ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FIELD DATA RETRIEVAL INFORMATION. SYSTEM New 5 Number Developments Status REPORTS TEXTS CURRENT AWARENESS Notes l Volume TECHNICAL NOTES of Federal in Dam 11 November 1973 Concrete Safety Inspections Washington Office Division of Engineering News i4s 1 FOREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FIELD ENGINEERING newsletter is a monthly publication ideas of a technical or administrative This and text in this must not be or policy This publication as represents recommended FSM references. construed except by of type should read each to Forest personal opinions of approved procedures be information Service The personnel. respective author the and mandatory instructions because However exclusively for engineers. all and engineering technicians engineers of publication the in among issue. This from distributed is publication and Area Station one intended not is publication material the to exchange engineering published nature the or NOTES If Headquarters. the you Washington are not now Office to directly all and a Regional would copy Coordinator to receiving like increase the Office Manager or the Regional Information Copies of Use Form 7100-60 for this purpose. number of copies sent to your office. Office and can be ordered on Form back from the Washington issues are also available ask your 7100-60. should be reviewed submitted to the Washington Office for publication by the is current timely technically respective Regional Office to see that the information Service-wide FSM 7113. The informative and of interest to engineers accurate to several of material submitted may vary from several sentences typewritten length Office short articles items are preferred. The Washington or news pages. However All material will edit for grammar submitted to the Washington Office should be only. Material typed double-spaced and white photos. Each has Region questions and Coordinators to Fran an and all Coordinator to Information material for publication. R-I Bob R-2 Allen R-3 Dan The be original whom field R-6 R-8 Groven R-I0 Ron Pokrandt Bill Vischer R-5 Jim WO Al questions Division of Owsley Editor concerning Engineering submit both Kjell Bakke Ernest Quinn Roper Fleet Stanton McCoy should glossy black are R-4 R-9 or drawings personnel Coordinators Hinshaw direct should should illustrations format Forest Colley editing Service dates etc. publishing USDA Washington D. C. Depart-ment Agricul-ture 20250. monthly newsletter is published of Agriculture--Forest Service This assumes other than no its The use the reader. of Such firm use or does endorsement of may which be distribution its or suitable. approval retirees interpretation names corporation not constitute an recommendation others for the responsibility own employees. trade for and of is or for the official any to employees of The only. use of this information evaluation product or the U. S. Department of service information and by convenience conclusion to the exclusion of FIELD NOTE NEW DEVELOPMENTS By Maximil CONCRETE IN Grietens Engineer Region Structural At the recent convention of the American Concrete presentations of papers on Fibrous Concrete were Use with structures. These topics are discussed in the balance in may be concrete EXPANSIVE cracks and drying shrinkage common If this Of cracks. and troublesome. contraction induced which can cause cracking is In a discussion compensating for stresses concrete virtually free Portland cement. of the concrete steel required by of Such such code. cement this it is of concrete Service sort of cracks such as it concretes gives types drying shrinkage as the due to the evolution of the follows Much plastic structures contract that tensile stresses are has been done in the field of not adequate because it type of cracking. a cement standard was shown that a simple method of makes This it possible to produce method reinforced involves using a modified 1 during setting with minimum shrinkage of such cements principal property Portland change upon drying. promise of controlling shrinkage restrained elements The Forest and/or control of drying shrinkage due to drying shrinkage as in in of having some the rise restrained always undergoes a negative volume of expansive and Structural this article. these various of the concrete. This has helped to a degree but concrete the attending All concrete research and development toward elimination cement Polymers in Concrete experience temperature falls to the ambient value following heat of hydration. cracks. of the cracks cracks resulting from temperaturechanges settlement are the most Miami Florida worth considering occur on concrete jobs. There are many types drainage at CEMENT CONCRETES have suffered the unpleasant structural cracks cracks Institute much interest by These developments cracking 5 of Expansive Cement received Engineers. Most Engineers S is that the expansion induced the plastic in moisture Under shrinkage. while setting concrete of shrinkage tripled without increasing the ability to eliminate or reduce drying shrinkage level cement produced words In other and after it is plant reinforced concrete made with pavements was demonstrated that the use of of concrete shrinkage existed sufficiently the if for a long Portland standard cement. forms a paste that during and compensates reinforced the expected