Växjö University Martin Groth Simulation in financial mathematics Licentiate Thesis School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering Reports from MSI c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Simulation in financial mathematics c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Martin Groth Simulation in financial mathematics Licentiate Thesis Applied Mathematics Växjö University c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. A thesis for the Degree of Licentiate of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics at Växjö University. Simulation in financial mathematics Martin Groth Växjö University School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering se - Växjö, Sweden http://www.vxu.se/ c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Reports from MSI, no. issn - isrn vxu-msi-ma-r----se c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Abstract This thesis examines numerical methods for mathematical problems with applications in finance. The main focus is on markets driven by Lévy processes, and especially ones where the log-returns are normal inverse Gaussian distributed. We propose a new method to generate low-discrepancy sequences and show that, used in quasi-Monte Carlo simulations, the sequences deliver fast and accurate results. We also study option pricing problems in the stochastic volatility model by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard [12]. A utility indifference pricing problem for this model, in earlier studies solved with a dynamic programming approach, results in a partial difference equation with an integral-term. We propose finite difference schemes for the problem and show that the output from the system is consistent with our expectations. Option pricing can also be done using the fast Fourier transform, and we demonstrate how to find prices for this stochastic volatility model under structure-preserving measures. Another study is conducted on root finding problems by combining quasi-Monte Carlo with Newton’s method. For finding implicit parameters the method displays promising results. In the last section we use Malliavin calculus to simulate option price sensitivities in a jump-diffusion market. We use a jump-diffusion approximation to calculate the sensitivities for markets driven by a normal inverse Gaussian Lévy process. Key-words: Financial mathematics, Numerical methods, quasi-Monte Carlo methods, normal inverse Gaussian distribution, Integro-PDE, fast Fourier transform, Lévy processes, Malliavin calculus, Newton’s method. v c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Acknowledgments Something’s going on. It has to do with that number. There’s an answer in that number. Maximillian Cohen in Pi I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in any way on my journey through the land of mathematics. Especially I would like to thank my two supervisors, Docent Roger Pettersson and Prof. Fred Espen Benth. Roger is always enthusiastic about any problem in stochastic analysis and I am very fortunate to have been a student of his during these years. I am in deep debt to Fred Espen, who took me under his wings in a difficult time for me. My gratitude for his help and encouragement is hard to express. Fred Espen has a profound understanding of mathematics, finance and supervision and takes time to discuss any aspect of these subjects. This thesis is as much a result of his impressive sense for interesting problems in mathematical finance as my own work. There are numerous persons who in different ways have been important. My fellow Ph.D. students Paul C. Kettler, Jonas Söderberg and Olli Wallin who have shared their time and deep knowledge with me. Anders Tengstrand is a rare source of mathematical inspiration whom I had the pleasure to share office with. I appreciate the help and suggestions from my assistant supervisor Prof. Kenneth H. Karlsen. The language in this thesis bears the mark from the careful proofreading by Camilla Malm. Without the superb Mac support delivered by Claes T. Malmberg I would not have gotten far with my numerical simulations. To all my colleagues both in Växjö and Oslo: Thank you for all enlivening coffee breaks. To all my friends everywhere: Bless you all. Finally, I owe everything to my parents Larsåke and Inger and my siblings Anna, Erik, Peter and Gustav with families. Without your endless support this would never have happened. This research has been conducted with funding from the research profile Mathematical modelling in Economics at Växjö University, a cooperation between the School of Mathematics and Systems Engineering and vi c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. the School of Management and Economics. I acknowledge the support given to me by the project leaders Prof. Andrei Khrennikov and Prof. Jan Ekberg. Part of the work was carried out while visiting the Centre of Mathematics for Applications at the University of Oslo. I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of such a dynamic and impelling environment. I’ve done all I can do Could I please come with you? Sweet smell of sunshine I remember sometimes Nine Inch Nails Oslo, March 2005 Martin Groth vii c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Contents Abstract v Acknowledgments vi 1 Introduction 1 2 Theory 2.1 Monte Carlo simulations and its Finance applications 2.2 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance . . . . . . . . 2.3 Lévy processes and stochastic volatility modelling . . . 2.4 Simulation in markets driven by Lévy processes . . . . 2.5 Malliavin calculus and option price sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 12 25 30 37 3 Simulation in Financial mathematics 3.1 Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market 3.3 Root finding using quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method 3.4 Calculating Greeks in a jump-diffusion market . . . . . . . . 40 Bibliography 99 viii c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 42 56 80 90 Chapter 1 Introduction Mathematical finance is a fast evolving branch of mathematics, with a demanding industry pushing hard for new developments. In this field new numerical methods are a rewarding to study. Lots of research has been done but since the field is in constant evolution there are always new problems surfacing which need to be solved numerically. The main option pricing theory, the Black-Scholes theory from the early seventies, gives explicit solutions for the most basic options, and there is no need for finding more complicated ways to get a price. But as soon as the model gets more involved option pricing gets more difficult. There are many different ways to make a working model for the evolution of the stock market and a substantial amount of models has been proposed already. At the moment, a lot of interest is centered around models driven by Lévy processes. They are a more general than the Brownian motion involved in the Black-Scholes model and allow jumps in the price of the underlying asset. It is well known that real data from stock exchanges experience jumps and that the empirical distributions have fatter tails than the Black-Scholes theory gives. Using Lévy processes it is possible to get a better agreement between the predictions from the model and the empirical distributions. To price options in models driven by Lévy processes we often have to rely on numerical methods. We may find suitable partial differential equation formulations which we can solve with, for example, the finite difference method. This is a reliable method which can be quick, but mainly when the problem only has a few dimensions. In higher dimensions it rapidly gets computationally demanding to solve partial differential equations. This curse of dimension is nothing Monte Carlo methods suffer from. Monte Carlo is a workhorse which can be loaded with almost anything we want to solve, and therefore it is also the method which is most 1 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 1. Introduction used in the industry. It is very reliable and, as mentioned, works just as well in higher dimensions. But nothing is perfect and for demanding tasks, Monte Carlo is not always fast enough for the industry. On the contrary, speed is one of the main advantages of the fast Fourier transform. This swift algorithm has during the last years found a use in option pricing problems, as we shall see below. In this thesis we study some numerical methods for models with Lévy processes. The applications are mostly option pricing problems but we also consider other problems such as Value-at-Risk and calculation of option price sensitivities. The methods used are the above mentioned Monte Carlo method, solving partial differential equations with the finite difference method and the fast Fourier transforms. A lot of interest in this thesis is focused on the normal inverse Gaussian distribution which is a distribution known to give good fit to daily log-returns from stock markets. To begin with we give a brief introduction to the theory we base our research on. This is the general asset pricing theory, the theory behind Monte Carlo simulations and the way we use low-discrepancy sequences to get better convergence properties. We introduce a stochastic volatility model and an indifference pricing problem related to the model. Finally we consider how to compute the Greeks, option price sensitivities, for which we need to introduce some basic Malliavin calculus. In Chapter 3 research is presented on various problems. We introduce a new way of generating low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution. The sequences are used in option pricing problems and compared with other methods, including another way of generating low-discrepancy sequences. We also study option pricing problems in a stochastic volatility model using the fast Fourier transform. The same model is then studied in an indifference pricing problem which leads to a partial differential equation with an integral part. We develop a finite difference solver for this integro-PDE and compare the results with the Black-Scholes model. In finance there are problems which can be cast as root finding problems, such as calculating Value-at-Risk and finding parameters from quoted market prices. We combine the fast convergence of quasi-Monte Carlo with the root finding capability of the Newton’s method to solve such problems. In the last section we use Malliavin calculus to find option price sensitivities in a jump-diffusion market and also 2 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. show that this gives approximations to the sensitivities in a market driven by a normal inverse Gaussian Lévy process. Seeing that this thesis deals with numerical methods it is notably free from convergence results. So far we have concentrated on the numerical methods and implementations of these. Our intention is to carry on this research, and include convergence analysis of our methods in forthcoming articles. Most of the research is done in collaboration with Professor Fred Espen Benth, with Mr Paul C. Kettler contributing in the section about quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method. The exception is the part about Malliavin calculus and option price sensitivities which is joint research with Docent Roger Pettersson. 3 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2 Theory 2.1 Monte Carlo simulations and its Finance applications Monte Carlo methods have over the years become indispensable tools in many areas, including financial engineering. A Monte Carlo method is basically only a numerical method based on random sampling, but the most elementary application is for numerical integration. Numerical integration is also the starting point for many of the introductions to Monte Carlo. Assume that your problem can be cast as an integration over some measure, for which you know how to generate suitable random numbers from. Then Monte Carlo integration is the easy task of sampling sequences of random numbers and using these to evaluate the integrand. The sample mean gives a probabilistic approximation to the integral and is one possibility to get a numerical value for the integral. When it is not possible to get an analytic solution, this probabilistic approach may prove to be very useful. But all coins have two sides and for Monte Carlo there are several drawbacks. Computers work with floating numbers for numerical solutions and it is futile to expect exact numerical results. However, the law of large numbers will guarantee that a Monte Carlo method converges towards the desired answer. Due to the often very easy implementation and the computational power accessible today, it can be a quick and safe method to begin with. In many circumstances it is the only possible method because the problem is framed in high dimensions or under additional limitations that leave no opening for other methods. The disadvantages of Monte Carlo are well known, the main thing being the slow convergence which makes it reliant on computational power and time. In general there is little we can do to 4 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.1. Monte Carlo simulations and its Finance applications speed up the convergence, but many strategies to influence the inherent constant in the convergence rate have been proposed. Examples of such are variance reduction methods such as control variates and importance sampling. These are not discussed here, readers are referred to Glasserman [37] for more information. A different approach is to use quasi-Monte Carlo (qMC), a method with other properties which we will discuss at length below, together with its use in financial engineering. The more intrinsic nature of Monte Carlo methods will not be discussed here, those interested are referred to Fishman [33]. We commence the presentation of Monte Carlo with the problem of integrating a function f (x) over the unit interval, 1 f (x) dx. 0 Introducing the Lebesgue measure we can represent the evaluation of this integral as the approximative calculation of an expectation E[f (U )] over the interval, U ∼ Unif[0, 1]. This expectation can be estimated by sampling points uniformly from the interval, resulting in the sequence a1 , . . . , an , and then taking the sample mean over these points 1 f (ai ). E[f (U )] ≈ n n i=1 The strong law of large numbers guarantees that this estimate converges almost surely, i.e. n 1 f (ai ) = E[f (U )] lim n→∞ n i=1 with probability 1. One of the disadvantages with Monte Carlo is that the error we introduce by replacing the expectation with the sample mean is only a probabilistic measure. If f is square integrable and we set 1 2 (f (x) − E[f (U )])2 dx σ (f ) = 0 then the standard error in the Monte Carlo estimate is approximately nor√ mal distributed with mean zero and standard deviation σ(f )/ n. Hence, 5 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory the Monte Carlo integration yields a probabilistic error bound of order O(n−1/2 ). The order of the error may seem to be significant compared to the error when integrating with the trapezoidal rule, which has an error of order O(n−2 ) provided the function has continuous second derivatives. But in contrary to the trapezoidal rule the convergence rate for Monte Carlo is not depending on dimension. When the trapezoidal rule in dimension d has an error bound O(n−2/d ) the error for Monte Carlo remains as O(n−1/2 ). The Monte Carlo error bound is neither restricted to the unit interval, it could just as well be extended to the whole real line or Rd . Therefore Monte Carlo integration becomes more attractive in higher dimensions. That said, there are many problems left unmentioned. Niederreiter [68] lists the following points as deficiencies of the Monte Carlo method for numerical integration: 1. There are only probabilistic error bounds; 2. The regularity of the integrand is not reflected; 3. Generating random samples is difficult. The Black-Scholes formula and partial differential equation (PDE) approach provide means to price vanilla claims in a consistent way. The methods were developed by Black, Scholes and Merton who made the breakthrough for systematic pricing of options in the early seventies. Since then the financial markets, the competition and the ingeniousness among the traders have literally exploded, resulting in an apparently never-ending stream of new and exotic claims. The Black-Scholes framework is not the only model proposed. There has been a lot of effort invested in new models for the development of the underlying assets. For more complicated financial derivatives, or models with other types of driving noise than Brownian motion, the Black-Scholes approach might not be a viable route to arrive at a price for a claim. Where no analytic answer can be obtained different numerical methods may be the only choice. A Monte Carlo method is an instrument which is incredibly flexible and usable under such premises. If we know how to generate random numbers from the desired distribution, then it requires, in its basic form, little extra analytic work to get started. In the limit it will, due to the law of large numbers, give a correct answer. 6 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.1. Monte Carlo simulations and its Finance applications The key to use Monte Carlo simulation in finance is that we may write the price of an option as the expectation of the payoff depending on the stochastic development of the asset price. Monte Carlo simulations are suitable for this problem since their main function is to calculate expectations. They are especially suitable since the number of dimensions for many finance problems turns out to be high or even infinite. Many other numerical approaches, such as solving PDEs, become hard to handle when we get above a few dimensions. Monte Carlo methods, on the contrary, are not significantly harder to work with in higher dimensions than in few. Starting with Boyle [21] in 1977, the research on Monte Carlo methods in finance has since then increased rapidly. Driven by the momentum behind the development of faster CPUs the use of Monte Carlo, which might has been regarded too expensive in computational power, is now a tool accessible to everyone with a new computer. The research into new methods has not halted because of the development of more efficient computers though. Boyle et al. [20] contains references to some of the applications of Monte Carlo in finance during the eighties and nineties including variance reduction techniques and low-discrepancy sequences. A short and comprehensive summary can also be found in Lehoczky [56]. Monte Carlo methods were for long considered incapable to apply to pricing problems involving options with American exercise. However, methods have been proposed to handle American options as well, see Tilley [87], Broadie and Glasserman [22]. Practitioners may find the book by Jäckel [47] instructive. Otherwise, the book by Glasserman [37] is an excellent source for information on basically every aspect of Monte Carlo methods in finance, including a long list of the most important references. 2.1.1 The Martingale approach to Asset pricing What follows is a concise exposition of the theory for derivative pricing to shed some light on how to price claims with Monte Carlo. It closely follows Chapter 10 in Björk [18]. This is on no account a full treatment of the subject, that is a task left to writers of textbooks such as Benth [14], Björk [18], Duffie [28] or Musiela and Rutkowski [65]. Those interested in reading some of the original work in the field of arbitrage pricing or seeking proofs of the theory below can look up the following articles: Black and 7 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory Scholes [19], Merton [61], Harrison and Kreps [41], Harrison and Pliska [42] and Delbaen and Schachermeyer [25, 26]. To be able to deal with claims there has to be a way to attribute a price to them in a manner such that there is no possibility to make money out of nothing. The possibility to make a profit without risking any loss is called arbitrage and to make a working theory for financial derivatives it is necessary that there are no arbitrage opportunities. This idea of arbitrage is fundamental and the quest is to find conditions such that the market model is arbitrage-free. As will be showed later, absence of arbitrage is closely connected to the existence of equivalent martingale measures which will make the (discounted) price processes of the T -claim into martingales, concepts which will be defined below. In the Black-Scholes framework martingale pricing comes naturally from arbitrage considerations but for more complicated models this is not the case. The Martingale approach started with Harrison and Kreps [41] and Harrison and Pliska [42]. The latter originally considered trading strategies h(t) = hi (t), i = 1, . . . , n which only allowed for simple predictable integrands. This constraint ruled out unfavorable trading strategies such as the ”doubling strategy” but was still too restrictive. Delbaen and Schachermeyer [25] replaced No arbitrage with the concept of No Free Lunch with Vanishing Risk (NFLVR). The difference between the concepts is a question of functional analysis definitions, i.e. choosing space to work in, and is left to the reader to find out from the references. Instead of only considering simple predictable integrands the NFLVR-concept opened up for the possibility to include a larger group of strategies restricted to be admissible. Consider a market consisting of n traded risky assets whose evolutions are strictly positive and described by a filtered probability space (Ω,F,{Ft },P). A real adapted process {Xt , t ≥ 0} is a martingale if E[|Xt |] < ∞, E[Xt |Fs ] = Xs (2.1) ∀ 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ ∞. (2.2) If there exists a nondecreasing sequence of stopping times {τk } of the filtration {Ft } such that Xt∧τk is a martingale for all k, then Xt is called a local martingale. Let X denote a contingent claim with maturity T , referred to as a T -claim. 