European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 Noisy signals in target zone regimes: Theory and Monte Carlo experiments Steinar Holden*, Dag Kolsrud Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Box 1095, Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway Received 1 January 1996; accepted 14 January 1998 Abstract Previous empirical evidence indicates that uncovered interest parity (UIP) does not hold for target zone exchange rates, like those in the European Monetary System and in the Nordic countries. We explore a target zone model where the market infers the probability of a realignment of the band on the basis of a noisy signal. We show theoretically and through Monte Carlo simulations that if the market overrates the information content in the signal, then this may explain the empirical results obtained from testing UIP for target zone exchange rates. 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. JEL classixcation: E34; G14; D84; C15 Keywords: Uncovered interest parity (UIP); Target zone; Realignment; Forward discount 1. Introduction In a world of fairly free capital mobility, investors are free to choose where and in which currency to invest. In the absence of any risk premium, the possibility of arbitrage then implies that uncovered interest parity (UIP) should hold: The interest rate di!erential between investments in two di!erent currencies should re#ect the expected change in the exchange rate between these currencies. One implication of UIP that has been subject to testing in a large * Corresponding author. Tel.: 47 22 85 51 56; fax: 47 22 85 50 35; e-mail: 0014-2921/99/$ - see front matter 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 2 9 2 1 ( 9 8 ) 0 0 0 4 4 - 0 1532 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 literature, for many countries and time periods, is that the interest rate di!erential should be an unbiased predictor of the change in the exchange rate. Usually, this test is performed by regressing the actual change in the exchange rate on the interest rate di!erential, and then seeing whether the b-coe$cient of the interest rate di!erential is equal to unity, as implied by UIP. The evidence is however disappointing for UIP. The interest rate di!erential (the forward discount) is almost always found to be a biased predictor of the change in the exchange rate, as the coe$cient is generally below unity, and quite often even negative (Froot and Thaler, 1990; Engel, 1995). Possible explanations for these "ndings can roughly be divided into three groups. One possible explanation is based on the idea that investors are risk averse, inducing the existence of a risk premium in the interest rate di!erential. If the risk premium varies over time, this might lead to a bias in the b-coe$cient. The second type of explanation is that agents do not have rational expectations, with various possibilities for the type of expectations that agents make. The third type of explanation is that UIP in fact holds, but the empirical "ndings are misleading due to small samples inducing random expectational errors. One example is the well-known peso problem, which is named after the period 1955}1976 when Mexico "xed the peso at a constant rate against the US dollar (Krasker, 1980). Yet the Mexican interest rates were higher than the US interest rates, re#ecting the probability, as seen by the market, that a devaluation of the peso would take place. In a limited sample, no devaluation needs take place. There will be a systematic expectational error in the sample, but this does not necessarily involve a violation of the rational expectations hypothesis. This paper investigates the hypothesis of UIP for countries with target zone exchange rates, that is, where the government or central bank has made an explicit commitment to keep the exchange rate between an upper and a lower bound. The bias in the interest rate di!erential seems to exist for all types of exchange rate regimes. (The average b-estimate for target zone regimes is about 0.3}0.4, cf. references in Section 3 below). But the recent literature on target zone regimes, following Krugman (1991), has shown that the existence of a target zone has important e!ects on the relationship between interest rate di!erentials and changes in the exchange rate. It seems natural, therefore, to treat the UIP hypothesis within a target zone as a separate issue. (Recently, Flood and Rose (1996) emphasize the di!erence in results in tests of UIP for "xed and #oating exchange rate regimes.) We explore this issue at two levels. Based on the recent literature on target zones, we set up a simple theoretical model of a target zone regime, and use this for Monte Carlo simulations. The aim of this exercise is to explore the small sample properties of target zone models. As pointed out by Krasker (1980), the non-normality of the errors makes standard inference invalid. Thus, without Monte Carlo simulations, we cannot know whether an average b-estimate of 0.3}0.4 is due to non-rational expectations, or whether it can be due to random S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1533 expectational errors. We "nd that the empirical bias in the present and other studies is unlikely to be explained within the target zone model we simulate. This indicates that the rejection of UIP must be sought in the existence of a timevarying risk premium or in a violation of the rational expectations hypothesis. We then proceed to suggest a possible explanation for the rejection of UIP. According to Froot and Thaler (1990), evidence &suggest that the bias is entirely due to expectational errors and that none is due to time-varying risk'. Furthermore, Svensson (1992) argue that the risk premium is likely to be very small in a target zone with narrow bands and moderate devaluation risk, in which case a time-varying risk premium is unlikely to be the cause of the bias in the b-coe$cient. Although we do not claim that the case is settled, we at least feel that this justi"es an attempt to look for explanations based on a violation of rational expectations. We investigate a model where the market does not know the &true' probability of a realignment of the exchange rate, but derives this probability on the basis of a noisy signal that consists of the true probability of a realignment and a random noise term. Within a rational expectations setting, the market would know the variances of the two components of the signal, and there would be no bias in the b-coe$cient. However, it seems di$cult to justify that the market should know these variances. Previous research shows that learning may converge to rational expectations (see Bray and Kreps (1987) for a survey of the literature), but learning seems exceedingly di$cult in this situation. In contrast to most learning models, the market does not obtain direct observations of the process it is to learn, as the true probability of a devaluation is not observable, even ex post. The market only obtains indirect information about the process, by inference from the relationship between the signal and observations of realignments. Over, say, a ten year period, the market would have only a limited number of observations of realignments, and it would not be possible to form precise estimates of the variances of the true probability and the noise on the basis of this information. A possible interpretation of the idea that the market does not know the true probability of a realignment (based upon Drazen and Masson (1994) and Holden and Vik+ren (1997)) is that the central bank has chosen an explicit decision criterion and thus will realign if the state of the economy satis"es this criterion. In this case there will be a true probability of a realignment depending on the likelihood of the state of the economy satisfying the criterion. However, the agents in the market do not know the decision criterion used by the central bank, and the occasional observations of realignments do not provide su$cient information to identify it. We then analyse the consequences of the market forming its expectations on the basis of wrong estimates of the variances of true probability and noise. It turns out that if the market overrates the variance of the true probability, in essence, the market overrates the information content in the signal, then this will 1534 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 lead to a downward bias in the b-coe$cient. On the other hand, there will be an upward bias in the b-coe$cient if the market underrates the information content in the signal. Our "ndings can be given two di!erent interpretations. The "rst concerns how agents treat information. On the premise that private agents cannot know the true information content in the signal, we argue that the downward bias in the empirical b-estimates is evidence in favour of the hypothesis that agents overrate the information content in the signal. This "nding is of independent interest. Almost all economic behaviour is undertaken in an uncertain environment, and how agents treat the information they receive clearly a!ects their behaviour. With this view it is important to shed light on how agents interpret and use new information. Our "nding of an overrating of the information content of a signal is consistent with previous research suggesting that security analysts overreact, cf. de Bondt and Thaler (1990) and the references therein. The second and main interpretation of our "ndings is that it provides an explanation for the downward bias in the empirical b-estimates. We suggest that the bias might be due to agents overrating the information content in the signal. We explore this explanation by use of Monte Carlo simulations, where we compare the simulation results in a model where agents overrate the information content in a signal with the results from previous empirical studies. Our analysis of a violation of the rational expectations hypothesis is related to several recent papers. Roberts (1995) investigates a Mundell-Fleming model where the agents do not fully know the parameter values of the model. Kandel and Pearson (1995) present evidence indicating that agents interpret public signals di!erently because they use di!erent likelihood functions. This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present the basic theoretical model. Section 3 provides the results of Monte Carlo experiments based on the model presented in Section 2. Section 4 concludes. 