European Journal of Population 4 (1988) 97-116 North-Holland 97 STATIC V E R S U S D Y N A M I C A N A L Y S I S OF T H E I N T E R A C T I O N BETWEEN FEMALE LABOUR-FORCE PARTICIPATION A N D FERTILITY Erik KLIJZING * University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Jacques S I E G E R S University of Utrecht, The Netherlands Netherlancls Interuniversity Demographic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands Nico KEILMAN Netherlands Interuniversity Demographic Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands Loek GROOT University of Limburg, Maastrieht, The Netherlands Received February 1988, final version received June 1988 Numerous studies have found a negative relationship between female labour-force participation and fertility. In theory, there could be three explanations of this finding: (i) causality runs from labour-force participation to fertility, (ii) causality runs from fertility to labour-force participation, (iii) causality runs both ways. Alternatively, the relationship may not be a causal one. In practice, empirical studies covering a wide range of Western countries at different times, and utilizing a great variety of methods and techniques, have shown all four possibilities to be plausible. This may be because outcomes differ from country to country for socio-cultural reasons, or from period to period for historical ones. If so, applying various methodologies to data for one country at a particular point in time should yield consistent results that all point in one direction only. If they did not outcomes would appear to be method-dependent. The single data set used in this study refers to the Netherlands in 1984 (ORIN project). The relationship between fertility and labour-force participation in this data set is investigated by means of three methodologies, ranging from 'static' to 'dynamic', i.e., Abstract. * Author's address: Planning and Demography Department, University of Amsterdam, Jodenbreestraat 23, 1011 NH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 0168-6577/88/$3.50 © 1988, Elsevier Science Publishers, BN. {North-Holland) 98 E. Klijzing et at. / Female labour force participation and fertility differing according to the degree in which they take the temporal aspects of the decision-making process underlying this relationship into account: simultaneous logit analysis, Granger analysis and Markov analysis. Each main approach is applied in two different ways or on two different subgroups, for a total of six applications. In spite of diverging operationalizations of the basic variables, it turns out that four of these six analyses favour the inference that fertility decisions do have an impact on labour force participation decisions but not the other way around, whereas the other two confirm earlier findings (from data sets collected during the 1970s) that the relationship is reciprocal. Substantively, this might indicate that the pattern of covariance is changing. But 'static' simultaneous togit analysis is the only method to consistently point at this causal unidirectionality, while outcomes from Granger and Markov analysis depend on the modality applied. Methodologically, this means that the issue of method-dependency, at least in this area, remains largely unresolved. Rdsumd. L'analyse statique oppos~e ~ l'analyse dynamique de l'interaction entre la participation au march$ du travail fdminin et la f~conditd De nombreuses 6tudes ont montr6 une relation ntgative entre la participation au march6 du travail ftminin et la f~conditt. ThEoriquement il peut y avoir trois explications possibles ~ c e r&ultat: (1) la participation au marchE du travail influe sur la fdconditE, (2) la ftcondit6 influe sur la participation au marchE du travail, (3) i'influence peut ~tre rtciproque. I1 est m~me possible que la relation ne soit pas causale. Pratiquement, les ~tudes empiriques qui couvrent un large 6ventail de pays dtveloppts difftrentes @oques et qui utilisent une grande varitt~ de m&hodes et de techniques, ont montrE que les quatre possibilitts pouvaient &re envisagtes. Cela peut &re d~ au fait que les r&ultats different selon les pays pour des raisons socio-culturelles, ou selon les ptriodes pour des raisons historiques. S'il en est ainsi, en appliquant difftrentes approches ~ des donntes concernant un pays ~ un moment donnE, on devrait obtenir des r&ultats compatibles qui conduiraient 5 la m~me explication. Cependant si ces rtsultats ne sont pas compatibles, il en r&ulterait une dtpendance ~ la mtthode utilis~e. Les donntes utilistes ici concernent les Pays-Bas en 1984 (Projet ORIN). La relation entre fdcondit6 et participation au march6 du travail est analyste au moyen de trois mtthodes difftrentes allant des 'm&hodes statiques' aux 'm&hodes dynamiques', c'est-~-dire difftrant dans leur approche des aspects temporels du processus de d~cision sous-jacent : analyse ~t l'aide d'un module logistique simultant, analyse de Granger et analyse selon un processus de Markov. Chaque approche est utitiste de deux fa~ons diffErentes ou sur deux sous-groupes diffErents, soit au total six applications. I1 en rtsulte clue quatre de ces six analyses viennent appuyer l'hypoth&e que les dtcisions touchant la ftcondit6 ont un effet sur les dtcisions touchant la participation au marchE du travail, ta rdciproque n'~tant pas vtrifite, tandis que les deux autres viennent confirmer des r&ultats anttrieurs (issus de donnEes portant sur 