WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 40, W11507, doi:10.1029/2004WR003115, 2004 Dupuit-Forchheimer solutions for radial flow with linearly varying hydraulic conductivity or thickness of aquifer Nils-Otto Kitterød1 Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Received 17 February 2004; revised 8 July 2004; accepted 9 August 2004; published 16 November 2004. [1] This paper presents new analytical solutions for steady state piezometric heads in phreatic and confined aquifers with radial flow. The new solutions utilize two constant head boundaries and a hydraulic conductivity k or thickness of aquifer H that is a linear function of radius r. Previous solutions applied constant k and H, and they were usually based on one constant head boundary, which might be superimposed on a solution that allowed a constant discharge or recharge at the center of the aquifer. The previous solutions may be difficult to apply to real aquifers because constant k and H is usually an oversimplification of nature. The Dupuit-Forchheimer assumption implies that vertical head gradients are ignored. The magnitude of the error introduced by allowing H = H(r) is INDEX TERMS: 1829 Hydrology: Groundwater hydrology; evaluated numerically in this paper. 3210 Mathematical Geophysics: Modeling; 1832 Hydrology: Groundwater transport; KEYWORDS: analytical modeling, Dupuit-Forchheimer, groundwater flow Citation: Kitterød, N.-O. (2004), Dupuit-Forchheimer solutions for radial flow with linearly varying hydraulic conductivity or thickness of aquifer, Water Resour. Res., 40, W11507, doi:10.1029/2004WR003115. 1. Introduction [2] There is increased interest in applications of analytical modeling of subsurface flow and contaminant problems [Wu and Pan, 2003; Yeo and Lee, 2003; Bakker and Strack, 2002; Luther and Haitjema, 1998, 1999, 2000]. Innovations in finite mathematics and computer technology have made numerical modeling a routinely used tool in scientific computations as well as in practical management and administration of water resources. However, the successful development of numerical technology has not made analytical solutions redundant. On the contrary, by abstracting nature into mathematically manageable quantities, analytical solutions are easy to implement in a spreadsheet or in a computer code. In this way, analytical solutions offer direct insight into the physical conditions that are important for specific flow problems. Numerical simulations, on the other hand, require a considerable amount of time to achieve similar evaluations. Observations indicate that groundwater flow in delta structures may be simplified to radial flow due to the axial symmetry of the aquifer. This simplified geometry is possible because a lot of prograding deltas are radial structures where the river mouth is positioned on the axis of symmetry. Work here expands previous radial solutions of the Poisson’s equation by introducing two constant head boundaries and letting the hydraulic conductivity or the thickness of the aquifer be a linear function of radius (Figure 1). 1 Also at Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research, Ås, Norway. 2. Discharge Potential Assuming Constant Hydraulic Conductivity or Constant Aquifer Thickness [3] On a regional scale, where the ratios between vertical and horizontal dimension are very small, the vertical resistance to groundwater flow may be neglected (the DupuitForchheimer assumption). The discharge potential F = (dQ/dr) [Strack, 1984, 1989] of a circular structure (like a delta or an island) may therefore be simplified to a function of the radius r only [Haitjema, 1995]: F¼ N 2 r R22 þ F2 ; 4 ð1Þ where the constant head boundary is F2 at r = R2 and N is the net infiltration to the groundwater. By the use of the discharge