2. The model Target zone models have received considerable attention over the last years (Krugman, 1991; Bertola and Svensson, 1993; Mundaca, 1991). We have a much more restrictive purpose than this literature, namely to provide a framework for simulations and estimations of the b-coe$cient of the interest rate di!erential. Thus, we will sidestep many of the issues discussed in this literature, and base our model on an important "nding of Bertola and Svensson (1993), that the exchange rate displays mean reversion within the band. However, we believe that much of the intuition that we obtain in this speci"c model also holds under less restrictive assumptions. Let s denote the logarithm of the exchange rate at the beginning of period t, R measured as units of home currency per unit of foreign currency (or per unit of S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1535 a basket of foreign currencies). The logarithm of the central parity is denoted by c and x measures the deviation of the actual exchange rate from the central R R parity (`the exchange rate within the banda). We may then write the exchange rate as the sum s "c #x . R R R Following Rose and Svensson (1991) and Lindberg et al. (1993) we assume that the mean reversion e!ect within the band can be approximated by a linear relationship, so that in periods where there is no realignment of the central parity, the change in the exchange rate is Dx "x !x "k !kx #u , R> R> R R R> E(u "x )"0, var(u )"p, R> R R> S (1) where 0(k(1. To simplify the theoretical exposition, the upper and lower bounds of the exchange rate band are not explicitly included, but these bounds will be incorporated in the simulations. (The mean reversion e!ect is of course a consequence of the bounds, cf. Bertola and Svensson (1993).) It is convenient to introduce D as the net impact of a realignment (measured R in absolute value). It equals the total change in the exchange rate in period t, denoted by Ds , minus the change in the exchange rate that would have R> occurred if no realignment had taken place in period t, given from (1). D is R measured in absolute value, so that, on de"ning a dummy variable d which is R 1 in periods of devaluation, !1 in periods of revaluation and zero otherwise, the change in the exchange rate (in periods with and without a realignment) is Ds "d D #k !kx #u , D '0, d 3+!1, 0, 1,. R> R R R R> R R (2) As seen from the last day of one period, we assume that the event that a realignment takes place during the following period can be seen as a stochastic variable, with a well-de"ned probability. Furthermore, we assume that in each period there is either a positive probability of a revaluation or a positive probability of a devaluation. This is determined by a stochastic variable n with R normal distribution that is compressed so that the support is [n*, n3]. It is de"ned by Pr(d "1)"n R R if n '0, R Pr(d "!1)"!n if n (0, R R R Pr(d "0)"1!"n ". R R Below we shall for simplicity refer to n as the probability of a realignment: R (3) 1536 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 Empirical evidence indicates that the probability of a realignment is correlated with the position of the exchange rate within the band (cf. Holden and Vik+ren, 1992), so that a devaluation is more likely when the exchange rate is weak (i.e. n and x are positively correlated). To capture this relationship in R R a simple fashion, we assume that n "n#rx #e , E(e )"0, var(e )"p, R R R R R C cov(n , x )"cov((rx ), x )"r var(x )"p 50. R R R R R L V (To ensure that n lies within the interval [!1,1] there must be bounds on x , cf. R R Section 3 below). We have var(n "x )"p and nC(x )"E(n "x )"n#rx . FurR R C R R R R thermore, we assume that D "D for all t. Assuming n and D to be time R invariant is not empirically correct, as there appears to be autocorrelation in empirical realignment probabilities, even controlling for the e!ect of x , and R there certainly are realignments of various sizes. We return to this issue in Section 3 below. The assumption that there exists a well-de"ned probability of a realignment can be justi"ed within the models proposed by Drazen and Masson (1994) and Holden and Vik+ren (1997). In these models there is a central bank with a speci"ed preference function, and a realignment is chosen if it yields higher payo! to the central bank than maintaining a "xed parity. The central bank thus has an explicit decision criterion for whether to realign the currency. As seen from the beginning of the month, the probability of a realignment is the probability that the economy evolves so that the decision criterion indicates that the currency is realigned. Within the models of Drazen and Masson and Holden and Vik+ren, the agents in the market have imperfect knowledge about the decision criterion used by the central bank. The lack of perfect knowledge can apply to the preferences of the central bank and/or how the central bank evaluates a highly complex economic situation. The imperfect knowledge of the market implies that the market does not know the true probability of a realignment. To simplify the exposition, we choose a simpler framework than the one suggested by Drazen and Masson, which nevertheless captures the main elements. We assume that the market in each period receives a signal w which R consists of the true probability, n , and noise, v : R R w "n #l "n#rx #e #v . R R R R R R (4) The signal captures the information about the state of the economy and the preferences of the central bank that is available to the market; the noise re#ects that this information is not perfect. In the present setting rational expectations entails that the market knows the structure of the model, and all the parameters, and derives expectations on the S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1537 basis of inference from the model. This implies that there is no systematic bias in the noise component of the signal, so that E(v "x , n )"0, R R R (5) var(v )"pNvar(w )"p "p#p. R T R U C T Thus, under rational expectations, the market's information set can be speci"ed as I "+x , w , k, k , p, p , n, r, p, p, D,. R R R S VL C T However, we shall argue that rational expectations require much too strong assumptions in the present setting. As observed in the Introduction, the true probability of a realignment is not observable even ex post. Thus, the market cannot observe to what extent variation in the signal is due to variation in the true probability or variation in the noise term. The market only obtains indirect information about this, by inference from the relationship between the signal and observations of realignments. One would expect the learning process of the market to be extremely slow, since realignments occur infrequently and the event that a realignment occurs gives, in any case, only limited information about the true probability of a realignment. Moreover, the fact that policy and other parameters of the model are likely to change occasionally will further inhibit learning. In other words, deviations from rational expectations will be di$cult to detect. To investigate the implications of this reasoning, we set up an alternative information set where the market have exogenous, and possibly incorrect, estimates of the variances of the true probability and the noise term. In order to focus on this particular aspect, we assume that the market knows all the other parameters in the model. (The other parameters are more directly related to observable variables, and thus easier to learn; in Appendix A we also consider the e!ect of other deviations from the rational expectations information set). The alternative information set is thus J "+x , w , k, k , p, p , n, r, q, q, D,, R R R S VL L T where q and q denote the market's estimate of the variance in n (conditional L T R on x ) and v . We assume that the market treats q and q as certain, where q# R R L T L q"p . T U To ensure a signal in the probability interval [!1, 1] we assume that the signal noise v has R a normal distribution that is compressed to its support [v*, v3], where !1!n*(x )4v*( R v341!n3(x ) for all x . In the simulations in Section 3 the support is so wide relative to the R R variance of the noise that the bounds are rarely binding. An explicit modelling of the learning process is a challenging issue for future research, but outside the scope of the precent study. See Lewis (1989) for an interesting analysis in a related model of the learning process of the market after a policy change. 1538 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 Regardless of information set, the market makes an estimate of the probability of a realignment, which we will refer to as the subjective probability of a realignment on the basis of the signal. Under information set I we denote the R subjective probability of a realignment by p , which is R p ,E(n "I )"E(w !v "I )"w !E(v "I ). (6) R R R R R R R R R In forming expectations about v on the basis of the signal w , we assume that R R the market treats the conditional expectation of v given I as a linear function R R of w , i.e. R E(v "I )"a#bw . R R R Under this assumption it can be shown (cf. Appendix B) that cov (v , w ) R R b" cov (v , w ) R R (w !E(w "I)), var (w ) NE(v "I )" (7) R R R R R R var (w ) a"E(v )!bE(w "I) R R R R where I"I !