1970) montrant que la relation est rtciproque. Cela peut indiquer un changement dans les relations. Mais l'analyse 'statique' est la seule mEthode indiquant de fa~on consistante cette dEpendance locale, tandis que les deux autres analyses donnent des rtsuttats difftrents selon la modalit6 appliquEe. MEthodologiquement, cela signifie que la dtpendance des r&ultats aux mtthodes utilistes est encore un probltme non rtsolu, du moins dans le domaine explore ici. E. Ktijzing et at. / Female labour force participation and fertility 99 1. Introduction Numerous studies have found a negative relationship between female labour-force participation and fertility. In principle, there are three possible explanations for this negative association: (1) causality runs from labour force participation to fertility, (2) causality runs from fertility to labour force participation, (3) causality runs in both directions. The first possibility implies that the woman decides to participate in the labour market irrespective of her fertility intentions. Given her labour-market participation, she is less likely to decide in favour of having a baby than are women who are not employed. With the second possibility, matters are reversed: any fertility decision is taken independently of attitudes towards labour-force participation. Given the time spent on the bearing and rearing of children, she is less likely to enter the labour market. The third possibility implies that each decision is influenced by the other in some way. The fourth possibility applies when any statistical correlation between the two variables vanishes when extraneous factors are controlled. Empirical studies covering a wide range of countries and periods, and utilizing a great variety of methods and techniques, have demonstrated all four possibilities to be plausible. This may be because outcomes differ from country to country for socio-cultural reasons, or from period to period for historical reasons. If so, applying various methodologies to data for one country and one period should yield consistent results, all pointing to one possibility only as the most likely. If they did not, outcomes would appear to be method-dependent. That is the issue we shall be exploring in this paper, by approaching the study of female labour-force participation and fertility from three different methodological perspectives. Before turning to a discussion of the methods and their results, we shall first highlight a few characteristics of the single data set used in this study. 2. The data The data on which all three analyses are based come from a Dutch survey conducted in 1984 among a representative sample of 1600 100 E. Klijzing et at. / Female tabour force participation and fertility persons aged 18 to 54 years (ORIN 1). The principal aim of this project was to investigate the dynamics of household formation and dissolution. Information on individual household status changes was collected by means of a single-round retrospective interview. In order to minimize recall lapse, the reference period was restricted to the last seven years prior to the interview, i.e., from January 1, 1977 to January 1, 1984. Besides changes in individual household positions, changes in residence, labour-force participation and fertility were also recorded for the same reference period. This makes possible an in-depth analysis of the interaction between these various event histories. All events were registered according to the calendar year and m o n t h of their occurrence. Here we will report on the interaction between female labourforce participation and fertility during the reference period. 3. Methods and results As stated above, the relationship between female labour-force participation and fertility will be examined using three different methodologies. These are: (1) simultaneous logit analysis, (2) Granger analysis and (3) Markov analysis. The first is based on two-stage m a x i m u m likelihood logit analysis of a cross-section of O R I N data at the time of the survey. This analysis may be said to be static in the sense that no attention is paid to the time dimension implicit in any decision-making process. Due consideration of the dynamic properties of this process is, however, given in the third method mentioned which is based on a particular approach stemming from mathematical statistics. The second method developed in econometrics takes a more or less intermediate position with respect to the static-dynamic continuum: time is heeded but at an aggregate level. These three methods will now be briefly introduced and their results discussed. Each main approach is applied in two different ways or on two different subgroups so that there are six different applications altogether. 