Lec ol Þ3rta-( Vled.¡ o. oD; * * ,olz,'t¡ ''fi ' à"&;o s*P (,ì^?, $¿¡5îcs, F.6-l P.8- p.io'rt P't)-t 3 B@s .{ ¿P. Únc'av a Co"'.yre<toJ- 7r"tsø9 'F{;oL; È- ;b^!oVt (a m¡,cs?¿ l*'-cg B* nç.o (C" Lø. P.IJ 'Drut^S-V4#. "" ç1*!e)Ls Y,z1 , ro) "o.5 t\ (?.to) (P.\3) So MB (.utart) 5 t''1 { 5o Kß Sf^aer"'3-t v z,S .et¿ .gan.?lî"1 loo il- , rL l"'i+,,5 rÃ"rÃt , g+,<r<o ß (. ^F3 ) ¿. "^;A) J"H.W, ,yr""'r"*t'iii'--^), ztQ ' ø* G-*qr<ssrln, F;t f--'^#s \O a g-o¡{,Ä,^1,Þ, ¡¡vfL4¡ t'''74 Fk W ' S> q.,-(-;¿7!z- lzt Tr.-v\tç P. 4 MP3 a^á, M P+ A*oko I Bt , bla,:.kþ ^lnf' + ß.tç . l[ colwg tJaJ 8 f"t: , zg| ColovS *[Í"n" colo'l 6sçlc t6 Eh " z+ ?r'.+t , 'l-r<r, Co fcr 4Fpoooo '-r--r Affh¡- Cl"n,^r7annù iz ß:tr : |4P3 M PIT xÜ9o9'!9 # .49 '= hhg (a.ra) o " V¡J,pn o Jèxt Thß o" h ?"rt % r,.{P4. R(lI Drhr* ¡E f,¡rn¡ ::!Þ r::tM a ;1:- {år :-'- - Oduc Display card o e or called Hrrd Dúve øú Video card, Graphics card, DisplaY adaPter, Video adaPter, Graphics adaPter, t t '¡= ! '.-.ü :-äl \:Ð3,, L etc [Ref. ToPic 4b] I srfw ¡ilEW ffi @@ m MMI 4 @@ ¡llt tll l_ rt ,l I .t- "î*a:'1"t ffi E[rMlm DigitalMedia Digitalmedia Pictures,sound,videoandanimationstored/processedincomputers indigitalformat(i.e.,binarynumbers) Typicalhardwarerequirements workwithdigitalmedia Apowerfulmicroprocessor Largememoryandstoragecapacity Ahigh‐qualitymonitorandadisplaycard Mayalsoneedsomeinputdevices Amicrophoneormusicalkeyboardforaudioinput Adigitalcameraorscannerforgraphicsinput Ananalogvideocameraforvideoinputandavideocapturecardto convertanalogvideotodigitalvideo Oradigitalvideocamera JeanWang/CS1102‐ Lec07 4 Analog to Digital EI to convert analogsignals to digital signals *Sampling - to slicetàe analog into small segments regularþ at uniform intervals discrete time) *Quantization - the height (amplitude) of eadr sample is converted into a binary number Lo o discrete magnitude) - o *Sampling rate - the number of times per second tùat a sound is measured during the converting (recording) process -Measured in heru [Hz) ,ruWang/ CSl1OZ -I€c{rz I 4 DigitalAudioBasics Audioisoriginallyananalog waveformsignal,anditmustbe convertedintodiscretedigital signalinordertobestoredinand processedbycomputers Analog (waveform)datasignal Digital(discrete)datasignal Exampleconvertingdevices Analog‐>digital:soundcards,display/videocards,scanners, digitalcameras,videocapturecards Digital‐>analog:soundcards,VGAdisplaycard JeanWang/CS1102‐ Lec07 6 DigitalAudioBasics(cont'd) JeanWang/CS1102‐ Lec07 7 Sound QualiW -:O't\e."\iqþqteJ" Er sampring-howmanyrimespersecond, € € € Humanearcanhearsoundfrom21Hz-21,}ODhz Audio CD uses samplins rate of a Some very high U {D\ 44,10fH2- quality (studio quality) audio uses a sampling raæ of 48,000H2 96000H2 € El For voice/speech signal, a smaller sampling rate is good eno"gh (e.g. U,000Hz) Quantization - how many bits are needed for a single sample? € € E CD uses 16 bits per sample (65536 values, high quality) Lower quality music uses I bits (256 values) per sample Numberofchannels Jt ß ß Mono Stereo - otúyone channel - 2 channels (leS right) Surround - 5.1 channels base enhancement channel) ,ean Wang/ CS1102 - I¿c07 left surround, right surround a I þÞ gq^ 9 s Audio Com EI audio data .$.'