+w ,. Using Eq. (4) we get E(w "I )"E(n "x )"nC(x ). SubstitutR R R R R R R R ing out for Eq. (7) in Eq. (6), using the decomposition Eq. (5) and cov (v , w )"p, yields R R T p p T nC(x )# C p ,E(n "I )" w. (8) R R R R p#p p#p R C T C T Eq. (8) shows that the subjective probability p is a weighted average of the R signal w and the ex ante expectation of the true probability nC(x ). The weight of R R the signal is decreasing in the ratio of the variance of the noise to the variance of the true probability. Thus, if the variance of the noise is small compared to the variance of the true probability, then the signal is fairly accurate, and the signal should have a large weight in the subjective probability Eq. (8), (see Johansen (1978), Chapter 8.9, for a similar argument). Under the alternative information set J , denoting the subjective probability R of a realignment for q , we have correspondingly: R q q L w. T nC(x )# q ,E(n "J )" (9) R R R R q#q R q#q L T L T On comparing Eqs. (8) and (9), we observe that if the market overrates the share of the variability in the signal w that derives from variation in the true R probability of a realignment, i.e. q'p, then this will cause the subjective e L If v and n were not bounded, the conditional expectation of v given w would indeed take this R R R R form. Our assumption is justi"ed by the fact that the bounds are rarely binding, cf. Section 3. S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1539 probability of a realignment q to vary more with the signal than is warranted. In R other words, the market overrates the information content in the signal. If investors are risk-neutral, equilibrium implies that the expected returns on investments in home and foreign money markets are equal, i.e. uncovered interest parity (UIP) holds. Taking expectations of (2) under the respective information sets, we obtain d'"E(Ds "I ) E(n "I )D p D, R R> R "E(Dx )# R R "k !kx # R R> R d("E(Ds "J ) E(n "J )D q D, R R> R R R R (10) where we have de"ned d "i!i as the di!erence between the nominal interest R R R rate in the domestic and the foreign money markets. The most popular approach to testing UIP has been the regression Ds "a#bd #g , d 3+d', d(,, R> R R> R R R (11) where e is an error term. Under UIP, g is serially uncorrelated with zero R> R> expectation; otherwise the market could improve upon its prediction of Ds R> that is re#ected in d , cf. Eq. (10). Under I the expectation of the coe$cient on R R the interest rate di!erential is cov (Ds , d') R> R . E(bK )" var (d') R (12) As shown in the appendix, we "nd that the expectation of the b coe$cient in this case is unity: Dpp/(p#p)#kvar (x )!2Dkp C C C T R LV"1. E(bK "I )" R Dpp/(p#p)#kvar (x )!2Dkp C C C T R LV (13) The intuition is that although the market does not know the true probability of a realignment, it puts correct emphasis on the signal in deriving the subjective probability of a realignment. Thus, although the correlation between the interest rate di!erential and the actual change in the exchange rate is lower than if the market were to know the true probability of a realignment, the interest rate di!erential will also vary less, and on average these two e!ects will cancel out. Using the same procedure under the alternative information set J , and R Eqs. (2), (9) and (10), we obtain Dpq/(p#p)#kvar (x )!2Dkp C L C T R LV"1. E(bK "J )" R Dqq/(p#p)#kvar (x )!2Dkp L L C T R LV (14) If q'p, that is, if the market overrates the information content in the signal, L C then it is clear from Eq. (14) that E(bK "J )(1. Likewise, E(bK "J )'1 if q(p. To R R L C 1540 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 obtain some intuition concerning the possible values of E(bK "J ), consider the R limit case where k"0 (i.e. no mean reversion). Then E(bK "J )"p/q, that is, the R C L ratio of the market's estimate of the variance of the probability of realignment to the true variance of this probability. For k'0, E(bK "J ) lies in the interval R (p/q, 1) if k var (x )'2Dkp . In the Monte Carlo simulations below we C L R LV explore the case where q'p further. L C The main message of the paper is to suggest a possible explanation of the downward bias in the empirical b-coe$cient, namely that the market overrates the information content in the signal. Thus, in the Monte Carlo simulations below it is this case we explore further. However, before turning to the simulations, we shall make a remark on a di!erent interpretation of the results above. Let us start from the plausible premise that the market cannot know the true information content in the signal. By assumption, the market knows the average probability of a realignment, n, but it does not know how much the true probability varies over time (the variance of n ). By chance, the market may of R course guess correctly on the variance of n , implying that it guesses correctly on R the information content in the signal. In practice though, we must expect that the market either overrates or underrates it. This section has shown one way of providing evidence on this issue; overrating leads to a downward bias in the b-coe$cient, underrating to an upward bias. The downward bias that prevails in empirical b-estimates thus constitutes clear evidence in favour of the hypothesis that the market overrates the information content in the signal it receives on future exchange rate movements. 3. Monte Carlo experiments In this section we present Monte Carlo experiments based on a parameterization of the theoretical model in Section 2. The simulation model consists of three parts: (1) the movement of the exchange rate within the band x , (2) the R realignment probability n , and realizations of realignments d (1 and 2 then R R decides s ), and (3) the signal w , and the subjective realignment probabilities R R p and q . The interest rate di!erentials can then be derived on the basis of UIP. R R The simulated samples of observations of exchange rate changes Ds and interest R rate di!erentials d can be used to obtain synthetic b-estimates. The "nite sample R distributions of the b-estimator under various assumptions regarding the market's information set can be compared with the empirical b-estimates. The Monte Carlo experiments where the rational expectations hypothesis is assumed to hold will indicate to what extent the bias in the empirical estimates may be explained by a "nite sample bias. The experiments based on the relaxation of rational expectations suggested in Section 2 (that the market overrates the information content in the signal), may reveal whether this hypothesis is consistent with the empirical "ndings. S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1541 The parameter values of the simulation model are chosen so as to make estimates and sample statistics of the simulated data come close to their empirical counterparts in the target zone models of the major Nordic countries, based on monthly data from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for the period 1978/79}1992. Fig. 1 displays the exchange rate data for the four major Nordic countries. The observation periods, the same as used by Holden and Vik+ren (1994), represent the periods from the time these countries adopted a new "xed exchange rate regime (Denmark a member of the EMS; the other countries unilateral currency baskets) until Finland, Sweden and Norway let their currencies #oat. For Denmark the observation periods were 1979(3)}1992(12), for Norway 1979(1)}1992(12), for Finland 1978(1)}1992(9) and for Sweden 1978(1)}1992(11). We calibrate the simulation model to make certain statistical characteristics consistent with empirical "ndings. The robustness of the simulation speci"c results is assured by sensitivity analysis with respect to the calibrated parameter values of the model. In the following we use the term empirical to denote real world data and results based upon observations, while the term synthetic denotes simulated data and results based upon arti"cal data. The computer programs were written in the Mathematica2+ programming language, and executed on a Unix workstation, (the programs are available from the authors upon request). 3.1. The exchange rate within the currency band Table 1 shows empirical estimation results for the exchange rate within the band, least squares (OLS), instrumental variable (IV) and generalized methods of moments (GMM). The estimation methods give very similar results. Thus, we use the simplest and most common method in this setting, OLS, for calibration and sensitivity analysis. In the basic model for our simulations we set the parameter values equal to the mean of the empirical estimates presented in the table. To test the robustness of the simulated results, we let the minimum and maximum empirical estimates span intervals within which the parameter values are varied for the purpose of a sensitivity analysis. Table 1 provides kK 3+0.02,2, 0.2,2, 0.33,, kK 3+!0.08,2, 0,2, 0.2,, pL 3+0.15,2, 0.35,2, 0.55,, (15) S where the middle numbers approximate the mean empirical estimates (the mean of k is calculated without the large estimates for Denmark). We implement the bounded AR(1) model of the exchange rate within the band: x "max[x*, min(x3, k #(1!k)x #u )], u &IN(0, p), R> R R> R> S t"1,2,2, ¹, (16) Fig. 1. Monthly exchange rates for the four Nordic countries; 180 observations from 1978(1) to 1992(12) measured in percent deviation from central parities. The vertical lines mark when realignments of the currency band (mostly devaluations) took place. The horizontal lines are the bounds of the target zones. The shaded areas mask observations outside our sample periods. 1542 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 0.16 (0.04) 0.19 (0.05) 1.39 0.38 0.09 0.18 (0.04) 0.20 (0.05) 1.39 0.37 0.11 (0.05)/(0.05) 1.39/1.39 0.36/0.36 0.11/0.11 1.33/0.28 0.16/0.19 (0.04)/(0.04) 0.16/0.18 (0.04) 1.15 0.15 0.01 0.03 (0.02) !0.02 (0.04) 1.14 0.16 0.002 0.02 (0.03) 0.00 IV (0.04)/(0.04) 1.15/1.14 0.15/0.15 0.01/0.01 1.92/1.31 0.03/0.02 (0.02)/(0.02) 0.00/0.01 GMM (0.06) 1.08 0.53 0.14 0.28 (0.06) !0.05 OLS Norway (0.06) 1.09 0.55 0.12 0.26 (0.06) !0.04 IV OLS (0.05)/(0.05) 1.09/1.09 0.53/0.53 0.14/0.14 1.80/4.98 (0.03) 0.58 0.17 0.10 0.27/0.33 0.18 (0.08)/(0.05) (0.04) !0.08/!0.06 !0.03 GMM Sweden (0.03) 0.59 0.17 0.07 0.15 (0.04) !0.02 IV 0.17/0.16 (0.05)/(0.04) !0.02/!0 .02 (0.03)/(0.03) 0.59/0.59 0.17/0.17 0.10/0.10 0.10/5.18 GMM Notes. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors of the estimates. The IV estimator uses x as an instrument for x in a least-squares regression R\ R of x , assuming MA(1) innovations u . The two GMM estimates are separated by the slash. The "rst GMM estimator uses 1, x , x ,x as four R> R> R\ R\ R\ instruments orthogonal to the innovation u , while the second GMM estimator uses 1, x , x , x , x as "ve instruments, where x , x , x denote the R> R\ R R R exchange rates of the other three Nordic countries. Both estimators use the Newey}West heteroscedasticity/autocorrelation consistent covariance matrix with one lag. R is the correlation coe$cient. J is a test of overidentifying restrictions on the GMM estimation. It is asymptotically s distributed with two and three degrees of freedom, respectively. The critical values of the tests (0.95) are 5.99/7.82. pL V pL S R J kK kK OLS GMM OLS IV Finland Denmark Table 1 Empirical estimates and sample statistics of the AR(1) exchange rate model (1), using di!erent estimators and samples of 158}175 monthly observations for the Nordic countries in the period 1978}1992, cf. Fig. 1 for plots of the empirical time series. Standard deviations of the estimates are in parentheses. S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1543 1544 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 where the innovations u are independent and normally distributed (IN). The R> results above motivate the following parameter values k"0.15, k "0, p"0.6, S x*"!2.5, x3"2.5, ¹"160, (17) for the generation of synthetic time series data. Fig. 2 shows the sample distributions of the exchange rate parameters and sample statistics estimated on synthetic data generated by the model (16)}(17). By using the parameter values (17) as input to the model simulations, the mean synthetic estimates correspond closely to the mean of the Nordic empirical estimates. In particular, the bounds x* and x3 of the band compress the innovations and induce a mean reversion e!ect that biases the estimate of k close to the mean empirical value of 0.2. The length of the series (¹"160) approximates the Nordic series. Table 2 shows the results of a partial sensitivity analysis of the estimates in Fig. 2 (based on simulated data) with respect to the values of the exchange rate parameters (17) put into the simulations. One single parameter at the time is changed from its input value to the minimum and maximum value of the corresponding empirical estimates (15) before repeating the regression on regenerated synthetic data. In addition we vary the width of the exchange rate band (x3!x*) and the length of the synthetic data series, i.e. the size ¹ of the &observation' samples. Finally, we let all the model parameters be independent stochastic variables with a normal distribution and 10% standard deviations. The partial sensitivity analysis ensures that we also undertake simulations with models that are closer to each of the Nordic countries, and not only close to the &average' Nordic country. The results are mostly quite intuitive, as can be seen from Table 2. The partial sensitivity analysis shows that by changing the model parameters within the ranges of the empirical estimates, the synthetic estimates change within the empirical ranges. In this sense, we conclude that the exchange rate model is robust and statistically consistent with the empirical "ndings. 3.2. The realignment probability and realizations The probability of a realignment in period t is implemented by the equation n "n#rx #max[e*, min(e3, e )], e &IN(0, p), t"1, 2,2, ¹, R R R R C (18) Note that we do not try to capture all the characteristics of the evolution of the exchange rate within the band (in which case a more sophisticated dynamic model would be called for, cf. e.g. Pesaran and Samiei (1992)). Our more modest aim is to calibrate our simple model to share certain statistical properties of the &average' Nordic exchange rate. This e!ect adds to a "nite sample bias in estimates of autocorrelation (0.022 in our model, cf. Mariott and Pope (1954)). Fig. 2. Setting the parameters of the exchange rate model to k"0.15, k "0 and p"0.6, we get the following "nite sample (¹"160 S observations) distributions of 10.000 synthetic OLS estimates of the exchange rate model parameters and sample statistics. The mean synthetic estimates, denoted by a tilde, are close to the mean empirical estimates of the Nordic countries: kM "0.2, kM "0, pN "0.35, pN "1.05, R"0.085. S V Mean standard deviations of the estimates (not of their means) are in parentheses. S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1545 1546 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 Table 2 Partial sensitivity analysis of the basic exchange rate model: Consequences for the mean value and mean standard deviation of 2000 synthetic parameter estimates from partial changes to the parameters of the data generating model (DGM). In each alternative only one single parameter of the basic model is changed at a time. The mean standard deviations of the parameter estimates (not of their means) are in parentheses DGM Basic model Mean and (standard deviations) of 2000 estimates Partial change Basic model, No change Eqs. (16) and (17) k"0.15 0.25 0.05 k "0 0.2 !0.1 p"0.6 S 0.7 0.5 x*, x3"$2.25 $3.0 $1.5 No bounds ¹"160 ¹"1000 120 60 Stochastic (normal) parameters Mean empirical estimates kI (pJ ) I kI (pJ ) I pJ S (pJ ) NS pJ V (pJ ) NV 0.188 (0.043) 0.276 (0.054) 0.116 (0.034) 0.226 (0.056) 0.198 (0.047) 0.201 (0.043) 0.179 (0.045) 0.176 (0.045) 0.234 (0.045) 0.173 (0.047) 0.171 (0.015) 0.196 (0.053) 0.223 (0.084) 0.209 (0.059) 0.000 (0.055) !0.002 (0.052) 0.000 (0.065) 0.240 (0.095) !0.116 (0.066) !0.002 (0.063) !0.001 (0.046) !0.002 (0.056) !0.002 (0.050) !0.002 (0.056) !0.000 (0.019) !0.000 (0.068) 0.005 (0.111) 0.004 (0.139) 0.340 (0.036) 0.351 (0.038) 0.309 (0.035) 0.299 (0.037) 0.329 (0.036) 0.443 (0.046) 0.243 (0.026) 0.353 (0.039) 0.295 (0.031) 0.356 (0.040) 0.340 (0.014) 0.337 (0.042) 0.335 (0.061) 0.336 (0.075) 1.040 (0.210) 0.761 (0.141) 1.508 (0.349) 0.789 (0.195) 0.969 (0.209) 1.269 (0.227) 0.787 (0.183) 1.166 (0.290) 0.733 (0.105) 1.200 (0.327) 1.093 (0.086) 1.012 (0.238) 0.937 (0.312) 1.092 (0.354) 0.094 (0.22) 0.138 (0.27) 0.058 (0.018) 0.113 (0.028) 0.099 (0.024) 0.101 (0.022) 0.090 (0.023) 0.088 (0.023) 0.117 (0.023) 0.087 (0.024) 0.086 (0.008) 0.098 (0.028) 0.112 (0.044) 0.128 (0.058) 0.35 1.05 0.085 0.2 0 RI (pJ ) 0 where e* is a lower and e3 is an upper bound on the random part of the realignment probability (to keep n 3 [!1, 1]), and x is generated by the basic R R model (16)}(17). In the simulations, a realignment occurs according to a draw from a binomic distribution with probability "n " (a devaluation if n '0, a reR R valuation if n (0). R S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1547 We do not have the same empirical footing when deciding on what values to set for the parameters of the realignment probability model (18). The realignment probability is not observable, and cannot be derived from the observed realignments either. Hence, the following values are arbitrarily chosen on the grounds that they realize a number of realignments that is consistent with the empirical "ndings. To ensure that there are considerably more devaluations than revaluations, the constant term n is positive so that E(n )'0. We use the R values n"0.028, r"0.035, p"0.02, e*"!0.2, e3"0.2, C ¹"160, (19) for the generation of the time series data. The distribution of the simulated numbers of devaluations and the distribution of the simulated numbers of revaluations are both depicted in Fig. 3, along with the "nite sample mean and variance of the realignment probability, and its covariance with the exchange rate. The mean number of realignments correspond closely to the mean empirical numbers in our sample: 5.25 devaluations and 0.75 revaluations. We do not perform a partial sensitivity analysis of the realignment probability model with respect to the parameter values, because the parameters (19) are tuned to the model (18) to get the number of realignments close to the empirical means. However, we look at a restricted model of the realignment probability, where the probability of a realignment is independent of the position of the exchange rate in the band: n "0.028#e , e &IN(0, 0.035), t"1, 2,2, ¹. R R R We have increased the variance of the innovations e relative to the basic model R (19), in order to get the required number of realignments. Finally, we include a model where all the parameters in (19) are independent stochastic variables with normal distributions and 10% standard deviations. In all models the innovations are bounded to ensure a realignment probability below unity in absolute value. Table 3 shows the results for the alternative models. Our speci"cation of the probability of a realignment does not capture the autocorrelation that exists in empirical realignment probabilities (which in part re#ects autocorrelation in macroeconomic variables like unemployment rates and trade de"cits). Thus, in empirical samples observations with high probability and high interest rate di!erentials are likely to be grouped, whereas in our synthetic data they will be randomly distributed. However, for our purposes it is not necessary to include this property. The aim of our model is to provide synthetic data so as to obtain a distribution of OLS-estimates of the b-coe$cient. When using OLS, as most empirical b-estimates are based on, the ordering of the observations does not a!ect the estimates. Thus, the important issue is the Fig. 3. The distributions of 10.000 simulated numbers of realignments, the simulated sample mean and variance of the realignment probability and "nally the simulated covariance of the realignment probability and the exchange rate. Standard deviations of the estimates (not of their means) are in parentheses. 