1 The ORIN survey was carried out by the Netherlands Interuniversity Demographic Institute (NIDI) in collaboration with the Universities of Amsterdam, Tilburg and Wageningen. The research team consisted of D.J. van de Kaa, F.K.H. Klijzing, N.W. Keilman, H.G. Moors, A.C. Kuijsten, L.Th. van Leeuwen, C.J. Weeda and P.A.M. van den Akker. The project was funded by the National Programme of Demographic Research. E. Klijzing et aL / Female tabour force participation and fertility 101 3.1. Simultaneous logit analysis In order to disentangle the effects involved in mutual causation between two or more variables through regression analysis, simultaneous estimation procedures are required (Bronfenbrenner (1953), Koutsoyiannis (1973)). In the present case, this means that at least two regression equations have to be estimated, one for female labour-force participation and one for fertility. Both labour-force participation (LFP) and fertility ( F ) have here been defined as dichotomous variables. That is, LFP = 1 if the w o m a n was gainfully employed at the time of the interview, otherwise LFP = 0. Likewise, F = 1 if she h a d one or m o r e children aged five years or less at h o m e at the time of the survey, and F = 0 if not. As an appropriate approach in case of dichotomous dependent variables, a logistic specification is used: z = 1/(1 + exp(-f(x))), with z = dependent variable x = (vector of) independent variable(s). To allow for the possibility of simultaneity in the relationship between labour-force participation and fertility, following Mallar (1977), a two-stage m a x i m u m likelihood analysis was applied. For example, the right-hand side of the equation explaining labour-force participation contains the logit 2 of fertility. This logit is estimated from a reduced form equation explaining fertility through all the exogenous variables of the model except labour-force participation. The same procedure is followed for the calculation of the logit of labour-force participation. The exogenous variables in the model are the w o m a n ' s age, her educational attainment, marital status and, if in a marital or cohabitational union, its duration and her partner's income as well. For clarity's sake, table 1 presents only the effect coefficients pertaining to fertility and labour force participation with respect to each other 3; on the left-hand side for all w o m e n concerned ( N = 840) and on the right-hand for married w o m e n only ( N = 229). Each equation was solved for six different definitions of 'work': 1, 8, 16, 24, 32 and 40 hours or more per 2 L o g i t v = ln{ v/(1 - v)). 3 I n f o r m a t i o n o n the o t h e r c o e f f i c i e n t s c a n b e o b t a i n e d f r o m the a u t h o r s o n request. E. Klijzing et aL / Female labour force participation and fertility 102 Table 1 Regression coefficients a of simultaneous logit analysis measuring the effects of labour force participation (LFP) on fertility ( F ) and vice versa, for all women and married women only, according to the number of hours worked per week. O R I N , 1984. Explanatory variable LFP Number of weekly hours worked > 1 F LFP > 8 F LFP >_ 16 Dependent variable All women Married women o n l y LFP F LFP F × - 0 . 3 3 4 (2.03) 0 . 0 7 4 (0.03) × × - 0 . 5 8 7 (2.60) - 0 . 5 7 7 (0.32) × x - 0 . 1 8 0 (1.07) - 0 . 1 8 0 (0.03) X x - 0.545 (2.38) - 0 . 3 0 4 (0.29) × 0 . 0 6 6 (0.03) × - 0 . 5 6 1 (2.25) - 0 . 4 3 4 (0.32) × × F LFP _> 24 > 32 > 40 0.054 (0.03) 0.155 (0.77) × × - 0 . 3 4 3 (1.31) - 0 . 7 0 5 (0.38) × 0.171 (0.70) - 0 . 0 3 4 (0.04) X × - 0 . 4 1 6 (1.36) - 0 . 2 4 0 (0.38) × 0 . 0 1 9 (0.06) - 0.026 (0.04) × × - 0 . 5 1 8 (1.32) - 0.178 (0.38) x × F LFP × × F LIP 0.051 (0.27) x F a Figures between parentheses indicate t-value (without sign) corresponding to effect coefficient. week. Previous research has demonstrated that it may make a difference which lower limit is selected (Siegers (1985)). The results in table 1 confirm that the relationship between female labour-force participation and fertility is indeed mostly negative, although statistical significance only applies to the effects of fertility on labour-force participation at LFP > 1 hour for all women, and at LFP >_ 1, 8 and 16 hours for married women. There is no statistical evidence for the existence of mutual causality: nowhere is the effect from labour-force participation on fertility found significant. This leaves us with possibility number (2) (see Introduction) as the most plausible. 3.2. Granger analysis Granger analysis is basically time-series analysis: the interaction between two or more variables is investigated by comparing their data over time. Its concern with time clearly distinguishes Granger analysis from simultaneous logit analysis as performed in the previous section. The postulates behind Granger analysis are the following: (1) the time E. Klijzing et al. / Female labourforce participation and fertility 103 series are to be seen as representing stochastic, not deterministic, processes; (2) they are stationary, i.e., both mean and variance are independent of the time index 4, and (3) the future has no influence whatsoever on either past or present. We will not elaborate on these premises here, since this has already been done elsewhere (see, for instance, Pierce and Haugh (1977)). As we shall see, the third postulate is of particular interest to our application. Granger causality is usually defined in terms of the reduction in the error of prediction. That is, suppose f2t represents all (relevant) information available at time t, and that predictions are wanted for xt+l, one on the basis of I2, including present and past values of y and another one on the basis of f2t excluding past and present values of y (i.e., Yt-j, J >-0). If the former prediction performs better than the latter, then, apparently, y carries special information with respect to x and so the inference is made that causality runs from Yt-j to xz+ ~ ( j , k >__0). In practice, the decision as to which equation predicts better is taken on the basis of the reduction in the error of prediction, o 2. We can now rewrite the four alternatives of causation