Indebtedness and Unemployment: A Durable Relationship Tore Ellingsen∗ Steinar Holden∗∗ April 4, 2002 Abstract Within a simple formal model, we show that there is a link between workers’ indebtedness and the outcome of wage bargaining. Large debts, arising from purchases of illiquid durables (houses and cars), serve to make unemployment experiences more unpleasant. Hence indebted workers are more willing to accept a low wage in order to reduce the probability of unemployment. In line with this prediction, cross–country regressions based on data from sixteen OECD countries indicate that high household indebtedness serves to reduce the level of unemployment for a given set of labour market institutions. JEL classification: E24, J51, J64. Keywords: Wage setting, debt, unemployment. ∗ Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, Box 6501, S—113 83 Stockholm, Sweden. Phone: +46-8 736 9260. Fax: +46-8 34 78 18. ∗∗ Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Box 1095 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway. Phone: +4722 85 51 56. This paper is part of the research project “Unemployment, institutions and policy” at SNF–Oslo. Financial support from the Swedish Council for Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences is gratefully acknowledged. We have benefitted from presenting the paper at the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research, London School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics, the Trade Union Institute for Economic Research and Uppsala University. Helge Holden and Arne Strøm generously helped us proving Proposition 1. We thank Douglas Hibbs, Richard Jackman, Per Lundborg, Henry Ohlsson, John Sutton, Anders Vredin, and in particular Charlie Bean, for helpful comments and discussion. 1 1 Introduction Unemployment differs across countries. To some extent this can be explained by the fact that countries have different endowments and hence do not face exactly the same shocks. However, there is now a solid body of empirical research which suggests that countries have different long–run rates of unemployment. What causes this variation? The usual answers (e.g., Layard et al., 1991) point to the differences in labour market institutions. Some countries support their unemployed for an extended period of time, and hence have more persistent unemployment; some countries give more power to trade unions, and hence have a higher wages and more unemployment; in some countries employers coordinate their wage bargaining, thus lowering wages and unemployment. Here we shall argue that, while labour market institutions are important, factors outside the labour market matter as well. More precisely we shall claim that the composition of workers’ consumption, in particular the degree to which expenditures are fixed by prior commitments, has an impact on wages. The reason is that the greater the share of expenditures that is fixed, the narrower are the margins for adjustment, and the more painful is a loss of income; a big house is a small comfort for someone who cannot afford to eat.1 In other words, workers who are heavily indebted and/or spend much of their income on illiquid durable goods such as housing are hit harder by a reduction in income, and hence resent unemployment more. In consequence, indebted workers exert less pressure on wages, and unemployment goes down. Our story begs the question why indebtedness varies across workers in the first place. One possible answer is that access to household credit has historically varied greatly across countries. As documented by Jappelli and Pagano (1994), differences in liquidity constraints have been due to differences in regulation, enforcement costs and information availability. Actually, the variation in capital market imperfections explains much of the historical variation in savings rates across OECD countries. Thus, the paper suggests that 1 While adjustment of durable goods consumption is rarely impossible, it is frequently prohibitively costly. In the housing market, transaction costs are considerable. Sales taxes and brokerage fees frequently constitute between five and ten per cent of the house price (see OECD (1994, p. 67)). Markets for other durables, such as used cars and stereos, also work poorly. 2 workers who live in countries with well developed financial markets (or heavily subsidized housing finance for otherwise credit constrained households) will take on more debt, and as a consequence will accept lower pay in order to avoid the risk of becoming unemployed.2 The theoretical prediction that indebtedness affects unemployment is tested using data from sixteen OECD countries. These are the only countries for which the relevant data is available. The regressions include standard variables capturing labour market institutions, but add a measure of household indebtedness. This measure captures housing loans, which constitute the major part, as well as loans for personal consumption. To control for any impact of unemployment on indebtedness, we also run two–stage least squares regressions, using measures of capital market imperfection as instruments for household indebtedness. Indebtedness has the expected sign in all our regressions, and is both economically and statistically significant in accounting for differences in unemployment rates. We are not aware of any previous work which studies the effect of consumption patterns on wage levels. Perhaps the most closely related literature is