HorvitzThompsonBiblio.pdf © 2013, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University Last revised: December 2013 HORVITZ-THOMPSON AND UNEQUAL PROBABILITY SAMPLING BIBLIOGRAPHY 1943-Present (163 entries) 1. Misc 1. Miscellaneous notes 2. Misc 2. More on unequal probability designs. 3. Hansen, M.H. and Hurwitz, W.N. (1943) “On the theory of sampling from finite populations”. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 14(4): 333- 362. 4. Lahiri, D.B. (1951). A method of sample selection providing unbiased ratio estimates. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 33(2): 133-146. 5. Midzuno, H. (1951) “On the Sampling System with Probability Proportionate to Sum of Sizes”. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 2:100-107. 6. Narain, R.D. (1951). On sampling without replacement with varying probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 3: 169-174. 7. Horvitz, D.G. & Thompson, D.J. (1952). A generalization of sampling without replacement from a finite universe. 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Ratio estimation in sampling with equal and unequal probabilities. Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 6:127-138. HorvitzThompsonBiblio.pdf © 2007, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University 15. Yamamoto, S. (1955). “On the theory of sampling with probabilities proportionate to given values”. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics (Japan) 7: 25-38. 16. Raj, D. (1956). Some estimators in sampling with varying probabilities without replacement. Journal of the American Statistical Association 51(274): 269-284. 17. Murthy, M.N. (1957). Ordered and unordered estimators in sampling without replacement. Sankhya 18: 379-383. 18. Raj, D. (1958). On the relative accuracy of some sampling techniques. Journal of the American Statistical Association 53(281): 98-101. 19. Rao, J. N. K. (1961) “On the estimate of the variance in unequal probability sampling”. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 13:57-60. 20. Hanurav, T.V. (1962a). On ‘Horvitz and Thompson estimator’. Sankhya Series A 24: 429-436. 21. Hanurav, T.V. (1962b). Some sampling schemes in probability sampling. Sankhya Series A 24: 421-428. 22. Hartley, H.O. & Rao, J.N.K. (1962). Sampling with unequal probabilities and without replacement. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 33: 350-374. 23. Rao, J. N. K. (1962) “On the estimation of the relative efficiency of sampling procedures”. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 4:143-150. 24. Brewer, K.R.W. (1963). A model of systematic sampling with unequal probabilities. Australian Journal of Statistics 5: 5-13. 25. Fellegi, I.P. (1963). Sampling with varying probabilities without replacement: rotating and non-rotating samples. Journal of the American Statistical Association 58(301): 183-201. 26. Rao, J. N. K. (1963) “On two systems of unequal probability sampling without replacement”. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. 5:67-72. 27. Rao, J.N.K. (1963). 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On a class of linear estimators in sampling with varying probabilities without replacement. Journal of the American Statistical Association 60(310): 637-642. 33. Raj, D. (1965a). On sampling over two occasions with probability proportionate to size. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 36: 327-330. 34. Raj, D. (1965b). Variance estimation in randomized systematic sampling with probability proportionate to size. Journal of the American Statistical Association 60(309): 278-284. 35. Rao, J.N.K. (1965). On two simple schemes of unequal probability sampling without replacement. Journal of the Indian Statistical Association 3: 173-180. 36. Connor, W.S. (1966). An exact formula for the probability that two specified sampling units will occur in a sample drawn with unequal probabilities and without replacement. Journal of the American Statistical Association 61(314, 1): 384-390. 37. Hartley, H.O. (1966). Systematic sampling with unequal probability and without replacement. Journal of the American Statistical Association 61(315): 739-748. 38. Pathak, P.K. (1966). An estimator in PPS sampling for multiple characteristics. SankhyaSeries A, 28: 35-40. 39. Raj, D. (1966). On a method of sampling with unequal probabilities. Ganita 17: 69-78. 40. Raj, D. (1966) “Some remarks on a simple procedure of sampling without replacement”. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 61(314) part 1:391-396. 41. Rao, J.N.K. (1966a). Alternative estimators in PPS sampling for multiple characteristics. Sankhya-Series A 28(1): 47-60. 42. Rao, J.N.K. (1966b). On the relative efficiency of some estimators in PPS sampling for multiple characteristics. Sankhya-Series A 28(1): 61-70. 43. Vijayan, K. (1966). On Horvitz-Thompson and Des Raj estimators. Sankhya-Series A 28: 87-92. 44. Hanurav, T.V. (1967). Optimum utilization of auxiliary information: πps sampling of two units from a stratum. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society–Series B 29: 374-391. 3 HorvitzThompsonBiblio.pdf © 2007, Timothy G. Gregoire, Yale University 45. Hartley, H.O. & Chakrabarty, R.P. (1967). Sankhya-Series B 29: 201-208. 46. Sampford, M.R. (1967). On sampling without replacement with unequal probabilities of selection. Biometrika 54(3 and 4): 499-513. 47. Chaudhuri, A. & Vos, J.W.E. (1988). Unified Theory and Strategies of Survey Sampling. Amsterdam: North-Holland. (pp. 217-221) 48. Vijayan, K. (1968). An exact πps sampling scheme–generalization of a method of Hanurav. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society–Series B 30(3): 556-566. 49. Hanurav, T.V. (1969). Optimum utilization of auxiliary information: πps sampling of two units from a stratum. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society–Series B 31(1): 192-194. 50. Jessen, R.J. (1969). Some methods of probability non-replacement sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association 64(325): 175-193. 51. Rao, J.N.K.& Bayless, D.L. (1969). 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(1975). A computer algorithm for joint probabilities of selection. SurveyMethodology(StatisticsCanada)1:99-108. (in systematic sampling folder) 74. Vijayan, K. (1975). On estimating the variance in unequal probability sampling. Journal of the American Statistical Association 70(351): 713-716. 75. Asok, C. & Sukhatme, B.V. (1976). On Sampford’s procedure of unequal probability sampling without replacement. Journal of the American Statistical Association 71(356): 912-918. 76. Capps, G. (1977). Some interesting results in unequal probability sampling from a finite population. American Statistical Association Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section 1997, Part I (pp301-307). Washington: American Statistical Association. 77. Chaudhuri, A. (1977). On some problems of choosing the sample-size in estimating finite population totals. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 47: 116-119. 78. Rao, J.N.K. & Vijayan, K. (1977). 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