at the beginning as follows: (1) y ~ x (meaning y causing x) i f ° 2 ( X t + l I x t - j , Y t - j ) ~" o2(2,+1 I x,_j); similarly, (2) x ---,y i f 02(-gt+ltYt_j, x t _ j ) < 02(-9t+1 I.Ft--l); (3) x m y if both conditions (1) and (2) apply (feedback); (4) x and y are independent if 0 2 (2,+ 1 I x,_j, Yt-j) = o2(2,+l t x,_j) and if a 2 (_9,+1 l Y,-j, x,_j) = 0 2 ( - 9 t + 1 }y,_i). In the literature on Granger causality, four different methods are usually distinguished: the H a u g h - P i e r c e approach, the 'direct' Granger approach, Sims' approach and the five-steps approach advocated by Ashley et al. (1980). Here we will - for reasons of parsimony concentrate on the second and third approaches only, where Sims' appIication can be seen as a form of 'indirect' Granger analysis. In the bivariate case, direct Granger analysis consists of the regression of x, on the past values of x, and Yt- If the coefficients corresponding to the lagged values of Yt differ significantly from zero, it is said that y 'Granger-causes' x. If, on the other hand, in a regression of y on x the coefficients corresponding to the lagged values of x t differ 4 In other words, E(xt) = E(x,+k) and o2(xL) = o2(xr+k), 104 E. Klijzing et at. / Female labour force participation and fertility significantly from zero, then x 'Granger-causes' y. If both tests yield positive results, causality runs both ways. In Sims' version of Granger analysis, x, is regressed not only on the past values of x and y but on the future values of y as well. Future here refers, of course, to some time beyond t, for which measurements on y are still available. With respect to this relative future concept, Sims (1972, p. 541) has said: 'If and o n l y if causality runs one way from current and past values of some list of exogenous variables to a given endogenous variable, then in a regression of the endogenous variable on past, current and future values of the exogenous variables, the future values of the exogenous variables should have zero coefficients'. If they do not, this is interpreted as indicating, not that Y,+I determines x t (because this would be contrary to the third postulate of Granger analysis), but that x, determines y,+ 1. The two time series, L F P and F were constructed in the following way. For each month in the seven-year period 1977-1984, the percentage of women who participated on the labour market for 1, 8, 16, 24, 32 or 40 hours or more per week was computed. (In actual fact, it was not these percentages themselves that were recorded but their aggregate change from month to month.) The fertility for all sample women was measured as the number of children born per month. This time series was then shifted ten months backwards so as to estimate the probable m o m e n t of the fertility decision. 5 This has resulted in two time series of 74 observations each. Because both time series represent first differences, the stationary condition is satisfied. In order not to clutter the output too much, lags ( - ) and leads ( + ) of the independent variable were varied from one to four months only. The following four regression equations have been estimated for each work definition (1, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40 or more hours per week): Direct analysis (Granger) Indirect analysis (Sims) F= f(LFP: 4 lags+present) L F P = f ( F : 4 lags + present) F = f ( L F P : 4 lags + 4 l e a d s + p r e s e n t ) LFP = f ( F : 4 lags + 4 leads + present) Values of the regression coefficients corresponding to direct Granger analysis are presented in table 2 and those to indirect Granger analysis 5 This assumes that every birth is the outcome of a conscious decision process preceding conception. This will certainly not always be the case. The assumption that a status change is always wanted is particularly strong if applied to withdrawals from the labour market. E. Ktijzing et al. / Female labour force participation and fertility 105 Table 2 Regression coefficients of direct G r a n g e r analysis m e a s u r i n g the effects of l a b o u r force participation o n fertility (upper panel) and vice versa (lower panel) for various m i n i m a l n u m b e r s of w e e k l y hours worked. O R I N , 1 9 8 4 . Lags/ leads Minimal n u m b e r of hours w o r k e d per w e e k L F P >_1 L F P >_8 LFP > 16 L F P >_2 4 L F P >_3 2 LFP > -1.003 -0.923 40 Fertility regressed on labour force participation +4 +3 +2 +1 0 -0.537 -0.645 -1.110 -1.179 -0.890 -0.999 -0.806 -0.153 -0.053 -0.104 - 1.419 ~ - 1.528 a - 1.886 " - 1.757 a - 1.580 a - 1.436 a - 3 - 2.330 ~ - 1.991 a - 2.195 a - 1.767 -- - - 0.764 - 0.824 - 0.672 - 1.104 -1 -- 2 4 FGranger 6.62 a 6.98 a 9.72 a a a 1.995 a - 0.866 11.77 a 16.61 ~ - 1.842 a - 0.722 17.19 a Labour force participation regressed on fertility +4 +3 +2 +1 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 FGranger Significant 0.030 0.015 - 0.007 - 0.015 - 0.030 - 0.026 ~- 0.020 - 0.005 0.011 - 0.003 - 0.013 - 0.010 0.006 - 0.004 - 0.014 0.009 - 0.006 - 0.020 - 0.047 - 0.048 - 0.041 - 0.056 - 0.045 - 0.052 - 0.050 a - 0.043 - 0.041 - 0.047 - 0.046 - 0.045 4.16 a 4.29 a 5.23 " 5.97 a a 7.77 a 8.55 a at p < 0.05. in table 3. In both tables, values of the F-statistic indicating overall significance of the regression equations are given as well. To start with table 2, it can be seen that the relationship between female labour-force participation and fertility is again mostly negative. Interestingly, the