Eos, Vol. 92, No. 1, 4 January 2011 Volume 92 number 1 4 JANUARY 2011 EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union To Capture Student Interest in Geosciences, Plan an Adventure PAGES 1–2 It is dawn, –17°C, and 4700 meters above sea level, and two young scientists are alone in a tiny tent in the middle of the immense desert of the Bolivian Altiplano. Their bicycles and sleeping bags are coated with a thin layer of ice. Muscles aching, as they did yesterday and probably will tomorrow, they shrug off their sleepiness as the sunrise heats up their tent. After a simple breakfast, the researchers peek out and feast their eyes on a stunning view of high volcanic peaks and salt lakes. They are pages 1–12 on the Andean Geotrail, a 9-month bike adventure through the Andes mountains, from Ushuaia in Argentinean Tierra del Fuego to Nazca, Peru (see Figure 1). Their goal is to share this spectacular geological setting with primary-, secondary- and high-school students. Teaching geology is challenging, mainly because the spatial and temporal geological scales are orders of magnitude larger than the scales people are familiar with in everyday life. It is almost impossible for untrained people to “feel” geological concepts that involve structures tens of kilometers long and displacement rates of only millimeters per year. This makes geology nonintuitive and consequently a relatively unattractive scientific topic for pupils and students at school. Even teachers can be reluctant about teaching geology. For example, in France, where geology appears in the secondary- and highschool curriculum together with life sciences, anecdotes from school teachers and administrators imply that many teachers are unfamiliar with geological concepts and prefer teaching biology. A major initial challenge for a successful geological outreach project is to overcome a general lack of awareness about Earth sciences. One solution is to bring geology to the core of a project that already elicits both fascination and curiosity. On this simple basis, Caroline Sassier and Olivier Galland set up an original educational project based on the human adventure of two geologists traveling through a spectacular geological environment: the Andes mountains. This project, called the Andean Geotrail, provided a way that participants could share geological knowledge with the public by allowing people to track an expedition as it unfolds. The Andean Geotrail Fig. 1. (a) Route of the Andean Geotrail, with geological points mapped.The colors of the stars correspond to features associated with natural resources (yellow), natural hazards (red), and geological landscapes (green). (b) Caroline Sassier (right) and Olivier Galland (left) on their bikes in the Argentinean Altiplano-Puna plateau. (c) While biking through Chile, Sassier and Galland witnessed the eruption of Chaitén volcano. (d) Rock samples from the adventure, such as this piece of pumice erupted from Chaitén, were brought back to share with students. During the Andean Geotrail, Sassier and Galland cycled 8000 kilometers through the Andean mountains starting in November 2008. After the theft of their bikes in Peru in July 2009, they walked 400 kilometers farther through the Peruvian Andes to complete their journey. They traveled through breathtaking geological sceneries, faced harsh conditions such as the ferocious Patagonian winds, and braved extreme cold and high altitudes in the Altiplano plateau. Throughout, they experienced chance encounters with fascinating people. Eos, Vol. 92, No. 1, 4 January 2011 Choosing the Andes as the backdrop for a geological outreach project was easy: The Andes host a rich diversity of geological features, some of which are active. The adventure allowed Sassier and Galland to report in situ geological features directly from the field, making the outreach both dynamic and interactive. Along the route, they visited selected geological localities that illustrated three key aspects of Earth science (see Figure 1): natural resources (oil and gas fields, mines, and agricultural provinces); natural hazards (volcanic and seismically active areas); and geological landscapes. In total, they visited 23 geological localities. In most localities, Sassier and Galland first interviewed local geologists or local workers, who provided them with crucial background information on the geological origins of the sites and their implications for the local population. In localities with natural hazards, residents were interviewed and testimonies were collected on the communities’ peculiar relationships with their local volcano or their earthquake-prone terrain. All the information collected during this investigation was subsequently reported on an Internet blog that Sassier and Galland wrote and updated frequently during the adventure. These blogs formed the basis of an educational project supported by the French Ministry of National Education. During the expedition, 17 schools (approximately 600 pupils) from primary, secondary, and high schools in France and Norway virtually lived the adventure through the project’s blog. For primary schools the goal was to introduce students to the Earth and its resources and activities. For secondary and high schools, where geology is taught, expedition participants focused on augmenting the geological topics already addressed in the curriculums by providing live field observations. The project comprised three steps. (1) Before Geotrail, Sassier and Galland visited each classroom to present the project; this was important in order to establish a personal relationship between expedition