that which links unemployment to the structure of the housing market. Hughes and McCormick, in a series of papers on labour mobility in Britain, have found that home ownership and subsidized rental housing constitute barriers to regional migration and may therefore raise unemployment (see Hughes and McCormick (1987) and the references therein). Oswald (1996) tests this theory using cross–section data. Note however that our theory concerns a different relationship; how illiquid durable consumption affect the wage and unemployment levels within a region for a given level of migration. Since the two effects go in opposite directions, it is an empirical matter to decide which one dominates.3 Another important difference between our work and that of Hughes, McCormick and Oswald is that they mainly emphasize the magnitude of transaction costs, whereas we are primarily concerned with the budget share of housing and other illiquid durables. While our theory identifies a new connection between workers’ consumption patterns and their labour market behaviour, the two key steps of our argument have both been 2 An earlier version of this paper also considered additional predictions regarding real and nominal wage rigidity. We neglect these issues here. 3 While we did not set out to test the home ownership hypothesis in any detail, we report one empirical finding in the final section. 3 noted before. The first mechanism, the impact of illiquid assets on risk–taking, has been explored by Flemming (1969), Dickinson and de Meza (1984) and Grossman and Laroque (1990). It is also well understood in the literature on consumption that realistic levels of transaction costs leads to non–adjustment of durables for large variations in income.4 The second mechanism, the impact of risk aversion on unemployment, has appeared in different guises. In models of one–sided search, risk aversion has been thought to reduce wages because workers’ reservation wages go down, cf. Nachman (1975) and Hall et al. (1979). In the bargaining literature, it is well known that risk aversion is a disadvantage in negotations; see Osborne and Rubinstein (1990, Chapter 2) for a recent textbook exposition and Rubinstein, Zafra and Thomson (1992) for a deeper analysis.5 A closely related paper to ours in this respect is McDonald (1991), who has showed that in trade union models the bargained wage is negatively related to workers’ risk aversion under quite general assumptions. However, it is worth noting that neither search nor bargaining is necessary for the negative relationship between risk aversion and unemployment to prevail; as shown in a previous version of our paper the result holds even if the wage is set unilaterally by the union (the monopoly union model). Of course, the fact that there are other channels from risk aversion to wage moderation than the one we identify in our model indicates that our key empirical prediction is robust; it does not hinge critically on the particulars of our labor market model. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we set up and analyse the full model. Section 3 confronts the model with data, and Section 4 concludes. 4 The role of fixed adjustment costs in understanding aggregate consumption dynamics was first studied by Mishkin (1976), and is convincingly documented by Bertola and Caballero (1990), Bar–Ilan and Blinder (1992), Caballero (1993) and Eberly (1994). For empirical evidence on the relationship between non–traded assets and financial portfolios, see e.g. Giraldi, Hamaui and Rossi (1993) and the references therein. 5 Recently, Vesterlund (1998) has shown, in an equilibrium search–matching model with heterogeneous workers, how more risk averse workers get lower average wages and have lower average unemployment duration. Her result appears to be driven by a mixture of the reservation wage effect and the bargaining weakness effect. 4 2 Model Before setting up the complete model, it is useful to point out very briefly the first of its key relationships, namely that indebtedness related to durable consumption may lead to risk aversion. Consider for simplicity the situation of a person that from the outset is risk neutral. Specifically, let utility be u = C 1−δ Dδ , where C denotes non–durable consumption and D denotes durable consumption. Let y be the person’s income, and assume that prices of consumption goods are exogenously given. If C and D are both freely variable, it is a simple exercise to show that the person’s indirect utility is linearly increasing in y. In this case, the person is risk neutral. However, if durables expenditures are fixed at some level D̄ which cannot be varied with income, e.g. because the mortgage payments are fixed and transaction costs are high, then the indirect utility function is strictly concave in y, and the person is risk averse. Moreover, the coefficient of absolute risk aversion is an increasing function of D̄; in other words, a person with fewer margins for adjustment becomes more risk averse. (The explicit expressions can be derived in textbook fashion. Normalize the price of non–durables to 1 and let q denote the price of durables. When both are varied freely, maximize u with respect to C and D subject to the budget constraint C + qD ≤ y. Maximum utility is then v(y) = (1 − δ)1−δ δ δ y/q δ . If, on the other hand, durables are fixed at D̄, indirect utility is ν(y, D̄) = (y − q D̄)1−δ D̄δ . In the latter case, the Arrow–Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion is −νyy /νy = 1/(δ(y − q D̄).) This insight, that indebtedness related to durable consumption implies increased risk aversion, is at the heart of our argument. Now to the full model. The economy we consider consists of many identical firms and a large number of identical workers. All workers are organized in firm-specific unions; in a number L in each union. The firms produce a non-durable consumption good with labour as the only input. The production function of a firm is Yt = 1 ηt Ntβ , β (1) where β is a parameter between 0 and 1, ηt is a positive, stochastic, aggregate productivity parameter and t indicates time period. Firms are price takers, and set employment so as 5 to maximize profits. Thus, the labour demand of a representative firm is Nt = N (Wt /ηt ) = (Wt /ηt )−1/(1−β) , (2) where Wt is the real wage in period t (the price of non-durable goods is normalized to unity). The profit of the firm, πt = Yt − Wt Nt , is then πt = π(ηt , Wt ) = (1 − β)β −1 ηt 1/(1−β) −β/(1−β) Wt . (3) Workers consume non–negative quantities of two kinds of goods; durables and non– durables. As durables, we consider goods which are consumed over a long period of time and are costly to adjust. The analysis covers two periods, and to sharpen the focus, we impose the restriction that workers may only buy durable goods in period 1, so that consumption of durable goods cannot be adjusted between the two periods. Assuming Cobb-Douglas preferences, the workers’ utility of consumption is v = C11−δ Dδ + θC21−δ Dδ , (4) where Ct is the quantity of non-durables in period t, D is the quantity of durables, δ and θ are parameters between 0 and 1 (θ is the discount factor). The budget condition is Y1 + 1 1 Y2 = C1 + qD + C2 , 1+i 1+i (5) where i is the nominal interest rate, the price on non-durables is unity in both periods (for simplicity, inflation is set to zero), q is the price of durables and Yt = {Wt , B} is the income in period t, depending on whether or not the worker is employed; if unemployed, the worker receives the unemployment benefit B (alternatively, B can be interpreted as the non-market income of unemployed workers). The sequence of moves is as follows. At the beginning of period 1, the productivity parameter, η1 is realized, and W1 and N1 are set, the former in a bargain at firm level between workers and the firm, the latter according to the labour demand function (2), 6 given the outcome of the wage bargain. Then the individual workers know whether they have a job, and the income they receive, W1 or B; they know the price of durables, q; they know the nominal interest rate, i, at which they can borrow or lend as well as any quantity restrictions on borrowing. Workers purchase the durable good and period 1 non-durables, so as to maximize expected utility (the expectation of (4). However, at this stage η2 is unknown (but with a known probability distribution), thus workers do not know whether they will have a job in period 2, nor do they know the realization of W2 . The workers do know the probability distribution of the income in period 2. Between the two consumption periods, the productivity parameter, η2 is realized. Then the real wage in period 2, W2 is set separately at each firm, in a bargain between workers and the firm. In period 2, firms set employment according to the labour demand function (2). Workers spend their available income, that is, Y2 less any debt (or wealth) from the previous periods, on non-durable consumption C2 . At the bargaining over W2 , workers and firms are able to perfectly predict the subsequent employment decision of the firm, and the resulting aggregate unemployment rate u ≡ (L − N2 )/L (as all firms are identical, it is not necessary to distinguish between firm level and aggregate variables). Thus, the outcome of the wage bargain depends on the realization of the productivity parameter, η2 , via the effect on the rate of unemployment. The focus of the paper is how debt affects the wage setting. Thus, we do not solve for period 1 of the model; we do not analyze the wage and employment setting in period 1, we do not derive the purchase of durables and non-durables at this stage6 , nor do we derive the market clearing price of durables. We simply denote the optimal quantities of durable goods DY , (where the subscript Y = W indicates employed workers, while Y = B indicates unemployed workers), and then proceed to the analysis of the bargaining over the wage in period 2. From the budget condition, we derive period 2 consumption of non-durables as C2 = Y2 − ZY , 6 Such an analysis is given in a similar model in Ellingsen and Holden (1998). 7 (6) where ZY = (1 + i)(C1 + qDY − Y1 ), Y1 = {W1 , B}, (7) is the debt incurred in period 1, including interests. Workers’ utility in period 2 is thus v2 (Y2 ; DY ) = (Y2 − ZY )1−δ DYδ . (8) The outcome of the wage negotiation is assumed to be given by the Nash bargaining solution, that is, W2 is set so as to maximize Ω = (V − V0 )(π − π0 ), (9) subject to (2), V ≥ V0 and π ≥ π0 . Equation (9) can be motivated as follows. In case of a dispute, workers go on strike, so that no production takes place and the firm receives no profits, thus π0 = 0. Regarding the workers’ part of the Nash maximand, we assume that7 δ V − V0 = [(W2 − ZW )1−δ DW − v]N2γ . (10) δ is the period 2 payoff of workers employed in both periods, and where (W2 − ZW )1−δ DW v is the alternative utility that is available to workers who were employed in period 1, but become unemployed