cement expansive kind of cement also The in experimentally of expansion by subgrade due to expansive of expansive the It and reinforced compensating drying in to the restraint application were discussed. concrete continuously in not only effective pipes and continuously concrete expansion of concrete period. examined was widely pavements but pavements and reinforcement friction this can be pavements concrete prestressed as but a finished strain. shrinkage concrete not an additive increases in volume of studies on prestressed Results is manner the same in construction cracks if proper design which when mixed with water a cement and hardening setting amount of a cement in Expansive cement has the cracking. are adhered to. It and quality control procedures between joints can sometimes be the distance correct usage the normal to almost offset designed is and laboratory cement cement to concrete in field work in Japan. Expansive cement continued. cement This the United throughout The 1940. in is has been commercially produced mark and the 200000-ton production passed the annual France country in this manufactured by a Modern development of States. original number of concept of expansive since then upward leading expansive cement since 1963. cement In 1967 growth has producers cement started in was established over 80 years ago. POL YMERS IN CONCRETE During the concrete. last few years much research has been done on the polymer-impregnated There are source whenever also named almost it several is according different kinds derived from one to its structure. of polymers single There is still concrete is encouraging. according a general need for Nevertheless to its monomer or hypothetical original every aspect of properties and behavior. - named more the future it is data on of this Three materials being investigated are Polymer-impregnated impregnated by a concrete - precast Portland monomer system which is cement subsequently concrete polymerized in-situ. Polymer-cement concrete water and aggregate - monomer followed is added during by polymerization. 2 mixing of Portland cement -a Polymer-concrete composite formed by polymerizing a monomer and an aggregate mixture. Investigations indicate that the most successful construction is with a monomer and liquid material polymer-impregnated many having Compared concrete. psi in 2280 compressive cm feasibility and breakaway lamp change. be obtained Compression strength Work with both high- and low-quality required before data under static high as shows it as 32400 to date has indicated that an increase in element finite concretes. were made to analysis material for precast Based on the limited data on properties Additional attractive. shows concrete polymer-impregnated of using concrete-polymer posts. concrete produces a composite different from those of the original design studies using computer-coded determine the in-situ durability and corrosion resistance and strength has been measured. strength can Preliminary appear in for the pores of hardened Filling monomer concrete and volume permeability kg/sq. the properties substantially to conventional remarkable improvements reduction concrete. polymerizing material concrete-polymer and dynamic test a detailed structural design and cost estimate decks bridge both applications conditions are be made. can STEEL FIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE One of the major disadvantages strength. The tensile of short small-diameter steel fibers could prepared contains concentration improved numerous points the propagation and greatly lower fibers Aggregates Typical is from additions just another the flaw. For 0.01 as amount of stress existing normally as stress that would otherwise increasing the applied applications to 0.02 inch in diameter and 0.75 to from 0.5 to 2.0 percent the use idea that These existing flaws act practical range The came from which tensile through the flaws the lower will be the stress many that fiber-reinforced type of reinforced of short steel fibers a material results concrete. the larger low inch intensity stress the most 1.0 be in commonly length. in properties. sacrifice by volume 180 to 265 pounds yard. to be stressed not a brittle material up to 0.375 inch have been used without undue fiber per cubic It is range The inherently increased distributed in the mix. front of existing flaws thereby necessary to propagate used is is its strength in concrete flaws and disparities. required to fail the material. at tensile Concrete concepts. concrete can be significantly randomly steel fibers provide fracture mechanics of conventional strength of concrete Other properties and generally improved through concrete concrete. shock resistance impact strength a unique construction Through that behaves more as additions include abrasion the use of thermal 3 as which are and thermal and - it dispersions metal than stress resistance shear strength resistance. material random a ductile of mortar and concrete characteristics steel fiber is spalling Fibrous has been prepared concrete Once operations. same manner amount delivered to the conventional as in both batch-type site the concrete concrete. When is and central mix-type handled and finished used with reinforcement is not reinforced concrete It about the the steel of steel will be less than that required for normal reinforcement. important to