8 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.1. Monte Carlo simulations and its Finance applications Assume that the risky asset prices S(t) = [S0 (t) · · · Sn (t)]T develop according to some underlying stochastics. In the Black-Scholes market the assets follow stochastic differential equations driven by Wiener processes, but for the general martingale pricing the stochastics are allowed to be semi-martingales, see Protter [78]. S0 is often thought of as the risk-free asset in the market, a bank account with short rate r. In the general theory the only assumption is that S0 (t) > 0 P-a.s. for all t ≥ 0. Instead of looking at the price vector process S(t), consider the normalised market with price vector process Sn (t) S1 (t) ,..., . (2.3) Z(t) = [Z0 (t), . . . , Zn (t)] = 1, S0 (t) S0 (t) Here S0 is used as the numeraire and in the Z-economy Z0 (t) = 1 is a riskfree asset, a money account with zero interest rate. Still, it is necessary to narrow down the class of strategies to avoid cases such as the doubling strategy. One common way is the following: Definition 2.1. • A portfolio strategy is any adapted (n + 1)-dimensional process h(t) = [h0 , h1 , . . . , hn (t)]. • The S-value process V S (t; h) corresponding to the portfolio h is given by n hi (t)Si (t). V S (t; h) = i=0 • The Z-value process V Z (t; h) corresponding to the portfolio h is given by n Z hi (t)Zi (t). V (t; h) = i=0 • An adapted process hZ = [h1 , . . . , hn ] is called admissible if there exists a nonnegative real number α such that t hZ (u) dZ(u) ≥ −α for all t ∈ [0, T ]. 0 9 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory A process h(t) = [h0 (t) hZ (t)] is called an admissible portfolio process if hZ is admissible. • An admissible portfolio is said to be S-self-financing if dV S (t; h) = n hi (t) dSi (t). i=1 • An admissible portfolio is said to be Z-self-financing if dV Z (t; h) = n hi (t) dZi (t). i=1 The choice of numeraire is not crucial for the concept of self-financing portfolios as it can be proved that a portfolio h is S-self-financing if and only if it is Z-self-financing. Adding to this, a contingent claim X is said to be reachable if there exists a portfolio h such that V h (T ) = X. This extends straightforward to definitions of S-reachable and Z-reachable claims. Before the fundamental theorem of asset pricing can be stated the notion of equivalent martingale measures has to be properly defined. Two separate probability measures P and Q on a measurable space (X, F) are said to be equivalent (∼) if they define the same set of possible events, i.e. P ∼ Q : ∀A ∈ F Q(A) = 0 ⇐⇒ P(A) = 0. Definition 2.2. A probability measure Q on FT is called an equivalent martingale measure for the market model given by Z(t), the numeraire S0 and the time interval [0, T ] if it has the following properties: • Q ∼ P on FT . • All price processes Z0 , Z1 , . . . , Zn are martingales under Q on the time interval [0, T ]. If Z0 , Z1 , . . . , Zn are local martingales under Q it is called a local martingale measure. 10 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.1. Monte Carlo simulations and its Finance applications Theorem 2.1 (First fundamental theorem of asset pricing). Consider the market model S0 , S1 , . . . , Sn where it is assumed that S0 (t) > 0 P-a.s for all t ≥ 0. Assume furthermore that S0 , S1 , . . . , Sn are locally bounded. Then the following conditions are equivalent: • The model satisfy NFLVR. • There exists a measure Q ∼ P such that the processes Z0 , Z1 , . . . , Zn defined in (2.3) are local martingales under Q. The proof of the first fundamental theorem involves quite a lot functional analysis and gets rather involved. See Delbaen and Schachermeyer [25] for a proof in the case of bounded price processes. Since it is denoted the first fundamental theorem, clearly there has to be a second. It states that if the market is free of arbitrage, then the market is complete, i.e. all contingent claims are reachable, if and only if the equivalent martingale measure is unique. With the fundamental theorems stated this short theory part has finally come to the question of martingale pricing. Having a T -claim X, what is a reasonable price process Π(t; X)? It should be clear from the first fundamental theorem that the price has to be consistent with the market S(t) and that including the claim in the market can not give rise to any arbitrage possibilities. For the extended market {Π(t; X), S0 , . . . , Sn } there must then exist a local martingale measure Q. Using the definition of a martingale (2.1)-(2.2), the first fundamental theorem states that the price process divided by the numeraire is a martingale, hence Π(t; X) X Π(t; X) Q = EQ F Ft . = E t S0 (t) S0 (t) S0 (t) This gives the last theorem, the basis for pricing options with Monte Carlo: Theorem 2.2 (General pricing formula). The arbitrage-free price process for the T -claim X is given by X Q Ft , Π(t; X) = S0 (t) E S0 (T ) where Q is a local martingale measure for the a priori given market S0 , S1 , . . . , Sn with S0 as the numeraire. 11 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory Assuming that there exists a short rate r(t) the price process is given by the famous risk neutral pricing formula RT Π(t; X) = EQ e− t r(s) ds X Ft , Rt with the money account S0 (t) = S0 (0) e 0 r(s) ds as the numeraire. What is left is to determine the claim X and the dynamics of the underlying assets, and some way to sample paths for the assets. We will later discuss different models proposed to model the dynamics of asset prices, especially markets driven by Lévy processes of the normal inverse Gaussian type. 2.2 Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance Albeit very nice, Monte Carlo methods have some drawbacks. Due to the apparent randomness of the numbers the error bound is only probabilistic and converges as O(n−1/2 ). But clearly, there are sets of points that will converge faster than this rate. The usual example is to divide the unit interval according to a Cartesian grid with n points and sample the points only once in any order. Then we have a simple deterministic scheme with convergence in order of O(n−1 ). This procedure is disregarded on the basis that we then need to know the number of points in advance to form the grid. This rules out the possibility to sample until we meet a terminal condition, for example some convergence requirement. The concepts behind quasi-Monte Carlo methods and Low-discrepancy sequences is a formalisation of the idea of how to be able to sample a sequence of deterministic numbers which fills the interval or space in an evenly distributed way. The sequences distinguish themselves from a Cartesian grid in such a sense that we can sample repeatedly and still retain an even distribution of the point in the sense of discrepancy. This is a notion of uniformity described below. Since these sequences do not try to mimic randomness, as the pseudo-random sequences used in Monte Carlo methods, the error when using low-discrepancy sequences in numerical integration is deterministic. The notion of low-discrepancy is reserved for sequences with a convergence rate of order O(log(n)d n−1 ) in d-dimensions and with sufficient regular integrands. In low dimensions this is clearly 12 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.2. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance better than the Monte Carlo error bound, and it has the extra benefit that the bound is deterministic. However, in higher dimensions the advantage over Monte Carlo methods is not as prominent since the error bound is depending on the dimension. But, as pointed out by Glasserman [37], for some problems in finance these methods are still more effective even in dimensions up to 150. The use of low-discrepancy sequences in finance started surprisingly late, with the first articles on the subject not appearing until the midnineties. From then on a quite substantial amount of research was obtained during a few years, applying low-discrepancy sequences to different option pricing problems. Joy et al. [51] used Faure sequences to price a variety of options including vanilla calls and Asian options. Faure sequences was also the choice of low-discrepancy sequence when Papageorgiou and Paskov [73] estimated Value-at-Risk for portfolios of stocks and mortgage obligations. The results from quasi-Monte Carlo in their study were superior compared to Monte Carlo. Both Papageorgiou and Paskov appear in many of the early research papers, together with Traube, see Paskov [75], Paskov and Traube [76] and Papageorgiou and Traube [74]. To use the sequences for numerical integration problems in finance we need to establish the theoretical base. The theory behind low-discrepancy sequences is rather involved, with connections to number theory. Consider again the problem of pricing options as an expectation of a function over the half open unit interval I d = [0, 1)d : E[f (X)] = f (x) dx Id where X is uniformly distributed on I d . As for Monte Carlo integration, we have the quasi-Monte Carlo approximation 1 f (x) dx ≈ f (xi ) n Id n (2.4) i=1 where the points x1 , . . . , xn are sampled from a d-dimensional low-discrepancy sequence. These points are crafted to be deterministic points which fill out the unit interval. The law of large numbers will also in this case 13 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory guarantee that in the limit the error in this approximation will tend to zero. Discrepancy is the measure used to describe how our point set is distributed compared to a uniform distribution and hence, it is a measure of deviation from uniformity. There are a few different notions of discrepancy where the star discrepancy and the extreme discrepancy are the most important. Given a nonempty family of Lebesgue-measurable subsets B ∈ I d and a point set P = {x1 , . . . , xn }, then the discrepancy of P is given as n i=1 χ(xi ; B) − λd (B) D(P ; B) = sup n B∈B where λd denotes the d-dimensional Lebesgue-measure and χ the characteristic function. It is clear that we always have 0 ≤ D(P ; B) ≤ 1, and we may note that a definition of a uniformly distributed infinite sequence x1 , x2 , . . . ∈ [0, 1] is 1 χ(xi ; B) = λd (B) n→∞ n n lim i=1 for all subintervals B ∈ I d . By more specific definitions of the family of subsets B we obtain different concepts of discrepancy: Definition 2.3. Taking B to be the collection of all subsets of I d of the form d [0, ui ) i=1 yields the star discrepancy D∗ (P ) for the point set P . Definition 2.4. Taking B to be the collection of all subsets of I d of the form d [ui , vi ) i=1 yields the (extreme) discrepancy, often referred to as the ordinary discrepancy, D(P ) for the point set P . 14 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.2. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance In some circumstances we might want to specify the number of points used in the sequence and indicate this by a subscript, i.e. Dn∗ (P ). It is easy to see that the star discrepancy is no larger than the ordinary discrepancy, actually Niederreiter [68] establish the following relation: D ∗ (P ) ≤ D(P ) ≤ 2d D∗ (P ). The intervals used in the above definitions of discrepancy might seem a bit too restrictive, especially if we consider integration domains more general than the multi-dimensional unit interval. Remaining in the unit interval for convenience, discrepancy could just as well be defined on a family of convex subsets of I d , which leads to the concept of isotropic discrepancy: Definition 2.5. Taking B to be the collection of all convex subsets of C ∈ I d yields the isotropic discrepancy J(P ) = D(P ; C). Isotropic discrepancy lets us work with more natural subsets but has the drawback that it depends more heavily on the dimension, i.e. the isotropic discrepancy has the following error bound in terms of the ordinary discrepancy: 1 D(P ) ≤ J(P ) ≤ 4dD(P ) /d . Because of their discrepancy properties, and the use of this concept in establishing convergence bounds, which will be covered later on, a lot of interest has been invested in finding low-discrepancy sequences. What we have to answer is the question: when can a point set P in I d be said to have low-discrepancy? Clearly, in one dimension, given the number of points in P beforehand, we can spread the points on a grid and thereby minimise the discrepancy. Actually, we always have that D ∗ (P ) ≥ 1 2n with equality when distributing the points on a grid. In higher dimensions, and for cases where we have an infinite sequence of points, but where we only consider the first n points in the sequence, there is not any such lower bound established. It is, according to Niederreiter [68] widely believed that 15 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory the star discrepancy of any d-dimensional point set P consisting of n points satisfies log(n)d−1 . D∗ (P ) ≥ cd n It is therefore usual to refer to sequences as low-discrepancy sequences if they have star discrepancy in order of O(log(n)d /n). Although the log(n)d becomes insignificant to the n−1 term as the number of points increases this might not be relevant for manageable point sets if the d is large. Quasi-Monte Carlo has therefore traditionally been considered inferior to Monte Carlo in higher dimensions. So far nothing has been said about how to construct specific sequences which will have the desired discrepancy, but rest assure, there is plenty of theoretical work on this subject. Different sequences have been proposed over the years, with different properties but in many aspects very alike. The basis for some of the sequences is the van der Corput sequences which are a natural starting point when trying to unfold the theory. Let b be any integer such that b ≥ 2 and put Zb = {0, 1, . . . , b−1}, that is Zb is the least residue system mod b. Every integer n ≥ 0 has a unique representation as a linear combination of nonnegative powers of b with coefficients aj ∈ Zb called its base-b: ∞ aj (n)bj . n= j=0 The sum is finite since aj (n) = 0 for sufficiently large j. The radicalinverse function ψb in base b is defined as ψb (n) = ∞ aj (n)b−j−1 for all integers n ≥ 0. (2.5) j=0 Here n is given by its base-b and ψb is then the function that maps each n to a point in [0, 1) by a symmetric reflection about the base-b ”decimal” point. If we for convenience number our sequence in increasing order as n = 0, 1, . . . we can define the van der Corput sequence in base b as the sequence {x0 , x1 , . . .} such that xn = ψb (n) for all n ≥ 0. The workings of the van der Corput sequences are to fill out the unit interval by adding points in a maximally balanced way. Borrowing an 16 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.2. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance illustration from Glasserman [37] we can see how the van der Corput sequence in base 2 works in Figure 2.1. Counting from the top, every line in the figure shows the first numbers up until the order of the line number. As can be seen the sequence adds numbers on each half alternating and in such a manner that is withholds an equal balance of points on each half. So, instead of adding the numbers in an increasing order, the points are added such that the interval is filled in a balanced way. Every van der Corput sequence is a low-discrepancy sequence although this is of limited use since van der Corput sequences are defined only in one dimension. The restriction of the van der Corput sequences to one dimension is not really a problem, as was shown by Halton and Hammersley [40], leading up to what is now denoted as Halton sequences. This is the easiest construction of low-discrepancy sequences in arbitrary dimensions. It is based on van der Corput sequences by assuming that b1 , . . . , bd are relatively prime integers greater than 1. Again using the radical inverse function ψb defined in (2.5) the Halton sequence in the bases b1 , . . . , bd is the sequence xn = (ψb1 (n), . . . , ψbd (n)) ∈ I d for all n ≥ 0. The Halton sequence in dimension d has a star discrepancy bounded by D ∗ (Pn ) ≤ Cd n−1 log(n)d + O(n−1 log(n)d−1 ) for a point set P of the first n points and is, hence, a low-discrepancy sequence. The coefficient Cd depends on the relatively prime numbers bi , i = 1, . . . , d but not on n. The sequences display good uniformity in low dimensions but as the number of dimensions increases their quality falls rapidly. In numerical tests Halton sequences are in most cases performing worse than other low-discrepancy sequences. In high dimensions the sequence is produced by van der Corput sequences with large bases, resulting in long monotone segments. This behaviour is unfavorable and other low-discrepancy sequences, building upon Halton and Hammersley’s work, try to avoid this. The above is no more than a brief introduction to the basis of lowdiscrepancy sequences, to explain the theory behind low-discrepancy and the usage of the concept. Other sequences with better properties such as Sobol [84], Faure [32] and Niederreiter [67] sequences have developed from here. Since they are later work they are inherently also more complicated 17 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 3 16 3 16 3 16 3 16 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 5 16 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 7 16 7 16 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 9 16 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8 11 16 11 16 11 16 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 13 16 13 16 13 16 13 16 13 16 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 Figure 2.1: Illustration of the van der Corput sequence in base 2. Every row represents a point set consisting of the number of points equal to the row number counting from the top. Hence, the first row is the point set consisting of {1/2}, the second row is the point set {1/4, 1/2} and so forth. 18 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 15 16 2.2. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance and the construction of these sequences will be left to the reader to find out about. A concise examination including implementations and their use in financial engineering can be found in Glasserman [37]. 2.2.1 The Koksma-Hlawka error bound Discrepancy plays a vital role in the Koksma-Hlawka inequality. This explains much of the great interest put into finding low-discrepancy sequences, while discrepancy itself is a rather theoretical concept. The Koksma-Hlawka inequality is a classic result providing a bound on the error introduced when substituting the integral with a sum and evaluating the integrand over a low-discrepancy sequence, such as in (2.4). As will be demonstrated below, this bound is a product of two terms, one term indicating the variation of the function being integrated, and the other term being the star discrepancy of the sequence used in the sum. Logically, if our sequence has low discrepancy, then clearly the integration error will be smaller than if a sequence without this property is used. The result builds on a one-dimensional result by Jurjen Koksma from 1942 which was extended by Edmund Hlawka in 1961. To establish the Koksma-Hlawka error bound we need an appropriate concept of total variation of the integrand function f , possibly depending on several variables. For this, we assume f is defined and finite on the closed hypercube I¯d = [0, 1]d and let J be a subinterval of I¯d of the form + − + − + J = [u− 1 , u1 ] × [u2 , u2 ] × · · · × [ud , ud ], + where 0 ≤ u− i ≤ ui ≤ 1, i = 1, . . . , d. Hence, all vertices of J are of ± the form ui . Let ∆(f ; J) be an alternating sum of the values of f at the vertices of J. That is, letting E(J) be the set of vertices of J with even number + superscripts, u+ i , and O(J) contain those with odd number, then f (u) − f (u). ∆(f ; J) = u∈E(J) u∈O(J) To understand this we observe that function values at adjacent vertices has opposite signs, and ∆(f ; J) is a sum of how much the function changes at the vertices of J. Let P be the set of all partitions of I¯d into rectangles 19 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory of the form J. The variation of f in the sense of Vitali is then defined as V (d) (f ) = sup P J∈P |∆(f ; J)|. For any 1 ≤ k ≤ d and 1 ≤ i1 < i2 < · · · < ik ≤ d, let V (k) (f ; i1 , . . . , ik ) be the variation in the sense of Vitali of the function defined by restricting f to the k-dimensional face {(u1 , . . . , ud ) ∈ I¯d : uj = 1 for j = i1 , . . . , ik }. Then the variation of f on I¯d in the sense of Hardy and Krause is defined as d V (f ) = V (k) (f ; i1 , . . . , ik ) k=1 1≤i1 <i2 <···<ik ≤d and f is of bounded variation in the sense of Hardy-Krause if V (f ) is finite. With this concept of variation of f established the path has finally reached the main theorem: Theorem 2.3 (The Koksma-Hlawka inequality). If f has bounded variation in the sense of Hardy-Krause on I¯d , then for any set of points x1 , . . . , xn ∈ I d we have n 1 f (xi ) − f (u) du ≤ V (f )D ∗ (x1 , . . . , xn ). (2.6) n d I i=1 This error bound provides a strict deterministic bound on the integration error but is merely of theoretical value. Both the Hardy-Krause variation and the star discrepancy are difficult to compute, sometimes to the extent that computing the integral itself would be easier. It is therefore of limited application as a practical error bound. Glasserman [37] writes that computing the Koksma-Hlawka bound often grossly overestimates the error. He also notes that the condition that V (f ) must be finite is too restrictive and often violated in finance applications. For convex integration domains Niederreiter [68] provides a Koksma-Hlawka inequality involving the isotropic discrepancy. The Koksma-Hlawka bound (2.6) is stated only for the unit hypercube and the Lebesgue measure but using slightly different definitions Kainhofer 20 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.2. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance [52] provides a Koksma-Hlawka bound for general measures and domains. Kainhofer investigates integration problems of the kind f (x) dH(x) I= [a,b] where H denotes a d-dimensional distribution with support K = [a, b] ∈ Rd and f is a function with singularities on the left boundary of K. Kainhofer’s aim is to use quasi-Monte Carlo on this type of problems and he therefore derives a Koksma-Hlawka bound suitable for his approach. To follow his derivation we begin with assuming that f is any function with bounded variation. Let H(J) denote the probability of J ⊆ K under H. A sequence ω = {y1 , y2 , . . .} is said to be H-distributed if for all intervals K̃ ⊆ K n 1 χ(yi ; K̃) = H(K̃). lim n→∞ n i=1 Hence, for bounded functions we may approximate the integration with a sum over a H-distributed sequence {yi }, i.e. 1 f (x) dH(x) ≈ f (yi ). n K n i=1 To establish a Koksma-Hlawka bound for more general domains and distributions we need a new definition of discrepancy: Definition 2.6. The H-discrepancy of the sequence ω = {y1 , y2 , . . .} measures the distribution properties of the sequence in regard to the distribution H. Taking the first n points of the sequence the H-discrepancy is defined as: n 1 χ(yi , J) − H(J) . Dn,H (ω, K) = sup n J⊆K i=1 This is a straightforward extension of the discrepancy concept which gives a measure on the deviation of the sequence ω from the distribution H. Together with the Hardy-Krause variation defined above we now have the general Koksma-Hlawka inequality: 21 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory Definition 2.7. Let f be a function of bounded variation V (f ) in the sense of Hardy-Krause on K and let ω = {y1 , y2 , . . .} be a sequence on K. The quasi-Monte Carlo integration error can be bounded by n 1 f (yi ) ≤ V (f )DH,n (ω, K). f (x) dH(x) − K n i=1 Kainhofer refer to the thesis by Tuffin [88] for a proof of this theorem with a slight specialisation to variation in measure sense. For functions with infinite variations, V (f ) = ∞, the Koksma-Hlawka error bound will not provide us with a useful bound of the integration error. This is not an uncommon situation in finance since we in many instances have problems cast in an unbounded domain. We need not look further than at the most simple and used example, a European call option, to find such a case. This is a problem with an unbounded domain where the underlying asset can assume values in [0, ∞] and where the option will have an infinite value at the right boundary. Since the payoff function has unbounded variation the error bound will not be useful. Clearly there are many other options which also have singularity at one of the boundaries. In the earliest work on quasi-Monte Carlo in finance this problem was not considered or dismissed in vague terms. The use of quasi-Monte Carlo was motivated on grounds of the Koksma-Hlawka error bound but no proofs are given that the error bound is actually finite. Still, the numerical results support the claim that the method is useful for the considered problems. For problems with functions having a singularity at one of the boundaries, Kainhofer [52] derives a convergence result for a d-dimensional quasi-Monte Carlo estimator. This is applied to an Asian option pricing problem using quasi-Monte Carlo. The convergence results are based on the following theorem: Theorem 2.4. Let f (x) be a function on [a, b] with singularity only at the left boundary of the definition interval (i.e. f (x) → ±∞ only if xj → aj for at least one j) and ω = (y1 , y2 , . . .) be a sequence on [a, b]. Furthermore let cn,j = min1≤i≤n yi,j and aj < cj < cn,j . If the improper integral f (x) dH(x) [a,b] 22 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.2. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Finance exists in the way defined in Section 7.2 in Kainhofer [52] and if Dn,H (ω)V[c,b] (f ) = o(1) then the quasi-Monte Carlo estimator converges to the value of the improper integral: 1 f (yi ) = n→∞ n n f (x) dH(x). lim i=1 [a,b] As mentioned earlier, the Koksma-Hlawka bound often over-estimates the convergence rate grossly. In many applications in finance with high dimensionality the quasi-Monte Carlo method is found to be competitive with Monte Carlo methods despite the dimensional dependence of the convergence rate. Recently Papageorgiou [72] proved that for weighted high-dimensional integration problems the worst case convergence rate is −1/2 O(n−1+p{log(n)} ) = O(n−1+O(1) ) where p ≥ 0 is a constant. The weights in the integrations are assumed to be Gaussian and with some restriction for the class of functions for the integral. This is faster than the convergence rate for Monte Carlo and independent of the dimension. Papageorgiou applies the result to some problems in finance which shows that this may be the reason why quasiMonte Carlo performs better than can expected from the Koksma-Hlawka error bound. 2.2.2 The Hlawka-Mück method In the last chapter of his thesis, Kainhofer wants to use quasi-Monte Carlo methods to price options in markets where the log-returns are not normally distributed. To sample low-discrepancy sequences he use a method proposed by Hlawka and Mück [44]. The method enables generation of low-discrepancy sequences from arbitrary distributions, provided we know the distribution function. This opens up for generating low-discrepancy sequences from distributions where the inverse of the cumulative distribution function is not explicitly known and the inversion method is inapplicable. 23 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory Hlawka and Mück gave a systematic way to generate the sequence in the following way: Let ω = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) be a uniformly distributed lowdiscrepancy sequence on [0, 1] with discrepancy given as Dn (ω). Define ω̃ = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) as the sequence 1 χ (H(xr )), yk = n r=1 [0,xk ] n where H(·) is the distribution function of the desired distribution. That is, every element in ω̃ is a fraction i/n, i ∈ {0, . . . , n}. They also proved that if M = supx∈[0,1] h(x), where h(·) is the density for the distribution, then the H-discrepancy Dn,H of ω̃ is bounded as Dn,H (ω̃) ≤ (1 + M )Dn (ω). The Hlawka-Mück method is useful for sampling from distributions where the inverse transform is not available, but it has some deficiencies which makes it discouraging for practical usage. The most profound is that the number of points in the sequence has to be predetermined. For practical purposes this might be unsuitable, for example if we want to reach a certain level of accuracy. Since the method iterates through all points in the uniform sequence ω to generate one point in ω̃ it involves n2 operations. Hence, the method is not competitive in speed compared to many other methods when using the same number of points. Kainhofer studies this algorithm in the context of unbounded integration problems. If the integrand has a singularity at one of the boundaries of the integration interval the singularity is avoided by moving any sampled point at the boundary in to the closest point in the interval. This effects the discrepancy in the one-dimensional case by adding a factor of 1/n, which does not change the asymptotic behaviour of the error. Then the discrepancy of a d-dimensional sequence is Dn,H (ω̃) ≤ (1 + 4M )d Dn (ω). We have now gone through the theory behind the Koksma-Hlawka error bound with the extension from Kainhofer [52]. This put us in the position to use quasi-Monte Carlo methods to price options with a singularity at one of the borders. We have also seen that the Hlawka-Mück 24 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.3. Lévy processes and stochastic volatility modelling method provides a way to generate low-discrepancy sequences from the normal inverse Gaussian distribution and we will use this for comparison with a method we propose below. 2.3 Lévy processes and stochastic volatility modelling The fundamental model for the value of a financial asset is the geometric Brownian motion. The pioneer in the field was Louis Bachelier who used an early model for Brownian motion in his thesis 1900. The Geometric Brownian motion as a model for the development of the underlying asset was introduced by Paul Samuelson in the 1960s. Adding a risk-free money account Black and Scholes [19] proposed the market model which is now named after them: dS(t) S(t) dB(t) B(t) = µ dt + σ dW (t), (2.7) = r dt. (2.8) Since S(t) is a geometric Brownian motion it has the solution 1 S(t) = S(0) exp([µ − σ 2 ]t + σW (t)) 2 (2.9) with initial condition S(0). We see from (2.9) that the returns of S(t) are log-normal distributed. Already at the time when Black, Scholes and Merton laid the foundation for asset pricing theory it was known that, if considering short time intervals, log-returns of stocks experience jumps and have features such as heavy tails, volatility clusters and skewness. All these are features which violate the assumption of normally distributed log-returns, which is the consequence of the Black-Scholes theory. The clearly over-simplifying assumptions that there are no transaction costs, taxes or governmental restrictions on stock holdings make for a very nice but somehow unrealistic theory. However, despite this, the theory is still not a museum specimen in the development of financial modelling. 25 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory Merton [62] tried to incorporate jumps with unpriced risk by adding a jump term to the stochastic differential equation (2.7) dS(t) = µ dt + σ dW (t) + dJ(t), S(t−) where J(t) is a process with piecewise constant sample paths independent of W (t). After Merton many different models have been proposed to capture some of the properties not present in the Black-Scholes theory. So far, the financial community has not been able to reach a consensus in how to handle this. Before Black and Scholes suggested their model Mandelbrot noticed that financial prices had long tails and an infinite span of dependencies. He proposed that prices could be modeled by changing from a Gaussian distribution to ”L-stable” probability laws and multi-fractals, but his model never gained any momentum in the financial community. Much more information about this model can be found in Mandelbrot [60]. Mandelbrot is not alone to suggest that the log-returns could be modelled by a different distribution. Since the Black-Scholes theory has the property that log-returns are normally distributed the increments are independent. One could then ask if there are other models which also have independent log-increments and which capture more features of observed stock prices. If one assume that the asset price could be represented as S(t) = S(0)eX(t) , where X(t) is any Lévy process, then the asset price has independent logincrements. A Lévy process is a process having stationary independent increments, see Bertoin [16]. Given a specific Lévy process, the log-returns will have the distribution corresponding to the law of the Lévy process. One Lévy process that has been suggested as a fruitful assumption for modelling the log-returns is the hyperbolic Lévy process. Hyperbolic distributions were introduced by Barndorff-Nielsen [9] and studied in the context of wind born sand. Eberlein [29] followed up a suggestion from Barndorff-Nielsen that log-returns could be modeled with a hyperbolic Lévy process, which gave good fit with data from the German financial market. 26 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.3. Lévy processes and stochastic volatility modelling A special case of the hyperbolic distributions is the normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution, see Barndorff-Nielsen [10], which has been extensively studied as a possible model for financial data. It is a fourparameter distribution defined on R having density function √ 2 2 αeδ α −β +β(x−µ) K1 δα 1 + ((x − µ)/δ)2 , N IG(x; α, β, µ, δ) = π 1 + ((x − µ)/δ)2 where K1 is the modified Bessel function of the third kind and index 1. The parameters satisfy µ ∈ R, δ ∈ R+ , 0 ≤ |β| < α and can be interpreted as steepness (α), asymmetry (β), scale (δ) and location (µ). The normal inverse Gaussian Lévy process has in several studies shown to give a good fit to log-returns of short term stock prices, see Rydberg [81]. However, both the hyperbolic and the normal inverse Gaussian model suffer from the same deficiency, as do all discontinuous Lévy processes with stochastic jumps: with jumps or stochastic volatility we introduce risks that may render the market incomplete. In incomplete markets there may exist a whole continuum of equivalent martingale measures and a unique price is not present since the price could be different under different measures. Instead of looking at specific distributions of log-returns one could try to alter the dynamics. For example the assumption in the Black-Scholes theory that the dynamics of the stock price follow a stochastic differential equation with constant parameters. In doing so researchers have hoped to capture features seen in data which indicate that volatility is indeed stochastic too. Models involving stochastic volatility have been studied by, among others, Heston [43] and Hull and White [45, 46]. One other type of model in this context is the non-Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck-based model proposed by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard [12], abbreviated as the BNS-model: dSt = α(Yt )St dt + σ(Yt )St dBt , dYt = −λYt dt + dLλt , S0 = s > 0 Y0 = y > 0. This is a model where we have a Brownian motion Bt as the driving source but instead of constant parameters we have a stochastic volatility σ(Yt ). The volatility process Y (t) is a mean-reverting process with reverting parameter λ and a jump process Lt . Lt is assumed to be a subordinator, 27 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory i.e. an increasing Lévy process, see Bertoin [16]. Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard specify the parameter functions as α(y) = µ + βy, σ(y) = √ y. If Yt has an inverse Gaussian law then the log-returns will be approximately normal inverse Gaussian distributed. 2.3.1 Indifference pricing in a stochastic volatility model with jumps In Benth and Meyer-Brandis [15] the authors investigate the stochastic volatility model introduced by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard [12]: dSt = α(Yt )St dt + σ(Yt )St dBt , dYt = −λYt dt + dLλt , S0 = s > 0, Y0 = y > 0. (2.10) (2.11) They consider an investor trying to maximise her exponential utility by either entering into the market on her own or issuing a financial derivative and investing her incremental wealth after collecting the premium. The indifference price of the claim is then the premium at which the investor becomes indifferent between the two alternatives. Using a dynamic programming approach the utility maximisation problem is solved resulting in Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations with an integral term. Consider a European option with Markovian claim f (ST ), where f is bounded. Without loss of generality, let the rate of return of the risk-free asset be zero and its value equal to 1 at t = 0. Assume the investor has the exponential utility function U (x) = 1 − exp(−γx), γ>0 where γ is the risk aversion parameter. The investor will have a wealth dynamics, with initial wealth x, given as dXu = πu α(Yu ) du + πu σ(Yu ) dBu , Xt = x, where πu = π(t, x, y) is the money invested in the risky asset Su at time u. We let At be the set of all admissible controls π starting at time t. 28 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.3. Lévy processes and stochastic volatility modelling In the case the investor enters into the market the value function for the optimal control problem is V 0 (t, x, y) = sup E[1 − exp(−γXT )|Xt = x, Yt = y]. π∈At On the other hand, if the investor issues a claim the value function will be V (t, x, s, y) = sup E[1 − exp(−γ(XT − f (ST )))|Xt = x, Yt = y, St = s]. π∈At The utility indifference price of the claim f (ST ) for a given risk aversion level γ is the unique solution Λ(γ) (t, y, s) of the equation V 0 (t, x, y) = V (t, x + Λ(γ) (t, y, s), s, y). The minimal entropy price occurs as the risk aversion level approaches zero. Benth and Meyer-Brandis derive the HJB-equation for the value function in the case no claim has been issued and proves, after doing the simplifying ansatz V 0 (t, x, y) = 1 − exp(−γx)H(t, y), that solving the HJB-equation is equivalent to solving the following linear integro-PDE: Ht (t, y) − α2 (y) H(t, y) − λyHy (t, y) 2σ 2 (y) ∞ {H(t, y + z) − H(t, y)} ν(dz) = 0 (2.12) +λ 0 with terminal condition H(T, y) = 1, y ∈ R+ . Specifying the parameter functions of the model (2.10)-(2.11) as √ (2.13) α(y) = µ + βy, σ(y) = y, then (2.12) allows a Feynman-Kac representation: 1 T α2 (Yu ) du Yt = y , H(t, y) = E exp − 2 t σ 2 (Yu ) (t, y) ∈ [0, T ] × R+ (2.14) 29 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory with solution H(t, y) ∈ C 1,1 ([0, T ] × R+ ). Assuming α(y) = βy there is an explicit solution to (2.12), with the above terminal condition, given as H(t, y) = exp(b(t)y + c(t)). (2.15) Here b(t) and c(t) are defined as b(t) = − β2 (1 − exp(−λ(T − t))), 2λ T φ(b(u)) du c(t) = λ t where φ(x) is the log-moment generating function of L1 . In the case the investor issues a claim, we make the ansatz that the value function can be described as V (t, x, y) = 1 − exp(−γx + γΛ(γ) (t, y, s))H(t, y) where Λ(γ) is the indifference price with risk aversion level γ. Deriving the HJB-equation and approaching the zero risk aversion limit, i.e. letting γ → 0, Benth and Meyer-Brandis end up in the following linear integro-PDE for the entropy price of the claim f (ST ): 1 Λt + σ 2 (y)s2 Λss − λyΛy 2 ∞ +λ 0 (Λ(t, y + z, s) − Λ(t, y, s)) H(t, y + z) ν(dz) = 0 (2.16) H(t, y) with (t, y, s) ∈ [0, T ) × R+ × R+ . We also have the terminal condition Λ(T, y, s) = f (s), which yields a Feynman-Kac representation for the solution. The Lévy measure is so far left unspecified but we know that if the volatility has an inverse Gaussian law then the log-returns of the model will be approximately normal inverse Gaussian distributed. This is of special interest since there are firm confirmations that this distribution fits well to short term log-returns. 2.4 Simulation in markets driven by Lévy processes Numerical methods to price options include a wide range of techniques. The common backdrop in asset pricing theory, the Black-Scholes market, 30 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.4. Simulation in markets driven by Lévy processes allows many different ways to price options; Monte Carlo methods, numerical solutions to the Black-Scholes partial differential equation and of course explicit solutions such as the well known Black-Scholes formula. Explicit solutions are to prefer if possible but these can only be found in rare special cases. For more complicated derivatives and markets we have to rely on numerical methods. The PDE-approach to option pricing in the Black-Scholes market is covered in the extensive book by Wilmott, Dewynne and Howison [89] and above it was shown how to derive an integro-PDE for option pricing in a BNS-market. We have already covered Monte Carlo methods in depth, very flexible and easily adjustable methods to use for simulation. To adapt Monte Carlo to markets driven by general Lévy processes we need to be able to sample the distribution of the increments of the process. Simulations of Lévy processes have been studied by among others Asmussen and Roskinski [3] and Rasmus [80]. They use the Lévy-Itô decomposition to split the process in three parts: linear drift, Brownian motion and jumps. The jumps are then divided in two parts whereafter the large jumps constitute a compound Poisson process and the small jumps are approximated by a Brownian motion. Below we give two other methods we can use for pricing options in Lévy driven markets. To begin with we discuss a way to draw random numbers from the normal inverse Gaussian distribution and then continue with how to use the fast Fourier transform for pricing European options. 