in period 1. This specification is based on the presumption that union preferences reflect the members who were employed in period 1, as they are in majority. Workers on strike have zero payoff; one interpretation being that they have no strike pay and thus zero consumption of non-durables. Workers who do not get a job in the firm in period 2 do not participate in a possible strike, and are thus not affected. The parameter γ determines the weight the union puts on employment. Consider the two extreme cases: γ = 1 corresponds to the case where period 2 employment is determined randomly among all members, where the job probability of an individual worker does not depend on whether he was employed in period 1. (Strictly speaking, (10) should then be multiplied by the constant, L, so that the term N2 /L is the probability 7 As shown by Manning (1991), the above formulation can be derived from a more explicit dynamic model; in the present model that would require that period 2 was of infinite length, divided into shorter subperiods, and that there was exogenous job turnover between subperiods. 8 of having a job.) The case γ = 0 corresponds to a seniority system among the employed workers, so that the median voter is entirely sheltered from the risk of redundancy, and thus neglects employment all together. Equation (10) has the virtue that it encompasses alternative specifications concerning the decision of who will be employed; our main results do not depend on which specification is preferred (obviously the optimal consumption behaviour in period 1 depends on the value of γ, but this does not affect our qualitative results). The alternative utility available to workers who lose their job, v, is given by δ δ v = (W2A − ZW )1−δ DW (1 − φu) + (B − ZW )1−δ DW φu. (11) where W2A is the average wage elsewhere in the economy; thus v is a weighted average of the payoff of obtaining a new job and the payoff of remaining unemployed. In an extended dynamic model, a possible interpretation of (11) is that unemployed workers have a possibility of obtaining a new job, at wage W2A , sooner or later, and 1 − φu is the weight attached to this possibility, while φu is the weight attached to remaining unemployed. The variable φ lies between 0 and 1 and reflects the likelihood of remaining unemployed, appropriately discounted. While φ is an increasing function of the aggregate wage level, there is a sufficiently large number of firms, so each union will take φ as given.8 Substituting out for (11) in (10) gives us δ δ − (W2A − ZW )1−δ DW (1 − φu) V − V0 = [(W2 − ZW )1−δ DW δ − (B − ZW )1−δ DW φu]N2γ . (12) The specification of V presumes that the productivity parameter η2 takes a value so that the outcome of the wage setting entails positive unemployment, N (W2 /η2 ) < L. Finally, to guarantee a that the equilibrium wage is finite, we put the following mild restriction on the parameters. 8 Thus φu should be interpreted as a linear approximation to the true relationship between the probability of remaining unemployed and the aggregate rate of unemployment. Clearly, the approximation is only valid locally (cf, Layard, Nickell and Jackman, 1991, page 145, or Manning, 1991). 9 Assumption 1 The parameters of the model satisfy the inequality β> 1−δ−γ . 2−δ Two different conditions, each sufficient for Assumption 1 to hold, are: (i) the insider– outsider problem is small (γ ≥ 1 − δ); (ii) the returns to scale are not decreasing too fast (β ≥ 1/2). We focus on a symmetric equilibrium of the model, where the same wage is set is all firms, that is, W2 = W2A . Our first result establishes the existence and uniqueness of a symmetric equilibrium. Proposition 1 There exists a unique symmetric equilibrium outcome, where wages in all firms are the same. The equilibrium wage W2∗ is strictly increasing in productivity, η2 . The resulting rate of unemployment u∗ is decreasing in productivity. The latter part of Proposition 1 implies that variation in the productivity parameter, η2 , maps out a downward sloping wage curve in the unemployment - real wage - space. The focus of the paper is, however, on the the relationship between the debt and the outcome of the wage setting. Proposition 2 Both the wage W2∗ and unemployment u∗ are decreasing in indebtedness, ZW . The main intuition is, as indicated in the introduction, that indebtedness makes workers risk–averse. Highly indebted workers face a larger loss if they lose their job, because they have a sub–optimal consumption profile with too much consumption of durables and too little consumption of non–durables. The larger loss from unemployment make workers push less hard for high wages. This effect would be present even in a model where the union sets the wage unilaterally (a case which was explored in an earlier version of this paper). The dampening effect of debt on unemployment is just a consequence of the negative impact on wages, reflecting that lower wages lead to lower unemployment. 