Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191 – 206 Complex pockmarks with carbonate-ridges off mid-Norway: Products of sediment degassing Martin Hovlanda,*, Henrik Svensenb, Carl Fredrik Forsbergc, Harald Johansend, Christine Fichlere, Jan Helge Fossåf, René Jonssong, Håkon Rueslåttene b a Statoil, N-4035, Stavanger, Norway Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway c Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, P.O. Box 3930 Ullevaal Stadion, 0806 Oslo, Norway d Institute of Energy, IFE, P.O. Box 40, N-2027 Kjeller, Norway e Statoil, R&D Department, N-7005 Trondheim, Norway f Institute of Marine Research, P.O. Box 1870, N-5817 Nordnes, Norway g DeepOcean, P.O. Box 2144, N-5504 Haugesund, Norway Received 8 June 2004; received in revised form 22 March 2005; accepted 4 April 2005 Abstract A new type of pockmark has been discovered off mid-Norway. They contain up to 10 m high ridges of methanederived authigenic carbonate (MDAC) rock. The pockmarks were investigated using ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) in 2003 and 2004. The complex pockmarks are located well within the gas hydrate pressure/temperature stability field, and are associated with a regional BSR (bottom simulating reflector). Our high-resolution seismic data demonstrate that the near-surface sedimentary bedding dips into vertical pipe structures underlying the pockmarks, and that the pipes are deeply rooted. The pockmarks are circular in plan view and contain up to 190 m long and 40 m wide ridges formed by up to 4 m wide carbonate rocks piled on top of each other in irregular piles. Other key features of the complex pockmarks include: 1) a distinct fauna with local bacterial mats, small tubeworms, stalked crinoids, and pycnogonids (sea spiders); and 2) the presence of light hydrocarbon gases (C1–C5) in clay-rich sediments. The methane y13C values range from 54x to 69x PDB, suggesting the presence of both bacterial and thermogenic gases. During our two-day observation periods only micro-seepage occurred, without ebullition or other visual fluid flow. Petrography and geochemistry of carbonate blocks from the pockmarks suggest precipitation of methane-derived aragonite within the sediments (y13C = 52x to 58x PDB). We suggest that the complex pockmarks formed by sudden (dcatastrophicT) fluid flow and that the large carbonate ridges represent dislodged MDACs originally formed subsurface, prior to the event. Subsequent microseepage is still active, and may indicate that the pipes represent fluid flow conduits which transport both bacterial and thermogenic hydrocarbons to the water column. Our data do not suggest pressure buildup and do not predict future eruptions * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (M. Hovland). 0025-3227/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2005.04.005 192 M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 from the complex pockmarks. Thus our data rather suggest that the dcatastrophicT formation of the complex pockmarks may be a one-time-event. D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: complex pockmark; conduit; degassing; dewatering; gas hydrates; authigenic carbonates 1. Introduction Over the last decades pockmarks have proven to be important seabed features that provide information about fluid flow on continental margins, even if their formation and dynamics are still poorly constrained. Pockmarks were first discovered off Nova Scotia, Canada, and classified as seabed gas and porewater escape features by King and MacLean (1970). Further documentation of a fluid flow origin of pockmarks came with the discovery of methane-related carbonate crusts and slabs inside North Sea pockmarks (Hovland et al., 1985). This proved that at least some of the depressions form by local mass wasting by escaping hydrocarbon gases and porewaters (Hovland et al., 1985; Hovland and Judd, 1988; Judd and Sim, 1998). The source of the gases and waters are in many cases poorly constrained, although some studies during recent years have demonstrated a genetic relationship with destabilization of gas hydrates (Vogt et al., 1999a,b; Paull et al., 2000; Wood et al., 2002; Bünz et al., 2003). It is suspected that pockmarks form by sudden local gas/ porewater/sediment eruption, and that they periodically have short outbursts followed by long periods of quiescence or microseepage. Their detailed formation mechanism and dynamics is still largely unknown because of deficiency in long-term monitoring (c.f., Hovland and Judd, 1988). In this paper, we present new data from some complex pockmarks, partly associated with gas hydrates in deep water off mid-Norway. Our findings may have implications for pockmark dynamics in general. 2. Methods During spring, 2003, and summer, 2004, detailed surveys were conducted along the northeastern flank of the Storegga Slide, in the so-called Nyegga area (approx. 