2.4.1 Pseudo-random number generation for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution To use Monte Carlo we need to have a way to draw random numbers from the distribution at hand. The inverse distribution function for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution is not explicitly known and therefore it is not possible to use the inverse method to generate random numbers. As we saw earlier, we could use the Hlawka-Mück method to obtain quasi-random numbers but for pseudo-random number generation there are other methods developed. Rydberg [81] gives a way to simulate normal inverse Gaussian random numbers based on work by Atkinson [4] and Michael, Schucany and Haas [63]. This pseudo-random number generation depends on the fact that the normal inverse Gaussian distribution belongs 31 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory to the class of generalised hyperbolic (GH) distributions. These distributions can be characterised as a normal variance-mean mixture with the mixing function being a generalised inverse Gaussian distribution (GIG), see Barndorff [9]. That is, we may describe a generalised hyperbolic distribution with parameters λ, α, β, µ, δ as GH(λ, α, β, µ, δ) = N(µ + zβ, z) GIG(λ, δ2 , α2 − β 2 ), z where N (µ + zβ, z) is the normal distribution with mean µ + zβ and variance z and the parameters are restricted by µ ∈ R, δ > 0, 0 ≤ |β| ≤ α. Now, the normal inverse Gaussian is the special case NIG(α, β, µ, δ) = GH(−1/2, α, β, µ, δ) which is a normal variance-mean mixture with mixing distribution being the inverse Gaussian, IG(δ2 , α2 − β 2 ). From this mixing property it follows that to simulate a random number it is sufficient to simulate two random numbers, one normally distributed and one inverse Gaussian distributed. Normally distributed random numbers are well known and easily obtained from uniform random variables by the Box-Müller transformation or by an approximated inverse transformation, such as the Moro transformation [64]. In the class of generalised inverse Gaussian distributions the case when λ = −1/2, the inverse Gaussian distribution, has the special property that a realisation can be written as the solution to a quadratic equation depending on a χ2 -distributed value. That is, the IG(δ, γ)-density is given as 1 2 −1 δ −3/2 2 exp − (δ x + γ x) , f (x; δ, γ) = √ exp(δγ)x 2 2π but if we make the parameter change λ = δ2 , ψ = δ/γ we can express the density as λ(x − ψ)2 λ , exp − f (x; λ, ψ) = 2πx3 2ψ 2 x with x > 0, ψ > 0, λ > 0. The cumulative distribution function corresponding to this density is not easily inverted but we may note that V = λ(X − ψ)2 ∼ χ2(1) ψ2 X 32 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. (2.17) 2.4. Simulation in markets driven by Lévy processes where χ2(1) is the chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom. Variates from the χ2(1) -distribution are easily obtained from normally distributed which, as mentioned above, are easily transformed from uniform random numbers. Hence, if v is a realisation of (2.17) we can generate an inverse Gaussian random number by solving a quadratic equation and get two solutions: z1 = µ + ψ ψ2 v − 4ψλv + ψ 2 v 2 2λ 2λ ψ2 . z1 z2 = Both solutions are necessary to cover the whole distribution but we must make a choice which one to use. We do this by a probabilistic choice involving another uniform random number, choosing z1 with probability ψ z1 ψ+z1 and z2 with probability ψ+z1 . The whole algorithm for generating a normal inverse Gaussian random number can now be formulated as: Algorithm 2.1. 1. Sample u1 ∼ U[0, 1] 2. Let Y = Φ−1 (u1 ) ∼ N(0, 1) 3. Sample u2 ∼ U[0, 1] 4. Let V = (Φ−1 (u2 ))2 ∼ χ2(1) 5. Set λ = δ2 , ψ = δ/(α2 − β 2 ) 6. Compute z1 = ψ + ψ2 V 2λ − ψ 2λ 4ψλV + ψ 2 V 2 7. Sample u3 ∼ U[0, 1] 8. If u3 ≤ ψ ψ+z let Z = z1 otherwise, let Z = 9. Return X = µ + βZ + √ ψ2 z1 ZY ∼ NIG(α, β, µ, δ) 33 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory In the algorithm Φ−1 (x) denotes the inverse of the cumulative distribution function for the normal distribution. As can be seen from the algorithm we need to sample three uniformly distributed random variables to get one normal inverse Gaussian distributed random number. This algorithm was developed by Michael et al. [63] and later simulation algorithms for both generalised inverse Gaussian and hyperbolic distributions were studied by Atkinson [4]. 2.4.2 Using the fast Fourier transform for option pricing The fast Fourier transform (FFT) is a computationally very fast and reliable method. FFT is an algorithm to calculate the discrete Fourier transform of a function gn = g(n∆u) for a range of parameter values xk = k∆x, k = 0, . . . , N − 1 simultaneously. Here ∆x = 2π/N ∆u and for the FFT to be most efficient N has to be an integer power of 2. The FFT takes N complex numbers as input and returns N complex numbers Gk = N −1 e−2πi N gn , nk k = −N/2, . . . , N/2. n=0 The demand for fast numerical methods to determine option prices made it only a question of when someone developed a method exploiting the advantages of the fast Fourier transform. In the nineties research surfaced where Fourier analysis and Laplace analysis was used for transformbased methods to price options in extensions to the Black-Scholes model, see Bakshi and Chen [5], Bates [13], Chen and Scott [24], Heston [43] and Scott [83]. The models included stochastic volatility elements and jumps to give better correspondence to observed asset prices as well as interest rate options. However, the approaches of these authors could not utilise the computational power of the fast Fourier transform. Carr and Madan [23] proposed a method able to price options when the characteristic function of the return is known analytically. They applied the method to the variance gamma model, which assumes that the log-price obeys a one-dimensional pure jump Markov process with stationary independent increments. The motivation for Carr and Madan’s use of the fast Fourier method was the following: Assume we are interested in the price of a European 34 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.4. Simulation in markets driven by Lévy processes option with maturity T . The payoff depends on the terminal spot price ST of the underlying asset. We know analytically the characteristic function of the logarithm of the spot price sT , defined as φT (u) = E[exp(iusT )]. Denote the logarithm of the strike price by k, and let CT (k) be the value of a call option with strike exp k. If qT (s) is the risk-neutral density of the log-price then the characteristic function of qT is φT (u) = ∞ −∞ eius qT (s) ds. The value of the call can then be described as an integral over this density, i.e. ∞ e−rT (es − ek )qT (s) ds. CT (k) = E[f (sT , k)] = k To kill out the option price as k → −∞, and get a square integrable function, Carr and Madan consider the modified call price cT (k) cT (k) = exp(αk)CT (k), α > 0. Now, the Fourier transform of cT (k) is defined as ψT (v) = ∞ −∞ eivk cT (k) dk, and Carr and Madan’s idea is to get an analytical value of ψT in terms of φT and then use the inverse Fourier transform to obtain option prices. The option price is then given as CT (k) = exp(−αk) π 0 ∞ eivk ψT (v) dv (2.18) 35 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory since CT (k) is real. The analytic expression for ψT (v) is determined as ∞ ∞ eαk e−rT (es − ek )qT (s) ds dk k s −∞ ∞ −rT e qT (s) (es+αk − e(1+α)k )eivk dk ds = −∞ −∞ ∞ e(α+1+iv)s e(α+1+iv)s −rT − ds e qT (s) = α + iv α + 1 + iv −∞ ψT (v) = = eivk e−rT φT (v − (α + 1)i) . α2 + α − v 2 + i(2α + 1)v Carr and Madan give suggestions for appropriate choice of the parameter α, the damping parameter. We see that we can approximate (2.18) by taking the trapezoid rule with vj = η(j − 1) and then employ a regular spacing ku = −b + λ(u − 1), u = 1, . . . , N with size λ. This gives strike values ranging from −b to b, where b = 1/2N λ. Carr and Madan also note that to use the fast Fourier transform the relation between η and λ must be 2π = ληN . Finally, to integrate accurately with a fine grid and still not observe options prices with a large spacing Carr and Madan incorporate Simpson’s rule weightings. The option prices can then be represented as exp(−αku ) −i 2π (j−1)(u−1) ibvj η e N e ψ(vj ) [3 + (−1)j − δj−1 ] π 3 N C(ku ) = j=1 (2.19) where δn is the Kronecker delta function which is one for n = 0 and zero otherwise. After approximating (2.18) with the summation (2.19) we can apply the fast Fourier transformation to price the option for a range of strike values. Carr and Madan use this approach for the variance gamma model. The method was generalised to include other options by Raible [79] who uses Fourier and bilateral Laplace transforms and Lewis [59] who uses generalised Fourier transforms consistently. 36 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.5. Malliavin calculus and option price sensitivities 2.5 Malliavin calculus and option price sensitivities For a trader in options not only the price of an option is of interest, but also the sensitivities of the option price with respect to small changes in the parameters of the underlying asset model. The price sensitivities are often referred to as the Greeks. Calculating the Greeks can be done in a few different ways; Glasserman [37] reviews some Monte Carlo methods and some other can also be found in Kohatsu-Higa and Montero [53]. For Monte Carlo the most natural is to try to approximate the involved derivative by a finite difference. This forces us to take a numerical derivative of the payoff function which may not be smooth. In an inspiring paper by Fournié et al. [35] the authors showed that, under reasonable assumptions, all Greeks can be calculated using the Malliavin integrationby-parts formula without having to differentiate the option price. Their paper was soon followed by a number of papers using the same approach on different problems, see Fournié et al. [34], Kohatsu-Higa and Montero [53] and Larsson [55]. The work by Fournié et al. was set in the BlackScholes framework but the research in the area of Malliavin calculus for other processes than Brownian motion is a vital branch. Malliavin calculus for jump processes and Lévy processes have been studied for a long time with different approaches being suggested; for more knowledge we refer to research by Bichteler et al. [17], Di Nunno et al. [27], Nualart and Schoutens [70] and Nualart and Vives [71]. Considering a market driven by Poisson processes El-Khatib and Privault [31] proved a method similar to Fournié et al. [35]. Unfortunately, the need to have a Malliavin chainrule limits their choice of Malliavin differential operator to one with a domain excluding European claims. However, the domain includes Asian options and for such options it is possible to simulate the Greeks. Lately the thesis by Johansson [50] includes work on stochastic weights for calculating the Greeks in a jump-diffusion setting when the jump amplitude is deterministic. The idea from Fournié et al. is to use the Malliavin integration-byparts formula to get rid of the derivative and instead introduce Malliavin weights. The Greeks are derivatives with respect to the parameter θ we 37 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 2. Theory are interested in, ∂ ∂XT ∂ E[f (XT )] = E f (XT ) = E f (XT ) . ∂θ ∂θ ∂θ (2.20) Using the duality T E[F δ(u)] = E 0 (Dt F )ut dt , where δ(u) is the Skorokhod integral of u, which coincide with the Itôintegral if u is adapted, and the Malliavin chain-rule for a random variable X (2.21) Ds f (X) = f (X)Ds X, we have, assuming f (XT ) ∈ D1,2 and u ∈ Dom(δ), that ∂ E[f (XT )] = E[f (XT )δ(u)]. ∂θ (2.22) The random variable u is given as u = T 0 ∂XT ∂θ hT hv Dv XT dv . (2.23) The function δ(u) in (2.22) is in these circumstances sometimes referred to as the Malliavin weight since we after applying the integration-by-parts formula end up with the ”weighted” expectation of f (XT )δ(u). The application of Malliavin integration-by-parts has proved to reduce the variance in Monte Carlo simulations of the sensitivities, especially for sensitivities of higher derivative order. The reason for this is that the payoff functions do not have continuous derivatives. Considering a European call option with payoff function f (x) = (x − K)+ we see that d d2 f (x) 1 = = δK (x), 2 dx dx {x>K} hence, we have a Dirac delta function in the simulations. Few paths of the simulations will ”hit” and this leads to high variance and slow convergence. 38 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 2.5. Malliavin calculus and option price sensitivities It is known that this can be reduced by instead considering a weighted payoff function, or some other variance reduction technique. Below we will study the use of Malliavin calculus integration-by-parts in a jumpdiffusion setting. For all necessary background about Malliavin calculus in the pure Gaussian environment we refer to Nualart [69]. 39 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3 Simulation in Financial mathematics Black and Scholes’s work in the early seventies is nowadays common knowledge in the financial community. The theory is still the basis of option pricing, but it is always a competition among traders to use new methods to get ahead. The following sections concern extensions to the Black-Scholes theory and investigate markets driven by Lévy processes and stochastic volatility models. We study numerical methods in these incomplete markets, with applications in finance such as option pricing and Value-at-Risk. The spectrum of methods is quite broad, and spans over solutions to partial differential equations, the fast Fourier method and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Most of the methods are implemented from scratch, either in Matlab or in C++ . However, some of the random and quasi-random number generators are implemented by others. The low-discrepancy sequences used throughout this thesis are implemented by John Burkardt1 . Procedures and suggestions for implementing a few of the low-discrepancy sequences used can be found in Glasserman [37]. If not specifically mentioned, except the zero element we do not skip any numbers in the beginning of the sequence to improve the randomness, as suggested by Fox [36] and mentioned in Glasserman [37]. We mainly consider two types of options in our numerical solutions, European call/put options and average rate options, usually with payoff function of call-type. The latter is referred to as Asian options, but the use of average rate options is not crucial in any way. We could just as well have considered average strike options or other types of path dependent 1 School of Computational Science at Florida State University, http://www.csit.fsu.edu/∼burkardt 40 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. derivatives but for convenience we have chosen to stick to the average rate options. The simulations are conducted on designated simulation servers. We use Matlab 7 if the simulation is done in Matlab, with no particular optimisation of the code to speed up the simulations. For C++ implementations we use the standard g++ compiler, also here without further optimisation. The exceptions are the simulations of the time to execute certain procedures, which are done on a 1 MHz Macintosh Powerbook to ensure full control over the CPU usage. 41 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics 3.1 Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution Low-discrepancy sequences have proved to be superior over random sampled sequences for many problems involving numerical integration and there are many important problems in finance where they are applicable. Today new financial models develop which involve other distributions than the normal/log-normal distribution. One distribution which has attracted a lot of attention recently is the normal inverse Gaussian distribution, introduced in Section 2.3. We develop a new method to generate lowdiscrepancy sequences from this distribution, based on the sampling algorithm suggested by Rydberg [81]. We apply the method to option pricing problems and compare it to the Hlawka-Mück method [44]. This is joint work together with Fred Espen Benth. 3.1.1 The sampling algorithm The sampling algorithm given by Rydberg [81], which we review in Section 2.3, allows us to generate a normal inverse Gaussian random number from three uniformly distributed random numbers. It applies inverse transformations to obtain normally distributed numbers and the algorithm developed by Michael et al. [63] to generate inverse Gaussian numbers. Finally it takes advantage of the mean-variance mixing property of the normal inverse Gaussian distribution. The idea here is to use much the same algorithm but instead of sampling three random numbers we sample from a three-dimensional low-discrepancy sequence defined on the unit hypercube. The sequence of normal inverse Gaussian numbers is believed to have low-discrepancy, following from the low-discrepancy property of the original uniformly distributed sequence. However, that remains to be proved. Still, we can not expect any better discrepancy for our onedimensional sequence than for the three-dimensional sequence, which is of order O(log(n)3 /n). Due to this it is also expected that the quality of the sequence deteriorates in higher dimensions since the method operates with quasi-random sequences in a dimension three times as high. To investigate the performance of the algorithm we perform numerical tests where we compare it with other low-discrepancy methods and Monte Carlo 42 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.1. Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution methods. There are a few issues that we must address in the conversion from pseudo-random to quasi-random numbers. The first precaution we have to take is to observe that the Box-Müller transformation to obtain normally distributed numbers from uniformly distributed is not suitable for low-discrepancy sequences. This is because the Box-Müller transformation does not maintain the order of the sequence and hence destroys the low-discrepancy property. It is necessary to use some approximate inverse transformation such as the fast inversion method by Moro [64]. We denote the approximate inversion of the cumulative normal distribution function as Φ−1 (x). The second aspect which could be influencing the performance of the algorithm is in which order we use the uniformly distributed numbers. It is not evident which two dimensions that should be transformed to normally and chi-squared distributed random numbers. In theory there should not be any difference between the cases but we will investigate this in a small test. The algorithm is, apart from the sampling of the uniform numbers, identical with Algorithm 2.1 and given as: Algorithm 3.1. 1. Sample {u1 , u2 , u3 } ∈ [0, 1]3 from a suitable low-discrepancy sequence. 2. Let Y = Φ−1 (u1 ) ∼ N(0, 1) 3. Let V = (Φ−1 (u2 ))2 ∼ χ2(1) 4. Set λ = δ2 , ψ = δ/(α2 − β 2 ) 5. Compute z1 = ψ + − ψ 2λ 4ψλV + ψ 2 V 2 2 let Z = z1 otherwise, let Z = ψz1 √ 7. Return X = µ + βZ + ZY ∼ NIG(α, β, δ, µ) 6. If u3 ≤ ψ ψ+z ψ2 V 2λ The algorithm above generates a one-dimensional quasi-random number for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution. It extends straightforward to higher dimensions but care has to be taken when the dimensions 43 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics increase. The properties of low-discrepancy sequences yield that they perform worse in high dimensions because the sequences fill the unit interval in a way which to a less extent mimics randomness. Since this method requires a dimension of the uniform low-discrepancy sequence three times the dimension of the normal inverse Gaussian random number we wish to sample, it quickly ends up in high dimensions. The convergence of quasi-Monte Carlo methods is generally deduced from the Koksma-Hlawka bound in Theorem 2.3 and we would like to use the same result for the convergence of our low-discrepancy sequence. The error bound requires the variation of the function to be finite to have any useful meaning, but in finance functions occur that do not satisfy this requirement because they have a singularity at one of the boundaries. As mentioned, the problem was studied by Kainhofer [52] who proves a convergence result for improper integrals. The result allows Kainhofer to disregard the singularity and with the sequences used in his thesis the function has bounded variation. This since the function f is monotone in all variates, continuous and positive and hence, the variation in the sense of Vitali is merely the difference between the function values at the end points. We face the question whether we can prove that our transformed sequence has a certain discrepancy or if V (f ◦ Φ) has bounded variation. It remains to prove either of these statements to be true. Regarding the discrepancy of our sequence, we observe that intervals of the type used in the definition of discrepancy are not maintained when transforming from the three-dimensional hypercube into the one-dimensional unit interval. The transformation disrupts the ordering and breaks up in different one-dimensional intervals. It could be possible to consider isotropic discrepancy but then the discrepancy would depend on the dimension. Considering variation on the other hand, we see that the transformation consists of adding and multiplying functions which by themselves have finite variation. We can not adhere to the same reasoning as Kainhofer since the function (f ◦ Φ) is not monotone in all three variates. The transformation also has singularities at the boundaries but from the work by Kainhofer we know that this is not crucial. Still we would need to prove that V[0,c] (f ◦ Φ) < ∞. 