10 3 Empirical Analysis In this section we study the effect of intertemporal consumption on the natural rate unemployment. The key explanatory variable is household indebtedness, i.e. household debt as a fraction of disposable income.9 Our cross–section analysis is based on data for 16 OECD countries, indebtedness being measured in or around 1983. The indebtedness data are mainly taken from a survey conducted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), reported in Kneeshaw (1995), relying on information from the central banks of thirteen countries.10 Data for an additional three countries (Denmark, Finland, and Norway) are from Berg (1994). For a few of the countries, there are substantial discrepancies between the BIS numbers and those of other sources. For example, Jappelli and Pagano (1989) who use official statistics to compute the sum of personal consumer loans and home mortgage loans for seven countries in the same period, report much lower figures for Italy and Spain than BIS does.11 Nevertheless, we have here chosen not to tinker with the BIS numbers. The only adjustment we have made is an upward revision for Denmark, because the 1983 figure is extremely low compared to the surrounding years. (The revision turns out to be inconsequential for our results.) As shown in Table A2, there is considerable variation in indebtedness across countries. Three countries, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, play in a league of their own. The average household debt in these countries exceeds one year’s disposable income, whereas in Italy and Belgium, the indebtedness is less than a quarter of this level. Given that one of our independent variables have been computed from time series of more than thirty years, one might worry that a single observation of the key explanatory 9 We do not investigate the role of durables directly. The measures of durables consumption in the national accounts does not allow separation of liquid durables consumtion (renting a house or living with parents) from consumption of illiquid durables. Relative to durables consumption, indebtedness also has the advantage of being concentrated on households which are (relatively early) in their working careers, and hence are more likely to experience unemployment and affect wage determination. 10 See Kneeshaw’s Table 3. For most countries, total financial liabilities equal debt claims. Otherwise, we have used the former figure. 11 Japelli and Pagano also report a lower figure for Japan, but acknowledge that this number may be downward biased. Indeed, the OECD figure for household liabilities in Japan is even higher than Kneeshaw’s number. 11 variable is not a fair representation of its historical value. However, Kneeshaw (1995) reports the variable for both 1983 and 1993 for the thirteen countries, and Berg reports a longer yearly time series for the remaining three. Regressing the 1993 value on the 1983 value gives an R̄2 = 0.85. This tells us that even after a decade of large changes in the operations of financial markets across the world, and huge swings in economic activity, the household indebtedness of each country in 1993 can be predicted extremely well by the indebtedness in 1983.12 We would expect that the relationship is even more stable before 1983. Clearly, reverse causality poses a potential problem. Household indebtedness could be affected by labour market conditions, as people are more willing to borrow (and banks more willing to lend) if the unemployment risk is small. In order to tackle this problem, we need to find variables which correlate with indebtedness but not (directly) with unemployment. In our view, there are two kinds of variables which may have this property. First, there are measures of credit market imperfections, which affect the private supply of credit. For the household sector, Jappelli and Pagano (1994) have proposed to use the maximum loan–to–value (LTV) ratio, and we will do so as well. If households are able to borrow a large fraction of the durable’s value, they will be less credit constrained. Second, there is the issue of publicly provided and/or subsidized credit. Boleat’s (1985) comparative study of housing finance systems reveals that Sweden, Norway and Finland stand out in this respect, with exceptional support for housing in general and (in the period in question) for new, debt financed private housing in particular. In these countries, subsidies were to a considerable extent targeted towards the lower end of the market, so that it was indeed workers’ borrowing which was affected. Hence, we construct a subsidy dummy, which is equal to one for the three mentioned countries and zero for all others. This dummy and the LTV ratio are used in the first stage of our 2SLS regressions below, and both of them are significantly related to indebtedness. Apart from the indebtedness variable and its associated instruments, information on all explanatory variables are taken from Layard, Nickell and Jackman (1991), and we 12 In fact, if we were to exclude Sweden, where a near collapse of property markets (and consequently credit markets) lead to an unprecedented 30% decrease in household indebtedness between 1988 and 1993, R2 goes up to 0.90. 12 refer to their book for detailed sources and definitions. (See the Appendix for exact references to their data tables.) These variables capture the key features of unemployment insurance, such as the duration of benefits and the ratio of benefits to past wages (the replacement ratio); the organization of the labour market, in particular the degree of organized coordination at each side of the market; as well as the duration and indexation of contracts. We report the values of the explanatory variables in Table A2 and of the dependent variables in Table A3. 