note that fibrous concrete in is the sense of the in word. One of the best applications for fibrous concrete could seems to be ideal for resurfacing not only concrete new be never less than to say that the that are higher expects from ordinary concrete the use of cross mortar some nails materials in use life today it is plus some relatively sections may safe which can be expected could and design flexibility fluidity materials. that the other important benefits. architect Structures can be so as to than can be tolerated with conventional use of fibrous concrete for architectural or weight basis fibrous concrete differential and thin-shell is is primarily a function more costly than conventional of the cost of the metal fiber. has different properties and usually will permit a reduction fibrous concrete Battelle steel fibers should it is name of Wirand concrete States and other countries. be mentioned that the application by no means new. dramatic has been assigned the trade Corporation Columbus Ohio which owns the patents Development the material in the United Finally for use in slabs section. Concrete containing by the The and the cost However believed also encouraging. an equal volume concrete in is is of the high flexural strength of fibrous concrete much thinner concrete. applications On provides that take advantage reinforced It successfully. than those for the more conventional the same concrete permit material road surfaces and bridge decks reduced maintenance and the longer Fibrous designed The timber bridge decks. of precast bridge-deck costs for fibrous concrete those of the conventional initial costs justify possible the use also decking. repair. in place the Although make could and for structures but decks on an old wooden deck was used Two-inch-deep overlay that this concrete be bridge In 1910 Harry Franklin of this approach Porter from Connecticut increases in the physical properties of concrete and spikes to the mixes. 000000000 4 to concrete by the addition or claimed of cut on STATUS OF FEDERAL By Law 92-367 WO objective of reducing hearings Creek West Buffalo administration A preliminary of To a The by Safety failures. Forest of the this office which qualify as dam inventory The count. dam Division of Engineering Act was passed is Service large by Congress was passed This legislation of the recent tragedies act because estimate making currently accurate Virginia. this Service jurisdiction section the risk of two days because in Dam the National INSPECTIONS Hendrickson Larry Dams Engineer Public DAM SAFETY in without Rapid City South Dakota number of dams on that there are 600 to 800 and with the involved deeply is with the the National dams under needing inspection under PL 92-367. We Forests. Forest are report for the Corps of Engineers which will give an current status of this inventory will be explained below under the on Activity to Date. into perspective bring this legislation system passage of the act was a structure given direction has also Appropriation as to its be mentioned that one of the should it bill under the jurisdiction of the Forest to Federal agencies in the Forest which influenced failures Service. the Congress 1973 Interior and Related Agencies which reads for which funds are provided Agencies the condition investigate of all and control structures on lands under standards for construction their Committee jurisdiction within in this bill dams and jurisdiction to insure their safety under to the National application dam are directed to other water storage their to review management and the criteria and and inspection of such structures and to report their findings to the one year. REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL DAM SAFETY ACT I Public Law Secretary INote 92-367 dated Army to of the This section for legal purposes is or a an August 8 1972 the National Dam Safety Act authorizes the undertake a national program of inspection of dams. abridgement of the National more complete wording. 5 Dam Safety Act. Refer to the parent A dam material is defined a as man-made feet twenty-five measured at is more in water which or diverts is 1 from the natural bed of the stream or water course height 2 toe to the maximum water storage elevation or maximum water surface elevation of fifty acre-feet or the downstream an impounding Excluded or which impounds barrier capacity at any barrier less than six feet in or which stores height than less has more. fifteen acre-feet. The out Secretary Army acting of the through the Corps of Engineers a national program of inspection Dams under of dams. All dams are to be inspected of the Bureau of Reclamation the authority Valley Authority and the International Dams which have been Federal Dams directed to carry is constructed the Tennessee and Water Commission. Boundary pursuant to licenses issued inspected Dams which within July of the life Army determines 1 1974 the United on the States and follow-up 2 3 responsibilities is located is to be report to Congress on or before 1 an inventory of all dams recommendations for a comprehensive national program of dams. He which should governments and by public and private is also to make recommendations be assumed by Federal State and as to local interests. ACTIVITY TO DATE The Army Corps of interested agencies combined has prepared Engineers of Dams. These standards Inspections including the with those from the Agricultures in of each inspection made including recommendations for the inspection and regulation the respective Army to under the Act including a review action and dam performed. of the Secretary activities be excluded. or property. of the inspections further requires the it that they do not pose practicable the Governor of the State in which the notified of the results The Act the 12 months prior to the enactment of the Act by a the the Secretary any threat to human as by Power Commission. State agency and which the Governor of such State requests As soon except Forest Soil preliminary have been reviewed Service. Conservation reply. 