Spatial Sampling

© 2009, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
Last revised: June 2012
Spatial Sampling
(28 entries)
1. Vos, J.W.E. 1964. Sampling in space and time. Review of the International
Statistical Institute 32(3): 220 - 241
2. Diggle, P.J. and Matern, B. 1980. On sampling designs for the study of pointevent nearest neighbor distribution in R2. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 7: 80
– 84
3. Olea, R.A. 1984. Sampling design optimization for spatial functions. Mathematical Geology 16(4): 369 – 392
4. Gilbert, R.O. 1987. Statistical methods for environmental pollution monitoring.
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. (pg. 17 – 25)
5. Gilbert, R. O. 1987. Locating Hot Spots. Chapter 10 of Statistical methods for
environmental pollution monitoring. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. (pg. 119131)
6. De Gruijter, J.J. and ter Braak, C.J.F. 1990. Model-free estimation from spatial
samples: A reappraisal of classical sampling theory. Mathematical Geology 22(4):
407 – 415
7. Zhang, R., Warrick, A.W., and Myers, D.E. 1990. Variance as a function of
sample support size. Mathematical Geology 22(1): 107 – 119
8. Brus, D. J. 1994. Improving design-based estimation of spatial means by soil map
stratification. A case study of phosphate saturation. Geoderma 62:233 – 246.
9. Domburg, P., de Gruijter, J.J., and Brus, D.J. 1994. A structured approach to
designing soil survey schemes with prediction of sampling error from variograms.
Geoderma 62: 151 – 164.
10. Brus, D. J. and de Gruijter, J. J. 1997. Random sampling or geostatistical
modelling? Choosing between design-based and model-based sampling strategies
for soil (with discussion) Geoderma 80(1/2)1-44
11. Cox, D.D., Cox, L.H., and Ensor, K.B. 1997. Spatial sampling and the
environment: some issues and directions. Environmental and Ecological Statistics
(4): 219 – 233
12. Lowell, K.E. 1997. An empirical evaluation of spatially based forest inventory
samples. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27: 352 – 360.
© 2009 Timothy G. Gregoire
© 2009, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
13. Aldworth, J. and Cressie, N. 1999. Sampling designs and prediction methods for
Gaussian spatial processes. IN: Multivariate Analysis, Design of Experiments,
and Survey Sampling (S. Ghosh, ed.) Marcel Dekker: New York
14. Opsomer, J.D. and Nusser, S.M. 1999. Sample designs for watershed assessment.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 4(4): 429 – 442
15. Urquhart, N.S. and Kincaid, T.M. 1999. Designs for detecting trend from repeated
surveys of ecological resources. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and
Environmental Statistics 4(4): 404 – 414
16. Stehman, S.V. 2000. Practical implications of design-based sampling inference
for thematic map accuracy assessment. Remote Sensing of Environment 72: 35 –
17. Curran, P.J. 2001. Remote sensing: using the spatial domain. Environmental and
Ecological Statistics 8: 331 – 344
18. Brus, D.J., Jansen, M. J.W., and de Gruijter, J.J. 2002. Optimizing two-and threestage designs for spatial inventories of natural resources by simulated annealing.
Environmental and Ecological Statistics 9: 71-88
19. Haining, R. 2003. Spatial data analysis: Theory and practice. University of
20. Zimmerman, D.L. 2006. Optimal network design for spatial prediction,
covariance parameter estimation, and empirical prediction. Environmetrics 17:
635 – 652
21. Ekstrom, M. 2007. Subsampling variance estimation for non-stationary spatial
lattice data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 35: 38 – 63
22. Marignani, M., Del Vico, E., and Maccherini, S. 2007. Spatial scale and sampling
size affect the concordance between remotely sensed information and plant
community discrimination in restoration monitoring. Biodiversity Conservation
16: 3851 – 3861
23. Stevens, D.L. Jr. 2007. Optimal spatial sampling: Probability-based or modelbased? Joint Statistical Meetings
24. Ter Braak, C.J.F., Brus, D.J., and Pebesma, E.J. 2008. Comparing sampling
patterns for Kriging the spatial mean temporal trend. Journal of Agricultural,
Biological, and Environmental Statistics 13(2): 159 – 176
© 2009 Timothy G. Gregoire
© 2009, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University
25. Bradford, J.B. et al. 2009. Carbon pools and fluxes in small temperate forest
landscape: variability and implications for sampling design. Forest Ecology and
Management. Doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2009.04.009
26. Walvoort, D. J. J., Brus, D. J., & de Gruijter. 2010. An R package for spatial
coverage sampling and random sampling from compact geographical strata.
Computers & Geosciences 36: 1261-1267.
27. Barabesi, L., Francheshi, S., Marcheselli, M. 2011?. Properties of design-based
estimation under stratified spatial sampling. (draft manuscript)
28. Sridhar, B. 2011. Design and methodology considerations for sampling soils.
© 2009 Timothy G. Gregoire