3.1 Results We want to explain cross–country differences in unemployment rates. Throughout, we will look at simple linear econometric models. Our theoretical model does not admit an explicit solution, so we are not sure what would be the theoretically correct specification of the functional form. Moreover, the existing cross–country studies consider linear relationships between labour market institutions and unemployment, so this specification facilitates comparison with earlier work. Table 1 reports the results. We consider three measures of unemployment. First we attempt to explain the actual unemployment in the period 1974-1979, a period during which there were no great aggregate shocks. In regressions (1) and (2), the dependent variable is the average of the actual rate of unemployment in this period. Secondly, since we have indebtedness data for 1983, we also try to explain average unemployment in the rather more turbulent period 1980-85.13 Indebtedness is statistically significant at the 5% level in all these regressions, even when the two–stage procedure is used, and the size of the coefficient is also about the same in the 2SLS as in the OLS regressions. For the period 1980-85, the 2SLS procedure even yields a larger and statistically more significant coefficient than OLS does. The other variables also enter with their conventional signs, except contract flexibility, which appears to raise unemployment, but is statistically insignificant.14 13 We have not investigated the post-1990 experience. The reason is that while we know indebtedness for 1993, the values of several of the other explanatory variables have changed considerably since the late seventies and early eighties for which we have data. And since some of these variables have been constructed in quite elaborate ways, we are unable to make a credible update ourselves. 14 The coefficient on contract flexibility is not sensitive to the inclusion of indebtedness. A possible 13 Table 1: Unemployment Independent variables Dependent variable: Unemployment Rates Actual 74–79 Actual 80–85 “Natural” (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) OLS 2SLS OLS 2SLS OLS 2SLS Benefit duration 0.056 (3.60) 0.057 (2.62) 0.088 (2.18) 0.085 (2.16) 0.0001 (0.02) 0.0004 (0.08) Replacement ratio 0.015 (1.23) 0.015 (0.88) 0.094 (2.92) 0.095 (3.04) 0.0016 (0.44) 0.0016 (0.34) Union coordination -0.700 (1.20) -0.663 (0.81) -1.430 (0.94) -1.560 (1.06) 0.478 (2.75) 0.490 (2.24) Employer coordination -1.682 (3.85) -1.737 (2.80) -3.395 (3.00) -3.21 (2.88) -0.714 (5.53) -0.735 (4.43) Contract flexibility 0.100 (0.47) 0.102 (0.34) 0.468 (0.85) 0.459 (0.86) -0.088 (1.40) -0.087 (1.10) C–D corporatism -0.301 (4.39) -0.303 (3.11) -0.210 (1.16) -0.223 (1.27) -0.051 (2.48) -0.050 (1.91) Indebtedness -0.044 -0.041 -0.059 -0.071 -0.0094 -0.0080 (4.39) (2.62) (2.31) (2.51) (3.23) (1.90) R̄2 0.85 0.70 0.77 0.78 0.83 0.74 “Natural” is Bean’s empirical estimate of κi . Constants are not reported. Number of observations: 16. t-values in parentheses. Actual unemployment figures are of course contaminated by the fact that countries do not face identical shocks. To evade this problem, one might try to construct a measure of “natural” unemployment for time series data. For the OECD countries, such measures have been provided by Bean (1994b), who studied a generalized fixed effects model of the kind ∆f (uit ) = µi [κi + βi γt − f (uit−1 )] + it , explanation of its sign could be that contract flexibility is itself endogenous. 14 (13) where κi is the country–specific fixed effect, γt is a time–specific fixed effect whose impact differs across countries through βi , µi is a parameter which allows the speed of adjustment to differ across countries, and it is an idiosynchratic error. Notice that if µi = 1, then κi + βi γt would be an estimate of f (uit ). Bean uses the functional form f (u) = 2(u0.5 − 1), as this form appears to fit the data for the sample period 1956–92 quite well. Regressions (5) and (6) explain Bean’s empirical estimate of κ̂i (which in Bean is referred to as α̂).15 Indebtedness has the expected sign; it is significant at the 1% level in (5), but only at the 10% level in (6). However, as was the case in Bean (1994b, p552), union coordination enters with the “wrong” sign. Of course, an objection to regressions (5) and (6) is that the explanatory variables have hardly been constant for the 35 years over which the natural rate of unemployment has been estimated. Let us also add that simple univariate regressions give roughly similar estimates for the effect of indebtedness on unemployment. (The OLS estimates for the three different specifications of unemployment are -0.051 (-3.68), -0.101 (-3.25), and -0.01 (-2.79).) Thus, the relationship between indebtedness and unemployment is not due to correlation with some of the other explanatory variables. Indebtedness also appears economically significant in our regressions. As a measure of economic significance we use the change of the dependent variable (evaluated at its mean) from a one standard deviation change in the independent variable. Table 2 shows the number of percentage points change in the unemployment implied by the parameter estimates in column (1), (3), and (5) of Table 1. Given the uncertainty of some of the parameter estimates, these numbers should of course be taken with a pinch of salt. In interpreting the numbers, one should also keep in mind that the actual unemployment 1974–79 was in the 5-7.5 per cent range for several countries and had risen much further in the next five years, whereas the long–run unemployment figures computed by Bean tend to range from one to four per cent (essentially representing the pre–1973 experience). The table shows that, regardless of how we define it, unemployment is quite a bit lower in countries with high household indebtedness. Only employer coordination appears consistently to matter more to the unemployment figures. 