potential as suggested by Strack [1989], equation (1) is the solution for both a confined aquifer (F = k H f) and a phreatic aquifer (F = (1/2) k f2), where k is hydraulic conductivity, H is the thickness of a confined aquifer, and f is the piezometric head, which is equal to the saturated thickness of a phreatic aquifer. [4] For geological reasons it may be convenient to introduce a constant head boundary F1 at r = R1. First we derive an expression for the area between the inner boundary R1 and the groundwater divide l. The water balance Q for steady state flow implies that net precipitation N on the inner cylindrical area R1 r l (see Figure 1 for boundary conditions): Q ¼ Np l 2 r2 ; ð2Þ is equal to the radial flow Qr across the cylinder with radius r: Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union. 0043-1397/04/2004WR003115$09.00 Qr ¼ W11507 Q : 2pr ð3Þ 1 of 5 KITTERØD: TECHNICAL NOTE W11507 W11507 which is the discharge potential for radial flow with constant head boundary value at r = R1 and impervious boundary at r = l. [7] The same reasoning may be applied if l r R2 with boundary value F2 at r = R2. The discharge potential Fb for the outer cylindrical area is equal to Nl 2 N 2 r 2 ln Fb ¼ þ F2 : r R2 þ 2 4 R2 ð7Þ [8] At the groundwater divide (r = l in equations (6) and (7)), there is no radial flow: dFa/dr = dFb/dr = 0, and the discharge potential F = Fa = Fb, is used to form a closed expression by elimination of l in equations (6) and (7): F¼ N 2 ln r ln R2 r R21 F1 4 ln R2 ln R1 N 2 ln r ln R1 2 r R 2 F2 : 4 ln R2 ln R1 ð8Þ Equation (8) is referred to as the simple ‘‘doughnut’’ equation. [9] It is easy to see that equation (8) is consistent with equation (1) because lim R1 !0 lim Figure 1. Principal sketch of delta geometry. Figure 1a shows the interface between the paleoglacier and the sediments, radius to the inner and outer delta boundaries (R1 and R2), and the location of the groundwater divide (l ). Figure 1b is a radial cross section through the delta indicating a confined aquifer with linearly decreasing aquifer thickness with piezometric head f1 and f2 at R1 and R2. Figures 1c and 1d are modified from Gilbert [1890], indicating the sediments at the glacier interface (Figure 1c) and after withdrawal of the glacier (Figure 1d) and with a phreatic groundwater table. If net recharge N > 0, the groundwater divide (dF/dr = 0) is at r = l. The flow direction is opposite of r, and thus Qr has to be negative in this case. [5] Combined with Darcy’s law of laminar flow, Qr ¼ dFa ; dr ð4Þ the water balance equations (2) and (3) yield Fa ¼ Nl 2 N ln r r2 þ Ca : 4 2 ð5Þ [6] The boundary value Fa = F1 at r = R1 inserted in equation (5) gives Nl 2 N 2 r ln þ F1 ; Fa ¼ r R21 þ 2 4 R1 ð6Þ R1 !0 ln r ln R2 ln R2 ln R1 ln r ln R1 ln R2 ln R1 ¼ 0; ð9Þ ¼ 1: ð10Þ [10] As pointed out by an anonymous reviewer, the existence of a groundwater divide l between R1 and R2 is no longer necessary because l is eliminated in equation (8). This implies that a (theoretical) groundwater divide may be outside the aquifer. The groundwater divide (dF/dr of equation (8)) is equal to 2 1 ðF1 F2 Þ þ R21 R22 N 2 l ¼ : ln R1 ln R2 2 ð11Þ 3. Piezometric Head in a Confined or Phreatic Aquifer Where Thickness or Hydraulic Conductivity is a Linear Function of Radius [11] To make the simple ‘‘doughnut’’ equation (8) more realistic, we may let the thickness of the aquifer H or hydraulic conductivity k be a linear function of radius r. In this case the discharge potential, as defined above, does not exist, and the equations for confined and phreatic aquifers are more convenient to derive separately. Starting with the confined aquifer, we let the thickness of the aquifer H be given as a linear function of r: H ðrÞ ¼ H1;2 a r R1;2 ; where a = (H1 H2)/(R2 R1) (Figure 1). 