44 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.1. Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution 3.1.2 Numerical tests of the NIG-qMC numbers The performance of the normal inverse Gaussian low-discrepancy sequence is assessed in three tests. We test both for accuracy and speed, the latter being a property which importance is not to be underestimated. Our quasi-Monte Carlo method (qMC) is compared to three other methods, an Acceptance-Rejection method (A-R), the Michael-Schucany-Haas Monte Carlo method with Algorithm 2.1 (MSH-MC) and the HlawkaMück method used by Kainhofer [52] (H-M). The last of these suffers, as mentioned earlier, from the deficiency that it is necessary to generate a predetermined number of random numbers. The consequence of this is that we have to rule out tests which measure the time until we reach a certain level of accuracy. The Hlawka-Mück method is also only defined for the unit interval, so we have to apply a transformation back and forth between the real line and the unit hypercube. Here Kainhofer uses the one-dimensional double-exponential distribution with inverse distribution function defined as 1 if x ≤ 12 , λ log(2x) Hλ−1 (x) = − λ1 log(2 − 2x) if x > 12 . It should be noted that to avoid taking the logarithm of zero in the transformation we apply a shift suggested by Kainhofer. We shift the point at zero 1/n away from zero before taking the logarithm, where n is the number of points in the sequence we use. This has, as Kainhofer proves, minor influence on the discrepancy of the Hlawka-Mück sequence. The first test is to determine the price of a plain vanilla call option. For the normal inverse Gaussian distribution we apply the same parameters as used in Chapter 8 in Kainhofer [52]: α = 136.29, β = −15.1977, δ = 0.0295, µ = 0.00395 and for the Hlawka-Mück method we let the transformation parameter be λ = 95.2271. To generate the quasi-random numbers we use a onedimensional Halton sequence for the Hlawka-Mück method while for our NIG-method we use a three-dimensional Niederreiter sequence with base 2. Since the Hlawka-Mück method operates in one dimension we are 45 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics confident that the Halton sequence exhibits sufficiently good uniformity compared to the Niederreiter sequence. There is no reason to believe that the accuracy would suffer from this choice of sequence and generating numbers from the Halton sequence is faster than from the Niederreiter sequence with the implementations we use. For the MSH and A-R methods we use Matlab’s2 random number generators draw the uniformly and normally distributed random numbers, both considered sufficiently accurate and certainly fast enough for this application. For the call option we set both the current value S0 and the strike K equal to 100$. We let the time to maturity be equal to T − t = 1 and choose the interest rate r = 0.0375. We assume the option has normal inverse Gaussian distributed log-returns and use a long simulation with the MSH Monte Carlo method as the ”true value”. Figure 3.1 shows loglog plots of the relative errors for the methods discussed above, with the numbers in Table 3.1. The error for the Hlawka-Mück method is generally lower than for the other methods but the quasi-Monte Carlo method is superior to the two Monte Carlo methods. The results for the two Monte Carlo methods are the mean over ten consecutive runs and we observe that the two methods perform equivalently for all sets of points. The quasiMonte Carlo method is slightly worse off than the Hlawka-Mück method in accuracy, which is expected. In one dimension the Hlawka-Mück points are filling the space in a more even way than the qMC points, which is clear from Figure 3.2. Hence, we expect that the Hlawka-Mück method is more accurate for a given point set, but are confident that the quasi-Monte Carlo method performs better than ordinary Monte Carlo. However, the latter may have significantly better convergence if we apply a variance reduction technique. In accuracy the Hlawka-Mück method seems to outperform the other methods. However, the execution times differ significantly, see Table 3.2. The generation of the Hlawka-Mück numbers involves calculating the cumulative distribution function using numerical integration and iterates over all points repeatedly, which makes the method very slow compared to the other ones. When we perform the Hlawka-Mück algorithm we do the integration within the method while Kainhofer does this in advance 2 The MathWorks, Inc www.mathworks.com 46 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.1. Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution Vanilla Call, Relative error Hlawka-Muck MSH-QMC MSH-MC A-R -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 2 3 10 4 10 10 Figure 3.1: Log-Log plot of the relative error for the vanilla call option price with different sizes of the sequence. Points 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16386 H-M 0.01011258 0.00617316 0.00797682 0.00146823 0.00227554 0.00107540 0.00111985 0.00087739 0.00075454 0.00070015 qMC 0.05077280 0.03862026 0.00631415 0.00727420 0.00703399 0.00414102 0.00266201 0.00252656 0.00103171 0.00139318 MSH-MC 0.11851085 0.12294521 0.10343995 0.04294779 0.04262519 0.02811982 0.02032262 0.01777099 0.01227639 0.00785865 A-R 0.15329472 0.13528923 0.09247369 0.05764136 0.04311718 0.03416768 0.02875563 0.01681956 0.01302171 0.00853969 Table 3.1: Table of the relative error for the vanilla call option price with different sizes of the sequence. 47 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Figure 3.2: Display of how the Hlawka-Mück and the quasi-Monte Carlo method place the NIG-numbers for 8, 16, 32 and 64 number of points. On the left Hlawka-Mück and on the right qMC. As seen the Hlawka-Mück method has a more symmetrically distributed set of points. Note that due to the shift described above, some points will overlap for the Hlawka-Mück method. using Mathematica3 . If we did all the numerical integration in advance and composed a common look-up table for all dimensions, we could probably speed up the computation. But as we saw above, the Hlawka-Mück method is clearly slower than the other methods also in one dimension, where it would not profit anything in speed from a look-up table. We also note that it may seem like shooting flies with a cannon to use a quasiMonte Carlo method which involves numerical integration on a problem where we could have applied numerical integration directly. Even though the integration is in only one dimension, and thus avoids the curse of dimensionality in multi-dimensional integration, the execution time for the Hlawka-Mück method compared to the other ones is a clear indication that there is more work done than necessary. The quasi-Monte Carlo method we propose has, as we saw above, slightly lower accuracy than the Hlawka-Mück method, but when consid3 Mentioned in personal correspondence 48 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.1. Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution Points 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16386 H-M 0.1400 0.1600 0.3200 0.6900 1.6200 4.3500 16.6100 91.1800 912.4300 8861.8200 qMC 0.0500 0.0100 0.0300 0.0400 0.1000 0.1800 0.3800 0.7800 1.6900 4.1100 MSH-MC 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0100 0.0100 0.0300 0.0600 0.1200 0.3300 0.9000 A-R 0.0084 0.0164 0.0344 0.0672 0.1372 0.2704 0.5404 1.0812 2.1676 4.3488 Table 3.2: Table of the execution times in seconds for the vanilla call option price with different sizes of the sequence. ering the time it takes to reach a certain level of accuracy our method is clearly competitive. The MSH-MC method is the fastest method for a given point set but it suffers, along with the Acceptance-Rejection method, from lower accuracy. As mentioned above, we also wanted to investigate if it matters in which order we use the three-dimensional uniform random numbers. We tried all six combinations on how to use the uniform random numbers and applied the sampled sequences on our test case. For a measure we looked at the relative error, using the same number of points, and as we see from Figure 3.3 there is really nothing to support the claim that there is one configuration superior to the others. The second problem we use the low-discrepancy sequence in is the Asian option pricing that Kainhofer [52] examines. The option considered is an Asian option with payoff defined as n + n 1 1 Sti − K = max Sti − K; 0 , CT = n n i=1 i=1 where 0 ≤ t1 ≤ . . . ≤ tn ≤ T . The option is sampled in weekly intervals and the parameters for the distribution are taken from Kainhofer. To be 49 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 Figure 3.3: A comparison between the relative errors for the six different ways to construct a NIG-random number from a three-dimensional uniformly distributed random number. consistent with the test by Kainhofer we let the options have a maturity of 4, 8 or 12 weeks, assuming that the year consists of 250 days. We change the low-discrepancy sequences and use a Sobol sequence in all simulations but retain the same pseudo-random number generators as in the previous example. We compare the quasi-Monte Carlo simulations with the Hlawka-Mück method and the MSH Monte Carlo algorithm, taking the average over 25 consecutive runs of the latter. The results can be found in Figure 3.4 and Table 3.3. We see from the simulations that our method is not as accurate as the Hlawka-Mück method in general, but still better than the crude Monte Carlo. In 12-dimensions we observe that we do not get nearly as good results for the Hlawka-Mück method as Kainhofer. This could perhaps be attributed to a better numerical integration in Kainhofer, who uses Mathematica to do the integration before applying the Hlawka-Mück method. We do the integration within the method, using native Matlab routines. Also, even if the Hlawka-Mück method gives a better result over a given number of points, we may reach the same accuracy in shorter time with other methods using more points. 50 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.1. Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution 4 dimensions Hlawka-Muck MSH-QMC MSH-MC -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 8 dimensions Hlawka-Muck MSH-QMC MSH-MC -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 12 dimensions Hlawka-Muck MSH-QMC MSH-MC -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 Figure 3.4: Log-Log plot of the relative errors for the Asian call option price with different sizes of the sequence. Quasi-Monte Carlo results are from a single run, Monte Carlo results are the average over 25 runs. 51 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Weeks 4 8 12 Points 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16284 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 Hlawka-Mück 0.13079557 0.08679400 0.00756672 0.02703015 0.01439562 0.00420187 0.00168669 0.00168594 0.00028162 0.00007650 0.21463320 0.13227181 0.06120678 0.05128452 0.01226835 0.00059155 0.00076278 0.00229076 0.00099830 0.00079433 0.20851413 0.14369758 0.10144742 0.07342596 0.02231852 0.00874624 0.00119659 0.00161204 0.00179086 0.00209312 qMC 0.22917154 0.13956108 0.09708311 0.04289004 0.00889153 0.00435682 0.00297870 0.00094640 0.00140666 0.00104608 0.21215963 0.16674452 0.10938196 0.07369482 0.02759557 0.00788642 0.00419800 0.00386445 0.00399959 0.00114663 0.24174604 0.18370054 0.11780219 0.08446360 0.03576499 0.00870698 0.00582237 0.01052069 0.00755347 0.00045517 MSH-MC 0.17510213 0.16489862 0.09815407 0.08618908 0.04437322 0.03109834 0.02604456 0.01899270 0.01246692 0.01125160 0.18043036 0.12749196 0.08177586 0.07981546 0.03522347 0.03046898 0.02312419 0.01531812 0.01029604 0.00963255 0.13577305 0.12737709 0.12008821 0.07392190 0.05823512 0.03033949 0.02637584 0.01818145 0.00991148 0.00795023 Table 3.3: Relative errors for the Asian call option with a maturity of 4, 8 and 12 weeks. We use the true values 0.89747876, 1.22601277 and 1.50376037 from a long Monte Carlo simulation with the MSH-algorithm. 52 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.1. Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution True VaR Quasi-Monte Carlo Monte Carlo 1 Monte Carlo 2 505 500 495 490 485 0.95 0.955 0.96 0.965 0.97 0.975 0.98 0.985 0.99 Figure 3.5: The quantile value for different levels of VaR for our test portfolio consisting of ten options with underlying assets having normal inverse Gaussian log-returns. The third test is inspired by Papageorgiou and Paskov [73] who constructed a portfolio consisting of 34 currency options and used quasiMonte Carlo simulations to calculate Value-at-Risk with normally distributed log-returns. Here we construct a portfolio with ten options with log-returns being normal inverse Gaussian distributed. The parameters for the different options are chosen such that µ = 0 for all options but with different values for the parameters steepness α and scale δ. We also assume that the distributions are symmetric, i.e. β = 0 for all options. For all options we also compute the first and second moments and find the normal distribution with the same moments. For the low-discrepancy sequences we use a Sobol sequence and for the pseudo-random numbers we use the function ran1 from Press et al. [77]. To get normally distributed values we use the inversion method by Moro [64]. We compute the expected value for the portfolio, assuming the log-returns are either normally or normal inverse Gaussian distributed. For every level of Valueat-Risk we sample 1000 portfolio values with both the Monte Carlo and 53 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Normal Monte Carlo Normal quasi-Monte Carlo NIG Monte Carlo NIG quasi-Monte Carlo 0.01 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 0 0.95 0.955 0.96 0.965 0.97 0.975 0.98 0.985 0.99 Figure 3.6: The relative errors for different levels of VaR for our test portfolio consisting of ten options with underlying assets having normal inverse Gaussian log-returns. The error for the Monte Carlo simulations is the mean of ten consecutive runs. our quasi-Monte Carlo method. To determine the price of the portfolio under both models we run a long simulation with Monte Carlo and at the same time we obtain a true value for Value-at-Risk. Results on how low-discrepancy sequences perform compared to random sequences when log-returns are normally distributed can be found in Papageorgiou and Paskov [73]. For normal inverse Gaussian distributed log-returns simulated with our quasi-Monte Carlo method we see from Figure 3.5 that quasi-Monte Carlo performs well compared to Monte Carlo. We have plotted the result for two randomly chosen seeds and we see that quasi-Monte Carlo is in general better than both the Monte Carlo simulations, which also is clear from the plot of the relative error in Figure 3.6. We have included the result from a test with the normally distributed logreturns too and we can see that the relative error from the simulations with normal inverse Gaussian log-returns are not worse off than the normally distributed. The fatter tails of the normal inverse Gaussian distribution 54 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.1. Low-discrepancy sequences for the normal inverse Gaussian distribution Comparison between VaR for normal and NIG distributed log-returns Normal True NIG True Normal QMC NIG QMC 520 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 360 340 0.95 0.955 0.96 0.965 0.97 0.975 0.98 0.985 0.99 Figure 3.7: Comparison between the quantiles if we assume either normally distributed or normal inverse Gaussian distributed log-returns. is anticipated to give the portfolio a higher value than in the normally distributed case. As we see from Figure 3.7 this is the case. The quantile estimate for the normal inverse Gaussian log-returns is approximately 140 units higher than for the normally distributed. The results from the three tests show that the method to generate low-discrepancy sequences from the normal inverse Gaussian distribution is competitive with both the Hlawka-Mück method and Monte Carlo. The method displays a good balance between speed and accuracy in all three tests and gives reliable results. This opens up for application of quasiMonte Carlo simulations with the normal inverse Gaussian distribution, which we know have properties desirable from a finance perspective. 55 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics 3.2 Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market Pricing options in the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard model with meanreverting stochastic volatility is a demanding task due to the subordinator in the squared volatility process. In the text that follows, we compute option prices with two different methods: the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in the way introduced by Carr and Madan [23] and the indifference pricing approach used by Benth and Meyer-Brandis [15]. The latter involves solving a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman integro-PDE for the indifference price. We compare our numerical results with prices from the Black-Scholes theory. This is joint work together with Fred Espen Benth. 3.2.1 Using the fast Fourier method We saw in Section 2.4.2 that the fast Fourier transform can be employed to price options when the characteristic function of the log-spot price is analytically known. The method was developed and tested on the variance gamma model by Carr and Madan [23] and related approaches were studied by Raible [79] and Lewis [59]. The latter two investigated models where the underlying assets were driven by Lévy processes, such as generalised hyperbolic or normal inverse Gaussian Lévy processes. Our aim in this section is to use the FFT-method for the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard model [12]: dSt = α(Yt )St dt + σ(Yt )St dBt , dYt = −λYt dt + dLλt , S0 = s > 0, Y0 = y > 0. (3.1) (3.2) In order to use the fast Fourier transformation we have to find the characteristic function for the model and employ this in the fast Fourier transform as shown by Carr and Madan. In the Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard model (3.1)-(3.2) the characteristic function depends on the specification of the Lévy process Lλt . It is known from work by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard [11, 12] that we can model the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process for the volatility in two ways. We can either specify the marginal distribution of the volatility and derive the density for the Lévy process L1 , or we can define the background driving Lévy process Lt and work out the model 56 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market from this. Since we are interested in the case where the log-returns of the price process are approximately normal inverse Gaussian distributed, and know that this happens when the volatility has an inverse Gaussian law, the first possibility is the one we adhere to. For any self-decomposable law D, of which the inverse Gaussian is one, there exists a Lévy process L such that the UO-process driven by L has invariant distribution given by D. The cumulant function of D, κD (θ) = ln E[eθD ], and the cumulant of L, κ(θ), are related as κ(θ) = θ dκD (θ) . dθ Since the cumulant function of the inverse Gaussian distribution IG(δ, γ) is 1 κIG (θ) = δγ − δ(γ 2 − 2θ) /2 we have the cumulant function for the corresponding Lévy process given by 1 κ(θ) = θδ(γ 2 − 2θ)− /2 . The Lévy density for L is for this specification 1 1 2 δ w(x) = √ x− 2 (1 + γ 2 x)e− 2 γ x . 