15 We are grateful to Charlie Bean for sharing his numbers with us. 15 Table 2: Change in Unemployment From a one change in Change, percentage points Act. 74-79 Act. 80-85 “Natural” Benefit duration 1.1 1.73 0.0 Replacement ratio 0.3 2.0 0.0 Union coordination -0.5 -1.0 0.6 Employer coordination -1.5 -3.0 -1.2 0.2 0.8 0.3 C–D corporatism -1.6 -1.1 -0.4 Indebtedness -1.1 -1.5 -0.4 Contract flexibility 4 Final remarks At a general level, our results indicate that the causes of unemployment are not all to be found within the labour market itself. Factors outside the labour market affect the workers’ behaviour and hence unemployment outcomes. For example, we have shown that better access to household credit might lead to lower wages and unemployment, through a consumption channel. As far as we know, this is the first study to find a reasonably robust cross–country relationship between unemployment and a variable outside the labor market after controlling for a comprehensive set of labor market institutions.16 Two caveats are in order. First, our theory is highly stylized, with labour market institutions taken as given. An interesting avenue for further research is to investigate whether consumption patterns, apart from its direct effect on unemployment, might also influence labor market institutions, and if so how. For example, how does worker in16 Oswald (1996) argues that cross–country differences in home ownership correlate with differences in unemployment, with higher home ownership ratios being associated with higher unemployment. However, when we introduce home ownership ratios into our regressions, the coefficients are negative and insignificant regardless of whether we control for indebtedness (which, incidentally, is unrelated to home ownership). 16 debtedness affect trade unions’ ability to coordinate wage negotiations17 or their desired benefit duration and replacement ratios? A brief look at a correlation table is mildly encouraging; indebtedness is positively correlated with the replacement ratio, negatively correlated with benefit duration, but uncorrelated with union coordination. Secondly, cross–country regressions have severe limitations, not least due to the low number of observations. This implies that our results can only be taken as suggestive. An alternative approach would be to use microempirical data on the (un)employment experiences of individual workers. Such work could clearly provide a further valuable test of the theory. However, an obstacle to using data from a single country would be to find exogenous sources of variations in indebtedness. Thus, we view the two approaches as complementary. 5 Appendix Below are the proofs of our main propositions as well as two data tables. 5.1 Proof of Proposition 1 Substituting out for (3), (12) and (2), and letting lower case letters denote natural logarithm, the Nash product reads (omitting subscript W ) ln(Ω) = ln((W2 − Z)1−δ Dδ − (W2A − Z)1−δ Dδ (1 − φu) − (B − Z)1−δ Dδ φu) γ 1 β 1−β γ ln η2 − w2 + ln ln η2 − w2 . + (14) + 1−β 1−β β 1−β 1−β The first order condition for a solution W2∗ is W2∗ (1 − δ)(W2∗ − Z)−δ Dδ d ln(Ω) = d ln W2∗ (W2∗ − Z)1−δ Dδ − (W2A − Z)1−δ Dδ (1 − φu) − (B − Z)1−δ Dδ φu β γ − = 0. (15) − 1−β 1−β We first show that this equation has a unique solution. 17 For a non–cooperative analysis of union coordination, see Holden and Raaum (1991). 17 Manipulate the above expression to get W2∗ (1 − δ)(W2∗ − Z)−δ d ln(Ω) = − K1 , d ln W2∗ (W2∗ − Z)1−δ − K0 (16) where K0 = (1 − φu)(W2A − Z)1−δ + φu(B − Z)1−δ , and K1 = β+γ . 1−β As a preliminary step, observe that we can rule out wages below a critical value, denoted W0 . To see this, note that (B − Z)1−δ < K0 < (W A − Z)1−δ . Thus, there exists some wage W0 in the interval (B, W A ) such that K0 = (W0 − Z)1−δ . From (12), we must have W > W0 in order for V − V0 > 0. Define the function F (W ) = (1 − δ)W − K1 (W − Z) + K0 K1 (W − Z)δ . Then rewrite (16) as (17) F (W2∗ ) d ln(Ω) = . d ln W2∗ (W2∗ − Z)1−δ − K0 Using the definition of W0 , we see that the denominator is positive for W2∗ > W0 . Hence, sign d ln(Ω) = signF (W2∗ ). d ln W2∗ Observe that, by the definition of W0 , F (W0 ) = (1−δ)W0 > 0, and that F (Z) = (1−δ)Z > 0. Observe that F (W ) is strictly concave, and that limW →∞ F (W ) = W (1 − δ − K1 ). The latter expression is negative by Assumption 1. Hence, given W A , there is a unique W2∗ > Z such that F (W2∗ ) = 0, i. e., we have identified the solution to the individual firm–union problem. Having solved the problem for each firm, it remains to characterize the equilibrium 18 wage level in the economy, where W2∗ = W A = W ∗ . The equilibrium condition is that F (W ∗ ) = 0, which can be written (1 − δ)W ∗ − K1 (W ∗ − Z) + K0 K1 (W ∗ − Z)δ = 0. (18) Substituting for K0 , we get (1 − δ)W ∗ − φuK1 (W ∗ − Z)δ [(W ∗ − Z)1−δ − (B − Z)1−δ ] = 0 To show that this expression defines a unique value for W ∗ , define the function G(W ∗ ) = (1 − δ)W ∗ − φu K1 (W ∗ − Z)δ [(W ∗ − Z)1−δ − (B − Z)1−δ ]. Observe that G(Z) > 0 and that G is strictly concave. Furthermore, limW ∗ →∞ G(W ∗ ) = 1 − δ − φuK1 . Now, observe that limW ∗ →∞ φu = 1 (the employment in each firm goes to zero as the wage goes to infinity, hence both the unemployment rate and the probability of