leaders and the pupils and teachers. (2) During Geotrail, teachers and students followed the Andean Geotrail blog and selected relevant geological information to complement their current lectures. (3) After the expedition, Sassier and Galland returned to the classrooms to report on their geological adventure firsthand. The Andean Geotrail was solely a nonprofit project—those working on it collected no salary, nor were they taking sabbatical during the expedition or subsequent classroom visits. Pedagogical Impact Initial meetings with the students confirmed suspicions that students have limited interest in geological issues. Following their return, Sassier and Galland gauged the pedagogical impact of the Andean Geotrail project by conducting a survey of secondary-school (14-year-old) and high-school (18-year-old) students. Over a sample of 154 students, 81% (of both age groups) considered the association between science and adventure at the heart of the project to be positive. Most notably, 78% of the younger students and 62% of the older students followed the blog independently (i.e., outside of school), confirming their significant interest in the project. In terms of topics, the 134 students who answered were most interested in natural hazards (74% of the 14-year-olds and 22% of the 18-year-olds). The second interest, particularly for the older students, was landscapes (5% of the younger students and 20% of the older students ranked this high). Natural resources and tectonics were rarely cited as interesting, except by a few of the older students who were already engaged in school projects on these topics. In general, the results of the survey demonstrate that the educational project was successful, although some coordination difficulties did occur with teachers and students. Tradition and Technology: Sea Ice Science on Inuit Sleds PAGES 1–2, 4 The Arctic is home to a circumpolar community of native people whose culture and traditions have enabled them to thrive in what most would perceive as a totally inhospitable and untenable environment. In many ways, sea ice can be viewed as the glue that binds these northern communities together; it is utilized in all aspects of their daily life. Sea ice acts as highways of the north; indeed, one can travel on these highways with dogsleds and snowmobiles. These travels over the frozen ocean occur at all periods of the sea ice cycle and over different ice types and ages. Excursions may be hunting trips to remote regions or social visits to nearby villages. Furthermore, hunting on the sea ice contributes to the health, culture, and commercial income of a community. Over the past decade a close collaboration between scientists and the Inuit has developed. For example, some scientific programs have employed the Inuit to install and manage equipment as well as to assist in the analysis of data from dedicated sites [e.g., Mahoney et al., 2009]. However, the Inuit lifestyle itself, particularly its extensive use of sleds, can potentially aid in scientific Sharing Science Through Adventures The Andean Geotrail was a fantastic personal experience, not only because of the adventure itself but also because of the involvement with and feedback from the students. Through their enthusiasm and numerous questions, it became apparent that the energy spent planning and leading this atypical educational project was warranted. Such enthusiasm also shows that through similar methods, the attention of the young generation can be captured and channeled into an interest in geosciences. Project leaders hope to introduce more geological adventures to students in the future, and they encourage others to embark on similar approaches to turn science into an adventure for students. So when people ask, “Would you do this again?” the obvious answer is, “Yes, for ourselves, but also for the pupils, absolutely!” More information on the Andean Geotrail and other activities from the Association Géoroute can be found at http://w ww .­georouteandine.fr/English. A French blog of the project is at http://georouteandine .blogspot.com. Acknowledgments We would like to thank several institutions for their support: the Center for Physics of Geological Processes at the University of Oslo; La Guilde Européenne du Raid; the French Ministry of National Education; the French Ministry of Health, Youth and Sports; the city of Bourg-en-Bresse, France; and the Rhône-Alpes region of France. —CAROLINE SASSIER, Association Géoroute, ­ olliat, France; also at Department of Geosciences, P University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; E-mail: caroline .sassier@geo.uio.no; Olivier Galland, Association Géoroute and Center for Physics of Geological ­Processes (PGP), University of Oslo; and Karen Mair, PGP, University of Oslo studies. This would involve the attaching of autonomous instrument packages directly onto Inuit sleds (Figure 1a), so that every time a sled is used, valuable scientific data are collected, thus producing a growing temporal and spatial database of key scientific variables (e.g., sea ice thickness, air temperature, air pressure, etc.). Such a method is not without precedent. A similar technique, dubbed the “FerryBox,” has revolutionized the collection of oceanographic parameters from oceangoing vessels (see http://www.ferrybox.com). Recently, European cryospheric scientists have begun a pilot project aimed at creating a FerryBox-type system for use on Inuit sleds. By building such bridges with local indigenous populations, scientists will find new ways to address the shared challenges of a rapidly changing Arctic climate.