1548 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1549 Table 3 Finite sample properties of alternative realignment probability models. The standard deviations of the estimates (not of their means) are in parentheses Model Mean and (standard deviations) of 2000 estimates C " (pJ ) I C 0 (pJ ) I nJ (pJ ) R NL pJ (pJ ) L NL pJ (pJ ) VL NVL Basic model, Eqs. (18) and (19) 5.505 (2.491) 0.996 (1.068) 0.028 (0.010) 0.0017 (0.0003) 0.036 (0.008) r"0 5.130 (2.165) 0.661 (0.831) 0.028 (0.003) 0.0012 (0.0001) !0.000 (0.003) Stochastic (normal) parameters 5.732 (3.422) 1.275 (1.466) 0.029 (0.021) 0.0018 (0.0006) 0.038 (0.013) Mean empirical estimate 5.25 0.75 distribution of realignment probabilities, on which our synthetic data match their empirical counterparts. This argument hinges on there being no autocorrelation in the regression residual in Eq. (11), as the distribution of the b-estimate is sensitive to combined autocorrelation in the interest rate di!erential and in the regression residual. However, as mentioned above, UIP implies that there is no autocorrelation in the regression residual. Autocorrelation in the residual would thus involve a rejection of UIP. When we test UIP on the basis of the b-estimates, we cannot allow for violations of UIP in other respects. Moreover, autocorrelation in the regression residuals in Eq. (11) appears to be a less severe problem than the bias in the b-coe$cient. The most extensive study of UIP in European countries that we know of, Bernardsen (1997), reports signi"cant autocorrelation on monthly observations for two of ten countries. 3.3. The signal in the market and the subjective realignment probabilities The signal is modelled as a perturbation of the true realignment probability by additive &noise': w "n #max[v*, min(v3, v )], R R R t"1, 2,2, ¹, where the following values are used c"2Np"2p"2 ) 0.02, T C v &IN(0, p), p"cp, R T T C (20) v*"!0.3, v3"0.3, ¹"160, (21) 1550 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 and n is generated by the basic model (18)}(19). Note that v is compressed at the R R bounds v* and v3 (very rarely binding) to ensure that the signal w lies within R [!1, 1]. The important parameter in (21) is the ratio between the conditional variance of the signal relative to the conditional variance of the true realignment probability, c"p/p, which we have arbitrarily set equal to two. This ratio is T C chosen without any empirial foundation. We are, of course, in the same position that we suggest the market is in, that we do not know how much noise there is in the information that the market has to its disposal. The rational expectation hypothesis implies that the market uses an information set that contains all the true parameter values: I "+w , n, r, D, k , k, x , R R R p, p, p ,. Knowing that the conditional variance of the signal is twice the S C T conditional variance of the realignment probability, the market forms its subjective probability of a realignment as (cf. Eq. (8)), p p T E (n )# C p "E(n "I )" w R R R R R p#p p#p R C T C T c 1 2 1 " E (n )# w " E (n )# w R R R R R 1#c 1#c 3 3 R 1 1 "E (n )# (e #v )"E (n )# (e #v ), R R R R R R 1#c R 3 R (22) where the bounds are ignored as they are rarely binding. In the alternative information set J "+w , n, r, D, k , k, x , p, c, q,, we R R R S C T relax the rational expectations hypothesis by assuming that the agents in the market do not know the true information content of the signal. As argued in Section 2, the relative sizes of the unknown variances p and p cannot be e inferred from occasional realignments. We assume that the market overrates the information content in the signal and set the ratio of the subjective variances q/q"jc, where j(1 re#ects the degree of overrating of the true ratio c"2. T C (We do not investigate the consequences of underrating. As seen from Section 2 above this results in b-estimates above unity, which is of little interest from an empirical point of view.) We arbitrarily choose j"1/4, which implies an incorrect weighting of the signal by 2/3 rather than the correct weight 1/3. Hence, q q T E (n )# C q "E(n "J )" w R R R R R q#q q#q R C T C T jc 1 1 2 " E (n )# w " E (n )# w 1#jc R R 1#jc R 3 R R 3 R 1 2 "E (n )# (e #v )"E (n )# (e #v ), R R R R R R 1#jc R 3 R (23) S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1551 again not accounting for the probability bounds. The "rst row in Table 4 shows the "nite sample moments of the subjective realignment probabilitites (22) and (23). The results depend on the noise level in the signal w relative to the true R realignment probability n , i.e. c, and the weigthing between the expectations R E (n ) and the signal based on the subjective perception of the latter ratio, i.e. j. R R To check upon this two-parameter dependence we allow for both twice and half the overrating of the signal, and twice and half the information/noise ratio of the signal. These changes to the basic model (20)}(23) are all partial, in the sense that only one of the two parameters (c, j) is changed at the time, to yield (c, j/2), (c, 2j), (2c, j) and (c/2, j), accordingly. The results of these changes are displayed in the second to "fth row in Table 4. We see that the di!erent information contents in the signals (c) and the overrating (j) do not make much di!erence to the mean and variance of the subjective realignment probabilities. But we shall see that these small di!erences make large di!erences for the b-estimates. 3.4. The interest rate diwerential The interest rate di!erential is an implementation of equations (10) with one di!erence. Since x "x is distributed as IN(k #(1!k)x , p) and the series are R> R R S Table 4 Expected value and variance of the subjective realignment probabilities p and q based on the two R R di!erent information sets I and J , respectively ("rst row). To check the partial sensitivity of the R R results, more or less overrating of the information content in the signal (second and third row) and di!erent levels of noise in the signal (fourth and "fth row) are applied. Standard deviations of the 2000 synthetic estimates (not their means) are in parentheses. The mean empirical estimate of the realignment probability the Nordic countries are 0.036 when Denmark is excluded, and 0.075 when Denmark is included, cf. Table 2 in Holden and Vik+ren (1994) p (pJ ) N NN qJ (pJ ) O p (pJ ) O NO Model pJ (pJ ) N Basic model (22)}(23) 0.02806 0.00140 0.2809 0.00180 (0.00944) (0.00027) (0.00959) (0.00030) c"2, j"1/8Np "E (n )#w , q "E (n )#w R R R R R R R R 0.02806 0.00140 0.02810 0.00203 (0.00944) (0.00027) (0.00966) (0.00032) c"2, j"1/2Np "E (n )#w , q "E (n )#w R R R R R R R R 0.02806 0.00140 0.02808 0.00157 (0.00944) (0.00027) (0.00951) (0.00028) c"4, j"1/4Np "E (n )#w , q "E (n )#w R R R R R R R R 0.02805 0.00135 0.02809 0.00177 (0.00942) (0.00027) (0.00957) (0.00030) c"1, j"1/4Np "E (n )#w , q "E (n )#w R R R R R R R R 0.02806 0.00147 0.02809 0.00178 (0.00947) (0.00027) (0.00958) (0.00030) 1552 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 not allowed to exceed the limits x3 and x* of the target zone, we get "E(x #1"x )"("k #(1!k)x " due to the bounded innovations. The expected R R R value of the exchange rate in the next period is approximated by numerical integration, cf. Appendix D. The implemented equation under the two information sets is thus given by (10), where the integral replaces E(*x ). The size of R> the change in the central parity is D"6 (per cent), which is close to the average size of the devaluations for the Nordic countries (which is 6.6 per cent, cf. Holden and Vik+ren (1994), Table 2). The "rst row of Table 5 gives the means and variances of 2000 synthetic interest rate di!erentials. The reason that the mean values do not correspond exactly to their empirical counterparts is that for Denmark and Norway the empirical interest rate di!erentials have been higher than what have been warranted by the empirical changes (devaluations) in the nominal exchange rate, leading to an excess return of investments in Danish and Norwegian kroner. (This is the basis for the rejection of UIP in Holden and Vik+ren, (1994)). We have chosen to calibrate the model to the actual number of realignments, rather than the actual interest rate Table 5 The means and standard deviations (in parentheses) of 2000 simulated interest rate di!erentials in the basic model ("rst row) and in alternative models. To check the sensitivity of the results, di!erent partial changes to the parameters of the basic model are applied (U denotes a uniform distribution on the interval [2, 10]) Model Mean and (standard deviations) of 2000 estimates dI ' (pJ ') B pJ ' (pJ ') B NB dI ( (pJ () B pJ ( (pJ () B NB Basic model, D"6 0.1684 (0.0130) 0.0070 (0.0008) 0.1686 (0.0160) 0.0213 (0.0024) D"8 0.2244 (0.0313) 0.0219 (0.0030) 0.2246 (0.0337) 0.0473 (0.0056) D"4 0.1121 (0.0083) 0.0033 (0.0006) 0.1123 (0.0102) 0.0096 (0.0012) D &N(6, 1.5) R 0.1687 (0.0130) 0.0068 (0.0008) 0.1688 (0.0163) 0.0213 (0.0024) D &;(2,10) R 0.1627 (0.0128) 0.0069 (0.0008) 0.1687 (0.0160) 0.0212 (0.0024) Stochastic (normal) parameters 0.1697 (0.1138) 0.0077 (0.0035) 0.1697 (0.1143) 0.0224 (0.0066) Mean empirical estimate 0.235 0.025 0.235 0.025 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1553 di!erentials, but this is unlikely to have much e!ect on the b-coe$cient (it will however a!ect the constant term in the regression). For a sensitivity analysis we include alternative constant realignment sizes (D"4 or 8), and also let DR be a normal and a uniform stochastic variable, cf. Table 5. 