Supporting carers in the workplace Mary Edwards, Employers for Carers

Supporting carers in the
Mary Edwards,
Employers for Carers
Every day 6,000 people become carers
Carers look after loved ones who
are older, disabled or seriously ill.
Caring can affect anyone, at any
age, at any time and can last a
Carers UK aims to make sure no
one has to care alone.
Working carers count
Carers in the workplace
• 1 in 9 employees in any workplace is a carer –
and that ratio will increase as the population
ages and people live longer with disability
• 1 in 6 carers gives up work to care
• There is evidence that carers are working below
their potential, reducing hours or giving up
opportunities for promotion
• Carers are twice as likely to suffer from stress
if unsupported and it is the key reason carers
give up work or reduce working hours
Business Benefits Survey
The majority of employers said that supporting carers
had a major or some benefit in:
Attracting and retaining staff
Reducing recruitment and training costs
Reducing sick leave and absenteeism
Increasing productivity and improving service delivery
Producing cost savings
Increasing staff morale and staff engagement
Improving people management / team working
What do workplaces need?
The four Ps:
• Policies
– Legal rights and workplace examples
• Promotion
– Publicity and awareness raising
• Practice
– Practical tools and tips
• Peer support
– Forums and networks
Legal rights for working carers
• Right to time off in emergencies
• Parental leave
• Right to request flexible working
• Protection from direct discrimination and
harassment because of association with
disability or age (Equality Act 2010)
What employers can do (1)
• Offer and promote flexible working practices:
• Traditional patterns
– Flexitime, term time working, part time
working, job share, shift swapping, career break
• Progressive options
– Staggered hours, self rostering, job share
register, split shifts, compressed/annualised
hours, home working, remote working
What employers can do (2)
Offer special leave arrangements:
Paid emergency leave
Compassionate leave
Carers leave (paid/unpaid)
Matched leave
Borrowing/buying leave
Career breaks
What employers can do (3)
Ensure support and understanding from managers:
Train and support line managers
Identify carer aware managers at all levels
Create a supportive workplace culture
Ensure consistent implementation of policies
What employers can do (4)
• Offer workplace support such as:
• in-house networking groups for carers and
• publicising policies on intranet or handbooks,
using individual case studies
• employee assistance programme (EAP)
• Offer practical support:
• access to private phone/room to make call
• car parking space close to place of work
Employers for Carers
Our membership forum Employers for Carers:
Chaired by British
by the specialist
knowledge of
Carers UK
• supports employers to develop carer
friendly workplaces
• promotes the business benefits of
supporting carers
• influences employment policy and
• maintains a Leadership Group committed
to working with Government
Carers UK support (1)
Carers UK support (2)
• Carers Rights Guide – where do I turn? Top tips
• Help with caring – what help is available? Do I have to pay?
• Benefits and finances – where can I get advice and information?
• How do I get a break from caring?
• Help with health – where can I go for information about a medical
condition, disability etc?
• Practical help and services – home adaptations, equipment, meals on
wheels, what is available?
• How do I get a Direct payment? Help with fuel costs?
• Making a decision on someone else’s behalf
• When caring ends
Ten top tips
Step one: Remember you're a carer!
Step two: Include your family and friends
Step three: Tell your GP
Step four: Tell your local council
social services department
Step five: Tell people at work
Step six: Claim your entitlements
Step seven: Find your nearest carers
network/support group
Step eight: Look after yourself
Step nine: Think about the future
Step ten: Connect with Carers UK
Contact us
Employers for Carers
0207 378 4956
Carers UK
Advice Line 0808 808 7777