6 The review Standards for Safety and commented on by Forest Service comments were Service to form the Secretary of The proposed copies standards The inspection procedure. whether or not conditions or complete the appurtenant systematic of the operation 1 Also of the of the Phase I age condition and upon updated storm major of Federally owned agreed is currently being and adequacy because investigation The Phase data relating of to the inspection can II items such as stability conducted United States that in the dams or regulated analysis analyses based hydrologic that data in the present Forest furnished in the required standard the preparation is rather than written from the obtained being is format has been requested Engineers It was from the Forest representatives and Service inventory form. of a national definition given in the Act. For the fit data inventory met with Corps of This office has would be acceptable and a detailed stability where engineering include all dam be performed when the will and additional Information in a standardized owner-agency. Service. It will is to estimates. activity dams inventory all 2 of of the investigation inspections or questionable. foundation explorations materials testing A second dam or are lacking complex and expensive. very relating II I to the structure indicates a need for additional of the size in the Phase Phase installation. inspection design and construction become included conclusively or property life are necessary and operation construction of features inspection to establish is investigations or inspections to the design structures. visual inspection I This inspection will consist of a review safety evaluation. data relative engineering consist of a two-phase Regions all which constitute a danger to human exist thereof what additional in lieu results were sent to objective of Phase that it determined that computer cards also on information has been it acceptable provided is the forms prepared by the Corps of Engineers. Currently the only major preparation will prepare format. of the dam inventory. a computer dam inventory to those Regions with C.D.C. sent to this office It is this Fiscal Service dated the program for Fiscal The in Safety Act is cards in the with the C.D.C. computer and with The plan this at time is cards. the actual with Region conjunction the required computers to prepare the under the terms May of this A paragraph Year. 4 correct existing to forward the program The cards would then 2 1973 Act that any actual quoted from a written by the Army letter be dam inspections of Act and all as Corps of Engineers presently planned consists of preparing Federal and non-Federal formulating dam respective which should responsibilities as safety program including for the be assumed by Federal governments and by public and private 7 an by defined recommendations to the Congress a comprehensive national State and local dams will to the Chief of the Year 1974 program scope inventory the records. working punch will Dam the for transmittal to the Corps of Engineers. not anticipated be required Forest This office program which This program will be compatible magnetic tape by being instigated activity interests. explains The by results July 1 of these activities be reported will LONG RANGE It is inspection of all dams on Forest jurisdiction of other Federal Engineers with charged is the inspection program. instigating agency time we do not know be working needs and - to Congress the exact as As an example of the of Agriculture on Federal recommendations the Corps of mentioned in the foregoing closely with the Corps in order to insure recognition constraints. the Secretary inspection be making will However be given the responsibility for conducting the inspections. At this will Currently the Corps of or commissions. agencies with the safety involved lands except for those under Service-managed lands the managing Engineers Congress ACTIVITIES Service will be deeply that the Forest anticipated to the 1974. made special the following section. of Forest requirements in the Service proposed standards Phase I volume inspections require the collection of a considerable of data for each dam. Many of the Forest are old and the data required is not Service dams As we understand available. your proposal such data would have to be collected in a Phase II inspection. personnel This would create a tremendous and seriously hamper work load for our our ongoing programs. To comply with the proposed investigations and the intent of the Act will financing that require increased We our existing appropriations. reimbursed for their share of principle should It will require some time apply for Congress