648 40V 2W N, 058 17V 32W E) (Fig. 1). They were undertaken in order to investigate suspected localized fluid flow through the seabed. Geophysical mapping, visual inspection, and seabed sampling was performed by use of the DeepOcean ROV dHiRovTsystems, operated from the survey/ROV-support vessels dNormand TonjerT in 2003 and dEdda FonnT in 2004. Two 3 m long, 10 cm diameter sediment samples were acquired, with the vessel’s 800 kg gravity coring system. The ROV was equipped with video cameras, multi-beam echosounder (MBE), side scan sonar (SSS), sub-bottom profiler (SBP), grabber arms (manipulators), and 50 cm long, 6 cm diameter sediment sampling tubes. Two carbonate rocks were sampled with the ROV’s manipulators, in addition to four ROV sediment core samples. Geochemical and isotopic analyses of sediment-hosted hydrocarbon gases were conducted on 300 g sediment sub-samples. These sub-samples were stored frozen in plastic bags before analysis at Geolab Nor, Trondheim, Norway. Standard gas chromatography and mass spectrometry procedures were used to determine the amount of occluded (interstitial) and adsorbed (acid released) methane (C1) to hexane (C6) and the stable isotope values, respectively. The initial survey of the Nyegga pockmarks was performed by use of the ROV SSS and MBE. The ROV-mounted geophysical systems were run at an altitude of 20 m above the seabed. Detailed geophysical records and maps from these surveys, defined the approach to the pockmarks with visual ground-contact with the aim of not disturbing sediments too much (due to visibility). First, a carbonate pile in pockmark A and later in pockmarks G8 and G11 were visited. Here we concentrate most of our description on findings and sampling in pockmark G11, which was visited also in 2004. The ROV manipulators were used to find out whether the blocks observed were fragile, i.e., consisting of unlithified sediments or whether they were consolidated/lithified. Most of the jumbled piles of blocky material consisted M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 193 Fig. 1. The Nyegga study area is located between the Ormen Lange oil and gas field (OL) and a cluster of fields in the Åsgard/Kristin area (K). The Storegga slide scar is evident on this general location map by the contours (contour interval 100 m). The Nyegga area (yellow square) is located on the intact continental slope, between 650 and 750 m water depth. In the little map, dTT denotes Trondheim. Colour code on the fields: Green = oil, red = gas, violet = condensate. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) of solid rock (Fig. 6a). However, several blocks of a different nature were also found. Some of these resembled piles of exposed and corroded apparently drhythmically layered sedimentsT or layered, possibly lithified sediments (Fig. 6c). Although they were found to be brittle, they could not be sampled with manipulators due to crushing. Their composition and true physical properties are not known. Isotopic analyses on carbonate samples were performed at the Institute of Energy Research (IFE), Kjeller, Norway. Stable isotope analysis of carbonates is based on reaction with H3PO4 in vacuum. Organic material was removed prior to carbonate stable isotope analysis by vacuum heating the samples in a furnace for 4 h at 400 8C. Calcite/aragonite is reacted for 2 h at 25.0 8C. The released CO2 is cryogenically purified and transferred to a Finnigan MAT 251 isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) with a dual inlet and triple collector, for determination of y13C and y18O. The analyses were controlled by house standards of calcite and aragonite. Data are reported in per mil relative to the VPDB (Vienna Pedee Belemnite) standard. The precision for y13C is 0.1 per mil and for y18O 0.2 per mil. Mineralogical and petrographical analyses of collected limestone samples were done using a JEOL JSM 840 scanning electron microscope (SEM) at the Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo. Microprobe analysis of carbonate was done with a CAMECA SX 100 electron microprobe, with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV and a beam current of 10 nA, using synthetic and natural standards. X-ray diffraction analyses were performed at the University of Oslo (Mineralogical–Geological 194 M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 Museum) on bulk carbonate samples to determine the dominant carbonate phase. Micrograms of the samples were crushed in ethanol in a mortar prior to mounting and analysis on a Siemens 5005 spectrometer. 3. Geological setting The seabed of our study area at the Nyegga region, has a general slope angle of 18 towards the west and represents the dshoulderT of the continental slope leading down to abyssal depths of about 3000 m in the Norwegian Sea Basin. The region we studied (Fig. 2) Fig. 2. A shaded colour relief map of the general study area, based on multibeam echosounder data. The most pronounced bathymetric feature on this image, is the Storegga Slide scarp seen crossing from E to W in the lower part, with numerous rotated slump blocks. The pink arrow points at the complex pockmark G11, discussed in this study. Numerous similar pockmarks can also be seen on the map. The warmest colour in this image (red, upper right) represents about 550 m water depth, and the dark blue, lower left, represents about 1100 m. The approximate location of the 2D-line shown in Fig. 3 is indicated on this map (its exact location cannot be disclosed due to commercial reasons). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) lies at the border between two large sedimentary basins: the Møre Basin to the south, and the Vøring Basin to the north (Bünz et al., 2003). The basins probably developed as a result of several rifting episodes leading to Late Paleocene/Early Eocene continental break-up and thermal subsidence (cf. Skogseid and Eldholm, 1989; Brekke, 2000). The sediment infill reaches up to 10 km (cf. Brekke, 2000). Several dome-shaped structures, suspected to represent contractional structures of Late Eocene and Mid Miocene age occur on this margin and some are known to be hydrocarbon reservoirs, such as that of the Ormen Lange dome structure (Brekke and Riis, 1987; Doré and Lundin, 1996; Vågnes et al., 1998), to the south of Nyegga. The seafloor of the Nyegga region is generally smooth, and consists of a few-cm-thick layer of Holocene sediments overlying the Naust, Kai, and Brygge Formations. The Naust Formation is of Plio–Pleistocene age, representing glacial–interglacial successions of debris flow deposits and hemipelagic and/or contouritic drift sediments (Stuevold and Eldholm, 1996; Vorren et al., 1998; Hjelstuen et al., 1999; Evans et al., 2002) (Fig. 3). The giant retrogressive submarine Storegga Slide is the last of a series of slide events coupled to Pleistocene climatic fluctuations (Bugge, 1983; Bugge et al., 1987; Mienert et al., 1998; Haflidason et al., 2003; Bryn et al., 2003). Beneath the Naust Formation the sedimentary succession includes the Brygge Formation, of the Eocene/Oligocene and the Miocene/earliest Pliocene Kai Formation, generally characterized by fine-grained hemipelagic oozes (Rokoengen et al., 1995; Haflidason et al., 2001). According to Bünz et al. (2003), the border of glacigenic debris flow deposits lies immediately to the north of the Nyegga region. The main depocentre for these sediments lies about 50 km to the NNE, with a total accumulated glacigenic debris flow thickness of over 300 m. 3.1. BSR, polygonal faults and fluid flow A prominent BSR occurs in the Nyegga region and is also observed north, west, and south of our study area (Mienert et al., 1998; Gravdal, 1999; Bouriak et al., 2000). Of particular interest to our study is the finding of polygonal faults through the acoustically parallel layered sediments of the Oligocene and Mio- M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 195 Fig. 3. A multi-channel 2D-seismic section showing the general geological features described in this article. The triangles on the seafloor, marked with arrows and dPmT denote pockmark locations on the seafloor associated with sub-surface dpipesT. The regional bottom simulating reflector (BSR) is indicated with arrows, and is probably apparent because of free gas below the GHSZ (gas hydrate stability zone). Megapolygonal faults are indicated on this interpreted section. cene successions (the uppermost Brygge and Kai Formations) of the Vøring/Møre basins (Berndt et al., 2003; Bünz et al., 2003). The polygonal shape of these faults in plan view has been mapped (cf. Hjelstuen et al., 1997; Cartwright and Dewhurst, 1998). The faults commonly occur in at least two tiers (Berndt et al., 2003). The density of surface and shallow sub-surface fluid escape features in the Møre and Vøring sedimentary basins is highest in the Nyegga region (Gravdal et al., 2003), and is suspected by Berndt et al. (2003) to be associated with the polygonal fault system (Bünz et al., 2003; Bünz et al., 2005). The pockmarks on the Vøring Plateau and in the Nyegga area, were first recognised on 2Dseismic records as local topographic anomalies associated with BSRs (Bugge, 1983). Because of their partly positive relief, these features were at first interpreted as possible dmud diapirsT, and later, based on side scan sonar and high-resolution seismic records, as pockmarks, mud diapirs, and mud volcanoes (Mienert et al., 1998; Gravdal, 1999; Laberg et al., 2001). Berndt et al. (2003), showed that pockmarks and other fluid flow features at Nyegga are associated with pipes and also with polygonal faults. According to Bünz et al. (2005), 3D seismic data provide geophysical evidence that gas has leaked from the nearby Ormen Lange reservoir and has migrated upwards into the shallow geosphere. Furthermore, they surmise that sediments with increased gas content might have liquefied during the mobilization of the slides. The complex pockmarks and associated vertical pipes that we describe are thus suspected to represent sub-features in a large regional fluid flow system. 