remaining unemployed go to 1). Thus, limW ∗ →∞ G(W ∗ ) = 1 − δ − K1 , which is negative by Assumption 1. This completes the proof that there is a unique symmetric equilibrium wage level. To show that W2∗ is strictly increasing in η2 , while u is strictly decreasing in η2 , observe that W2∗ and u are simultaneously determined by the two equations (18) and u = 1 − N( W2∗ )/L. η2 (19) We first prove that (18) viewed in isolation gives W ∗ as a strictly decreasing function of u. To do this, we differentiate the condition G(W ∗ , u) = 0 to get dW ∗ G = − u . du GW ∗ (20) We have already established that GW ∗ < 0, and it is readily checked that G u < 0. Note also that η2 does not enter (18), so it has no direct impact on this equation. The next step is the immediate observation that (19) viewed in isolation gives us u as a strictly decreasing function of W2∗ and a strictly increasing function of η2 . 19 Finally, assume that the statement in the Proposition is false, that a increase in η2 leads to an increase in u. From (19), this would require that W2∗ increased. However, from (18), W ∗ can only increase if u decreases. Thus, we have a contradiction. It follows that a increase in η2 leads to an increase in u. It is then clear from (20) that an increase in η2 leads to an increase in W2∗ , which completes the proof. 5.2 Proof of Proposition 2 Observe that W ∗ and u are simultaneously determined by the two equations (18) and (19). The first step is to establish that (18) viewed in isolation yields W ∗ as strictly decreasing in Z. The effect of Z on the equilibrium wage level W ∗ can be derived by exploiting that G is also a function of Z, so that W ∗ is implicitly defined as a function of Z by G(W ∗ , Z) = 0. Implicit differentiation yields dW a G = − Z . dZ GW ∗ As GW ∗ < 0, it follows that sign(dW ∗ /dZ) = sign(GZ ). We want to show that GZ < 0. We get GZ = φu K1 [1 − δ(W ∗ − Z)δ−1 (B − Z)1−δ − (1 − δ)(W ∗ − Z)δ (B − Z)−δ ]. Thus, GZ < 0 if and only if 1 − δxδ−1 − (1 − δ)xδ < 0, where x= W∗ − Z > 1. B−Z Define H(δ) = 1 − δxδ−1 − (1 − δ)xδ . Observe that H(0) = 0 and H (δ) = δ(1 − δ)(xδ−2 − xδ−1 ) < 0 for all δ ∈ (0, 1). By implication, H < 0 for all δ in this interval. Thus, W ∗ is decreasing in Z. The second step is based on a contradiction. Assume that the statement in Proposition 2 is false, that a increase in Z leads to an increase in W ∗ . From (18), this would require that u decreased. However, from (19), u can only decrease if W ∗ decreases. Thus, we 20 have a contradiction. It follows that a increase in Z leads to an increase in W ∗ . It is then clear from (18) that an increase in Z leads to an decrease in u, which completes the proof. 21 5.3 Data tables Table A2: Explanatory Variables Countries Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Netherlands Spain UK Australia Canada USA Japan Finland Norway Sweden Switzerland Mean Std. dev. Ben. dur. Rep. ratio Union coord. Empl. Cont. coord. flex. C–D Indebt. corp. LTV 48 30 45 48 6 48 42 48 48 6 6 6 58 18 14 12 60 90 57 63 2 70 80 36 39 60 50 60 75 65 80 70 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 6 3 4 4 5 5 2 6 2 1 4 3 4 4 0 14 2 16 9 11 13 16 12 17 4 5 10 8 2 3 6 25.2 49.0 41.2 71.9 27.7 51.7 44.3 67.1 70.2 56.6 71.0 63.8 50.0 108.0 102.4 111.8 70 90 80 72.5 53 75 70 84 77.5 77.5 84.5 60 82.5 77.5 92.5 75 30.2 19.7 59.8 21.1 2.0 0.73 2.0 0.89 3.56 1.67 9.3 5.2 63.2 26.1 76.3 10.1 The following independent variables are taken from Layard, Nickell and Jackman (1991, ch 9 Table 7): Benefit duration, Replacement ratio, Employer coordination, Union coordination, and the Calmfors– Driffill corporatism index C–D corp (= CORP in LNJ). The variable referred to here as Contract flexibility is defined by LNJ as the sum of their indices of synchronization of wage contracts (SW C; higher the more synchronization), wage indexation (IW ; higher with more indexation) and contract renewal (LW C; higher for shorter contract duration) and can be computed from LNJ ch.9 Table 11. LNJ does not report the value for Spain. Like Bean (1994b) we have set it equal to 5. Data on indebtedness is collected by the Bank of International Settlements for 13 countries, see Kneeshaw (1995), and by Berg (1994) for the three Scandianvian countries. The maximum loan–to–value ratio (LTV) is reported for 15 of our countries by Jappelli and Pagano (1994). Here we use the average for the period 1971–1987. For the remaining country, Switzerland, we use a conservative estimate. (Higher numbers improve the fit of our 2SLS regressions.) 22 Table A3: Dependent Variables κ Countries Belgium Denmark France Germany Italy Netherlands Spain UK Australia Canada USA Japan Finland Norway Sweden Switzerland 1.37 1.40 1.61 0.79 2.20 1.32 1.76 1.31 1.43 2.20 2.18 1.09 1.31 1.06 1.23 0.10 Actual unemp. 74-79 Actual unemp. 80-85 6.3 5.5 4.5 3.2 4.6 5.1 5.3 5.1 5.0 7.2 6.7 1.9 4.4 1.8 1.5 1.0 11.3 9.3 8.3 6.0 6.4 10.1 16.6 10.5 7.6 9.9 8.0 2.4 5.1 2.6 2.4 1.7 The variable definitions and sources are: • κ is a transformation of the long run rate of unemployment as estimated by Bean (1994b). This is the ”natural” rate we explain in Table 1. To compute the implied long run rate of unemployment, apply the formula u = (κ/2 + 1)2 . • Actual unemployment 74-79 and 80-85 are the average unemployment rates in the years 1974-1979 and 1980-1985 respectively, as reported in Layard, Nickell and Jackman (1991, ch 9 Table 1). 23 References Bar–Ilan Avner and Alan S. 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