pages with differing
font types and font sizes etc. and to test
them on a number of subjects to assess
their relative legibility so that you can
choose the most appropriate types and
forms for your work.
Legible writing
What is a legible font type and font size for
a page of text? This is the question you
have to answer in this week’s problem. To
answer this question you will need to do an
experiment. You will need to make a
number of different pages with differing
font types and font sizes etc. and to test
them on a number of subjects to assess their
relative legibility so that you can choose the
most appropriate types and forms for your
sample 1
sample 2
There are many variables that can influence the legibility of text on the printed page and you are free to
experiment with whichever ones you see fit. Variations include font size, font type, font style, character
spacing, leading, line length etc.
Submission Requirements
Submit your solution to this problem using a 1-2 page Word document The submission should follow the
format given below:
A description of legibility and its influencing factors:
a description of the variations you used in your investigation of legibility
a description of the experiment and how you judged the legibility of each page
a description of the findings from your inquiry into legibility and your analyses
a list of the references you used to guide your inquiry
1. Universal Product Code (p.120 textbook).
The Universal product Code (UPC) is a very distinguishable code which appears on all packaged goods to
aid the computerised pricing and selling systems. It is the ultimate mark of consumerism, but more often
than not it goes unnoticed in most places.
Your task in this activity is to use the mark, or some form of it, to make a personal, political or social
comment. You will need to try a few initial ideas before choosing one and developing it fully. In this exercise
you can use a light-hearted approach to the problem solving and you can be satirical, comical and witty in
your design.
Use the Powerpoint slides provided as the template for your work. There are a number of slides to use for
your work in this activity. Try 4 or 5 ideas and when you are happy, take one and develop it completely,
2. Life and Death Problem (p.110 textbook).
The second problem is to use the two panels on the back of a truck as an easel to represent contrasting and
conflicting outcomes of opposing polarities (like life and death). The intention in this activity is for you to
make a personal statement , as opposed to a functional statement, by extending a life-death concept into a
meaningful graphic statement.
Use the images in the Powerpoint slide to gather your ideas and to test their use. Try 4 or 5 sketches with
the Powerpoint slides and when you have found a sketch you are happy with, execute it to develop it further.
You can choose whether you use colour or monochrome for this exercise, colour would be a god option!
Note: When you have finished save all your completed artwork into your portfolio for later use.