4. Oceanographical setting The oceanographic conditions at Nyegga are rather special due to very cold Arctic bottom water in the Norwegian–Greenland deep sea basin, to the west of Nyegga. A distinct mid-water temperature gradient with a temperature decline of about 6 8C over a depth interval of only 200 m exists in the water column above the Nyegga survey area. This thermocline separates the warm, upper Atlantic water mass (7–9 8C), from the cold ( 0.5 to 1.5 8C) Norwegian Sea Basin water mass (Fig. 4). Furthermore, the thermocline seasonally varies in depth as well as over longer, decadal time periods (Mork and Blindheim, 2000; Orvik and Skagseth, 2003), a factor, which may 196 M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 Fig. 4. The seawater temperature gradient measured during the ROV-dives in the summer of 2004. Note the deep thermocline located between 300 and 600 m. influence the stability of underlying sediment-hosted gas hydrates. During our survey, the pockmarks, located at 600– 750 m water depth, were situated in ambient bottom water temperatures of 0.5 8C to 0.7 8C. It is estimated that a 7–10 8C warming is needed to dissociate gas hydrates located at the seafloor in the 600–750 m water depth range (cf. Dickens et al., 1997). 5. Morphology of pockmarks The studied pockmarks are morphologically more complex than dnormalT seabed pockmarks (Hovland and Judd, 1988), and occur as near-circular, up to 15 m deep and 320 m wide depressions. Their most distinctive feature is the occurrence of chaotic heaps of large carbonate rocks and slabs, which protrude from the central part of the depressions up to the mean surrounding seafloor level or, even slightly higher. A total of four large pockmarks, named: A, C, G8, and G11 were investigated. Characteristic dimensions of depressions and interior carbonate piles are given in Table 1. Pockmark A is ellipsoidal in plan view. It has a distinct (asymmetric) curved ridge, crossing slightly off the depression centre. The maximum height difference between top of ridge and bottom of depression is 9.5 m (Fig. 5a). Scattered, up to 3 m high smaller carbonate piles also occur on the pockmark’s slopes. Pockmark C is very similar to A, although it is symmetrical, with a maximum height difference Table 1 Characteristic sizes and heights, relating to the Nyegga complex pockmarks Loctn. w L Max d Min d Pockm d Ridge w Ridge L Ridge h No piles A C G8 G11 210 200 230 260 270 200 320 310 694 664 729 738 684 657 722 723 10 7 7 15 40 30 35 40 190 80 100 130 8 5 5 10 9 7 10 12 Dimentions are in m. d = depth, w = width, L = length, h = height. M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 197 Fig. 5. Shaded relief and perspective (oblique view) images of the four Nyegga complex pockmarks surveyed (see Table 1 for dimensions). The vertical scale has been enhanced by a factor of 5 vs the horizontal scale. The swath bathymetry (multi-beam echosounder) data has been gridded at a grid size of 1 m by 1 m. Note the location of sediment sample (bacterial mat location) marked with an asterix, and location of authigenic carbonate slab-sample (G11-B) marked with a circle. between top of ridge and depression base of 7 m (Fig. 5b). Furthermore, C has 7 distinct, and up to 2 m high isolated carbonate piles along its outer perimeter (Fig. 5b). Pockmarks G8 and G11 are adjacent with a distance of 500 m. G11 is near-circular, G8 is ellipsoidal in plan view. G8 resembles A and C, in that it also has 10 distinct, up to 2 m high isolated carbonate piles along its perimeter. It has an elongated dome-shaped carbonate pile, slightly offset the pockmark centre (Fig. 5c). Pockmark G11 is the deepest and most spectacular, with two irregular ridges, divided by a deep central basin. Additional small interior basins and piles add to its chaotic appearance (Fig. 5d). The largest individual carbonate block seen inside any of the four pockmarks measures about 4 m by 3 m by 2 m, i.e., a volume of about 24 m3, and is located inside G11 (Fig. 5d). 6. Seabed observations Our survey documents the existence of an apparently pockmark-specific micro- and macrofauna (Figs. 6 and 7), which includes bacterial mats (probably Beggiatoa sp), fields of small tube-worms (probably polychaetes and pogonophorans) and large (15 cm) pycnogonids (sea-spiders, suspected to be of the species Colossendeis proboscidea (T. Brattegard, personal communication, 2004). The bacterial mats were located in the deepest, soft sediment-covered portions of the G11-pockmark, and were also observed at one of the sediment 198 M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 Fig. 6. Underwater colour images grabbed from the ROV-acquired video footage from complex pockmark G11 (better picture resolution is unfortunately not possible). a) Up to 24 m3 large carbonate slabs occur inside the pockmark. Note the basket star (lower middle), stalked crinoids, sea-anemone, and unidentified organism (cnidaria?) lower middle (right). Notice that most of these macrofaunal organisms are perched on the lower side of the carbonate rock (see text). b) Five stalked crinoids perched on top of an adjacent slab to that shown in a). Note the fish (eel pout?) resting next to one of the crinoids (inset detail). c) Layered and friable (crisp and fragile) exposed sediment structure is suspected to represent carbonate-cemented sediments. The organisms include basket stars, crinoids, and unidentified macro-fauna. d) Five exposed thin wafer-like carbonate rocks found in the deepest portion of G11. The one standing vertically next to the basket star (right) was sampled (Sample G11-A). It is shown lying on the deck of dNormand TonjerT in the inset (lower left). e) A sea spider (pycnogonid suspected to be a Collossendeis sp.) located on one of the large slabs near that shown in a). f) A pycnogonid ambling near the sediment sampling location (bacterial mat location shown in Fig. 7). The animal measures about 15 cm across (between tips of legs). core sample locations (Fig. 7). In addition to the typical discoloration of the seafloor, slimy and bfluffyQ filaments were seen undulating in the currents set up by the ROV. Up to 30 cm tall stalked crinoids (Fig. 6b) and large (up to 1 m diameter) ophiurids (basket stars, Fig. 6a) are abundant on the carbonate rocks. These, together with hydrozoa, and numerous other unidentified sessile organisms were perched at specific locations on the large carbonate rocks. 