effects of labour-force participation change on parity progression ratios (table 2, upper panel) are strongest if observed moments of labour-force participation change are lagged two to three months relative to observed moments of fertility status change, for all values of minimum working hours. No such regularity exists in the regression of labour force participation on lagged fertility changes. According to the corresponding F-statistics, however, overall significance is achieved for both E. Klijzing et al. / Female labour force participation and.fertility 106 Table 3 Regression coefficients of indirect Granger analysis measuring the effects of labour force participation on fertility (upper p a n e l ) a n d v i c e versa (lower panel), for various minimal numbers of weekly hours worked. O R I N , 1 9 8 4 . Lags/ Minimal number of hours worked per week leads LFP > 1 L F P >_ 8 L F P >_1 6 LFP > 24 L F P >_ 3 2 L F P >_ 4 0 -0.792 -0.824 a -1.418 a Fertility regressed on labour force participation +4 - 1.394 a -1.417 a -1.295 a -0.972 +3 -1.573 -1.814 a -1.447 a -1.449 + 2 - 0.223 - 0.269 +1 a - 0.464 --0.306 0.110 -0.485 0 0.262 0.218 - 0.341 - 1 - 0.227 -2 -1.304 --3 --1.862 a --4 --0.027 Fsims - 0.270 a 3.14 a -1.523 - 0.220 - 0.036 a --1.615 a -1.571 a a - 0.216 - 0.234 0.008 0.045 0.121 - 0.386 - 0.334 - 0.271 0.136 a -1.438 -1.619 0.632 a 0.511 -1.501 -1.329 a --1.992 a --1.603 a --1.842 a --1.806 a 0.026 --0.205 --0.415 --0.376 --0.238 3.05 a 2.51 3.80 a 4.10 a 4.82 a Labour force participation regressed on fertility + 4 - 0.024 - 0.032 - 0.018 - 0.032 - 0.026 + 3 0.018 0.015 0.024 0.011 0.001 - 0.029 0.008 + 2 - 0.054 a - 0.035 - 0.038 - 0.045 - 0.060 a - 0.065 a +1 -0.009 -0.017 -0.029 -0.044 -0.053 -0.052 0 0.002 0.002 0.014 0.032 0.052 0.040 - 1 0.041 0.025 - 0.003 - 0.007 - 0.022 - 0.016 - 2 - 0.006 0.010 0.022 0.018 0.012 0.015 - 3 0.016 0.006 - 0.009 0.020 0.006 - 0.005 - 4 - 0.029 - 0.032 - 0.027 - 0.037 - 0.023 - 0.027 0.81 0.63 0.79 1.21 1.71 1.58 Fsims a Significant at p ~ 0.05, directions of causation, which would thus seem to favour the hypothesis of mutual influence as the most adequate. But this finding is not supported by the results of Sims' indirect Granger analysis in table 3. In the upper panel of table 3, fertility is regressed on labour-force participation as an explanatory variable shifted zero to four months backward ( - ) or forward ( + ) with respect to the moment of fertility decision. If backward, at - 2 to - 3 months, more or less the same beta coefficients hold as those in table 2, in spite of the fact that the fertility equation has now been expanded with four additional explanatory variables. If forward, the corresponding regression coefficients should not deviate significantly from zero, because chronologically speaking E, Klijzing et at. / Female labour force participation and fertility 107 the future has no bearing on either past or present. If they do deviate significantly from zero, then this indicates that causation runs from dependent to explanatory variable. As the corresponding F-statistics indicate, in five out of six cases these effects were found significant. The only time that this does not hold true - namely, when labour-force participation is defined as working at least 16 hours a week - the value for the F-statistic (2.51) comes very close to the critical m i n i m u m of 2.53. Therefore, it may be safely concluded that fertility decisions do have an impact on 'future' labour-force participation. This is particularly true at leads of three to four months. But not so the other way around, as the results in the lower panel of table 3 indicate. Here, labour-force participation is regressed on fertility. Regression coefficients representing the effects of 'future' fertility on present participation do not differ significantly from zero (except for the three of the six which correspond to a shift of two months), so there are hardly any grounds for inferring a definite influence from the latter on the former. No matter which work definition is used, the overall F-statistic never comes anywhere near the critical minimal value of 2.37 necessary for rejecting the null hypothesis. The only conclusion warranted, therefore, is that labour-force participation has no influence on subsequent fertility decision-making. Whereas direct Granger analysis favoured the third possibility of causation, results from indirect Granger analysis rather point to the second possibility we identified. 6 3.3. Markov analysis The third research strategy to be followed is one inspired by a biomedical study of the possible effects of menopause on the outbreak of a particular skin disease, pustulosis palmoplantaris (AMen et al. (1980)). That study demonstrated how a simple, time-continuous Markov model can be used to analyze the interaction between two life history events, where the occurrence of one may change the intensity at which the other takes place. Courgeau and Lelitvre (1988) have applied 6 We are indebted to one of the referees for pointing out the close parallel, both in contents and reach, between our Granger analysis and the one published by Robert Michael, 'Consequences of the rise in female labour-participation rates: questions and probes', Journal of Labour Economics, Vol. 3 (1985) no. 1, pp. 117-146 (in particular, pp. 138-145). E. Kl~zing et al. / Female labour force participation and fertility 108 I ~ (la) P*=e X \ v P~e \ \ \P~b\i Pb~ \ N B,N E=411 B= 25 ] 18.531 I. 5 4 9 v~ (Ib) 2 6 3 2 -83.392 N= 91 B=2b,N=15[ N=276 B= 87 [[ - 7 . 