3.5. The xnite sample distribution of the b-estimates Fig. 4 shows the results of regressing the total change in the exchange rate on the interest rate di!erential, cf. (10)}(11), yielding the distributions of the synthetic b-estimates (upper row of four plots) and their corresponding t-statistic: t(bK )"(bK !1)/pL @, which measures how many standard deviations the b-estimate deviates from the theoretical UIP value of unity (lower row of four plots). From left to right it is assumed that market's expectations re#ect the true realignment probability nR, the subjective expectations pR and qR (i.e. the two di!erent information sets IR and JR), and the signal wR only. The vertical lines in all histograms mark eight empirical OLS estimates from the literature. de Grauwe (1989) examines the relevance of UIP for four EMS currencies against the German mark, using OLS on monthly data for the period 1979 to 1988. He obtains estimates of b (t-statistic in parentheses) of 0.96 (!0.125) for French francs, 0.65 (!1.84) for Italian lira, 0.61 (!1.39) for Belgian francs and !0.49 (!1.96) for Dutch guilders. In an earlier version of this paper (Holden et al. (1993)), we tested UIP for the Nordic currencies using OLS on monthly data for the period 1978/79 to 1990. We then obtained estimates of 0.48 (!1.73) for Danish kroner, 0.72 (!0.80) for Finnish mark, 0.41 (!1.59) for Norwegian kroner and !0.48 (!1.97) for Swedish kroner. The mean b-estimate of all eight currencies is 0.36. (After our simulations were undertaken, Bernhardsen (1997) reports a b-coe$cient of 0.10 for Austria for the period March 1979 to February 1995, consistent with our view that there is a bias in empirical b-estimates.) Before comparing the empirical and synthetic estimates, note from Fig. 4 that the e!ect of the various assumptions concerning the market's expectations is consistent with the theoretical predictions. If the market does not overrate the information content, the mean b' is virtually the same as when using the true realignment probability n, but the variance of the estimates is much larger. As predicted by the theoretical model in Section 2 the mean value drops considerably to b("0.53 when the market overrates the information content in the signal. Then we compare the empirical estimates with the simulated distributions. Under rational expectations, seven of the eight empirical b- and t-estimates are NesseH n (1994) examines UIP for the Nordic countries over slightly shorter time periods than Holden et al. (1993), and obtain b-estimates closer to zero (mean value equal to !0.01). Fig. 4. The "nite sample distributions of 10.000 synthetic OLS-estimates of the b-coe$cient (upper plots) and its t-value (bK !1)/pL (lower plots), in @ a regression of the change in the exchange rate on the (subjective) expectations, cf. Eq. (11). The eight vertical lines in each of the four upper plots mark the empirical estimates referred to in the text. The eight lines in the four lower plots mark the t-values of the eight empirical estimates. In each of the lower plots the Students t-distribution (centered on zero) is superimposed on the sample distributions to visualize any di!erences. The di!erent sample distributions result (from left to right) when the market uses the true realignment probability n , the information sets I and J re#ecting correct R (p ) and incorrect weighting (q ), respectively, between signal and expectations, and "nally the noisy signal w only. The "gure just below the horisontal R R R axis in the plots are the median synthetic estimate. The mean synthetic estimate and the parenthesized mean standard deviation of the estimates are shown below the plots. 1554 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1555 below the median (and the mean) of the synthetic distributions, according to the two leftmost plots in each row of Fig. 4. This suggests that the simulated model with rational expectations is not an acceptable representation of the empirical data generating process. Relaxing the rational expectations hypothesis, the synthetic distributions become more consistent with the empirical estimates, as shown by the four rightmost plots in Fig. 4. We shall analyse the issue of consistency by use of a more formal statistical method, and test whether the empirical and the synthetic b- and t-estimates can be viewed as two samples independently drawn from identical distributions. According to Press et al. (1986), a generally accept such test for continuous variables is the Kolmogorov}Smirnov (K}S) test, which measures the overall di!erence between the synthetic and the empirical samples by the maximum value of the absolute di!erence between the cumulative distributions of the two samples. The distribution of the K}S statistic can be approximated under the null hypothesis that the two samples come from identical distributions, thus giving the signi"cance of any observed discrepancy between the two cumulative distributions. The K}S statistic (P column) in Table 6 shows that the hypothesis that the @ empirical b-estimates and the rational expectation estimates in the simulation model (models n and I ) come from identical distributions can be rejected at R R 10 per cent level, but not at 5 per cent (P "0.06 and 0.07, respectively). As for @ the b-estimates of the non-rational expectation models (w and J ), the K}S R R statistics of 0.43 and 0.58 are far from rejection of identical distributions. Turning to the K}S statistic on the hypothesis that the empirical and synthetic t-values are drawn from identical distributions, the rational expectation models are rejected at 1 per cent level. Model J is rejected at 10 per cent level, while R model w is still far from rejection. R Table 6 Descriptive statistics of 10.000 synthetic and 8 empirical estimates. A tilde denotes the mean value of the synthetic estimates. Subscript 0.5 denotes the median. C denotes the smallest probability intervall (in steps 0.99, 0.95, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5) that contains all the empirical estimates. C denotes the number of empirical estimates below and above the median of the synthetic estimates. P is the signi"cance level of the Kolmogorov Smirnov statistic Model n R I R J R w R Statistics of the b-estimates Statistics of the t-estimates bI pJ @ b C @ C P @ 0.961 0.923 0.533 0.360 0.917 1.357 0.762 0.517 0.896 0.833 0.491 0.335 0.95 0.80 0.90 0.95 7#1 7#1 4#4 2#6 0.06 0.07 0.58 0.43 tI !0.158 !0.164 !0.759 !1.429 pJ R 1.160 1.123 1.142 1.185 t !0.127 !0.149 !0.739 !1.396 C R C 0.90 0.90 0.80 0.80 7#1 (0.01 7#1 (0.01 7#1 0.06 5#3 0.42 P R 1556 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 There are two reasons that one should be cautious when interpreting the results of the K}S statistic. First, the sample of eight empirical estimates is very small. The signi"cance of K}S statistic is based on an approximation formula that becomes asymptotically accurate, and Press et al. write that a sample size of 20 su$ces in practice. Secondly, the empirical estimates are likely to be correlated, while the K}S formula requires independent draws. If the empirical estimates are uncorrelated we can to a certain degree circumvent the problem of too few observations, by using the simple method of comparing the empirical estimates with the median of the synthetic estimates. As noted above, seven out of eight empirical estimates are below the median values of the synthetic estimates based on rational expectations, cf. the C column in Table 6. The probability of seven (or more) of eight estimates are below the median is 9;(1/2)"9/256+0.035; thus the hypothesis of identical distributions would be rejected at 5 per cent level. The problem of potensial correlation between the empirical estimates can however not be circumvented. In spite of this caveat, we conclude that it seems unlikely that the empirical estimates are generated within the rational expectation models that we have simulated. On the other hand, the empirical b-estimates do not seem inconsistent with the simulation models where the market overrates the information content in the signal. The remainder of this subsection contains a sensitivity analysis with respect to the distribution of the b-estimates. Table 7 displays the means and standard deviations of the b-estimates and their t-statistics for all the partial changes to the basic model. In addition it shows the widths of the probability intervals that contain the empirical estimates, the number of estimates on either side of the median, and the signi"cance level of the K}S statistic, i.e. the C, C and P columns of Table 6. The results are quite similar to those of the basic model in Table 6, but with a slight tendency towards less signi"cant K}S statistics in all model versions. Let us review the panels of Table 7. Panel 1 shows how the partial changes to the parameters of the exchange rate model a!ect the mean b-estimates and their t-statistics. The values are all fairly similar, and to show that the b-estimates are not very sensitive with respect to the parameters values of the implemented model. The &No bounds' row is equivalent to a very, very wide band (which does get realigned like the other bands). Panel 2 shows that breaking the correlation To save space we do not display frequency distributions like in Fig. 4 for any alternative model. Plots (available upon request from the authors) show that the changes imply mainly to the locations and widths, and not much to the &shapes' (asymmetries) of the distributions (e.g. all distributions of the t-statistic remain more or less left/downward skewed). S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1557 Table 7 Sample statistics calculated in sets of 2000 b-estimates and their t-statistics: t "(bK !1)/pL . The statistics @ @ are (i) mean over standard deviation, (ii) probability interval containing all empirical estimates (C) over the number of estimates below and above the synthetic median (C), and (iii) the signi"cance level of the Kolmogorov}Smirnov statistic (P), cf. Table 6. The various panels show the e!ects on the statistics of partial changes in a single model parameter value. Note that it is the mean standard deviations of the b- and t-estimates (not of their means) that are in parentheses Change Panel 1: E!ects of partial changes to the parameters bI bI bI bI tI L ' ( U L (pJ ') (pJ () (pJ U) (pJ L) (pJ L) @ @ @ R @ C C C C C @L @' @( @U RL (C K ) (C K ) (C K ) (C K ) (C K ) @ @ @ @ R PL P' P( PU PL @ @ @ @ R to the exchange rate model x R tI tI tI ' ( U (pJ ') (pJ () (pJ U) R R R C C C ' ( R R RU (C K ) (C K ) (C K ) R R R P' P( PU R R R k"0.25 1.030 (0.809) 0.99 (8#0) 0.02 1.115 (1.304) 0.80 (8#0) 0.01 0.591 (0.721) 0.90 (4#4) 0.43 0.389 (0.493) 0.95 (2#6) 0.39 0.009 (1.012) 0.99 (8#0) (0.01 !0.109 (1.038) 0.99 (8#0) (0.01 !0.611 !1.337 (1.033) (1.080) 0.90 0.80 (7#1) (6#2) 0.02 0.57 k"0.05 0.926 (0.664) 0.99 (7#1) 0.05 0.890 (0.747) 0.95 (7#1) 0.08 0.707 (0.606) 0.99 (6#2) 0.29 0.527 (0.478) 0.99 (4#4) 0.75 !0.247 (1.217) 0.90 (7#1) 0.01 !0.266 (1.168) 0.90 (7#1) 0.01 !0.649 !1.216 (1.209) (1.253) 0.80 0.70 (7#1) (6#2) 0.04 0.37 k "0.2 1.001 (1.006) 0.90 (8#0) 0.03 1.023 (1.584) 0.70 (7#1) 0.04 0.568 (0.876) 0.80 (4#4) 0.37 0.380 (0.595) 0.90 (2#6) 0.55 !0.033 (0.948) 0.99 (8#0) (0.01 !0.009 (0.864) '1 (6#0) (0.01 !0.497 !1.048 (0.951) (0.983) 0.90 0.70 (7#1) (6#2) 0.01 0.22 k "!0.1 0.987 (0.870) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 