7. Sub-bottom geology and active seeps High-resolution SBP records were acquired across three of the pockmarks: A, C, and G8. M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 199 Fig. 7. Dark- and white-stained seabed sediments caused by microseepage and bacterial mat development on the surface. The area is about 1 m by 1 m and shows small tube-worms and small pogonophorans growing round the stained sediments. This is sampling location G11-2, also called the dbacterial matT location, shown in Fig. 5d (Tables 2 and 3). The small inset image shows the site after coring with ROV. These demonstrate that the fine acoustic upper layering gives way to a zone of unlayered (disturbed) acoustically transparent sediments inside the pockmarks. Furthermore, the finely horizontally layered sediments clearly dip down around the perimeter of the structures, indicating some sort of central subsidence or collapse. From the SBPrecords it is clear that dyoungerT material has been deposited on top of these dipping layers (see Fig. 8). We suggest that these dyoungerT sediments in fact represent older material that has erupted from the central conduit-structures (acoustically transparent zones) and has become redistributed after possibly having undergone lithification. Results from the geochemical investigations show that the occluded (interstitial) hydrocarbon gases in the pockmark-sediments, range from methane (C1) up to pentane (C5) (Table 3). The relatively high content of typical thermogenic hydrocarbons (C3+) indicates a prolific and probably long-term hydrocarbon fluid flow. Table 3 shows that the highest occluded gas concentrations are found in pockmarks A and G11. However, the occluded methane value was about 5 times higher in G11 (sample G11-2) at a bacterial mat Fig. 8. High-resolution, sub-bottom profiler (SBP) image from G8 (see Fig. 5c). The upper image presents the raw data, whereas the lower image contains interpretations. Acoustically turbid (opaque) sediment occupy most of the sub-surface of this complex pockmark. Notice the funnel-shape, formed by the boundaries between acoustically coherent reflections (layered) and amorphous (turbid) reflections. This suggests that transport of sediments and fluids have occurred up to the near-surface and out to both sides at the surface. 200 M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 Table 2 The isotopic character of authigenic carbonates and hydrocarbons sampled in the Nyegga complex pockmarks Sample C-3 G11-2 Carbonate B Occl. C1 69.3 yC13 yC13 yC13 yC13 Ads. C1 Ads. C2 Ads. C3 53.9 58.3 33.8 35.9 yO18 30.2 32.1 52.1 6.4 Occl.C1 = Occluded methane, Ads.C1 = adsorbed methane. C2 = ethane, C3 = butane. Units are in per mil VPDB. than in pockmark A. However, for sample G11-1, taken only some metres away from G11-2, the occluded methane value is much lower, even though the ethane, propane, and butane values are similar as for G11-2 (Table 3). For occluded ethane the values are similar and for propane, butane, and pentane, the values were slightly higher for A, compared to G11. For adsorbed hydrocarbons (Table 3), the G11 bacterial mat location (Sample G11-2) had the highest hydrocarbon values. The y13C stable isotope values (Table 2) of the occluded methane indicate a mixed biogenic/thermogenic gas origin (Whiticar, 1999; Hovland and Judd, 1988). 8. Carbonate structure and composition Two carbonate rocks were sampled, both of them from pockmark G11. These rocks represent two different types of carbonate lithology. However, XRD results show that both samples are dominated by aragonite. Sample A is one of at least three about 1 cm thick by 30 cm by 20 cm wide dlithified beddingT wafer-shaped rocks found protruding out of the seabed inside G11 (Fig. 6d). Sample B was acquired from one of the large heaps of rough carbonate blocks and is thought to represent a typical sample from the chaotic carbonate rock ridges and probably represents the bulk of carbonate rock observed inside the complex pockmarks. ple is horizontally layered, where the texturally oldest zone is composed of granular and fibrous aragonite. The fibrous aragonite typically occurs in radiating aggregates or bundles (Fig. 9). Both morphologies are typical for aragonite from seep localities (e.g., Ritger et al., 1987; Hovland et al., 1985; Bohrmann et al., 1998; Aloisi et al., 2000). There are two layers in the lower half of the sample that have a more complex mineralogy. In addition to aragonite, they contain zoned aggregates of Mg-calcite and dolomite (Table 2). Interestingly, these two phases occur within the same crystals (Fig. 9). Microprobe analysis shows that the calcite contains 14–15 mol% Mg, and the dolomite between 37 and 41 mol% Mg. The calcite is thus Mg-calcite, and the dolomite is classified as protodolomite/dolomite. Small grains composed of iron and sulphur (probably pyrite) were also found in these layers. 