Safety Procedure Issue : Date : Page : 1 June 2015 1 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING ROAD RELATED RISK e Approval and authorisation Authorised by Steve Mann Safety Advisor pr ac tic Prepared by Go od Paul Taylor Safety & Sustainability Director The Document Control Manager is responsible for the distribution of this document. Additional copies may be obtained from: Colas Rail Limited Document Control Fairbairn Close Off Beaumont Road Purley Surrey CR8 2EJ This document is the property of the Chief Executive Officer, Colas Rail Limited. It shall not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor disclosed to a third party, without the written permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Colas Rail Limited. © Colas Rail Limited 2015 Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 2 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Issue record This document will be updated when necessary by distribution of a complete replacement. Amended or additional parts of revised pages will be marked by a vertical black line in the margin. The briefing notes will detail any text removal from the document. Comments / Remarks To supplement Business Procedure B2-019 Road Vehicles by concentrating on safety management of fleet vehicles and drivers e Date June-15 Go od pr ac tic Issue One Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 3 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK CONTENTS Section Description Page Procedure Driver Licences Fitness to Drive Driver Assessment / Training Daily Checks of Vehicles Risk Assessments Safe Loading of Vehicles Carrying Hazardous Materials Mobile Phones and Handheld Communication Devices Private Use of Vehicles Use of Private Vehicles Fuel Usage Tyres Congestion Charge and Tolls In event of a breakdown Accident Reporting and Investigation MOT and Servicing Excess Speed / Motoring Offences Vulnerable Road Users and FORS 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Responsibilities Human Resources Road Vehicle Fleet Team Safety & Sustainability Team Line Managers Drivers 10 10 10 11 11 13 Review 14 od pr ac tic e 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 Go 3 Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 4 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK PURPOSE e Work related road activity is identified as one of the more significant risks we manage. This document identifies the controls we have in place to manage this risk, details who is accountable for the controls, the measures we have in place to measure the application of the controls and how this ensures legal compliance. SCOPE CLOCS Commuting CRRV CRRV (Company Car) Construction Logistics & Cyclist Safety (CLOCS) scheme. The journey to and from a single, regular place of employment. Colas Rail Road Vehicle. A sub-set of CRRVs. Personal issue cars provided by the company as part of an employee’s contract of employment. Is the provider whom from time to time Colas Rail Limited may lease vehicles. od Lease Provider pr ac DEFINITIONS tic Applicable to Colas Rail staff and their contractors using road vehicles that are owned, leased, hired or under the control of Colas Rail for business purposes. This includes any staff using personal vehicles for business purposes. Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents Work Journey Travelling from a permanent place of work to a temporary one e.g. a meeting or a site. Go RoSPA FORS Travelling from home to a temporary place of work e.g. a site, meeting or training course. Freight Operator Recognition Scheme Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 5 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK 1. PROCEDURE 1.1. Driver Licences tic e Driver Licence information will be held locally, by HR or by a third party company who specialises in Driver Licence records and checks. Licences will be checked at the following risk based frequency: 0-4 points = annual 5-8 points = 6 monthly 9+points = 3 monthly pr ac New starters who have 6 or more points on their Driving Licence will only be allowed to drive a Colas Rail road vehicle after a risk assessment has been undertaken, taking into account such items as type of vehicle being driven, mileage to be driven and type of work being undertaken. 1.2. Fitness to Drive 1.2.1. Eyesight Testing During driver Induction, drivers are required to have their eyesight checked by reading a registration plate at a distance of 20 metres. This check must be carried out at least every 2 years, either by the Line Manager or local SHEQ Advisor, and recorded on site. od 1.2.2. Drugs and Alcohol Driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Go This will be controlled in accordance with Colas Rail Drugs and Alcohol Manual C3-007 and the company Life Saving Rules. 