2 2π Using the key formula proved by Eberlein and Raible [30], Nicolato and Venardos [66] calculate Laplace transforms for the price process of the stock in the BNS-model under structure preserving equivalent martingale measures. We know the the cumulant function of the log-price, ln[ψ(θ)] = ln[EQ t [exp(iθST )], under such measures. It is included in Nicolato and Venardos contribution to the discussion of the paper by Barndorff-Nielsen and Shepard [12], and given as √ θ 2 + iθ δ f1 2 [1 − exp{−λ(T − t)}]σt + ln[ψ(θ)] = iθ(St + r(T − t)) − 2λ λ √ f γ δγ δ(θ 2 + iθ) 1 √ tan−1 √ − tan−1 √ (3.3) − − λ λ2 f2 f2 f2 where f1 = γ 2 + θ 2 + iθ [1 − exp{−λ(T − t)}] λ 57 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics and f2 = −γ 2 − θ 2 + iθ . λ We now know the characteristic function, i.e. the cumulant function, for the BNS-model and hence, we can apply the methodology developed by Carr and Madan to price options. Note that the structure preserving equivalent martingale measures are such that the risk neutral variance process is again an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. This differs from the minimal entropy measure considered below, which turns the variance process into a general jump process. The following calculations show that it is unessential whether we use the Fourier transform in the spot prices or strike values. The original paper by Carr and Madan consider a Fourier transformation in the strike price, but we find it more natural to Fourier transform using the spot price. We still end up with a fast Fourier transform giving option prices for a range of strike prices. Consider a call option with payoff function / L2 (R) and hence, we must f (x) = max(ex − K, 0). It is clear that f (x) ∈ modify the payoff to have a square integrable function. In order to do so, we dampen the payoff function with e−(α+1)x , α > 0 such that −(α+1)x fα (x) := e e−αx − e−(α+1)x K 0 f (x) = if x > ln K, otherwise. This dampening factor will make sure the payoff function is killed when the asset price goes to infinity. We have that the modified payoff function fα (x) can be expressed as 1 fα (x) = 2π R fˆα (y)e−iyx dy where fˆα is the Fourier transform of fα fˆα (y) = R fα (x)eiyx dx. 58 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market Now fˆα (y) = ∞ (e−αx − e−(α+1)x K)eiyx dx ln K K 1 e(−α+iy) ln K + e(−(α+1)+iy) ln K −α + iy −(α + 1) + iy e−α ln K eiy ln K . α2 + α − y 2 − iy(2α + 1) = − = We then use this representation to get a pricing formula involving the characteristic function φ(x) in the following way E (eln ST − K)+ = E e(α+1) ln ST fα (ln ST ) 1 fˆα (y)e−iy ln ST dy = E e(α+1) ln ST 2π R 1 fˆα (y)E ei(−i(α+1)−y) ln ST dy = 2π R 1 fˆα (y)φ(−y − i(α + 1)) dy = 2π R −α ln K iy ln K e e φ(−y − i(α + 1)) 1 dy. = 2 2 2π R α + α − y − iy(2α + 1) If we make the change of variable y → −y we end up with e−α ln K ∞ φ(y − i(α + 1)) ln ST + e−iy ln K dy − K, 0) = E (e 2 2 + iy(2α + 1) π α + α − y 0 which is exactly the same expression for the call option price as (2.18) obtained by Carr and Madan [23] with ψT inserted, except for a discounting factor. Hence, we are free to use Fourier transforms in the spot price instead of the strike, and still obtain option prices for a range of different strike prices. For numerical testing we implement the method in Matlab and choose to consider a vanilla call option. For illustration we choose the parameters λ = 2.4958, γ = 11.98, δ = 0.872 59 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics in the BNS-model. We study two different exercise times, T = 1/4 and T = 1, and let σ0 = 0.25. For the choice of parameters the expectation of the Yt process in the stationary state will give a volatility of σ ≈ 0.3. We compare the method with prices from the Black-Scholes formula, without considering the execution times for the different approaches. For the FFTsolution we get option prices on an exponential grid consisting of 4096 different strike values. We use a suitable range of these to compute prices from Black-Scholes to compare with. We expect that the contribution from the subordinator will result in higher option prices for the BNSmodel compared to Black-Scholes prices with mean-reverting volatility. It is known that the range of option prices spanned by the whole set of structure preserving martingale measures is bounded below by (σ ∗ )2 , BlackScholes St , T −t the Black-Scholes price with spot price St and integrated squared volatility (σ ∗ )2 = 1 [1 − exp(−λ(T − t))]σt2 . λ Thus the price from the Barndorff-Nielsen-Shepard model will lay above this Black-Scholes price, with the difference vanishing when K is far away from S0 , which is also the case as we see from Figure 3.8. The BNS-prices is higher for all strike prices and this feature is prominent for both the exercise times. The prices differ clearly in an interval around the spot price, but approach each other as K tends to zero or infinity. The Carr-Madan method is both fast and reliable but has its limitations. The severest is that the method is quite restricted in what kind of option types it can handle. In specific it is unable to handle path dependent options, such as Asian options. We would like to compare the solutions from the fast Fourier method with solutions to the indifference pricing problem described below. However, it is known that the characteristic function used in the BNS-model is under a structure preserving equivalent martingale measure. At the moment, it is not clear to us how the structure preserving equivalent martingale measure with cumulant function (3.3) is related to the minimal entropy martingale measure in the indifference pricing problem. 60 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market Comparison between BNS-prices under structure preserving EMM and Black-Scholes prices, T=0.25 30 BNS-Price B&S-price with mean-reverting volatility 25 Option price 20 15 10 5 0 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Strike price K 105 110 115 120 125 Comparison between BNS-prices under structure preserving EMM and Black-Scholes prices, T=1 50 BNS-Price B&S-price with mean-reverting volatility 45 40 Option price 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 60 80 100 120 Strike price K 140 160 Figure 3.8: Comparisons between the option prices from the Barndorff-Nielsen-Shepard model and the BlackScholes prices. For T = 0.25 (top) the price from the BNS-model is close to the the Black-Scholes price with integrated mean-reverting volatility. For T = 1 (bottom) the BNS-price is higher indicating that the jumps in the volatility give higher prices. 61 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics 3.2.2 Numerical solutions of indifference pricing problems Instead of using the fast Fourier method to obtain prices we could apply the approach used in Benth and Meyer-Brandis [15] which we outlined shortly in Section 2.3.1. We study an investor who has two choices; to enter into the market herself, or to issue an option and invest the wealth. A dynamic programming approach leads to a partial differential equation containing an integral term. Implementing a finite difference solver for this problem is demanding because the integral needs to be approximated numerically. Below we propose numerical schemes and show results from simulations. The results are compared with prices from the Black-Scholes market. Benth and Meyer-Brandis use a dynamic programming approach to arrive at the following equation for the option price in the risk aversion limit 1 Λt + σ 2 (y)s2 Λss − λyΛy 2 ∞ +λ 0 (Λ(t, y + z, s) − Λ(t, y, s)) H(t, y + z) ν(dz) = 0. (3.4) H(t, y) The Lévy measure is not specified further when Benth and Meyer-Brandis derive this integro-PDE. However, when solving the occurring integroPDEs we will assume that the stationary distribution of Yt is an inverse Gaussian law with parameters δ and γ, i.e. Yt ∼ IG(δ, γ). Then the Lévy measure of L becomes 1 δ 3 ν(dz) = √ z − /2 (1 + γ 2 z) exp(− γ 2 z) dz. 2 2 2π (3.5) It is known that if Yt ∼ IG(δ, γ) then the log-returns of St will be approximately normal inverse Gaussian distributed. Solving the value function when no claim is issued Before we embark on computing the option price we first need to calculate the function H(t, y) which serves as a measure change in the integral. This function is related to the value function of the investor when she enters into 62 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market the market on her own account. H(t, y) is governed by an integro-PDE of its own, i.e. Ht (t, y) − α2 (y) H(t, y) − λyHy (t, y) 2σ 2 (y) ∞ +λ {H(t, y + z) − H(t, y)} ν(dz) = 0 (3.6) 0 with Feynman-Kac representation 1 T α2 (Yu ) du Yt = y , H(t, y) = E exp − 2 t σ 2 (Yu ) (t, y) ∈ [0, T ] × R+ . (3.7) To begin with we can observe that since the drift and volatility func√ tions in the model (2.10)-(2.11) are chosen to be α(y) = µ+βy, σ(y) = y the function 1 µ2 1 α2 (y) 2 =− + 2µβ + β y (3.8) g(y) = − 2 2 σ (y) 2 y has a singularity in y = 0. We know from Benth and Meyer-Brandis that H(t, y) is continuously differentiable in t and y and bounded by exp(a(t)y −1 + b(t)y + c(t)) ≤ H(t, y) ≤ 1, where µ (exp(λ(T − t)) − 1), 2λ β2 b(t) = − (1 − exp(−λ(T − t))), 2λ T φ(b(u)) du. c(t) = −µβ(T − t) + λ a(t) = − t Thus, H(t, y) is finite for all values of t and y. But from the Feynman-Kac representation (3.7) it is not clear what value H(t, 0) may take. Even if Y0 = y = 0, the integral in (3.7) will not be infinite since Yt is influenced by the subordinator and hence non-zero. However, we do not know what value H(t, 0) assumes because the contribution from the subordinator is 63 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics unknown. Hence, it is hard to find an explicit boundary condition at y = 0. One possibility is to employ a simulation technique such as Monte Carlo to find H(t, 0), but we propose another way to attack the problem. Despite that it is contrary to all financial intuition to have negative volatility we will when we solve for H(t, y) expand the solution space of y to include the whole real line. Then we have to impose boundary conditions for large values of |y| instead, something which will be readily found. The grid we use must by necessity avoid zero; we can not have a grid that makes us evaluate the function (3.8) in zero because that would result in a NaN-answer. The choice of grid for H(t, y) will also determine the grid in y for the option price, meaning the same considerations will have consequences there too. The integral is treated as a fully explicit source term, and needs to be discretised. We also have to find a way to approximate the integral outside of the grid. To derive boundary conditions for the solution domain we look at the function (3.8) occuring in the Feynman-Kac representation. We see that as y → ±∞, the first term in the function will go to zero. If µ is rather small and we choose the boundaries such that y is ”large” we can assume that the first term is insignificant at the boundaries. If we return to Equation (3.7), we may lift the second part of g(y) out of the expectation, integrate it and combine it with the explicit solution (2.15). This render us an explicit solution at the boundary given as H(t, y) = exp(−µβ(T − t)) exp(b(t)y + c(t)), (3.9) with β2 b(t) = − (1 − exp(−λ(T − t))), 2λ T c(t) = λ φ(b(u)) du. t This line of thought also suggests a way to handle the integral outside of the solution domain. If we can approximate the solution at the boundary with the explicit solution for the special case µ = 0, we may as well approximate H(t, y) outside the domain in this manner. This would give a way to assure us that we always evaluate the integral over a domain large enough to incorporate all essential parts. That is, even at the boundary we will have sufficiently many points for the evaluation of the integral. The 64 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market domain of the integration should be chosen so that the influence beyond the domain is insignificant because the measure is small. Since H(t, y) is not growing in y the integrand will die out as z grows. The integral term poses some additional problems. One is that since the Lévy measure is allowed to have infinite mass in an open interval around zero, it may tend to infinity if we let z ↓ 0. Considering the inverse Gaussian case, with Lévy measure (3.5), the measure will have a singularity at zero. If we look at the integrand for the special case µ = 0, where we have an explicit solution, we see that 1 δ 3 (H(t, y + z) − H(t, y)) √ z − /2 (1 + γ 2 z) exp(− γ 2 z) = 2 2 2π 2z γ δ exp(b(t)y + c(t) − /2) 3 1 √ (ez − 1)(z − /2 + γ 2 z − /2 ) . (3.10) 2 2π Now, ez − 1 will go almost linearly to zero as z → 0, and hence, (3.10) will go as z −1/2 . The integration is from zero, which would force us to make a division by zero in the numerical evaluation, but we can avoid this problem by starting the integration at ∆y. This is the first point available to us. However, if the parameters are such that much of the mass of the measure lays before this point, the integral will not be correctly evaluated. Adding to the problem, taking ∆y to be very small will give a cumbersome and very dense mesh. One way to bypass this problem may be to find an approximation for the part of the integral that we miss. One suggestion is that this part could constitute a diffusion term which should be added to the integral-PDEs, both for H(t, y) and the option prices, but this idea has not yet been tested. For the solver we use a tridiagonal solving routine, see Thomas [86], and derive an implicit Lax-Wendroff scheme for our non-homogeneous hyperbolic equation. If we start by looking at the homogeneous case, disregarding the integral term for a while, we see that we could write this as Hτ (τ, y) + g(y)H(τ, y) + a(y)Hy (τ, y) = 0, where a(y) = λy, g(y) is as in (3.8) and we make the time change τ = T −t. 65 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics To derive the Lax-Wendroff scheme we observe that Hτ τ = (−gH − aHy )τ = −gHτ − aHyτ = −gHτ − aHτ y = −gHτ − a(Hτ )y = −g(−gH − aHy ) − a(−gH − aHy )y = g2 H + agy H + 2agHy + ay aHy + a2 Hyy . Using the Taylor expansion in τ we have that ∆τ + (Hτ τ )n+1 Hkn+1 = Hkn + (Hτ )n+1 k k ∆τ 2 + O(∆τ 3 ) 2 = Hkn + (−gH − aHy )n+1 ∆τ k +(g2 H + agy H + 2agHy + ay aHy + a2 Hyy )n+1 k ∆τ 2 2 +O(∆τ 3 ) agy ∆τ 2 g2 ∆τ 2 n − g∆τ + Hkn+1 = Hk + 2 2 n+1 n+1 Hk+1 − Hk−1 aay ∆τ 2 2 2 + O(∆y ) + ag∆τ − a∆τ + 2 2∆y n+1 n+1 − 2Hkn+1 + Hk−1 Hk+1 2 2 2 + O(∆y ) + O(∆τ 3 ) +a ∆τ 2∆y 2 where Hkn is H evaluated at the point (n, k) in the (τ, y) grid and a = λy. To get a second order scheme both in time and space we now disregard higher order terms. Rewriting the Taylor expansion slightly, we end up with the implicit Lax-Wendroff scheme: λ∆τ agy ∆τ 2 R n+1 −1 + + g∆τ − R Hk−1 + g∆τ Hkn+1 + 1 + R2 − 2 2 2 λ∆τ R n+1 1− − g∆τ − R Hk+1 + = Hkn (3.11) 2 2 where R = λyk ∆τ /∆y. A conscientious survey of the convergence properties of this scheme, including the integral term, is necessary to ensure that it will converge to the correct answer. We shall return to this in future research, but will for 66 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market now only consider a stability analysis of the homogeneous scheme, using the discrete Fourier transform. Considering Equation (3.11) we see that the symbol of the difference scheme is −1 ρ(ξ) λ∆τ gy (y)λy∆τ 2 = 1 − g(y)∆τ − Ri sin ξ−R2 (cos ξ+1)+1− +g(y)∆τ 2 2 As usual, to assure stability we need for the simplest analysis |ρ(ξ)|2 < 1, ∀ξ. This is not easy to see, but an examination gives that the LaxWendroff scheme is stable except in a region around y = 0, where the influence from the term g(y) makes it unstable. However, the region is dependent on all the involved parameters µ, λ, β, ∆τ, ∆y, and it may be possible to shrink it to desired length by a clever choice of the latter two. For the special case µ = 0 we can prove that a sufficient condition for stability is that 2 1 −λ . y< 2 β ∆τ For moderate values of β and λ this condition is easy to satisfy by a careful choice of the solution area and step length. Solving the value function with a claim issued In the previous section we solved the case when the investor entered the market without issuing an option. We now turn our attention to the case when she issues a claim and the resulting indifference pricing problem. We are going to propose finite difference schemes to solve the PDE 1 Λt + σ 2 (y)s2 Λss − λyΛy 2 ∞ +λ 0 (Λ(t, y + z, s) − Λ(t, y, s)) H(t, y + z) ν(dz) = 0 (3.12) H(t, y) Since the option pricing is a problem in two spatial dimensions we use Gudonov dimensional splitting [39] and following Strang [85] we approximate the exact solution operator by successive use of one-dimensional operations, i.e. y s ∆t n Λ0 . S(T )Λ0 ≈ S s ∆t 2 S (∆t)S 2 67 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Here S(T ) is the exact solution operator approximated by S s (t) and S y (t), which are one-dimensional solution operators when (3.12) is splitted in the two dimensions and we iterate over n iterations. Splitting the problem leads us to the question when to include the integral term. Since we treat it as a non-homogeneous term, integrating over y, it seems natural to include the integral in the step solving in the y-direction. More information about dimensional splitting for conservation laws can be found in Kröner [54]. For both spatial dimensions we need to restrict the solution to a bounded domain to be able to use the finite difference method. This will force us to assign boundary conditions on all four sides of the domain. The restriction of the option pricing problem to a bounded domain is similar to the problems discussed in a series of papers by Barles et al. [6, 7, 8]. For a European option in the Black-Scholes market, as usually transformed to a heat equation, they prove that setting artificial boundary conditions only leads to errors in boundary layers. The convergence in the interior is exponential and uninfluenced by the boundary conditions. We note that in the step when we solve for S this is nothing but a Black-Scholes equation and solving for y is a non-homogeneous transport equation. Therefore we are confident that the results from Barles et al. are suitable also for our problem. Barles [6] also briefly discusses dimensional splitting for problems arising in finance theory, which we now will apply. For s the splitted equation is a heat equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions, the conditions will be examined below. In the solver we need a finite difference scheme and we decide to use the simplest implicit scheme: n Λn+1 k,l − Λk,l ∆t σ 2 (yk )s2l − 2 n+1 n+1 Λn+1 k,l+1 − 2Λk,l + Λk,l−1 ∆s2 = 0. For the solution operation S y we use the same approach as for H(t, y) to derive a non-homogeneous Lax-Wendroff scheme: Λtt = (−aΛy )t = −aΛyt = −aΛty = −a(Λt )y = −a(−aΛy )y = aay Λy + a2 Λyy , 68 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market where a = a(y) = λy. Using the Taylor expansion in t we have that = Λnk + (Λt )n+1 ∆t + (Λtt )n+1 Λn+1 k k k ∆t2 + O(∆t3 ) 2 2 n+1 ∆t 2 + O(∆t3 ) ∆t + (aa Λ + a Λ ) = Λnk + (−aΛx )n+1 y y yy k k 2 n+1 Λk+1 − Λn+1 k−1 n 2 = Λk − a + O(∆y ) ∆t 2∆y n+1 n+1 aay ∆t2 Λk+1 − Λk−1 + O(∆y 2 ) + 2 2∆y n+1 n+1 n+1 a2 ∆t2 Λk+1 − 2Λk + Λk−1 + O(∆y 2 ) + O(∆t3 ) + 2 ∆y 2 where Λnk is Λ evaluated at the point (n, k) in the (t, y) grid. Rewriting this gives the scheme R λR∆t R2 R λR∆t R2 n+1 2 n − − − +(1+R )Λ + − + Λn+1 Λn+1 k−1,l k,l k+1,l = Λk,l 2 4 2 2 4 2 with R = λyk ∆τ /∆y. For the stability we see that the symbol is |ρ(ξ)|2 = 1 + (R4 + 2R2 ) sin2 ( 2ξ ) + 1 R2 1 − λ∆τ 2 sin2 (ξ) 2 + R4 cos2 (ξ) for the homogeneous equation and it is clear that |ρ(ξ)|2 ≤ 1 ∀ξ. Hence, the scheme is unconditionally stable. Including the integro-PDE on the right hand side, i.e. the trapezoid sum, gives the whole scheme. Turning the attention to the boundary conditions we have to impose if we restrict the solution to a bounded domain, we see from (3.12) that the singularity from the function g(y) is not present here. Still, since H(t, y) appears in the integrand we will avoid to evaluate the integral in y = 0 since we do not have a value for H(t, 0). As before we will assume we can integrate from y = ∆y instead. At the same time, since the option prices do not really make sense for negative volatility it is natural to have zero as the left boundary. At y = 0 we see that the Equation (3.12) reduces to 69 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics the simple PDE Λτ − λ ∞ (Λ(τ, z, s) − Λ(τ, 0, s)) 0 H(τ, z) ν(dz) = 0. H(τ, 0) (3.13) This also gives the possibility to get boundary conditions, solving (3.13) on the boundary for every time step. For the boundary at S = 0 we have the usual condition that if the stock is worth zero it will remain at zero for its whole life span. Then clearly the value of the option is at any time equal to the payoff with St = 0. For the two remaining boundaries we need to argue why it is possible to use the Black-Scholes price as boundary conditions. We know from the Black-Scholes framework that as σ → ∞ and S → ∞ the price of a European call option will tend to the stock price. Similarly, for a European put option the price of the option will tend to the strike price. See Lewis [58] for a discussion of large volatility asymptotica for stochastic volatility models where the volatility process is driven by Brownian motions. For the far boundary of y in the Barndorff-Nielsen-Shepard model we note that under the historical measure P we have the explicit representation for the squared volatility Yt = y exp(−λt) + 0 t exp(−λ(t − u)) dLλu . We note that if y → ∞ then the second term is small compared to the first, in a short time frame. Hence, for shorter time periods and large Y0 = y then Yt ≈ y exp(−λt), and thus we have a deterministic volatility. This means the stock dynamics will be dSt = rSt dt + ye−λt St dBt where r is the constant risk-free rate of return. Since both rate and the volatility are deterministic, though the latter is not constant, we can use the Black-Scholes formula to compute the price for the option under this dynamics. We therefore conclude that when y is ”large” we can let Λ(t, y, s) ≈ ΛBS (t, y, s) 70 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market where ΛBS (t, σ, s) is the price of the option in the Black-Scholes framework. A similar consideration should be possible to make under the minimal entropy measure but that remains to be proved. Observe that when we use the Black-Scholes formula to acquire boundary values √ we have to modify it to handle non-constant volatility, i.e instead of σ T − t in the formula we will have T t (ye−λτ )dτ = (e−λt − e−λT )y . λ What remains to investigate is the far boundary of S with moderate values of y. From the risk neutral valuation we know that for a European call we have Λ(t, y, s) K t,1,y Q = E max(ST − , 0) s s where STt,s,y is the asset price with St = s. When s is large then K/s is small and the probability that STt,1,y > K/s tends to 1. This gives that K K Λ(t, y, s) ≈ EQ STt,1,y − =1− s s s since STt,1,y is a Q-martingale. Hence, Λ(t, y, s) ≈ s − K and if s is large compared to K then s − K ≈ C BS (t, y, s), the price for the call option in the Black-Scholes model. As above we have to use the integrated volatility over the time period in the Black-Scholes model. This gives us boundary conditions on all of the boundaries in the model. The next problem is that if we choose to have a boundary at y = 0 and use a uniform grid it will not be coherent with the grid for H(t, y). Actually, using the same step size, every grid point of the asset price will be right in between two grid points of H(t, y) and vice versa. To avoid this we need to use a non-uniform grid, more precisely we need to take a step with half the step size for the first grid cell. To use such a grid we need to work out a finite difference scheme for the non-uniform part of the grid. We do this using the method of undetermined coefficients. Taking 71 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics the Taylor expansion around a point in the second row in y we see that 1 n n = vk,l + (vy )nk,l ∆y + (vyy )nk,l ∆y 2 + O(∆y 3 ) vk+1,l 2 ∆y 2 1 n n n ∆y n vk−1,l = vk,l − (vy )k,l + (vyy )k,l + O(∆y 3 ). 