2 of 5 ð12Þ KITTERØD: TECHNICAL NOTE W11507 [12] If a is small, i.e., H1 H2 R2 R1, we may neglect the vertical component and solve the approximate piezometric head as a one-dimensional ordinary partial differential equation. Again we divide the flow equation into two parts where the groundwater divide l is the no-flow boundary. Balance of mass for steady state flow where R1 r l gives the expression qr H ¼ N 2 l2 r : r ð13Þ Darcy’s law, qr = k(dfa/dr), inserted into equation (13) gives dfa ¼ N l 2 r2 dr: rH 2k ð14Þ If H = H(r) is a linear function of r as given in equation (12), then two simple integrals have to be solved, namely, Z Z 1 1 H0 ar þ c; dr ¼ ln rðH0 arÞ H0 r r 1 dr ¼ 2 ðar H0 þ H0 lnðH0 arÞÞ þ c; H0 ar a N Nl 2 N A1 þ B1 þ f1 ; ðr R 1 Þ 2ka 2k 2k Table 1. Differences d Between Analytical and Numerical Solutions (Equation (19))a H1 = 100 m H2kH1 m 100.0 200.0 300.0 400.0 500.0 750.0 1000.0 Max (d), m 0.022798 0.136579 0.202831 0.249633 0.287973 0.368054 0.438660 0.042431 0.171761 0.247430 0.304703 0.355404 0.471294 0.590987 0.044346 0.182896 0.294309 0.378903 0.450699 0.604228 0.740620 0.011847 0.030846 0.042964 0.054727 0.066562 0.097509 0.130050 df d A1 L2 A2 L1 ¼ ¼ 0; dr dr A1 A2 2 l ¼ H0 ð16Þ ð17Þ R2 R1 a 2k 2 þ Ha20 ln H H1 þ N ðf1 f2 Þ R1 2 ln H H1 þ ln R2 ð20Þ ! : ð21Þ [18] Next, we may develop the same kinds of equations for phreatic aquifers where the hydraulic conductivity k is given as k ðrÞ ¼ k1;2 b r R1;2 ; ð22Þ where b = (k1 k2)/(R2 R1), similar to the linear equation applied for a confined aquifer (Figure 1). [19] Balance of mass and Darcy’s law yield df2 ¼ N 2 l r2 dr; rk ð23Þ with k given in equation (22). Imposing the boundary conditions f = f1 at r = R1 and f = f2 at r = R2, the solution of equation (23) is ð18Þ f2 ¼ where A2 = (1/H0)ln(R2H/H2r) and B2 = (H0/a )ln(H/H2), where H is given in equation (12) for index 2. [15] By eliminating the groundwater divide l in equations (17) and (18), we get one expression for the piezometric head: A1 L2 A2 L1 ; A1 A2 0.013306 0.039585 0.072078 0.096665 0.117329 0.161174 0.200173 [17] The groundwater divide for R1 l R2 exists if the derivative of equation (19) is df/dr = 0: 2 f¼ 0.021947 0.110088 0.179970 0.235209 0.282543 0.382758 0.469550 which is equal to where A1 = (1/H0)ln(R1H/H1r) and B1 = (H0/a )ln(H/H1), where H is given in equation (12) for index 1. [14] We find the piezometric head for the outer area l r R2 by the same token: N Nl 2 N A2 þ B2 þ f2 ; ðr R 2 Þ 2k 2ka 2k Max (d), Mean (d), SD (d), m m m a Numerical values in equation (19): k = 1.727901 105 m/s; N = 1.266730 108 m/s; R1 = 1000 m; R2 = 5100 m; f1 = f2 = 100 m. Here d = jfanalytical fnumericalj. 2 fb ¼ H2 = 100 m Mean (d), SD (d), m m ð15Þ where H0 = H1,2 + aR1,2, and c is the integral constant. H0 is the (theoretical) aquifer thickness at r = 0. [13] For the boundary condition f = f1 at r = R1, the solution of equation (14) is fa ¼ W11507 a1 P2 a2 P1 ; a1 a2 ð24Þ where ð19Þ where L1 = (N/2ka)(r R1) + (N/2k) B1 + f1, and L2 = (N/2ka)(r R2) + (N/2k) B2 + f2. A1, A2, B1, and B2 are defined as in equations (17) and (18). [16] If a ! 0 (e.g., if the sloping bottom of the aquifer in Figure 1 becomes horizontal), it is easy to verify that equation (19) is consistent with equation (8) by power expansion of ln(1 + (a(R1,2 r))/H1,2). 