8.2. Carbonate sample B The irregularly shaped carbonate sample B has a mineralogy and structure which strongly contrasts with the G11-A wafer-shaped sample. Firstly, its main textural component consists of curved or blocky aggregates of aragonite-cemented clastic material, overgrown by fibrous aragonite with some of the individual crystals being longer than 500 Am (Fig. 9). Secondly, neither Mg-calcite nor dolomite, were found in the sample. The clastic content (Fig. 9) includes quartz, feldspar, clay minerals, and silicious microfossils. These are cemented and intergrown by fibrous to granular aragonite. Other authigenic minerals in this sample contain Fe and S (probably pyrite), and Fe phases (Fig. 9). The Fe phase occurs as rims on the Fe and S-phase, and represents alteration to Fe oxides or hydroxides. The sulphide mineral (pyrite) is abundant in the zone containing fibrous aragonite, but is also found in the clastic-rich zone of the sample. 9. Discussion 8.1. Carbonate sample A (dwaferT) 9.1. Fauna Texturally, carbonate sample A is composed of three distinct layers (Fig. 9), all of which differ in porosity, crystal shape, and mineral content. The sam- The relatively high density of macro-benthos and characteristic composition of the observed fauna are M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 201 Fig. 9. a) Fibrous interlocking crystals of aragonite from the G11-A slate sample. Viewed with an optical microscope with crossed polars. Note the finegrained nucleation point in the centre of the radiating aragonite. b) SEM backscatter image of carbonate from the G11-A slate sample. Note the zoned single crystals of Mg-calcite and dolomite. c) SEM backscatter image of sample G11-B slab. Note the two distinct textures of aragonite: 1) cementing clastic fragments, and 2) secondary growth along the edges of the sample. d) SEM backscatter image of aragonite crystals and pyrite from sample G11-B slab. The pyrite is slightly oxidized—probably due to exposure at the sea floor. surprising when considering the sub-zero ( 0.7 8C) ambient seawater temperatures of the area. This fauna was only found inside the pockmarks, despite extensive visual surveys on the general seafloor of the region. However, a similar faunal composition has previously been reported from the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV), in the Barents Sea (Vogt et al., 1999a; Gebruk et al., 2003). We infer that the primary trophic stage within the pockmarks partly consists of a chemosynthetic micro-organic community, which is fuelled by advecting hydrocarbon-associated fluids, much in analogy with the HMMVenvironment, even though there is no visual seepage at the Nyegga complex pockmarks. The pockmark specific fauna may therefore be important, in that it signifies an active fluid flow through the pockmarks, as is also indicated by our geochemical results (Tables 2 and 3). 9.2. Suspected gas hydrates Considering the water depth where the Nyegga pockmarks are located (between 600 and 750 m), and the water temperature (generally between 1 and + 5 8C), there is no doubt that methane hydrates are stable at seabed and also down to at least 200 m sub-seabed (Mienert and Posewang, 1999; Posewang and Mienert, 1999). But, because potential hydrates would become chemically unstable and dissociate because the ambient seawater is depleted in methane 202 M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 Table 3 Sample C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 Sum C2–5 (a) The concentration of occluded (interstitial free) gases in sediments sampled inside the Nyegga complex pockmarks C-3 48.51 2.13 1.13 0.537 0.421 G8-5 41.19 2.63 1.23 0.469 0.165 G11-1 11.78 1.19 0.887 0.268 0.140 G11-2 256.75 3.18 0.688 0.262 0.077 4.218 4.494 2.485 4.207 (b) The concentration of adsorbed (particle-bound) gases in sediments sampled inside the Nyegga complex pockmarks C-3 262.70 50.61 28.50 12.75 3.783 G8-5 153.53 14.37 6.44 2.69 0.727 G11-1 202.74 37.68 24.60 12.54 4.533 G11-2 275.54 55.13 36.17 18.20 6.204 95.643 24.227 79.353 115.704 Units are in mg gas per g sediment. C1 = methane, C2 = ethane, C3 = propane C4 = butane, C5 = pentane. and because the seepage of hydrocarbons is very slow and weak (i.e., microseepage), hydrates would only be expected to occur below the sediment surface. The fact that many of the macro organisms observed on large carbonate rocks are perched on the underside of overhanging and steep-walled rocks (Fig. 6a), supports our suspicion that microseepage is continuously occurring. It is therefore suspected that any gas hydrates at the Nyegga pockmarks will only occur below the seafloor sediments where the