1.2.3. Fatigue Management Colas Rail Safety Procedure C3-027 – Control of Excess Hours and Management of Fatigue requires that a risk assessment is undertaken if the total duration of shift time and travelling time exceeds 14 hours. Control measures to be considered are: 1. Travel by public transport 2. Use of minibus (where several employees are affected) 3. Provision of hotel 4. Designated driver (who is given time to take sufficient rest before driving) Colas Rail will, as appropriate, audit site access registers and compare travelling times stated by an employee against information supplied by sources such as AA Routefinder to identify any areas of concern. Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 6 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Drivers will take regular rest stops in line with HSE guidance (minimum 15 minutes break every 2 hours). 1.2.4. Medication 1.3. Driver Assessment/Training tic e Colas Rail Safety Procedure C3-007 – Drugs and Alcohol requires that individuals must inform their immediate line manager of any medication (prescribed or otherwise) they may be taking, or propose to take, which may affect their ability to work efficiently and safely. This requirement also applies to driving. pr ac Assessment of drivers will take place: at Induction, after an accident after any endorsements on their licence. The assessment and resulting risk profile will identify the need for any training or alternative actions required to ensure any risk is minimised. Colas Rail will provide any specific training (including legal requirements, safety and competency) that is required for the vehicles or the sites in which it operates. od New starters will be briefed on management of road vehicles and driver’s responsibilities as part of the company induction. 1.4. Daily Checks of Vehicles Go Daily checks must be carried out on CRRV’s and personal vehicles where they are used for a work related journey. These checks will be logged in the Colas Rail Vehicle Logbook where supplied. Line Managers will audit the logbooks to ensure staff are completing this process. Logbooks will be retained by the Line Manager one year after completion. 1.5. Risk Assessments Risk Assessments will be undertaken by Colas Rail Safety and Sustainability department or other competent personnel for all tasks that may provide a risk to employees. These may include: Driving Company Vehicles Unloading/Loading of Vehicles Manoeuvring of Vehicles Use of Specialised equipment – (HIAB/Tail Lift for example) Note: Some of the above may be included as part of a Site Traffic Management Plan. Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 7 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Risk assessments will be reviewed every 36 months unless there is a change in the work process or in the event of an accident, a review of the associated risk assessment(s) will be carried out as part of the investigation process. 1.6. Safe Loading of Vehicles e Colas Rail Drivers will be given guidance/instruction on the safe loading of vehicles including weight distribution, methods of securing loads and public weighbridges. 1.7. Carrying Hazardous Materials tic Colas Rail will ensure that the correct means (restraint straps/rope/sheeting and netting) of securing loads are available. pr ac The following procedures/Codes of Practice are in place for carriage of the following Detonators/Fog Signals – C3-024 Highly Flammable Liquid (HFL) – C4-015 Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) – C4-016 Any other material felt to be a hazard will be risk assessed, using information such as Material Safety Data Sheets and COSHH Assessments. 1.8. Mobile Phones and Handheld Communication Devices od Colas Rail procedure C3-152 Use of Mobile Phones and Colas Rail Lifesaving Rules is clear in prohibiting the use of both handheld and hands free communication devices. Go 1.9. Private Use of Vehicles No Colas Rail Road Vehicle (except Company cars) will be available for any private use, except agreed commuting. No non Colas Rail employee (unless involved on business associated with Colas Rail work) is to be carried in Colas Rail Road Vehicles (except Company cars). 1.10. Use of Private Vehicles If there are exceptional circumstances where employees intend to use a private vehicle for business purposes, this must be agreed with their Line Manager. The Line Manager must consider alternative means of transport such as public transport or hire vehicle. If a private vehicle is to be used, the driver must: be listed on the register of approved drivers and; have given permission for the 3rd party licence checks Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 8 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK have provided a copy of a valid insurance certificate (including insurance for business use) have provided a copy of a valid MOT certificate (where applicable) e Any expenses claims for mileage from the use of a personal vehicle will not be paid unless the driver has given permission for the 3rd party licence check and the company is in receipt of copies of valid MOT and insurance certificates for the vehicle. tic 1.11. Fuel Usage Where drivers of Colas Rail Road Vehicles have been issued with fuel cards. These are to be used at all times and drivers are encouraged to refuel at the cheapest garage available. Staff issued with cards will sign a receipt to acknowledge issue. 