3 of 5 N ðr R1 Þ þ N b1 þ h21 ; b N P2 ¼ ðr R2 Þ þ N b2 þ h22 ; b 1 R1 k a1 ¼ ln ; k0 k r 1 1 R2 k a2 ¼ ln ; k0 k r 2 k0 k b1 ¼ 2 ln ; b k1 k0 k b2 ¼ 2 ln ; b k2 P1 ¼ ð25Þ KITTERØD: TECHNICAL NOTE W11507 W11507 Figure 2. Three-dimensional numerical computation of heads (solid) and analytical (dashed) solution of equation (19). In Figure 2a the outer boundary H2 is kept constant equal to 100 m while the inner boundary H1 is stepwise increased: H1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10] 100 m (see label in Figure 2b). In Figure 2c the opposite is performed: The inner boundary H1 is kept constant at 100 m while the outer boundary H2 is increased in steps: H2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10] 100 m. Differences between the 3-D numerical and the analytical solutions are shown in Figures 2b and 2d. Numerical results and values of parameters in the equation are given in Table 1. See color version of this figure at back of this issue. and where k0 = k1,2 + bR1,2 and k is given in equation (22) with the corresponding indexes. [20] Necessary conditions for a groundwater divide R1 l R2 is df2/dr = 0, which for an open aquifer is equal to: 2 l ¼ k0 R2 R1 b ! þ bk02 ln kk21 þ N1 h21 h22 : ln kk21 þ ln RR12 ð26Þ 4. Numerical Evaluation [21] The Dupuit-Forchheimer assumption ignores the vertical gradients in piezometric heads: @f/@z = 0. This assumption is not valid close to the aquifer boundaries or in the close vicinity of partially penetrating wells. Haitjema [1987] performed a thorough numerical analysis of the discrepancies between 3-D flow and the approximate Dupuit-Forchheimer solutions. In the work by Haitjema [1987] the recharge took place from a circular pond at the center of an island, and he demonstrated that the 3-D effect can be ignored at a distance 1 – 2 times the thickness H of an isotropic aquifer. For an anisotropic aquifer the distance is pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffi H kh =kv , where kh and kv are horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity, respectively. Haitjema [1987] used a constant thickness of the aquifer, but this rule of thumb may not be valid when H (or k) is a variable in space. It is 4 of 5 KITTERØD: TECHNICAL NOTE W11507 W11507 Figure 3. Piezometric head contours of analytical (solid) and 3-D numerical (dashed) solutions. The contours in Figure 3a indicate that the numerical and analytical solutions are identical if the inner (H1) and outer (H2) boundaries are equal to each other. In this case, H1 = H2 = 100 m. In Figure 3b, where H1 = 100 m and H2 = 10 H1, the maximum deviation is 0.59 m (see Table 1). See color version of this figure at back of this issue. therefore of interest to evaluate the additional error that is introduced by allowing H (or k) to be a linear function of the radial distance r from the axis of aquifer symmetry. [22] Here the numerical evaluation was carried out using MODFLOW with the PMWIN preprocessing and postprocessing [Chiang and Kinzelbach, 2001]. Only the solution for a confined aquifer is included in these calculations. The inner boundary R1 = 1000 m, and the outer boundary R2 = 5100 m. The boundary conditions were hydrostatic at R1 and R2: f1 = f2 = f = 100 m. First, H1 is kept constant equal to 100 m, and H2 is increased in steps from 100 to 1000 m: H2 = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000] m. Second, H2 is kept constant to 100 m and H1 is increased by the same intervals. For H1 = H2 the analytical and the numerical solutions gave identical results, exept for the numerical noise. The numerical deviations between the analytical and numerical solutions are given in Table 1 and presented graphically in Figures 2 and 3. The deviations increase with increasing differences between H1 and H2, but the maximum relative error, (fanal fnum)/f, is less than 1% even for the most extreme case: H1,2/H2,1 = 10. 