recommendations. Consequently inspection effort The WO Workshop Division will affect more timely in the of Engineering scheduled to the it Forest will program. believe the same on the Corps of Engineers be the summer of 1975 before a large-scale Service. postpone the Service-wide for the spring of 1974 until regard to congressional We Department of Agriculture. to act will cannot be absorbed by note that the States are to be this activity the following in this area. 8 Dams will Service Forest in his reply to the statement We Engineering year in order to be List of Previous Washington Correspondence File Number Date July Office 14 1972 Description 7570 Regions of dam inspection Notifies instructions Interior in 1973 contained Appropriations Regions to inspect all bill. Instructs dams and water storage facilities. October 24 1972 7570 7100 Corps of Engineers Transmits of proposed dam safety 7 December 1972 7570 7100 legislation the Western presented at Engineers Meeting. discussion State Transmits copies of preliminary Standards for Safety Inspections of Dams. Requests Regional comments. March 1 1973 7570 each Region a copy formal response to the Furnishes USDA preliminary August 27 1973 7570 Furnishes of the standards. each Region a copy of con-cerning Forest Service correspondence preparation dam ....s.s. 9 inventory. of the national WASHINGTON OFFICE DIVISION OF ENGINEERING NEWS IMPROVEMENTS TECHNOLOGICAL Heyward T. Taylor Assistant Director EDT Team the Secretary to Equipment Lynn Region 4. They calibrating area of Punjab Province. Province. Twenty-nine Service to the The spray in USAF to two operation Lahore USAF C-47 the initial sortie The by Jim Larkin a pilot from and equipment needed to mount and operate tools Pakistan. airplanes. After was flown on September testing and 13 in the Lahore was then moved south to Nawabshaw in Sind were flown and 100000 acres were sprayed during the operation on schedule. From the first call made the to the completed operation the total time was one month. Boone coordinated actions with Amundsen coordinated actions of the Development Regional personnel borers. headed the four-man team which included WO Richardson Ernie mounted sorties 8 days completing Forest by stem had two nitrogen pressurized The team was augmented supplies the equipment MEDC MEDC and were flown by spray systems were infestation of rice Planner Tony Jasumback Mechanical Engineer and John Technician. acquired the spray systems next Amundsen Marsalis Pest Control Cavill Engineering The Development Ernie systems available. Center and support Service equipment to prevent AID requested Development for International to send Forest for a spray operation to Pakistan Missoula The Agency Pakistan. of Agriculture Office in Missoula Disaster Relief Coordination WO Divisions so as to meet the specific Center Center requests of AID. 0000000000 10 Deputy Chiefs staff and the Chief. and the from the Foreign CONSULTATION AND STANDARDS C. R. Weller Assistant Director Highway Structures Glued-Laminated design Laboratory with a provided through Madison Wisconsin as before report The panels is to the stringers superiority over the the Lab and in the field. in and design procedures timber bridge Products method which panels are spiked glu lam decks in Forest between Continuity plate. been demonstrated both research covering The treatment. improvement panel deck. has developed a design an orthotropic nail-lam deck has conventional recent dowel connector system. The steel holes drilled The FPL glu-lam glued-laminated FPL in the glu-lam deck considers The most Timber Bridge Decks. the vertically is were distributed in October 1973. Alaska National in Forest Bridges. Forest in Service bridges Alaska are receiving national attention The advertising brochures. logging The loads. design single-span configuration is double-lane timber longitudinal plate girder system. High-strength reduce labor and maintenance the Region can A field 15 bridge be obtained unit Federal from your Report and Viewpoint and 26 OSHA The on a national conference held in Washington D. C. The Engineers the National Society The purpose of the engineers with the Council the Occupational conference was U80 by supported steel An a was used to informative and Health Safety titled The by brochure Act On June 25 OSHA was Architect The Engineer and of of the U. S. the American Engineers the Civil Institute of Architects and of Professional Engineers. conference direct was to acquaint and indirect of every design and construction Forest decking Architect The Engineer and OSHA. design professionals architects responsibilities was very comprehensive and emphasized that the life for structures were designed Administration. and was cosponsored by the American Society Consulting trade magazines and United States Steel representative. local on Highway the weathering The costs. in the South Tongass structures are designed floor beam-structural shipping on recently constructed professional Service. 