Historical Sampling Biblio.doc © 2014, Timothy G.... Last revised: January 2014

Historical Sampling Biblio.doc
© 2014, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
Last revised: January 2014
Historical Sampling Articles
(45 Entries)
1. Misc. 1 A Chapter in Population Sampling.
2. Misc. 2 Minnesota Botanical Studies Volume II: A Method of determining the abundance
of secondary species.
3. Misc. 3 Some remarks on statistical inference in finite sampling.
4. Bowley, A.L. (1926) “Measurement of the Precision attained in Sampling”. International
Statistical Institute Bulletin 22: 7-61.
5. Jensen, A. (1926) “Report on the Representative Method in Statistics”. International
Statistical Institute Bulletin 22: 359 – 437.
6. Carver, H. C. (1930) “Fundamentals of the theory of sampling”. Annals of Mathematical
Statistics 1: 101-121.
7. Neyman, J. (1934) “On the Two different aspects of the Representative Method: The
Method of Stratified Sampling and the Method of purpose selection”. Journal of the
Royal Statistical Society 97(4): 558 – 625.
8. Sukhatme, P.V. (1935) “Contribution to the Theory of the Representative Method”.
Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 2(2): 253 – 268.
9. Bowley, A.L. (1936) “The Application of Sampling to Economic and Sociological
problems”. Journal of the American Statistical Association 31(195): 474 – 480.
10. Dorfman, R. (1938) “A note of the δ-method for finding variance formulae”. Biometric
Bulletin 1(4) 129-137. (Note: this Biometric Bulletin was published by the Memorial
Foundation for Neuro-Endrocrine Research and Research Service of the Worcester State
11. Cochran, W.G. (1939) “The use of the analysis of variance in enumeration by sampling”.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 34: 492 – 510.
12. Hansen, M.H. and Hurwitz, W.N. (1943) “On the Theory of Sampling from finite
populations”. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 14(4): 333 – 362.
Historical Sampling Biblio.doc
© 2014, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
13. Mahalanobis, P.C. (1944) “On large – scale sample surveys”. Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society of London 231: 329 – 451.
14. Deming, W. E. (1945) “On the Design of a Sample for Dealers’ Inventories” Journal of
the American Statistical Association 14: 16 – 33.
15. Deming, W.E. (1945) “On Training in Sampling”. Journal of the American Statistical
Association 40(231): 307 – 316.
16. Hansen, M.H. and Hauser, P.M. (1945) “Area Sampling – Some Principles of Sample
Design”. American Association for Public Opinion Research 9 (2): 183 – 193.
17. Jessen, R.J. (1945) “The Master Sample of Agriculture: II, Design”. Journal of the
American Statistical Association 40 (229): 46 – 56.
18. Hubback, J.A. (1946) “Sampling for Rice Yield in Bihar and Orissa”. The Indian Journal
of Statistics 7(3): 281 – 294.
19. Mahalanobis, P. C. (1946) “Sample Surveys of crop yields in India”. The Indian Journal
of Statistics 7(3): 269 – 280.
20. Yates, F. (1946) “A review of recent statistical developments in Sampling and Sampling
Surveys”. Journal of Royal Statistical Society 109: 12 – 43.
21. Cochran, W.G. (1947) “Recent development in sampling theory in the United States”.
Proceedings of the International Statistical Institute 3A: 40 – 66.
22. Stephen, F. F. (1948) “History of the Uses of Modern Sampling Procedures”. Journal of
the American Statistical Association 43(241): 12 – 39.
23. Hansen, M.H. and Hurwitz, W.N. (1949) “On the determination of optimum probabilities
in Sampling”. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 20(3): 426 – 432.
24. Midzuno, H. (1949) “An outline of the Theory of Sampling Systems”. Annals of the
Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1(1): 149 – 156.
25. Tukey, J.W. (1950) “Some Sampling Simplified”. Journal of the American Statistical
Association 45(252): 501 – 519.
Historical Sampling Biblio.doc
© 2014, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
26. Seng, Y. P. (1951) “Historical survey of the development of sampling theories and
practice”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. 114(2) 214-231.
27. Cochran, W.G., Mosteller, F. and Tukey, J.W. (1954) “Principles of Sampling”. Journal
of the American Statistical Association 49: 13 – 35.
28. Zarkovich, S. S. (1956) “Note on the history of sampling methods in Russia”. Journal of
the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. 119(3) 336-338.
29. Tukey, J.W. (1960) “A survey of sampling from contaminated distributions”.
Contributions to probability and statistics: 448 – 485.
30. Dalenius, T. (1962) “Recent advances in Sample survey theory and methods”. Annals of
Mathematical Statistics 33 (2): 325 – 349.
31. Kindahl, J.K. (1962) “Estimation of means and totals from finite populations of unknown
size”. Journal of the American Statistical Association 58: 61-91.
32. Zarkovich, S. S. (1962) “A supplement to ‘Note on the history of sampling methods in
Russia’”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), 125(4):580-582.
33. Fienberg, S.E. and Tanur, J.M. (1966) “Reconsidering the fundamental contributions of
Fisher and Neyman on experimentation and sampling”. International Statistical Review
3: 237 – 253.
34. Pearson, E.S. (1968) “Studies in the history of probability and statistics. XX”. Biometrika
55 (3): 445 – 457.
35. Sheynin, O.B. (1968) “Studies in the history of probability and statistics. XXI. On the
early history of the law of large numbers”. Biometrika 55(3): 459 – 467.
36. Godambe, V.P. (1971) “Foundations of Survey- Sampling”. The American Statistician
25(1): 33 – 91.
37. Smith, T.M.F. (1976) “The Foundations of Survey Sampling – a Review”. Journal of
Royal Statistical Society 139 (2): 183 – 204.
38. Kish, L. (1979) “Samples and Censuses”. International Statistical Review 47: 99 – 109.
Historical Sampling Biblio.doc
© 2014, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
39. Kruskal, W. and Mosteller, F. (1979) “Representative Sampling, I, II & III: Nonscientific Literature”. International Statistical Review 47, 48: 13-24, 111-127, 245 – 265,
169 - 195.
40. Kruskal, W. and Mosteller, F. (1980) “Representative Sampling, IV: Non- scientific
Literature”. International Statistical Review 48: 169 - 195.
41. Murthy, M.N. (1981) “Future directions in survey sampling”. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 49: 792 – 812.
42. Olkin, I. (1987) “A Conversation with Morris Hansen”. Statistical Science 2(2): 162 –
43. Didier, E. (2002) “Sampling and democracy: representativeness in the first United States
surveys”. Science in Context 15(3) 427-445.
44. Lie, E. (2002) “The rise and fall of sampling surveys in Norway, 1875-1906”. Science in
Context 15(3) 385-409.
45. Mespoulet, M. (2002) “From typical areas to random sampling: sampling methods in
Russia from 1875 to 1930”. Science in Context 15(3) 411-425.