porewaters are charged with hydrocarbons by upward migration, as shown in Tables 2 and 3. The porewaters currently seeping out at distinct locations inside the pockmarks are charged with light hydrocarbons and are most probably anoxic as indicated by the occurrence of (Beggiatoa?) bacterial mats. 9.3. Carbonates From Table 2, it can be seen that the y13C and y18O values are typical for MDACs. Lithification must therefore have occurred sub-seabed in a zone where porewater has been charged with methane. The textural equilibrium between pyrite and aragonite suggests a precipitation within the sulphate reduction zone, where the carbon is ultimately derived from microbial oxidation of methane. Carbonates from the same area collected during two Teaching Through Research (TTR) cruises in 1998 and 2000 (Mazzini, 2004) show comparable values for seep calcite and aragonite (y13C of 51x to 42x PDB). If carbonate sample G11-B is considered representative for the blocky carbonate ridges within the pockmarks, it implies that the rocks are formed from authigenic aragonite precipitation within porous sediments. From Table 1, it can be seen that the y13C and y18O values are typical for MDACs. Lithification must therefore have occurred sub-seabed in a zone where porewater has been charged by methane. This is also consistent with aragonite precipitation taking place in sulphide-rich diagenetic environments where calcite precipitation is inhibited (Burton, 1993; Naehr et al., 2000; Aloisi et al., 2002). We infer that the carbonate formation zone must be within the vertical conduit zones previously described. Even though microseepage can explain how large blocks of authigenic carbonate rocks form in subseabed sediments (Roberts et al., 1992), this quiescent (mechanically feeble) process cannot explain neither the dramatic topography of the complex pockmarks, nor the formation of jumbled piles of large carbonate slabs. To explain these findings, much more energy and physical force is required than that excerted by microseepage. A viable complex pockmark formation model has to account for all their characteristic features. 10. Suggested complex pockmark formation mode Similar fluid escape features interpreted as large deep-water pockmarks associated with BSRs, have been described and discussed from offshore western Canada (Wood et al., 2002) and fossilized features have been described from the Meiklejohn Peak, Nevada (Krause, 2001). These latter ones consist of dpiled authigenic limestonesT suspected to be of cryogenic (freeze/thaw) origin. M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 Those from offshore Canada occur in the Cascadia Accretionary prism. The explanation provided by Riedel et al. (2001) and by Wood et al. (2002) for these features is fluid flow caused by a local disintegration of gas hydrates. It is theorized by Wood et al. (2002) that gas hydrates within the sediments dissociate locally due to anomalously high temperatures. However, the researchers fail to account for how the high temperature zones should develop, even though the idea is tantalizing. At the second, Meiklejohn, location, the cause of piled authigenic carbonates is suspected by Krause (2001) to be of cryogenic origin (freeze/thaw) associated with destabilization of gas hydrates. If there is a mechanism, which induces periodic temperature variations in the water column and seabed, this freeze/thaw idea could also account for the Nyegga features. Therefore, the periodic dissociation and re-formation of gas hydrates, due to periodic heatflow at Nyegga, might be a viable alternative for the complex pockmark formation. Berndt et al. (2003), concluded that the fluid escape features at Nyegga are attributed to de-watering through a polygonal fault system from finegrained hemipelagic sediments of the Kai Formation. We basically agree with this concept, but in addition, we suggest that the fluids are mixed with thermogenic hydrocarbons of deeper origin, in agreement with results from the 3D-analysis performed by Bünz et al. (2005) and with the higher hydrocarbons we found. We hereby suggest a model that relies on the longterm focused migration of gas-charged porewater and also free gas. As prerequisite conditions, we consider the following: 1) High fluid content oozes have been deposited in relatively thick layers 2–3 km below surface. 2) The porefluids dewatering from these sediments migrate through a microfracture system, manisfested by the megapolygonal fault pattern, documented by others. 3) Thermogenic hydrocarbons have been generated in source rocks located beneath the oozes. The lightest of these components (C1–C5) also migrate through the same ddrainage systemT. 4) A set of dpipesT, some of which lead up to the seafloor, have also been established over time. Through these pipes, the migration of porewater 203 and gases is more rapid than through the rest of the drainage system. 5) Because the hydrocarbon flux is suspected to be higher through the pipes than through the adjacent sediment, either i) a temperature anomaly may develop in the pipes, ii) a water depletion anomaly, or iii) a chlorinity anomaly may develop in the pipes. 