11 required OSHA and as regulations affect such and by OSHA. The program the working are pertinent to the The OSHA National Fire Protection are included made standards OSHA in the regulations OSHA construction causing or much OSHA likely is and maintenance of Forest letter relate on from hazards or conditions to environmental hazards such as noise dust chemicals such as hard hats safety shoes construction Condition surveys and inspections deficiencies and can be used Available resources training with a minimum of Safety Forest in the priority to employee time but the benefits gained OSHA will definitely the requirements of the Act all levels organizational OSHA will as specific a part of the daily etc. activities could or to safety etc. can identify hazards and Service facilities used program. This priorities for accomplishment. to correct hazards. thus furthering its personnels vocational Service dollars. and Health lead to great improvements In conclusion of Forest a means of determining the Job Corps can be as a high as is have to develop warning signs not be overlooked in attempting should Programs such The Occupational We These daily work of the standards. this there devote time to should meetings as for our employees. conditions training and inspection to carry out the create awareness will is the standards. With a charter such working Safety in The and revision of them Continued emphasis of these requirements requirements. activity requirements to give are free to cause physical injury or death. for education must be 1973 under 6170 Safety current information to assure that facilities can be accomplished in several ways. OSHA 6 effort of the requirements Service facilities. and updating in itself will not eliminate the hazards in our facilities. procedures work of August to be done to assure safe and healthful OSHA thus a positive to insure inclusion basis standards such Code. Many of these Electrical only reference on a continual sources which provide identified several purpose of by Standards operation are being reviewed an ongoing process. The Chiefs The 29 of the Code of Federal of Title and National Association to keep abreast of the the design XVII These standards adopted many of the national consensus Regulations. as are found in Chapter Standards Act work is piece of legislation a significant environment. It safety and welfare requires - this will all that will program managers cost money and take outweigh the costs. has a direct impact on the Forest require the interest of each Forest to identify problems and plan actions 12 Service. Fulfilling Service employee for their correction. at OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director - USGS Announces New Geometronics the U. Surveys Geological S. an individual monochrome slope zone for an entire map print of a slope of slopes that can be easily Survey produces-these Cost estimates The slope by many zones in The of The preparation of additional With these thoughts a single Figure 1 is in factors map is Figure 1 is a maximum study. USGS is the shades of gray the Geological color. such as or dual interval contours materials at other than publication map and drainage drawings drawing reproducibles as required composites mind in that require and excluding three months lead are for planning and tentative purposes scale. such as the part of the slope map. color proofs etc. printing costs slope zone drawing for an entire minimum of These estimates operation. each slope zone with a different a ball park estimate quadrangle and for a four slope zone drawing approximately $450. estimate normally generates technique to be generated. preparation The number of to has reservations as to the ease of visually still representing The planimetric requires a addition treatment. The number of a single a recent that generates slope technique without concentrated discerned of supplement contours presence special preparing maps are influenced is showing four slope zones. This Although the different zones. drawings. quadrangle zone print but investigating a five slope separating photomechanical directly from existing contour information mapping Slope of maps. This addition was made possible by the line development of the semiautomatic number Product. Also is for approximately $125 the planning process time. only. In order to get a production schedule the following 13 more precise information is cost needed - ýv igh 401 Se - 4 R w-ns a ip of ch 400 ugh V 11 e0 a P 446 F fr a ýp 10 1. a er ý 7ýE f- ý oR f Ch Balsbaugh -M II s p E cQw 322i - a Z1 F 0 P W R A R T aý 4459 30 t 10 s Hockersvi Fi 40 ital rahey 9ch rm to y 1 hbprns ý 449 I ýý-0 C .... 4458 III ... ý Towe 4 447 143 1Dc40b0GGCURVE-1973 JJJ 36 Mapped Slope and zones the Hershey published by the generated photomechanically Pennsylvania Geological 7.5 minute contour topographic E. 763730 ELIZABETHTowN 7 ML. \ SLOPE ZONES Survey-1973 from 20-foot series 361000. 0 lines mapped of 15% in 1969 Projection and zone 1000-meter grid ticks Universal Transverse Mercator t JYc 18 10000-foot grid ticks based on Pennsylvania coordinate zone 1927 North American Figure 1. Gradient datum A Monochrome Print of a Slope 14 331/3 system Inclination south In_.. tin Map Showing Four Slope Zones 8% 3%p 0 Name of the quadrangles. The identification of the slope zones to be generated. The final map scale. The proposed method of The USGS asked that all requests reproduction. for slope mapping Robert H. Lyddan and/or estimates be sent to Chief Topographic Division U. S. Survey Geological Department of the Interior Washington A copy of the request analyzing map is D. to be sent to Washington uses and future 20240 Office Geometronics to assist in program requirements. 15 GPO 868.522 C.