\% 1b t ofstorage 5f 6o(seo)r44(d($ì For a 5-minute rote of 44IOOHz mony byles arerle;eded? B - 31Âro,'vO.J -- 53t4S -J Data compression (or encoding) is the technique of reducing the number of binary digits required to represent data € 8.g., a S-minute.mp3 fïle can takes up less than 5MB € An audio/video compression algorithm is typically referred to as audio/video co dec (coder/ decoder) (or decoded) fr b t 10 (çt\b) 5 5'^ tr ffi' a:uanbaE punûs ls{å¡loj rdw fil Ë'88'ç pufros ¡Ë{r¡rol rdlÅl ,ã fsÊ'rç .16$w5 o1) 1¡64¡ "' S6üUþ¿JI punçs Ër 698'tf tll äÄsÄÅ ,,, E:TWI gd u¡' tsãfnu!y{ç'Þåra$ tr uourãl gü-ï rfl ?q gf}fl apadreSr m m l1¡Õ{¡¡Ðl Eü-ï LÍ.If nenn'{ænnulplç'oãrst5þqg$sr*pa&e; pun€$ äñ.e¡lÅ add¡ eqs ,"L¡ n 't _J s{årsf{ ""!pout ãl€'fi EFfO* -r ...1? lsgpoofl t :. ;,:. -.. - ,..1,,,. :,.. )iÉ.,... : iir..!:t;.:; :!.:. .;-,:fu:;.ú¡. ...'..;:.1. r g€.NEE¡OETÐ {ïm t: r '' { ugËl& Data Compression E Data compression can be lossless or lossy € the compressed-tl¡en-decompressed version is 1000/o identical to the original one -lgssless- É fr - the compressed-then-decompressed version is not identical to the origínar ons but rhe ¿iffe.uìc"õãiñosr undetecrabre by huÃan é É E Often used in file compressiort such as ZIB RAR, ... L-ossy Often used in audio compression, image compression and video compression Sacrifice some quality for smaller file size In audio compression and video compression \ =. l.3m6gs Waveform Audio File Format Füe AudloFo¡m¡t Þûeßlon .w Waye AdRDtagê G@d Irlsadvantsge $uDd qual¡ty Audio data could be stored in mw Supporæd in brcwseE without plugln It MP3 (also ølled MPEG-1 Laver 3ì .mp3 RealAudio ,m Goodsound qualtqr even though the file is comprced Can be streamed oyer the Web .m High degre ofcompress¡on produces small ñls .mâ Compresed fomaç very goodsound .x WMA(Wndows Medla Audio) AAC Can be (Adwnced aac Lorsy ompresed format with good qua¡lg and small ffle size (the suæesor to the MP3) OggVorbis .ogg / Requires a stand-alone player or Sound quality is not up tothe standards of other formats a player or Requires Wndows Media player Heavily patenL maylimitthe us8e potential Dehult audlo fomat of App¡e,s iphone, iPod. iThn6 Open, patent-fr€e format with perfomatræ riEling mp3. Supported by Andrcid and otìer lean Wang s nl6 browseÌ plug.in or a HTMLSenabled browser strqmed over the Web qualiry Audio Coding) uncompresed fomat(pcM), CSttOZ - LecOT May notbe supported by old portable players 12 6 Lrb 07 - Jaru Roùocode frogruruning Contest wl{ 7-fi Lab sheet Lab0?.sdf, Taslc Down cs110?.¿in Robot Submissbn: here ¡{dditional resources: Rsbot APl.ndf VdK I tåb 08 - AmnffrAO3E Plano Lab sheet Lab08.pdf Task Elownloads: raw.¡iD, activity main"xml cÐ Vnnãp pnregisrEred) - drarnble.zip üÞ€9GG{0ffiÜ Neìfl hûr¡ct lficw Open F¡voliles Add l.lame SÈe ¿,037 1,902 1,058 PNG irnage ffi iþ f, ¡!! pressed-bl¡gl.p¡g PNG image pressed-white.png PNG image unpressed-black.png PNG image unprrssed-whhe.png black-selector*ml XMI Docume¡rt PNG image Facl¡ed 096 2,037 196 1,875 8% 9n 1,71.3 2% 8{7 tl% 1,681 3e8 XML Docurnent ,!S whlte-selector"¡tml Ratio Ch€ct0uû 33t \tlea¡d Path 756 46% 176 4696 180 ilt Selected0fiks,0hÉ* l otalTfiþ 9KB Ot¡ http://onlinesequencer.neVimport2l6abe787b6cf86e69234acfdce9b7c224?tttle=SHEEP.MID Prognmm¡hg Asrignrot aSç- r I ¿t L¡¡0?QD*56fuh¡trd.p¡l x útiié.q)6cá'rÉa,';.1:,:Ír¿ii1LJ l! 1il¡ G Ë õ Uo*V¡¡i¡ø i.-j CarøgStrt"¿ 'i5:'ia,-iiÅ . 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