6) The general GHSZ of the area (GHSZg) is about 200 m thick. However, for some still unknown reason, the GHSZ of the pipes (GHSZp) are suspected to be only a fraction of this depth. At this stage, we do not intend to speculate on any of the three possibilities for why the pipes underlying the complex pockmarks may form, but accept the possibility that the GHSZp is much less than the regional thickness. During our short period of observation, there were evidently no violent eruptions—the activity we observed was one of microseepage. Based on the marine organisms observed, we suspect this mode to be the normal mode of activity over relatively long time periods (years?). However, the amount of seeping fluids transported through the pockmarks can be relatively significant, and it is expected that in the transformation zone, between free gas and gas hydrates, perhaps only some metres below seabed, there are actively forming carbonates. This would mean that the sediments within the pipes were gradually being sealed by carbonates (Hovland, 2002), before an eruption occurred, whereby the large carbonate piles were formed inside the pockmarks. A precursor period, whereby gases and gas-charged porewaters have migrated upwards through the pipes to the seawater column, is inferred. Over some time, the amount of carbonate cementation, near the seafloor would temporarily seal off the pipes, and a column of free gas could form underneath this seal. Consider the moment when carbonates have completely sealed the pipe and no more seepage occurs. Then it is expected to be only a matter of time before the pressure difference between surface hydrostatic pressure and the breaking capacity of the seal is balanced, so that the seal breaks abruptly and releases the trapped gases together with fine-grained sediments and porewaters. At the same time, the carbonate dcorkT will be dislodged and broken, so that the remains are pushed upwards to form the 204 M. Hovland et al. / Marine Geology 218 (2005) 191–206 observed carbonate ridges and piles. This process will probably also move some of the fine-grained sediments in the lower portion of the pipe, in which case some fine-grained sediment is lost to the surrounding water and seafloor. This would result in the observed collapse depression forming. Thus, while lower parallel bedding may acquire an upwards-dipping attitude, the near-surface bedding will be downward dipping (Fig. 10). We have found no indications suggesting that a bblowoutQ process, as described above is repetitive or periodic. In case of periodic eruptions, it would be expected that some of the carbonates should have contained a brecciated structure. We therefore conclude that the complex pockmarks at Nyegga have only had one violent episode, i.e., the one that formed the circular features. Subsequent seepage is regarded as having been of a microseepage nature. However, only future observations, and long-term monitoring of one or two of these fascinating features will provide us with a proper answer to their mode of operation. 11. Conclusions The complex pockmarks at Nyegga contain up to 190 m long irregular ridges consisting of piled-up carbonate blocks. They are associated with microseepage of light hydrocarbon gases (C1–C5) and a distinct fauna, including bacterial mats, tubeworms, stalked crinoids, and pycnogonids (sea spiders). Petrography and geochemistry of carbonate blocks from the pockmarks suggest precipitation of methanederived aragonite within the sediments (y13C = 52x to 58x PDB). The pockmarks are located well within the gas hydrate stability field, and are associated with a regional BSR. We suggest that the formation of the pockmarks was sudden (catastrophic), followed by micro-seepage. During our observation period (only 2 days) no ebullition or other visual fluid flow was seen. Based on a synthesis of all gathered visual, geophysical, geochemical, and mineralogical data, we conclude that the complex pockmarks at Nyegga have only had one violent episode, i.e., the one that formed the circular complex features. Subsequent seepage is regarded as having been of a micro-seepage nature. Our data do not suggest any current pressure build-up and therefore do not predict future eruptions from the complex pockmarks. Acknowledgements Fig. 10. A sketch showing the conceptual model of the inferred structure and geological habitat of the Nyegga complex pockmarks. Whereas the general gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZg) causes a regional bottom simulating reflector (BSR), either anomalously high temperature and/or chlorinity in the vertically disturbed dpipeT sediments (pockmark conduit) causes a suspected shallow GHSZ in the pipe. It is also suggested that a relatively high column of free gas (up to 180 m?) can build up under gas hydrates and authigenic carbonates inside the pipe. This local overpressuring is suspected to lead to a blow-out type of eruption through the pockmark. We would like to thank Ian Grieves (DeepOcean) in help to assemble the data, and to all others onboard the dNormand TonjerT and dEdda FonnT who have helped. 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