1.12. Tyres pr ac The Colas Rail Vehicle Fleet Team will monitor fuel usage and prepare reports to send out to Line Managers. Any vehicle found to be drawing excessive fuel will be investigated. All drivers are responsible for ensuring the tyres on their vehicle are in good condition and have sufficient tread depth. od The Lease Company will hold information on their database of illegal tyres found on vehicles and the Fleet Manager will have access to this database. All such incidents will be reported as a close call and investigated appropriately. 1.13. Congestion Charge and Tolls Go When undertaking journeys on behalf of Colas Rail, drivers will be responsible for payment of the London congestion charges & or any regular tolls. Amounts paid will be reimbursed via the Colas Rail expenses procedure. Use of toll roads such as the M6 Toll will have to be agreed with the relevant Line Manager. All drivers not ensuring the congestion charge/tolls have been paid for (and vehicles outside of the standard company fleet) will be liable to pay any fines and associated administration costs. 1.14. In event of a breakdown The vehicle (NOT the employee) will be covered by the relevant Hire or Lease Companies breakdown assistance scheme. In the event of a breakdown, contact details/are recorded in the vehicle. Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 9 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK For windscreen or tyre damage, drivers should use the breakdown assistance scheme, having parked in a safe location. Bring the vehicle to a slow stop under control and avoid hard braking unless unavoidable. tic 1.15. Accident Reporting and Investigation e Where windscreen damage is less severe and it is still legal to drive (e.g. a chip or minor crack) an appointment should be made for repair or replacement at the earliest opportunity. pr ac All accident/damage including theft and vandalism will be reported at the earliest opportunity . All accident/damage will be investigated by the relevant Line Manager (see Line Managers responsibilities). Information on road traffic accidents will be collated by the Colas Rail Safety and Sustainability department and will be distributed via the monthly Safety Report. 1.16. MOT and Servicing Prior to the due date of an MOT, the Lease Company will forward a reminder directly to the Colas Rail Vehicle Fleet Team who will pass on to the relevant Line Manager. od The employee shall ensure that the MOT inspection is carried out prior to, or on, the due date. Go If the MOT is not carried out by the due date, the vehicle must be removed from the highway. Vehicles not covered by a valid MOT certificate will no longer be insured. Disciplinary action will be considered against any employee found to be driving a vehicle on Colas Rail business that is not covered by a valid MOT certificate. 1.17. Excess Speed/Motoring Offences Driving offences will be held in a database by the Colas Rail Vehicle Fleet Team and when an offence is reported, they will inform the relevant Line Manager. Employees committing traffic offences will be interviewed by their Driving Champion to determine using the Just and Fair Culture Model (see appendices) whether the offence was caused by error, carelessness, direct contravention or reckless contravention. The Consequences toolkit will direct the actions to be taken. Employees found to be driving at speed on a constant basis or at excessive speed endangering themselves and other road users will be subject to disciplinary action. 1.18. Vulnerable Road Users and FORS The use of motorcycles or cycles for company business is strictly prohibited. Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 10 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK All drivers working on TFL contracts will meet with Freight Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) requirements and have their licences reviewed at least every six months. e Drivers working under FORS are required to have their eyesight checked by reading a registration plate at a distance of 20 metres. This check must be carried out at least every six months either by the Line Manager or local Safety & Sustainability Advisor and recorded on site. pr ac tic All CRRVs working on TFL contracts as good practice, will display prominent signage at the rear to warn cyclists of the dangers of passing the vehicle on the inside. It shall be maintained in good condition and fixed securely to the vehicle, preferably towards the left hand side. Any Colas Rail vehicles over 3.5 tonnes will be fitted with Side under run guards Close proximity warning systems Reversing alarm Blind Spot Mirrors Left turn warning system Prominent warning signage on rear of vehicle and side guards Colas Rail will ensure that drivers of vehicles with any of the above equipment are trained in their use and limitability. od Briefings/training will be carried out to raise awareness to drivers of vulnerable road users. The requirements of FORS and FORS accreditation and compliance with this procedure will also ensure compliance with the requirements of the CLOCS scheme. Go Colas Rail Procurement will keep a database of FORS and CLOCS accredited companies to enable them to use these companies as a preferred supplier. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. Human Resources Where a new employee may be required to drive as part of their duties: Request copies of driving licence pre-employment. Provide copies of Driving Policies, Mobile Phone Policy and any other applicable documentation related to road risk, to driver’s pre commencement of employment pack. Request permission for electronic driving licence checks as part of precommencement of employment. 2.2. Road Vehicle Fleet Team Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 11 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK 2.2.1. Provision of Vehicles In conjunction with the Lease Provider, ensure that all vehicles are maintained and serviced at appropriate intervals and that vehicles comply with all relevant road traffic legislation in respect to their safety, insurance and licensing. Issue fuel cards as appropriate and maintain a register of issue. 2.2.2. Reporting tic Advise line managers on service schedules. e Advise line managers / supervisors on dates for M.O.Ts. pr ac Provide any driver information if requested by the Police in the event of a road traffic offence and to maintain a database of offences reported. 2.2.3. Monitoring Conduct audits of line managers to ensure compliance with these requirements. Monitor fuel usage and prepare reports, particularly where usage is considered to be abnormally high or where incorrect use of a fuel card is suspected. od Maintain a database of all CRRVs being operated by Colas Rail. Go Maintain a database of all accidents involving Colas Rail employees driving on company business and monitor trends and provide advice on corrective action or changes to policy in collaboration with the Safety & Sustainability Team. 2.3. Safety & Sustainability Team 2.3.1. Risk Assessment Provide process for validating driving licences for all staff that drive on company business. Provide process for driver assessment at induction and after any accident. 2.3.2. Monitoring and Review Monitor the effectiveness of these controls in managing work related road risk. Conduct audits of line managers to ensure compliance with these requirements. 2.4. Line Managers Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 12 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK 2.4.1. Selection and Planning Ensure new recruits receive a driving induction where they are required to drive for work purposes. Induction will be recorded as complete in Cascade. e Ensure drivers are issued with copies of Colas Rail Driving Policy, Drivers Handbook and are briefed on any changes to this procedure. tic Ensure drivers provide driver licence information when requested (whether it be Colas Rail or a third party carrying out checks on their behalf) and that they have the correct licence for the intended vehicle classification. Ensure drivers are familiar/competent to operate specific vehicles. pr ac Ensure that all drivers have been trained on how to carry out daily safety checks on vehicles. When preparing work schedules or rosters consider driving time as part of those arrangements to ensure that drivers are not put in a position where they are expected to drive when fatigued. In line with RoSPA good practice, where long driving distances are involved rosters must allow for a 15 minute break from driving after 2 hours. Ensure that appropriate equipment (straps, ropes etc) is in place for drivers to secure loads on vehicles and to ensure vehicles (within limits) are suitable for loads to be carried. od 2.4.2. Accidents, Incidents and Vehicle Damage Go Inform the Authorities who was driving a CRRV if requested due to possible prosecution for an offence. Note: If the log book has not been completed then the local manager / supervisor will be held responsible to explain the failure to the relevant authority. Arrange to interview any driver involved in an incident or accident regardless of fault or where a driver is convicted of a traffic offence, including speeding, dangerous driving etc. If the line manager considers that wilful negligence on the part of the driver is the cause, it will become a disciplinary matter and the standard disciplinary process will be initiated. Ensure all vehicle defects reported are rectified in a timely manner and that effective risk management action is taken (such as withdrawing a vehicle from service). 2.4.3. Records and Monitoring Ensure that each vehicle log book is inspected and signed as being done so on a monthly basis. Keep vehicle log books for one year after the last entry. Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 13 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Keep fuel receipts for one year so they are available for audit and will check that each receipt is valid and that the vehicle mileage has been included. Monitor the condition of CRRVs and take local action to correct any deficiencies e.g. unreported damage, condition, cleanliness etc. 2.5. Drivers 2.5.1. Risk Assessment tic e Arrange audits of the Supply Chain to ensure they have processes/procedures in place to manage drivers and vehicles. 