0.974 (1.349) 0.80 (7#1) 0.05 0.546 (0.735) 0.90 (4#4) 0.65 0.366 (0.496) 0.95 (2#6) 0.44 !0.135 (1.186) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.126 (1.157) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.785 !1.511 (1.177) (1.231) 0.70 0.80 (7#1) (5#3) 0.07 0.33 p"0.7 S 0.987 (0.944) 0.95 (7#1) 0.04 0.969 (1.443) 0.70 (7#1) 0.05 0.549 (0.798) 0.90 (4#4) 0.47 0.370 (0.541) 0.95 (2#6) 0.46 !0.093 (1.104) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !0.092 (1.039) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !0.656 !1.286 (1.082) (1.120) 0.80 0.70 (7#1) (6#2) 0.04 0.49 p"0.5 S 0.987 (0.869) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 0.964 (1.318) 0.80 (7#1) 0.06 0.559 (0.736) 0.90 (4#4) 0.59 0.376 (0.498) 0.95 (2#6) 0.47 !0.140 (1.177) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.136 (1.122) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.757 !1.465 (1.163) (1.220) 0.80 0.80 (7#1) (5#3) 0.07 0.36 x*, x3"$3.0 0.973 (0.897) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 0.392 (0.524) 0.80 (7#1) 0.05 0.929 (1.302) 0.90 (4#4) 0.65 0.577 (0.766) 0.95 (2#6) 0.44 !0.141 (1.161) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !1.339 (1.180) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.154 !0.694 (1.135) (1.148) 0.70 0.80 (7#1) (5#3) 0.07 0.33 1558 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 Table 7 Continued x*, x3"$1.5 1.019 (0.847) 0.95 (8#0) 0.03 1.061 (1.365) 0.80 (8#0) 0.03 0.552 (0.725) 0.90 (4#4) 0.55 0.368 (0.490) 0.95 (2#6) 0.49 !0.044 (1.053) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 0.011 (0.973) 0.99 (8#0) (0.01 !0.687 !1.408 (1.050) (1.119) 0.80 0.80 (7#1) (5#3) 0.04 0.47 No bounds 0.912 (1.276) 0.80 (7#1) 0.08 0.582 (0.762) 0.90 (4#4) 0.48 0.397 (0.524) 0.95 (2#6) 0.53 !0.147 (1.169) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.166 (1.150) 0.90 (7#1) (0.01 !0.692 !1.333 (1.155) (1.184) 0.80 0.80 (7#1) (6#2) 0.05 0.54 0.968 (0.914) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 Panel 2: E!ects of partial changes to a parameter of the realignment probability model n . The entry '1 R means that some empirical estimates are outside the interval spanned by the synthetic sample, hence the empirical estimates within the synthetic distribution do not sum to 8 (like e.g. (6#0)) r"0 1.029 (0.409) '1 (6#0) (0.01 1.070 (0.504) '1 (6#0) (0.01 0.701 (0.358) '1 (4#2) 0.35 0.475 (0.267) '1 (1#5) 0.70 !0.029 (1.129) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 0.083 (1.039) 0.99 (8#0) (0.01 !0.977 !2.231 (1.136) (1.279) 0.70 0.95 (6#2) (0#8) 0.14 0.01 Panel 3: E!ects of changing either the degree of overrating (j) the information content in the signal w , or R the information content itself (c) c"2, j"1/8 0.976 (0.905) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 0.953 (1.364) 0.80 (7#1) 0.05 0.464 (0.642) 0.95 (3#5) 0.77 0.373 (0.518) 0.95 (2#6) 0.48 !0.133 (1.163) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.132 (1.128) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.986 !1.389 (1.157) (1.184) 0.60 0.80 (6#2) (6#2) 0.15 0.49 c"2, j"1/2 0.976 (0.905) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 0.953 (1.364) 0.80 (7#1) 0.05 0.711 (0.987) 0.90 (5#3) 0.21 0.373 (0.518) 0.95 (2#6) 0.48 !0.133 (1.163) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.132 (1.128) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.408 !1.389 (1.131) (1.184) 0.90 0.80 (7#1) (6#2) 0.01 0.49 c"4, j"1/4 0.976 (0.905) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 0.918 (1.594) 0.70 (7#1) 0.07 0.465 (0.776) 0.80 (3#5) 0.67 0.232 (0.399) 0.95 (2#6) 0.10 !0.133 (1.163) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.152 (1.124) 0.90 (7#1) (0.01 !0.820 !2.124 (1.133) (1.223) 0.70 0.95 (7#1) (0#8) 0.08 0.02 c"1, j"1/4 0.976 (0.905) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 0.972 (1.184) 0.90 (7#1) 0.04 0.663 (0.786) 0.95 (5#3) 0.36 0.539 (0.637) 0.95 (4#4) 0.72 !0.133 (1.163) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.122 (1.135) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.561 !0.881 (1.150) (1.168) 0.80 0.70 (7#1) (6#2) 0.03 0.09 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 Table 7 Continued Panel 4: E!ects of partial changes to the parameters of the interest rate di!erential d 1559 R D"20 0.968 (0.566) '1 (5#1) 0.03 0.965 (0.626) '1 (5#1) 0.04 0.767 (0.516) '1 (5#1) 0.21 0.572 (0.412) '1 (2#4) 0.71 !0.275 (1.495) 0.90 (7#1) 0.01 !0.255 (1.422) 0.90 (7#1) 0.01 !0.732 !1.423 (1.503) (1.613) 0.70 0.70 (7#1) (6#2) 0.06 0.42 D"8 0.956 (0.790) 0.99 (7#1) 0.06 0.924 (1.021) 0.90 (7#1) 0.08 0.615 (0.681) 0.95 (4#4) 0.51 0.422 (0.486) 0.99 (2#6) 0.60 !0.192 (1.274) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.200 (1.240) 0.90 (7#1) (0.01 !0.747 !1.438 (1.257) (1.307) 0.70 0.70 (7#1) (5#3) 0.06 0.40 D"4 1.052 (0.924) 0.95 (8#0) 0.02 1.163 (1.424) 0.80 (8#0) 0.01 0.611 (0.803) 0.90 (5#3) 0.37 0.397 (0.553) 0.90 (2#6) 0.65 0.041 (1.010) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 0.120 (0.994) 0.99 (8#0) (0.01 !0.498 !1.127 (1.000) (1.023) 0.90 0.70 (7#1) (6#2) 0.01 0.28 D&N(6, 1.5) 0.995 (0.946) 0.95 (7#1) 0.04 0.895 (1.388) 0.80 (7#1) 0.08 0.517 (0.773) 0.90 (3#5) 0.66 0.349 (0.523) 0.95 (2#6) 0.35 !0.122 (1.166) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 0.183 (1.081) 0.90 (7#1) (0.01 !0.760 !1.414 (1.118) (1.168) 0.80 0.80 (7#1) (6#2) 0.05 0.44 D&U(2, 10) 0.936 (1.459) 0.70 (7#1) 0.07 0.533 (0.820) 0.90 (4#4) 0.56 0.357 (0.556) 0.95 (2#6) 0.40 !0.119 (1.151) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.168 (1.096) 0.90 (7#1) (0.01 !0.733 !1.369 (1.150) (1.211) 0.80 0.80 (7#1) (6#2) 0.06 0.47 1.010 (0.971) 0.95 (7#1) 0.05 Panel 5: E!ects of changing the length ¹ of the synthetic data series. The entry '1 marks when the synthetic sample does not contain all of the empirical estimates ¹"10.000 1.001 (0.112) '1 (2#0) 0 0.993 (0.171) '1 (4#0) 0 0.551 (0.97) '1 (2#3) 0.44 0.365 (0.066) '1 (0#2) 0.01 0.002 (1.105) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !0.053 (1.094) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !4.997 (1.112) '1 (0#0) 0 !10.266 (1.143) '1 (0#0) 0 ¹"1.000 0.980 (0.362) '1 (5#1) (0.01 0.974 (0.538) '1 (5#1) 0.02 0.545 (0.304) '1 (2#4) 0.70 0.362 (0.206) '1 (0#5) 0.20 !0.063 (1.116) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !0.068 (1.070) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !1.613 (1.092) 0.90 (4#4) 0.23 !3.283 (1.125) '1 (0#7) (0.01 1560 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 Table 7 Continued ¹"120 0.972 (1.063) 0.90 (7#1) 0.05 0.859 (1.562) 0.60 (7#1) 0.08 0.507 (0.867) 0.80 (3#5) 0.54 0.344 (0.587) 0.90 (2#6) 0.41 !0.166 (1.190) 0.90 (8#0) (0.01 !0.214 (1.097) 0.90 (7#1) (0.01 !0.713 !1.290 (1.141) (1.197) 0.80 0.70 (7#1) (6#2) 0.05 0.43 ¹"60 0.965 (1.531) 0.70 (7#1) 0.07 0.735 (2.259) 0.50 (3#5) 0.13 0.454 (1.263) 0.60 (2#6) 0.39 0.313 (0.857) 0.70 (2#6) 0.34 !0.241 (1.231) 0.90 (7#1) 0.01 !0.300 (1.101) 0.90 (7#1) 0.01 !0.648 !1.069 (1.189) (1.271) 0.80 0.60 (7#1) (6#2) 0.04 0.23 Panel 6: E!ects of all parameters being stochastic (variables with about 10% standard deviations) Stochastic parameters 0.996 (0.914) 0.95 (7#1) 0.04 1.010 (1.470) 0.80 (7#1) 0.04 0.558 (0.813) 0.90 (4#4) 0.52 0.367 (0.549) 0.90 (2#6) 0.47 !0.090 (1.101) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !0.077 (1.063) 0.95 (8#0) (0.01 !0.691 !1.359 (1.120) (1.175) 0.80 0.80 (7#1) (6#2) 0.04 0.50 between the realignment probability and the exchange rate within the band lowers the e!ect of overrating the signal, and the standard deviations drop. As a consequence the synthetic b-distributions do not contain all the empirical estimates, and all the alternative simulation models are less consistent with the empirical estimates. Panel 3 shows that when the market has rational expectations (columns 1, 2, 5 and 6) the noise level in the signal is of no consequence; all the models are rejected at 7 per cent level. Under non-rational expectations (columns 3 and 4), the lower the information content in the signal (c increases) or the more the market overrates it (j decreases), the lower the b-estimates. More speci"cally, when we vary the degree of overrating, j, from no overrating (information set I ) R via three intermediate values, j3+1/2, 1/4, 1/8,, to complete overrating (signal w ), the mean synthetic b-estimate varies monotonously from 0.95 via R 0.71, 0.53 (in Table 6), 0.46 to 0.37. When we vary the information content in the signal, with values c3+4, 2, 1,, the mean synthetic b-estimate again varies monotonously, from 0.47, 0.53 (in Table 6) to 0.66. The t-values, the containing intervals and the K}S signi"cances follow the pattern of Table 6. We note that the problem with a low value of P when the market uses information set J is R R } to a certain degree } depending on the weighting between the expected realignment probability and the signal in the market, relative to the information content in the signal. The K}S statistic on the t-values does not reject the S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1561 J model when j is 1/8, i.e. the case with the greatest overrating (P "0.14). R R This implies a considerable overrating of the information content, as the market then puts a weight of 4/5 on the signal, while the correct weight would have been 1/3, cf. the expressions for p and q in Table 4. This extent of R R overrating does not seem realistic if the single reason for overrating is that the private agents do not know the true information content, but it is more plausible if agents have an incentive to overreact due to concern for their reputation, cf. the concluding remarks below. Yet we are reluctant to put too much weight on the K}S statistics for the t-values. The inconsistencies between the empirical t-estimates and the synthetic t-distributions might also re#ect that our simulation model is too restrictive (in particular the assumptions of linearity) to capture the higher order moments of the exchange rate and the interest rate di!erential. Panel 4 shows that the results are neither sensitive to the size of the realignments nor the realignment tosize being a random variable. Panel 5 shows that there is substantial small sample dispersion in the b-estimates, as re#ected by the parenthesized standard deviations and the t-statistics. Panel 6 shows that allowing all model parameters to be stochastic variables, normally distributed about the basic model values with approximately 10% standard deviation, give results that are virtually identical to the basic model, cf. Table 6. We conclude that generally the pattern of Table 6 is maintained by the alternatives in Table 7. 