6086 9 v~ (Ic) 4 2 8 44.851 E= 47 B=0,E=9 I Fig. 1. The Markov model. a similar model in their study of the interaction between getting married and the abandoning of an agricultural occupation. Let B in fig. l a stand for any parity progression (without number specification), whereas N represents the transition from E (employed) to not employed, together with the corresponding transition probabilities Pbe, Pbn, Pne, and Pnb- In the present analysis, fertility remains E. Klijzing et al. / Female labour force participation and fertility 109 unspecified as to parity. This simply means that all women qualify for entering the chain reaction from the time of their getting (re)employed, irrespective of their number of offspring. Those who reach the final state in fig. l a have, in the end, one child more than at the beginning. Labour-force participation was operationalized as a dichotomous variable distinguishing between employed and not employed. The former state is independent of the actual number of hours worked per week. This implies that, in the present application, transitions from full-time to part-time work or vice versa are treated as censored observations. Each time that such a transition occurs, the counting process is started afresh. This relative insensitivity may be improved u p o n in later versions of the model, for instance by considering full-time and parttime employed as separate states. Fertility will then be specified by parity as well. Because the status 'employed' provided the largest number of observations to start with, we shall concentrate our discussion on fig. lb. (Fig. lc pictures the flow of events if ' n o t employed' is selected as the point of departure.) The figures in fig. l b are to be read as follows: 411 25 15 91 26 women start employment at time t; of them then have a baby, after which withdraw; of the entrants leave the labour force again after some time; of them have a baby subsequently. Thus, starting from the upper-left corner, women having entered the labour market are, irrespective of their number of offspring at that time, exposed to three competing risks. They may either first experience a parity progression or a withdrawal from the labour market, after which they may re-enter at E once they get employed again. Thus, multiple labour-force entries are duly accounted for in this model, which operates as a simple increment-decrement life table. A third possibility consists of both events occurring simultaneously, in which case a diagonal course is followed (fig. la). In fact, three different types of ties may present themselves: E ~ B, BuN and E ~ N. In all three cases it is factually impossible to put events in sequential order. Whether two or more events are to be considered as simulta- E. Klijzing et aL / Female labour force participation and fertility 110 Table 4 Ascertaining the effects of ties on the magnitude of transition probabilities. OR/N, 1984. Sequence Ties not modelled Tie widths (months) 1 3 6 9 Relative number of ties (%) E~ B 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.9 2.1 11.0 11.0 11.9 12.2 12.5 0.1 0.1 1,0 2.6 5.7 (E ~ ) N -o B 1 (E~)B~N] E~ N l Two-year transition probabilities (%) E -~ B (E -* ) N -* B 6.3 23.3 5.5 23.2 5.3 23.7 5.I 22.1 5.0 24.1 (E -~ ) B -~ N E -~ N 35.3 13.6 35.3 12.8 32.9 12.6 29.7 11.6 30.4 10.5 T-statistic measuring significance of difference between pairs of transition intensities ~ E~B~ (E ~ ) N ~ B J - 3.178 - 3.311 - 3.401 - 3.264 - 3.495 (E ~ ) B - ~ N ~ E-~ N ) 1.750 1.806 1.700 1.604 1.730 a See footnote 7 below. neous, depends on the 'fuzziness' of the time unit chosen. The larger this unit, the greater the number of occurrences of simultaneity, as is demonstrated in the upper part of table 4 (for tie widths of 1, 3, 6 and 9 months, respectively). Excluding them will generally tend to deflate the corresponding transition probabilities, as can be seen from the middle part of table 4. This is so because of the selection for longer 'survival' times. But since the relationships between the relevant pairs of transition rates remain largely intact, we might as well leave the issue of simultaneity at rest. v In the remaining section, all results to be pre7 The insensitivity of the relationship between the relevant pairs of transition rates to the inclusion or exclusion of ties is illustrated by the fact that the values of the T-statistic according to tie width in the lower part of table 4 remain virtually unchanged. (The T-statistic tests for the difference between two transition intensities and has an asymptotic, normal distribution, with mean 0 and asymptotic variance 1 (Hoem and Funck Jensen (1982)).) Time-constant intensities are assumed to apply in this time-continuous Markov model. E, Klijzing et al, / Female labour force participation and fertility 11t sented are based on the inclusion of ties, as it was easier to include them. The two horizontal lines in fig. l a represent the occurrence of a live birth, the upper one from condition E and the lower one from condition N, given E. If the probability Pbe 4=Pbn according to some suitable test statistic, it is likely that the two subgroups come from different 'survival' distributions. If so, the inference is made that labour force participation status affects the chance of having a baby. The two vertical lines represent