2 2 2 Applying the method of undetermined coefficients and disregarding higher orders we get n n n + bvk,l + cvk−1,l = avk+1,l (a + b + n c)vk,l 1 a∆y 2 c∆y 2 n + (a∆y − c∆y)(vy )k,l + + (vyy )nk,l . 2 2 8 To get an approximation to a first order derivative we see that we have to choose a, b and c to satisfy a+b+c = 0 1 a∆y − c∆y = 1 2 1 1 a∆y 2 + c∆y 2 = 0. 2 8 The solution to this equation system gives the approximation Λy (n∆t, k∆y, l∆s) ≈ 1 (−4Λnk−1,l + 3Λnk,l + Λnk+1,l ), 3∆y and same procedure will give us Λyy (n∆t, k∆y, l∆s) ≈ 4 (2Λnk−1,l − 3Λnk,l + Λnk+1,l ). 3∆y 2 Using these approximations we get the following finite difference scheme λR∆t 4R 2λR∆t 4R2 n+1 2 + − Λk−1,l + 1 + R + 2R − Λn+1 − k,l + 3 3 3 2 R λR∆t 2R2 n − Λn+1 − − k+1,l = Λk,l . 3 6 3 72 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market Integro-PDEs arising in finance has been studied from a convergence point of view in Amadori [1], Amadori, Karlsen and La Chioma [2] and Jakobsen and Karlsen [48]. Our intention in the continuation is to study their research and from it deduce convergence results for our finite difference integro-PDE solutions. The results from the simulation we refer to below indicates that the schemes we suggest are working satisfactory but the theoretical justification has yet to be done. Results from the numerical option pricing We have proposed schemes to handle the partial differential equations for both the case where a claim is issued and not. All the schemes are implemented and we can now show some results from the simulations, starting with the solution to (3.6). We choose to use the parameters given in Nicolato and Venardos [66]: ρ = −4.7039, λ = 2.4958, γ = 11.98, δ = 0.0872. They use a data set of 87 European call options for six different maturities on the S&P 500 index and fit an inverse Gaussian Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process by minimising the mean square error. Their model includes a leverage parameter ρ which we do not incorporate in our model. They do not mention any value for the parameter β, so we feel free to try a few different values. The solution for the function H(t, y) is important since the function occurs as a measure change in the integral of the partial differential equation (3.4. Therefore we need to simulate H(t, y) before we can start the simulation of the option price. Figure 3.9 displays solutions for H(t, y) both with µ = 0 and µ > 0, including the explicit solution (2.15) when applicable. We see that when µ is non-zero the solution will have a sharp turn downwards as we approach zero from above. The effect is not as visible in all plots in Figure 3.9 since the grid size is too coarse to capture this feature when β is large, i.e. β = 0.5. To see the development of the solution when we solve backwards in time we mesh the solution of H(t, y) over time in Figure 3.10. In Figure 3.11 we see a small display of what solutions from the integroPDE solver look like for the option prices. The simulation was conducted 73 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Solution with beta = 0.05, mu = 0, gamma = 11.98, delta = 0.0872, lambda = 2.4958 Solution for H(t,y) with beta = 0.05, mu = 0.1, gamma = 11.98, delta = 0.0872 1 1 0.995 0.995 0.99 0.99 0.985 0.985 0.98 H(0,y) H(0,y) 0.98 0.975 0.975 0.97 0.97 0.965 0.965 0.96 0.96 Explicit solution Simulated solution 0.955 0.95 5 10 15 20 0.955 0.95 25 5 10 15 y 20 y Solutions with beta = 0.5, mu = 0, gamma = 11.98, delta = 0.0872, lambda = 2.4958 Solution with beta = 0.5, mu = 0.1, gamma = 11.98, delta = 0.0872, lambda = 2.4958 1 1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 H(0,y) H(0,y) Explicit solution Simulated solution 0.9 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 5 10 15 20 0.2 5 10 y 15 y Figure 3.9: Figures from the simulation of H(0, y) with the parameter values from Nicolato and Venardos and different values for β and µ. 74 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 20 25 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market Solution development over time from terminal time 1 to 0 1 0.99 H(t,y) 0.98 0.97 25 0.96 20 0.95 15 10 0.94 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 y t Figure 3.10: Simulations of H(t, y), with the parameter values from Nicolato and Venardos, showing the development over time, given the terminal condition H(1, y) = 1. 75 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Indifference prices for a European call, T=1, K =200, BNS and IG parameters from Nicolato & Venardos 120 100 Option price 80 60 40 20 0 300 1 250 0.8 200 0.6 150 0.4 100 0.2 50 s 0 y Figure 3.11: Option prices for the indifference pricing problem with the stationary distribution of the volatility process being inverse Gaussian. with an inverse Gaussian law for the stationary distribution of the volatility process with parameters for the distribution taken from Nicolato and Venardos. For this particular simulation the only intention was to create an image of a solution so the grid is coarse on purpose. We have not plotted the whole solution area which was (s, y) ∈ [0 600] × [0 1.99]. To get a better picture of how the solution of the indifference pricing relates to prices from the Black-Scholes theory we need first to determine what volatility we should use in the Black-Scholes formula. Since the volatility process Yt has a stationary distribution we suggest the following procedure: We find the expectation of Yt in the stationary state and let the square volatility in Black-Scholes, σ 2 , be equal to this expectation. We should then also choose the starting value y for the process Yt in the Barndorff-Nielsen-Shepard model to be σ 2 . This means we compare Black76 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market Indifference price and Black-Scholes price with the volatility equal to the expectation of the Y process Difference between indifferenceprice with y=0.0075 and Black-Sholes price with vol=0.0872/11.98 t 50 0.2 Indifference price Black-Scholes price 45 0.1 40 0 35 Difference Option price 30 25 -0.1 -0.2 20 15 -0.3 10 -0.4 5 0 150 160 170 180 190 200 S 210 220 230 240 250 -0.5 0 100 200 300 S 400 500 600 Figure 3.12: Plots of the indifference prices and prices from Black-Scholes theory and the difference between them. The Black-Scholes volatility is chosen to be equal to the expectation of the stationary distribution to the Yt -process. Scholes prices with constant volatility to our indifference prices which have a volatility fluctuating around this constant level. As we see in Figure 3.12 the two price curves are very similar, with the indifference prices slightly lower around the strike price and higher further out. The influence from the heavy tails is not as evident in the indifference prices as we expected. This might be attributed to the choice of parameters which makes the expected volatility comparably small, only 8.5%. If we instead choose the volatility for the Black-Scholes prices to be the integrated mean-reverting part of the Yt -process we face another situation. We then expect the subordinator to influence volatility for the BarndorffNielsen-Shepard model, leading to higher prices. The situation is similar to the one Section 3.2.1, and we know that the Black-Scholes price form the lower bound for the Barndorff-Nielsen-Shepard price. In Figure 3.13 we have plotted the difference between the indifference prices and the BlackScholes prices. We see clearly that the Barndorff-Nielsen-Shepard price is higher than the price from Black-Scholes, especially for low volatilities and around the strike price. It appears that the difference is fading out as we go further out in both S and y, which is what we assume for the 77 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Difference between indifference price and Black-Scholes price with mean-reverting volatility 3.5 3 Difference 2.5 0 2 0.1 1.5 0.2 1 0.5 0.3 0 0.4 0 100 200 300 y 400 500 600 S Figure 3.13: Plot of the difference between the indifference price and Black-Scholes price with integrated meanreverting volatility. 78 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.2. Option pricing in a Barndorff-Nielsen - Shepard UO-market boundary conditions. The results presented from the integro-PDE solver are snapshots from an ongoing research project. The solver is continuously improved and there are numerous things waiting to be added to the system. The results above give evidence that the system is reliable, but still it has to be more thoroughly tested. The development will continue by considering the same approach for Asian options, which means we have to add one more dimension. One interesting question to investigate would be how two different actors, believing in either the Black-Scholes or the BarndorffNielsen-Shepard model, would price an option if we simulate the dynamics for the models with a common Brownian motion. 79 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics 3.3 Root finding using quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method Many problems in financial engineering can be cast as root finding problems. One important type of problem which can be recasted in this fashion is the estimation of Value-at-Risk. The problem is to find a quantile of a random variable describing the investment return or position for a given risk level. To assess the risk of a portfolio the investor tries to find the value that she with a certain probability is not going to lose. To calculate the quantile, one could perform a Monte Carlo simulation of the random variable, for example simulate paths for the stocks in a portfolio. Such simulations can easily become time consuming and inefficient when the considered portfolio involves many assets. One alternative is to use quasi-Monte Carlo simulation, which has to be adopted since it is based on the simulation of deterministic sequences of numbers rather than (pseudo-)random sequences. Hence, we can not estimate the quantile, per se. However, we can rewrite the quantile calculation as the evaluation of an expectation, and combined with a fixed-point method one can easily use quasi-Monte Carlo. Another type of problem which can be cast in a suitable fashion is finding implied parameters from given data, such as option prices. Estimating the implied volatility is clearly the most prominent example of this. We suggest a method of solving root finding problems using a quasiMonte Carlo method combined with Newton’s method. We implement the model and try it on two different problems: calculating the Value-atRisk of an investment position and finding the implied scale parameter δ in a market with log-returns of stocks being normal inverse Gaussian distributed N IG(α, β, δ, µ). This is joint work together with Fred Espen Benth and Paul C. Kettler. 3.3.1 Description of the method Root finding is a well known problem in mathematics. The combination with quasi-Monte Carlo to evaluate the involved functions and derivatives has not been studied so far, to our knowledge. The method is described for the problem of measuring the Value-at-Risk but the general procedure 80 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.3. Root finding using quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method is similar for other root finding problems. Let X(T ) > 0 be a random variable describing the portfolio position at time T . We are interested in finding the Value-at-Risk VaRT (α) for a given risk level α ∈ (0, 1) at time T , defined as: Pr [X(T ) ≤ VaRT (α)] = α We can rewrite this as E 1{X(T )≤VaRT (α)} = α To this end, define the function g : R+ → [0, 1] as g(β) = E 1{X(T )≤β} and note that VaRT (α) is a solution of the equation g(β) = α. We can find this solution by using a fixed-point iteration (e.g., Newton’s Method) in conjunction with some simulation method enabling us to calculate g(β) for a given β. We suggest using quasi-Monte Carlo techniques for the latter. Letting β0 ∈ R+ be our initial guess of VaRT (α), we can use Newton’s Method to iterate as follows: βn+1 = βn − g(βn ) − α . g (βn ) We now elaborate a bit on the form of g. We let X(T ) be the value of a portfolio of n risky assets or a mixture of assets and options on these, represented as n fi S1 (T ), . . . , Sm (T ) . X(T ) = i=1 Here Sj (t), j = 1, . . . , m is an m-dimensional geometric Brownian motion and fi are the pay-off functions. If asset number j is a stock, then we have fj (x1 , . . . , xm ) = xj , while if it is a call option we can write it as fj (x1 , . . . , xm ) = [xj − K]+ . However, the specification of the fj ’s can be chosen rather freely. We conclude with g(β) = E 1{0≤Pn fi (S1 (T ),...,Sm (T ))≤β } . i=1 81 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics 3.3.2 Numerical results The method outlined above was implemented in C++ and tested. The implementations use an ordinary Newton-Raphson’s method and a Sobol sequence [84] to generate the uniform quasi-random numbers. For the numerical derivative we keep track of the closest point larger than the current estimate. We then use the difference between the function values at the two points divided by the distance between them as the numerical derivative. A better way might be to also keep track of the closest value smaller than the estimate and use this as the lower point to get a somewhat centered value for the difference. However, that would mean we have to do more operations, which inevitably slows down the process. Our test case is a portfolio consisting of ten options. We use normal inverse Gaussian log-returns employing the quasi-Monte Carlo sampling algorithm we proposed in Section 3.1, and let every option have different parameters to reflect a diverse range of heavy tails. Instead of estimating the possible loss we rather calculate the quantile, out of convenience. As a true value we use a Monte Carlo simulation over 100 000 points using the Michael, Schucany and Haas [63] algorithm (MSH). One concern we must address is the problem with the number of points. When using a Sobol sequence to generate quasi-random numbers we would preferably use 2k number of points, where k is a positive integer. However, presume we are interested in Value-at-Risk at a 5 % level. If we use 210 = 1024 points and sort the points, we would look for the point in position 0.05 ∗ 1024. This value is not an integer and hence, we are not able to pick out one number from the sequence which is the quantile. It is clear that we must use a number of points such that the position we seek is an integer, with the risk that this practice would demolish the advantage of the quasi-random numbers. Take n number of points and let the desired level of Value-at-Risk be denoted VaR. The way our method works means we can not hope for a better value for VaR than between the n ∗ VaR-point and the point above this in the sorted point set, see Table 3.4 and Figure 3.14. We observe that with the low-discrepancy sequence we underestimate the quantile for all levels but have not found any explanation for this. The hope is that our method is faster than the procedure to sort the points in order to find 82 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.3. Root finding using quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method VaR 0.010 0.020 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.032 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.040 0.042 0.044 0.046 0.048 True 4.2166 5.1591 6.0225 6.9381 7.8956 8.7591 9.6287 10.4094 11.2482 11.9398 12.8199 13.5697 14.3761 15.1415 15.9424 16.6828 17.5082 18.3226 19.0592 19.7754 Sorting 3.8483 3.9128 4.5565 4.8286 5.4323 6.3773 7.0618 8.4053 9.1187 10.6132 11.6665 12.5485 14.1657 14.4826 14.9184 15.5063 16.0907 16.3529 16.5205 17.8377 Newton 3.8483 4.0000 4.5565 4.8286 5.6703 6.3773 7.8710 8.7925 9.4216 10.8920 11.6665 13.3410 14.1657 14.6097 15.4281 15.5063 16.0907 16.3529 17.2845 17.8994 Table 3.4: Results for Value-at-Risk, in order: True over 100 000 points, quasi-Monte Carlo with sorting and quasi-Monte Carlo combined with a Newton’s method. Observe that it is not the loss but the quantile we estimate. 83 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 True Quasi-MC with sorting Q-MC with Newton 4 2 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 Figure 3.14: Plots of the quantile value for our test portfolio. the VaR point. In order to test this, we run 10 consecutive runs and take the mean value over these runs to smooth computer dependent variations. As seen in Table 3.5, our method is comparable to the time it takes to sort the numbers and find the quantile. However, if we take a closer look at the time consuming parts of the algorithm we see that drawing the quasirandom numbers and evaluating the portfolio takes roughly 0.20 seconds. This can be compared with the time of sorting 1000 points, which takes about 0.004 seconds. Hence, the time to gain with our approach is insignificant compared with the time consumed by the portfolio evaluation. We also tried bigger samples but the results are comparable. It seems as there is not much time to gain with our method compared to the sorting method if we can not find a way to use the information from the Newtonstep incorporated in the quasi-Monte Carlo step. However, it could be that such an approach would force us to recalculate the portfolio values, which we know may be costly in time. It appears that the method proposed does not show any improvement when calculating the Value-at-Risk. We therefore turn to our other appli84 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.3. Root finding using quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method VaR 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.028 Sorting 0.256397 0.235974 0.266168 0.214551 0.235424 0.204791 0.261452 0.249517 0.238459 0.233685 Newton 0.241291 0.249520 0.215514 0.272042 0.266426 0.214724 0.239493 0.220421 0.236495 0.238318 VaR 0.030 0.032 0.034 0.036 0.038 0.040 0.042 0.044 0.046 0.048 Sorting 0.232662 0.254411 0.209714 0.275124 0.214633 0.206088 0.205839 0.201311 0.254594 0.196902 Newton 0.271422 0.211206 0.248633 0.238863 0.211679 0.204452 0.229958 0.225077 0.238070 0.234068 Table 3.5: Times to calculate Value-at-Risk for quasiMonte Carlo with sorting and quasi-Monte Carlo with Newton’s method. MC Quasi-MC with sorting Q-MC with Newton 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05 Figure 3.15: Plots of the times to calculate VaR for 1000 points. 