4. Concluding remarks This paper investigates the relevance of uncovered interest parity (UIP) for target zone exchange rates like those in the European Monetary System and in the Nordic countries during the 1980s. Previous literature has found that the interest rate di!erential is a biased predictor of the upcoming change in the exchange rate, and has thus rejected UIP. This paper presents Monte Carlo simulations of a simple target zone model which indicate that the overall empirical evidence of a bias in the interest rate di!erential is so large that it seems unlikely that the rejection of UIP is due to peculiar small sample properties of target zone models. A caveat to this conclusion is that the empirical b-estimates probably are correlated (but where we do not know how much they are correlated), in which case it is di$cult to draw "rm conclusions. A rejection of UIP involves either a rejection of the assumption of zero (or time-invariant) risk premium or a rejection of the rational expectations hypothesis. In setting up the simulation model and choosing parameter values, much care was taken to ensure that the simulated data was as similar as possible to the historical data of the Nordic countries presented in Holden and Vik+ren (1994). Extensive sensitivity analysis indicates that the results are robust with respect to 1562 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 the chosen parameter values. It is our hope that the results from the Monte Carlo simulations in this paper will prove useful for the interpretation of future empirical work on UIP in target zones. We then explore a model where the market observes a signal that consists of the probability of a realignment plus random noise, and where rational expectations do not hold. More precisely, we consider the case where the market overrates the information content in the signal. We show theoretically and by use of Monte Carlo simulations that this alternative speci"cation may explain the downward bias in the empirical b-estimates that is found when testing UIP for target zone exchange rates. To many economists, any violation of the rational expectations hypothesis will be viewed as ad hoc. But agents are not born with precise knowledge about the world (the parameters in the model) } this has to be learned. In many situations, it may seem plausible to assume that this learning process leads to rational expectations. In the present situation, we argue that there is no way that the market can learn the true information content in the signal (that is, the true probability of a realignment), because the true information content (the true probability of a realignment) is not observable even ex post. The relationship between the empirical b-estimates and rating of information content may also be given a di!erent interpretation. Instead of attempting to explain empirical b-estimates we may try to "nd out how the market rates the information content in signals that it receives. Viewed this way, the downward bias in empirical b-estimates constitutes clear evidence in favour of the hypothesis that the market overrates the information content. This accords with recent research suggesting that agents in stock markets overreact, cf. de Bondt and Thaler (1990). There is of course no de"nite proof of overrating, as there may exist an entirely di!erent mechanism that causes a strong downward bias in the b-estimates. But in spite of extensive research in the literature there is no such mechanism that is generally accepted. If the market were to underrate the information content in the signal, this would involve an upward bias in the b-coe$cient (as shown in Section 2), which would make it even harder to explain the downward bias that prevails in empirical b-estimates. Our suggested explanation clearly requires some motivation for why the market might overrate the information content in signals. At the super"cial level, overrating of information content is clearly consistent with the view of many observers (which is consistent with empirical research, cf. above) that the market often overreacts to rumours and sentiment (cf. Blinder's Law of Speculative Markets: The markets normally get the sign right, but exaggerate the magnitude by a factor between three and ten, Blinder, 1997). Recent research on &herd behaviour' of economic agents provides a theoretical foundation for this view; Scharfstein and Stein (1990) show that if managers are concerned about their reputation, they will under certain circumstances simply mimic the behaviour of other managers, thereby ignoring their own private information. In our S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1563 exchange rate setting, a manager might react to rumours of a devaluation even if he believes that the rumours are exaggerated, because if he does not react and there is a devaluation, it would be easy to blame him afterwards. In fact, a recent court decision in the U.S. (Indiana) is a good illustration of this argument. The manager of a grain cooperative failed to hedge against the risk of falling prices, in spite of a worried accountant's advice to do so. When the prices fell, the shareholders sued the manager and four directors, and the courts supported the shareholders' view (the Economist, 13 March 1993). Our two arguments for an overrating of information content } that the agents cannot know the true information content and that the agents may have an incentive to overreact } are not directly related; the concern for reputation and fear of blame may provide an incentive to overreact even if the agents were to know the true information content. Yet we believe that the arguments are complementary; it seems plausible (but perhaps speculative) that the concern for reputation is given more weight in a situation where the agent believes but does not know that the rumours are exaggerated, than in a situation where the agent knows that the rumours are exaggerated. Acknowledgements The project was initiated while the authors worked in the Norges Bank. The second author continued his contribution when he worked in Statistics Norway. We wish to thank Birger Vik+ren for the collaboration in the earlier stages of this project. Previous versions have bene"tted from comments from Sigbj+rn Atle Berg, Gabriela Mundaca, Asbj+rn R+dseth and two anonymous referees. We are also grateful to Tore Schweder and in particular Harald Goldstein for advice on some of the statistical issues. Anders Vredin has generously provided data for Finland and Sweden. Appendix A In this appendix we consider the consequences of allowing for the market to have wrong estimates of more of the parameters in the model. We still assume that the market treats all estimates as certain, and we also assume that q#q"p , as p can be &fairly rapidly' learned from observing w . The L T U U R market's information set is now assumed to be J "+x , k(, k( , q, p , n( , r, q, q, D(,, R R S VL L T To simplify formulas below we assume that the market knows the e!ect of x on n . R R 1564 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 and the market's subjective probability of a realignment is q q T n((x )# L w. q "E(n "J )" R R R R q#q q#q R L T L T The interest rate di!erential is E(Ds "J )"k( !k(x #q D("d(, R> R R R R and the expectation of the coe$cient of the interest rate di!erential is DpD(p/(p#p)#kk(var(x )!2Dkp L L L T R LV . E(bK )" D(qD(p/(p#p)#(k()var(x )!2Dkp L L L T R LV (24) Expression (24) shows that there are several possible causes for E(bK )O1: D('D, q'p or k('k would all lead to E(bK )(1. However, neiL L ther n(On' nor k( Ok' would a!ect the expectation of the b-coe$cient, and k("0 would not by itself (i.e. if all other parameters were correct) cause E(bK )O1. Appendix B We are grateful to Harald Goldstein for providing the following proof: Proof of expression (7). Assume that E(v "I )"a#bw , and that var (v ) and R R R R var (w ) exist. Then R E(v )"E [E(v "I )]"E (a#bw )"a#bE(w ). R U R R U R R It follows that a"E(v )!bE(w ), R R E[(v !E(v ))"I ]"bw !(a#bE(w ))"b(w !E(w )). R R R R R R R If we allowed for time variation in the expected realignment size, then n(On' would a!ect E(bK ). S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 1565 From this we get cov (v , w )"E [(v !E(v )) (w !E(w ))] R R R R R R "E (E[(v !E(v )) (w !E(w ))]"I ) U R R R R R "E[E +((v !E(v ))"I ,(w !E(w ))] U R R R R R P "E[b(w !E(w )) (w !E(w ))]"b var (w ) R R R R R b"cov (v , w )/var(w ). R R R Appendix C Derivation of formula (13). Using Eqs. (2) and (10) we obtain cov (Ds , d')"cov (k !kx #d D, k !kx #p D) R> R R R R R "Dcov (d , p )#k var (x )!Dk(cov (d , x )#cov (p ,x )), R R R R R R R as we assume cov(u , p )"cov(v , x )"0. Substituting out for p , using Eq. (8), R R R R R and exploiting that cov(d , n )"p and cov(d , v )"0, we obtain R R L R R p L #k var(x )!2Dkp . cov(Ds , d')"Dp R> R L p#p R LV L T (25) Note that x has the same e!ect on n and p , so that cov(d , x ) R R R R R "cov(p , x )"p . Correspondingly, using Eqs. (2), (8) and (10) we obtain R R LV var(d')"var(k !kx #p D) R R R "D p L (p#p)#k var(x )!Dkp . L T R LV p#p L T (26) Substituting out for Eqs. (25) and (26) in Eq. (12), we "nd Eq. (13). Appendix D Using u(z)"(p (n)\ exp(!(z!k !(1!k)x )/p) as a shorthand notaS R S tion for the normal density, we compute the expected (bounded) change in the 1566 S. Holden, D. Kolsrud / European Economic Review 43 (1999) 1531}1567 exchange rate within the currency band, E(Dx )"x* R> V* V*\NS u(z) dz# V3 V3>NS zu(z) dz#x3 u(z) dz, V* V3 by numerical integration, with the parameter values given by Eq. (17). References Bernhardsen, T., 1997. 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