2.5.2. Planning pr ac All staff who are required to drive for business purposes must provide permission for 3rd party checks on their driving licence so that the company can verify suitability to drive. Must carry out a daily visual check of their vehicle as per the guidance given in the Colas Rail Vehicle Logbook and their training. Responsible for ensuring that their vehicles are not overloaded and that any loads are kept secure. od Responsible for maintaining any CRRVs allocated to them in a clean and tidy state including ensuring that when booked, their vehicle is available for MOT and servicing as required. Go Must provide the company with valid MOT and insurance certificates (including cover for business use) prior to using a personal car for business use. 2.5.3. Safe Behaviour Responsible for their fatigue levels and must not drive if they consider themselves tired or fatigued. If overnight accommodation is provided/booked, this must be used. Any driver found not to use accommodation provided will be investigated and may be subject to disciplinary action. Not permitted to use any hand held or hands free phone or programme any other mobile device while driving. Must observe speed limits and take into account that speed limits for light commercial vehicles may be lower than the road signed speed limit. Must always wear a seatbelt and ensure that all passengers are also wearing seatbelts. Prohibited from smoking in Colas Rail Road Vehicles. Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 14 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Must never drive under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs 2.5.4. Accidents, Incidents and Damage e CRRV (excluding Company car) drivers will advise their local manager of any faults or damage found when taking out a Colas Rail Road Vehicle and record this in the vehicle logbook. Company car drivers will contact the vehicle provider to arrange repair. tic Promptly advise the company’s accident management provider of any accident, theft, vandalism or glass damage. This includes completing any internal accident forms and processes for their business division. Responsible for any payment of motoring fines incurred while driving any CRRV, including any admin charges where applicable. 2.5.5. Records pr ac Must attend interviews or inquiries following their involvement in any accident, vehicle damage or moving traffic offence as required by the company. Drivers of CRRVs (excluding Company cars) must record all journey details in the vehicle log book to enable Colas Rail to be able to advise the authorities who was driving the vehicle at any particular time. od Drivers in receipt of a Company fuel card must ensure that the vehicle mileage and registration number is recorded on the receipt by the garage when obtaining fuel. 3. REVIEW Go This process will be reviewed on an annual basis taking into account current accident/incident trends across the business and changes to legislation. Any changes to this procedure or associated documentation will be briefed out by the Colas Rail monthly Document Brief process. Risk assessments and other related documentation related to vehicles working on TFL contracts will be reviewed on an annual basis and any changes will be briefed out within the contracts. Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 15 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Appendices Appendix A Example format of Driver Licence Check Record Appendix B Fair Culture Model References Associated procedures and work instructions tic e FORS FORS Standards CLOCS Construction Logistics & Cyclist Safety (CLOCS) scheme. RoSPA Driving for Work: Safer Journey Planner Health Safety Executive Guidance – INDG 382 No Smoking Policy C2-056 Road Travel Safety Policy C3-007 Drugs and Alcohol Manual C3-019 Risk Assessment C3-024 Detonators (Railway Fog Signals): Handling, Use, Storage, Carriage and Disposal C3-027 Control of Excess Hours and Management of Fatigue C3-152 Use of Mobile Phones C4-014 Highly Flammable Liquid (HFL) C4-015 Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) B2-019 Road Vehicles od pr ac C2-006 Associated forms, posters or cards Go Colas Rail Drivers Manual Van Drivers Walkaround Checklist Colas Rail Wall Poster – The Lifesaving Rules Driving investigation template, guidance and consequences toolkit Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 16 of 18 C3-215 MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Organisation Chart Go od pr ac tic e 11 Safety Procedure Issue : Date : Page : 1 April 2015 17 of 18 C3-215 e MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Go od pr ac tic Appendix A: - Example format of Driving License records Safety Procedure Issue : 1 Date : Page : June 2015 18 of 18 C3-215 e MANAGING WORK RELATED ROAD RISK Go od pr ac tic Appendix B – Fair Culture Model