85 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics cation of the method, finding parameters implied from given prices. We could imagine that we have option prices quoted on some market and a model for the dynamics of the underlying assets. For example, we could imagine that the underlying asset follows some stochastic model making the log-returns normal inverse Gaussian distributed. Since the method can only work with one single parameter we must for a four-parameter distribution, such as the normal inverse Gaussian, have some other way to assess the other three parameters beforehand. When we have the other parameters in place it is an easy task for the algorithm to find the remaining parameter sought after from the given price. The parameter finding problem differs from the VaR estimation in one crucial way. In every step we can use the best estimate to recalculate the option prices we simulate with quasi-Monte Carlo. It is not necessary to sample new random numbers, but we must recalculate the prices with the new parameters. In this way we have new input in every step and have a much different accuracy than for the Value-at-Risk simulation above. We start testing the method with a European call option. The method is implemented in C++ and we use a very long Monte Carlo simulation to get a ”true value” for the option, which will be the designated target. We use parameter values from Rydberg [81] for the NIG-parameters and choose the set of parameters for Deutsche Bank as our test example. The estimated value of the scale parameter is in this case δ = 0.012, but to test the model we try a range of values such that δ ∈ [0.001, 0.002, . . . , 0.02]. To avoid some numerical difficulties arising because δ is non-negative the simulations work with the squared parameter δ2 instead of the parameter itself. In the Newton’s method we implement a few different termination criteria. Since the method compares option prices and not parameters the main criterion is that we have an agreement between the simulated and the given price up to a certain precision. Next, to avoid lengthy simulations we put an upper bound on the number of iterations. Finally, to avoid having the method iterating back and forth until the number of iterations hits the boundary we keep track of the two latest simulated parameter values and terminate if they happen to equal. We found that using 4096 points for the quasi-Monte Carlo method gives a good balance between speed and accuracy in the simulations. We see from Table 3.6 that the method finds the given value of δ within a few percent relative error in about one 86 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.3. Root finding using quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method δ 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 δ̂ 0.00098 0.00192 0.00287 0.00390 0.00494 0.00599 0.00698 0.00799 0.00898 0.00993 Time 0.30912 0.69724 0.22056 0.34375 0.20619 0.17977 0.18817 0.18907 0.18820 0.18844 δ 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 δ̂ 0.01090 0.01177 0.01269 0.01357 0.01460 0.01563 0.01664 0.01768 0.01869 0.01968 Time 0.17700 0.19173 0.21593 0.18810 0.17739 0.17744 0.17814 0.19812 0.18875 0.17994 Table 3.6: Simulated δ with a combination of Newton’s method and quasi-Monte Carlo simulations. The right column gives the time until the methods terminates. The relatively long time in the second row is due to the maximal number of iterations being exceeded before any terminal condition was met. fifth of a second when the method terminates without reaching the limit of iterations. The second row is the exception, where the method hits the limit before converging and hence also has a longer simulation time. It should be noted that the method compares option prices with a precision of order 10−5 , which is probably much more precise than what is quoted as market prices. If we had quoted prices with two or three decimals the estimation would differ much more. Also, the Monte Carlo simulation of the ”true price” adds some additional errors which we do not have if we consider the quoted price as the true observed price. This method easily extends to path dependent options such as Asian options. To illustrate this we implement the method using a 10 days Asian option with daily normal inverse Gaussian distributed log-returns and parameters as above. As a target we again simulate a ”true price” with a Monte Carlo simulation over one million points. We apply a Sobol sequence for the low-discrepancy numbers and the effective dimension is 30, since we need 10 NIG-dimensions and it takes three dimensions in the uniformly distributed sequence to construct one NIG-dimension. It 87 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics comes as no surprise that the method now requires considerably longer time, regarding that we need much more work to evaluate the option in each qMC step. As we can see in Table 3.7 the time for the simulation is now around a second, if we do not iterate until the maximal number of iterations. This terminal condition is reached in a few more cases now, which we believe is because the evaluation of the option is much more complex. Finally we would like to try out what happens in the case where we have quoted option prices with only two decimals precision. In reality this is the situation we would find if we used real data as the basis for our root finding algorithm. We do this by lowering the precision in the Newton’s method to be of order 5∗10−3 . The results in Table 3.7 show that the simulation then takes slightly shorter time if we lower the precision, and we note that none of the simulations make the algorithm reach the maximal number of iterations. The precision in the estimates are the same in many cases, and overall not significantly worse than previous results. Clearly, to have prices quoted with many decimals is not crucial for the result. The error in the Monte Carlo or quasi-Monte Carlo evaluations is probably much more influential than the error in the terminal condition of the Newton’s method. For the estimation of Value-at-Risk our combination of the root finding Newton’s method and function evaluation with quasi-Monte Carlo was not a considerable improvement to the traditional sorting approach. The method did on the other hand perform well for the parameter estimation tests. The inherent error in the function evaluation accounts for the main part of the difference between the estimated and the true parameter. Still, the implementations could be amended in different ways, such as to include ways to increase the number of points used. 88 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.3. Root finding using quasi-Monte Carlo and Newton’s method δ 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 δ̂ 0.00098 0.00198 0.00301 0.00397 0.00492 0.00593 0.00691 0.00787 0.00890 0.00986 0.01089 0.01194 0.01293 0.01378 0.01482 0.01564 0.01668 0.01771 0.01889 0.01983 Time 1.41909 1.42920 3.44083 0.96106 1.07919 1.07432 0.96277 3.46073 0.96268 1.10093 1.18727 0.88143 1.21701 0.93266 4.64122 0.98624 1.00544 0.96827 0.91976 3.48384 δ̄ 0.00098 0.00197 0.00300 0.00397 0.00492 0.00592 0.00691 0.00787 0.00890 0.00980 0.01089 0.01194 0.01292 0.01379 0.01475 0.01564 0.01668 0.01770 0.01889 0.01984 Time 1.08032 1.08491 1.08687 0.97535 0.97139 0.86727 0.86690 0.85736 0.86405 0.63186 0.74758 0.74309 0.74683 0.75018 0.74524 0.85670 0.85645 0.85376 0.86557 0.87636 Table 3.7: Simulated δ with a combination of Newton’s method and quasi-Monte Carlo simulations for an Asian option over ten days. δ̂ is the estimate with precision 10−5 in the Newton’s method while δ̄ is the estimate when we have a precision of order 5 × 10−3 . 89 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics 3.4 Calculating Greeks in a jump-diffusion market This section investigates an approach to Monte Carlo simulations of price sensitivities in a jump-diffusion market. The research on jump-diffusion markets and Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes has developed rapidly the last years. In this section we follow up an idea by León et al. [57] and combine it with an approach to split expectation in order to differentiate in the directions of the involved processes. This is joint work together with Roger Pettersson4 . 3.4.1 Background In an article León et al. [57] the authors develop a Malliavin calculus and derive hedging strategies for a market driven by simple Lévy processes. A simple Lévy process is a linear combination of a Brownian motion and n independent Poisson processes with constant jump sizes and intensity λj respectively, i.e. Xt = σWt + α1 N1 (t) + · · · + αn Nn (t), t ≥ 0. (3.14) León et al. prove that such a process can approximate a Lévy process consisting of a Brownian motion and a compound Poisson process with i.i.d. jump sizes. Considering a simple Lévy process it is possible to interpret the derivatives in the directions W, N1 , . . . , Nn in the classical Malliavin sense, from the following proposition Proposition 3.1. Consider a simple Lévy process Xt = σWt + α1 N1 (t) + · · · + αk Nn (t), t ≥ 0. (a) Let F = f (Z, Z ) ∈ L2 (Ω), where Z only depends on the Brownian motion W and Z only depends on the Poisson processes N1 , . . . , Nn . Assume that f (x, y) is a continuously differentiable function with bounded partial derivatives in the variable x and that Z ∈ D(0) . Then F ∈ D(0) and ∂f (Z, Z )D(0) Z. D(0) F = ∂x 4 The authors are grateful to Fred Espen Benth for useful suggestions and comments. 90 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.4. Calculating Greeks in a jump-diffusion market (b) Let F ∈ D(j) for some j ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Consider element a generic k . Then [0, T ] ω = (ω0 , . . . , ωn ) ∈ Ω = ΩW × ΩN1 × · · · × ΩNn , ωj ∈ ∞ k=0 (j) Dt F (ω) = F (ω0 , . . . , ωj−1 , ωj + δt , ωj+1 , · · · , ωn ) − F (ω), where ωj + δt = (s1 , . . . , sr , t), t, if ωj = (s1 , . . . , sr ), if ωj = {a}. Here D (0) is the derivative in the direction Wt , D(j) , j = 1, . . . , n is the derivative in the direction Nj (t) − λj t defined by iterated integrals, and [0, T ]0 = a, where a is a distinguished element. By ωj = (s1 , . . . , sr , t) means heuristically that we to the previous events at times s1 , . . . , sr add an extra event at time t. If ωj = {a} means no event has happened up to time t. It is worth to notice that the derivative operator for the Poisson processes differs from the one used by El-Khatib and Privault [31]. León et al. use this to compute the derivative in the direction W for a European call option by rules from the Brownian motion Malliavin theory. 3.4.2 Directional derivatives and approximations to Lévy processes The idea for our investigation is to use Proposition 3.1, where we consider the factor which does not depend on the direction in which we differentiate to act as a constant. We can therefore use directional derivatives and let the resulting expression be the Greeks. Since the Poisson difference operator considered by León et al. does not allow an integration-by-parts formula we will only consider the derivative in the Brownian motion direction. Assuming that we can use Equation (2.20)-(2.22) and, for example, consider the Greek Delta (∆), the sensitivity with respect to the initial value of the underlying asset, we have that ∂ E[f (Xt )] = E[f (Xt )δ(u)] ∂X0 where δ(u) is the Skorokhod integral and u has the form as in (2.23) with θ = X0 . Following an idea by Jensen [49] we can split the expectation in 91 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics two different parts. If the underlying asset obeys the process dSt = µ dt + σ dWt + αj ( dNj (t) − λj dt), St n t > 0, (3.15) j=1 the solution can be written as St = StW StN , where 1 StW = e(µ− 2 σ 2 )t+σW t− Pn j=1 αj λj t , StN = n (1 + αj )Nj (t) . j=1 With this it follows that we can split the expectation as Q W N EQ [f (St )] = EQ W EN [f (St St )], where EQ N denotes expectation with respect to the Poisson process and Q EW denotes expectation with respect to the Brownian motion. In the line of thought from León et al. and Jensen [49] we consider the terms involving the Poisson process as constants when taking the inner expectation EQ W . We can then use the Brownian motion Malliavin integration-by-parts theory. When applying the integration-by-parts formula we need to decide on the choice of weight process ht which occurs in Equation (2.23). If we let ht = St for the remaining part and consider an Asian option we get for the weighted expectations. Denoting M = T T convenient expressions 0 St dt and Qj = 0 St dNj we get the following representation for ∆ in a jump-diffusion market + n 2 ST − S0 − nj=1 αj Qj 2e−rT M σ . −K −r+ ∆= 2 E αj λj + σ x T M 2 j=1 The proof is merely a modification of the corresponding proof in the pure Black-Scholes market, see Fournié et al. [35] and Larsson [55]. The latter also derives similar expressions for the Greek Gamma (Γ) in the BlackScholes market. 92 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.4. Calculating Greeks in a jump-diffusion market One motivation to study processes of the type (3.14) is that we know that some Lévy processes can be approximated by simple Lévy processes. If we know how to simulate option sensitivities for simple Lévy processes we can also simulate sensitivities for the approximations. We know from Rydberg [81] that the normal inverse Gaussian Lévy process, which is a pure jump process, can be approximated by a linear combination of a drift term, a Brownian motion and some Poisson processes. Actually, any Lévy process with characteristic triplet (γ, σ 2 , ν) can be approximated this way. To begin with, the jump process is approximated by a drift term and Poisson processes with intensity and jump heights distributed such that they cover the original measure. However, the behaviour of the Lévy process is dominated by the small jumps which are not represented in the pure jump approximation. To cover the small jumps we have to add a Brownian motion term. Following Rydberg, we split the real line with a section around zero removed, Λn = R\] − n ; n [ into 2n disjoint intervals. The jump measure ν is discretised and we let λj and cj , j = 1, . . . , n be the jump intensity and jump heights corresponding to the discretisation ν (n) . Let Nj (t) be a Poisson process with intensity λj = ν((aj ; aj+1 )) such that n Nj (t) j=−n,j =0 is a Poisson process with intensity n λj = ν(Λn ). j=−n,i =0 The approximation to the pure jump process is then (n) X̃t = γt + n cj (Nj (t) − tλj ) j=−n,j =0 and this converges weakly to the true process as n → ∞ if the discretisation of the measure converges to the Lévy measure. We know that the small jumps dominate the behaviour of the process and hence, this approximation is not reasonable. The small jumps thrown 93 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics away in the interval [−n ; n ] around zero can be represented by Wt , a standard Wiener process with volatility σ given by σn2 n = y 2 ν(dy). −n Since the NIG Lévy process is a pure jump process we know that σn2 → 0 as n goes to infinity. Now we have all the parts which enables us to approximate a NIG Lévy process Xt by (n) Xt n = γt + (i) ci (Ni − tλi ) + σn Wt . (3.16) i=−n,i =0 The convergence of the characteristic triplet will imply weak convergence of the approximation. If the discretisation ν (n) is proportional to a Dirac measure on ]ai ; ai+1 ] then the jump sizes are deterministic on the interval. The approximation is then similar to the complete market approach studied by Jensen [49]. We choose the discretisation in this manner which leads to the equation ai+1 ai y 2 ν(dy) = c2i λi . We solve the equation for ci , letting this be the jump size corresponding to the interval ]ai ; ai+1 ]. Accordingly, the intensity will be given by λi = ν((ai ; ai+1 )). For the NIG Lévy process we know that ν(dy) = δα exp(βy)K1 (α|y|) dy π|y| where K1 is the modified Bessel function of third order and index 1 and γ in (3.16) is 2δα γ= π 1 sinh(βx)K1 (αx) dx. 0 94 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.4. Calculating Greeks in a jump-diffusion market 3.4.3 Numerical results To test if we could find any numerical verification for this approach we implemented the method in a series of experiments. The jump heights and the intensities of the different Poisson processes are generated by a method influenced by Schoutens [82]. We set an overall intensity and distribute the jump heights {αi } equally spaced between a largest negative and a largest positive jump. The intensities {λi } for each Poisson process are then set to the corresponding value from an appropriate distribution, here a Gaussian distribution. For comparison, we use a finite difference approach implementing the Euler scheme proposed by Glasserman and Merener [38]. We superimpose the exponentially distributed jump times on to a deterministic grid of time points. At a jump time t we first calculate the Brownian motion part up to S(t− ) and then let the jump be S(t) − S(t− ). As a variance reduction technique Fournié et al. [35] propose to localise the computation around the point where the derivative of the payoff function is discontinuous. The idea is that, considering a European call option, where f (ST )δ(u) = (ST − K)+ WT /xσT might have very large variance, we could introduce a localising function which is zero outside an interval around K. The payoff function splits in two parts, one which is smooth and which we differentiate, and one which contains the singularity but is localised around it. Letting f (XT ) = f (XT ) − f (XT ) + f (XT ) and Θ = f (XT ) − f (XT ), where f (x) is a smooth approximation of f (x), we see that ∂ (E[f (XT )] + E[Θ (XT )]) ∂X0 ∂XT + E[Θ (XT )π] = E f (XT ) ∂X0 ∂ E[f (XT )] = ∂X0 where π is the Malliavin weight we get from applying the Malliavin integration-by-parts. As showed in Fournié et al. [35] this gives a significant improvement in the efficiency of the Monte Carlo simulations. We implement this and use the localising functions suggested by Fournié et al. Our first test is with a European call option and the Greeks Delta ∆ and Gamma Γ, the first and second order sensitivity with respect to the 95 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Delta for vanilla call with 10 jumpheigts between -0.3 and 0.3, lambda = 10, jumpvarians 0.1 0.8 Gamma for vanilla call with 10 jumpheights between -0.3 and 0.3, lambda = 01 and jumpvarians 0.1 0.02 Fin. Diff Loc. Malliavin Malliavin 0.78 0.76 0.016 0.74 0.014 0.72 0.012 0.7 0.01 0.68 0.008 0.66 0.006 0.64 0.004 0.62 0.002 0.6 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Fin. Diff Loc. Malliavin Malliavin 0.018 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Figure 3.16: ∆ and Γ for a vanilla call option. Variance for the jumps are 0.1 in both cases. initial value S0 . We assume that we have the parameter values S0 = 100, K = 100, r = 0.1, σ = 0.2. Using only Brownian motion gives results similar to the results found in Fournié et al. [35] and Larsson [55]. Including the Poisson jump-term and applying the directional differentiation in the direction of the Brownian motion we plot the stepwise expected value for ∆ and Γ in Figure 3.16. We compare the localised and unlocalised Malliavin methods with the traditional finite difference approach. The unlocalised Malliavin simulation does not perform as well as the other two methods. The reason is that the stochastic weight adds some randomness to the simulation which worsens the convergence. For the localised Malliavin simulation we see that this effect is lower due to the localisation of the singularity. The Malliavin approach is known to perform better the higher the order of the involved differentiation is. For Γ we see from Figure 3.16 that the localised Malliavin simulation performs better than the other two methods, as it seems to converge very fast. Turning to more complicated options we consider an Asian option and perform the same calculations, see Figure 3.17. It is clear that the same features extend to the Asian option too. Above we designed the simple Lévy process with arbitrarily chosen jump sizes and intensities. We now try the method when using an approx96 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. 3.4. Calculating Greeks in a jump-diffusion market Delta for an Asian call with 10 jumpheights in [-0.3,0.3], lambda=10, jumpvariance 0.05 Gamma for Asian call with 10 jumps in [-0.3, 0.3], lambda = 10 , jumpvariance 0.1 0.6 0.03 Fin. Diff Loc. Malliavin Malliavin Fin. Diff Loc. Malliavin Malliavin 0.028 0.026 0.024 0.55 0.022 0.02 0.018 0.5 0.016 0.014 0.012 0.45 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0.01 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Figure 3.17: Simulation of ∆ (left) with jump variance 0.05 and Γ (right) with the jump variance equal to 0.1. imation to a normal inverse Gaussian Lévy process. We divide the real line so that we get ten different jumps and a Brownian motion. Without loss of generality we assume that µ = 0, β = 0 such that we get a symmetric distribution with mean zero and avoid the drift term in (3.16). We use α = 25.86, δ = 0.014 and simulate an Asian option over 25 days with NIG-distributed daily log-returns. In the previous example we see that the method works well with simple Lévy processes, and the NIG-Lévy approximation is not an exception. The simulations in Figure 3.18 show the same features as the earlier results. The localised Malliavin method is still performing much better than the other two, showing much better convergence properties. The method is not to prefer if the Brownian motion is insignificant compared to the Poisson jumps because of the directional derivation. The increasing interest in markets driven by Lévy processes also puts the spotlight on how to calculate the Greeks for such markets. The method we propose is one possibility for simple Lévy processes or approximations by such. The method is reliable if the Brownian motion in the simple Lévy process is not dominated by the Poisson processes. 97 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Chapter 3. Simulation in Financial mathematics Delta for a Asian call with approximated NIG log-returns 0.53 Fin. Diff Loc. Malliavin Malliavin 0.525 0.52 0.515 0.51 0.505 0.5 0.495 0.49 0.485 0.48 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4 x 10 Gamma for an Asian call option with approximated daily NIG log-returns 0.075 Fin. Diff Loc. Malliavin Malliavin 0.07 0.065 0.06 0.055 0.05 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4 x 10 Figure 3.18: Simulation of ∆ (top) and Γ (bottom) with an approximation to a normal inverse Gaussian Lévy process. 98 c by Martin Groth. All rights reserved. Bibliography [1] A. L. Amadori. Differential and integro–differential nonlinear equations of degenerate parabolic type arising in the pricing of derivatives in incomplete market. PhD thesis, University of Roma I - La Sapienza, 2001. [2] A. L. Amadori, K. H. Karlsen, and C. La Chioma. Nonlinear degenerate integro-partial differential evolution equations related to geometric Lévy processes and applications to backward stochastic differential equations. Stoch. and Stoch. Reports, 76(2):147–177, 2004. [3] S. Asmussen and J. Rosiński. 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