the transition from employed to not employed, on the left-hand side from any parity, and on the right-hand side from one that is one rank higher. If Pne differs significantly from Pnb, an influence from fertility on the chance of leaving the labour market is assumed. If both the 'horizontal' and 'vertical' test returns are positive, reciprocal influence is concluded. If one of them turns out to be negative, local dependence (in one direction only) is indicated. If both tests fail, the relationship is said to be spurious. The test statistic used in this paper to distinguish between these various alternatives is the Lee-Desu (1972) statistic summarizing the relative difference in waiting time positions between sample groups. For each individual a U score is computed by comparing the individual's exact survival time (in months) with those of all other sample members. This score, initially set to zero, in increased by one for each case whose survival time is found to be less than the individual's, and decreased by one for each case whose survival time is found to surpass the individual's. If two members survive the same length of time but one is censored and the other is not, the censored observation is considered to have the longer survival time. The U score for a censored observation is simply the number of uncensored observations with survival times less than that of the censored observation. No cases can be known to have survival times greater than that of the censored observation. Where it cannot be determined who survived longer (due to ties or both observations being censored), there is no change in score. The U scores for all members of the same subgroup are then added so as to express their 'joint' survival time rank order position relative to that of other subgroups. If one subgroup is predominantly made up of 'short interval' members, its U total may be negative. If long intervals prevail, the total score wilt be high and positive. For instance, 2 U corresponding to Pbe in fig. lb amounts to 18.5 as compared to - 8 3 , 4 E. Klijzing et al, / Female labour force participation and fertility I12 Table 5 Values of the L e e - D e s u statistic indicating the relative difference in average decision time in f a v o u r of withdrawal from the labour market (L, upper pmael) vis-a-vis fertility ( F , l o w e r panel), as estimated by differentially lagging observed moments of transition events (3, 6, 9, 12 a n d 15 months): employed women. O R I N , 1984. ~0 ~3 ~6 ~9 ~12 ~15 97,357 94.965 24.209 27.561 0,695 a 0.820 a 63.510 82.194 67.530 14.208 21.170 1.210 a 46,750 63.524 73.868 66.847 11.850 14.600 0.446 a 10.812 66.869 52.828 93.039 61.426 1.937 a 0.989 a 11.003 64.424 54.197 69.780 2.012 a 1.121 a 0.285 a 10.058 57.345 27.081 ~rticaltest: ~ e e f f e c t ~ F o n L ~c#ions L-O L-3 L-6 L-9 L-12 L-15 35.749 0.040 0,012 0.004 0.023 0.017 a a a a a 28.935 35.112 0.142 0.154 0,052 0.202 ~ a a a 92.202 28.054 30.214 0.469 a 0.412 a 0.473 a Horizontal test: the effect of L on F decisions L-0 L-3 L-6 L-9 L-12 L-15 77.402 131.369 124.263 105.619 85.249 56.951 75.518 76.635 126.110 109.769 85.696 57.450 14.025 73.885 66.980 112.451 88.361 56.485 a N o n - s i g n i f i c a n c e at the 0.05 level. for Pbn, indicating that, on the whole, women take much longer to have a baby when employed than when not. With 411 sample members starting from E, the theoretical range for individual U scores is 0 _+ 410. Based on these group-specific XU scores, a D-statistic 8 is then computed which is asymptotically distributed as chi-square with degrees of freedom equal to the number of subgroups minus one, under the null hypothesis that they all come from the same survival distribution. The larger the D-statistic, the more likely it is that the subgroups come from different survival distributions in the population. If we consider the first cell in the upper panel of table 5 (L-0, F-0), where the influence of fertility on labour-force participation is at stake, we see that D with 35.7 is significant at the five per cent level. Hence the conclusion is drawn that, as far as the transition from employed to s Let IVy = ~.Ui where the sum is over all cases in group j, then D = [ ( N - 1 ) B ] / T , w i t h N equal to the sum of all cases, and B = X { W j 2 / N j } where summation is over all subgroups j, and T = XU/2, for all cases i (1,2,3 . . . . . N ) . E. Klijzing et al. / Female labour force participation and fertility 113 not employed is concerned, reproductive behaviour does make a difference. But the reverse holds true too. At D = 77.4 (table 5, lower panel, first cell), the effect of labour-force participation status on the chances of having a baby is found to be equally important, if not more so. The combination of these two findings thus leads to the provisional conclusion that the two variables are interactive. But events as observed stand for status changes corresponding to overt behaviour. What about the covert behaviour of the underlying decision process that supposedly precedes these instantaneous transitions from one state to the other? Would it be possible to model this sequential decision process in the same way as the event history analysis just performed? One way of accomplishing this would be to lag the observed moments of events by some reasonable amount of time so as to approach the assumed moments of decisions. For fertility it is obvious that the conscious decision to have a child