5. Conclusion [23] Equations (19) and (24) are the Dupuit-Forchheimer solutions for groundwater heads in confined and phreatic aquifers where the geometry is simplified to a ‘‘doughnut’’ structure and the aquifer thickness or the hydraulic conductivity is expressed as a linear function of the radius. The proposed extensions of the radial flow equations are consistent with previously published solutions where H or k are constants in space. The error introduced by ignoring the vertical flow component is not significant if j(H1 H2)/ (R2 R1)j < 1/5 (see Table 1). Examples where equations (19) and (24) may be applied are delta structures that comprise axial symmetry. It is important to keep in mind, however, that the analytical solutions will not capture all the details of a real aquifer because the purpose is to estimate the regional trend of the average hydraulic parameters. [24] Acknowledgment. I thank T. Lindstrøm for verifying the consistency between equations (19) and (8) and the two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments. References Bakker, M., and O. D. L. Strack (2002), Analytic elements for multiaquifer flow, J. Hydrol., 271, 129 – 199. Chiang, W.-H., and W. Kinzelbach (2001), 3D-Groundwater Modeling With PMWIN: A Simulation System for Modeling Groundwater Flow and Pollution, 360 pp., Springer-Verlag, New York. Gilbert, G. K. (1890), Lake Bonneville, Monogr. of the U.S. Geol. Surv., vol. 1, 438 pp. Haitjema, H. M. (1987), Comparing a three-dimensional and a DupuitForchheimer solution for a circular recharge area in a confined aquifer, J. Hydrol., 91, 87 – 101. Haitjema, H. M. (1995), Analytic Element Modeling of Groundwater Flow, 394 pp., Academic, San Diego, Calif. Luther, K., and H. M. Haitjema (1998), Numerical experiments on the residence time distribution of heterogeneous groundwatersheds, J. Hydrol., 207, 1 – 17. Luther, K., and H. M. Haitjema (1999), An analytic element solution to unconfined flow near partially penetrating wells, J. Hydrol., 226, 197 – 203. Luther, K., and H. M. Haitjema (2000), Approximate analytic solutions to 3D unconfined groundwater flow within regional 2D models, J. Hydrol., 229, 101 – 117. Strack, O. D. L. (1984), Three-dimensional streamlines in DupuitForcheimer models, Water Resour. Res., 20(7), 812 – 822. Strack, O. D. L. (1989), Groundwater Mechanics, 732 pp., Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, N. J. Wu, Y.-S., and L. Pan (2003), Special relative permeability functions with analytical solutions for transient flow into unsaturated rock matrix, Water Resour. Res., 39(4), 1104, doi:10.1029/2002WR001495. Yeo, I. W., and K.-K. Lee (2003), Analytical solution for arbitrarily located multiwells in an anisotropic homogeneous confined aquifer, Water Resour. Res., 39(5), 1133, doi:10.1029/2003WR002047. N.-O. Kitterød, Department of Geoscience, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1047, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway. (nilsotto@geo.uio.no) 5 of 5 W11507 KITTERØD: TECHNICAL NOTE Figure 2. Three-dimensional numerical computation of heads (solid) and analytical (dashed) solution of equation (19). In Figure 2a the outer boundary H2 is kept constant equal to 100 m while the inner boundary H1 is stepwise increased: H1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10] 100 m (see label in Figure 2b). In Figure 2c the opposite is performed: The inner boundary H1 is kept constant at 100 m while the outer boundary H2 is increased in steps: H2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.5, 10] 100 m. Differences between the 3-D numerical and the analytical solutions are shown in Figures 2b and 2d. Numerical results and values of parameters in the equation are given in Table 1. 4 of 5 W11507 W11507 KITTERØD: TECHNICAL NOTE W11507 Figure 3. Piezometric head contours of analytical (solid) and 3-D numerical (dashed) solutions. The contours in Figure 3a indicate that the numerical and analytical solutions are identical if the inner (H1) and outer (H2) boundaries are equal to each other. In this case, H1 = H2 = 100 m. In Figure 3b, where H1 = 100 m and H2 = 10 H1, the maximum deviation is 0.59 m (see Table 1). 5 of 5