is taken at least nine months prior to delivery. Allowing for some three months conception delay, it appears that twelve months represents a reasonable time lag. Matters are somewhat less straightforward with decisions to give up work. Most employers would request resignation letters at an average of at least two months notice, depending perhaps on the length of service. Or the decision may be forced on the individual, in which case it is hard to speak of a freely chosen course of action on his or her side. But suppose that the decision to quit were taken three months prior to the factual departure. The effects of these two particular time lags on the flow of 'events' (derisions) can be ascertained by comparing the values of the D-statistic in the corresponding cells (F-12, L-3) of table 5. With D--82.2, deciding to have a child still influences decisions to quit work, but the reverse no longer holds true. Apparently, decisions to have a baby are taken independently of labour-force participation decisions. This result is also obtained for other time lags, as shown by the other a-marked figures in the lower part of table 5. To sum up, time lags L-3 and F-12 may appear reasonable on logical grounds. But one of the two local dependencies observed between factual status changes then gets dissolved. Labour-force participation at this level still remains a function of fertility, but children are wanted for their own sake, whatever the woman's labour-force participation intentions. This same result was obtained with 'not employed' as the model's source value, although the pattern of insignifi- 114 E. Klijzing et al. / Female labour force participation and fertility cant values for the Lee-Desu statistic in that case is somewhat less regular (figures not shown). 4. Discussion and final remarks This paper has described three entirely different approaches to the analysis of the interaction between two or more behavioural variables. We applied the three methods, each in two modalities, to the interaction between female labour-force participation and childbearing, for a total of six analyses. Before discussing substantive findings, we would like to stress once more that there are important methodological differences between the three main approaches. Firstly, the simultaneous logit analysis and the Granger analysis are both based on regression methods, whereas the Markov model is an application of survival analysis. Furthermore, of the two regression techniques, Granger analysis works with untransformed variables (at least in this case), while simultaneous logit analysis employs a logit transformation. Secondly, the latter only considers states that women occupy (employed or not; one or more children under five years of age at home or not) at one particular point in time. In the Granger study, on the other hand, aggregate changes in labour-force participation over a seven-year period are investigated, in conjunction with those in fertility. The Markov model is the only one to treat explicitly the timing of individual labour-market and fertility events. Thirdly, both Granger and Markov analysis apply time lags in their relevant variables, but for different reasons. In the latter approach this is done in order to shift the emphasis from the level of events to the underlying level of decision processes. The introduction of time lags and leads in Granger analysis, on the other hand, is closely linked to the concept of Granger causality, as strictly running from the past through the present to the future. In spite of these and other differences, the findings reported in this paper unanimously indicate a strong influence of fertility on labour force participation, and - at least in one modality of each main approach - a very weak if not negligible influence in the reverse direction. Previous studies for the Netherlands, carried out on data for the 1970s, revealed strong mutual influences (Siegers (1985)). This finding is partly supported by the present analysis too. It would be rather premature, therefore, to conclude, on the basis of the 1984 E. Kiijzing et at. / Female labour force participation and fertility 115 ORIN data alone, that two-way causation has now been totally disrupted. But perhaps Dutch women in the 1980s do somehow cope better with the dilemma of how to combine motherhood and economic activity than did women in the 1970s, in spite of government policies having remained virtually unchanged over the last two decades. Perhaps this capacity is a sign of emancipatory forces gaining momentum in the society at large, the general lack of political support notwithstanding. All that in the end then remains from the original (mutual) relationship, is the purely biological constraint that if in labour, women cannot be active in the labour market at the same time. Analyses of US data for the period 1968-1973 that closely resemble our Markov strategy also suggest a much stronger impact of fertility on female labour-force participation than the other way around (Felmlee (1986)). But, the main emphasis in this paper has been on methodological issues rather than on substantive findings. As far as the direction of causality between female labour-force participation and fertility is concerned, 'dynamic' approaches like Markov and Granger analysis lead to very much the same conclusions as 'static' approaches (like simultaneous logit analysis). 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